Izmailovo ponds. How to get to Lebedyansky Pond in Ivanovsky by bus, metro, minibus or train The discussion went smoothly

Lebedyansky Pond is planned to be renovated

Lebedyansky Pond and the Ivanovskoye wastewater treatment plant will be overhauled. In the Ivanovskoye district, public discussions took place in the form of hearings on this project. The event took place in library No. 100 of the Central Library of the Eastern Administrative District (Sayanskaya Street, building 7a). The customer of the project is the Department of Housing, Communal Services and Improvement.

In accordance with the established rules, Cascade-Energo LLC notified everyone in advance about the holding of public discussions (in the form of hearings) on the materials of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) as part of the project “Major repairs of the Lebedyansky pond and the Ivanovskoye wastewater treatment plant.” That is, the same work is assigned for the sedimentation tanks that collect storm runoff from the Ivanovskoye district, and the pond, which is inhabited, among other things, by fauna representatives listed in the Red Book of Moscow. Let us emphasize that Lebedyansky Pond is an inhabited body of water on natural shores.

Materials for familiarization and a questionnaire form to study the opinions of the interested public were presented at the exhibition starting on November 14. In addition, information materials and the questionnaire form were posted on official websites councils Ivanovskoe district and prefectures VAO.

The discussions were attended by the head of the Ivanovskoye district council Natalya Golovanova, the head of the Ivanovskoye municipal district Ivan Gromov, the deputy of the Moscow City Duma Alexander Smetanov, representatives of the company, and the public. Let us note once again that residents of the area and public organizations were given the opportunity in advance to express their opinion regarding the content of the EIA by filling out questionnaires. They will also contact the developers of the design documentation with comments and suggestions on the substance of the materials being developed. Cascade-Energo LLC will continue to accept comments and proposals for 30 days after public discussions.

Some took advantage of the opportunity presented, others wished to speak directly during the discussion. We must pay tribute to the head of the district government, Natalya Golovanova, who gave everyone present the opportunity to speak. By the way, quite a lot of people gathered, there were townspeople from other districts of the Eastern Administrative District - Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Izmailov. Various questions and suggestions followed. For example, someone was interested in where the ducks would live during the work, and how many centimeters of silt would be removed.

The discussion went smoothly

It must be assumed that the interest in silt is not accidental. It is known that silt serves as a breeding ground for invertebrates, which feed fish, and waterfowl, in turn, feed on fish. Without silt, the pond will become uninhabitable for many years. There is also a problem with how to fill the Lebedyansky pond after repairs. The water in Serebryanka and at the exit from the Ivanovo settling tanks - even after their purification - will not reach the required condition. There is a Black Stream nearby, the purity of its water is very good. But the analysis was taken once (monitoring is very expensive), and the stream flows under the Enthusiasts Highway. The project proposes to connect the Black Stream and Lebedyansky Pond with an overflow pipe with the possibility of blocking it. This would improve water exchange in the pond - but there is also a risk of pollution from petroleum products from the highway.

One of the residents suggested collecting all the dead wood in the Terletsky Forest Park and taking it to Dagestan, where there are allegedly interruptions in heating. And although this had nothing to do with the given topic, the head of the council tried to give the necessary clarifications. Presumably, the applicant was satisfied with the information that transportation would be required for removal, and this would be expensive.

Overall, the event was quite calm. Concerned residents of the area have long been in favor of putting this area in order. Therefore, the message about the renovation of two playgrounds - a children's playground and a sports playground, the installation of wastewater treatment facilities, etc. - was received quite positively. Naturally, there are some concerns about the quality of work. The overhaul of the Terletsky ponds, which was so vigorously “punched out” by the then head of the Ivanovskoye district administration, and now the prefect of the Eastern Administrative District, Vsevolod Timofeev, with the support of the former Moscow City Duma deputy Vera Stepanenko, is still fresh in my memory.

Work on the reconstruction of the water system of the Terletskaya Dubrava park began in 2001 on ponds No. 1 and No. 2 and was completed on time. However, as a result of this repair, both ponds were enclosed in concrete bowls, which by today have already begun to collapse. Now lawns have appeared along the banks, but according to environmentalists, many species of birds have disappeared. But as part of the improvement, they installed benches, gazebos, made platforms, a stage and a cafe, however, they forgot about toilets, the role of which is played by bushes (; ). Is it really impossible once again not to step on the same rake, but to carry out landscaping in such a way that it would be good for everyone: both people and the last inhabitants of Moscow’s reservoirs?

Natalia Shvets

Photos - open sources


The ponds in the area of ​​the current Izmailovsky Park have been known since the end of the 17th century. The formation of ponds is associated with the creation of a system of hydraulic structures on the Serebryanka River, which was dammed in many places. As a result, a chain of ponds was formed: Vinogradny, Serebryany, Izmailovsky, Olnyany, Krasny, Prosyansky, Lebedyansky, Ivanovsky.

Initially the number of ponds was quite large. Only for fish breeding in the royal residence of Izmailovo during the times of Alexei Mikhailovich and Fyodor Alekseevich, about 37 ponds were dug by “working people” and soldiers (according to other sources - about 20). In addition, there was a “water ring”, which was fed by the Serebryanka River and surrounded the island of the Sovereign’s Court, and ponds for special purposes. For example, Leech, in which leeches were bred for medicinal purposes, Steklyanny, where water was used for the needs of the glass factory, Zverinetsky, from which water was taken for the Izmailovo menagerie, Prosyansky, located near the Prosyansky garden, where field crops were bred, including millet and other. At the Izmailovo estate, experiments were carried out on growing rare plants(grapes, watermelons, etc.), water for irrigation was taken from dug ponds. Young Peter I sailed through a system of ponds on a boat discovered in Izmailovo.

Not all of these ponds have survived to this day. Some of them are now replaced by swamps and damp meadows. Now in the Serebryanka basin there is a cascade of Izmailovsky and Terletsky ponds.

The question of the composition of Izmailovsky ponds

As a rule, 13 ponds are classified as Izmailovsky with total area 42.2 hectares. Yu. Nasimovich classifies 14 ponds as Izmailovsky ponds, and excluding Terletsky ponds - 9.


Serebryano-Vinogradny Pond

Serebryano-Vinogradny Pond is located in the floodplain of the Serebryanka River in the area of ​​Pervomaiskaya Street), near the Partizanskaya metro station (formerly Izmailovsky Park"). It was built in the 17th century on the territory of the country estate of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and is one of the oldest ponds in Moscow. In the 17th century the pond was called Serebryany or Serebryansky.

The area of ​​the pond is 17.5 hectares. Average depth 2.5 m, sandy bottom, flat.

Lebedyansky Pond

Previously called Lebedevsky Pond. This name was given to the pond because in the 17th century swans were kept on it. The pond is located in the valley of the Serebryanka River.

The area of ​​the pond is 16 hectares. It is considered the largest in the Izmailovsky Ponds cascade. The average depth is 2-3 m. Power comes from ground and surface water, as well as from the water supply. Currently used as a vacation spot.

Round Pond

Located in the western part of Izmailovsky Park. Previously called Sofronovsky. The banks of the pond are concreted. There is an island in the center of the pond. There is a boat station on the pond that is actively used. In 2005, mallards and goldeneyes with their offspring were recorded on the pond.

Deer Pond

It received its name due to its proximity to the red (royal) courtyard.

The banks of the pond are natural. Actively used for

There are days when there is no time to go out of town for fishing. In this case, you can fish within the boundaries of Moscow. Moreover, not to no avail. Leonid Ovechkin talks about the reservoirs of the Izmailovsky Forest Park.

The territory of the Izmailovsky Forest Park is a specially protected natural area. The park's hydraulic system is represented by the Serebryanka River and a cascade of ponds.

Serebryanka River
Winding through the park and collecting water from numerous streams, Serebryanka goes underground not far from the Izmailovskaya metro station. In winter, it practically does not freeze; only in the most severe frost can it become slightly covered with ice, and then only for a short time.

There are several pedestrian bridges and one bridge for vehicle traffic across Serebryanka. The good thing about the river is that you can test various baits on it at any time: Serebryanka is shallow, and all the work of the bait is visible to the naked eye.

Lebedyansky Pond
Lebedyansky Pond is the most big pond forest park. The banks are natural. Above the pond you can see circling seagulls, which suddenly descend to the water, grabbing the fry. There are many vacationers and swimmers. There are also plenty of fishermen, many of whom come on bicycles.

They catch large crucian carp on a donka or quivertip far from the shore. A fly fishing rod catches smaller crucian carp in the coastal zone. There are many fishing enthusiasts summer jig with a side nod. The catches can be quite significant. They also catch by wading. Along with crucian carp you come across a good rotan.

In winter, bloodworms are washed on the pond; in summer, fry are successfully caught using a lift.

Red Pond

Obviously, the Red Pond got its name for its unique beauty. The pond is quite large in size. The part of the coast, which is illuminated by the sun in the morning, was chosen by athletes. Anglers find spots throughout the pond, but mostly target the dam. The catches are dominated by crucian carp and rotan.
Decorative ponds

There are three such ponds. Two very picturesque ponds are located on both sides of the asphalt road - the dam. Mostly crucian carp is caught here, but rotan and perch are also found. The third decorative pond is connected to these two streams. Located in an overgrown part of the park. Small in size, it is dammed. Due to the fact that it is “hidden” in the wooded part of the park, it is rarely visited.

Deer Pond
The round-shaped deer pond is located in a forested area closer to the main avenue with naturally high, open banks. It is connected by a half-overgrown channel to one of the decorative ponds. By the end of summer, the pond becomes shallow and almost dries up.

Serebryano-Vinogradny Pond

The Serebryanka River, diving under the metro line, overflows into the Serebryano-Vinogradny Pond, which borders the island on which the town named after. Bauman. The operating Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary rises on the island. Most of the shore is dressed in concrete. On one side of the island there is a view of the Izmailovskoye Compound with wooden churches and the pavilions of the Cherkizovsky market, on the other hand, a shady, cozy corner of the pond with natural banks, overgrown with large silver willows. The water in the pond is yellowish and cloudy. Crucian carp is being caught. There are two boat stations. Early in the morning you can still fish in the silence of the city, and on weekends music blares all day long...

Round Pond

Geographically, the pond is located in the Izmailovsky Park of Culture and Recreation in its most visited part. Has concrete banks. There is a wooded island in the center of the pond. The boat station is open. Despite the crowd of vacationers, there are many fishermen. The water in the pond is clean, but in some places there is a lot of aquatic vegetation at the bottom. Crucian carp are caught well, so no one is left without a catch.

Terletsky Ponds

Terletsky ponds, and there are four of them, are located on the territory of the Terletsky Forest Park - a specially protected natural area. The water in the ponds is clean, vegetation is visible at the bottom. Crucian carp and rotan are being caught, and small perch have recently been released.

Babaevsky Pond

Babaevsky pond is located in the south of the Yauzsky forestry and is part of natural complex national park « Losiny Island" It was formed on the site of a former quarry and is used as a vacation spot. The pond is fed by springs and a stream. In 2004, work was carried out to restore the water body here: the main goal was to rehabilitate the ecosystem, create favorable conditions for plants and fish, and improve the recreation area.

The coastal slopes are reinforced with the help of special materials that perform the function of drainage, and are sown with a specially selected mixture of perennial grasses.

The bottom of the reservoir has been cleared of silt deposits and deepened. The pond is inhabited by fish: roach, crucian carp, perch. Spawning grounds are located in the southern part of the pond. Houses and floating rafts for waterfowl have been installed. The coastal zone is populated by microorganisms: crustaceans, mollusks, which help purify the water.