What seas is Spain washed by? What is the sea like in Spain? Atlantic coast of Spain Malaga which sea washes

The question of what kind of sea is in Spain can have several semantic shades - from geographical to poetic. Most often, it begins to interest those who are planning a visit to this Western European country located on the Iberian Peninsula. And the flow of tourists there is only increasing every year. And this country is especially popular among our compatriots. They are the ones who are interested in what the sea is like in Spain. Most often we are talking about the water temperature in a certain season.

About Spain

This country, with its rich history and unique culture, has attracted the attention of the educated European public for centuries. It has traditionally been considered a place that you should definitely visit at least once in your life. But it was destined to become one of the most significant centers of European and world tourism only in the second half of the twentieth century. The tourism industry in Spain today is one of the main components of the national economy. This became possible thanks to a unique combination of natural and cultural-historical factors. People come here to find out what the sea is like in Spain... And to join its centuries-old cultural heritage. And, I must say, one does not contradict the other at all, and does not interfere at all. In addition to a beach holiday of the highest level, tourists can expect ancient Spanish cities and medieval castles. All this is located in close proximity to the coastline or at a short distance from it. In addition to the luxurious continental coast, Spain also has such well-known island territories in the tourist world as the Canary and Balearic Islands.

Sea power

For many centuries, the interests of the inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula included the seas - both those washing Spain and those located very far from it. The Spaniards were recognized throughout the world as outstanding navigators and discoverers of new lands. Many of the islands they discovered were colonized. Therefore, today Spanish is one of the most common languages ​​in the world.

South coast

However, let's return to the topic of our conversation. So, what is the sea like in Spain? The first word that comes to mind is Mediterranean. Its waters wash a significant part of the European continent from the south, and the Iberian Peninsula to the west. And although the seas of Spain are not limited to the Mediterranean, it is on its coast that most of the world-famous beach resorts are located. This is due to a combination of climatic and geographical circumstances that ensure a long swimming season on luxurious sandy beaches. It lasts here from the beginning of April to the end of September. A comfortable holiday is facilitated not only by the beauty of the surrounding world, but also by the level of tourism infrastructure, which meets the highest world standards.

Golden shore

Such popular resorts as Costa Bravo, Costa Dorada and Costa Blanca are recognized throughout the world as the undeniable pearls of the Spanish Mediterranean. Magnificent sandy beaches stretch here along the entire coast, smoothly turning into one another. Those who were lucky enough to visit the coast of the Spanish province of Catalonia do not need to explain why this coast is usually called the Golden Coast. The color of the precious metal on the coast is provided by the sand of the beaches and the number of sunny days a year. And the sea washing Spain is not conducive to swimming only in winter and late autumn. Here we should also note such a pleasant feature as free access to the coastline in the province of Catalonia. These are the laws here - fees are charged only for the use of equipment and service infrastructure, and not for entrance to the beach.

Beyond the Strait of Gibraltar

The Atlantic coast of Spain deserves no less attention. It is generally considered to be a less popular tourist destination. But the section of the country’s coast facing the Atlantic is inferior to the Mediterranean only in length. And the ocean beaches of Spain are even superior to the sea beaches according to some criteria. In particular, there is less noise and crowding. This is due to the fact that the main flow of tourists traditionally goes to the more popular and “promoted” resorts of the Mediterranean coast. One of Spain's most popular Atlantic resorts, Costa de la Luz, is located near the Portuguese border. This is a favorite place for surfing and diving, with excellent coastal infrastructure built for the mentioned sports. Those who take their first steps in these directions will be assisted by experienced instructors. Ocean resorts such as Cadiz, El Puerto de Santa Maria and Chiclana de la Frontera have also rapidly gained popularity in recent years.

Spain: which sea washes the country from the north?

The Bay of Biscay of the Atlantic Ocean is the waters that wash the northern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. In terms of tourism, this direction is not as popular as the southern one. But the prospects and growth potential for the tourism industry off the northern coast of Spain are quite encouraging. Of course, the most popular resort center on the northwest coast is the city of San Sebastian. This fashionable aristocratic resort, among other things, is also known for its international film festival. The north of Spain, the province of Basque Country, is full of architectural attractions no less than other historical territories of this state.

Spain, Mallorca. What is the sea like in the Balearic Islands?

Undoubtedly, the pearl of the country is its island territory, the Balearic archipelago. This is one of the most famous beach resorts in Europe. The islands, located in the western part of the Mediterranean, stand out even against the background of the nearby Gold Coast. The climate here is mild and stable. This place has no equal in terms of the number of sunny days per year. The sea and beaches in Mallorca and Ibiza are cleaner, and the swimming season begins earlier than on the continent. But the Balearic Islands do not suffer from the lack of tourists even during the short off-season period. There is a lot to see and do here, from great wine to the historical sights of Palma de Mallorca.

Canary Islands

This archipelago is known throughout the world as a symbol and standard of beach holidays. The very name of the islands managed to acquire a certain figurative meaning, denoting a semblance of paradise on earth. The island territory is located at a considerable distance from the continental coast, in the Atlantic Ocean. Apparently, this is why some people don’t even suspect that this piece of land is nothing more than an administrative region of Spain. Climatic features such as warm ocean currents and the proximity of the African coast to the Sahara Desert ensure a swimming season in the Canaries throughout the year. Beach holidays on the islands take place against the backdrop of bright, evergreen tropical vegetation. Snow-capped mountain peaks add additional expressiveness to the landscape. The islands are of volcanic origin. All of the above circumstances make it possible to diversify a traditional beach holiday with trips inland and excursions to mountain peaks.

What seas are there in Spain and resorts on their coasts?

What is the sea like in Spain? Many tourists who go on holiday to this country ask. And this is not surprising, since people go to Spain mainly for a beach holiday. This European country occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula, where it neighbors Portugal. The total length of the coastline of Spain is about 5 thousand kilometers. To briefly answer the question, we can say that Spain is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. But there are a number of bays and smaller seas. We will look at them in this article, and also talk about the resorts in Spain that are washed by these seas.

Atlantic Ocean

First, let's look at the resorts on the Spanish mainland, which are washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Typically, these resorts are visited by people who are interested in surfing. The Atlantic coastline is great for surfing. Among the most famous resort areas of Spain on the Atlantic coast are the following:

  • Costa de la Luz;
  • Rias Altas;
  • Rias Bahas.

In the resort area of ​​Rias Bajas there is a fairly large city in the region called Galicia. Here is the largest fishing port and a popular tourist area. Many tourists come here to see the Islas Cies islands. They are home to gray herons, cormorants and other rare bird species. In addition, there are stunning beaches and clear seas.

On the coast of Rias Bajas you can also name another popular resort. This is the old port city of Pontevedra. All travelers who love excursions can admire the Romanesque architecture here. In the Pontevedra region there is the Atlantic Islands National Park, which may be of interest to tourists. The Cies Islands offer the best beaches in Galicia with beautiful sea and clean beaches. People most often come to the city of Pontevedra for sea travel, walking and beach holidays.

In the resort area of ​​Rias Altas on the Atlantic coast of Spain there is the city of La Coruña. It is located in the north-west of the country. The resort attracts tourists who come here to engage in various sea sports. There are ideal natural conditions and developed infrastructure for this. Most often, fans of diving, surfing and fishing relax in these places. Travelers will also be interested in exploring the city itself, which combines modern and ancient architecture.

The southernmost resort area on the Atlantic coast of Spain is the Costa de la Luz region. It is famous for its wide, well-maintained beaches with fine white sand. If we compare the resorts in this area and on the Mediterranean coast, the coastal sea water temperature here is lower. And the beach season itself starts later and ends earlier here than on the Mediterranean Sea. Among the most popular resorts are the following:

  • Chiclana de la Frontera;
  • Tariff;
  • El Puerto de Santa Maria;
  • Cadiz;
  • Huelva.

A resort like Tarifa has a unique geographical location, thanks to which there is windy weather almost every day. Therefore, lovers of surfing and other water sports gather here. And also in the resort area of ​​​​the Costa de la Luz there is the ancient city of Cadiz. This is a port city that is more than a thousand years old. Despite the fact that this is a port city, it is clean and security is at a high level. Families with children, pensioners and noisy groups relax on the central beach of the city called Victoria. There is also an old beach called Playa de la Caleta with calm and warm coastal waters.

Cantabrian Sea

The Cantabrian Sea is the Spanish name for the Bay of Biscay. The waters of the Bay of Biscay wash the northern coast of Spain and the western part of France. This region has a mild climate. There is no extreme heat here like in southern Spain. The beach season here opens in May and lasts until September. Popular resort areas in this region are:

  • Costa Basca;
  • Costa Berde.

On the Cantabrian Sea coast in the Costa Berde region there is a large port city of Gijon. Here tourists select beaches such as

  • Arbeyal (family holiday);
  • Poniente (relaxation in a noisy company);
  • San Lorenzo (a vacation spot for extreme water sports enthusiasts).

On the Costa Berde there is a resort called Santander. It is known for its clean beaches. The coastal sea water here is transparent, which allows you to see the bottom even in deep places. Therefore, the beaches of the Santander resort have become a place where divers from all over Europe gather. Popular beaches here include the following:

  • Pedren;
  • Sardinero;
  • Magdalena;
  • Puntal.

There are also excellent beaches in the town of Ribadeo. It is also called the “northern gate” of Galicia. This city has the following beaches on the Cantabrian Sea coast:

  • Os Castros. A habitat for surfers who are attracted by high waves;
  • Playa Cabalar. Suitable for a relaxing holiday with children. There is snow-white fine sand and clear water;
  • Playa del Fuerte de San Damian. There is a calm sea and a safe shallow entrance. Suitable for families with children.

On the coast of the Cantabrian Sea you can also note the city of Aviles. It is a major industrial center and a popular seaside resort. In addition, there are a lot of monuments of medieval architecture, which attracts lovers of excursions. There are no beaches within the city limits of Aviles, but there are plenty of them in the suburbs of Cago, Arnao, Aguilera, and Salinas.

In the Costa Basque resort area, washed by the waters of the Cantabrian Sea, there is the popular resort of San Sebastian. This is one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. Cultural events take place here regularly. For example, a jazz festival, classical music concerts, a theater festival and regular sailing regattas. San Sebastian has wonderful beaches with fine, clean sand. Among the most popular beaches are the following:

  • Playa de Ondaretta. Family friendly;
  • Playa de la Concha. Located within the city limits. There is lush vegetation and beautiful scenery all around;
  • Playa de Ondaretta. A picturesque place by the sea, where surfers and youth groups often meet.

Canary Islands

The Canary Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North Africa and are an archipelago of seven islands. The sea water near the Canary Islands is cool because they are washed by the Gulf Stream. Among the most popular islands for beach holidays are Gran Canaria, Tenerife, and Fuerteventura. They have clean, well-kept beaches with fine white sand. Almost all of them are created artificially. The sand was brought from the Sahara Desert. In Tenerife you can find beaches with black volcanic sand. For example, Playa de Taganana beach.

Among the most popular holiday destinations in the Canary Islands are the following:

  • Playa de la Americas;
  • Maspalomas;
  • Playa del Igle;
  • Puerto Lajas and others.

Mediterranean Sea

Spain's resorts on the Mediterranean coast are much more popular among Europeans than on the Atlantic coast. For most of the year, the Mediterranean Sea is calm and warm. Therefore, many different resorts have been built on its coast. Among the most popular Mediterranean resort areas in Spain are the following:

  • Costa Dorada;
  • Costa Brava;
  • Costa del Maresme;
  • Costa de Garraf;
  • Costa Azaar;
  • Costa Valencia;
  • Costa Blanca;
  • Costa Calida;
  • Costa Tropical;
  • Costa de Almeria;
  • Costa del Sol.

Plus, you can add the Balearic Islands, which are located in the Balearic Sea, to the mainland resorts. Many wealthy Europeans even purchase property in these resorts in Spain so that they can come there whenever they want to relax.

The climate in the Costa Brava area is mild, but the sea water is somewhat cool. Among the most popular resorts in this region are Tossa de Mar, Playa de Aro, Blanes, Palamos, Lloret de Mar. On the Costa del Maresme there are resorts such as Santa Susanna, Malgrat de Mar, Pineda de Mar, Sant Pol de Mar, Calella.

As for the Costa Dorada, this is the coast of the Balearic Sea, which is part of the Mediterranean. The resorts of the Costa Dorada have many long sandy beaches with a gentle slope into the sea. On the Costa del Garraf, you can note the resort town of Sitges, where sandy beaches give way to rocky coastline.

In the Costa de Valencia resort area there are such popular resorts as Sagunto, Gandia, Oliva, Cullera. Travelers are attracted here by the beautiful nature and convenient beaches. They are sandy here and have a gentle slope into the sea. All these resorts are washed by the waters of the Balearic Sea. Many tourists are drawn here by Cape Cullera, where a beautiful picture is created by mountains that come close to the sea.

The most popular holiday destinations on the Costa del Azahar are Oropesa and Peniscola. The climate here is excellent and the resorts are located far from major airports, which prevents mass tourism. But if you got here, you won't regret it. Prices here are on average lower than in Spain, and hotels can almost always find vacancies. And the beaches are not packed to capacity during the high season. As a rule, the Spaniards themselves vacation here. In addition, citizens of other countries love to buy real estate here.

In the Costa de Almeria, tourists usually go to the resort of Mojacar, Almeria and Roquetas de Mar. Many modern hotel complexes and developed infrastructure have been built here. In the summer, the Costa de Almeria is warm and there is practically no rain. But thanks to the fresh breeze from the sea, it doesn’t feel stuffy here.

The Costa Blanca is famous for the unusual white color of its rocks. It is these rocks that protect local resorts from cold winds from the north. Therefore, there is no sudden drop or increase in temperature. There are two main tourist areas in this region: Marina Baixa and Marina Alta. Between them are cities such as Calpe, Altea, Benissa. The main resort is the city of Benidorm. Moraira, Alicante, Altea, Torrevieja, Javea, Calpe, Villajoyosa, Denia are also considered popular.

Continuing south is the Costa Tropical. The weather here is sunny almost every day, and the average annual temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius. Costa del Sol is the southern coast of Spain, washed by the Alboran Sea, which is part of the Mediterranean Sea. The class of hotels here is higher than in other parts of Spain. In addition, prices are noticeably higher. In these places, villas of famous aristocrats, politicians, millionaires, and Hollywood stars are not uncommon. The Costa del Sol has many kilometers of clean sandy beaches. The most popular resort in this place is the city of Malaga, around which many small resorts are concentrated. The Marbella resort is distinguished by its fashionability, where there are beautiful well-groomed parks and gardens. The places near this resort are called the “golden mile”. Many expensive private residences have been built here. It is also worth noting the quieter resorts of Estepona, Benalmadena, Fuengirola, suitable for family holidays. The town of Torremolinos is suitable for active recreation for young people.

And the Atlantic Ocean. We collected their pros, cons and pitfalls. Read it!

Spain has been synonymous with excellent holidays for several decades.

Among the popular summer destinations you can easily find the bustling Salou, luxurious Marbella, the Canary Islands in all their diversity or the Costa Dorada with its golden sands.

Spain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Mediterranean Sea on the other. In order not to make a mistake with a resort, it is worth knowing the features of each of them.

Let's take a quick look at the key locations.

Resorts of Spain on the Mediterranean Sea


Alicante is the center of the province of the same name and one of the main resort towns on the Costa Blanca. From an ordinary port, it has turned into a place with modern infrastructure, medieval and Moorish architectural monuments, long beaches and quality gastronomy.

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Pros of Alicante:

  • Proximity to the international airport - one of the largest in Spain;
  • The presence of a well-groomed embankment is an excellent place for walking at any time of the day;
  • Long beaches covered with clean sand;
  • Historical monuments of different eras;
  • Availability of shopping streets;
  • Lots of vibrant festivals during the summer season;
  • Opportunities for family recreation.

Cons of Alicante:

  • Mountainous terrain around and little greenery;
  • Violent nightlife in the center - the noise can be heard in neighboring hotels.

Climate in Alicante and best season for holiday:

Precipitation in Alicante occurs only in winter. In other seasons the climate is dry and mild. The temperature at the height of summer is about +30 ˚C, in winter - from +13 ˚C. You can swim from the end, but it is better to come in August-September, when the sea is warmed up to +24˚C.

Notable places near Alicante:

There are nearby attractions for families with children, such as the amusement park and aquarium of the neighboring town of Santa Pola. It's worth taking a trip to the nearby vibrant city of Benidorm, an hour's drive to Murcia to admire the architecture, or spending time in the Sierra Helada National Park.


Salou is the tourist center of Catalonia with a 7 km coastline. This is the gastronomic capital of the Costa Dorada, a favorite holiday destination for young people and families with children. Salou's calling card is the famous Port Aventura, which can only be rivaled in popularity by Disneyland.

Pros of Salou:

  • Clean beaches without jellyfish and sandy seabed;
  • Lots of budget apartments and hotels;
  • Restaurants of various categories: from family cafes to establishments from the Michelin guide;
  • A lively embankment with dozens of entertainment options;
  • Abundance of greenery;
  • Availability of hiking trails for long walks in nature.

Cons of Salou:

  • Few historical attractions;
  • Distance from Barcelona - travel time will be less than 1.5 hours.

Salou climate and best season for holiday:

Salou has a mild climate. There are warm winters (up to +20 ˚C) and hot, dry summers (on average +30 ˚C). You can relax comfortably on its coast when there are still few tourists, or when the sea is perfectly warm. and August is the time of maximum temperatures, which is when attendance peaks.

Notable places near Salou:

Barcelona is 112 km away. Despite this distance, it is rare that a tourist denies himself the pleasure of visiting the capital of Catalonia. From Salou it is convenient to travel to the neighboring, historical and to Reus - the homeland of Gaudi.


For lovers of a sophisticated holiday, Marbella is a long-loved resort 58 km from Malaga. The best restaurants and hotels in Spain are located here, although a century ago, on the site of Marbella there was an ordinary fishing village. The local beaches are all perfect: with clear sea, fine clean sand and developed infrastructure, although there are secluded bays.

Pros of Marbella:

  • Proximity to Malaga airport;
  • High level of service;
  • Nice sandy beaches;
  • Availability of both luxurious and affordable hotels;
  • The picturesque Old Town with monuments from the 15th century;
  • Lowest crime rate in Spain - high level of security;

Cons of Marbella:

  • Prices in many shops and restaurants are higher than in other Spanish cities.

Marbella climate and best season for holiday:

Marbella has a mild climate without stuffy summers and cold winters - this is due to its proximity to the mountains, which protect the resort from sudden temperature changes. In summer the air warms up to +28 °C, in winter - up to +16 °C. You can swim from June to , and the best months for relaxation are August and early September, when the sea warms up to +24 °C.

Notable places near Marbella:

In Marbella itself and the surrounding area there are several botanical gardens with collections of rare trees for summer walks. You can also explore the neighboring cities of Estepona and Fuengirola, go to the Las Nieves Natural Park - a mountain range with exciting routes for lovers of canyoning, mountaineering and trekking, buy an excursion to Gibraltar or spend a day in Malaga - a large city with good beaches and historical monuments.

Resorts of Spain on the Atlantic Ocean

San Sebastian

San Sebastian is called by many the most beautiful Spanish resort on the Atlantic coast. If there are several reasons to agree with this statement: the city is famous for its sandy beaches, extraordinary nature and unique architecture, thanks to which San Sebastian is called “little Paris”.

Pros of San Sebastian:

  • There is an airport just 20 km from the city;
  • A less popular destination than the Mediterranean coast;
  • Local gastronomy (abundance of seafood, Basque cuisine);
  • Clean and calm sandy beaches;
  • There are suitable conditions for windsurfing;
  • Ancient architectural monuments and historical quarters;
  • Active cultural life - concerts, International Film Festival and jazz festivals are held.

Cons of San Sebastian:

  • Precipitation is more frequent than on the Mediterranean coast.

Climate of San Sebastian and best season for holiday:

Weather conditions in San Sebastian are both an advantage and a disadvantage of this resort. On the one hand, this is an ideal climate for those who cannot stand the heat. In summer the air warms up to +25 °C, and the ideal wind for surfing often blows. On the other hand, the season here is shorter than in the resorts of Mediterranean Spain. Already in September, rains in San Sebastian are not uncommon, and with the beginning of October strong waves arrive.

Notable places near San Sebastian:

San Sebastian is just a stone's throw from France - tourists often travel to Biarritz, France. The trip to Spanish Bilbao will take about an hour. Here you can see a different Spain with examples of modern architecture. In 3.5 hours by train or bus you can reach Zaragoza, a city where Jewish, Spanish, Christian and Arab monuments are mixed.


When talking about resorts in Spain, we cannot limit ourselves only to those located on the mainland. Its islands are no less charming, and Tenerife is an example of this. It is the largest island of the Canary archipelago with unspoiled nature, volcanic beaches and opportunities for active recreation. Some tourists go to Tenerife for treatment - the island is rich in thermal springs. Others prefer hiking along special trails in National Parks, windsurfing or visiting ancient cities.

Pros of Tenerife:

  • The nature of the island and the abundance of greenery - the largest National Park of the Canary Islands is located here;
  • There are 2 airports on the island that serve international and domestic Spanish flights;
  • A wide choice of cities for relaxation: from the bustling Las Americas in the south to the calm northern Puerto de la Cruz;
  • Exotic beaches with volcanic sand, which has beneficial effects on health;
  • Stable wind for windsurfing;
  • Availability of health centers for those wishing to improve their health;
  • Authentic cuisine - you can try dishes of the indigenous population of the island;
  • A large selection of entertainment for children (Loro Park, Eagle Park, Siam Amusement Park, Monkey Park).

Cons of Tenerife:

  • Some sandy beaches are artificial;
  • You will have to carefully choose a place to relax: in the south the sea is warmer and the coast is less susceptible to waves than in the north, where ocean currents influence the water temperature.

Tenerife climate and best season for holiday:

Tenerife has stable weather throughout the year, which is why it is called the island of eternal spring. But in winter it rains more often and the wind gets stronger. The best month to travel to Tenerife is September, when it is warm like summer and the ocean warms up to +25 °C.

Notable places near Tenerife:

From Tenerife there are excursions to the majestic cliffs of Los Gigantes. During a boat trip there is an opportunity to see whales. It is also convenient to visit the islands of Gran Canaria and La Gomera from Tenerife, which are not inferior to it in beauty.


Cadiz is the heart of Andalusia and a city recognized as one of the oldest in Europe. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that it has preserved historical monuments: a Roman theater, one of the largest Cathedrals in Spain, baroque churches and medieval fortresses. Cadiz is famous for its amazingly beautiful beaches, which belong to the Costa de la Luz. You don't need to go far: wide beaches with golden sand stretch along the entire city. Cadiz is suitable for tourists who want to combine an educational holiday with a carefree pastime on the coast.

Pros of Cadiz:

  • Luxurious and clean coastline;
  • Interesting Old Town, which can be explored in a couple of days;
  • A combination of traditional beauty, resort atmosphere and modern urban infrastructure;
  • Excellent fish restaurants, famous for their variety of dishes;
  • Here is the oldest botanical garden in Spain.

Cons of Cadiz:

  • Strong winds may blow;
  • Due to ocean currents, the water is cooler than in the Mediterranean Sea.

Cadiz climate and best holiday season:

Cadiz has a moderately warm climate (called Mediterranean-oceanic) with rare precipitation in the summer. In August, the air in Cadiz warms up to +29 °C, the water - up to +23 °C. This month, along with July and September, is the best time to visit. In winter, the air in Cadiz warms up to +15 °C.

Notable places near Cadiz:

From Cadiz it is convenient to travel to Seville - the journey time is 1.5 hours. This is a unique city that will give you an idea of ​​the real Spain. Seville is filled with shops, palaces, and ancient churches. The opportunity to attend a flamenco show is not to be missed.

You can explore the surrounding area by water - boat trips along the Strait of Gibraltar are organized from Cadiz. This is an opportunity to visit nearby port cities and see dolphins. In 20 minutes from Cadiz you can reach the Aqualand water park with dozens of calm and extreme attractions for guests of all ages. The water park has well-maintained green areas and places for a family picnic.

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Holidays in August are associated with beaches and sun. And what a sea it is in Spain, in Barcelona, ​​at this time of year! Today we will step back a little from the sights, shopping and gastronomic delights that every tourist firmly associates with Catalonia. We will not mention that this is a visa country, to enter which you need to open Schengen. Let's talk only about the happiness of holidays in this region.

Sea in Barcelona

Each of us has heard about the capital of Catalonia in connection with culture and Antoni Gaudí i Cornet, who created the city as a place of worldwide architectural pilgrimage. But the main vacation destination here is the Mediterranean sea, one of the cleanest and warmest on the planet. The swimming season opens in April, when the water temperature reaches +17°C, but such warming up will not be comfortable for everyone. It’s better to wait for May and pleasant +19-20°C. July – September is the time for those who travel with a child or like to bathe in “fresh milk” – not lower than +27°C. The unofficial closing of the sea bathing season occurs at the end of October, when the water cools to +20°C.

From November to March, it is better to enjoy Barcelona and the sea from the shore, during leisurely walks along the promenade, because the temperature drops to a minimum of +13°C. It's time to indulge in shopping, excursions, gastronomic discoveries and dreams of next summer in Catalonia.

Tourist and sea

In addition to swimming itself, you can get a luxurious Mediterranean tan by spending time more actively. The list of active entertainment in Barcelona is endless:

  • Surfing and windsurfing. For those looking to ride the wave, the Mediterranean coast is one of the best places. There are no waves of extreme height and unpredictability here, like the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, but it is comfortable for beginners to learn how to catch waves. Expert-level athletes will not be disappointed either.
  • Diving is for those who for the first time or once again plan to visit the underwater world of the Mediterranean with amazing landscapes and a variety of exotic inhabitants. Beginners will spend their first dive in a special pool with an experienced instructor and only after that they will go to storm the depths.
  • Kayaking - a single or double vessel for risk-loving fans of extreme sports.
  • Catamarans are not from our childhood. On the beaches of Barcelona, ​​this is the name for large, roomy boats in which you can take a mini-cruise on your own or with an instructor.
  • Yacht excursions – you should definitely organize a trip on a sailing ship to enjoy the panorama of the city. If desired, a real boatswain will teach the basics of navigation and conduct a sea baptism ceremony with an obligatory glass of champagne. All equipment is already on board. A discount is guaranteed at the Maritime Museum. Among the restrictions, there is a ban on children under 7 years of age being on board the ship. Those under the age of majority must be accompanied by an adult. And the ability to swim for sailing is a prerequisite.

Famous beaches and places

The city is surrounded by beaches. Some are located right in Barcelona, ​​the rest are in the immediate vicinity. Is it worth mentioning that the territory of each represents an excellent example of how a space by the sea should be equipped - daily cleaning, free sunbeds and umbrellas, toilets, a sufficient number of professional lifeguards.


Noisy, colorful and relaxed. Its location is especially good - you only need to take a step from the main street of the metropolis and you find yourself on the beach. Everything is possible here:

A resort in the north of the metropolis, which stretches for almost 150 km, right up to the border with France. There is everything for a fashionable and meaningful holiday, except for the beaches themselves: ancient monasteries on Mount Montserrat, nature reserves, water parks, medieval castles, a botanical garden and observation decks with memorable views of Tibidabo, the Pyrenees and Mallorca.

Costadel Garraf

A place south of the metropolis. “Golden” youth come here to relax in an unusual and expensive way. Beaches, discos, extreme and fashionable sports, hotels and bars right on the sand and pebbles of the coast.

Costa Dorada

The quietest part of the coast for those who plan to combine a beach holiday and shopping, as well as for families with children. The former will appreciate the shopping complexes, the latter – the Port Aventura amusement park. Gastronomic festivals and culinary master classes are also continuously held here. You can’t visit Barcelona without getting acquainted with the national Catalan cuisine, famous for its seafood. Today the motto for a successful summer is: Spain, Barcelona, ​​sea, food.

To tourists about vigilance

Be on the lookout: while you crave cultural experiences and a southern tan, local thieves are trying to make money at the expense of visitors. Relaxing on the beautiful streets and beaches of the capital of ancient Catalonia is fraught with trouble. Loss of attention automatically leads to loss of cash and even documents. So learn to combine famous sightseeing, a glass of sangria de cava and increased vigilance.

The collection of tourist stories about how it is customary to deceive visitors is constantly being replenished. Everyone knows that a bag can be snatched from one’s hand here, so scammers have to be more sophisticated.

For example, an excited local resident may jump up to a visitor and, gesticulating in distress, make it clear that he has soiled his clothes. And he will offer to take you to the nearest entrance to help clear things out. Even if you did not go with a stranger to a secluded place, most likely, you have already lost some valuables - at the moment when the problem was told with fierce gestures.

Local specifics

Spaniards are lazy. Be prepared for a long wait for the end of the siesta - everything closes at 13.00, and will not open again until 17.00. On Sunday, not much works at all. But that's not all - people in Barcelona like to go on strike, including taxi drivers, bus drivers, metro drivers and airport workers.

A separate conversation would be worth devoting to lost luggage at the airport - a favorite attraction of local baggage handlers, but today we are talking about the sea. Therefore, we will simply briefly recommend taking as much of what you need with you as possible, so that later from home you don’t have to spend a painfully long time figuring out the fate of your luggage. Another problem is the return of the VAT amount, which for some reason they will try to return in dollars, with a commission. It is possible to be surprised that there are no euros at a Spanish airport, but it is pointless. When confronted, you have to take it for granted.

And finally – the cost of visiting museums and other attractions. In Barcelona, ​​culture is expensive. The creator of the city's main tourist spots, Antonio Gaudi, would be surprised to learn that even the unfinished Sagdad Familia is accessible only for money. Today it is 22 euros.

How to get there and how much does a vacation cost?

To find out which sea washes Barcelona, ​​you just need to buy a ticket there. Direct flights from Moscow operate three times a day, so getting there is as easy as shelling pears. If you purchase tickets through special services, you can save a lot, while the usual price is approximately 230 euros round trip during the peak holiday season. Starting in September, the cost drops significantly - the cheapest time to fly to the capital of Catalonia is in May - no more than 150 euros. In June, prices rise again. If you are planning not only a beach holiday or shopping, but also an intensive cultural program, it is worth purchasing a special tourist card. With it, the use of public transport, as well as visits to museums, will become free.

Holidays in Barcelona are, in principle, affordable. It all depends on the needs of the tourist. If you choose “all inclusive”, you don’t have to worry about three meals a day, solid medical insurance, a beautiful view from the window, or a convenient transfer. It becomes possible to visit the hotel's swimming pool and gyms for free. All this is provided for in advance. Such service systems are preferred by family tourists with children. Those who want to save money are encouraged to purchase a minimum package - accommodation and breakfast. But tourists will be able to eat according to their choice during long walks around the city.

We hope that after reading the article you will have a desire to go to the capital of Catalonia and get your own answer to the question, what kind of sea is in Spain? You will definitely share it with us.

Travelers going on holiday to this country often have the question: “What is the sea like in Spain?” Let's try to figure this out. Firstly, Spain is located on the north, west by the Atlantic Ocean, and to the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea. We already know the first answer to the question posed.

What a sea, crystal clear, it’s not for nothing that most of the local beaches have European standards for their amenities and cleanliness. And they are deservedly considered the best on the continent.

The Spanish authorities have to try hard to ensure that holidaymakers fill local hotels and beaches. After all, holidays here are quite expensive, but high quality and worth the money spent. When considering what the sea is like in Spain, you need to know that the local climate largely depends on it. In Mediterranean resorts it is subtropical. Thanks to the warm sea, the air temperature here in winter is +12 - 17 degrees Celsius, and in summer +25 - 30. Sometimes in summer the air warms up to +40. Despite such high numbers, the heat is tolerated relatively well, as there is little rainfall and it is dry. On the Atlantic coast with warm summers and wet winters.

For beach lovers, an important issue is the length of the swimming season. What is the sea like in Spain in this sense? What can tourists expect? On the warm sea from May until at least mid-October.

And to this we should add luxury hotels, a large number of restaurants, cafes, bars with excellent local cuisine. And also holidays, festivals, concerts, museums, flamenco, bullfighting, excursions, regular and water sports. If you combine all of the above with wonderful weather, then what else is needed for a wonderful, long-remembered vacation.

Now let's take a little look at the regions. The Costa Dorada is perfect for family holidays and water sports. This coast is called golden. And for good reason. The sand here is really bright golden in color and really soft. All beaches have yacht clubs, in some places even two.

The beaches of Andalusia, the Canaries and the islands of Formentara offer sand dunes, warm and shallow seas, boat trips and many quiet secluded spots.

If you are interested in the most wild nature, go to the wild coast of the Costa Brava. Here the rugged coastline, mountains, and coves stretch for 130 kilometers. An excellent place for diving. Be sure to visit the marine reserve on Medes.

Not far from the town of Guardamar de Segur, Costa Blanca, there is a small beach that is a paradise for nudists. You can bring your pet dogs there and sunbathe naked.

The Costa del Sol resort is famous for its artificial beaches. The sand here is made from granite, which is mined in the mountains and then finely crushed. Such beaches are considered healing.

When learning about what kind of country Spain is, what kind of sea it is, you need to pay attention to a unique place - the resort of La Manga. Its location is a 20-kilometer narrow sand spit, bordered on one side by the Mediterranean Sea, on the other by the Little Sea, called the Mar Menor lagoon. The water in the lagoon is similar in salt and iodine content and has healing characteristics

In principle, the question “what is the sea like in Spain” can be answered with one word: magnificent!