Monkey Mountain. Monkey Mountain in Phuket: what it is and how to get there. Photos from Mount Khao Toe Sae

A wonderful eco-excursion is offered to tourists on the island of Phuket - a visit to an exotic place with the attractive name “Monkey Mountain”, which rises in the area of ​​Phuket Town.

Monkey Mountain in Phuket is the highest hill on the island. The hill acquired its name because of the red macaques that live on the slopes of the mountain. They are harmless, but caution is a good idea.

On the mountain of monkeys there is a park and observation platforms, visiting which tourists can admire the panorama of the surrounding area. Anyone can treat the monkeys with fruit and take a photo with them. But remember, monkeys in Thailand are not guests, but indigenous people.

The park is open 24 hours a day, the best time for walks is morning and evening, when the macaques do not suffer from the heat, hiding in the treetops. Monkey Mountain offers free admission from morning to evening. You can get there by car or motorcycle.

If you go to Monkey Mountain from the “Central Festival” (shopping center) towards Phuket Town, then after about 700 m you need to turn left and drive another 3 kilometers. Then, 200m from the prison building, turn left again.

There is an asphalt road leading up the mountain, which you can drive on a motorcycle or car, or walk. However, it is preferable to take a walk, leaving your vehicle at the foot of the mountain.

The road up the mountain is steep and narrow, you need to slow down to go down. It is not possible to park a vehicle at the top; it is better to leave the car at the bottom of the mountain. On the way to the top of the hill there is a wonderful view of Wat Khao Rang - a temple with a golden Buddha statue.

At the foot of the mountain rises Wat Charoen Samanakit, a currently functioning Buddhist temple. It is mainly visited by local residents, but tourists are also not prohibited from visiting this religious building.

A road runs from the temple up the hillside. At the very top of it there is a sculpture of two monkeys sitting on a stone. But their living counterparts can be found everywhere here.

There is a fruit stand near the entrance to the park. For 15 baht you can buy a bunch of bananas or nuts for the monkeys. You can feed the animals on the mountain without any problems. This is allowed in the park. Now you know where to see monkeys in Phuket and how to get there!

What is the park

There are three platforms on the hill suitable for exploring the surrounding area. The first allows tourists to enjoy the amazing view of the Andaman coast. There is a small cafe on the mountain where, having bought a can of beer or cola, you can sit at a table and contemplate the beauty of the local nature.

The first observation point on the mountain is a 30-minute walk from the main observation deck. Along the way there are gazebos and benches that serve for visitors to rest during the ascent. Several small areas have horizontal bars designed for amateur athletes. A large platform has been built on the main platform, where you can view the panorama of Phuket Town.

But most tourists come to the mountain to admire the magnificent scenery.

Undoubtedly, they are attracted by the funny inhabitants living on the slopes of the mountain. Macaques living in the wild are accustomed to such visits from tourists and are absolutely not afraid of people. Seeing the approach of park visitors from afar, the monkeys do not try to run away and do not hide in the treetops, but rather rush to people in the hope of getting treats.

Several small flocks of wild macaques live in the park, the total number is approximately 400 individuals. They differ from monastery monkeys in their rather peaceful character. Red macaques are not aggressive because they have long been accustomed to the presence of humans.

Sitting along the side of the road, they patiently wait for treats from visitors, and many of them are not afraid to beg for food from park guests. Therefore, when going to Monkey Mountain, do not forget to bring something edible for the macaques.

What a tourist needs to know when visiting Monkey Mountain

Don't forget that monkeys in Phuket are wild animals. Therefore, you need to take precautions in the park: you cannot leave things unattended (especially a camera or a movie camera). Animals can drag them away or break them. Macaques are allowed to be fed directly from their hands. But don't try to iron!

Dominant males should not look directly in the eyes and smile, baring their teeth. For monkeys, this is regarded as a threat. Following its instincts, the animal can attack and bite. Don't risk offending or teasing the monkeys.

Monitor children closely and be extremely careful when handling baby macaques. After all, no one knows how their mother will react.

Tourists usually plan from the first day not only a beach holiday, but also an active one. They clarify the dates of excursions, their cost, and try to cover as many attractions and entertainment as possible. But do not forget that Phuket is rich in unique places where vacationers can get on their own, paying only for travel to the place.

Among the leaders of such amazing places is Monkey Mountain, which is the highest hill in the country. On the mountain (Monkey Hill ) wild monkeys live in their usual habitat. In front of the entrance to the park there is a Buddhist temple with a statue of the golden Buddha, next to which in the shop you can buy bunches of bananas and other monkey goodies at a low price to please the flock with fruits and nuts.

Considering that you will have to walk up a spiral road for about 700 meters, which is quite tiring, the best time to visit the Monkey Mountain park is the second half of the day, closer to 15:00. By the way, from the observation deck you can watch the southern sunset. You will have to climb for an hour, but the first, most curious monkeys will meet you at the beginning of the journey. Along the way, you will find a restaurant where you can order cold drinks, ice cream and light snacks, as well as admire the excellent surrounding views.

Monkey Mountain has three equipped observation decks. At the beginning of the path you will see a large stone on which there are two sculptures of monkeys. Before the observation deck you will come across about a dozen such sculptures. This viewing area is called "Sea Views". You will see the gorgeous Andaman coast. The place is equipped with tables, benches, a toilet with a washstand. You can buy cold drinks at the pavilion.

The journey to the main observation deck will take no more than 30 minutes. Along the way, you can rest on the benches that you will see along the entire route. On the main platform you will have a magnificent overview of Phuket Town.

Monkey Mountain is so called because it is home to hundreds of wild monkeys who are used to being fed and photographed by tourists every day. These small, active animals are very hungry for food, so try not to throw out all your supplies right away. This is such a national monkey sport - to snatch a banana from the hands of a tourist, and then run for a long time and beg for a new one. But if you show empty palms, they will back off, realizing that you have nothing more.

The observations of the communication of these animals are amazing. This is a real society with its own pack structure, hierarchy, ways and laws. The leader of the pack is the largest and unconditional leader. When he appears, the entire flock falls silent and does not ask tourists for anything. The leader's movements are full of importance and absolute dignity. He doesn’t ask, he approaches tourists and brazenly takes the treat as if it were booty.

No matter how wonderful these animals are, Monkey Mountain is home to wild packs, so please note:

  • Keep an eye on your things, or better yet, put them away, monkeys might snatch them from your hands;
  • The behavior of wild monkeys is unpredictable, so feed carefully. If they begin to aggressively demand food, give what they demand;
  • Don't even pet babies, they might bite. This is very dangerous, because any individual can become a carrier of infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

Phuket is one of the most unique places in Thailand. The incredible wildlife captivates you from the very first step you take on the island. Tropical greenery all around. Literally the entire island is surrounded by greenery. And not only people, but also animals like it. That is why in Phuket town there is a place that has been chosen by a tribe of wild monkeys. And this is not just a flock, this is precisely a tribe, because they live there, mind their own business, and raise their offspring. And people have a chance to watch all this! Today we will talk about Monkey Mountain, which is located in Phuket. Let us remind you that you can find the cheapest air tickets to Thailand.

How to get to Monkey Mountain in Phuket

So, Monkey Mountain is located within Phuket Town, namely in its northern part. It is easy to spot from afar because there is a telecommunications antenna on top of this hill. In Thai the mountain is called Toe Sae Hill. In addition to many monkeys, there is also an observation deck, but more on that later. You can get to the mountain by car or motorcycle. This is the most convenient way. There is a parking lot at the foot, so you can leave your vehicle there and go see the monkeys.

The best starting point is the Center Festival shopping center. From there you need to drive about 600 meters towards the city, then at the fork turn left onto Mae Lean Rd. Further about three kilometers you should go straight. Mae Lean Rd smoothly flows into Thungkhar Rd and then into Damrong Rd. Next you find yourself in the area of ​​administrative offices of Phuket. There will be a prison on your left, and a couple of administrative buildings on your right. Continue straight for about 200 meters and turn left onto Soi To Chae. Drive straight a little more and you will find yourself at the foot of Monkey Mountain.

It is most convenient if you have a navigator. You simply set the desired point on the map and calmly drive according to the route. The exact location of the mountain is indicated on the map below.

Things to do at Monkey Mountain in Phuket

You're parked and ready to go on an adventure. Nice monkey sculptures painted gold will be waiting for you in front of the entrance. This is like one of the indicators that you are on the right path. Of course, half of the route can be covered on a bike, but the climb is quite steep, and walking will have a good effect on your body.

Entrance to Monkey Mountain

If you decide to feed the monkeys at the top, take some food with you, because all the purchases on the way up will be quite expensive. Whatever one may say, this is a tourist place, and everyone who is not too lazy wants to make money from tourists. Feeding monkeys is not prohibited, but you should be extremely careful. These are wild monkeys and can be aggressive if they feel you don't want to share food with them.

Don't be surprised, but for the first half of the journey you won't meet a single monkey. They all live on top of the hill. So, in order to meet our smaller brothers, you need to cover the entire path of several kilometers.

Monkey greeting guests

But closer to the top, you will meet a number of monkeys that you have probably never seen before. They will be everywhere: on the road, on the side of the road, in the trees. They may sneak up behind you, jump on your backpack, or snatch a bag from your hands. So be careful.

You will meet both the leader of the pack and mothers with little monkeys in their arms. They will look at you touchingly with big eyes. But mom won’t let you get close, protecting her offspring. So you will have to admire the cubs from a distance. You can hand feed the monkeys, maybe even pet them, but again, be careful. They may bite or scratch you. And this is not the best thing that can happen to you. But in this case, if this does happen, you should have medical insurance so that you can see a doctor and not pay anything for it. If you want to buy inexpensive but high-quality insurance, go.

Once you get to the top, you will be amazed by the views from there. Vast open spaces will be at your feet. You will see not only the whole of Phuket Town, but also the snow-white Buddha in the distance on the hill. The views are especially beautiful at sunset, when the setting sun turns everything golden-red.

When visiting this wonderful place, do not forget about precautions and a number of important points that will help not to spoil your trip to Thailand. So, what you should know when visiting Monkey Mountain:

  1. Don't take a lot of things with you to make it comfortable to climb.
  2. Leave all extra bags at the hotel or in the car, otherwise the monkeys will encroach on them.
  3. If you decide to feed the inhabitants of Monkey Mountain, do it carefully.
  4. Keep a close eye on cameras and phones, because in an instant they can end up in the clutches of your subject.
  5. Don't forget about. Hopefully you won't have to use it, but still.

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Monkey Mountain is one of the highest points in Phuket. The Thais call it Khao To Sae, and everyone else calls it Monkey Hill.


There is a spacious observation deck on the mountain, which offers a beautiful view of the surrounding area of ​​Phuket Town. However, most tourists come here not for the picturesque panorama, but to communicate with the inhabitants of the unusual mountain. The hill is home to several hundred wild macaques. It was thanks to them that Monkey Mountain received its name, as well as the status of one of the main attractions of the resort.

Local macaques are very friendly and sociable. They have long been accustomed to tourists and are not afraid to take treats from their hands. Some become so impudent that they beg for food from everyone passing by, sitting along the road. The inhabitants of the hill are peaceful and do not attack people. They know that guests come to their home with good intentions and, most importantly, not empty-handed. Don’t upset your hospitable hosts and also take some goodies with you on the excursion - for example, fruit.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that you are communicating with animals, and wild ones at that. Therefore, compliance with safety rules is a mandatory precaution. When hand feeding, do not try to pet the macaque, otherwise you risk being bitten. Do not leave your belongings unattended or in open bags or baskets, and do not tease the monkeys - they do not like this and their reaction to such pranks can be unpredictable. Keep an eye on your children and better not touch the baby monkeys: macaque macaque is scary when angry.

One Phuket resident delivers fruit to the hill every afternoon for its residents. During his friendship with the monkeys, he taught them various tricks, which they gladly demonstrate in public.

After playing with the residents of Monkey Mountain, you can go to the observation deck. From it you can see almost the entire city, and with it the statue of the Golden Buddha. It is best to take photographs from this particular site - there is no point in climbing higher: at the top of the hill, TV antennas and trees interfere with the perception of the landscape.

You can climb the mountain on foot, or by bike or car. However, it’s not worth climbing to the very top by transport: firstly, because of the steepness of the climb, and secondly, because of the likely lack of spaces in the tiny parking lot.

Below, at the foot of Monkey Hill, there is a small Thai restaurant where you can relax and refresh yourself after a long walk.

Practical information

Location address: to Chae Road, Phuket, Thailand.

Coordinates: 7.898325, 98.395228.

The hill is open for independent visits 24 hours a day.

Free admission.

How to get there

From the Central Festival Phuket shopping center, go towards Phuket Town for about 1 km. At the fork, turn left and drive another three kilometers. After passing the city prison building, be careful and do not miss the left turn, from which the ascent to Monkey Mountain begins.

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Monkey Hill or Khao Toe Sae viewpoint got its name from the many wild monkeys that live here.

The largest number of monkeys can be guaranteed to be seen in the morning and late afternoon, more than 50 individuals. During the daytime there are no more than 15-20 of them.

When feeding, be careful, as the monkeys are very arrogant and can easily take the bag and harm you. This case is described in the comments below.

From the observation deck you can see the highest hill of the island with a radar on top, as well as Chalong Pier, Phuket Town, the Kata area and the Golden Buddha statue, which is located on the territory of the Khao Rang Temple. By the way, at the foot of the monkey hill there is also a small temple.

Locals living in this part of the island jog and ride bicycles here in the morning. The 3.7 km long road climbs smoothly and is a good help for maintaining physical fitness. The asphalt is fresh and in very good condition, so walking and driving on it is a pleasure. During the day, the road is closed with a barrier, so leave your vehicle in the parking lot and then walk.

reference Information

  • At the top of the hill there are television antennas hidden in the thicket of trees, so visibility is poor. In order to admire the surrounding beauty, it would be better to choose an observation deck located just below.
  • Opening hours: around the clock
  • Price: for free