Interesting features of Thailand. What will surprise you in Thailand? Thais don't know how to drive... cars

I’ll try to tell you about what surprised me in the life of Thais, which is not at all what many of us think it is!

For example, I can tell you why Thais with narrow eyes live in Thailand, and not Russians, for example.

Here are some unusual things from the life of an ordinary Thai:

It is not customary for Thais to call anyone by name, but why is that? It’s simple, if you call a Thai by his real name (and you are not his friend at all), then all the spirits protecting him immediately lose their power, like this. Therefore, in the passport of a Thai, it will also not be his real name (and that of a Cambodian), but the nickname by which he wants to be called, well, let’s say, like our guide to Angkor Wat - Mr. Bunny, that is, rabbit. And all Thais are called approximately the same, let’s say Piglet. Moreover, this could be the name of some minister. And if a Thai suddenly decides that something has gone wrong in his life, he can easily change this nickname to any other. By the way, they are very fond of all sorts of European sonorous names (for nicknames), let’s say the Thai guide, Sarah, followed the message with us. Even cities in Thailand have nicknames, most people know her, for the same reason mentioned above. That is, Bangkok is a nickname, it is not Bangkok at all, but a city made of a long word, which a Thai will say in a chant for about 10 minutes.

The Thai day is not divided into 24 hours at all, but is divided into several parts that are completely incomprehensible to Europeans, well, something like until the midday sun and so on.

Many people think that the usual food of Thais is this, and they crack it on both cheeks and their ears turn up -

This is of course not true, all these cockroaches, larvae and other living creatures are food for crazy tourists who think that the Thais eat this.
And this is what the Thais eat - True, in remote cities they can also eat frogs, for example (I ate on Samet, where they are simply sold live in fagots at a regular market).

Thais, by the way, for the most part, do not know how to cook at all, well, absolutely, they won’t even fry eggs, and I’ll tell you why. In Thailand, apartments have no kitchen at all, they don’t have a corner, no stove, no kettle of any kind. This is their standard of housing. And all Thais eat only in eateries, restaurants, cafes, of which there are countless numbers in Thailand.

The Thais have a cult of white skin, even deodorant bought in any store will have a whitening effect in Thailand. Thai women go to beauty salons specifically for whitening and spend a lot of money on it. And if you tell a Thai that you went to a spa, for example, and specifically sunbathed there under the lamps, then they will take you for an abnormal person, it’s a fact.

The average Thai has 3 cars per family, does not clean the apartment, does not cook food at all, and his earnings are approximately 90-100 thousand on average. So all Thais spend their money mainly on hobbies.

You will probably ask, who then cleans the streets for them, serves them, irons their clothes and cleans their apartments. Yes, these are the same emigrants who are in neighboring countries there are a dime a dozen, and they are simply bursting into Tai, this beautiful country. On the borders of all poor countries, if you go, you will probably see their huge settlements in small houses. Well, the resort towns are all entirely populated by emigrants.

About massage, the massage that we call Thai is actually not Thai at all. He came from India, and to India from the same Aryans. All elements of this massage originate from pictures carved on stone and stored in a Bangkok temple. This is the same temple where the reclining Buddha is located. This massage itself is essentially lymphatic drainage, and if it is done to you and you do not feel pain, then you should know that this is bullshit, not a massage. It must hurt! This is not kneading the muscles, but washing out dirty lymph from the body. By pinching the joints in certain positions, the masseuse creates lymph pressure (like a dam), and by releasing it, this lymph washes away the turbidity that has stagnated in the lymph system. You need to do at least 8 such sessions, otherwise there will be little use. But the effect of the massage will not be immediate; you will soon feel it even at home, in the form of good health, vigor in the morning, and overall increased vitality.

Beautiful, is not it?!!!

-And this is what this puddle looks like next to me! It is the reflection in this puddle that is the most famous photo Angkor!

About a strong Thai family. Their families are really strong, but their strength is unique. For example, you are Thai, and you have been living with your wife for, well, let’s say a year, you have already cooled off towards her a little, so it will be quite normal when your wife comes to you and says, “I see, hubby, that your feelings for me are not so bright, I think it’s time for you to go see my friend, she’s a good woman, kind and beautiful, you’ll get along,” and the husband is quite legally friends with his wife’s friend for some time, so to speak, everyone is happy, the relationship is getting better.

I’ll also talk about transvestites, of which, as many people think, there are so many in Thailand that it’s easier to meet a transvestite than a pretty girl. All this is complete heresy, there really are a lot of trances there, this is again because of Buddhism, people are simply more tolerant of them and on the day of the Airborne Forces no one would have beaten anyone there. Many of them came from India and other countries. These people are not poor at all, because... An operation that turns a boy into a girl costs at least 100 thousand dollars. In most cities in Thailand, there are either no trannies or they are not visible at all, this is only the property of Pattaya, Phuket... other resorts and a little of Bangkok. Strange as it may seem, the percentage of gay people among Thais is no more than among Russians - this is a fact. All other manifestations are the property of peace-loving Buddhism.

What is the Thai erotic show (the so-called Go-go) and where did it come from? Well, everything is simple here, genetically Thai women have problems with the thighs being guests during childbirth, they are, let’s say, narrow and the baby does not come out well. So in some remote village they came up with a massage that strengthens the walls of the female vulva. now this wonderful massage has turned into no less wonderful shooting with darts by these trained people, in general, they don’t do this, but the same village women of Tai do it, so you are unlikely to meet beauties at Go-Go.

About the Thai traffic police! Their traffic police can stop a violator no more than once a day and the fine is a real penny, let’s say 100 baht. 80 percent of Thais have no rights at all. That is, if you are riding a bike without a helmet, you go to the traffic police, pay 100 baht for it and leave from there at a speed of 200 km/h, violating all speed limits - they no longer have the right to stop you! - THIS is a fact without fiction.

The most important thing...tourism in Thailand is almost the last line in the country's income. And Tai is not a poor state. Tai is 3rd in the production of high-quality cars in Asia, after Japan and Korea (And they are high-quality because they are the Toyota brand and not only, they are locally developed, they also sell a lot of engines for well-known automakers in other countries), 1st for the production of hard drives, and produces a lot of other electronics; it produces so many products that there is enough for all of Asia. But the wires on the street are only at the behest of the people. They had a referendum, in which the king asked, “Either you have beauty without wires, or wires and other taxes will not be added, they chose the second, so wires!!

Top 10 most amazing facts about Thailand. Thailand is an extraordinary country with its own unique characteristics, traditions and signs. Let's get to know TOP 10 facts about Thailand, which distinguish it from other countries.

1. Every nation since ancient times has the most distinguishing feature- National language. There are approximately six thousand languages ​​around the world. AND Thai language managed to stand out even with such diversity. What's so special about it? Thai has the largest number of unused letters. A total of 76 letters are not used. According to this parameter, the Thai language is the leader among all currently used languages ​​of the world. Extinct languages ​​were not taken into account in the ranking, and if they were, the palm would have belonged to the Khmer language. This feature Thai language paved the way for him to enter the Guinness Book of Records.

The Thai language has several more features. Spaces are only placed between sentences, not between words.. But due to the fact that most of Thai words are monosyllabic, this does not cause any inconvenience. There are also very interesting differences in the writing of consonants and vowels: consonants are written horizontally from left to right, and vowels are written below, above, to the right and left of the consonant.

2. Sunny Thailand is included in the Guinness Book of Records not only because of the unusual language, the capital of hot Thailand - Bangkok, whose full name is Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit, is no less remarkable. Now, I think it’s clear why Bangkok is included in such an important rating. You are absolutely right - for its unusually long name, the longest name of a city in the world. And this record-breakingly long name is not just a random collection of words.

All of the above is not all interesting features hot Thailand. He still has something to surprise you with.

There are probably people who, just like that, for no reason at all, can fall off a plane to Thailand for permanent residence. Here, as they say, either self-confidence is off the charts, or indifference.

Most of us, sensible people, before making a decision to change location, first come to Thailand on vacation and conduct online reconnaissance. If one trip is more exciting than another, and there is peace and grace in your soul, then the thought comes to settle in this warm place for a longer time.

Look, touch, try - this is the only way to move. Are the plumbing and household appliances fixed, is there Internet access, are there termites in the house (ants escape after special treatment, termites never). Look at the condition of the pool and the surrounding area, whether there is a construction site nearby - evaluate these and other points and try them on for yourself. Arranges?

Make a deposit and live healthy. Advice - immediately go with a realtor to the office of the management company. Meet the employees, usually one or two people, and write down the office's mobile number. Just in case. The faucet is leaking, the sink is clogged, the refrigerator has stopped freezing, the heater in the bathroom is not heating - you really can’t do without English.

Write it out of the dictionary in advance necessary words to simply explain the problem. It is possible that you will have to wait several days for a specialist. Call or come to the office and calmly remind them of your problem. Thais are generally smiling and friendly, but they become disoriented if they hear an emotional conversation in a raised voice. In addition, slowness and regularity are a purely Thai trait. And why should they rush? It's always +30 outside!

Safety is in your hands

In Thailand, like in any country, there is crime. This unpleasant fact should not be forgotten. As a rule, tourists are targeted by various scammers. They are robbed, robbed and this is reality. Tourists have their bags snatched, gold chains torn off, money stolen from their rooms, apartments, etc. To avoid becoming a victim, protect yourself.

The main thing is not to carry your passport with you, make a copy and always keep it in your bag or pocket. If you lose a copy, it doesn’t matter if you have a passport, it won’t be a hassle. By the way, choose small bags with a long strap and wear them over your head and shoulder. This bag has enough space for a mobile phone, a compact camera and money. Gold chains that you won't part with are best worn under a T-shirt or shirt. “Don’t wake up Dashing while it’s quiet,” says popular wisdom!

Decide for yourself where to store your savings. Either rent a locker in a hotel or open an account in a Thai bank. If you rent an apartment, buy a padlock for the front door. If you periodically order room cleaning, be careful. Staff stealing petty items in hotels and condominiums is not a rare occurrence.

If you don’t want trouble, don’t bring prostitutes and katoys (lady boys) to your place. Most often these are criminals and friendship with them can end badly, naturally, for you. But if you still contact the police, know this! First of all, the law is on the side of the Thai citizen. Yes, they will accept your statement and assure you with a sincere smile that the offender will be found and punished, but the matter may end there.

And most importantly. God forbid you to contact! This potion is not only prohibited - the law of the kingdom stipulates execution for its use and trade. Moreover, how many grams were discovered and for what purposes is not important.

About Thai food

To be honest, I don’t know much about Thai food yet, because I’m in a pleasant state of familiarity with unusual tastes and aromas. I advise you to introduce yourself to new food slowly, remembering the names of the dishes. This way you will have your own Thai menu. At the same time, do not forget the main principle of a gourmet: “How many people, so many opinions.” For example, the stars of Thai cuisine are and. Most foreigners like these dishes, but there are those who can't stand them. So try, try and try again!

You can do this useful activity not only in good restaurants, but also in street cafes, of which there are many everywhere. You can also eat deliciously and cheaply at makashniks. These are street cooks. They fry and steam on cart stoves, which Russian tourists call the field kitchen.

Don't be surprised when you taste a mixture of flavors in Thai dishes - hot, sweet, sour, salty and bitter. This typical mix is ​​achieved using different spices. These include lemon grass, kaffir leaves, different varieties of ginger, chili peppers, garlic, cilantro, basil, coconut milk, lime juice, etc.

The fact is that Thai cuisine was formed under the influence of India, China and Portugal. The traditions of these countries have evolved over time into Thai culinary uniqueness. I am not going to describe the numerous local dishes and their merits. You will find out and feel everything yourself.

However, my job is to warn. The abundance of pepper is the first shock that the taste buds of our compatriots receive. Therefore, remember, like our Father, the phrase “no spice!”, which means “no pepper!” No, pepper is in the dish, of course, but in a more edible quantity.

Traditionally, Thais extinguish pepper fires in their mouths with unleavened rice. I tried to calm the burned receptors in this way, but it didn’t work. The native, familiar method is a few sips of cool water, which is also not a special help. Watermelon juice with ice turned out to be more effective.

Today, in any restaurant and even a small cafe you will be offered a menu in Russian, where there is a wide field for imagination. Read carefully, choose and “kin khao” for you, which means “bon appetit”!

Roads and means of transportation

In the resort of Pattaya you will not see buses or trolleys that are familiar to Russia, but you can quickly and easily get to any point in the city you need. From early morning until late at night, fast pick-up minibuses, nicknamed “tuk-tuk” by tourists, scurry through the streets. Transport specialists grumble, they say, a real “tuk” can only be seen in Bangkok and it looks completely different - it’s a miniature four-seater carriage attached to a moped. Practically the great-granddaughter of a Japanese rickshaw puller. A pickup truck with benches in the back is a songthaew.

What is true is true, but experts realized it too late. The Pattaya version of the tuk-tuk has been adding up kilometers of roads for many years and will not change its name. Nimble, reliable, convenient and cheap - this is why both tourists and local residents. Just 10 baht and you will travel through the entire central part of the city, and with one transfer you will get from one end to the other.

Connoisseurs of time and speed can use another equally popular transport - a motorbike. Guys in bright vests with numbers can be seen on every corner. While waiting for clients, they sit in armchairs, sleep in hammocks, read, listen to music and drink energy drinks. The price is negotiated on the spot and depends, of course, on the distance. Remember - it is appropriate to bargain with a motorbike driver.

And further. Throw your hotel's business card into your wallet at English language. This is in case the buyer doesn’t understand where to take you. For example, the Caesar Hotel is pronounced “Cesar” in English, etc.

Tourists who are not in Pattaya for the first time and are confident in their bearings prefer to rent vehicles. Some choose motorbikes, others cars. The common advantage of these options is complete independence, and the only difference is the amount of rent.

Smiles in Thailand!

Many years ago, when Thais saw a European, they bowed their heads and raised their folded palms up. This traditional greeting is “wai”. Today there are so many foreigners that they no longer qualify for the status of prominent persons, and the modern rhythm of life in Thai cities facilitated familiar relationships. Thais now say “hello” to each other, and “wai”, as they say, is for holidays or very important people.

Only the smile on the faces of the Thais remained as wide. It’s true that not everything is clear here either. It's no secret that hiding real feelings under a smile is an Asian and Buddhist tradition. Sources claim that they are officially recognized in Thailand, which means that even in case of extreme dissatisfaction, a Thai will smile. Getting him to openly show irritation or anger is not easy, but some of our compatriots manage to do it. This reduces the authority of everyone Russian tourists. Alas. Although most Russians, naturally, relax here according to the principle “man pei rai!”, which in Thai is “no problem!”

Tourists who have recently arrived in Tai Russo are immediately given away not by their burnt noses, but by their facial expressions. They resemble soldiers at a military parade. Well, very serious. Amazing metamorphoses occur in two weeks. People open up like lotus buds, smile, laugh, and even the intonations of their voices become soft. An acquaintance of mine from Ussuriysk in Thailand often vacations and once again, getting ready to go to Russia, he told me: “Here again, for the first few days, I’ll be smiling on the street like a fool. Then people will start looking at me askance and I will close my mouth. I’ll become like everyone else.”

In fact, the Thai sun and air filled with joyful lightness melted many impregnable ice floes. Russians come to Thailand again and again to immerse themselves in a wonderful state of serenity and spiritual comfort.

About taboos

King. A particularly respected and revered personality in Thailand is His Majesty Rama X. The Kingdom is developing along a democratic path, but the personality of the monarch is inviolable in every sense. If you want to find out more about his respected person, look on the Internet, but there is no need to discuss the Majesty with his subjects, or joke about him. A well-known example is when one foreigner, for the sake of laughter, drew a mustache on a portrait of the king. The result is a real prison sentence.

Temples. The majority of the Thai population professes Buddhism. Even in resort towns There are many temples and behavior in them is strictly regulated. For example, it is not recommended to enter there in short shorts and T-shirts. Shoulders should be covered. When seeing a monk, a woman is forbidden to speak to him, touch him or give him anything. If you absolutely want to give a gift to a minister of worship, give it through some man, for example, a guide. If you are taking a photo in or near a temple, do not sit or lean on the Buddha statue.

And one more thing – people go into temples and other public places barefoot. Most often these are spas, hairdressers, massage parlors, photo studios, Thai homes, etc. In a word, take off your shoes wherever you see shoes at the doorstep.

Children. Residents of Thailand love small children, including strangers, and are not shy about expressing this. They look at the babies with adoration, say kind words to them and can gently touch the child, but not his head. Touching the head or familiarly patting the shoulder of a Thai of any age is not a good idea. This again ties back to the basics of Buddhism.

Beer. In Thailand, it is not customary to drink beer on the street, but if you meet a person with a bottle in his hand, rest assured, this is a Russian who is here for the first time. It is noticeable that our people quickly switch to local rules and become regulars at beer bars. In Pattaya they are at every step. Open view outdoors, comfortable chairs - what else is needed for a pleasant beer drinking experience. Interestingly, there is no beer bacchanalia in local stores, as in Russia. There are only a few varieties on sale, but they are of very decent quality.

Pattaya has been given the status of a sexual libertine, but this does not mean that sin rules the city. For Thais, all aspects of life are regulated, that is, everything has its place, time and rule.

In Thailand, it is not customary to show feelings in public, as well as to swim and sunbathe in the nude. It is considered completely unacceptable to appear in public in dirty clothes and drunk. If your feet are dirty, no one will pay attention to it, but if you point your foot at objects or a person, you will be called a rude person. And another important taboo. In Thailand, it is indecent to loudly sort things out in a raised voice and raise a hand against children. This way you risk losing your authority forever.

About carrots and Thai customs

In Thailand, everyone sees what they want to see. Some enjoy the sea, elephants and waterfalls, while others spend their entire vacation testing local alcohol and drinking in bars with carrots (as the Russians call prostitutes).

Pattaya is a city without complexes and the Thais here can hardly be called puritans. Sex services here are relatively cheap and you can rent a girl or boy not only on the famous Walking street, but also in any bar. After dark, in popular tourist areas, butterflies of different sexes attack clients under every bush.

We found something to surprise you, you say, this side of Thailand is known to the whole world. I agree and will add several Pattaya characters to your Thai collection. Here, at every step, young Thai women walk hand in hand with elderly Europeans - a common picture, interesting only to Russians. Until they get used to it. These girls are often girlfriends, but in any case, their work is paid - sexual relations in Thailand are placed on a financial basis.

In shops, salons, in tuk-tuks, and anywhere else, other girls catch your eye, but completely different ones. A low voice or, on the contrary, squeaky, male hands, knees, a mannered gait, but at the same time makeup, a short skirt and heels. This is a ladyboy, which in local terms is “katoi” - a village guy who has partially changed his gender, either the lower part of the body or the upper part. In the hierarchical hierarchy of prostitution, they are at the lower levels, but there is also a demand for this product.

Sometimes on the streets there are even comic specimens - aged trannys who have long gone into circulation. But life goes on with the grandfathers and they shop in stores, relax, ride bikes with the usual long hair and... impressive female breasts. What a spectacle!

You may need it in this case.

Tattoos from the heels to the top of the head and an indigo-colored body, a close-cut haircut, piercings wherever possible, a leather vest with chains - this is what German fans of hard rock, Harleys and other metal paraphernalia most often look like. The motley crowd in Pattaya is a reflection of the whole world.

This is far from paradise, but at the same time the feeling of lightness and freedom does not leave you. People for the most part are smiling and friendly, compliant and reserved, calm and helpful. Russians look at many things with bewilderment and slight envy. For example, the Thais who, after a hard day’s work, gather together at tables in street cafes.

By the way, in Thai families, fathers are more likely to care for children and elderly parents live with children. There are no shelters for the elderly in Thailand. And further. In the evenings, you won't see teenagers hanging around the city's faces. From idleness they do not break benches and kiosks. But if you find yourself in a crowded tuk-tuk, don't be surprised if a teenager gives you his seat. The more often you come to the Kingdom, the more you understand that we have a lot to marvel at and learn in Thailand. That's for sure.

Each country is unique with its traditions and, of course, Thailand is no exception. After some time spent here, we tried to find the most Interesting Facts about Thai culture and history, habits and customs. It seems to us that the Thai way of life is significantly different from the Western one. That's why we decided to write a short article about the peculiarities of this country.

1. The year is now 2555 in Thailand.

Their chronology begins not with the Nativity of Christ, but with the death of Buddha in 543 BC. A number of other Asian countries follow the same principle, but they all vary over time.

2. Thais celebrate New Year twice

The first one is, as usual, January 1st. And the second from April 11 to 14. It's called Thai New Year. These days, it is customary to douse yourself with water from buckets, cannons and water pistols, driving around the city in pickup trucks with blocks of melting ice. The most intoxicating Songkran takes place in Chiang Mai (where we are now). Here it will last more than a week!

3. The full name of Bangkok is the longest city name

The original name of Bangkok is included in the Guinness Book of Records. The city is briefly called Krung Thep ("City of Angels"), and its full name is Krung Thep Mahanakon Amon Rattanakosin Mahintarayutthaya Mahadilok Phop Nopparat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Avatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Vitsanukam Prasit. All this is translated as “City of Angels, great city, the city is an eternal treasure, the impregnable city of God Indra, the majestic capital of the world, endowed with nine precious stones, happy city, full of opulence, a grand Royal Palace resembling a divine abode where a reincarnated god reigns, a city gifted by Indra and built by Vishnukarn.” You can listen to what it sounds like in Thai.

4. Red Bull originated from a Thai energy drink

The world-famous energy drink Red Bull is based on the Thai drink Krating Daeng, popular among tuk-tukers. Krating Deng means Red Bull (red bull) and was originally called Red Kaur.

5. Thailand ranks first in the number of monks per capita

In Thailand there are more than 32,700 Buddhist temples, home to approximately 370,000 monks and novices. This works out to approximately 1 monk per 170 inhabitants of the country. There is no such ratio in any country in the world.

6. Thailand has always been an independent country

Thailand is the only country in South-East Asia, which has never been anyone's colony. Thais have always lived freely and did not depend on anyone.

7. The Thai king is the third richest American

His Majesty King Rama IX of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej was born on December 5, 1927 in Cambridge in the USA and is the only monarch in the world who has American citizenship. He is also the richest monarch in the world. His fortune is $35 billion.

8. Foreigners in Thailand are called “farangs”

The word does not carry a negative connotation and comes to us from the old old kingdom of Siam, where the French mercenaries were called “kun farangset”. Subsequently, the word was shortened to “farang” and Thais began to address all white foreigners this way. By the way, the Thai green fruit - guava - has the same name in Thai.

9. Thailand - the land of smiles

In Thailand, there are even thirteen officially recognized ways to smile. The Thai word for smiling is yim.

10. Bangkok is the main center of plastic surgery for gender reassignment in the world

Plastic surgery is very developed in Thailand. This happened largely thanks to the “katoys,” or transsexuals. Transsexuals from all over the world fly to Thailand for this very purpose.

We tried to list the most interesting facts about Thailand, but we admit the possibility that we missed something. Therefore, if you have something to add to our list, write comments. We will try to make such a top for each of the countries we are going to visit. That's all, good luck to you in the year 2555 and see you!

Thailand is a country that amazes with its splendor and annually attracts thousands of tourists, especially Russians. She is very exotic, and this is what intrigues her guests most. Those who come to this state dream of seeing something unusual, something that they could not find in their homeland. What's amazing about Thailand?

First of all you will be amazed weather and the climate of this country. The whole year is divided into 2 periods: from May to November and from December to April. During the first of these, the number of visitors is significantly lower, since it is at this time that it rains almost continuously in Thailand. However, the second period is characterized by high temperatures and lack of precipitation. This division is determined by the subtropical climate characteristic of this country. The most popular season among tourists here is winter. At this time, sea water is very warm, and the air temperature does not drop below +20. So even if you go to Thai resorts during the coldest months for Russia, you don’t have to take fur coats and felt boots with you. A real summer paradise awaits you here!

Russian people, accustomed to the inhospitability of their compatriots, will be pleasantly pleased by the friendliness and hospitality of the Thai people. Here you will not see gloomy faces - they will always smile at you! For many centuries, Thais have treated the guests of their country with care and love. Their friendliness will make your holiday even more wonderful.

No wonder Thailand is called the “land of a thousand smiles”.

Thai beaches, which are particularly clean, will also leave a pleasant impression. It has amazing golden sand and crystal blue water. There are few places where you can see such natural splendor!

Thai traditions are also striking in their unusualness. Many people think that Russian people celebrating two New Years are strange, but the people of Thailand are even more amazing. Every year they celebrate as many as 3 holidays, each of which is accompanied by its own rituals and feasts. Together with the guests of their country, Thais celebrate European New Year- on the night from December 31 to January 1. This holiday is accompanied by noisy fun and fireworks. Residents of Thailand spend their time on Chinese New Year with no less pleasure. However, the most main holiday celebrated in mid-April. It is called Songkran and is accompanied by mutual pouring of water on the Thais.

Some of the most amazing places in Thailand are its farms. What's unusual about them? For a Russian person expecting to see cows and chickens, this is a lot. You didn’t expect that they would tell you where pearls come from, how they grow, and how they are then mined and made into jewelry? Yes, such farms are not uncommon in this country. Thousands of people visit them every day. At the end of the excursion, they can even buy some of the jewelry sold in a special store nearby.

However, not only pearl farms surprise guests of Thailand. Have you ever seen a trained crocodile? Hardly. And for Thais this is not uncommon. On crocodile farms there are many different types of these reptiles. Most of them are huge in size and heavy in weight. With their participation, they even organize the most interesting performances, which, however, are better not to watch for the faint of heart.

If you want to enjoy Thailand's wildlife without the adrenaline rush, you can visit one of the country's many zoos. There you will surely see a very handsome Indian elephant. This species lives in few places, so you are unlikely to be able to admire it anywhere else. These animals live about 60-70 years, and their weight approaches 5 tons. The lovely deer - sambars and axises - will certainly delight you. If you love representatives of the cat family, then you can see proud tigers and leopards, as well as amazingly beautiful panthers, including black ones.

When going to Thailand, you probably expect that you will not hear Russian spoken during your holiday. But this is not true at all. It’s simply amazing how many Russian tourists are in this country at the same time! Especially in Pattaya. During the day they engage in active activities water sports(jet skiing, windsurfing), skydiving, fishing and even scuba diving. However, they don’t sleep at night either! In the dark, Pattaya shines with millions of neon lights. A wide variety of cafes, restaurants and pizzerias are open here around the clock. And even shopping centers They work here at any time of the day, so everyone can find something to their liking!

And finally, let's talk about one more thing amazing phenomenon Thailand - tea. What we call this word in our country does not even from a distance resemble the divine drink served by the Thais. It's simple here great amount a wide variety of varieties! You will be offered "golden tips"- high-mountain black tea made from white buds. You should definitely try the jasmine drink with a romantic name. "Dragon Pearl" The magical taste is largely achieved through strict adherence to the prescribed rules for brewing tea - for each variety there is even the most optimal temperature water.

Thailand - amazing place definitely worth seeing!