Elite experience. What does an elite ship in World of Warships provide? Video guide on the skill Inertial fuze of HE shells

Dear players!

On January 19 at 7:00 (Moscow time) a new version of the game will be released. As the first update of the new year, it will receive the resounding number 0.6.0.

Traditionally, Dasha Perova will talk about all the most important changes and innovations in the version, and you can read more about them below.

Due to work on releasing the update, the game server will be unavailable from 5:00 to 7:00 (Moscow time).

Update size: 1 GB.

Elite Commander Experience

Version 0.6.0 added a new type of game currency - elite commander experience. Its source will be commanders who have reached the “highest rank”. This means that all experience earned by a commander after reaching skill point 19 will be considered elite. It will go into the same “piggy bank” of elite experience for all the player’s commanders.

Elite experience can be spent on:

  • leveling up commanders who have not reached 19 skill points;
  • accelerated retraining of commanders for other ships;
  • redistribution of skill points.

Moreover, free experience can now also be spent on upgrading/retraining commanders or redistributing skills. Now the player can choose, for example, how to reset skills: for doubloons, for elite commander experience, or for free experience.

Similar to regular ship experience, elite commander experience can be used in conjunction with free experience to pay for the above actions.

More details

  • To upgrade/retrain/reset a commander's skills for elite or free experience, there must be 100% enough experience, otherwise the transaction will not take place.
  • First of all, elite experience is spent on a transaction, and only if it is not enough - free experience.
  • When upgrading/retraining a commander, elite and free experience is spent in total exactly as much as own experience the commander is missing until the next skill point or until 100% skill work.
  • The cost of resetting skills is calculated using the formula: 10,000 elite/free experience multiplied by the number of skill points allocated.

Transaction example

The player transfers a commander with 7 skill points from one ship to another. The cost of retraining a commander of this rank without a penalty to skill performance is 10,000 units. experience. The player has 13,000 units on his account. elite experience and 40,000 units. free. Exactly 10,000 units. elite experience will be written off, while free experience will remain untouched.

Let's say, in addition to retraining, the player wants to get an additional commander skill point right now. The next skill point costs 30,000 units. experience. To purchase it, the player will spend the remaining 3000 units. elite experience + 27,000 units. free experience.

The next skill point costs 41,000 units, and it will not be possible to purchase it with experience, because there is no elite experience left on the player’s account and there are only 13,000 units. free.

Converting Elite Experience to Free Experience

Elite experience can be converted into free experience according to the same rules as the accumulated experience of ships. The cost of conversion is the same as for converting regular ship experience into free experience: 1 doubloon for every 25 units of experience. It is not possible to convert free experience back into elite experience.

Access to operations with elite experience

The player gets the opportunity to spend elite and free experience on the needs of commanders at the 7th level of the service record, from the moment the functionality of commanders is opened.

New Commander Skills

Significant changes have been made to the commander skill system. Now all skills have a maximum level of 4 and are divided into four groups: tenacity, attack, support and ingenuity.

Not only the structure of the matrix has changed. There are 7 more skills, and many “old” skills have undergone changes. You will find a description of each below.


I. Priority goal

New skill.

The radio interception indicator displays the number of enemies who are holding your ship under the gun of the main gun.

I. Prevention

The skill has been moved from level 5 to level 1.

The probability of module failure has been reduced from 50% to 30%.

II. Increased readiness

II. Handyman

The skill has been moved from level 5 to level 2.

Cooldown bonus reduced from 15% to 5%.

III. Master of the fight for survivability

The increase in combat effectiveness points with each level has been reduced from 400 to 350.

III. Fundamentals of the fight for survivability

IV. Manual fire control secondary gun

IV. Fire training

The skill has been moved from level 2 to level 4.

Base fire protection increased from 7% to 10%.

Added an effect that reduces the number of fires on a ship to 3 by combining two central fires.


I. Master loader

The skill hasn't changed.

The skill also works if there are “closed”/destroyed towers on the ship.

I. Pre-flight service master

The skill has been moved from level 4 to level 1.

II. Master Gunner

The skill hasn't changed.

II. Torpedo acceleration

The skill has been moved from level 3 to level 2.

III. Torpedo Master

The skill has been moved from level 2 to level 3.

III. Extreme takeoff

New skill.

Makes it possible for aircraft to take off and land during a fire. +100% to squadron preparation time during a fire.

Doesn't work when retraining.

IV. Inertial fuze of HE shells

New skill.

Increases the armor penetration threshold for HE shells of the main battery and secondary battery, but reduces the likelihood of arson.

–3% to the chance of ignition when hitting a target with a HE projectile.
+30% to the armor penetration threshold of a HE projectile.

When retraining it works at 50%.

IV. Air dominance

The skill has been moved from level 5 to level 4.


I. Ejection aircraft guidance point

New skill.

When the “Catapult Fighter” or “Fire Spotter” consumable is activated, it rises into the air
additional aircraft; The flight speed of ejection aircraft decreases.

1 catapult fighter.
+1 spotter aircraft.
–20% to the speed of ejection aircraft.

Doesn't work when retraining.

I. Master of Air Combat

The skill has been moved from level 3 to level 1.

Fighter ammunition increased by 10%.

II. Smokescreen Master

New skill.

Increases the area covered by the smoke screen.
+20% to smoke screen radius.

Doesn't work when retraining.

II. Master gunner

The skill has been moved from level 1 to level 2.

III. Basic fire training

The skill has been moved from level 1 to level 3.

Air defense efficiency bonus increased from 10% to 20%.

III. Superintendent

The skill hasn't changed.

IV. Enhanced fire training

The skill hasn't changed.

IV. Manual control of air defense fire

The skill hasn't changed.


I. Artillery alarm

The skill has been moved from level 2 to level 1.

I. Evasion maneuver

New skill.

Reduces visibility and speed, increases the combat effectiveness of attack aircraft when returning to an aircraft carrier.

–30% to the speed of attack aircraft when returning to an aircraft carrier.
–20% to the visibility of attack aircraft when returning to an aircraft carrier.
+75% to the combat effectiveness of attack aircraft when returning to an aircraft carrier.

Doesn't work when retraining.

II. Desperate

New skill.

Increases the reload speed of all weapons while reducing combat effectiveness.
–0.2% to the reload time of all types of weapons for every 1% of lost combat effectiveness.

Doesn't work when retraining.

II. With all my might

The skill hasn't changed.

III. Explosive technician

The skill has been moved from level 4 to level 3.

Chance of arson reduced from 3% to 2%; the skill now extends to secondary guns.

III. Vigilance

The skill hasn't changed.

IV. Radio direction finding

New skill.

Shows the approximate sector of the location of the nearest enemy ship. The enemy is informed that he has been identified. The fact of the ship's direction finding is displayed to the enemy in a similar way to the definition of "light" from a ship, aircraft or active equipment.

Does not work on aircraft carriers. Doesn't work when retraining.

IV. Master of Disguise

The skill has been moved from level 5 to level 4.

With the release of the version, the skills of all commanders learned by the player will be reset for free.

If at the time of the update's release the commander is in the process of retraining for another ship, then after the release of update 0.6.0 the commander will be automatically retrained to 100%.

New commander experience scale

The pace of commander leveling has also changed. At the initial stage, it slowed down, while the high ranks of commander became much more accessible, including the highest. The total amount of experience required to reach the 18th point in version 0.6.0 decreased from 1,540,000 to 1,408,000 units. The cost of the 19th point has been reduced from 10,000,000 to 300,000 units. experience. Below is a visual table of changes in the experience scale.


Number of skill points

The amount of experience required to obtain the next skill point before the release of 0.6.0.

The amount of experience required to obtain the next skill point after the release of 0.6.0

0 0 0
1 1200 1500
2 1300 2500
3 1500 4000
4 2100 6000
5 3400 9000
6 5800 14 000
7 9600 21 000
8 16 000 30 000
9 25 000 41 000
10 37 000 54 000
11 53 000 69 000
12 74 000 87 000
13 102 000 108 000
14 136 000 132 000
15 179 000 159 000
16 231 000 189 000
17 294 000 222 000
18 369 000 259 000
19 10 000 000 300 000

Regardless of the changes to the experience bar with the release of the update, player commanders will not lose skill points and experience, and in some cases will even be able to gain additional skill points.

More details

If the player's commander has up to 16 skill points and less than 224,100 units. accumulated experience until the next point, then in version 0.6.0 he will receive a similar amount of skill points and a similar amount of accumulated experience until the next skill point.

If the player's commander has at least 16 skill points and more than 224,100 units. accumulated experience until the next skill point, but less than 120,100 units. experience until the 19th, then in version 0.6.0 the commander will receive a similar number of skill points, a similar number of units of accumulated experience and a bonus of 47,000 units. experience.

If the player's commander has 18 skill points and more than 120,100 units. accumulated experience until the next skill point (the total amount of accumulated experience in this case will be more than 1,661,000 units), then in version 0.6.0 he will receive 19 skill points, and the difference between the total amount of accumulated experience before version 0.6.0 and the number 1 661000 units will be upgraded to an elite experience.

The amount of experience required to retrain a commander from one researched ship to another also changes.


Number of skill points

The amount of experience required to retrain a commander for a new ship before the release of 0.6.0.

The amount of experience required to retrain a commander for a new ship after the release of 0.6.0

0 600 100
1 650 1000
2 750 1500
3 1050 2000
4 1700 3500
5 2900 5000
6 4800 7500
7 8000 10 000
8 12 500 15 000
9 18 500 20 000
10 26 500 25 000
11 37 000 30 000
12 51 000 40 000
13 68 000 50 000
14 89 500 75 000
15 100 000 100 000
16 100 000 125 000
17 100 000 150 000
18 100 000 175 000
19 100 000 250 000


In update 0.6.0, clans are available to all players. Now any player can join or create a clan.

Players who are members of a clan are marked with a special clantag, which is visible to other players in battle. They also have access to a clan chat - an automatically created channel for all clan members to communicate with each other.

Maximum number of players in a clan per this moment- 30. The cost of creating a clan is 2500 doubloons.

Clan Profile

A special tab has been added to the Port with information about the clan and clan functions - clan profile. It is located next to the player profile tab.

The tab displays:

  • clan personnel;
  • personal statistics of each player who did not hide it;
  • average statistics for all players (one hidden player will not be taken into account by the statistics, but if there is more than one hidden player, then they correctly influence the average value; if there are only hidden players in the clan, the clan statistics will also be “hidden”).

Any player who is a member of the clan can view their clan profile. You can find another clan's profile by searching by clan name.

Roles in the clan

  1. The commander of the fleet, he is also the creator of the clan by default. Has maximum rights:
    • invite new players to the clan;
    • change the position of a clan member to any position other than fleet commander;
    • dissolve the clan;
    • remove players from the clan;
    • change the name of the clan (for 2500 doubloons), its description, clantag and clantag color;
    • leave the clan with the obligatory transfer of the rank of commander.
  2. Deputy Fleet Commander. Anything can happen except dissolving the clan and assigning the role of deputy fleet commander.
  3. Military Commissar. Can send players who are not members of clans an invitation to join a clan.
  4. An officer. One of the clan players.

Invitations to the clan

The ability to invite a player to a clan is available to the fleet commander, his deputy and the military commissar.
The received invitation will be displayed in the player’s list on the “Invitations” tab. After accepting the invitation, the player is automatically redirected to the clan profile tab. If you refuse, the invitation disappears.

The invitation is valid for 3 days. After it expires, the invitation disappears from the player’s “Invitations” tab. It will remain on the clan’s “Invitations” tab and will be marked as expired.

Players can submit applications for consideration of their candidacies to join a clan from their clan profile, view their applications, and track their status.

Graphic changes

  • New portraits of commanders have been added to the game. In particular, one of the American commanders is made in the image of the player Markcou in memory of him. He was devoted to Wargaming games and his comrades from the TRIO clan from the NA server for more than four years, but a terrible disease took his life.
  • The appearance of the Atlanta, Belfast, Blyskawica, Flint, Saipan and Sims ships has been adjusted using special technology for improved rendering of subtle elements. The adjustment does not affect performance in any way.
  • In Port, the indicator for a commander to gain a new level has been replaced with a simple numerical designation.
  • The appearance of the ships Iowa, Missouri and Montana has been slightly changed. Fixed disappearing air defense platform on a “dead” gun. Rangefinders have been returned to the main caliber. Added areas near radars on rangefinders.
  • Alabama and Montana: a more accurate main gun armor model has been returned.
  • Nagato and Amagi: main gun turret models have been updated.
  • Marblehead: updated scheme of guns on the ship.
  • Minotaur: added animation on the navigation radar antenna.
  • Prinz Eugen: added animation for the rollback of the 1st main battery gun after firing.
  • Perth: added a box near the main battery gun. The description of armor parameters has been corrected without editing combat characteristics.
  • Shinonome: Fixed display of boats on low settings.
  • +30% to experience per battle.
  • Cost: 1000 doubloons.

Maps and Ports

  • “Strait”: the left side of the map has been significantly changed. The strait area has been expanded, a large island has been reduced to increase shooting along the west-east line, and two new islands have been added.
  • The visual appearance of the “Islands” and “Philippines” Port map has been significantly redesigned.
  • Fixed visual errors on the maps “Strait”, “Atlantic”, “Fault Line”, “Mountain Range”, “Okinawa”, “Path of the Warrior” and in the Port of St. Petersburg.

Testing new content

For testing by developers and supertesters, the Japanese premium Tier VI battleship IJN Mutsu has been added to the client. The ship is not available for purchase or research, but can be encountered by players in battle.


  • Nagato and Amagi: for a more comfortable game, the hull (A) of both ships has been removed from the game. Instead, a hull was installed similar to hull (B) in everything except for combat effectiveness points and rudder shift speed. These parameters remained at the body level (A).

Principles for replacing modules and bonuses received by players

  • If you have the current case (B) researched, the case (C) will be available for installation. If housing (B) has been installed, you will receive housing (C) automatically.
  • If you have researched buildings (B) and (C), you will receive 22,000 units. experience per ship (for Nagato) or 39,000 units. experience (for Amagi).
  • If you have Hull (B) researched and Hull (C) installed, you will receive 1,800,000 credits (Nagato) or 2,300,000 credits (Amagi).
  • The ejection fighter operating time for battleships has been reduced to 90 seconds.
  • The Flight Control Modification 1 upgrade now reduces aircraft preparation time by 15% instead of 10%.
  • The modernization of “Air Group Modification 2” now, in addition to increasing the combat effectiveness of fighters by 20%, additionally increases their ammunition by 50%.
  • An error in calculating the flight time of a projectile at maximum range has been fixed. Now the flight time of a projectile during a battle is displayed correctly. The fix slightly changed the flight time of all projectiles at maximum range (within 0.3 seconds). A significant change affected only the German cruiser Yorck: the flight time of an armor-piercing projectile at the maximum distance for a ship in the top hull increased to 17.5 seconds (before the correction it was 13 seconds; the interface displayed 15 seconds). This change does not in any way affect armor penetration or damage caused by ships.
  • Akizuki: armor penetration of high-explosive shells has been reduced from 19 to 17 mm.
  • Bismarck: Hydroacoustic search has been replaced with standard hydroacoustic search for Tier VIII ships.
  • “Daring”: fixed a bug due to which one gun sent a projectile to the maximum distance faster than the other two. The error only appeared at shooting distances available with the “Enhanced Fire Training” skill.
  • Fubuki: Smoke stats are set to a level similar to other Tier VI ships. Smoke screen duration reduced from 89 to 81 seconds.
  • Marblehead: reload time for main battery guns has been reduced to 6.67 seconds, the firing sector of the main battery has been increased by 7 degrees towards the stern on both vehicles.


Please note: the previously announced additional method of entering the game without registration will not be available in update 0.6.0

Minor fixes

  • Fixed the display of received rewards without a container on the deck of a barge.
  • Fixed lack of focus on the selected challenge when switching from tile to card view.
  • One of the errors that led to the ship getting stuck in battle until the server was rebooted has been fixed.
  • A bug has been fixed that caused a player to get stuck in a squad after leaving the battle when the squad was disbanded in battle.
  • Weather effects (rain, snow) have been optimized.
  • Fixed a rare bug due to which the player could see the effects of an enemy ship, while the ship itself was not visible in the world.
  • Fixed a bug due to which damage based on intelligence data was not rounded in post-battle statistics.
  • Fixed a bug due to which forts suppressed by the player were not displayed in post-battle statistics.
  • The tooltip for ship modules if it is locked in a squad has been reformulated.
  • A bug has been fixed that caused the game client to crash if the player was in the commander's personal file at the time of his demobilization.
  • Fixed the display of the “exposure” distance of one of the forts on the Atlantic map.
  • The display of the number of days in a ranked season has been corrected if the season lasts more than 1.5 months.
  • Fixed the display of the Missouri wreath in Porto in system messages.
  • Added the ability to scroll in the summary window at minimum screen resolutions (below 1366×768).
  • A bug has been fixed that resulted in the ability to add a 4th player to a squad without the ability to go into battle.
  • The display of the number of modules in the 3rd task of the 5th mission of the “Honorable Service” campaign has been corrected.
  • Fixed campaign display with a four-tier ship carousel at low resolutions.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the achievement “Alone in the Field” was not awarded in the “Bastion” mode.
  • Fixed the display of nation flags in the development tree at minimum screen resolutions.
  • Fixed a hint about the need to enable Yokoska Port in the description of ARP ships.
  • Fixed display of the nickname of a player who is a member of a clan in the chat.

When and how is free experience awarded in World of Warships? The first way is to study the ship 100%, open modules and get “elite” or “premium” status. Next, with the help of gold doubloons, you can freely accrue funds for “upgrading” other, less powerful equipment. The second way is to get credits, which are used in the store to purchase, select commanders and train them. The more experience and doubloons you have, the greater your chances of getting a professional commander—a high school graduate—on your team.

What is experience given for?

If you don't know how experience is awarded in World of Warships, the RBK Games platform will tell you the correct answer. The balance is replenished as a result of:

  • causing serious damage to the enemy (wounding, drowning);
  • capturing enemy bases and effectively defending their localization sites;
  • destruction of enemy aircraft using air defense or other weapons;
  • active work on the battlefield, helping allies and team members.

The more results you achieve, the higher the ship's free experience will be in the World of Warships game. But there are nuances here: for example, when more powerful equipment is sunk, a significant reward is provided, but the class of the downed aircraft does not matter. It could be a bomber, torpedo bomber or fighter.

What to spend it on?

You already know how ship experience is accrued in the game. All that remains is to decide what to spend your earnings on. There are quite a lot of options: replenishing ammunition, expanding the range of equipment, its major or local repairs, purchasing additional camouflage, servicing ships, choosing premium equipment. Games about ships develop a sense of responsibility, teach you to understand not only tactical issues, but also the technical part.

And aircraft carriers. Enjoy!

General information

A skill point is awarded to the commander every time he increases his level. The maximum commander level in the World of Warships game is 20, i.e. Having fully upgraded your commander, you will be able to distribute 19 skill points.

Commander level Skill points at this level Experience to the next level Total experience required to reach this level
1 0 1 500 0
2 1 2 500 1 500
3 2 4 000 4 000
4 3 6 000 8 000
5 4 9 000 14 000
6 5 14 000 23 000
7 6 21 000 37000
8 7 30 000 58 000
9 8 41 000 88 000
10 9 54 000 129 000
11 10 69 000 183 000
12 11 87 000 252 000
13 12 108 000 339 000
14 14 132 000 447 000
15 14 159 000 579 000
16 15 189 000 738 000
17 16 222 000 927 000
18 17 259 000 1 149 000
19 18 300 000 1 408 000
20 19 0 1 708 000

The cost of a skill varies depending on the skill level. So, to select a level 1 skill you will need 1 skill point, and to select a level 4 skill you will need 4 skill points. Selecting a skill at the previous level unlocks the ability to select a skill at the next one. Those. Having 2 skill points, you cannot choose a level 2 skill without choosing any level 1 skills in WoWS.

After the commander has leveled up to level 20 (received the last 19th skill point), the commander begins to accumulate Elite experience (it is displayed in the lower left corner of the “Ship Commander” screen). Elite experience can be spent on:

  • pumping up commanders who have not reached level 20;
  • acceleration of retraining of commanders for other ships;
  • free redistribution of skill points.

The strategy for leveling up commanders for most ships is as follows: sequentially select skills from levels 1 to 4 (to do this you need to accumulate 10 skill points), and then get the missing skills.

Now, with this minimal information, let's look at the skills individually.

Overview of commander skills in World of Warships

A little explanation

The following concepts appear in the text:

  • Basic Skill– this is the skill that is taken first.
  • Minor Skill- this is a skill that is taken sometime later according to a residual characteristic. It is certainly useful and important, but it is not taken first and should not be distracted by it until the ship commander takes the level 4 skill.
  • Less useful skill– this skill is certainly useful, but it’s better to spend the points on some other, even more useful skill.

Level 1 Skills

The Priority Target skill is the main skill for commanders of almost all ships, namely all battleships, cruisers and most destroyers, with the exception of torpedo destroyers with excellent camouflage, for which Priority Target is really useless. Knowing how many opponents have your ship at gunpoint, even if you have minimal experience playing World of Warships, you will be able to accurately choose your course of action in battle.

The Prevention skill gives a 30% chance of dodging a module when hit. That is, it gives a chance not to receive damage to the module when hitting the module (in this case, the strength points when hitting the ship will be written off in any case). Considering that the modules on destroyers are completely “crystal” and are attacked literally from the first hit, the value of this level 1 module for destroyers simply cannot be overestimated. But for artillery destroyers it is still more useful to take the Priority Target.

The Master Loader skill allows you to quickly reload guns in order to select the best type of projectile for an attack. Used when the enemy cruiser begins a maneuver in order to have time to load armor-piercing shells and inflict maximum damage on the citadel.

It makes no sense to take on ships with poor ballistics, very fast and very slow reloading, that is, destroyers, light cruisers with 6 inch guns (for example, Soviet 152 mm) and all battleships, with the possible exception of Scharnhorst with its 283 mm rapid fire. Completely meaningless on ships with one type of projectile (for example, on Tier 1 ships and British light cruisers).

Roughly speaking, it makes sense to take the Master Loader skill on ships whose reload time is more than 11 seconds and less than 18 seconds.

The Pre-Flight Maintenance Master skill can be considered one of the main skills for aircraft carrier commanders at level 1. Commanders of ships of other classes will not receive any benefits from it.

Considering the abundance of useful skills in World of Warships, the Catapult Aircraft Guidance Point skill is practically useless. Ejection fighters are still poor at shooting down enemy aircraft, and an additional spotter plane only increases the survivability of the spotter during air raids.

The Artillery Alert skill can be considered secondary for battleships and cruisers of level V and above, playing from a distance. Allows the player to begin an evasive maneuver as soon as the indicator lights up, while maintaining strength points. It is not recommended to take it on ships that are played at close range, for example, low-level and British cruisers.

Level 2 skills

As a rule, Master Gunners are usually hired on battleships, heavy cruisers and many Soviet destroyers whose turrets cannot keep up with the ship's circulation. The Master Gunner skill allows you to slightly improve the comfort of playing on these ships.

The Torpedo Acceleration skill allows you to increase the speed of torpedoes by reducing their range. It is useless on most ships in World of Warships, but in theory it can be taken by commanders of ships whose torpedo range is much greater than the ship’s detection range. For example, some Japanese destroyers.

The Smoke Screen Master skill allows you to place smoke with an increased radius. In theory, it is useful on British cruisers and premium Tier VIII Mikhail Kutuzov. In practice, the benefits of such fumes are small. Besides, there will always be more useful skills.

The Desperate skill increases firepower as your ship's HP decreases (up to 20%), and is therefore one of the most useful skills in World of Warships. Affects the reload speed of main battery, secondary battery and TA.

Some, especially low-level cruisers, have completely crystal modules in the game. For them, it is better to take Last Strength as the main skill. This is tested experimentally, if during several battles on the ship your rudders or engine are not blocked, you can safely take the Desperado.

Considering the criticality of destroyer modules, the Last Strength skill is the main skill for this class of ships. And the appearance of the undoubtedly useful Prevention skill at level 1 did not change anything in this regard.

Some, especially low-level cruisers, have completely crystal modules in the game. For them, it is better to take Last Strength as the main skill. This is tested experimentally; if over the course of several battles your rudders or engine are blocked several times, it is better to take the Last Strength skill on this ship.

Level 3 skills

The Basics of Survival Control skill allows you to burn less, drown less, and troubleshoot problems faster. In theory, this is all great, but the game has skills that allow you to burn and drown even less. For example, by reducing the likelihood of a fire and the number of fires, as well as speeding up the reloading of equipment. In fact, Survivability Fundamentals is a really great skill, but a minor one.

The Survivability Master skill is an absolutely essential skill for destroyer commanders participating in Ranked Battles (RB) and wishing to play the role of an anti-destroyer. It will also be useful to commanders of all high-level destroyers in random battles. Does not provide a noticeable advantage to ships of other classes and low-level destroyers.

The Torpedo Expert skill is often taken as a basic level 3 skill for commanders of destroyers that use torpedoes as their main weapons (which are Japanese destroyers and some destroyers of other nations). Combines well with the Desperate skill, which allows you to further reduce the reload time of the TA.

Essential skill for aircraft carrier commanders. Commanders of ships of other classes will not receive any benefits from it.

The Basic Fire Training skill is worth taking when sharpening a ship in a secondary battery or air defense. Considering that we literally have several ships in the game, it makes sense to sharpen them in secondary guns, and that not in every battle on high levels there are aircraft carriers (at the time of writing this guide), Basic fire training is not the most useful skill in the game, and therefore belongs to the category of secondary.

The Superintendent skill makes sense to take on ships with big amount(more than 2 pieces) useful (!) consumable (!) equipment. So, hiring a Superintendent on all battleships without exception just for the sake of an additional Repair Team is, to say the least, ridiculous. If only because you still need to live to see it, and for this it would be nice to take other, more useful skills.

It makes sense to take the Explosives Technician skill on ships that use mainly high-explosive shells, but have a low probability of setting the enemy on fire. For example, for Soviet light cruisers (with 152 mm guns), as well as for Soviet and American destroyers.

The Vigilance skill is one of the most useful skills. It makes sense to take it on all ships, with the possible exception of aircraft carriers. Due to the implementation features, it increases the detection distance of torpedoes when hydroacoustic search is activated, so it will be useful even to commanders of ships with a main gunship.

Level 4 skills

Considering that only German Tier VIII - X battleships and literally a couple of other ships have really good secondary guns, the Manual Secondary Fire Control skill is useless for the commanders of the vast majority of ships in World of Warships. The advisability of pumping commanders of German battleships into the secondary battery is also very doubtful.

You should also remember that in order to activate the secondary gun after taking the skill Manual Secondary Fire Control, you must select the enemy ship manually. While the ship is not selected, the secondary control system is considered turned off and does not work at all!

It makes sense to take the Fire Prevention skill on all battleships, and first. By reducing the number of possible fires in the central part of the ship (where all superstructures are located) from 2 to 1. Fire training significantly reduces the damage received from fires. Reducing the likelihood of a fire is also a nice bonus.

The skill Inertial fuze of HE shells is one of the variants of the main skill for cruisers with 6 inch guns (for example, Soviet Tier VI - VIII cruisers with 152 mm guns). Allows you to deal damage to the ends of battleships and penetrate the sides of some ships and missile ships. Pairs well with the Explosive Technician. The inertial fuze of HE shells is also very useful on the Japanese destroyer Akizuki with 100 mm guns and the German destroyer Ernst Gaede in the version with 150 mm guns. On ships with guns with a caliber of over 180 mm, it is practically useless.

Video guide on the skill Inertial fuze of HE shells

Essential skill for aircraft carrier commanders. Commanders of ships of other classes will not receive any benefits from it.

The skill Enhanced fire training is the main skill for ships with main guns up to 139 mm and good ballistics, that is, for Soviet destroyers with 130 mm guns. It is also one of the main skills when sharpening ships in air defense.

The Manual Control of Air Defense Fire skill is suitable for commanders of all ships with good air defense; it allows you to increase the number of aircraft shot down significantly. But only if the ship is equipped with many large-caliber (caliber above 85 mm) air defense guns.

It should also be remembered here that not all air defense weapons have the same survivability. As a rule, the larger the caliber of anti-aircraft guns, the more survivable they are. When deciding whether to take the Manual Air Defense Control skill or not, remember that by the end of the battle you may only have large-caliber anti-aircraft guns left and this skill will provide the maximum advantage.

The Direction Finding skill indicates the approximate direction to the nearest enemy ship. Useful for torpedo destroyers that cannot fight off enemy destroyers in an artillery duel. In this regard, it is especially useful for Japanese destroyers with equipment that speeds up the reloading of torpedoes (taken instead of smoke), because in this case the ship cannot even hide in the smoke. Useful for artillery destroyers in ranked battles to hunt torpedo destroyers. Of little use to all other ships and in all other situations.

The Master of Camouflage skill is the main skill for commanders of torpedo (Japanese, German) and stealth artillery (American) destroyers. Of little use for Soviet destroyers. Moderately useful for cruisers (allows you to get closer to enemy ships in open water without being spotted, and to disappear from detection at short distances). Useful even for battleships, but they can often be equipped with more useful skills.

Leveling up commanders on ships of different classes in WoWS

Here are some general tips for upgrading commanders in World of Warships for all ship classes:

  • Don't get carried away with level 4 skills. The more level 4 skills you take, the fewer skills you can take in total. Do you really need a second, and even more so, a third level 4 skill?
  • Before distributing skills, estimate them using the skills calculator.

Battleship Commander Skills

The first 10 skill points are distributed simply. At the third level, you can take Superintendent instead of Vigilance.

  1. On PCs pumped into survivability, it makes sense to take 3 (3), Increased readiness 2, 2 and 2.
  2. At the time of writing this guide on commander skills, I would not recommend pumping your LK into air defense. Aircraft carriers may not be in battle, or aircraft may not be on your flank. But if you want to upgrade your commander specifically in air defense, you will have to sacrifice the second skill at level 3 and take the second skill at level 4. Choose between Enhanced fire training 4 and Manual control of air defense fire 4, or take both.
  3. I would not recommend pumping LC into the secondary gun, even Bismarck VIII, Friedrich der Große IX and Großer Kurfürst X. But if you really want to, take 4, this will significantly increase the accuracy of the secondary gun. At the third level it makes sense to take 3 instead Vigilance 3, because these battleships have very useful equipment - hydroacoustic search (HAP).

A very good option is to select a skill for high-level battleships. It allows you to enter positions without being flagged (without receiving the focus of the enemy team at the beginning of the battle), and disappear from the flare already at an average distance for a battleship.

Cruiser Commander Skills

Unlike battleships, there is no convenient universal skill template for cruiser commanders, so let's look at the skills by tiers and types of ships:

  1. At level 1 take: Priority goal for cruisers up to level 4 inclusive and for all British cruisers. or Artillery alarm or for cruisers with main guns from 180 mm.
  2. for all other cruisers.
  3. At level 2, take the skill, the only question is whether to take this skill first or not. To begin with, just play for some time on a ship without a level 2 skill to understand how often modules (primarily rudders) are knocked out for you, and whether you need the skill. For example, for French cruisers up to and including Algérie VII, this skill is very necessary, and it is recommended to take it first.
  4. At level 3, take high-explosive rapid-fire guns (all Soviet cruisers up to level VIII inclusive), and all other cruisers. High-level cruisers with Repair Team equipment can take . At level 4 take Masters of disguise

or air defense skills if you have an air defense barge. For cruisers with a 6-inch (152 mm) main gun, you can safely take the . By the way, in some cases it would be a reasonable option not to take level 4 skills for the commander at all. This way you can gain a whole bunch of useful skills of levels 1-3.

  • Now let's see what we got::
  • Kirov, Budyonny Shchors
  • , other cruisers with 152 mm guns: Chapaev

and other cruisers with 152 mm guns and a lot of equipment: In Game There are several levels of ships that differ from each other. The higher the level of the ship, the more powerful and modern it becomes, allowing the player to inflict more damage on the enemy. But not all ships have a level of upgrade; there are other types that are considered elite. They go to the player in the maximum configuration. To get these ships you need to either invest money or earn it. An elite ship is not pumpable; there are no pumpable modules in it. Elite ships can be received as a gift or by purchasing them in a special game menu. Beginners do not receive such ships, since their gaming skills do not allow them to handle it correctly. Experienced professionals can easily find the correct application of their skills on vessels of this quality. To match the status elite ship must be unique. The very first premium ships were the American and Japanese ships: Atlanta and Kitakami. It was on these cruisers that sales were worked out and what features they might have were determined. Subsequently, elite units began to develop and new items began to appear.

Elite ship in World of Warships

  • He is able to add variety to the gameplay. And indeed, the players became more excited when trying to get their hands on such a floating car.
  • Allows the player to spend .
  • Having a premium ship, you can skip several levels and jump ahead to speed up the development of your account in the game.
  • On such floating vehicles it is easier to develop commanders, and it is also easier to earn money to buy and develop your own combat vehicles.

The game developers are trying to develop new floating vessels soon. They will be provided somewhat differently than now, namely for special tactics of conducting a naval battle. Premium units have a different combat pattern for both the player and the entire team. It’s not that difficult to get it, the main thing is to set such a goal. The creators promise that this year 2017 there will be new models that will become available to new players. Having a general understanding of premium amphibious combat vehicles, the player will no longer have the question: what does an elite ship give in World of Warships.

January 19 at 7:00 (Moscow time) will be released first update in the new year, which will receive the sonorous number 0.6.0.

Due to work on releasing the update, the game server will be unavailable from 5:00 to 7:00 (Moscow time). Update size: 1 GB.

Look for a detailed analysis of who and where to download in the new patch this week.

Elite Commander Experience
Version 0.6.0 added a new type of game currency - elite commander experience. Its source will be commanders who have reached the “highest rank”. This means that all experience earned by a commander after reaching skill point 19 will be considered elite. It will go into the same “piggy bank” of elite experience for all the player’s commanders.

Elite experience can be spent on:

  • leveling up commanders who have not reached 19 skill points;
  • accelerated retraining of commanders for other ships;
  • redistribution of skill points.

Similar to regular ship experience, elite commander experience can be used in conjunction with free experience to pay for the above actions.

Moreover, free experience can now also be spent on upgrading/retraining commanders or redistributing skills. Now the player can choose, for example, how to reset skills: for doubloons, for elite commander experience, or for free experience.

  1. To upgrade/retrain/reset a commander's skills for elite or free experience, there must be 100% enough experience, otherwise the transaction will not take place.
  2. First of all, elite experience is spent on a transaction, and only if it is not enough - free experience.
  3. When upgrading/retraining a commander, elite and free experience is spent in total exactly as much as the commander’s own experience is missing until the next skill point or until 100% skill performance.
  4. The cost of resetting skills is calculated using the formula: 10,000 elite/free experience multiplied by the number of skill points researched.

New commander experience scale

The pace of commander leveling has also changed. At the initial stage, it slowed down, while the high ranks of commander became much more accessible, including the highest. The total amount of experience required to reach the 18th point in version 0.6.0 decreased from 1,540,000 to 1,408,000 units. The cost of the 19th point has been reduced from 10,000,000 to 300,000 units. experience.

Regardless of the changes to the experience bar with the release of the update, player commanders will not lose skill points and experience, and in some cases will even be able to gain additional skill points.

If the player's commander has 16 skill points and less than 224,100 units. accumulated experience until the next point, then in version 0.6.0 he will receive a similar amount of skill points and a similar amount of accumulated experience until the next skill point.

If the player's commander has at least 16 skill points and more than 224,100 units. accumulated experience until the next skill point, but less than 120,100 units. experience until the 19th, then in version 0.6.0 the commander will receive a similar number of skill points, a similar number of units of accumulated experience and a bonus of 47,000 units. experience.

If the player's commander has 18 skill points and more than 120,100 units. accumulated experience until the next skill point (the total amount of accumulated experience in this case will be more than 1,661,000 units), then in version 0.6.0 he will receive 19 skill points, and the difference between the total amount of accumulated experience before version 0.6.0 and the number 1 661000 units will be upgraded to an elite experience.

The amount of experience required to retrain a commander from one researched ship to another also changes.

Number of skill points

The amount of experience required to retrain a commander for a new ship before the release of 0.6.0.

The amount of experience required to retrain a commander for a new ship after the release of 0.6.0

0 600 100
1 650 1000
2 750 1500
3 1050 2000
4 1700 3500
5 2900 5000
6 4800 7500
7 8000 10 000
8 12 500 15 000
9 18 500 20 000
10 26 500 25 000
11 37 000 30 000
12 51 000 40 000
13 68 000 50 000
14 89 500 75 000
15 100 000 100 000
16 100 000 125 000
17 100 000 150 000
18 100 000 175 000
19 100 000 250 000

Do you have a super captain and want to replant? Fuck you!

In update 0.6.0, clans are available to all players. Now any player can join or create a clan.

Players who are members of a clan are marked with a special clantag, which is visible to other players in battle. They also have access to a clan chat - an automatically created channel for all clan members to communicate with each other.

The maximum number of players in a clan at the moment is 30. The cost of creating a clan is 2500 doubloons.

Graphic changes

  • New portraits of commanders have been added to the game. In particular, one of the American commanders is made in the image of the player Markcou in memory of him. He was devoted to Wargaming games and his comrades from the TRIO clan from the NA server for more than four years, but a terrible disease took his life.
  • The appearance of the Atlanta, Belfast, Blyskawica, Flint, Saipan and Sims ships has been adjusted using special technology for improved rendering of subtle elements. The adjustment does not affect performance in any way.
  • In Port, the indicator for a commander to gain a new level has been replaced with a simple numerical designation.
  • The appearance of the ships Iowa, Missouri and Montana has been slightly changed. Fixed disappearing air defense platform on a “dead” gun. Rangefinders have been returned to the main caliber. Added areas near radars on rangefinders.
  • Alabama and Montana: a more accurate main gun armor model has been returned.
  • Nagato and Amagi: main gun turret models have been updated.
  • Marblehead: updated scheme of guns on the ship.
  • Minotaur: added animation on the navigation radar antenna.
  • Prinz Eugen: added animation for the rollback of the 1st main battery gun after firing.
  • Perth: added a box near the main battery gun. The description of armor parameters has been corrected without editing combat characteristics.
  • Shinonome: Fixed display of boats on low settings.


    • Camouflage has been removed from sale " New Year 2017".
    • Added permanent camouflage for the ships Amagi, Aoba, Bayern, Budyonny, Farragut, Fuso, Independence, Leander, Nagato, New Mexico, Nürnberg.

Maps and Ports

    “Strait”: the left side of the map has been significantly changed. The strait area has been expanded, a large island has been reduced to increase shooting along the west-east line, two new islands have been added (we nerfed the Aviks’ spot for the left base).

  • The visual appearance of the “Islands” and “Philippines” Port map has been significantly redesigned.
  • Fixed visual errors on the maps “Strait”, “Atlantic”, “Fault Line”, “Mountain Range”, “Okinawa”, “Path of the Warrior” and in the Port of St. Petersburg.

Testing new content

For testing by developers and supertesters, the Japanese premium Tier VI battleship IJN Mutsu has been added to the client. The ship is not available for purchase or research, but can be encountered by players in battle.


Nagato and Amagi: for a more comfortable game, the hull (A) of both ships has been removed from the game. Instead, a hull was installed similar to hull (B) in everything except for combat effectiveness points and rudder shift speed. These parameters remained at the body level (A).

Principles for replacing modules and bonuses received by players

  • If you have the current case (B) researched, the case (C) will be available for installation. If housing (B) has been installed, you will receive housing (C) automatically.
  • If you have researched buildings (B) and (C), you will receive 22,000 units. experience per ship (for Nagato) or 39,000 units. experience (for Amagi).
  • If you have Hull (B) researched and Hull (C) installed, you will receive 1,800,000 credits (Nagato) or 2,300,000 credits (Amagi).

Other balance changes

  • The ejection fighter operating time for battleships has been reduced to 90 seconds. ( The battleships with the airplane are too immature, yeah.)
  • The Flight Control Modification 1 upgrade now reduces aircraft preparation time by 15% instead of 10%. ( You need to download Aviki.)
  • The modernization of “Air Group Modification 2” now, in addition to increasing the combat effectiveness of fighters by 20%, additionally increases their ammunition by 50%. ( Aviki will not kill themselves.)
  • An error in calculating the flight time of a projectile at maximum range has been fixed. Now the flight time of a projectile during a battle is displayed correctly. The fix slightly changed the flight time of all projectiles at maximum range (within 0.3 seconds). A significant change affected only the German cruiser Yorck: the flight time of an armor-piercing projectile at the maximum distance for a ship in the top hull increased to 17.5 seconds (before the correction it was 13 seconds; the interface displayed 15 seconds). This change does not in any way affect armor penetration or damage caused by ships.
  • Akizuki: armor penetration of high-explosive shells has been reduced from 19 to 17 mm. ( It was so imbued that it completely filled the randomness! Sarcasm.)
  • Bismarck: Hydroacoustic search has been replaced with standard hydroacoustic search for Tier VIII ships.
  • “Daring”: fixed a bug due to which one gun sent a projectile to the maximum distance faster than the other two. The error only appeared at shooting distances available with the “Enhanced Fire Training” skill.
  • Fubuki: Smoke stats are set to a level similar to other Tier VI ships. Smoke screen duration reduced from 89 to 81 seconds.
  • Marblehead: The reload time for main battery guns has been reduced to 6.67 seconds, and the TA firing sector has been increased by 7 degrees towards the stern on both vehicles. ( Apa Marley won't be they said. We won’t touch the performance characteristics, they said.)


For new players, there is an additional way to enter the game - without registration.

When playing without registration, the functionality of the client is limited: you cannot buy doubloons and a premium account, convert experience into free experience, doubloons into credits, and perform other operations with your account.

The player can at any time turn a temporary account into a full-fledged one through registration indicating email address, password and login. At the same time, all progress is saved and all the possibilities of a full-fledged account are opened.

Going to the registration page is available in the game client.

Minor fixes

  • Fixed the display of received rewards without a container on the deck of a barge.
  • Fixed lack of focus on the selected challenge when switching from tile to card view.
  • One of the errors that led to the ship getting stuck in battle until the server was rebooted has been fixed.
  • A bug has been fixed that caused a player to get stuck in a squad after leaving the battle when the squad was disbanded in battle.
  • Weather effects (rain, snow) have been optimized.
  • Fixed a rare bug due to which the player could see the effects of an enemy ship, while the ship itself was not visible in the world.
  • Fixed a bug due to which damage based on intelligence data was not rounded in post-battle statistics.
  • Fixed a bug due to which forts suppressed by the player were not displayed in post-battle statistics.
  • The tooltip for ship modules if it is locked in a squad has been reformulated.
  • A bug has been fixed that caused the game client to crash if the player was in the commander's personal file at the time of his demobilization.
  • Fixed the display of the “exposure” distance of one of the forts on the Atlantic map.
  • The display of the number of days in a ranked season has been corrected if the season lasts more than 1.5 months.
  • Fixed the display of the Missouri wreath in Porto in system messages.
  • Added the ability to scroll in the summary window at minimum screen resolutions (below 1366×768).
  • A bug has been fixed that resulted in the ability to add a 4th player to a squad without the ability to go into battle.
  • The display of the number of modules in the 3rd task of the 5th mission of the “Honorable Service” campaign has been corrected.
  • Fixed campaign display with a four-tier ship carousel at low resolutions.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the achievement “Alone in the Field” was not awarded in the “Bastion” mode.
  • Fixed the display of nation flags in the development tree at minimum screen resolutions.
  • Fixed a hint about the need to enable Yokoska Port in the description of ARP ships.
  • Fixed display of the nickname of a player who is a member of a clan in the chat.