Fisherman's lunar calendar for December. Fishing calendar by month. Fishing for ide in July

Winter fishing fishing is fraught with danger, but this does not stop fishermen. Having heard a lot about the wonderful bite in the first ice, they rush to the reservoirs. When going fishing in December, you must always remember that the thickness of the ice in individual areas may vary! The fisherman's calendar for December 2017 advises to be especially careful when crossing from one bank to another. In the middle of the river, where it might be strong current, the ice is often very thin, and it is not always possible to notice this. Remember the safety rules, and the fisherman's calendar will tell you what kind of fish bites in December, where to fish in December, when to fish in December, how to fish and what gear to use.

Fishing in December

December is not a hopeless month for fishing, as it may seem to beginners. It is excellent to catch perch, ruffe, and burbot from the ice at this time; you can catch pike and pike perch. Let's share with novice fishermen useful information about the peculiarities of fishing in December. The angler's calendar for December 2017 will tell you about catching the most popular fish: how to catch pike in December, what are the features of catching perch in December, how best to catch pike perch and burbot in December.

Perch fishing in December

The angler's calendar for December notes that first ice is the most promising time for perch fishing in December. Perch fishing is carried out using spinners, balancers, jigs with bait - bloodworms, burdock moths, bakaplav, etc. or reelless jigs. Please note that in the first winter month, small perch settles near coastal vegetation, and large ones - on dumps. No matter how the perch is caught in December, it is necessary to immediately lower the bait to the same depth where the bite was, because the fish, standing in the hole, see off their fellows who were hooked while fishing.

Pike fishing in December

The angler's calendar suggests that pike fishing in December is especially good in the first three weeks, when the pike stays close to a school of fry. Therefore, it is better to catch pike in December in bays, in harbors where you have seen artificial or natural shelters in open water, near the places where streams or rivulets flow into the main body of water. The edges, with fairly sharp changes in bottom topography, are also a promising place for pike fishing in winter. The main methods of catching pike in December are jigging and vertical lures.

Fishing for pike perch in December

The fisherman's calendar for December notes that while the ice is still up, pike perch are caught in the pits with jigs. After freeze-up, fishing for pike perch in December is possible with bait or lures. The fisherman's calendar for December advises fishing for pike perch on the first ice. At this time, the oxygen balance is still optimal and the pike perch is quite active. In December, pike perch does not change its habits and prefers to hunt on changes in depth, edges and bumpy bottom. Fishing for pike perch in December can be done with various baits, these can be helicopters, vibrotails, twisters, balancers, spoons. Catching pike perch in December is successful with narrow spoons up to 9 cm.

Burbot fishing in December

The fisherman's calendar for December suggests that fishing for burbot in December is good due to the fact that on the eve of spawning the burbot becomes especially voracious. The burbot bite improves in December even in previously frozen bodies of water. Fishing for burbot in December, namely during the feeding season, will be successful if you fish in shallow areas where there are coastal dumps, pre-channel areas and the depth does not exceed 3 meters. As soon as the burbot begins to spawn, the bite practically stops; only small burbots that have not reached sexual maturity remain active.

Fishing for ide in December

In December, immediately after the freeze-up, fishing for ide can be exciting. The reason is the large amount of oxygen in the water. In winter, ide stay mainly in holes, coexisting there with bream and perch. In pits, the ide feeds on bottom invertebrates; in addition, it often goes to reaches and beaches, where it hunts for fry. Ide is caught in December either together with bream and roach using jigs and devils, or together with perch using small winter spinners predominantly yellow. The peak of ide biting activity in December occurs in the morning hours.

Roach fishing in December

The fisherman's calendar for December notes that roach become active literally a few days after the ice on the reservoir has completely formed. About two weeks after the freeze-up, the roach becomes much more passive, but you can catch roach throughout December. Due to its prevalence and relatively high activity, this fish is one of the most important objects of ice fishing - along with bream and perch. They catch roaches with bloodworms, as well as with reelless jigs, using the thinnest lines possible.

Fishing for silver bream in December

The fisherman's calendar for December records that the silver bream is quite active on the first ice. At this time she is caught - mainly with bloodworms. Usually, flocks of silver bream stay near deep holes: it is warmer there and there is more food. Towards the end of December, fish activity decreases to almost zero, and until the end of frost, fish are caught only sporadically. The composition of bait for catching silver bream can be varied, the main condition is that it contains at least one ingredient that forms turbidity, for example - breadcrumbs
How to catch bream, white bream, roach, silver bream, and blue bream in December
Bream and bream do not feed very actively in winter, but in December it is quite possible to catch them - both with jigs with bloodworms and with unattached artificial baits: devils and witches. On river sandy, slightly silted slopes, roaches, silver bream, and bluegill often peck on a bunch of dung worms in December. The fisherman's calendar for December notes that aromatic bait gives a good effect at this time. In December, large roach, bream and silver bream are caught well from the bottom using winter float rods. The angler's calendar for December advises fishing the slopes of deep holes, avoiding areas pure ice, where the fish can clearly see the angler.

What to fish for in December

Bloodworms and red dung worms are considered an excellent bait for fishing in December. Steamed wheat has proven to be a good bait; fish bite well on dough and bread in December.

Fishing with a small jig-shot with bloodworms is very interesting in December. This method allows you to search for fish in different places and at different depths. Fishing is done without a float, with hooking using an energetic push, which is transmitted to the angler’s hand through the fishing line and rod at the moment of the bite.

Pike and pike perch are caught using spinners and winter live bait fishing rods. On some reservoirs, perch is caught better with a spoon than with a jig, but on some not deep places, especially on a small spinner with a nozzle small fry. Since in December catching live bait becomes noticeably more difficult, and the need for it increases sharply, it is advisable to know well the places where small fish can be found. Small live bait in December is the main bait for catching pike and perch. In December you should look for live bait under willow bushes and near steep banks in the bottom layers of water.

Fishing calendar for December 2017

Fishing in December middle lane In Russia it is already carried out almost everywhere from the ice. year reminds that the best fish bite will occur during the freeze-up period. On the first ice you can get incredible biting impressions, the main thing is not to miss this short period and go fishing on the first ice. When preparing to go fishing, take note: Fisherman's calendar for December, to know, what fish bite in November And How. The fish bite and its intensity will tell you fishing calendar for december 2017. The rest is a matter of technique, but keep in mind that the fish bite in December can be influenced by various factors:

  • From the second half of December, fishermen discover that in some reservoirs the fish bite is active, while in others the fish bite weakens or stops in December. The bite subsides first of all in shallow and grassy closed reservoirs, where due to lack of oxygen the fish become lethargic and do not feed.
  • The best bite in December is in flowing lakes and rivers, however, even here there is a lull with a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure, north, north-west and north-east winds.

So, it suggests that you shouldn’t expect a rush, but in December the catch of burbot, perch, pike, silver bream, roach and some other fish can be quite good.

Biting calendar December 2017

what kind of fish bites in December How do fish bite in December?

fish bite in December from 1 to 15

fish bite in December from 16 to 31
Chub (adult)
Chub (growing)
Elets (adult)
Dace (growing)
Ruff (adult)
Ruff (growing)
Crucian carp (adult)
Crucian carp (growing)
Rudd (adult)
Rudd (growing)
Bream (adult)
Burbot (adult)
Burbot (growing)
Perch (adult)
Perch (growing)
Roach (adult)
Roach (growing)
Bleak (adult)
Bleak (growing)
Pike (adult)
Pike (growing)
Ide (adult)

Decoding the color markers of the fisherman's calendar for December 2017

Fisherman's lunar calendar for December 2017

The influence of the moon on fish biting definitely worth taking into account. It is believed that the bite gets worse during the full moon, so if you are going fishing, take into account the fisherman’s lunar calendar for December. Fisherman's lunar calendar for December 2017 will help prepare for fishing, however, with all due respect to the forecasts, do not forget that the influence of the Moon on the fish bite in each specific body of water may differ. Fisherman's lunar calendar for December can only warn, and your catch depends largely on your skill and luck.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Decoding the color markers of the lunar calendar for fish biting for December 2017

The fisherman's lunar calendar for December 2017 was built taking into account the following phases of the Moon:

  • December 03 full moon;
  • December 10 third quarter moon;
  • December 18 new moon;
  • December 26th first quarter.

Fish biting according to the lunar calendar for December 2017

  • Fisherman's lunar calendar for December 2017 predicts days of weak bite on: 1, 5-7, 16-18 and 19-21, 26-27 December on these days fishing will depend on preparation, experience and luck.
  • Stable fish bite in December expected 8-9, 13-15, December.
  • The lunar calendar for December recommends going fishing in fat days in December, which according to the forecast will fall on December 10-12 and December 22-25, do not miss a good moment for fishing.
  • Also, the fisherman’s lunar calendar for December 2017 suggests that there will be no fish biting from December 2 to December 4.

For beginner anglers Fishing calendar in December And fishing calendar for december 2017 will be a useful help in your favorite hobby. For those who are used to trusting only their knowledge, intuition and experience when fishing, we wish them neither tail nor scales!

Every fisherman from own experience knows that there are days when there is no fish biting at all, so don’t do it. And there are days when the bite is very good, one might say ZHOR. To determine such days, we bring to your attention a fish-biting calendar for 2016, based on changes in the lunar cycle.

In the life of every person, a favorite hobby occupies a special place. Fishing remains the most popular hobby among men today. Many representatives of the stronger half of humanity are ready to devote all their minutes of relaxation to their favorite business. The only thing you want to get from fishing is not only good rest outdoors, but also an excellent catch. So that you always have a good catch, we are publishing the fisherman’s lunar calendar for 2016. This calendar will help fishing enthusiasts and professional fishermen wisely distribute the time when they can get an excellent catch, as well as have a quality rest in nature.

Since ancient times, it has been noticed that the moon can especially influence people, animals and even plants. There are certain phases of the luminary when you just need to be alone and not encroach on nature with your hobby. And there are also periods when fishing can help you achieve emotional balance, plus provide great pleasure with river or lake gifts.

In ancient times, people paid special attention to the phases of the celestial body. Of course, they did not know what exactly influenced the life activity of each person so much, but they understood that in some phases the moon can have either a negative or a positive effect.

Since ancient times, people have spent a lot of time fishing, this activity has now become a hobby, but previously fishing fed the family. Therefore, a corresponding calendar was compiled, according to which people indicated when fishing would be successful and when it would not.

We recommend using this calendar, it will help you determine the best moments for your favorite activity. Scientists have long noticed that the night star, through its influence, is capable of regulating the life and activity of not only humans, but also animals and plants. For example, gardeners are given an appropriate lunar calendar for gardening work, according to which they can distribute their work in such a way as to subsequently obtain a magnificent and full-fledged harvest. The angler's lunar calendar for 2016 helps anglers determine the dates on which the hobby will bring a wonderful catch, and also determines the dates on which it is better not to visit the reservoir, because no catch is expected on these days.

Fisherman's calendar for September 2019

The fisherman's lunar calendar for the city of Moscow for September 2019 is a collection of the most important and necessary information for the fisherman about events, as well as the intricacies of the lunar cycle. It takes into account the dependence of the intensity of fish biting on the phase of the Moon. This calendar will become an advisor for you, and will help no matter who you are: a beginner or a professional fisherman. To achieve excellent success in fishing, be sure to take into account other factors - weather, luck, skill and fishing location that influence the activity of fish.

Quick transition by day September 2019
26 27 28 29 30 31
3 4 5 6 8
11 12 13 14
16 19 20 22
23 24 26 27 28 29
1 2 3 4 5 6

Fishing in September. Morning parties are getting stronger, frost is settling more often, and the water temperature continues to decline. The leaves turn yellow and leaves begin to fall. In some places, falling leaves cover the surface of the water in a dense layer. IN good weather Perches, roaches, breams, roaches like to stand under them (fish do not gather under a layer of fallen alder leaves). It is successfully caught with a float rod using a worm, a jig or a small spoon. Aquatic plants turn brown, partially curl up and sink to the bottom. Underwater thickets are thinning. The mollusks, crustaceans, and worms that inhabit them burrow into the silt. The fish go to deeper places. The water becomes even clearer.

The bite of bream and carp gradually worsens, and by the end of the month it stops completely. In warm weather, small bream and crucian carp continue to be caught on bloodworms and worms until the first ten days of the next month.

In lakes and ponds, roach with bloodworms, perch and small pike with fry are well caught; in rivers, at medium depths, mainly near bushes, asp are used for bleak. Hunting with bottom fishing rods for chub and ide and frogs continues (in the first half of the night and early morning hours). The chub also readily takes on minnows and chicken intestines. In the second half of the month, burbot begins to be found on the riffles. When fishing for bloodworms and maggots, they successfully fish for roach, bream, underwater, chub, roach and mainly dace. In the second ten days, autumn feeding of pike in deep places is observed. They catch it with a spinning rod, mugs, a track and float rods. Zander bites are rare. The best results are obtained by vertical trolling with winter lures in deep snags.

Quiet, cloudy days are most favorable for fishing. Light, drizzling rain does not affect the pike bite. Fishing for burbot is more effective on dark, stormy nights. In September it is especially interesting to fish with spinning rods, mugs and float rods for fry. When the weather is favorable, fishing for grasshoppers continues on the lakes. In small rivers, fishing with jigs near the banks is interesting. On the riffles at night there are chub bites for gudgeons (bottom fishing rods).

Fishing calendars for 2019:

The lunar fishing calendar for September 2019 presented below will be an excellent advisor for you. With its help you can easily determine the best moments for fishing.

Select type of selection Fisherman's lunar calendar for September 2019 for Moscow
bite rating
1 sun from 00:00
bad bite
1) The 2nd lunar day continues
from 07:56
good bite
1) Beginning of the 3rd lunar day
2 mon from 09:26
great bite
1) Beginning of the 4th lunar day
7 Sat from 15:58
good bite
1) Beginning of the 9th lunar day
9 mon from 17:37
weak bite
1) Beginning of the 11th lunar day
10 W from 18:10
bad bite
1) Beginning of the 12th lunar day
15 Sun from 19:42
weak bite
1) Beginning of the 17th lunar day
17 W from 20:10
great bite
1) Beginning of the 19th lunar day
18 Wed from 20:27
good bite
1) Beginning of the 20th lunar day
21 Sat from 21:48
weak bite
1) Beginning of the 23rd lunar day
25 Wed from 00:52
bad bite
1) Beginning of the 26th lunar day
30 mon from 08:22
good bite
1) Beginning of the 3rd lunar day
Fisherman's lunar calendar for other months

In August, the air temperature begins to slowly drop, as well as the blooming of water slows down. These processes together create quite good conditions for aquatic fauna, and especially predators. Fishing at the end of summer will be much busier if the weather is cool outside. Therefore, at the beginning of the month, while the weather is still hot, you need to monitor the weather forecasts and study the fisherman’s lunar calendar for August 2016.

In August, fish swim to the surface much more often, with the exception, of course, of bottom-dwelling species, and actively feed on insect larvae and other small fish. The fry grows up by the end of summer and predators sometimes fail to keep up with them, which is why a hungry pike perch can get a good bite. In August, the asp completely loses signs of caution and, flocking into huge flocks, begins a rapid hunt for any passing fish.

Fisherman's calendar for August 2016

The fisherman's lunar calendar at the end of summer foretells an excellent bite during the periods of August 7-11 and August 22-25. The month will begin with a new moon, which, combined with hot weather, will lead to a slowdown in the fish's metabolism. However, you can count on improvements in the bite before a thunderstorm or in cloudy weather.

The full moon will fall on August 18, and during this period it will be useful to use a larger bait and bait of large fractions in order to repel grown and active schools of fry.

When stabilizing weather conditions, the best time for fishing will be the days from August 22 to 27 - the moon will just enter its last quarter.

Fishing for various types of fish in August

In August, perch again begins to gather in large schools and hunt for fry. At the same time, the predator can often swim close to the shore and even swim in the heat upper layers pond or river. The same whitebait is perfect as bait for pike perch and pike perch when fishing on the track, especially in moderate currents and in lakes.

No one will be bored in August, as the cold weather leads to the beginning of a period of real hunger for the river giants. Fishing for catfish using quok becomes more active, especially in relief areas with bottom depressions. Looking for cool water, catfish often swim along bridges and other shaded areas, for example, steep banks.

The bream and bream will start to eat at the end of August. At this time, bottom fish settle down near the shore, where their fishing will be as convenient as possible with the help of feeder and bottom gear.

In the higher layers of reservoirs, after a long lull during the scorching sun, rudd, bleak and roach begin to revive, from small to large. It will be possible to weed out small individuals only with large volumetric hook baits. Excellent results can be achieved by using “sandwiches” from different baits simultaneously.

Of course, following the revived little fish, the pike will also wake up and begin ambushes in the reeds. It is better to catch predators using a spinning rod, along the coastal vegetation, using a wire.

But remember, before you go fishing, be sure to study the weather forecasts and the fisherman’s lunar calendar for August 2016. With this approach, successful fishing is guaranteed!