Tsambika, Rhodes: photos and reviews from tourists. Rhodes - Island of the Blessed Virgin Mary Monastery, where the icon of Saint Tsambika is located, on the map of Rhodes

Monastery and Chapel of Our Lady of Tsambika

Attractions Rhodes: monastery and chapel of the Holy Virgin Tsambika (Tsampika).

Holy Our Lady of Tsambika known throughout the world for helping women who cannot get pregnant to recover from infertility and have children.

Childless couples come to Tsambika from all over the world to seek help.

Tsambiki Monastery is located on the road, it is impossible to drive past.

The territory of the monastery is beautiful and green.

Large courtyard in front of the church.

Church inside.

On the territory of the monastery there is a small museum dedicated to history Holy Mother of God Tsambika.

Everything needed for the ritual of getting rid of infertility is sold in the church shop next to the church. In front of us, the woman behind the counter explained the procedure in poor English to a couple from Russia. I didn't listen much, but here's what I understood:

You need to buy a wax baby, an icon and some other thing. Climb barefoot (or better if on your knees, but this is cruel, you need to overcome 300 steps) to the chapel of St. Tsambika and leave the baby there. Then we go home, put the icon by the bed and pray. And I almost forgot, we still need a man, well, you know why.

We bought everything we needed. We go to the foot of the mountain on which the chapel of St. Tsambika is located.

You need to go back a little to Rhodes, there will be a sign from the main road.

Pointer to photo.

The road is narrow, with potholes, but it is better to go up by car to the very end, because... It's not an easy climb ahead.

First we walk along a concrete path without steps. Then the steps begin to be long and low, then the steps become smaller and steeper.

The climb is long, the sun is hot. There are benches along the way, you can take a breath.

The steps are numbered and you can brighten up the climb by counting how far you have gone and how much is left.

In some places the steps are not protected from the cliff by anything.

It’s worth climbing Tsambika just because of the views from the mountain.

This place is interesting because the land for the Orthodox chapel was donated by a Muslim after his wife gave him a son after his wife asked for help from the Mother of God Tsambika.

Why was the chapel built on this mountain?

Tsambika translated from Greek means spark. One day a poor shepherd was sitting under a mountain at night watching over his flock. He saw a light on the mountain. Thinking that it might be bandits, he called the guards and they went upstairs. To their surprise, they saw an icon of the Mother of God, a lamp was burning next to it. The icon was taken and rich merchants took it to Cyprus, but after some time the icon disappeared and, to everyone’s surprise, it was found again on the mountain. Again the icon was lowered down, and after some time it again inexplicably returned to its place on the mountain.

After that, they decided not to touch the icon anymore, they made a chapel, and placed the icon in it.

At the foot of the mountain lies a magnificent sand beach Tsampika.

Many Greeks and tourists come to this beach every day to spend the whole day on the warm sand.

We've arrived.

The chapel is very small inside.

View from the chapel into the interior of the island of Rhodes.

View of the Tsambika Chapel from the Tsampika Monastery (cafe opposite the monastery across the road). The chapel is white at the very top of the mountain.

I had the opportunity to come into contact with Orthodox Greece for the first time when visiting Rhodes. The island of Rhodes, covered with picturesque oak, pine and cypress groves, washed by emerald waters Mediterranean Sea, is rightfully called the pearl in the island necklace of Greece, being the third largest after Crete and Euboea. It is known to our compatriots as an expensive resort, which is annually visited by more than a million tourists from all over the world, eager to enjoy natural beauty, admire ancient monuments, and taste local cuisine. However, this blessed land, which has gained fame as a world tourist center, has every reason to be the object of special attention of Orthodox pilgrims.

The overwhelming majority of the island's population of almost one hundred thousand is Orthodox. This is a kind of outpost on the border with Turkey, from which the island is separated by only a few kilometers: when darkness falls, you can see the lights of the Turkish coast from here. You can travel around Rhodes by regular bus - this is the cheapest and easiest way, which also allows you to come into close contact with the life of the islanders.

The capital of the island is the city of Rhodes, founded in the 5th century BC. In its appearance, the influence of the archaic, Roman and Byzantine rule, and especially the Middle Ages is noticeable. The inhabitants of the island were among the first to hear and accept the Good News. The conversion of the ancestors of today's Rhodians to Christ occurred largely under the influence of the preaching of the holy Apostle Paul, who stopped here on his way to Jerusalem (Acts 21.1). Bay nearby ancient city Lindos, where the ship with the “apostle of tongues” landed, now bears his name, and the place where he set foot on the island is marked by a chapel. In the very heart of the Old City, early Christian catacombs have been preserved, over which a monastery was later built in honor of Holy Mother of God. In 395, Rhodes was already the center of the metropolis, whose flock consisted of residents of the surrounding islands of the Dodecanese archipelago. The community of believers stoically survived the invasion of the militant Islamic Saracen conquerors, and then the invasion of the Arabs. A new page in the history of the island was written by the knights of the Order of St. John the Baptist who captured it in 1309. It is noteworthy that the order itself was founded in the 12th century in Jerusalem precisely for the protection and assistance of Christian pilgrims. Traces of the presence of Catholic knights are visible everywhere here - in the thick walls ancient fortress, the ramparts of which are overgrown with palm trees, in a cobblestone style medieval Europe city ​​pavement, in the architecture of churches with clearly Gothic outlines. In Rhodes, the Knights of St. John became the owners of the greatest Christian shrines - the right hand of St. John the Baptist, which was given to them as an allied gift from the Turkish Sultan, and the icon of the Mother of God, painted by the Apostle and Evangelist Luke. The image was kept in a Greek monastery on the top of Mount Filerimos, which, according to legend, received its name from the name of the monk who labored on it. Nowadays this place is crowned with a 17-meter cross.

The two-hundred-year reign of the Knights of St. John on Rhodes ended in 1522, when the Turks took possession of the island for a long time. The Order moved to Malta, and its relics - a piece of the Life-Giving Cross, the right hand of John the Baptist and the ancient icon of the Mother of God, named after the location of Philermos, were subsequently given by the Knights of Malta as a gift to the Russian Emperor Paul I. In June of this year, one of these shrines was brought to Russia , who remained in Montenegro after the Second World War, is the right hand of St. John the Baptist.

Every village of Rhodes breathes with antiquity; in almost every one there are small temples or monasteries with centuries-old history. Many of them are dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

On the outskirts of the town of Kremasti in the Petaloudes region there is the monastery of Our Lady of Kalopetra, where numerous pilgrims traditionally flock during the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. The monastery was built in 1782 by one of the representatives of the famous aristocratic family of Ypsilanti, whose members, by the way, served in the Russian army and in 1812 fought under Russian banners against Napoleon. The monastery of the Mother of God of Skiadi near the village of Mesanagros is famous for the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, the crowded celebration of which takes place on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The main Orthodox church Rhodes. It is located on the very seashore in the port of Mandraki, where once stood the statue of the famous Colossus of Rhodes - one of the seven wonders of the world. Now this place is marked by two columns topped with sculptures of deer. Columns with deer are a symbol of modern Rhodes. It is hardly a coincidence that deer were often present in early Christian mosaics. In the Annunciation Church, which is the main church of the metropolis, I had the opportunity to attend the Sunday liturgy.

Of course, Greek worship is somewhat different from what we are used to. For example, a deacon reads the Apostle from a special pulpit, and after the liturgy, the serving priest himself distributes antidoron to all parishioners. But having attended the service here in Rhodes, I experienced the same inner spiritual uplift, the same joy that I experienced in my native Moscow parish. It seems that every Orthodox pilgrim who happens to visit this ancient and holy land will experience similar feelings.

Organizer: Pilgrimage Center of the Moscow Patriarchate

If you liked the review and you also want to visit these shrines, then we invite you to familiarize yourself with the corresponding

For many, a child is the meaning of life. If you can’t conceive and doctors give up, then your last hope is in holy places that help you get pregnant. Happy parents who have experienced the power of faith are happy to share their experiences and impressions.

This is exactly the case when the attempt is clearly not harmful to health, so why not take a step in this direction? In fact, medicine can rarely guarantee a high result of infertility treatment, so it acts on an equal footing with a sincere belief in a miracle.

The most important condition for success is sincere faith, and not “let me try, maybe I’ll get lucky.” Only a positive attitude, diligent prayers and desire will help you achieve long-awaited parenthood!

The most popular places to help you get pregnant

  1. Intercession Monastery in Moscow
  2. Western Wall in Israel
  3. Temple of Karnak in Egypt
  4. Convent in Murom (Russia)
  5. Golosovoy ravine in Kolomenskoye (Russia)
  6. Mountain ULU-TAU in Kabardino-Balkaria
  7. Source of St. Anne in Pochaev Lavra (Ukraine)
  8. Gate of Wishes in Alanya (Türkiye)
  9. Chapel of St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg in St. Petersburg
  10. Anno-Zachatievskaya Church in Chekhov
  11. Blue stone near Lake Pleshcheevo (Russia)
  12. Ganges River in India
  13. Tibet in China
  14. Church in Tsalebiko (Greece)
  15. Kykkos Monastery in Cyprus
  16. Lake on the island of Langkawi (Malaysia)
  17. Monastery of Montserrat in Spain

In every corner of the world there are women who, for one reason or another, cannot get pregnant. They regularly visit places that have existed from time immemorial, and perform certain rituals and pray. Every woman who cannot conceive a child dreams of visiting holy places to get pregnant.

Each holy place has its own history, shrouded in secrets and miracles. Most importantly, the majority of those who visited the so-called attractions became happy parents. It is this fact that attracts many people in need of help to holy places.

Legends and rituals of holy places that help you get pregnant

    Intercession Monastery in Moscow

    Here are the relics of Saint Matrona, touching which gives healing from many ailments. They say that it is the Blessed Elder who helps infertile women become pregnant. Therefore, if you dream of having a child, you should come here. To fulfill a secret desire, you need to write a note with a request in advance and leave it in the temple. To perform the ritual, you will have to stand in a long line for a long time, because those who want to be healed are apparently invisible.

    Western Wall in Israel

    The wall has long been considered the holiest of places. Pilgrims from all over the world come to her to pray and ask for help. They say that the strongest energy helps women to conceive a child in the near future.

    Temple of Karnak in Egypt

    Statue of a scarab beetle in temple complex considered a talisman for future parents. To become one, you need to walk around the beetle seven times, continuously repeating your innermost desire, then it will certainly come true.

    Convent in Murom

    Saints Peter and Fevronya once reigned in the city. They were canonized on July 8, which meant recognition of the depth of their services to God. Since then, it is at the end of the first week of July that the day comes, which many rightfully consider the most favorable for praying for the conception of a child.

    In the Moscow region there is a “girlish” stone and a “goose” stone - a masculine one. According to legend, these are parts of the dead horse of St. George the Victorious, who fell in a battle with a serpent. To round out the belly, a woman needs to sit on a stone and drink water taken from a spring. After which, be sure to leave your ribbon on the wish tree. It is best to carry out the ceremony on April 24 or May 7, St. George's Day.

    Mount ULU-TAU

    The healing mountain is also called “Mother Mountain” or “God’s Mountain”. It is believed to be the abode of angels. To receive healing from infertility, many women live in huts without amenities, pray and fast.

    St. Anne's Spring

    According to legend, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos was Saint Anna. She gave birth to Maria at an old age, and therefore is considered the patroness of those women who cannot have a child. To get the desired two stripes on the test, you need to plunge three times into the water of the holy spring, the temperature of which is about four degrees all year round.

    Gate of Desires

    According to legend, the natural gate in the rock has healing properties. If a woman who cannot get pregnant goes through them and asks for help, then her wish should come true in the near future.

    Chapel of St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg

    Ksenia was the wife of a colonel and was widowed at a young age. After such a shock, she decided to distribute all her property to those in need. The girl then dressed herself in her husband's clothes, trying to live a fruitful life in his place. She began to respond only to his name. The Blessed One spent almost half a century traveling, healing people and tirelessly saying prayers for women who did not have children. To ask Ksenia for help, you need to light a candle, put a note next to it with a request and slowly walk around the chapel three times with a mental appeal to the saint.

    Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevsky convent

    The Holy Canal is the name of the healing spring that helped the wife of Tsar Alexander II, who already had four daughters, conceive an heir. Before plunging into holy water, you need to attend a service and touch the relics of St. Seraphim.

    Anno-Zachatievskaya Church

    A church with a three-hundred-year history helps women find their long-awaited child. According to legend, as soon as the church was founded, the prince’s wife, after many years of prayer, carried and gave birth to a daughter, Maria.

    Blue stone on Lake Pleshcheyevo

    The boulder, which weighs 12 tons, according to legend, contains the power of Yarila, the Sun God. If a woman who cannot conceive a child sits on a blue stone, she will certainly become pregnant.

    Ganges River

    The sacred Indian river is famous for giving strength to conceive a child. This has been used since ancient times by the Hindus, whose fertility can be envied. To do this, a woman needs to plunge into sacred water and wait for her dream to come true.

    This unique place shrouded in secrets and legends. The wisdom of Tibetan monks is known throughout the world. Teachings that are thousands of years old are based on correct use energy, help women gain strength and conceive a child.

    Church in Tsalebiko

    A small church on a mountaintop in Greece is famous for helping women get pregnant. To do this you need to make a little effort: crawl along the rocky surface from the beginning of the mountain to the church itself. According to legend, the young couple, who had no children, were walking through a picturesque area and saw the light that came from the icon. Having prayed and asked for the gift of a child, they continued on their way. On the same day, the woman became pregnant, and the grateful husband subsequently built a church.

    Kykkos Monastery

    Here, miraculously, after repeated fires, the icon of the Mother of God, which Saint Luke painted from her face, survived. The icon is located near the royal gates. A belt decorated with stones hangs right there. It is tried on for women who cannot have children.

    Lake on Langkawi island

    In the wilds of mangroves there is a lake. The hills around it form the silhouette of a pregnant woman. According to legend, the firstborn of a goddess and a mere mortal died and was buried in clear waters. The lake became sacred, and the grief-stricken mother returned to heaven. Thus, the waters of the lake acquired the power to heal infertile women.

    Monastery of Montserrat

    A figurine of the Virgin Mary, carved from black poplar by Luke himself, is kept here. In one hand she holds a symbol of earthly power - a ball. It is touching it that brings healing from diseases, including infertility.

Other holy places that help to conceive a child

  • Monastery in Gondar (Ethiopia)
  • Sculpture of the boy Frantik in the Czech Republic
  • Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in Kyiv
  • Elias Monastery - Anthony's Caves in Chernigov
  • Holy Intercession Monastery – Goloseevskaya Hermitage in Kyiv
  • Healing Spring of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Izium (Ukraine)
  • Toplovsky St. Paraskevievsky Convent in Crimea
  • The grave of Valentina Minskaya in Belarus.
  • Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa on the island of Crete

It has long been no secret at what age you can get pregnant. But miracles exist if you truly believe in them. With deep hope, childless parents visit holy places, which often help them find real and long-awaited happiness - a child.

Tsambika Monastery (Greece) - description, history, location. The exact address and website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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  • Last minute tours to Greece

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The Tsambika Monastery (also called Panagia Tsambika) on the island of Rhodes is known throughout Greece, because it is here that the great shrine- icon of the Virgin Mary. She is not only considered miraculous, but also patronizes all married couples, especially childless ones. Women who dream of becoming mothers constantly make pilgrimages here. The temple attracts tourists who want to see this most interesting architectural monument with their own eyes.

The name of the monastery comes from the word “tsamba”, meaning “shine” in the local dialect.

There is little accurate historical data about the monastery, but there is an interesting legend associated with its appearance. According to it, one day one of the islanders saw a bright flash on the top of the mountain and went up to find out what was the matter. It turned out that the glow came from a candle hovering above the icon in a silver frame. Later it turned out that the shrine had disappeared from the Cypriot monastery, and it was returned back. However, having disappeared again, she reappeared in Rhodes. This happened a third time, after which it was decided to build a temple on the top.

What to see

There are two Tsambika monasteries - the lower one (Kato Tsambika) and the upper one (Moni Tsambika). They are located a couple of kilometers from each other. The first contains a white stone church with a bell tower. It is here that pilgrims come to see the miraculous relic, pray and lay flowers and offerings near it. They work here orthodox museum and a small cafe selling souvenirs, candles, icons, oil and holy water.

To get to the smaller second temple, you need to overcome 2 km of road and a steep staircase with 300 steps. Here you can see a copy of the famous icon - the original goes up only once a year - on September 8, the birthday of the Mother of God.

On the holiday, the monastery gathers most of those who want to worship the Mother of God and ask for the fulfillment of a cherished desire or put up a photo of their children as a sign that their prayers have been answered.

And tourists who are not particularly interested in religion will appreciate a walk through the local surroundings, beautiful panoramas Mediterranean Sea and relax on the picturesque Tsambika beach.

Practical information

How to get there: the temple is located 6 km from the city of Archangelos. You can get there by bus from Rhodes (departs daily from 9:00 to 21:15 with an interval of approximately 1-1.5 hours from the bus station at Averof, 2). You need to get off at the Tsambika Church stop or get to the city itself.

From Archangelos the place can be reached on foot or by taxi (trip cost approximately 5-10 EUR). It is also convenient to get there by car, GPS coordinates: 36°14’08.3"N; 28°09’03.4"E. Prices on the page are as of November 2019.

Opening hours: daily from 8:00 to 20:00. Admission is free (clothing must be appropriate for visiting the temple).

Everyone who dreams of relaxing with their family for a very special time comes to this amazing place. beautiful coast, surrounded by picturesque landscapes.

Mount Tsambika

This picturesque mountain, 240 meters above sea level, is reached by a landscaped, winding path with numbered steps. Everyone who wants to climb to the top of Tsambiki will have to overcome three hundred steps. It would seem not very high, but in the summer heat it is quite tiring to climb.

There are very comfortable benches along the entire path where you can relax in the shade. Climbing up the mountain, travelers have the opportunity to admire beautiful views. And from its top you can see such beauty that it will take your breath away.

The mountain is famous primarily for the temple located here, in addition, it offers views of the magnificent Tsambika beach (Rhodes). We'll talk about it now.

Tsambika Beach (Rhodes)

He is considered one of the most beautiful beaches islands. It extends for 800 meters between mountain capes. The beach is covered with delicate golden sand, but there are also small pebbles. Tsambika (Rhodes) is perfectly equipped for a comfortable holiday by the sea. Every little detail has been thought out here so that vacationers can enjoy the wonderful nature and not think about everyday problems.

Installed over a fairly large area great amount sun loungers, umbrellas, it is possible to rent everything you need for water and beach sports. Smooth entry into the water and shallow depth make this beach ideal place for families with children of any age.

Numerous beach taverns offer refreshing drinks, Greek cuisine and a wide variety of fruits. Lovers over active rest can do aquatic species sports.

Tsambika (Rhodes) is a fairly wide beach. Therefore, here you can not only play games but also ride ATVs. If you drive towards Rhodes, to the village of Afandou, you can visit a good golf club. Even further away is the noisy and lively Faliraki with a magnificent water park and a very good amusement park. And if you walk along the sea in the opposite direction, you can visit the town of Lindos, famous for its ancient acropolis and magnificent landscapes. As you can see, Tsambika Beach (Rhodes) guarantees great holiday both families with children and cheerful youth groups.


25 km south of the capital of the magnificent island of the same name, next to the small village of Archangelos, is the world-famous monastery of Tsambika (Rhodes). It houses a holy relic for all the inhabitants of Greece - the miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The patroness of all married couples, and especially childless ones, is Our Lady Tsambika. Rhodes became the place where the holy icon appeared, thanks to which the monastery was built.

History of the monastery

The name of the monastery comes from the word tsamba, which translates as “flash, spark.” According to legend, one day the inhabitants of the island saw a bright sparkling light at the very top of the mountain. They went up to him, and in the branches of the tree they saw a very small icon, barely larger than a palm, of the Mother of God, framed in a silver frame. A little later it became clear that she disappeared from a monastery in Cyprus.

Repeatedly the islanders tried to return the holy relic, but the icon somehow miraculously returned to the top of the mountain. Locals They could not say with certainty that the same icon was returning to them, so after its next appearance, a small spot was burned on the back side. By the way, it has survived to this day, although not everyone can see it, since the icon is in a frame.

This amazing miracle happened in the 15th century. The inhabitants of the island perceived this phenomenon as a divine sign and decided to build a temple here in honor of the Mother of God. The icon found on the mountain is called Panagia Tsambika (Our Lady of Tsambika). Later it was moved downstairs, since not every person could overcome the difficult path to the monastery to venerate the shrine. So on top picturesque mountain the small church of Tsambika (Rhodes) appeared, which has been very well preserved to this day.

Construction of the monastery

Much later, at the foot of the mountain, the monastery of the Mother of God Tsambiki was built - an unusually beautiful, majestic snow-white temple. The red tiles and high bell tower gave it a special solemnity. Today this is where the miraculous shrine is kept. Thousands of pilgrims from all over the world come every year to venerate her and ask for help.

At the top of the hill, in the temple, there is a large copy of the shrine, and its original is raised only in September, when the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is celebrated.


The Monastery of the Virgin Mary is, without any doubt, one of the main attractions of the island and its shrine. Women from all over the world who have lost all hope of experiencing the joy of motherhood come here for help.

Tourists are usually brought to the top of the hill, and women walk to it. They need to overcome three hundred steps and several rather long passages.

During the long journey, women read prayers all the time, and the most desperate ones overcome the entire journey on their knees. Having reached the top, pilgrims set fire to a small wick located on the head of a wax figurine. When the figurine burns out, they swallow the cinder, washing it down with blessed olive oil. According to the monastery ministers, the majority of women suffering from long-term infertility usually rejoice at the birth of their first child nine months later.

We have already said that at the top of the hill, in the chapel of Moni Tsambika, a copy of the icon is kept, its original is in the Tsambika monastery, below. On the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (September 8), the icon is raised to the temple. On the night of September 7-8, many women who suffer from infertility gather in the monastery. At this time, a sacrament is performed: the woman’s belly is smeared with olive oil, a goat’s hair rope is wrapped around her waist, and special words are spoken that are addressed to the Mother of God asking for help in conception.

After this, all participants in the ceremony climb the hill, holding a candle in the form of a baby figurine. After the birth of the baby, happy parents baptize the baby in this church. Usually the newborn is given a middle name: Tsambika or Tsambikos.

Original icon

A very small icon of the Mother of God in a silver frame, kept in the monastery, is surrounded by a frame of velvet and gold. Next to her are numerous tiny wax figures that look like very small children. At the altar there are photographs of newborn babies. Parents leave these images dear to their hearts as confirmation of the miraculous power of the icon. Anyone who wants to receive the help of Our Lady Tsambika needs to stock up on faith and willpower.

Tsambika (Rhodes): reviews

Tourists leave many rave reviews after relaxing on Tsambika beach. Both families with children and young and active people feel comfortable here.

Women who dreamed of a child were especially happy after a trip to Rhodes. Some of them note that they did not really believe in a miracle. Nevertheless, many of them today are raising long-awaited babies. They recommend that everyone who cannot become a mother ask for help from Our Lady Tsambiki, and you must believe that she will definitely help you.