In which oceans are whales found? Whales in the Black Sea. Black Sea shellfish: mussels, rapana, oysters

I was introduced to a letter from Smena reader V. Karataev from Voronezh. He writes to the editor: “...In the fall I rested on Black Sea coast. I'm a big fan fishing, made friends with an old fisherman there. Once he told me, among other things, that there were whales in the Black Sea. But he himself does not know any details about this. Returning home, I mentioned this fact to my friends in the workshop, and they laughed at me... I ask the editors to help me find out whether the old fisherman was right.”

Conservation groups in Bulgaria are to hold an emergency meeting after a worrying spike in deaths of dolphins and porpoises in the Black Sea. Fishing activity in areas inhabited by cetaceans is also limited. Nearly a third of the region now has a "Special Conservation Area" designation, which limits economic activities such as fishing to protect vulnerable wildlife species.

Justin Gregg is a freelance science writer and the author of Dolphins Are Really Smart.

Their groups, combined females and offspring or young males, range from 2 to 10 animals. They live on all banks Mediterranean Sea. Their conservation status in the Mediterranean is vulnerable. Their threats include competence in capture fisheries, bycatch and water pollution.

I remembered reading something similar in one of the old magazines.

And indeed, while reviewing the issues of the magazine “Nature and Hunting,” which was edited by the famous ichthyologist L.P. Sabaneev, I found in the May book for 1880 the note “Capture of a whale in the Black Sea.”

Here are excerpts from it: “The Novorossiysk Telegraph reports from Batum the following details about the capture of a whale in the Black Sea.

Like striped dolphins, they are also small animals.

Despite their name, they are difficult to observe as they are endangered in the Mediterranean Sea. Over the past 40 years, their population has been reduced by half. There are several reasons: lack of victims due to the competence of fishermen, bycatch, habitat degradation, sound pollution and high concentrations of pollutants.

And at this time

Fin whale is the most big whale in the Mediterranean and second in the world.

They are usually observed alone or in small groups in open waters. In the Mediterranean Sea they are most often found between the Balearic Islands and Ionian Sea, especially abundant in Lion Bay.

On Saturday, April 19, a rumor spread throughout the city that some monster had been thrown out by the sea near the Churuk-su fortification; it turned out that it was a whale that had swam into the Black Sea waters through unknown means. He ran aground at a distance, as they say, no more than 50-60 fathoms from the shore. Finding itself stranded, the unfortunate animal made futile efforts to move and only terribly muddied the waters.

Their conservation status is unknown, but they are affected by bycatch, acoustic and chemical pollution. Black in general, this pilot whale has an anchored ventral patch. Its flippers measure one-fifth of its length.

Insufficient data to assess its conservation status. In any case, they are known to be threatened by bycatch, impacts, and acoustic and chemical pollution.

Kiv whales are dark gray or brown, paler at the head. Their head is bulky and their beak is not very noticeable.

They are difficult to observe due to little surface activity, reasons that may explain why there is insufficient information to assess their conservation status. They are known to be particularly sensitive to acoustic pollution, both from military activities and seismic surveys. In addition, the consumption of plastic and bycatch also affects them.

By order of the officer, a platoon of soldiers was brought in and fired a volley at the monster. Nine bullets hit him in the head; he was mortally wounded, but in his death throes he began to rebel even more. They equipped feluccas, and the fishermen set off with ropes to pull him ashore. For a long time they tried to get closer to the whale. The waves produced by its tail almost knocked over the felucca... Finally, when the exhausted whale became somewhat quiet, they managed to throw the end of it over its tail. More than two hundred people began to drag him. They say that when, having somewhat regained consciousness, he swung his tail with force, all those dragged fell to the ground.

Killer whales are one of the most fascinating cetaceans. They live in polar and tropical waters, from the coast to the open sea.

Did you know they use each other? Did you know that you have been described in this form? whales Their conservation status is unknown, but direct death of fishermen, reduction of their prey, irritation and habitat degradation are some of the reasons for their decline.

"Spotted whales in Arctic Norway have proven elusive"

Marine mammals and sea turtles of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. This expedition is based in Anden, which supports the growing whale watching industry. The data helps to understand how tourism affects the behavior of marine animals. Although one day when the weather improved the boats went out, but we were not moved to take advantage of the changed conditions. We also didn't notice anything on the ferry or lighthouse.

In the end, the whale was dragged ashore dead..."

At the end of the note there was a note:

“New news has recently been received that, in addition to the dead whale, off the coast of the Caucasus local residents We saw another whale heading north."

I was interested in this question. To verify the authenticity of the above, I contacted the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography - VNIRO.

A good portion of our days were spent doing data entry or assisting with educational presentations. Important, yes, but it's frustrating when that's all you have to do and it's your own data you're working on. Our consolation was an unplanned trip to the spectacular Lofoton region to do a 24-hour watch on a small whale in a protected harbor. It was tiring, but very rewarding. We were very lucky that this opportunity arose, but it is not a normal part of what this expedition offers, and we paid the price in our own way.

The superimposed fact really took place,” said Candidate of Sciences B. A. Zenkovich. - Moreover, the skeleton of this whale was in one of the museums in the south of our country for a long time. The whale killed in the Black Sea was one of the minke whales, which usually do not exceed ten meters in length and weigh no more than six tons. Their meat is edible.

Atlantic Silver Hatchfish

Closer collaboration between researchers and the whale-watching industry could help future volunteers do the work they envision. Also known as the "fine hat", this opportunistic feeder's diet consists of everything from copepods to other fish. This fish traverses deep sea waters, making trips and then back down the water column daily, but what makes this fish really cool is what it does in the dark, cold waters of the gulf.

The whale could have entered the Black Sea from the Mediterranean Sea, where whales are not uncommon even today. They could appear in the waters of the Black Sea even now, if there was not such a large movement in the relatively narrow straits.

The whale could exist in the Black Sea. There is enough food for him here. I would eat anchovy first of all. But the whale cannot reproduce in the waters of the Black Sea: the water temperature here is not high enough for it. As you can see, the old fisherman was right.

It has the unique ability to bioluminesce through glowing photophores, a method used to attract prey close enough to capture without expending too much energy. You'll most likely catch snorkeling around rocky intermediate habitats covered in algae, which they are known to feed on. When they are scared or feel threatened, they release a cloud of dark ink into the waters around them to deter and confuse predators.

Damn Batfish

No, someone did not step on this poor fish, but rather, this is what happens in nature. This fish uses its leg fins, complete with an elbow, to push off the seabed. Flapping its tail, it quickly jumps through the sand like a frog. This fish also has a long nose, which can provoke the bait to tempt other creatures closer to its mouth, believing that they are better when small, since this fish is only a couple of centimeters in length.

In the morning I ran to Sochi seaport. This cruise harbor, built for the Winter Olympics, is currently one of the largest on the Black Sea coast. During the Olympic Games, “floating” hotels came here and brought spectators. In the post-Olympic period, the port was supposed to become one of the main tourist cruise harbors on the Russian Black Sea coast and there is still hope that this will happen. Since “opening the port” for regional maritime tourism did not work out for the Winter Olympics, perhaps the idea will come true for the summer 2018 FIFA World Cup. And for Crimean fans, they will finally open a regular line of high-speed ships between Sochi, Yalta and Sevastopol, which was very popular in Soviet times...
I came to the Black Sea coast to look not at ships, but at whales. Of course, such giants are not found in the Black Sea in “free swimming”, but before Olympic Games whales were brought to Sochi. Not far from the entrance to the port, a huge underwater enclosure was built for two beautiful beluga whales. Did these giants fulfill the task of ensuring the safety of the sea harbor of the Olympic capital? It is clear that they are trained to detect various kinds of underwater saboteurs and other “foreign objects” under water. You could say that beluga whales are underwater military personnel. They are said to be trained to alert when saboteur divers or underwater objects approach a protected vessel or structure.

Great white shark

Known as the most ferocious predator ocean, great whites sometimes pass through Persian Gulf, but they will likely remain in their deeper, cooler waters. However, when Gulf temperatures drop to 60 degrees or below, large sharks may move into coastal waters, usually 20 miles or more from shore. Just remember, if you catch him, you have to let him go, this was the look.

Whales and dolphins in the Black Sea

At least 12 native species live in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The headhunter is the largest, most widespread, and sole population of lakes and estuaries, as well as coastal waters. Not only do these beautiful fish glide through the water with ease using their "wings", but they can also use the elongated rays of their pelvic fins to "walk" to the bottom, searching for worms and small shrimp, which they eat, especially in areas habitats of sandy sea routes.

Just above the seashore there are onlookers.
— Are you hoping to see beluga whales?
- Yes, my neighbors saw it yesterday...
These spring days, “beluga whales on a walk” in the Black Sea were seen several times. Against concert hall The “festival” couple of giants even staged a small “circus” performance away from the shore. Moreover, beluga whales swam almost to the beach itself and allowed themselves to be photographed. They say that someone even managed to pet the beluga whales. However, there is nothing sensational in this: beluga whales, although menacing in appearance, are very good-natured creatures and are quite trainable. In the Dolphinarium of the Sochi Riviera Park, huge beluga whales have been performing successfully for a long time. According to the dolphinarium staff, these whales are very playful creatures and very intelligent animals. By the way, beluga whales easily communicate with dolphins, and, probably, even become family friends...
However, in the port waters, beluga whales have a different task. They delight onlookers only during a walk; the rest of the time the beluga whales are on duty. Someone is pushing me in the back:
- Look, there they are!!!
Beauties! Very close to the shore, a beluga shows off its sides. Experts note that these animals adapt well to new conditions and have become well accustomed to the Black Sea water. Fact - we got the hang of it!
And while the beluga whales are playing in sight, I’ll tell you more about these amazing creatures. Belukha refers to toothed whales, a rather peaceful and interesting animal that lives in the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean, in the Bering, Baltic and Okhotsk Seas. In the Black Sea, beluga whales are “at work,” although they seem to like it here...

Vampire squid

Also known as the “Vampire Squid from Hell,” this living fossil has changed very little since it first appeared on Earth more than 300 million years ago. Living more than half a mile away in the dark waters of the bay, this cephalopod has unique defense mechanisms, including the ability to turn itself inside out. It also has bioluminescent spots on its tentacles that give the appearance of false eyes, keeping predators away from the sensitive head area.

Sargassum fish

This strange-looking fish lives among a unique habitat, Sargassum algae, with which it blends perfectly. The fish do well in floating habitat as they cross the Gulf of Mexico, often ending up in sheltered estuaries. Fish can also change color quickly, from light to dark and back again. The sargassom fish is a voracious ambush predator known as a man-eater. It is capable of shooting forward to capture its prey by forcefully expelling water through its gill openings.

By the way, chasing schools of fish, these giants sometimes even swim into the mouths of the rivers - Amur, Yenisei and Ob. Whales migrate very long distances in the spring to the shores and shallow bays for food, and return to their habitats in the fall. The beluga whale's body length reaches six meters and its weight is two tons. Interestingly, females are smaller than males in size and weight. Beluga whales also make beautiful sounds, transmitting information to each other. Experts say such sounds are “almost a song” of whistles, squeals, chirps and roars. Beluga whales move beautifully and express their emotions in this “dance”...
As I already said, beluga whales off the coast of Sochi lingered after the Olympics. Now they continue to fulfill their mission special purpose for coastal protection and, apparently, will stay in Sochi until 2018, when the resort city will host the World Cup matches. These good-natured and smart whales will be entrusted with protecting the city from the sea, who will, I hope, meet the sea “Comets” with fans from Crimea.

Poisonous lionesses, native to the Indo-Pacific region, are highly invasive, fast breeders, and opportunistic predators. Fisheries scientists are concerned that the lioness, which has no natural predators, could negatively impact natural fish populations.

This native turtle has one of the largest ranges of all turtles in North America, extending as far south as the Florida Keys and as far north as Cape Cod, referring to the brackish coastal marshes of the eastern and southern United States. Terrapins are very similar to their freshwater relatives, but are well adapted to coastal marine environments. They have several adaptations that allow them to survive in varying degrees of salinity, including skin that is largely impervious to salt water and lacrimal salt glands, used primarily for dehydration.

And at this time

A local resident recently called the Adler division of the Southern Search and Rescue Team of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and reported that two baby bottlenose dolphins had become entangled in nets at sea. Rescuers immediately came to their aid on a boat. In Imereti Bay they discovered the captives and released them, spreading the nets.

Cetaceans and Marine Debris: The Great Unknown

Plastics and other marine debris have been found in the gastrointestinal tracts of cetaceans, including cases where large quantities of material were found that can cause poor digestion processes and other examples where they resulted in other morbidity and even death. In some cases, the debris may have been ingested through the rolling process, and in others through feeding. Those species that are suction or "plunger" feeders may be at greatest risk.

This is the first case of animal rescue this year. And last year, rescuers twice had to remove dolphins from nets. And every time the animals become entangled in the net, their fellow tribesmen wait for them, worrying about the fate of the captives. It was the same this time. Dolphins do not leave their own in trouble. It’s a pity we couldn’t save two dolphins who ended up with a soulless person. We talk about this a lot