Karst blue lake. Blue lakes (Kabardino-Balkaria). Legends and secrets

Scientists have measured the deepest karst lake in Russia. The main discovery that scientists were able to make is that the depth of the unique natural monument is 21 meters greater than expected. However, according to researchers,this is clearly not the limitand the figure is far from final .

No one here has done such detailed research work that we have done before. For example, we discovered a niche going towards a mountain range that has yet to be explored,” said Nikolay Maksimovich, Deputy Director for Research, Natural Science Institute, Perm State National Research University.

Last fall, divers dived into the emerald blue depths (the color of the lake is due to the high content of hydrogen sulfide) about 400 times. During the visual inspection, they were able to discover three previously unknown caves. During a detailed inspection of one of them, the Marlin-350 underwater robot reached the lowest point. Thus, it was possible to prove that Tserik-Kel is another 21 meters deeper.

The fact is that the lake “lives”; the landscape of its bottom and side slopes is constantly changing. The depth that the robot showed this time is far from the final result. If research continues, it may increase further. I fully admit that Tserik-Kel will be officially recognized as the deepest karst lake in the world,” said the executive director of the Center for Underwater Research of the Russian Geographical Society Sergey Fokin.

In addition, RGS scientists were able to confirm the source of “food” of Tserik-Kel, into which not a single river flows. By creating a 3D model based on sonar, they found that water had been making its way out of the ground for many years.

Blue Lake (Tserik-Kel, Cherek-Kel)- a unique natural monument, the second deepest freshwater body of water in Russia after Lake Baikal. Located surrounded by mountains in the picturesque Cherek Gorge at an altitude of 809 m above sea level. Here are five of the seven 5,000-meter peaks in the Caucasus and the longest glacier in Europe. One of the oldest alpine camps in Russia, “Bezengi,” is also located here, where the legendary Soviet mountaineering originated.

One of the most interesting natural sites in Russia are the Blue Lakes (Kabardino-Balkaria), which are located among the highlands of the Cherek Gorge. They keep a lot of mysteries and unsolved secrets, attracting tens of thousands of tourists from different parts of the country and the world. This beautiful place is located 50 km from Nalchik in the delta of the Cherek-Balkarsky River and consists of five lakes.

Studying the blue lakes of the CBD on the map, you can see that they include 5 separate systems of reservoirs. They have the following names:

  • Upper (2 lakes).
  • Lower (Chirik-Kel or Cherek).
  • Dry.
  • Secret.

The largest body of water in the lower lake is Tserrikel, located at an altitude of 809 meters. In one day, the surface of the water turns 16 different shades (from azure to emerald). Color is determined by the time of day, weather conditions and sunlight intensity.

The water in the Lower Lake is crystal clear and transparent. In some places, the bottom is visible at a depth of 30-50 m. In clear weather, the reservoir becomes soft blue, which is due to the presence of large reserves of hydrogen sulfide at the bottom. Because of its characteristic hue, locals call Tserrikel “rotten lake.”

Scientists believe that a stable water level depends on powerful underground flows, because... Several reservoirs flow into the lake. At the same time, it gives rise to a small river, and the daily water flow reaches 70,000,000 liters.

There are no fish in Tserrikel, and the only inhabitant is the small crustacean Gammarus. Mountain trees grow in the surrounding area, such as:

  • Hornbeams.
  • Oak trees.
  • Different types of alder.
  • Rose hip.
  • Kalina.
  • Azalea.

The upper lakes include 2 large reservoirs - Western and Eastern, which are separated by a dam. The main sources of their saturation are groundwater and precipitation. The reservoirs are full of precious fish (grass carp, trout and others), and rare species of trees and shrubs grow on the banks.

As for the Dry Lake, the local population gives it the name Kel-Ketchekhen, which translates as “the lake has flowed away.” It is located in the east of the group and has the lowest water level due to seismic activity in the mountains. The secret lake is located at an altitude of 902 m above sea level, 200-300 meters from two reservoirs.

Main characteristics

The lower lake covers an area of ​​0.0216 km 2, and its depth varies from 200 to 386 m. There is no exact information.

Researchers continue to study the specifics of the bottom, relief and other features of the reservoir. They also claim that it resembles a cave with vertical steep walls. In wide places the depth can be 1 m, and in narrow places it can drop to 40 m.

The basin of the Dry Lake in Kabardino-Balkaria is a large depression with vertical walls of 177 m each. In the deepest places there is a small reservoir with depths of up to 5 m. The reservoirs from the upper group are shallow - up to 18 m, with gentle banks. The depth of the secret lake is 21 m.

Tourists appreciate the Blue Lakes because of their pristine nature, clean air and water. At the same time, the region has a well-developed infrastructure, there are comfortable tourist centers and hotels.

The purest water

A reservoir with magical blue water is located in the mysterious Chereksky Ugly, which is located in the district of the same name - Chereksky. By the way, it is the largest in area in Kabardino-Balkaria, but has a small population. This feature is associated with the mountainous terrain that covers most of the region.

In addition to the Blue Lakes, in the vicinity there are 5 of the 7 peaks of the Caucasus, more than 5,000 meters above sea level. There is also the longest glacier in the Old World and the oldest mountaineering camp “Bezengi”, which became a training base for Soviet climbers.

The water in the lake is so clean that even in cloudy weather you can see the bottom at a depth of 20-50 meters. The exact depth of the mine is still unknown.

History of the study

Despite the development of modern technologies, the Blue Lakes continue to remain one of the most mysterious and little-studied natural objects. When visiting Kabardino-Balkaria, researchers tried to unravel all the secrets of these reservoirs, so expeditions were carried out for many decades. Among the most famous are the following:

  1. The first study of the group of lakes was carried out by the Russian glaciologist Nikolai Yakovlevich Dinnik at the end of the 19th century. It was he who published the article entitled “Trip to Balkaria in 1887-1890.”
  2. The reservoirs were also explored by I. S. Shchukin, and then by the Soviet geologist I. G. Kuznetsov in 1926-1927. For his numerous works, he received a silver medal from the Russian Geographical Society.
  3. In 1980, an expedition was organized by the Institute of Geography named after Vashukhti Bagrationi under the leadership of G. Gigeineshvili.

Legends and secrets

There are many legends, myths and folk tales about the Blue Lakes. The most famous one says that in ancient times the brave hero Batraz lived nearby. In the battle with the mighty dragon, he won, after which the fabulous beast fell to the ground, and a hole formed under him.

The second tale tells about a sweet princess who fell in love with a commoner shepherd. However, her noble neighbor, the prince, liked her, and he decided to kill the young man by throwing him off a cliff. Having learned about the grief, the girl also jumped into the abyss, and her tears began to fill a bottomless well. This is how the lake was formed.

The Wikipedia description of the lake mentions a more modern story with a happy ending. It happened in 2003. A young guy who is fond of diving found a mysterious find at the bottom. It was a bunch of cheap locks and several keys tied together. The items looked like new, with no discoloration or signs of corrosion, indicating that they had recently been in the water. In the holes of each castle there was a piece of paper. These were pieces of one photograph. When they were put together, they saw a photograph of a young guy and an inscription in Arabic.

The diver reported the find to a resident of a local village, and he took the information seriously. He recognized in the photograph a neighbor's young man who had recently gone to town and gotten married. But after the wedding, various troubles began to haunt him. It soon became known that a terrible curse was placed on the guy with the help of these locks.

Residents of the surrounding villages claim that many people or objects drowned in some places and then burst into flames in others. So, they say that in the depths of the lakes there is:

  • Cavalry of Alexander the Great with precious jewelry.
  • Many military vehicles from different countries and peoples.
  • Bronze statue of Joseph Stalin.
  • Lots of modern cars.

Attractions nearby

Chereksky district in the Balkar region is famous for many interesting sights and tourist routes. They are rich in rare artifacts, ancient monuments and mysterious places that will take your breath away. Among the most interesting are the following:

  1. Ushtulu. It is a gorge and a valley of the same name, located 25 km from Upper Balkaria. The area is 30,000 m2 with incredible mountain scenery, many trees, shrubs and flowers, as well as small streams and rivulets that flow from steep cliffs. In Soviet times, the All-Union tourist route No. 87 functioned here towards the sea coast.
  2. The Suksanskaya Gorge is a high-mountain valley with the Sukan-Su River at the bottom. The canyon is characterized by a magical landscape with pristine nature. In the 17th century there was a road from Russia to Georgia.
  3. Lake Giybashkol. It is considered one of the key treasures of the gorge with its azure color and clear water.
  4. Amiranovs' watchtower. It is located on a giant boulder and has a height of 10 m. It is a landmark for travelers who go to the Rtsyvashki gorge.

Cherek Gorge

The road from the Blue Lakes is directed towards the Cherek Gorge. The surrounding area is very cozy and fresh. Even the bright summer sun does not burn the vegetation, so it remains green all season. Picturesque landscapes attract many tourists and leave unforgettable emotions in their hearts. In the narrow gorge you feel a pleasant coolness, and among the high steep walls of the rocks a strong wind blows, so you need to take care of warm clothes when hiking.

The path to the gorge heads up steep slopes. By bus you can only get to a small green clearing, and then you have to walk 5-6 kilometers.

In some places of the gorge the walls are almost vertical, and their height reaches 500 meters. In the middle of the height there is a road where tractors and cars drive. It leads into a wide, sun-warmed valley with poor vegetation, but deep streams and lush grass.

At a distance of 8-9 kilometers from the tunnel in a bowl-like mountain valley there is the village of Upper Balkaria. It houses stylish homes with a modern layout and original style.

At the end of the gorge there is a glacier of Mount Gulchi, which has a height of 4471 meters above sea level. It is this object that attracts climbers and fans of mountain tourism. But during the icing period it is dangerous to be here because of the likelihood of avalanches.

The Rtsyvashka valley is home to bears, aurochs, quails and partridges. To get to it, you will need to wade through scree and a fast river.

Ways to visit

There are many ways and routes that allow you to travel to the Blue Lakes in winter (CBD), summer or autumn. When going to the reservoirs from Nalchik, you need to go to the village of Babugent, but a couple of kilometers from the village take a left turn with a sign “to the Cherek Gorge”. Scheduled excursions from Pyatigorsk, Nalchik and other cities are also carried here.

From Nalchik there are buses No. 2 (three times a day) or taxis. There is also a minibus “Nalchik – Babugent”, which runs hourly from 8 am. From the village to your destination you will need to walk another 5 km. The key road is the federal highway R-217-Kavkaz, along which you can get to the village of Urvan and then turn right. If you travel by personal transport from Nalchik, you will have to spend 5-7 liters of fuel.

Types of recreation

The list of hotels and outbuildings near the Blue Lakes is quite extensive. The most popular is the complex of the same name “Blue Lakes” in the village of Babugent. This park hotel has a good cafe with breakfast for 150 rubles, lunch and dinner for 250 rubles. All meals are paid separately. There is well-equipped parking for vehicles on the street. Tourists also have access to a 24-hour swimming pool, golf and billiards. There is a diving club and a conference room for 40 people.

Various meetings, conferences and seminars are held here. Local guides organize educational walking tours and trips on ATVs, off-road vehicles or other extreme types of transport.

The next interesting place where you can stay on the Blue Lakes is the large Dolinsk sanatorium. It is located in the resort area near the Atazhukinsky Garden park. Among the amenities are:

  1. 2 beds.
  2. Nightstands.
  3. Individual shower and toilet.
  4. Closet.

When going to the Blue Lakes, you can stay in comfortable hotels. This could be the Jamilya Hotel, located in Nalchik. The cozy rooms have a refrigerator, hairdryer, wireless Internet and other amenities.

Tourists also stay at the Korona Hotel, which is located on Balkarova Street, 6. The Rossiya Hotel is located in the central part of Nalchik. Nearby there is a fruit and vegetable market, cafes, shops and a musical theater.

They have a number of unique features and unusual properties, and beautiful legends about their origin remain forever in the memory of those who are lucky enough to visit these places in person.

Each lake in Kabardino-Balkaria has a story to tell, since none of them is like the others.

Blue lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria

The most famous outside the republic are the Blue Lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria (clarification takes place, since this topographical term is very popular in the Russian Federation). This is a group of five beautiful karst reservoirs with incredibly clear water, which stand out among the other lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria with a number of unique features.

Some distinctive features of these water formations still remain a mystery to researchers. For example, from what underground sources are they filled? And why do the Blue Lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria not freeze even in winter, maintaining a stable water temperature of 9°C?

There are five such lakes in total: two Upper, Lower, Secret and Sukhoe. They are located in the Cherek Gorge with varying degrees of accessibility, but you can visit them all if you wish. A brief description will help you learn about the characteristic features of the Blue Lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Another name for the Upper Blue Lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria is Western and Eastern. Also, due to the peculiarities of their structure, they were called interconnected: with the presence of a connecting dam, the waters of the Eastern Lake feed the Western Lake. Also, the Upper Lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria, unlike others, are rich in fish.

The largest, most famous and mysterious, as well as the deepest lake in Kabardino-Balkaria is Nizhneye, also known as Tserik-Kel (called the “rotten lake” due to the saturation of its waters with hydrogen sulfide). Despite repeated attempts by scientists to find out the depth of the Lower Blue Lake in Kabardino-Balkaria, this mystery is still not solved and there are only assumptions reaching up to 385 meters. Even the famous Jacques Yves Cousteau dived into the waters of Lake Tserik-Kel in Kabardino-Balkaria, but he also failed to find out the truth. This gave rise to calling Tserik-Kel a “bottomless lake” in Kabardino-Balkaria.

The secret lake has a telling name, as it is not easy to find and see. The lake is located in a karst sinkhole hidden by beeches, so only particularly attentive tourists will be able to admire its waters.

Finally, Dry Lake, which once almost completely “escaped” from the karst sinkhole that it used to fill. This happened as a result of seismic activity, which is not uncommon in the regions in which the mountain lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria are located. This lake is considered the most inaccessible, since you cannot get close to it without climbing equipment.

Those wishing to visit the Blue Lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria will have an easy and short journey from Nalchik, as well as a well-established tourism sector right on the shores of spectacular reservoirs. In particular, the Blue Lake Hotel offers its services of national hospitality with the soul of Kabardino-Balkaria.


Named after the nearest settlement, the Upper and Lower Shadhurei lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria are known as places of special energy and amazing beauty. The original name has the meaning “round whirlpool”, which is completely true: along with Tserek-Kel, Upper Shadhurey is the second deepest lake in Kabardino-Balkaria, the exact depth of which is also unknown, but according to the assumptions of local residents it reaches more than three hundred meters.


The lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria are organically complemented by Tambukan - a real treasury of aesthetic and health pleasure, characterized by its impressive size and venerable age. The abundance of medicinal mud, actively used in local medicine, owes its origin to the vital activity of many microorganisms.

Bylym Lake

Lake Bylym in Kabardino-Balkaria differs from the vast majority in its artificial origin. Formed as a result of the construction of a dam, it served for some time as a storage facility for waste from the mining complex. To date, the enterprise has ceased its activities, but the waters of the lake are still full of harmful elements such as tungsten and molybdenum. However, this factor does not diminish the dizzying beauty of the reservoir, which attracts entire tourist groups to its shores.

The location of the lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria in places where there are practically no permanent settlements contributed to their preservation in their original form and made them a truly vivid experience in the life of every tourist. Definitely, these pristine bodies of water, full of unsolved mysteries, are worth admiring.

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Mountain lakes are the most important attractions of Kabardino-Balkaria. The most famous of them are the karst Blue Lakes. There are five of them in total.

This is a natural monument of the republic, a recreational area, a tourist attraction that is a must see.

Bottomless Lower Blue Lake

First of all, we looked at the most visited and most beautiful Lower Blue Lake. The deepest lake in the North Caucasus, which is not accidentally called bottomless...

Small, the water surface is about two hectares. But the depth is amazing - 279 meters! Although no one knows for sure, these are approximate indicators based on instruments.

Locals call this lake Bottomless - Chirik-Kol. A real artesian well. The third deepest lake in Russia. But there are chances to become the second, and maybe the first...

The lower lake is not always blue. It changes its color depending on the weather. It can be blue, or maybe blue, turquoise, azure, green, blue-gray and even gray. We saw it silver, the color of mercury. The cold winter sky was simply reflected in the mirror of the water.

A mysterious, incredibly beautiful and frightening body of water... Many of the lake’s secrets have not yet been solved, although the lake has been studied for centuries. But it does not want to reveal its secrets to people.

Legends and secrets of the Lower Blue Lake

Previously, Balkars believed that the lake had no bottom. That’s why they called it the Bottomless Lake – Chirik-Kol.

Researchers have a version that the lake really has no bottom. And the bottom that the robots saw is, in fact, not the bottom at all. Just a bend, or more precisely, a bend in the bottom, under which an unknown depth is hidden...

It is also called Rotten or Stinking Lake. Such an unromantic name because it smells slightly of hydrogen sulfide.

The legend about the lake says that a fearless warrior, Bataraz, lived in these parts, who defeated a dragon that brought a lot of trouble to people. The dragon fell and created a hole in the ground, which was soon filled with the dragon's tears. So the monster lies at the bottom of the lake, spreading the smell of hydrogen sulfide and filling the lake with tears...

According to another legend, a flock of sheep belonging to the god of cattle breeders Aimush drowned in the lake. The herd was countless, covering all the surrounding mountains. But one day the leader, a golden-horned ram, jumped into the Bottomless Lake. And the whole herd disappeared after him into the depths...

These are legends. And there are real mysteries of the lake. No fish live in it. Only tiny gammarus crustaceans. But in the Upper Blue Lakes there are fish - trout, carp... Why don’t fish live in the Lower Lakes?

One of the main mysteries of the Lower Blue Lake is where the reservoir, located 809 meters above sea level, is replenished from.

No rivers or streams flow into the lake. At the same time, a river flows with a daily volume of more than 77 thousand cubic meters of water.

Our children on the Lower Blue Lake

It is believed that there are underground springs in the lake. Or that it is even connected by underwater tunnels to the Upper Blue Lakes.

The respectful attitude of local residents towards Bottomless Lake is striking, as they never swim in the reservoir. Yes, the water is icy. But I saw mountain children swimming in icy mountain rivers.

They say there are whirlpools in the lake. Where are they here from?

Be that as it may, locals do not swim in Lower Blue Lake. They don’t even dare to wet their feet. What is this? Sacred fear of a sacred place? Or knowledge and understanding of some other things inaccessible to researchers of secrets?

Diving on the Lower Blue Lake

There are brave souls who violate the sanctity of the lake. Of course, these are not residents of the surrounding villages, but visiting divers.