Miskolc thermal baths. Stunning Lillafüred and relaxation in the Miskolc-Tapolca cave bath. Opening hours of the Miskolc-Tapolca cave baths

Less than two hundred kilometers from the capital of Hungary, Budapest, at the very foot of the Bükk mountain range, right on the picturesque banks of the Sinva River, there is a wonderful city Miskolc, the fourth most populous city in the country. The greatest fame and attractiveness is given to it by the unique historical center of the city - Belvaros, as well as two climatic resorts - Lillafured and Miskolc-Tapolca located nearby.

Historians claim that Miskolc arose on the site of an ancient settlement, which was founded by our ancestors 70 thousand years ago. Already at the end of the 14th century, the Hungarian king Lajos I the Great granted Miskolc the status of a city, and also founded the famous Gyösgyör fortress in the city area, the ruins of which can still be seen on the outskirts of the city.

During its existence, Miskolc was almost completely destroyed several times, but was again reborn from ruins and ashes.

Belvaros - a flower frozen in stone

For tourists arriving in Miskolc, the greatest interest is the historical center of the city, which is densely built up with old buildings erected in the Baroque architectural style. Actually the center Belvaros can rightfully be called the heart of Miskolc, fully reflecting the unique soul of this city. All its other districts are small towns and villages, which over time became part of the city, becoming its administrative parts.

You should not be afraid that sightseeing in Belvaros will take up a lot of your time: in fact, all the most important architectural and historical values ​​are located quite compactly, in the pedestrian area István Széchenyi streets. István Széchenyi Street itself ends with the famous Tisza city station, built at the beginning of the last century in the eclectic style, according to the design of the famous Hungarian architect Ferenc Pfaff, who, by the way, became famous for the construction of unusually beautiful railway stations. Today, the Miskolc station building is ranked among the most significant historical and architectural monuments of the city.

A significant part of István Széchenyi Street runs between the large shopping center of the city, Sinva Park, and the old Town Hall Square. Residents of Miskolc call this area in a Western manner - “Main Street”. It is here, on both sides of the street, that there is a huge number of buildings built at the end of the 19th century after the “Great Flood”. This is what city residents call the flood of 1878, when the Sinva River practically destroyed the city center, taking the lives of four hundred citizens.

Around the Town Hall Square there are many beautiful buildings erected in the 17th-19th centuries. For example, beautifully restored Rakoczy's house, which is currently located Miskolc Art Gallery, was built in the 17th century.

While leisurely strolling along the pedestrian zone, you will definitely see the famous theater miskolc, built in 1856, and has now received national status. It is noteworthy that it is the oldest theater built of stone in all of Hungary. Today it regularly hosts various opera festivals.

The old one also deserves the attention of tourists. Jewish synagogue, together with the one located here Holocaust Museum, as well as ancient Calvinist Church, made in the Gothic style, and has been decorating one of the slopes of Mount Awash for more than seven centuries.

Most of all, tourists are amazed by the unique interior of this religious building, made entirely of wooden elements. In addition, every 20 minutes the crimson bells ring from the top of the Calvinist Church.

Will not leave visitors indifferent and Orthodox Church of Miskolc, built at the end of the 18th century in the Baroque style at the expense of Greek merchants. The most important attraction of this temple is the unique 16-meter carved iconostasis, which has 88 icons describing different moments in the life of the Savior. Not far from the church is located Hungarian Orthodox Church Museum, the exhibition of which contains unique examples of Orthodox art.

Miskolc-Tapolca - thermal caves surrounded by beech forest

By far the most famous attraction in Miskolc is Cave bath, located in its suburbs, just 7 kilometers from the city center, and bearing the name Miskolc-Tapolca. It is here that unique ancient caves are located, formed over many millennia by thermal springs, gradually eroding the limestone rock.

Cave baths were created from the so-called Lake Cave, a cavity of natural origin, which man has ennobled and equipped with everything necessary for relaxation and recovery. The water in these places belongs to the so-called calc-carbon dioxide-hydrogen type; it is enriched with bromine, iodine, calcium, as well as metasilicon and magnesium metaboric acid. Radon dissolved in it gives light radioactivity to water.

It is noteworthy that the healing properties of the local thermal water were known even during the reign of the Roman Empire. As you know, the ancient Romans understood a lot about water procedures, so the legionnaires, after tiring military campaigns, gladly relieved their fatigue and treated their wounds in the hot springs that flowed directly from the ground in the Miskolc region. However, the very first baths were built in the Tapolca caves only at the end of the 18th century, with the permission of the abbot of the Benedictine monastery named Vac, who owned the land since the 13th century.

Only a hundred years later, having appreciated the healing properties of the springs and the benefits that they could bring to the city, the authorities of Miskolc bought the land from the monastery, equipping it with a wide infrastructure typical of a modern thermal resort.

Today, Miskolc-Tapolca is a wonderful resort located on the territory of a romantic park, with all its inherent attributes: a beautiful lake with swans and ducks, colorful flower beds, a water park, as well as swimming pools of various types, depths and temperatures.

Unique conditions of the resort Miskolc-Tapolca indicated for treatment diseases of the human musculoskeletal system, its cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and, of course, the respiratory system. Each bathing grotto is different from each other, having its own specific characteristics and features: an analogue of a “jacuzzi”, water jets shooting directly from the rocky walls or from the bottom of the pool, or a fairly powerful underwater current, surrendering to which you can move around the circle of the pool.

Throughout the year, the temperature of the water flowing through the ingenious labyrinths of caves does not drop below +30˚С.

It is important that the concentration of salts in the medicinal water of Miskolc-Tapolca is low, no more than 1000 milligrams per liter, so there are no special restrictions on the time spent in it. It should be said that through the efforts of the designers, each individual grotto of the cave-bath is equipped in a special way and illuminated with a specific light, creating the necessary positive mood among vacationers.

Even today we can say that the Miskolc-Tapolca Cave Bath is constantly growing and developing. To the already known halls and grottoes, new adits and galleries with original pools are constantly being added. The unique healing effect obtained at the Miskolc-Tapolca resort is achieved not only thanks to thermal springs with low levels of radioactivity, but also due to unusually clean air, which is easy and pleasant to breathe even for people with bronchopulmonary diseases. Another pleasant fact is that there is no such thing as seasonality when it comes to healing in the baths - it is warm and comfortable here both in winter and summer. Moreover, regardless of whether there is summer heat outside the window or winter cold, inside the baths there is a soft and favorable atmosphere for humans.

The central room of the Cave baths is the so-called Ball Hall, having a fairly high arch above it. Next to it there is a small pool into which jets of water fall, shooting straight from the rock at different angles and with different strengths. They perfectly massage various parts of the body, which vacationers willingly place under them. Then you can swim through the bizarre tunnels in the rock, looking into Star Cave, the water temperature in which is slightly higher than in other halls. The cave got its name from specific lamps located on its ceiling, made in the form of glowing stars.

Not far from the Star Cave there is a hall with a swimming pool equipped with underwater jets that create a massaging “jacuzzi” effect. In the end, from the Cave Bath you can get into the external outdoor pools, having first passed the vestibule, equipped with a small roof of a bizarre shape, made in the form of a giant shell.

It is most likely designed for comfortable water procedures during rain.

Around the thermal pools, located directly in the open air, there is a beach area, protected from the wind on all sides by a tall beech forest, in the center of which, by the way, the resort itself is located. That is why this area always has a mild, favorable climate for relaxation. By the way, in the summer around the outdoor pools, which occupy an area of ​​no less than 4,500 square meters, sun loungers are placed in which visitors to the resort like to relax after swimming. However, young people can comfortably sit right on the green lawns, having first laid towels on the grass.

Swimming in the outdoor pools of the Miskolc-Tapolca resort, in addition to the healing effect created by mineral water, also has a beneficial effect on the state of the human nervous system. After all, while swimming in pleasant turquoise water, you also enjoy unusually picturesque pictures of untouched nature, and also inhale the aromas of flowers and wild forest that surround the resort on all sides. In addition to visiting the baths, vacationers can take a steam bath in the sauna, or take individual treatment procedures in the spa.

In short, the Miskolc-Tapolca resort is an amazing place that allows you to heal not only the body, but also the human soul, tired of the everyday bustle.

The cave bath MIskolc-Tapolca is located in Northern Hungary, a beautiful region rich in tourist attractions, in Miskolc-Tapolca, a resort area of ​​the city of Miskolc.

The special appeal of this hydrotherapy bath, the only one of its kind in Europe, is that it is located in natural caves washed over millennia by thermal waters. The cave bath also includes an open thermal lake, fed by warm springs saturated with various gases. According to the doctors, The air of the cave has a healing effect on catarrhal breathing difficulties and asthma.

Water, calc-hydrogen-carbon dioxide type, contains iodine, bromine, calcium, magnesium-metaboric and metasilicic acid, as well as radon

The hydrotherapy bath is protected from the wind and the pleasant, balanced climate is favorable for relaxation. Miskolc-Tapolca is surrounded by 1,150 hectares of beech forest, which contains a magnificent park with an open beach and a cave bath.

The tourism wealth of the region represents, in addition to being unique for the whole of Europe, cave bath, geographical names such as Hajduszoboszlo, Mezőkövesd (therapeutic baths), Aggtelek (cave), Tokaj and Eger (wine), Hortobágy (reserved steppe), Matra, Bükk, Zemplen (mountains, forests, hunting) etc.

Miskolc, a settlement born during the period of the Finding of the Motherland, today has 192 thousand inhabitants. This is a large city with historical monuments, developed infrastructure, cultural traditions and a rich cultural life, educational and scientific base (Miskolc University). Next to the city (7 km from its center) is the resort of Miskolctapolca, with its unique microclimate, a protected local park, a lake for boat trips and a cave bath, equipped in a natural cave dug with healing thermal waters. Relaxation and entertainment for the hundreds of thousands of guests who come to this resort every year is provided by an open-air swimming pool operating in the summer on an area of ​​7 hectares with a water surface of 4500 square meters. meters.

The real treasure of the village is the Ozernaya Cave, converted into a cave bath, washed out over thousands of years in solid limestone rocks. This cave was already known to primitive man in ancient times.

The opening of the cave bath in 1959 was preceded by long preparatory work.

In this cave bath, unique for Europe, it is extremely pleasant to swim, dive, enjoy thermal water in a pool created by nature, and breathe clean air, free of any pollution.

The healing properties of the bath are explained by the pleasant healthy climate of the cave, as well as the warm karst waters.

This thermal water is not as dense as some medicinal waters(the concentration of all salts in the thermal water used in the bathing complex does not exceed 1000 mg/liter), so many people value it very highly. In this water - unlike some denser healing waters - you can swim without limiting yourself in time, you can experience all the water effects that exist here.

Their number is now increasing: new galleries, natural adits and halls are being added to the familiar cave pools. "Ball Hall" awaits lovers of fun surprises, and in the huge Jacuzzi located next to it, guests are massaged by underwater jets. A little further, floating with the current or against it, driven by a hidden mechanism "underground river", we find ourselves in a pool located in the oldest and most beautiful section of the cave.

In the Cave Bath, however, one should not refuse open-air bathing and the spectacle of the Tapoltsay park: if the cave was created by nature itself, then the lake pools and the light and elegant shell of the roof bending over them are the creation of human hands.

There are no summer or winter seasons in the Cave Bath. It is always spring in the cave galleries, regardless of the street heat or severe frost.

In the outdoor pools, enjoying the embrace of warm thermal water, you can admire the bright rays of the winter sun, in summer, sun loungers are placed around the pools, and cave galleries offer relief from the summer heat. Bathing in the cave can be complemented by a sauna and individual treatment procedures. A unique microclimate, clear blue water, magnificent views and individual treatment procedures help guests leave the Cave Bath rested and improved in their health. They can tell their friends: this is a miracle...

The Cave and Therapeutic Bath in Miskolc Tapolc offers treatment for the following groups of diseases:

    Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, Respiratory diseases, Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Specific diseases for which treatment is offered in the Cave Bath:
    Arthrosis, Degenerative diseases of the spine, Impaired spinal function due to osteoporosis, Rheumatoid arthritis in the passive stage, Spondylitis with impaired joint mobility, Chronic polyarthritis, Rehabilitation after surgeries on the spine and limbs, Post-surgical treatment of the spine, Treatment after trauma surgery, Neurological diseases associated with contracture, muscle spasms.
Diseases, which are contraindicated when using procedures in the medical department:
All diseases for which bathing procedures are usually contraindicated:
    Diseases associated with the inability to move independently, requiring constant monitoring, Limited willingness to communicate incontinence, condition associated with loss of consciousness, infectious diseases, oncological diseases, inflammatory dermatological diseases, cardinal decompensation.
Diseases for which the use of the bath is contraindicated due to the cave environment:
    Bronchial asthma, Chronic bronchitis, requiring increased attention due to high humidity, Claustrophobia.
The water of the Miskoltapolca bath is considered thermal, but it is not very concentrated, so there are no age restrictions for swimming in pools with thermal water.

Nature and composition of water:

General characteristics pH: 7,1
conductivity: 570 µS/cm
Chemical oxygen demand: 0.7 mg/l
Carbonate hardness: 180 mg CaO/l
Overall hardness: 183 mg CaO/l
Free carbon dioxide: 75 mg/l
Dissolved oxygen: 3.3 mg/l
Anions Hydogen carbonate: 396 mg/l
Sulfate: 27 mg/l
Chloride: 8 mg/l
Nitrate: 1.3 mg/l
Nitrite: 0.00 mg/l
Cations Calcium: 113 mg/l
Magnesium: 11.4 mg/l
Sodium: 9.7 mg/l
Potassium: 2.5 mg/l
Manganese: 0.00 mg/l
Iron: 0.00 mg/l
Heavy elements Iodide: 0.005 mg/l
Bromide: 0.05 mg/l
Fluorite: 0.17 mg/l

Opening hours of the Cave Bath

The Miskolc-Tapolca cave bath is open every day!

Cave bath aquatherapy cash register
09:00 - 18:00
Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun: 09:00 - 17:00
Mon - Fri: 17:00
Sat - Sun: 16:00
09:00 - 19:00
Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 19:00
Sat - Sun: 09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 18:00
Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun: 09:00 - 17:00

Mon - Fri: 17:00
Sat - Sun: 16:00

Entrance fees to the baths
individual visitors:

1 Jan - April 30 May 1 - September 30

all day

Adult day ticket 6,8 €
(2050 HUF/person)
12 €
(3800 HUF/person)
Child (from 4 years old), student, pensioner
5,5 €
(1650 HUF/person)
8,8 €
(2850 HUF/person)
Adult day ticket (4 hours) 6,8 €
(2050 HUF/person)
8 €
(2700 HUF/person)
Child (from 4 years old), student, pensioner (4 hours)
Upon presentation of your ID
5,5 €
(1650 HUF/person)
7,5 €
(2300 HUF/person)
Child under 4 years old for free

The entrance ticket includes access to all pools, as well as pools in the caves.
There is an additional cost for visiting the sauna park. 2600 Ft (8.7 euros)
(Finnish sauna, gas cabin, cooling pool, 1 sheet)
infra sauna 450 HUF (1.5 euro)

Preliminary ordering entrance tickets to the cave bath
for groups of more than 15 people
Please send applications for groups to:

For the safety and comfort of guests, the bathhouse has established a maximum number of visitors that it can accommodate.
Therefore, during the high season and holidays, due to the large number of guests, it is possible to limit and suspend the sale of entrance tickets.

We ask group leaders to order entrance tickets in advance.

Entrance fees to the bath include access to all pools

Outdoor pools:
3 children's pools
Tavifurdő leisure pool
"shell" pool
swimming pool

Indoor pools:
2 thermal pools (33-35 °C)
"Roman" hall (32°C)
"Star" hall (32°C)
old cave pool (29-30°C)
swimming room (29-30°C)

Sauna Park
additional ticket to the entrance ticket - price 990 HUF.
Finnish saunas
solarium Attention! Lockers in changing rooms operate at 100 HUF. with a coin.
Children under 4 years old must wear swim diapers. Paid parking in front of the bathhouse (automatic): 08:00 - 18:00
220 Ft. / hour
1200 HUF / all day

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Miskolc

The center of the old town is the town hall square, which is a typical, and, I must say, very beautiful and harmonious example of a Hungarian city of the 18th-19th century.
The main architectural style is Baroque, according to which the houses are elegant and light. The city's many churches are not only a treasure for believers, but also a magnet for tourists.

Miskolc is an important center of the Protestant religion in Hungary, with the largest Reformed church located on Avas Hill. Representatives of other religions are not forgotten: the Orthodox Church with a magnificent iconostasis with 88 icons, a synagogue with a memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, a parish Catholic church not only operate in the city, but are its significant attractions.

Diosgyori Castle (Diosgyori var) is located on the western outskirts of the city. It traces its history back to the depths of centuries, remembers many battles and battles.
In the 14th century, the castle was well equipped and luxuriously decorated, as it was the favorite place of King Lajos the Great. Nowadays, a historical panopticon operates here throughout the year, with each of the four towers of the castle dedicated to a specific exhibition, and every summer there are many holidays, festivals and theatrical historical performances.

Lillafüred is a famous climatic resort in the vicinity of Miskolc. Lillafüred, surrounded by mountains, is located in a beautiful place worthy of an artist's brush. The most famous building here is the magnificent Palace Hotel, built between 1927 and 1930.

Miskolc has a good zoo that offers a wide variety of animals. The zoo does not have many exotic ones, but there are many wild animals living in Europe, as well as domestic and local Hungarian animals. Children usually really like it there :-)

A romantic cave lake, clear water, summer all year round, a lot of fun and health benefits - this is how visitors to the Miskolc-Tapolca baths in Hungary describe it. This balneological resort is located 5 km from the center of Miskolc, in a huge park, and has been known for its miraculous hot springs since the times of the ancient Romans. Miskolc-Tapolca is able to capture the imagination of even seasoned swimmers: its reservoirs are located right in natural caves, and, traveling from one to another along the “underground river”, you can find many different pools and interesting grottoes. The temperature of the thermal spring creates a special microclimate, thanks to which it is warm here in any season, and the special composition of the water, unlike most other balneological resorts in Hungary, allows you not to limit yourself in time and have fun all day long.

Business card

What to see, where to visit

Miskolc is distinguished from many modern balneological resorts in Hungary by its ancient history - it was founded before our era and played an important role in the Hungarian state, which it has not lost to this day. You can find many attractions here, most of which you don't have to go far to discover - the historical city center is famous for its old Baroque and Classicist buildings and the Diosgyőr fortress, built in the 13th century. Nearby there are other attractions that the residents of Miskolc are proud of: for example, the 15th-century Gothic Calvinist church with a beautiful wooden interior or the Greek Orthodox church with an iconostasis from 1783, the tallest in Central Europe.

Springs and healing

Miskolc-Tapolca water has a high content of iodine, bromine, calcium and other beneficial elements, which make it effective in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system, as well as respiratory diseases.

Doctors working in the baths will help you navigate the numerous bodies of water and tell you which of them and how exactly a certain disease should be treated. If there are no contraindications in the baths, you can visit the sauna, mud baths and massage treatments, go to aquafitness, or simply relax all day in the jacuzzi and pools, relieving stress by swimming.

Medical specialization

  • osteoporosis, degenerative diseases, spinal disorders,
  • arthrosis,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • chronic polyarthritis,
  • spondylitis with impaired joint mobility,
  • recovery after injuries and surgical operations on the limbs and spine,
  • neurological diseases associated with contracture, muscle spasms,
  • asthma,
  • catarrhal inflammation of the respiratory system.


  • skin inflammations,
  • oncological and infectious diseases,
  • conditions associated with loss of consciousness,
  • inability to move independently and self-care,
  • urinary incontinence,
  • cardinal decompensation,
  • claustrophobia.

The thermal baths of Miskolc-Tapolca are a natural, natural cave thermal system in which the healing water has a temperature of 29 degrees Celsius. But, in addition to water, the air of the cave is also healing; it has a beneficial effect on pathologies of the respiratory system - catarrhal complications, asthma, etc.

People love to spend the whole day in the baths, the stay delights many, after several procedures a healing effect is felt, and the resort’s pricing policy is very reasonable.

The water of the underground thermal spring at the resort, which fills the caves, has a calcareous-hydrogen-carbon dioxide character, it contains iodine, bromine, calcium, magnesium-metaboric and metasilicic acids, and in small quantities radon. The salt concentration does not exceed 1000 mg/l, which allows you to stay in water for an unlimited time.

The main building of the thermal resort was built in 1959, and a sauna park operates here from spring to autumn. There are 3 swimming pools for children, and outdoor and indoor pools and a sink pool for adults.

The indoor pools in the Miskolc-Tapolca resort are open all year round. These include: two thermal pools (water temperature maintained at 33-35 °C), Roman Hall and Star Hall (temperature: 32 °C), old cave pool (30 ° C), bath (29-30 ° C) , hydromassage pool (Dögönyöző).

Outdoors, the resort boasts a large outdoor pool (seasonal), as well as six swimming pools with entertainment accessories and three children's pools. The resort also has a swimming pool near the lake, small sink pools, and a whole park of saunas for various purposes - Finnish, with hot stones, and infrasaunas.

In addition to the saunas, there is also a immersion pool, in which the water temperature is kept between 16-18 ° C. For those who like a wider range of services, Miskolc-Tapolca can also offer a solarium and Float Spa (weightless relaxation).

Cave aquatherapy in Miskolc-Tapolca

In the cave aqua therapy section, water procedures help to get rid of locomotor disorders; treatment is carried out using traditional folk therapy and the achievements of modern technologies.

Indications for treatment in the Miskolc-Tapolca cave bath

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • ENT diseases
  • cardiac pathologies

In addition to therapeutic procedures, the resort can be an excellent place of relaxation for those who would like to get rest and relaxation, for such guests the list of procedures includes: relaxation massage, lymphatic massage, detoxification, allergy treatment, anti-stress treatment, manicure and pedicure, pedicure with assistance fish (like in Turkey, at the Kangal resort), salt room.

Opening hours of the Miskolc-Tapolca cave baths:

  • daily 9.00-20.00, aquatherapy - Monday-Friday 8.00-19.00, Saturday, Sunday - 9.00-19.00


  • adults (no time limit) - 2050 forints (6.7 euros), children (no time limit) - 1650 forints (5.35 euros), adults, 4 hours - 1500 forints (4.9 euros), children, 4 hours - 1200 forints (3.9 euros)

With the Miskolc Tourist Card you can visit the cave bathhouse once for free! (From September 1 to April 30: no time limit, from May 1 to August 31: 4-hour ticket)

Miskolc hotels

In Miskolc itself and its surroundings there are quite a few cozy places where you can stay for a night or for a week or two. The level of hotel service ranges from 4* to inexpensive hostels and apartments.

Among the popular hotels.

In the northeastern part of Hungary there is a small city called Miskolc. It must be said that among other Hungarian cities its population is not so small: Miskolc ranks fourth, with about 160 thousand urban residents.

The history of the city dates back to the Paleolithic era (this is evidenced by numerous excavations). Miskolc received city status in the sixties of the 14th century thanks to King Lajos the Great. A little less than two hundred years ago, the city suffered extraordinary abuses from the Turkish conquerors and was literally burned to the ground. The same story repeated itself at the beginning of the 18th century, when Miskolc was captured by imperial troops.

A period of active restoration led to the fact that already at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries the city became one of the main industrial centers of Hungary (industry - heavy engineering). The situation in the city has been sadder since the nineties of the last century: due to the economic crisis, the population of one of the most prosperous cities in the country began to decline sharply.

To date, Miskolc has not managed to completely overcome the crisis. Despite the city's poor prosperity, its attractions will surprise even an avid traveler. Which ones should you visit first?

Town Hall Square is a familiar European city center, designed in the architectural style of the Middle Ages, which, in turn, harmoniously combines with the buildings of the 19th century. Stone towers and cobblestone streets perfectly convey the atmosphere of old Hungary.

On the narrow streets of the central part of the city (and especially on Szechenyi Street) you can easily find hospitable and cozy establishments where you will be fed colorful national cuisine.

Don't worry about having to walk or use transport a lot: the city center is so small that everything is in close proximity to each other.

The theater is located on the main street of Miskolc – Szechenyi Street. It was built back in 1856, and is currently the oldest theater in all of Hungary, made of stone. The National Theater is famous for its numerous festivals, the traditional holding of which annually attracts numerous opera lovers and simply tourists to Miskolc who want to see something new.

Location: Miskolc, Déryné u. - 1.

A church made of wood has stood on the Awash slope for more than half a century. Architecture connoisseurs will immediately understand that the building belongs to the Gothic style. If you are not sure that this is the Calvinist church in front of you, wait twenty minutes - a melodic ringing will be heard from the church bell towers.

The church bears the name of the Holy Trinity and was built at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. The temple became famous thanks to not only the luxurious decoration of both external and internal structures, but also due to the number of handwritten icons stored in it. Nowadays, the iconographic collection of the church includes more than eighty items painted by the Viennese artist. One of the icons was presented to church leaders from Catherine II herself.

Location: Deák Ferenc ter - 7.

This temple was founded in the first half of the 18th century (1724). During this time, the building was constantly rebuilt and modified. The church was built in the Baroque style and today is a real work of architectural art. For a long time, this temple was the only religious building in the entire country where Catholicism was preached.

What European city can exist without memories of past glory and, most importantly, without a fortress, the history of which goes back hundreds of years. Back in the thirteenth century, a stone structure was erected in Miskolc, designed to protect it. Today, the Dioszgyor fortress is a functioning museum, which houses several exhibitions.

Here you will find the Museum of Medieval Weapons, a hall with archaeological finds, and even more than one exhibition of wax figures. In the summer, various festivals and reconstructions of military battles or everyday life in Hungary during the Middle Ages are held on the territory of the fortress.

Location: Miskolc, Vár u. - 24.

The place for which hundreds of people visit Miskolc is not in the city itself, but seven kilometers away. Here, in ancient caves created without human help, there are natural thermal springs that are incomparably rich in such useful substances as calcium, iodine, bromine, magnesium and various acids. The healing properties of the cave were discovered a long time ago; and even then people began to decorate the cave halls for human convenience.

Today, the Cave Bath is one of the main resorts in Hungary, because here you can not only improve your health, but also have plenty of fun in water parks, swimming pools with Jacuzzis, made right under the cave arches. More than four thousand square meters are occupied by semi-artificial swimming pools, and this natural spa center is undoubtedly loved by many tourists.

Location: Pazár István stny. - 1.

The local zoo cannot boast a huge number of exotic animals from different parts of the world, but it will certainly appeal to younger visitors and their parents. On the territory there are various farms and kindergartens for animals with whom you can interact, feed and pet.

The museum was founded in 1899 and is currently the largest museum complex in the entire city. The museum's collection includes more than half a million different exhibits. The main direction is considered to be archeology and mineralogy, as well as ethnography and various types of art.

The complex did not receive its name immediately, but only after fifty years of existence. The name Otto Hermann was not chosen by chance: it was this famous Hungarian zoologist and ethnographer who made the main contribution to the development of these sciences not only in the country, but throughout the world. The museum is constantly developing, opening new exhibitions and departments, and at the turn of the last century and the present it received the honorary title of Museum of the Year.

Location: Görgey Artúr u. - 28.

The northeastern part of Hungary is mountainous and densely forested. Bükk is the name given to this place, which is part of the National Park (the name is derived from the beech tree, common in the local area).

The highest points of the massif do not exceed a kilometer, but despite this, they fascinate with their landscapes and views. What Bükk really boasts is the number of caves (about a thousand). Many of them are now tourist sites.

Bükki Ski Park

The mountainous terrain of Hungary opens up ample opportunities for developing a high-class ski resort. Bükki Park is rightfully considered the best in the whole country. Equipped with eight tracks of different levels, the park offers a lot of services to its visitors: a restaurant with European and local cuisine, equipment rental, lifts for athletes of all ages.