Is the time the same throughout the Czech Republic? Topic Czech Republic (2). When do the clocks change in the Czech Republic?

Every day, many Muscovites receive a visa and head to the Czech Republic. Each person goes there with his own purpose. Many people like to go to Prague for shopping, because there are so many brand boutiques there. Also, many people visit the capital of the Czech Republic to get a job, as there are many open vacancies, decent wages and excellent working conditions. And the largest number of people travel to the Czech Republic as tourists. Prague has a lot of attractions that everyone would like to see. But in order to travel to the Czech Republic, you need to know and navigate the time, because there is a time difference with Moscow.

If your goal is to visit boutiques and markets in the Czech Republic, then you definitely need to know the exact time, otherwise you may not make it before the end of the working day, and this is very unpleasant. And if you are going to leave back home on the same day that you arrived, you also need to know the exact time, because you may be late for your flight.

From this article you will learn about the time difference between Moscow and the Czech Republic.

Moscow and the Czech Republic are on different zones and, of course, the time will also be different. In the summer, the time in Moscow and Prague differs by one hour. But then, when the clocks are switched to winter time, the time difference will already be two hours. The government of the Russian Federation decided not to change clocks to summer time, while in the Czech Republic clocks are changed seasonally. And therefore, all residents of Russia who want to calculate what time it is now in Prague need to pay attention to what time of year it is.

Time difference Prague - Moscow

All residents of Russia who plan to visit the Czech Republic need to know how best to adapt to time zone changes. For successful and painless adaptation, all tourists need to carefully study some tips:

  • A couple of days before your upcoming trip, you need to start going to bed a little earlier.
  • One day before the trip, you need to exclude coffee, alcoholic beverages, fried and too salty foods from the menu.
  • When you pack your suitcase, do not forget to take painkillers and blood pressure medications with you.
  • During the flight, you should drink clean, cool water and try to sleep.
  • Upon arrival at your destination, you need to get a good night's sleep and recuperate.
  • In the morning, to cheer you up as much as possible, by the way, a cup of coffee and simple physical exercise will suit you. You need to give up alcoholic drinks for a while so as not to aggravate the adaptation process.

When do the clocks change in the Czech Republic?

The clock change procedure is carried out twice a year: on the last Sunday in March (the clocks are set to summer time), and on the last Sunday in October (the clocks are set to winter time).

Time in the Czech Republic now: exact time in Prague

In order to determine what time it is in the Czech Republic at the moment, you do not need to carry out any complex calculations or look for the necessary information in geography reference books. You can see the most accurate time in all cities of the Czech Republic on our website in real time. Finding out the exact time at the right moment in a European country will be a very easy task for all people with Internet access. Knowing the exact time, you can plan your work time, trip or meeting in advance.

Therefore, remembering something from the school curriculum of one of the European languages, getting directions if you get lost in the narrow streets of Prague is not a problem. Almost all restaurants and pubs have a menu in English or at least one waiter who speaks good English, the same is true with shops, a little worse with. And, fortunately for tourists from Russia, most of the older generation of native Prague residents understand and speak Russian quite well, thanks to our common socialist past. In general, you can go to Prague even without knowing the Czech language - in any situation there will be an opportunity to explain yourself and understand your interlocutor.

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However, when going on vacation, it is always better to know a few of the most necessary expressions and words in the language of the country you are going to. The easiest way, perhaps, is to buy a small phrasebook, or select the phrases you think you need on the Internet before leaving. If you didn’t remember this in time, or simply didn’t have enough time, here is a small selection of simple phrases and words that may be useful to you during your holidays in beautiful Prague.

Words and expressions that will definitely be useful to you:

In Czech Approximate pronunciation
Yes Ano A But
No Ne N uh
Hello / Good afternoon Good day D O brie d uh n
Good evening Good evening D O brie in uh black
Goodbye Na shledanou On SHL uh Danow
Men/Women Muži/Ženy M at zhi/f e us
Please Prosím Etc O Sim
Sorry Promiňte Prom And nte
Thank you very much Mockrat děkuji Motskr A t Dec at yee
I don't speak Czech Nemluvím Cesky Neml at vim h e ski
Do you speak Russian/English? Mluvíte rusky / anglicky? Mluv And te r at ski / english And tski
Closed / Open Zavřeno / Otevřeno Zavrzhen O/ Otevren O
No entry allowed Vchod zakazan In O d zach A zan
Exit / Entrance Východ / Vchod IN And stroke / In O d
coffee house Kavarna Kav A rna
Bon appetit! Dobrou chuť Good O y x at t
Beer house Pivnice Pivn And tse
One glass Jedno beer Y e bottom p And in

Phrases that may be useful when shopping:

Phrases that will help you navigate the city:

In Czech Approximate pronunciation
Where is …? Kde je…? CD uh e...
It is far? Je to daleko? E then d A easy
Where is the nearest stop? Kde je nejbližší zastávka? Kde e n e near the station A vka
Where can I buy a ticket? Kde si můžu koupit jízdenku? Kde si m at bug O upit yizd uh nku
Right left Doprava / Doleva D O rights / D O leva
Front/Rear Vepředu/Vzadu IN uh forward / back at
On the corner Na rohu N A horn
Directly Rovne R O outside

Phrases we hope you won't need:

The Czech language, along with Russian, Finnish and Thai, is considered one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. Czech, like Russian, is a Slavic language, however, despite this, for Russian ears the Czech language is quite unusual in the presence of a large number of consonants, and in some Czech words there are no vowels at all: for example, finger - prst, neck - krk, and the wolf is vlk. Also, many Czech words and their meanings may seem funny to you, or may even confuse you:

Funny Czech words Words that can confuse
Let's a dlo Airplane Č e rstvý Fresh
Let's uška Stewardess Zelen i na Vegetables
Sed a dlo Seat, armchair Ok u rka Cucumber
šlap a dlo Catamaran O voice Fruits
Vrt u lnik Helicopter Č e rstvý rotr a viny Fresh food
Zmrzl i na Ice cream Smet a na Cream
Obsazen o Busy Poz o r Attention
Koco u r Cat H e rna Slot machine hall
Pon ožka Sock Pit o mec Blockhead, fool
Kalh o ty Trousers, trousers Mr á z Freezing
H o lic Hairdresser Rod i na Family
Slun í čko Sun Slev a Discount
Voň a vka Perfume Vedr o Heat
Rv ačka Fight Podvodn í k Scammer
Čerp a dlo Pump Ú žasny Amazing
Straš i dlo Ghost K a ki Persimmon

The Czech Republic or Czechia is a country in Central Europe, bordering Germany to west and north-west, Austria to the south, Poland to the north and Slovakia to the south-east. (Czech Republic or Bohemia is a country in central Europe bordered by Germany to the west and northwest, Austria to the south, Poland to the north, and Slovakia to the southeast)

The Czech Republic is not a large country but has a rich and eventful history. (C.R. is not a big country, but has a rich and eventful history)

The Czech Republic contains a vast amount of architectural treasure. This is the country of beautiful forests and mountains to match. (The Czech Republic has a huge number of architectural treasures. It is a country of beautiful forests and mountains)

The country has been traditionally divided into lands: Bohemia in the west, Moravia (Morava) in the southeast, and Silesia in the northeast. (The country is traditionally divided into regions: Bohemia in the west, Moravia in the southeast, Silesia in the northeast)

The Czech Republic was formed as a result of the dissolution of Czechoslovakia into two states: the Czech Republic and Slovakia on January 1, 1993. (The Czech Republic arose as a result of the disintegration of Czechoslovakia into the two states of the Czech Republic and Slovakia on January 1, 1993)

Both countries went through economic reforms with the intention of creating a capitalist economy. (Both countries went through economic reforms with the goal of creating a capitalist economy)

The Czech Republic joined the European Union on 1 May 2004. (The Czech Republic joined the EU...)

There are many interesting cities which represent the variety of Czechia. For example... (There are many interesting cities that show the diversity of the Czech Republic. For example...)

Brno is the largest city in Moravia with several excellent museums, and the annual Moto GP Grand Prix. (Brno is the largest city in Moravia with several excellent museums and the annual Moto GP Grand Prix - the motorcycle racing world championship)

Karlovy Vary — historic spa resort, especially popular with tourist groups. (Carlovy Vary is a historic spa resort, especially popular with tour groups.)

Olomouc — riverside university town with a 1,000 year history and the second-largest historical center in the Czech Republic. (Olomouc is a university town on the river bank with a thousand-year history and the second largest historical center in the Czech Republic)

Pilsen (Plzen) — home of the original Pilsner beer, and the largest city in West Bohemia. (Pilsen is the birthplace of the original Pilsner beer and the largest city in Bohemia.)

Traditional Czech food is hearty and suitable after a hard day in the fields. (Traditional Czech food is plentiful and suitable after a hard day in the fields)

It is heavy and quite fatty, and is excellent in the winter. (It is heavy and quite oily, great for winter)

In the recent time there was a tendency towards more light food with more vegetables, now the traditional heavy and fatty Czech food is usually not eaten everyday and some people avoid it entirely. (Recently there has been a trend towards lighter meals with more vegetables; now traditional heavy and fatty Czech food is not usually eaten every day, and some people avoid it completely.)

However nothing goes as well with the excellent Czech beer as some of the best examples of the traditional Czech cuisine, like pork, duck, or goose with knedliky (dumplings) and sauerkraut. (However, nothing goes as well with excellent Czech beer as some of the best examples of traditional Czech cuisine such as pork, duck or goose with dumplings and sauerkraut.)

Prague is the capital city and largest city of the Czech Republic. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the country. (Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the country)

This magical city of bridges, cathedrals, towers and church domes, is located on the banks of the Vltava River. It is more than ten centuries. (A magical city of bridges, cathedrals and church domes)

Prague is also a modern and vibrant city. It is full of energy, music, cultural art, excellent cuisine and special events for traveler who thirsts for adventure. (Prague is also a modern and energetic city. It is full of energy, music, art, fine cuisine and special events for the traveler who craves adventure)

Millions of tourists visit the city every year. (Millions of tourists visit the city every year)

Prague was founded in the later 9th century, and soon became the seat of Bohemian kings. (Prague was founded at the end of the 9th century and soon became the seat of the Bohemian kings)

The city thrived under the rule of Charles IV. (The city flourished under the reign of Charles 4)

The city also went under Habsburg rule and became the capital of a province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. (The city also came under Habsburg rule and became the provincial capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire)

In 1918, after World War I, the city became the capital of Czechoslovakia. (In 1918 after the First World War the city became the capital of Czechoslovakia)

In 1993, Czechoslovakia split into two countries and Prague became the capital city of the new Czech Republic. (In 1993, Czechoslovakia split into two countries, and Prague became the capital of the new Czech Republic)

Prague is home to about 1.2 million people. (Prague is home to 1,200,000 people.)

The Vltava River runs through the city. (The Vltava River flows through the city)

Spring season - is maybe one of the best times to come for a visit, especially in the month of May. (Spring season can be one of the best times to come for a visit, especially in May)

Summer months are a very popular touristic season because the weather is warm and sunny. (Summer months are a very popular tourist season because the weather is warm and sunny)

Prague is divided into ten numbered districts: Praha 1 through to Praha 10. For example, I live and study in Praha 6 now. (Prague is divided into 10 numbered districts: from Prague 1 to Prague 10. For example, I live and study in Prague 6 now)

Prague 1 is the oldest part of the city and has the very many attractions such as Old Town Square, Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, National Museum and others. (Prague 1 is the oldest part of the city and has a lot of attractions such as...)

Praha 2 contains also important historic areas. There are Vysehrad Park, Peter & Paul Church and others. (Prague 2 also includes important historical districts. Here...)

Public transportation is very convenient in most of the areas. But buses do not enter the historic districts (Old Town, New Town, Lower Town, etc.) (Public transportation is very convenient in most areas. But buses do not enter historical areas)

Convenient transportation is also tram and metro. (convenient transport also tram and metro)

I like this excellent city and when I leave Prague, I always want to return here.

I think the Czech Republic is the country with rich history and culture, with the beautiful cities and friendly people.