Carthage tunisia history. Carthage. History of the Phoenicians in North Africa. Road from Carthage to the Baths of Anthony Pius

Today we will talk about the once powerful and richest city - Carthage. Now only picturesque ruins remain of it. Today, Carthage is also a revered city; for example, the residence of the President of Tunisia is located here. However, only memories remain of its former glory. Today, a photo of Carthage in Tunisia is available in all tourist brochures of this country. Therefore, we offer a closer look at this ancient city, its history, culture and location.

Carthage (Tunisia): history

According to legend, this city was founded by the Tyrian princess Elissa, who was forced to flee from her native places after a palace coup. It happened in 814 BC. Elissa and her supporters sailed the sea for a long time until they reached the African coast, where they landed on land in the Gulf of Tunis. The locals were very happy with the foreigners, who brought with them a lot of amazing goods. The fugitive queen wanted to buy a plot of land equal in area to the size of an oxhide. The local leader was very surprised at this proposal and made fun of Elissa for a long time. He was sure that all her people would never be able to fit in such a small space, but he nevertheless agreed to the deal. The next night, Elissa ordered to cut the skin of an ox into thin strips and enclose a fairly large piece of land with them, thus marking her new possessions. It was in this way that the city of Carthage in Tunisia was founded. It is no coincidence that the citadel built in its center is called Birsa, which means “skin” in translation.

By the III century BC, Carthage (Tunisia) became the largest state in the western Mediterranean. Its geographical location allowed it to control all the ships passing by. The Carthaginians were very businesslike, resourceful and warlike. They surrounded themselves with a high fortress wall, and along with the merchant fleet, they also created their own navy, numbering more than two hundred ships. Thus, Carthage turned out to be impregnable both from land and from the sea.

Carthage was not ruled by the Senate, where the best people of their time were elected, as in Rome. Here, all decisions were made by the plebs, that is, the people. However, some scholars are sure that in fact in Carthage the oligarchy (a group of the richest citizens) ruled everything. Be that as it may, along with Rome, this city was the most cultural and developed at that time.

The Carthaginians actively sailed to other countries and subjugated a number of lands in southern Spain, North Africa, Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica. At first they were on good terms with Rome. Both states supported each other in military operations. However, friction soon arose between them over the possession of Sicily, as a result of which the First Punic War began in 264 BC. Military operations went on with varying success. However, in the end, the Carthaginians were defeated. However, they were a stubborn people and were able to recover. This was followed by two more which eventually ended in complete victory for the Romans. So the call of a Roman statesman named Mark Porcius Cato came true, who ended each of his speeches with a phrase that later became winged: “Carthage must be destroyed!” The wars of the Roman Empire destroyed the city of half a million. The surviving inhabitants were sold into slavery, and the ruins of Carthage were sprinkled with salt so that no one would have a desire to settle here. However, after some time, the Romans regretted the complete destruction of the city, because it was possible to get by only with the elimination of its army. Eventually they began to rebuild and repopulate Carthage. The city after some time became the main center of Africa.

In the 2nd century AD, the Carthaginians adopted Christianity. In the VI century, along with the collapse of the Roman Empire, this once majestic city also fell into decay. After only a hundred years, it was captured by the Arabs. The remains of local structures were used by the new rulers of Carthage to build a new city - Tunis. Today Carthage is a suburb of Tunisia. And due to its greatest historical value, it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Carthage (Tunisia): description and geographical location

So, today this city is one of the main ones. Few tourists who find themselves in this region deprive themselves of the opportunity to touch the ancient history of the once great empires. Carthage on the map of Tunisia is not difficult to find. It is located in the northern part of this state on the shores of the Gulf of Tunis, which is part of the Mediterranean Sea.

Carthage Hotels

The number of rooms in this settlement can be called modest. This is due to the fact that Carthage is a unique place, there is no possibility of building hotels. The only option for travelers who definitely want to stay here is the five-star Villa Didon Hotel with 20 rooms. If you are looking for a more budget option, then it makes sense to choose a hotel in the city of Tunisia or Gammarth.


One of the must-see places in Carthage is the Baths of Antoninus. In their size, they were second only to the Roman counterpart. Today, little remains of its former grandeur, but you can appreciate the scale of the building by looking at their model erected here. Not a single excursion to Carthage (Tunisia), as a rule, is complete without a visit to Tophet, which is an open-air burial altar. Here the Phoenicians sacrificed their firstborn in order to appease the gods. In addition, it is worth taking a look at the Roman amphitheater, which accommodated 36 thousand spectators, the remains of a huge aqueduct, as well as the Maalga water cisterns.


In addition to the standard souvenirs for any country in the form of magnets, key rings, postcards, etc., here merchants offer tourists items that supposedly have historical value: coins, mosaics, pieces of steles and columns, etc. You should not fall for this fishing rod. You can buy such things only as a souvenir, but do not hesitate to bargain.

Cafes and restaurants

On both sides of Habib Bourguiba Avenue, which runs along the coastline, there are a whole host of cafes where you can quench your thirst with cool juice or have lunch. If you want to pamper both your stomach and eyes, then visit the restaurant in the five-star Villa Dido Hotel, which offers stunning views of the whole of Carthage.

And so, the second part of the review: EXCURSION PROGRAM.
As I wrote in a previous review, we rested in Tunisia from September 11 to 27 of this year. Even at home, we had planned six excursions, five of which we managed to bring to life. I prepared a list of places that I would like to visit in advance, but no tourist guides can replace a personal impression of what I saw. And do not believe those who claim that there is nothing to see in Tunisia. This is said by people who do not get out of the beach for the whole vacation. I will try to convince you of this. I will write about my favorite places.

During this excursion we visited three cities of Tunisia. The first city on our way was the capital of Tunisia, which bears the same name as the country. For about an hour, a wonderful guide told us the glorious history of his country. According to the guide, "Olives and tourism" are the two gods that the locals pray to.
TUNISIA is a very modern, noisy and energetic city. It is also called the country of "victorious feminism." Elsewhere in the Arab world, women wear a veil, take care of the kitchen, housework, and raise children. In Tunisia, thanks to the reforms of President Bourguiba, all conditions for a full life have been created for a woman. They, along with men, study, work and have fun. Those. live a full life, which, for example, our beloved Egypt cannot boast of. In Tunisia, polygamy has been legally abolished, you must admit - this is a phenomenal phenomenon for the Muslim world. In general, the legislation does a lot of concessions for women.
The capital of Tunisia has modern highways, underground metro, hotels, cafes, restaurants, stadiums and museums. In the city itself, there are many French-style buildings, a memory of colonial times. As in other cities of the country, the Central Street of Tunisia is named after the first president - Avenue Habib Bourguiba. This street starts from the gates of the old city - Medina. On the main street of the capital is the national theater of Tunisia. Its steps are a meeting place for young people and students. By the way, the University of Tunis itself is not much younger than Oxford. On the same street is the International Hotel, where our first stop was. The group was given time to walk to the Old City of the Medina, which is famous for its large bazaar, with a labyrinth of shopping arcades. Here you can buy all sorts of souvenirs and gifts. The guide immediately warned that the bazaar is so big that you can get lost, so you should not get carried away and go deep into the malls. When you get to the Old Medina, you get the impression that you are immersed in oriental life with all its color and spicy smells of spices. We were really afraid to get lost and returned to Avenue Bourguiba to take memorable pictures. In general, the central street of the capital looks very European. I got the impression that Tunisia is a city where “yesterday and today” naturally mixed and intertwined.
The National Mosaic Museum "Bardo" is also located in the capital. The museum building is an ancient palace, where the largest collection of ancient Roman mosaics, as well as statues of gods and heroes is presented. All exhibits of the museum were found during excavations in various cities of Tunisia.
The entrance to the museum is guarded by two marble lions. In order to take photos, you need to pay 1 dinar (22 rubles). The museum has just a huge amount of wall and floor mosaics, of various sizes and subjects. There are several storey-sized wall mosaics that hang on the stairs of the museum. In the festive hall there is the largest surviving fragment of the mosaic - as much as 56 square meters!
Very beautiful ceilings of the palace building itself, many are decorated with paintings in the Italian style or unusually fine, lace carvings. In general, it is very difficult to talk and write about the museum, it must be seen. Mosaics can be viewed for hours, and the guide will tell you in detail who created them and for what reason. Our guide throughout the tour did not get tired of repeating the aphorism "Life is short, but art is eternal."
The next place to visit was the famous, and familiar to everyone from school, the city of Carthage or Carthage. This once powerful empire, founded by the Phoenician princess Elissa, was destroyed several times and revived again. Until now, the remains of the Roman buildings of the Capitol, the Carthaginian amphitheater and the Baths of Anthony have been preserved. The ruins of Carthage are located in several scattered places, where to this day, excavations are underway. We only visited the park of the thermal bath complex (baths) of Emperor Anthony Pius, which were built on the seashore and are best preserved to our times. After Trajan's baths in Rome, these baths were the largest in the Roman Empire. The aristocracy of Carthage met here for recreation, bathing and business conversations. Of course, only ruins remained of all the splendor, but they are also impressive.
Near the park there is a fence of the summer residence of the President of Tunisia, Ben Ali, which is strictly guarded (there are booths with machine gunners around the fence). Signs are placed around the territory warning that photography is not allowed in this direction. By the way, portraits of the president and state flags hang everywhere - in the lobbies of hotels, in shops, in shops, in cafes. A sort of patriotism on display.
Modern Carthage is one of the most prestigious suburbs of Tunisia. There are many snow-white villas and nobles live here, as well as the residences of foreign ambassadors. Carthage is carefully preserved from modernity. All telephone and electrical cables are hidden underground, so walking around the city, it is easy to imagine that time has turned back and you are in another era. According to the guide, local authorities still fine homeowners if they do not update the color on their homes.
In general, we caught ourselves thinking that it was somehow unusual to touch the ancient stones that keep memories of the former greatness of the whole Empire ... Once in Soviet times, studying the history of Carthage according to the school curriculum, we could not even imagine that we will see it all with our own eyes...
From Carthage, we went to the suburbs to have lunch at one of the Caribbean hotels. Further, our excursion followed to the romantic town of artists, artists and poets ...
And, finally, the last point of our journey is the picturesque blue and white town of Sidi Bou Said, which is located on Mount El Manar, and is located not far from Carthage. In my opinion, this is one of the most beautiful places that we have seen in Tunisia.
White and blue are the main colors of the houses in this town. Back in the early 20s, the town of Sidi Bou Said, at the initiative of the British Baron Erlanger, was taken under protection as a historical monument.
We follow our guide past flowering cactus plantations, galleries and souvenir shops. Every now and then we meet students with tablets in their hands, sketching local architectural “masterpieces” ... We literally turn our heads 180 degrees with our mouths open and photograph, photograph and photograph ...
The steeply rising main street finally leads us to the Natt Café. They say that this is the most famous cafe in Tunisia, thanks to the painting "View of the Mosque" by Auguste Macque. Here the guide interrupted his story and let us go free swimming for an hour and a half. It was the shortest hour and a half of my life. There was no trace of fatigue left. We have time to walk along the shopping street with many shops, take a lot of pictures and look into the famous cafe. Every house in this town, every door, twined with ivy or roses, is a real work of art. And what an amazing view opens from the terrace of the cafe on the Gulf of Tunis and Mount Bou Cornin. I think that this wonderful, fabulous town will not leave indifferent any tourist. To feel the atmosphere of this amazingly beautiful place, you need to stay here at least one day, but, alas, we have too little time. We have to rush back to the bus. It is a pity that there was very, very little time for inspection.
This wonderful, informative tour took the whole day. The cost for 1 person with lunch is 65 Dinar (1400-1450 rubles). By dinner we were brought back to the hotel for a well-deserved rest.
The whole next day we peacefully arrived on the beach, and shared our impressions of what we saw with new acquaintances from the rest. After resting and gaining strength, ready for new experiences, we went on an excursion to the city of El Jem.

First of all, the city of El Jem is famous for its amphitheater, which in 1979 was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Like almost all other Roman settlements in Tunisia, El Jem was built on the site of a former Phoenician settlement. The Romans called it Thysdrus (Fisdrus) and under them it was a place where many trade routes converged, along which food was delivered to Rome. The huge Colosseum is a reminder of those times.
And so, about the main attraction of the city - the amphitheater or the Colosseum.
Even from afar, we noticed this structure, but thought it was just a mountain. And only, driving closer, they realized that this was a creation of human hands. This huge building, 38 m high, can be seen from all points of the city. The diameter of the building is about 430 meters. Three floors of the structure can accommodate up to 40 thousand spectators. By the way, the Colosseum in Rome is not much larger in size and capacity, but it has been preserved much worse. I haven't seen the Roman Colosseum, but I'm guessing the Tunisian amphitheater looks just as majestic. The building at El Jem is very well preserved, including the underground rooms where prisoners and animals were kept. In ancient times, gladiator fights took place here, and Christian martyrs were thrown to be torn to pieces by wild animals. Often the Colosseum also became a defensive fortress. According to one legend, El-Jem is connected with the city of Mahdia by an underground tunnel through which an elephant can pass, and another tunnel allegedly leads to the catacombs of the city of Sousse. Excavations are still being carried out on the territory of the amphitheater and underground premises are being restored. The local residents of the city, who used its walls as a quarry for new construction, contributed a lot to the destruction of Caliseum. But no matter how much destruction the Colosseum has undergone, it still proudly and majestically rises above El Jem.
Currently, international festivals of classical music are held on the territory of the Colosseum. On the territory of the former arena, a modern stage is being installed, as well as spectator stands. What else I remember is the chic acoustics present in the amphitheater. By the way, the Oscar-winning film "Gladiator" was filmed in this Colosseum. In general, there is something to see, something to be impressed with, and something to admire. Our group was given a little over an hour of free time to explore and buy souvenirs. We independently wandered through the underground labyrinths of the Colosseum, took interesting pictures, climbed to the highest points of the building, from where a good view of the modern city of El Jem opens.
From the Colosseum we are taken to the ancient residence - Villa "Africa". This is once one of the most luxurious houses in Roman Africa with an area of ​​​​3 thousand m2. To date, the villa has been restored and restored by 70 percent. And the ancient mosaic depicting the goddess of Africa, after whom the villa is named, has also been restored. Excavations are still ongoing on the territory of the villa.
This interesting excursion takes only half a day. At 6 am, tourists are picked up from the hotel, and by the middle of lunch they are brought back. The cost for 1 person is 35 Dinar (770 rubles). In the afternoon we rested on the beach of our hotel.
I'm all about the cognitive, now about the entertaining tour.

An entertaining performance takes place in the evening on the territory of the Medinat El Zahra park, not far from the city of Sousse. The park and its scenes are surrounded by mountains and occupy about 3 hectares of land. The laser show is preceded by a folklore performance, where scenes of matchmaking and weddings from the life of the Berbers are played out.
We were first escorted to a makeshift Berber village where invited guests are entertained before the wedding. Here one could take pictures in improvised Berber huts, listen to musicians and watch Tunisian dances, which are actively lured by tourists. Then everyone moved to an impromptu amphitheater, where the action of matchmaking and the wedding itself was actually played out. The whole performance was accompanied by a beautiful trick riding on Arabian horses.
Then all the guests were invited to a restaurant where a classic Tunisian dinner took place. The guests were served traditional dishes, the main of which, of course, was couscous. For dinner, unlimited red table wine, mineral water and other drinks are served. The entire dinner is accompanied by a folklore show on stage, where national costumes, dances, customs and the wedding ceremony itself are shown.
By the way, in reality, weddings in Tunisia last 7 days and are a grandiose performance. Moreover, the bride and groom celebrate separately, each with their relatives and friends, and they don’t see each other, but meet only on the last day of the wedding)))
In our opinion, the first part of the evening, although it was quite rich and interesting, was a bit long. The people, having tasted the treats, began to actively leave the restaurant.
Next, an even more amazing spectacle awaited us - the Laser Show "Sound and Light". The entire show is accompanied by voiceovers in several languages, incl. and in Russian. The action takes place in the amphitheater, where on one side there are stone stands with wicker mats for spectators, and on the other side - the decoration of the eastern fortress, with battlements and loopholes. In the center of the amphitheater there is an impromptu pond 80 meters in diameter, and in the middle there are illuminated fountains.
As soon as the first three-dimensional laser projection appeared on the wall, as if on a screen, applause broke out in the amphitheater. Indeed - spectacular! In addition to the laser show, a theatrical action takes place on the stage, telling the 3000-year history of Tunisia. The whole performance is so interesting that it keeps you in suspense until the last minute. And how all this was complemented by the dark night, the African starry sky and the thin face of the crescent...
If you are going to Tunisia, I highly recommend including the Medinat El Zahra park in the list of must-see places, of course - in addition to Carthage.
This concludes my long story about our excursions in Tunisia. Of course, it turned out to be chaotic and incomplete, and we simply didn’t see much. They did not see, for example, Bizerte, where the largest harbor in the entire Mediterranean is located. We didn’t see many ancient cities, for example, the famous Utica ... Yes, we didn’t even see all of Carthage ... I think that the next time I visit Tunisia, I will still decide on an exciting two-day excursion to the Sahara. Or maybe we’ll take it and wave it to the very south of Tunisia, to the island of Djerba. Then we will be very close to the Sahara)))
And I want to end my opus in the same way:
If you are still tormented by doubts whether it is worth visiting Tunisia, my answer to you is “MUST”!

Existed in those places 2500 years ago.

Ancient Carthage is the ruins of Roman buildings that rose above Carthage in the Punic or Phoenician era.

"Carthage was at one time the richest city in the world. Agriculture, which was the basis of its well-being, was considered an honorable occupation.

The turbulent history of Carthage - now a clean and prosperous suburb, located 20 kilometers from Tunis - began in 814 BC. Queen Dido or Elissa, pursued by her brother, the ruler of the Phoenician city of Tyre, Pygmalion, landed on the northern coast of Tunisia after long wanderings. Dido asked the local king to give her asylum and allow her to build a house. The king did not want to agree to anything. Then Dido asked to give her as much land as the skin of a bull could cover. The king was in a good mood and was delighted with the new entertainment. Dido ordered the largest bull to be slaughtered, and then she cut his skin into very narrow strips, and surrounded a large area with them. According to the legend of the founding of the city, Dido, who was allowed to occupy as much land as an ox-skin would cover, took possession of a large area by cutting the skin into narrow belts. That is why the citadel put on this place was called Birsa (which means "skin").

So, according to legend, Carthage was founded.



Carthage (meaning "new city" in Phoenician) was founded in 814 BC. e. colonists from the Phoenician city of Tire. The Romans called it Carthago, the Greeks called it Carchedon.

After the fall of Phoenician influence in the Western Mediterranean, Carthage resubordinates the former Phoenician colonies. By the III century BC. e. he becomes the largest state in the west of the Mediterranean Sea, subjugating southern Spain, northern Africa, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica.

The city was surrounded by a 34-kilometer strip of walls nine meters thick and fifteen meters high. Inside the walls there were several hundred war elephants in pens, forage warehouses; there were stables for four thousand horses and barracks for 20 thousand infantrymen. Our minds hardly comprehend what expenditure of energy and human lives it took the Romans to crush these fiercely defended cyclopean structures.

Situated on a lightly guarded peninsula with an unlimited supply of fish, ancient Carthage prospered, becoming one of the richest cities in the world at that time. However, the wealth of Carthage haunted the city's longtime rivals. And Rome waited in the wings - in 146 BC. after more than a century of fighting, Rome destroyed the city.

In IV BC. e. the city of Carthage expanded greatly and began to be populated by merchants, artisans and landowners. Near Birsa, a vast residential area of ​​Megara, built up with multi-storey buildings, arose. Carthage developed as a large slave-owning state, which owned many colonies. The merciless exploitation of enslaved peoples and the slave trade provided a huge influx of wealth. In the ancient Roman annals, the Carthaginians are called Punes and characterize them as cruel and treacherous enemies who do not know mercy for the vanquished. As a military-trade and slave-owning power, Carthage constantly needed a fleet and an army. Carthage had a first-class fleet and army, which kept the peoples subject to Carthage in unconditional obedience. The army was recruited from among foreign mercenaries. From each Ouch nationalities formed a special kind of troops. For example, the Libyans made up the infantry, the Numidians - the cavalry. The inhabitants of the Balearic Islands supplied detachments of slingers - stone throwers to the Carthaginian army. The multi-tribal, multi-lingual Carthaginian army was controlled by local leaders, commanded by Carthaginian commanders and officers. The Punic Carthaginians did not carry out ordinary military service. The Carthaginian army had permanent units armed with stone-throwing and ramming machines to take fortresses. Special units of the army had war elephants, which were used to break through enemy ranks and exterminate enemy manpower during the battle.

Even more important was the navy. In navigation, the Carthaginians used the age-old experience of the Phoenicians. They were the first to build large five-deck ships - penthers, which easily overtook and destroyed Roman and Greek triremes and galleys in battle. The flagships of the Carthaginians were seven-deck and were called heptera.

The National Museum of Carthage, located on the hill of Byrsa, where the fortress used to be, is a great place to start exploring these places. The museum presents an extensive collection of archaeological finds - ceramics, oil lamps, utensils, mosaics - reflecting the features of the life of the Carthaginians more than a millennium ago.

Enormous reservoirs have been preserved in the ruins of Carthage. A group of such tanks is located near the suburbs of Mars, and has more than 25 tanks. Another group is located near the suburb of Malga. There were at least 40 containers here. Not far from them are the ruins of a large aqueduct that supplied water to Carthage from a ridge in the mountains of the Tunisian Atlas. The aqueduct has a total length of 132 km. Water was supplied by gravity, passing through several large valleys, where the aqueduct had a height of more than 20 m. This aqueduct was founded by the Carthaginians, rebuilt in 136 AD. e. Romans (under Emperor Hadrian, 117-138). Under the emperor Septimius Severus (193-211) it was rebuilt again. The aqueduct was destroyed and rebuilt by vandals. The ruins of the aqueduct are still striking in their grandiose size. It was the longest aqueduct in ancient times. The second longest aqueduct is located near Rome.
At the very top of the Carthaginian Upland, near the village of Sidi Bou Said, at a considerable distance from Birsa, there are the ruins of early Christian religious buildings. This is the Basilica of Damos el Carita. It was a huge building: about 65 m long and at least 45 m wide. The basilica had nine naves. The central nave had a span of 13 m. To the south of this nave was the apse of the basilica. Four columns point to the iconostasis that once stood here.

There are only two monuments of the Punic era in Carthage - the ruins of the temples of Tanit and Baal-Hammon and the cemetery of the victims of the goddess Tanit (each family, including the royal family, sacrificed a baby).

Tinnit (Tanit) is a strange goddess. It is not known how her cult came about. Tinnit was identified with Astarte, goddess of fertility and love in Syria, Phoenicia and Palestine; in Hellenistic times - with the mother of the gods Juno, with Aphrodite Urania or Artemis.

She is a virgin and at the same time a wife; "eye and face" of the supreme deity, Baal-Hammon, goddess of the moon, sky, fertility, patroness of childbearing.

At the same time, Tinnit does not shine with female beauty and article. An ancient sculptor depicted her as a squat woman with a lion's head; later, the "great mother" was represented as a winged woman with a lunar disk in her hands. On various images, Tinnit is surrounded by monstrous creatures: winged bulls, elephants flying with their trunks up, fish with human heads, many-legged snakes.

Modern Tunisia, on the territory of which Carthage was once located, is a small prosperous Mediterranean state, which, not without reason, is called "the most European country in North Africa."

Carthage owned fertile lands in the interior of the mainland, it had an advantageous geographical position that favored trade, and also allowed it to control the waters between Africa and Sicily, preventing foreign ships from sailing further west.

Compared with many famous cities of antiquity, Punic (from the Latin punicus or poenicus - Phoenician) Carthage is not so rich in finds, since in 146 G BC. the Romans methodically destroyed the city, and in the Roman Carthage, founded on the same site in 44 BC, intensive construction was carried out. G The city of Carthage was surrounded by powerful walls with a length of approx. 30 km. Its population is unknown. The citadel was heavily fortified. The city had a market square, a council building, a court and temples. In the quarter called Megara, there were many vegetable gardens, orchards and winding canals. Ships entered the trading harbor through a narrow passage. For loading and unloading, up to 220 ships could be pulled ashore at the same time (the ancient ships should have been kept on land if possible). Behind the trading harbor there was a military harbor and an arsenal.

Regions and cities.The agricultural areas in mainland Africa - the area inhabited by the Carthaginians proper - approximately correspond to the territory of modern Tunisia, although other lands also fell under the authority of the city. When the ancient authors speak of the numerous cities that were in the possession of Carthage, they certainly mean ordinary villages. However, there were also real Phoenician colonies here - Utica, Leptis, Hadrumet, etc. The cities of the Tunisian coast showed independence in their politics only in 149 BC, when it became obvious that Rome intended to destroy Carthage. Some of them then submitted to Rome. In general, Carthage managed (probably after 500 BC) to choose a political line, which was joined by the rest of the Phoenician cities both in Africa and on the other side of the Mediterranean.

Carthaginian power was very extensive. In Africa, its easternmost city was located more than 300 km east of Ei (modern Tripoli). Between it and the Atlantic Ocean, the ruins of a number of ancient Phoenician and Carthaginian cities were discovered. Around 500 BC or a little later, the navigator Hanno led an expedition that founded several colonies on the Atlantic coast of Africa. He ventured far to the south and left a description of gorillas, tom-toms and other African sights rarely mentioned by ancient authors.

The colonies and trading posts were for the most part located at a distance of about one day's sail from each other. Usually they were on islands near the coast, on capes, in the mouths of rivers, or in those places on the mainland of the country, from where it was easy to get to the sea. For example, Leptis, located near modern Tripoli, in the Roman era served as the final seaside point of the great caravan route from the interior, from where merchants brought slaves and golden dust. This trade probably began in the early stages of Carthage's history.

The power consisted of Malta and two neighboring islands. Carthage fought the Sicilian Greeks for centuries, under its rule were Lilibey and other well-fortified ports in the west of Sicily, as well as, at various periods, other areas on the island (it happened that almost all of Sicily was in its hands, except Syracuse). Gradually, Carthage also established control over the fertile regions of Sardinia, while the inhabitants of the mountainous regions of the island remained unconquered. Foreign merchants were denied access to the island. At the beginning of the 5th c. BC. The Carthaginians began to explore Corsica. Carthaginian colonies and trading settlements also existed on the southern coast of Spain, while the Greeks entrenched themselves on the eastern coast.

Apparently, when creating their power scattered over different territories, Carthage did not set other goals than establishing control over them for the sake of obtaining the maximum possible profit.




The Carthaginians were skilled farmers. Of the grain crops, wheat and barley were the most important. Some grain was probably delivered from Sicily and Sardinia. The wine produced for sale was of average quality. Fragments of ceramic containers found during archaeological excavations in Carthage indicate that the Carthaginians imported higher quality wines from Greece or from the island of Rhodes. The Carthaginians were famous for their excessive addiction to wine, even special laws against drunkenness were passed, for example, prohibiting the use of wine by soldiers. Figs, pomegranates, almonds, date palms grew here.. Horses, mules, cows, sheep and goats were bred in Carthage.

Unlike republican Rome, in Carthage small farmers did not form the backbone of society. Most of the African possessions of Carthage were divided among the wealthy Carthaginians, whose large estates were managed on a scientific basis. A certain Magon, who probably lived in the 3rd c. BC, wrote a manual on farming. After the fall of Carthage, the Roman Senate, wishing to attract wealthy people to restore production in some of its lands, ordered that this manual be translated into Latin. Excerpts from the work, cited in Roman sources, indicate that Magon used the Greek manuals on agriculture, but tried to adapt them to local conditions. He wrote about large farms and dealt with all aspects of agricultural production. Probably, as tenants, or sharecroppers, local residents worked - Berbers, and sometimes groups of slaves under the leadership of overseers. The emphasis was mainly on cash crops, vegetable oil and wine, but the nature of the area inevitably suggested specialization: the more hilly areas were set aside for orchards, vineyards or pastures. There were also medium-sized peasant farms.

In addition to the houses, temples and palaces of the nobility, there were many workshops in the city: they processed iron, copper, lead, bronze and precious metals, forged weapons, dressed leather, wove and dyed fabrics, made furniture, ceramic dishes, jewelry from precious stones, gold , ivory and glass.

Carthaginian artisans specialized in the production of cheap products, mostly reproducing Egyptian, Phoenician and Greek designs and destined for marketing in the western Mediterranean, where Carthage captured all the markets. The production of luxury goods, such as the bright purple paint commonly known as "Tyrian purple", is known in the later period, when the Romans ruled North Africa, but it can be considered that it existed before the fall of Carthage. The purple snail, a sea snail containing this dye, was best harvested in autumn and winter - seasons not suitable for navigation. In Morocco and on the island of Djerba, in the best places for obtaining murex, permanent settlements were founded.

In accordance with Eastern traditions, the state was a slave owner, using slave labor in arsenals, shipyards or construction. Archaeologists have not found evidence that would indicate the presence of large private craft enterprises, whose products would be distributed in the western market closed to outsiders, while many small workshops were marked. It is often very difficult to distinguish Carthaginian products from items imported from Phoenicia or Greece among the finds. Craftsmen were successful in reproducing simple products, and it seems that the Carthaginians were not too eager to make anything other than copies.

Some Punic craftsmen were very skilled, especially in carpentry and metal work. A Carthaginian carpenter could use cedar wood for work, the properties of which were known from ancient times by the masters of Ancient Phoenicia, who worked with Lebanese cedar. Due to the constant need for ships, both carpenters and metalworkers were invariably distinguished by a high level of skill. There is evidence of their skill in working iron and bronze. The number of ornaments found during excavations is small, but it seems that this people was not inclined to place expensive items in tombs to please the souls of the dead.

The largest of the handicraft industries, apparently, was the manufacture of ceramic products. The remains of workshops and pottery kilns, filled with products that were intended for firing, were found. Every Punic settlement in Africa produced pottery, which is found everywhere in the areas that were part of the sphere of Carthage - in Malta, Sicily, Sardinia and Spain. Carthaginian pottery is found from time to time on the coast of France and Northern Italy - where the Greeks from Massalia (modern Marseille) occupied a dominant position in trade and where the Carthaginians were probably still allowed to trade.

Archaeological finds paint a picture of a stable production of simple pottery not only in Carthage itself, but also in many other Punic cities. These are bowls, vases, dishes, goblets, pot-bellied jugs of various purposes, called amphorae, water jugs and lamps. Studies show that their production existed from ancient times until the death of Carthage in 146 BC. Early products for the most part reproduced Phoenician designs, which in turn were often copies of Egyptian ones. It seems that in the 4th and 3rd centuries. BC. the Carthaginians especially appreciated Greek products, which was manifested in the imitation of Greek ceramics and sculpture and the presence of a large number of Greek products of this period in materials from excavations in Carthage.

The Carthaginians were especially successful in trade. Carthage could well be called a trading state, since its policy was largely guided by commercial considerations. Many of his colonies and trading posts were no doubt founded for the purpose of expanding trade. It is known about some expeditions undertaken by the Carthaginian rulers, the reason for which was also the desire for wider trade relations. In an agreement concluded by Carthage in 508 BC. with the Roman Republic, which had just emerged after the expulsion of the Etruscan kings from Rome, it was provided that Roman ships should not sail to the western part of the sea, but they could use the harbor of Carthage. In the event of a forced landing anywhere else in Punic territory, they asked for official protection from the authorities and, after repairing the ship and replenishing food supplies, they immediately set sail. Carthage agreed to recognize the boundaries of Rome and respect its people, as well as its allies.

The Carthaginians made agreements and, if necessary, made concessions. They also resorted to force in order to prevent rivals from entering the waters of the western Mediterranean, which they considered as their fiefdom, with the exception of the coast of Gaul and the coasts of Spain and Italy adjacent to it. They also fought against piracy. The authorities kept in good repair the complex structures of the commercial harbor of Carthage, as well as its military harbor, which, apparently, was open to foreign ships, but few sailors entered there.

It is striking that such a trading state as Carthage did not show due attention to coinage. Apparently, there was no own coin here until the 4th century BC. BC, when silver coins were issued, which, if the surviving specimens are considered typical, varied considerably in weight and quality. Perhaps the Carthaginians preferred to use the reliable silver coin of Athens and other states, and most transactions were made through direct barter.

Goods and trade routes. Specific data on the subjects of trade of Carthage are surprisingly scarce, although evidence of its trading interests is quite numerous. Typical among such evidence is the story of Herodotus about how trade took place on the western coast of Africa. The Carthaginians landed on the shore in a certain place and laid out the goods, after which they retired to their ships. Then local residents appeared and placed a certain amount of gold next to the goods. If there was enough, the Carthaginians took the gold and sailed away. Otherwise, they left it untouched and returned to the ships, and the natives brought more gold. What these goods were is not mentioned in the story.

Apparently, the Carthaginians brought simple pottery for sale or exchange to those western regions where they were monopolists, and also traded in amulets, jewelry, simple metal utensils and plain glassware. Some of them were produced in Carthage, some - in the Punic colonies. According to a number of accounts, Punic traders offered wine, women and clothing to the natives of the Balearic Islands in exchange for slaves.

It can be assumed that they were engaged in extensive purchases of goods in other craft centers - Egypt, Phenicia, Greece, southern Italy - and transported them to those areas where they enjoyed a monopoly. Punic traders were famous in the harbors of these craft centers. Findings of non-Carthaginian items during archaeological excavations of western settlements suggest that they were brought there on Punic ships.

Some references in Roman literature indicate that the Carthaginians brought various valuable goods to Italy, where ivory from Africa was highly valued. During the empire, a huge number of wild animals were brought from Roman North Africa for the device of games. Figs and honey are also mentioned.

It is believed that Carthaginian ships sailed the Atlantic Ocean for tin from Cornwall. The Carthaginians themselves produced bronze and may have shipped some tin to other places where it was needed for similar production. Through their colonies in Spain, they sought to obtain silver and lead, which could be exchanged for the goods they brought. Ropes for Punic warships were made from esparto grass, native to Spain and North Africa. An important article of trade, due to the high price, was purple dye from scarlet. In many areas, traders purchased wild animal skins and skins and found markets for their sale.

As in later times, caravans from the south must have arrived at the ports of Leptis and Aea, as well as Gigtis, which lay somewhat to the west. They carried ostrich feathers, popular in antiquity, and eggs, which served as decorations or bowls. In Carthage, they were painted with ferocious faces and used, as they say, as masks to scare away demons. Caravans also brought ivory and slaves. But the most important cargo was gold dust from the Gold Coast or from Guinea.

Some of the best goods the Carthaginians imported for their own use. Some of the pottery found in Carthage was brought from Greece or from Campagna in southern Italy, where it was made by visiting Greeks. The characteristic handles from Rhodes amphoras found during the excavations of Carthage show that wine was brought here from Rhodes. Surprisingly, high-quality Attic ceramics are not found here.

ABOUT culture of the Carthaginiansin the history of ancient Carthage, almost nothing is known. The only lengthy texts in their language that have come down to us are contained in the play of Plautus Punian, where one of the characters, Gannon, utters a monologue, apparently in the authentic Punic dialect, after which he immediately repeats a significant part of it in Latin. In addition, many replicas of the same Gannon are scattered around the play, also with a translation into Latin. Unfortunately, scribes who did not understand the text distorted it. In addition, the Carthaginian language is known only from geographical names, technical terms, proper names and individual words given by Greek and Latin authors. In interpreting these fragments, the similarity of the Punic language with Hebrew is of great help.

The Carthaginians did not have their own artistic traditions. Apparently, in everything that can be attributed to the sphere of art, these people limited themselves to copying other people's ideas and techniques. In ceramics, jewelry and sculpture, they were content with imitation, and sometimes they copied not the best samples. As far as literature is concerned, there is no record of their producing any other writings than purely practical ones, such as Mago's agricultural manual, and one or two smaller Greek compilation texts. We are not aware of the presence in Carthage of something that could be called "belles-lettres."

Carthage had an official priesthood, temples and its own religious calendar. The main deities were Baal (Baal) - the Semitic god, known from the Old Testament, and the goddess Tanit (Tinnit), the heavenly queen. Virgil in Aeneid called Juno a goddess who favored the Carthaginians, since he identified her with Tanit. The religion of the Carthaginians is characterized by human sacrifice, which was especially widely practiced during periods of disaster. The main thing in this religion is faith in the effectiveness of cult practice for communicating with the invisible world. In light of this, it is especially surprising that in the 4th and 3rd centuries. BC. the Carthaginians actively joined the mystical Greek cult of Demeter and Persephone; in any case, the material traces of this cult are quite numerous.


The oldest rivals of the Carthaginians were the Phoenician colonies in Africa, Utica and Hadrumet. It is not clear when and how they had to submit to Carthage: there is no written evidence of any wars.

Alliance with the Etruscans.The Etruscans of northern Italy were both allies and trade rivals of Carthage. These enterprising sailors, merchants and pirates dominated the 6th century. BC. over a large part of Italy. The main area of ​​their settlement was located directly north of Rome. They also owned Rome and the lands to the south - up to the point where they came into conflict with the Greeks of southern Italy. Having entered into an alliance with the Etruscans, the Carthaginians in 535 BC. won a major naval victory over the Phocians - the Greeks who occupied Corsica.

The Etruscans occupied Corsica and held the island for about two generations. In 509 BC the Romans drove them out of Rome and Latium. Soon after this, the Greeks of southern Italy, with the support of the Sicilian Greeks, increased pressure on the Etruscans and in 474 BC. put an end to their power at sea, inflicting a crushing defeat on them near Cum in the Gulf of Naples. The Carthaginians moved to Corsica, already having a foothold in Sardinia.

Fight for Sicily.Even before the major defeat of the Etruscans, Carthage had a chance to measure strength with the Sicilian Greeks. The Punic cities in western Sicily, founded at least no later than Carthage, were forced to submit to him, like the cities of Africa. The rise of two powerful Greek tyrants, Gelon in Syracuse and Theron in Acragas, clearly foreshadowed the Carthaginians that the Greeks would launch a powerful offensive against them to drive them out of Sicily, similar to what happened with the Etruscans in southern Italy. The Carthaginians accepted the challenge and for three years actively prepared to conquer all of eastern Sicily. They acted in concert with the Persians, who were preparing an invasion of Greece itself. According to a later tradition (no doubt erroneous), the defeat of the Persians at Salamis and the equally decisive defeat of the Carthaginians in a land battle at Himera in Sicily occurred in 480 BC. in the same day. Confirming the worst fears of the Carthaginians, Theron and Gelon put up irresistible forces.

A long time passed before the Carthaginians again launched an offensive against Sicily. After Syracuse successfully repelled the Athenian invasion (415-413 BC), having utterly defeated them, they sought to subjugate other Greek cities in Sicily. Then these cities began to seek help from Carthage, who was not slow to take advantage of this and sent a huge army to the island. The Carthaginians were close to capturing the entire eastern part of Sicily. At that moment, the famous Dionysius I came to power in Syracuse, who based the power of Syracuse on cruel tyranny and fought against the Carthaginians with varying success for forty years. At the end of hostilities in 367 BC. the Carthaginians again had to come to terms with the impossibility of establishing full control over the island. The lawlessness and inhumanity perpetrated by Dionysius were partly offset by the help that he provided to the Sicilian Greeks in their struggle with Carthage. Persistent Carthaginians made another attempt to subjugate eastern Sicily during the tyranny of Dionysius the Younger, who became the successor of his father. However, this again did not reach the goal, and in 338 BC, after several years of hostilities that did not allow talking about the advantage of either side, peace was concluded.

There is an opinion that Alexander the Great saw his ultimate goal in establishing dominion over the West as well. After Alexander's return from the great campaign in India, shortly before his death, the Carthaginians, like other peoples, sent an embassy to him, trying to find out his intentions. Perhaps the untimely death of Alexander in 323 BC. saved Carthage from many troubles.

In 311 BC The Carthaginians made another attempt to occupy the eastern part of Sicily. In Syracuse, the new tyrant Agathocles ruled. The Carthaginians had already besieged him in Syracuse and seemed to have the opportunity to capture this main stronghold of the Greeks, but Agathocles with an army sailed from the harbor and attacked the Carthaginian possessions in Africa, creating a threat to Carthage itself. From that moment until the death of Agathocles in 289 BC. the usual war continued with varying success.

In 278 BC the Greeks went on the offensive. The famous Greek commander Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, arrived in Italy to fight against the Romans on the side of the South Italian Greeks. Having won two victories over the Romans with great damage to himself ("Pyrrhic victory"), he crossed to Sicily. There he pushed back the Carthaginians and almost cleared the island of them, but in 276 BC. with his characteristic fatal inconstancy, he abandoned further struggle and returned to Italy, from where he was soon expelled by the Romans.

Wars with Rome. The Carthaginians could hardly have foreseen that their city was destined to perish as a result of a series of military conflicts with Rome, known as the Punic Wars. The reason for the war was the episode with the Mamertines, Italian mercenaries who were in the service of Agathocles. In 288 BC some of them captured the Sicilian city of Messana (modern Messina), and when in 264 BC. Hieron II, the ruler of Syracuse, began to overcome them, they asked for help from Carthage and at the same time from Rome. For a variety of reasons, the Romans responded to the request and came into conflict with the Carthaginians.

The war went on for 24 years (264–241 BC). The Romans landed troops in Sicily and at first achieved some success, but the army that landed in Africa under the command of Regulus was defeated near Carthage. After repeated failures at sea caused by storms, as well as a series of defeats on land (the Carthaginian army in Sicily was commanded by Hamilcar Barca), the Romans in 241 BC. won a naval battle off the Aegadian Islands, off the western coast of Sicily. The war brought enormous damage and losses to both sides, while Carthage finally lost Sicily, and soon lost Sardinia and Corsica. In 240 BC a dangerous uprising broke out, dissatisfied with the delay in the money of the Carthaginian mercenaries, which was suppressed only in 238 BC.

In 237 BC, just four years after the end of the first war, Hamilcar Barca traveled to Spain and began conquering the interior. To the Roman embassy, ​​who appeared with a question about his intentions, he replied that he was looking for a way to pay an indemnity to Rome as quickly as possible. The wealth of Spain - flora and fauna, minerals, not to mention its inhabitants - could quickly compensate the Carthaginians for the loss of Sicily. However, a conflict broke out again between the two powers, this time due to unrelenting pressure from Rome. In 218 BC Hannibal, the great Carthaginian commander, traveled overland from Spain through the Alps to Italy and defeated the Roman army, winning several brilliant victories, the most important of which took place in 216 BC. at the Battle of Cannae. Nevertheless, Rome did not sue for peace. On the contrary, he recruited new troops and, after several years of opposition in Italy, moved the fighting to North Africa, where he achieved victory at the Battle of Zama (202 BC).

Carthage lost Spain and finally lost the position of a state capable of challenging Rome. However, the Romans were afraid of the revival of Carthage. It is said that Cato the Elder ended each of his speeches in the Senate with the words "Delenda est Carthago" - "Carthage must be destroyed." They say that it was the magnificent Carthaginian olives that led Senator Cato to the idea of ​​the need to destroy Carthage, a prosperous city despite the wars. He visited here as part of the Roman embassy in the middle of the 2nd century BC. e. and collected a handful of fruit in a leather pouch.

In Rome, Cato showed the senators luxurious olives, declaring with disarming frankness: "The land where they grow is located only three days' sea passage." It was on that day that the phrase was first uttered, thanks to which Cato went down in history. Cato understood both olives and the fate of the world: he was an agronomist and a writer...

"... Carthage must be destroyed!" - with these famous words, the consul Cato the Elder ended his historic speech in the Roman Senate. His words turned out to be prophetic - the army of Carthage was defeated. The mighty state of Hannibal, which once conquered all of North Africa, Sicily, Sardinia and even Southern Spain, ceased to exist, and the once prosperous Mediterranean Carthage was turned into ruins. Even the ground on which the city stood was ordered to sprinkle with a thick layer of salt.

In 149 BC the exorbitant demands of Rome forced the weakened but still wealthy North African state to enter the third war. After three years of heroic resistance, the city fell. The Romans razed it to the ground, sold the surviving inhabitants into slavery and sprinkled the soil with salt. However, five centuries later, Punic was still spoken in some rural parts of North Africa, and Punic blood probably flowed in the veins of many people who lived there. Carthage was rebuilt in 44 BC. and turned into one of the major cities of the Roman Empire, but the Carthaginian state ceased to exist.



Julius Caesar, who had a practical wrinkle, ordered the founding of a new Carthage, since he considered it senseless to leave such an advantageous place unused in many respects. In 44 BC, 102 years after its death, the city began a new life. From the very beginning, it flourished as the administrative center and port of an area with rich agricultural production. This period in the history of Carthage lasted almost 750 years.

Carthage became the main city of the Roman provinces in North Africa and the third (after Rome and Alexandria) city in the empire. It served as the residence of the proconsul of the province of Africa, which, in the view of the Romans, more or less coincided with the ancient Carthaginian territory. The administration of the imperial landed estates, which constituted a significant part of the province, was also located here.

Many famous Romans are associated with Carthage and its environs. The writer and philosopher Apuleius studied in his youth in Carthage, and later achieved such fame there thanks to his Greek and Latin speeches that statues were erected in his honor. A native of North Africa was Mark Cornelius Fronto, tutor of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, as well as Emperor Septimius Severus.

The ancient Punic religion was preserved in a Romanized form, and the goddess Tanit was worshiped as Juno of Heaven, and the image of Baal merged with Kron (Saturn). Nevertheless, it was North Africa that became the stronghold of the Christian faith, and Carthage gained fame in the early history of Christianity and was the site of a number of important church councils. In the 3rd century Cyprian was Bishop of Carthage, and Tertullian spent most of his life here. The city was considered one of the largest centers of Latin learning in the empire; St. Augustine in his confessions gives us some vivid sketches of the life of students who attended the rhetorical school of Carthage at the end of the 4th century.

However, Carthage remained only a major urban center and had no political significance.The history of Roman Carthage mentionsstories about public executions of Christians, about Tertullian's violent attacks on noble Carthaginian women who came to church in magnificent worldly outfits, mentions of some outstanding personalities who ended up in Carthage at important moments in history, But it never rises above the level of a large provincial city. For some time there was the capital of the Vandals (429-533 AD), who, like once pirates, set sail from the harbor that dominated the Mediterranean straits. Then the Byzantines conquered this area, holding it until Carthage fell under the onslaught of the Arabs in 697.

In 439 AD e. Vandals led by King Genzeric defeated the Roman troops, and Carthage became the capital of their state. A hundred years later, he passed to the Byzantines and vegetated in provincial silence, until the Arabs in 698 again swept him off the face of the earth - this time irrevocably.

Carthage is the birth of the legend of Tunisia. Tunisia is the northernmost country in Africa, where different styles of Africa, Asia and Europe have been mixed. It was in Tunisia that the East met the West. The Carthage region is the most expensive and prestigious suburb of the capital of Tunisia. It is built up with white mansions with luxurious gardens. The summer residence of the President of the country is located in the area of ​​Carthage. Lovers of antiquities and ancient history, your path lies in Carthage for self-development, gaining new knowledge about the mysterious African country of Tunisia, to broaden your horizons!

The history of Tunisia is the history of Carthage. In Tunisia, the Phoenicians became the pioneers. As skilled sailors and merchants, they founded several colonies in the eastern territory of Tunisia in the Mediterranean Sea. Carthage achieved the greatest prosperity. The Punic period of the history of Tunisia is occupied by 814-146 BC. In 146 BC. e. During the Third Punic War, the city of Carthage was burned and completely destroyed by the ancient Romans. After 100 years, the Romans returned here and rebuilt Carthage. It is his artifacts that tourists see on excursion routes.

The Roman period (146 BC - 439 AD) entered the history of Tunisia with the capture of all the lands of the "Province of Africa". Ancient cities began to master the Romans and Greeks. Profits from the trade and sale of olive oil were a success in the development of this North African territory. Immerse yourself in the history of the dominion of the Great Rome! Today in Carthage we wander among the typical Roman ancient buildings.

Carthage is the ancient capital of Tunisia. The legendary city of Carthage even today keeps traces of its former power in the elements of columns, buildings, sculptures, ancient coins and other artifacts. Particularly impressive are the National Museum of Carthage and the baths of the Roman emperor Anthony Pius - the second largest in the Roman Empire after the baths of Caracalla in the "eternal city" of Rome.

Excursion Carthage in Tunisia

Excursion Carthage - the remains of a former civilization in the form of ruins and excavations, presented as an open-air museum in the center of the Tunis vilayet. From Tunisia to Carthage can be reached by the city railway TGM (Tunis-Goulet-Marsa) 12 km from the city center. The TGM Tunis Marine station is located near the Clock Tower on Habib Bourguiba Avenue. On the territory of Carthage, there are 10 different sites for tourists to visit in remote places (a single ticket for all sites). The ruins of Carthage are interesting due to the layers of excavations and the remains of buildings from several eras at once: Phoenician, Roman, Arab and Byzantine. Archaeologists have restored: the Roman amphitheater, ancient plumbing, Roman baths, the remains of residential areas, sanctuaries. One of the main excavation sites of Carthage is a 6.5 km long site. The ruins of the Punic Tophet - the altar of the burial of children in the open.

A suburb of Tunisia, the famous city-state of Carthage and its sections now look like solid stones in the crown of the archaeological park of the capital. Plan your itinerary for the sights of Carthage in advance. You need to start visiting from the sea and move from south to north as if through the pages of history. The start of the journey through the antiquities of Carthage - Phoenician burials and trading ports of the Phoenicians. Next, see the exhibits of the Roman era and complete the tour with the treasures of the Christian basilica. You have the right to choose any course of events! The islet of Amiroth in Carthage is a land area of ​​the military and commercial port of the Phoenicians. The quarter of Roman villas, the baths of Antonio Pius, the rainwater reservoirs and the Byrsa hill are mesmerizing in size.

Birsa is the citadel of Carthage on a high hill of the same name. Byrsa has survived to our times in the form of ruins of the Roman era. Birsa is compared with the acropolis - an invariable attribute of Greek cities. This is the so-called "Upper City". The Church of St. Louis on the hill of Byrsa is the most interesting part of the excursion to Carthage. The National Museum of Carthage was built in the place where the Romans laid the first stone in the construction of the ancient city. The museum with archaeological finds from ancient Carthage was opened in 1875 in the building of a former monastery and is considered the oldest in Tunisia.

Carthage was founded in 814 BC. e. colonists from the Phoenician city of Tyre. After the fall of Phoenician influence in the Western Mediterranean, Carthage resubordinates the former Phoenician colonies. By the III century BC. e. he becomes the largest state in the west of the Mediterranean Sea, subjugating Southern Spain, North Africa, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica. After a series of wars against Rome, it lost its conquests and was destroyed in 146 BC. e., its territory was turned into the province of Africa. Julius Caesar proposed to establish a colony in his place (it was founded after his death). After the conquest of North Africa by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian, Carthage became the capital of the Carthaginian Exarchate. It finally lost its name after the conquest by the Arabs.


Carthage is located on a promontory with entrances to the sea in the north and south. The location of the city made it the leader of the maritime trade in the Mediterranean. All ships crossing the sea inevitably passed between Sicily and the coast of Tunisia.

Two large artificial harbors were dug within the city: one for the military fleet, capable of accommodating 220 warships, the other for commercial trade. On the isthmus that separated the harbors, a huge tower was built, surrounded by a wall.

The length of the massive city walls was 37 kilometers, and the height in some places reached 12 meters. Most of the walls were located on the coast, which made the city impregnable from the sea.

The city had a huge cemetery, places of worship, markets, a city hall, towers, and a theater. It was divided into four identical residential areas. Approximately in the middle of the city stood a high citadel called Birsa. It was one of the largest cities in Hellenistic times (by some estimates, only Alexandria was larger), and was among the largest cities of antiquity.

State structure

The aristocracy ruled Carthage. The highest body is the council of elders, headed by 10 (later 30) people. The People's Assembly formally also played a significant role, but in fact it was rarely addressed. Around 450 B.C. e. in order to create a counterbalance to the desire of some clans (especially the Magon clan) to gain full control over the council, a council of judges was created. It consisted of 104 people and was originally supposed to judge the rest of the officials after the expiration of their term of office, but subsequently concentrated all power in his hands. The executive (and the highest judicial) power was exercised by two Suffets, they, like the council of elders, were elected annually by open purchase of votes (most likely, there were other officials, but information about this has not been preserved). The Council of the 104 was not elected, but appointed by special commissions - pentarchies, which themselves were replenished on the basis of belonging to one or another aristocratic family. The Council of Elders also elected the commander-in-chief - for an indefinite period and with the broadest powers. The performance of the duties of officials was not paid, in addition, there was a qualification of nobility. The democratic opposition intensified only at the time of the Punic wars and did not have time to play almost no role in history. The whole system was highly corrupt, but the colossal state revenues allowed the country to develop quite successfully.

According to Polybius (i.e., from the point of view of the Romans), decisions in Carthage were made by the people (plebs), and in Rome - by the best people, that is, the Senate. And despite the fact that, according to many historians, Carthage was ruled by the Oligarchy.


Although the Phoenicians lived scattered throughout the Western Mediterranean, they were united by common beliefs. The Carthaginians inherited the Canaanite religion from their Phoenician ancestors. Every year for centuries, Carthage sent emissaries to Tire to perform a sacrifice there in the temple of Melqart. In Carthage, the main deities were the pair of Baal Hammon, whose name means "master-fireman", and Tanit, identified with Astarte.

The most infamous feature of Carthage's religion was the sacrifice of children. According to Diodorus Siculus, in 310 BC. BC, during the attack of the city, in order to pacify Baal Hammon, the Carthaginians sacrificed more than 200 children from noble families. The Encyclopedia of Religion says: “The sacrifice of an innocent child as a sacrifice of atonement was the greatest act of propitiation for the gods. Apparently, this act was intended to ensure the well-being of both the family and society.”

In 1921, archaeologists discovered a place where several rows of urns were found with the charred remains of both animals (they were sacrificed instead of people) and small children. The place was named Tophet. The burials were under the steles, on which the requests accompanying the sacrifices were recorded. It is estimated that the site contains the remains of over 20,000 children sacrificed in just 200 years. Today, some revisionists argue that the burial site was simply a graveyard for children who were stillborn or who were under the age to be buried in a necropolis. However, it cannot be said with complete certainty that people were not sacrificed in Carthage.

social system

The entire population, according to its rights, was divided into several groups according to ethnicity. The Libyans were in the most difficult situation. The territory of Libya was divided into regions subordinate to the strategists, taxes were very high, their collection was accompanied by all sorts of abuses. This led to frequent uprisings, which were brutally suppressed. Libyans were forcibly recruited into the army - the reliability of such units, of course, was very low. The Sicules - Sicilian Greeks - made up the other part of the population; their rights in the field of political administration were limited by the "Sidon law" (its content is unknown). The Siculi, however, enjoyed freedom of trade. Natives of the Phoenician cities annexed to Carthage enjoyed full civil rights, and the rest of the population (freedmen, settlers - in a word, not Phoenicians) was similar to the Siculs - "Sidon law".

Wealth of Carthage

Built on the foundation laid by the Phoenician ancestors, Carthage created its own trade network (it was mainly engaged in the import of metals) and developed it to an unprecedented size. Carthage maintained its monopoly on trade through a powerful fleet and mercenary troops.

Carthaginian merchants were constantly looking for new markets. Approximately 480 BC. e. navigator Himilcon landed in British Cornwall, rich in tin. And after 30 years, Hanno, a native of an influential Carthaginian family, led an expedition of 60 ships, on which there were 30,000 men and women. People were landed in different parts of the coast to establish new colonies. It is possible that, having sailed through the Strait of Gibraltar and along the African coast, Hanno reached the Gulf of Guinea and even the coast of Cameroon.

Entrepreneurship and business acumen helped Carthage become, admittedly, the richest city in the ancient world. At the beginning of the 3rd century [BC. e.] thanks to technology, fleet and trade ... the city moved to the forefront, "says the book" Carthage "(" Carthage "). The Greek historian Appian wrote about the Carthaginians: "Their power militarily became equal to the Hellenic, but in terms of wealth it was in second place after the Persian."


The army of Carthage was mostly mercenary. The basis of the infantry was Spanish, African, Greek, Gallic mercenaries, the Carthaginian aristocracy served in the "sacred detachment" - heavily armed cavalry. The mercenary cavalry consisted of the Numidians, who were considered the most skilled warriors in antiquity, and the Iberians. The Iberians were also considered good warriors - Balearic slingers and cetrati (caetrati - correlated with Greek peltasts) formed light infantry, scutatii (armed with a spear, dart and bronze shell) - heavy, Spanish heavy cavalry (armed with swords) was also very much appreciated. The Celtiberian tribes used the weapons of the Gauls - long two-edged swords. Elephants also played an important role, which were kept in the amount of about 300. The “technical” equipment of the army (catapults, ballistas, etc.) was also high. In general, the Punic army was similar in composition to the armies of the Hellenistic states. At the head of the army was the commander-in-chief, elected by the council of elders, but by the end of the existence of the state, this election was also carried out by the army, which indicates monarchical tendencies.


Carthage was founded by people from the Phoenician city of Tyre at the end of the 9th century BC. e. According to legend, the city was founded by the widow of a Phoenician king named Dido. She promised the local tribe to pay a gem for a piece of land bounded by the skin of a bull, but on the condition that the choice of location was left to her. After the deal was made, the colonists chose a convenient place for the city, ringing it with narrow belts made from a single oxhide.

The authenticity of the legend is unknown, but it seems unlikely that without the favorable attitude of the natives, a handful of settlers could gain a foothold in the territory allotted to them and found a city there. In addition, there is reason to believe that the settlers were representatives of a political party that was not pleasing in their homeland, and they hardly had to rely on the support of the mother country. According to Herodotus, Justin and Ovid, soon after the founding of the city, relations between Carthage and the local population deteriorated. Giarb, the leader of the Makaktan tribe, under the threat of war, demanded the hand of Queen Elissa, but she preferred death to marriage. The war, however, began and was not in favor of the Carthaginians. According to Ovid, Giarbus even captured the city and held it for several years.

Judging by the items found during archaeological excavations, at the beginning of its history, trade links connected Carthage with the metropolis, as well as Cyprus and Egypt.

In the VIII century BC. e. the situation in the Mediterranean has changed dramatically. Phoenicia was captured by Assyria and numerous colonies became independent. Assyrian rule caused a massive outflow of population from the ancient Phoenician cities to the colonies. Probably, the population of Carthage was replenished with refugees to such an extent that Carthage was able, in turn, to form colonies itself. The first Carthaginian colony in the western Mediterranean was the city of Ebess on the island of Pitiuss (first half of the 7th century BC).

At the turn of the 7th and 6th centuries. BC e. Greek colonization began. In order to resist the advance of the Greeks, the Phoenician colonies began to unite into states. In Sicily - Panorm, Soluent, Motia in 580 BC. e. successfully resisted the Greeks. In Spain, an alliance of cities led by Hades fought Tartessus. But the basis of a single Phoenician state in the west was the union of Carthage and Utica.

The favorable geographical position allowed Carthage to become the largest city in the western Mediterranean (population reached 700,000 people), unite the rest of the Phoenician colonies in North Africa and Spain and conduct extensive conquests and colonization.

6th century BC e.

In the 6th century, the Greeks founded the colony of Massalia and made an alliance with Tartessus. Initially, the Punians were defeated, but Magon reformed the army (now mercenaries became the basis of the troops), an alliance was concluded with the Etruscans, and in 537 BC. e. in the battle of Alalia, the Greeks were defeated. Soon Tartessos was destroyed and all the Phoenician cities of Spain were annexed.

The main source of wealth was trade - Carthaginian merchants traded in Egypt, Italy, Spain, the Black and Red Seas - and agriculture, based on the widespread use of slave labor. There was a strict regulation of trade - Carthage sought to monopolize trade; to this end, all subjects were obliged to trade only through the mediation of Carthaginian merchants. This brought huge incomes, but greatly hampered the development of subject territories and contributed to the growth of separatist sentiments. During the Greco-Persian wars, Carthage was in alliance with Persia, together with the Etruscans, an attempt was made to completely capture Sicily. But after the defeat at the Battle of Himera (480 BC) by a coalition of Greek city-states, the struggle was suspended for several decades. The main opponent of the Punians was Syracuse (by 400 BC, this state was at the height of its power and sought to open trade in the west, completely captured by Carthage), the war continued at intervals for almost a hundred years (394-306 BC) and ended with the almost complete conquest of Sicily by the Punians.

3rd century BC e.

In the III century BC. e. the interests of Carthage came into conflict with the intensified Roman Republic. Relations, previously allied, began to deteriorate. For the first time this manifested itself at the final stage of the war between Rome and Tarentum. Finally, in 264 BC. e. The First Punic War began. It was conducted mainly in Sicily and at sea. Quite quickly, the Romans captured Sicily, but this was affected by the almost complete absence of a fleet in Rome. Only by 260 BC. e. the Romans created a fleet and, using boarding tactics, won a naval victory at Cape Mila. In 256 BC. e. the Romans moved the fighting to Africa, defeating the fleet, and then the land army of the Carthaginians. But the consul Attilius Regulus did not use the advantage gained, and a year later the Punic army under the command of the Spartan mercenary Xanthippus inflicted a complete defeat on the Romans. In this battle, as in many previous and subsequent, elephants brought victory (even though the Romans had already encountered them, fighting against Pyrrhus, king of Epirus). Only in 251 BC. e. in the battle of Panorma (Sicily), the Romans won a big victory, capturing 120 elephants. Two years later, the Carthaginians won a great naval victory (almost the only one in the entire war) and there was a lull due to the complete exhaustion of both sides.

Hamilcar Barka

In 247 BC. e. Hamilcar Barca (Lightning) became the commander-in-chief of Carthage, thanks to his outstanding abilities, success in Sicily began to lean towards the Punians, but in 241 BC. e. Rome, having gathered its strength, was able to put up a new fleet and army. Carthage could no longer resist them and, after the defeat, was forced to make peace, ceding Sicily to Rome, and paying an indemnity of 3,200 talents for 10 years.

After the defeat, Hamilcar resigned, power passed to his political opponents, who were led by Hanno. The Carthaginian government made a highly unreasonable attempt to reduce the pay of the mercenaries, which caused a strong uprising - the Libyans supported the army. Thus began the uprising of mercenaries, which almost ended in the death of the country. Hamilcar was again called to power. During the three-year war, he suppressed the uprising, but the Sardinian garrison joined the rebels and, fearing the tribes that lived on the island, recognized the authority of Rome. Carthage demanded the return of the island. Since Rome was looking for an opportunity to destroy Carthage, then under an insignificant pretext in 237 BC. e. declared war. Only by paying 1200 talents to compensate for military expenses, the war was averted.

The apparent inability of the aristocratic government to effectively govern led to the strengthening of the democratic opposition, led by Hamilcar. The People's Assembly gave him the powers of commander-in-chief. In 236 BC. e., having conquered the entire African coast, he transferred the fighting to Spain. He fought there for 9 years until he fell in battle. After his death, his son-in-law Hasdrubal was chosen as the commander-in-chief of the army. For 16 years (236-220 BC), most of Spain was conquered and firmly tied to the metropolis. Silver mines brought very large incomes, a magnificent army was created in battles. In general, Carthage became much stronger than it was even before the loss of Sicily.


After the death of Hasdrubal, the army chose Hannibal - the son of Hamilcar - as commander-in-chief. Hamilcar raised all his children - Mago, Hasdrubal and Hannibal - to the spirit of hatred for Rome, therefore, having gained control of the army, Hannibal began to look for a reason to start a war. In 218 BC. e. he captured Sagunt - a Greek city and an ally of Rome - the war began. Unexpectedly for the enemy, Hannibal led his army around through the Alps to the territory of Italy. There he won a number of victories - at Ticino, Trebia and Lake Trasimene. A dictator was appointed in Rome, but in 216 BC. e. near the city of Cannes, Hannibal won a crushing victory, which resulted in the transition to his side of a significant part of Italy, and the second most important city - Capua. Fighting took place in both Spain and Sicily. Initially, success accompanied Carthage, but then the Romans managed to win a number of important victories. With the death of Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal, who led him significant reinforcements, the situation of Carthage became very complicated. The landing of Mago in Italy was unsuccessful - he was defeated and killed in battle. Rome soon moved the fighting to Africa. Having entered into an alliance with the Numidian king Massinissa, Scipio inflicted a series of defeats on the Punians. Hannibal was called to his homeland. In 202 B.C. e. in the battle of Zama, commanding a poorly trained army, he was defeated, and the Carthaginians decided to make peace. Under its terms, they were forced to give Rome Spain and all the islands, maintain only 10 warships and pay 10,000 talents of indemnity. In addition, they did not have the right to fight with anyone without the permission of Rome.

After the end of the war, Gannon, Gisgon and Hasdrubal Gad, who were hostile to Hannibal, the heads of the aristocratic parties, tried to get Hannibal condemned, but, supported by the population, he managed to retain power. Hopes for revenge were associated with his name. In 196 BC. e. Rome defeated Macedonia in the war, which was an ally of Carthage. But there was one more ally - the king of the Seleucid Empire Antiochus. It was in alliance with him that Hannibal expected to wage a new war, but first it was necessary to put an end to the oligarchic power in Carthage itself. Using his powers as a Suffet, he provoked a conflict with his political opponents and practically seized sole power. His tough actions against corruption among the aristocratic bureaucracy provoked opposition from them. A denunciation was made to Rome about Hannibal's diplomatic ties with Antiochus. Rome demanded his extradition. Realizing that refusal would cause war, and the country was not ready for war, Hannibal was forced to flee the country to Antiochus. There he received practically no powers, despite the great honors that accompanied his arrival. After the defeat of Antiochus, he hid in Crete, in Bithynia, and, finally, constantly pursued by the Romans, was forced to commit suicide, not wanting to fall into the hands of the enemy.

III Punic War

Even after losing two wars, Carthage managed to recover quickly and soon became one of the richest cities again. In Rome, trade has long become an essential branch of the economy, the competition of Carthage greatly hindered its development. His quick recovery was also of great concern. Marcus Cato, who was at the head of one of the commissions investigating the disputes of Carthage, managed to convince most of the Senate that he was still a danger. The question of starting the war was resolved, but it was necessary to find a convenient excuse.

The king of the Numidians, Massinissa, constantly attacked the Carthaginian possessions; realizing that Rome always supports the opponents of Carthage, he moved on to direct seizures. All complaints of the Carthaginians were ignored and decided in favor of Numidia. Finally, the Punians were forced to give him a direct military rebuff. Rome immediately filed claims in connection with the outbreak of hostilities without permission. The Roman army arrived at Carthage. The frightened Carthaginians asked for peace, the consul Lucius Censorinus demanded that all weapons be handed over, then demanded that Carthage be destroyed and that a new city be founded far from the sea. After asking for a month to think it over, the Punians prepared for war. Thus began the Third Punic War. The city was superbly fortified, so it was possible to capture it only after 3 years of difficult siege and heavy fighting. Carthage was completely destroyed, of the 500,000 population, only 50,000 survived. A Roman province was created on its territory, ruled by a governor from Utica.

Rome in Africa

Just 100 years after the destruction of Carthage, Julius Caesar decided to establish a colony on the site of the city. These plans were destined to come true only after his death. In honor of the founder, the colony was named "Colonia Julia Carthago" or "Carthaginian colony Julia". Roman engineers removed about 100,000 cubic meters of earth, destroying the top of Birsa to level the surface and destroy traces of the past. Temples and beautiful public buildings were erected on this site. After some time, Carthage became "one of the most luxurious cities of the Roman world", the second largest city in the West after Rome. To meet the needs of 300,000 residents of the city, a circus for 60,000 spectators, a theater, an amphitheater, baths and a 132-kilometer aqueduct were built there.

Christianity reached Carthage around the middle of the 2nd century AD. e. and quickly spread throughout the city. Approximately 155 AD. e. in Carthage, the famous theologian and apologist Tertullian was born. Thanks to his writings, Latin became the official language of the Western Church. In the 3rd century, the Bishop of Carthage was Cyprian, who introduced the system of the seven-level church hierarchy and was martyred in 258 AD. e. Another North African, Augustine (354-430), the greatest Christian theologian of antiquity, combined the creeds of the church with Greek philosophy.

By the beginning of the 5th century AD, the Roman Empire was in decline, and so was Carthage. In 439 a.d. e. The city was captured and plundered by the Vandals. A hundred years later, the conquest of the city by the Byzantines temporarily halted its final fall. In 698 a.d. e. the city was taken by the Arabs, its stones served as material for the construction of the city of Tunisia. In the following centuries, the marble and granite that once adorned the Roman city were looted and taken from the country. Later they were used to build cathedrals in Genoa, Pisa, as well as Canterbury Cathedral in England. Today it is a suburb of Tunisia and an object for tourist pilgrimage.

Carthage today

Just 15 km from Tunisia, on the coast, whitewashed with sea foam, opposite the Bucornina mountain range that guards its peace, stands ancient Carthage.

Carthage was built 2 times. The first time - in 814 BC, by the Phoenician princess Elissa, and was named Carthage, which means "new city" in Punic. Located at the crossroads of the Mediterranean trade routes, it grew rapidly, becoming the main rival of the Roman Empire.

After the destruction of Carthage by Rome in 146 BC. during the Punic Wars, it was rebuilt as the capital of the Roman colony of Africa and continued to flourish. But in the end, the sad fate of Rome also befell it: A powerful cultural and commercial center was overwhelmed by crowds of barbarians in 430, then it was captured by the Byzantines in 533. After the Arab conquest, Carthage gave way to Kairouan, which became the capital of the new Arab state. So many times they destroyed Carthage, but each time it rose again. It is not for nothing that during its laying, the skulls of a horse and a bull were found - symbols of strength and wealth.

The city is interesting for archaeological excavations. During excavations in the so-called Punic quarter under Roman buildings, Punic water pipes were discovered, the studies of which showed how ingeniously water was supplied to tall (even six-story) houses. At the beginning of our era, the Romans for the first time leveled the place where the ruins of the destroyed in 146 BC were located. Carthage, put expensive retaining fortifications around the hill and built a forum on its flat top.

According to information from ancient history, first-born boys were sacrificed at this place to the patron of the city, the god Baal-Hammon and the goddess Tanit, starting from the 5th century. BC. The whole ritual is expressively described by Gustave Flaubert in the novel "Salambo". Archaeologists during the search on the territory of the Punic burials found about 50,000 urns with the remains of babies. On the restored tombstones, one can discern the symbols of the gods carved with a chisel, the crescent of the Moon or a stylized female figure with raised hands - the symbol of the goddess Tanit, as well as the sun disk - the symbol of Baal-Hammon. Nearby are the harbors of Carthage, which later served the Romans: a trading harbor in the south and a military one in the north.


Hill of Beers. Here is the Cathedral of St. Louis. The finds made during the excavations are displayed in the National Museum of Carthage (Musee National de Carthage) on Birsa Hill.

The greatest attention of tourists in Carthage is attracted by the baths of Emperor Antoninus Pius in the Archaeological Park. They were the largest in the Roman Empire after the terms of Trajan in Rome. The aristocracy of Carthage met here for relaxation, bathing and business conversations. Only a few massive marble seats have survived from the building itself.

Next to the baths is the summer palace of the beys: today it is the residence of the President of Tunisia.