Alexander Akimov civil aircraft Sukhoi classmates. “Crash landing” by Alexander Tulyakov? Slyusar will not save Tulyakov annotation

An algorithm for forming a conflict situation in a complex aircraft simulator is described. The algorithm calculates the trajectory of the intruder aircraft, potentially leading to a collision with the "evading aircraft" - FFS. When a dangerous approach occurs, the TCAS collision avoidance system is activated, after which the crew trains to avoid a collision.


1. GOST 20058-80. Dynamics of aircraft in the atmosphere. Terms, definitions and designations.

2. Akimov A.N. Solution of inverse dynamics problems based on pseudoinversion of matrices // Flight dynamics of combat aircraft: scientific and methodological materials. - M.: VVIA im. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky, 1992.

3. Akimov A.N., Andreev V.V. Numerical method of direct optimization in optimal control problems // Theory and control systems. - 1996. - No. 3.

4. Akimov A.N., Andreev V.V. Direct optimization method. Basic provisions and procedure for application. - M.: VVIA im. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky, 1997.

5. Akimov A.N. Algorithmic support of fault-tolerant control systems for combat aircraft: dissertation. ...Dr.Tech. Sci. - M.: VVIA im. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky, 1997.

6. Aircraft RRJ-95B. Flight manual. - M.: JSC "GSS", 2011.

For quotation:

Akimov A.N., Kulagin A.F. Algorithm for constructing conflict situations in complex aircraft simulators. Scientific Bulletin of MSTU GA. 2014;(204):7-14.

Will the first vice-president of the United Aircraft Corporation go to prison for fraud?

Will the security forces come for Tulyakov?

A large-scale anti-corruption campaign continues in Russia. Investigative officers arrest everyone - from bribe-taking governors to thieving top managers of state-owned companies. At the same time, the security forces “take” even those who were previously considered “untouchable.” Take, for example, the recent arrest of the ex-head of RusHydro, Evgeniy Dod, who has a “powerful lobby” in government circles.

Recently, PJSC United Aircraft Corporation (PJSC UAC) has also come under the “cleansing” regime. Let us recall that this structure was created in 2006 with the aim of consolidating the assets of the largest airlines in Russia, and currently the state owns more than 85% of the shares of this holding. Searches were carried out at his home and office, and Tulyakov did not allow investigators into his apartment. They had to break down the door. Such impudent behavior of the deputy head of the KLA outraged investigators, and experts began talking about the imminent arrest of the vice president of the KLA. Of course, now he has the status of a witness, but it seems that in the very near future Alexander Tulyakov will turn into a suspect (then into an accused and a defendant - editor's note)

Now Mr. Tulyakov is trying to pretend that everything is fine with him. He visits businesses and willingly talks to local journalists. For example, at the end of July 2016, Tulyakov, at the head of the UAC delegation, visited the Ulyanovsk aviation enterprise Aviastar-SP JSC. However, Tulyakov will soon have to get out of the habit of such trips, since investigators have already become interested in him. Of course, the KLA vice-president can continue to put on a “good face on a bad game,” but this is unlikely to save him from imminent arrest. Apparently, Tulyakov doesn’t have long to walk free.

Arrests have begun

The UAC vice-president has already been questioned by investigators. The interrogation of Tulyakov was related to the case of real estate fraud at JSC Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG (RSK MiG). The corresponding criminal case was initiated under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale). According to media reports, this whole story began back in 2001, when RSK MiG decided to get rid of its supposedly non-core asset with an area of ​​22 thousand square meters. m in Moscow on Polikarpova Street. Soon, the property on Khodynskoye Field was transferred to the economic management of a subsidiary of RSK - FSUE MiG-Rost. It was Alexey Ozerov who managed it at that time. By the way, according to media reports, the idea of ​​​​creating a subsidiary of RSK (i.e. FSUE MiG-Rost - editor's note) was personally lobbied by Alexander Tulyakov.

Let us note that when the plan for the centralized sale of space vacated by the withdrawal of RSK production facilities from Moscow appeared, the land assets of aircraft manufacturers on Khodynskoye Field were already encumbered by a lease agreement concluded by MiG-Rost OJSC on May 31, 2004 for a period of 11 months. This OJSC is the legal successor of the privatized Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

Moreover, on the same day (that is, May 31, 2004), an additional agreement was concluded extending the agreement for another 49 years. At the same time, the main activity of MiG-Rost OJSC was declared to be “production of plastic products for packaging goods.” Of course, this type of activity had nothing to do with aviation. But the same Alexey Ozerov remained the director of MiG-Rost OJSC.

Family connection

Soon, government officials drew attention to the machinations of Mr. Ozerov and his accomplices. For example, the then head of the capital department of the Federal Property Management Agency, Anatoly Shesteryuk, tried to achieve the removal of Alexey Ozerov from his position due to suspiciously low rental income received by MiG-Rost OJSC. In this case, a version appears that Ozerov could either receive part of the rent payments “in an envelope,” or he simply stole the rent.

Then the machinations of “Tulyakov’s team” continued. So in 2004, the complex of buildings on Polikarpova Street was sold to Business-Active LLC, which was created in the same year. And a year later, this company with an asset of hundreds of millions of rubles for only 10 thousand rubles. bought by businessman Egor Noskov. It is very interesting that Mr. Noskov then became Deputy General Director of Tupolev PJSC for the property complex. At the moment, Yegor Noskov is under arrest.

It is interesting that Egor Noskov is the brother of Akim Noskov, who “by a strange coincidence” from December 2001 to January 2004 served as deputy director for property management of the FSUE RSK MiG. In other words, Akim Noskov was Alexander Tulyakov’s deputy. At the same time, Egor Noskov holds the post of deputy general director for the property complex of the Tupolev company. As a result, Tulyakov and the Noskov brothers get a kind of “group contract”.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that Business-Active ceased to exist in 2010, and MiG-Rost - two years later. In this case, the idea creeps in that the company “Business-Active” was created by scammers specifically for withdrawing funds.

The role of Alexander Tulyakov in criminal fraud

The role of Mr. Tulyakov in fraud with state assets becomes clear if we analyze the subsequent machinations of the fraudulent group. So, in May-June 2005, the general director of Business Asset, Egor Noskov, sold all the real estate previously owned by MiG to another LLC, Liberta Investment, for 48.9 million rubles. Moreover, this LLC was registered shortly before this transaction. Then Business-Active ceased all economic activities, and Egor Noskov in 2006 moved to Liberta-Investment LLC and took the position of deputy general director there.

Against this background, starting from 2005, the premises purchased by the scammers were rented out to the same JSC MiG-Rost, but at commercial prices. This is where the criminal intent lies: first, the scammers needed to take the property from MiG structures and then start renting it out. This brought the attackers quite large profits.

The auditors revealed that only in 2011-2015, Liberta-Investment LLC received from its tenants, and this, in addition to MiG, also included Aviatekhpriemka OJSC, Aerocomposite CJSC, Helicopter Service Company OJSC, all those “Sukhoi Civil Aircraft” and many others, more than 785 million rubles. In fact, all this money went to criminals. It is obvious that the organizer of this entire scheme could have been Mr. Tulyakov, and Ozerov and the Noskov brothers only performed their “roles” and acted “at the prompting” of the current vice-president of the KLA.

Road to Cyprus

The SBIS database also says that Alexey Borisovich Andreev is the general director of Liberta Investment LLC. An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities states that 97.5% of Liberta-Investment LLC belongs to the international commercial company Feretto Investments Limited, registered in Cyprus (registration address Egypt Street 12, P.C. 1097 Nicosia, Cyprus), and Mr. Andreev in this The LLC owns only 2.5%. However, since Andreev is a beneficiary of a Cypriot company, he is formally also the owner of Liberta Investment LLC.

But the most interesting thing is that Andreev at one time ran a joint business in the Region-Investment company with Alexander Tulyakov - first vice-president of the UAC, with Akim Noskov - former deputy general director of RSK MiG, with Alexey Ozerov - former General Director of OJSC MiG-Rost and with Sergei Malinov, a former member of the board of directors of OJSC MiG-Rost. As they say, “the whole team is assembled.”

It is worth noting that, according to the “alienation of assets” scheme described above, other objects of the aircraft manufacturing industry also ended up in the hands of Cypriot offshore companies. For example, the building of a former dispensary with an area of ​​almost 3.5 thousand square meters in the second Botkinsky Proezd in Moscow. So Mr. Tulyakov still has to answer many questions from investigators.

“Fraudulent epic” by Alexander Tulyakov

It is worth noting that there are alternative data in the media, according to which the Cypriot offshore company Feretto Investments Limited actually belongs to Tulyakov, Ozerov and Noskov, and not Andreev. It is possible, however, that he is only a formal beneficiary, but in fact the activities of the offshore are controlled by the same Tulyakov, Ozerov and Noskov.

By the way, Alexander Tulyakov may also be involved in another criminal case that the Tambov Ministry of Internal Affairs opened last year against the management of Morshanskkhimmash LLC, which wasted 58 of the 60 million rubles allocated for the project for the UAC. This case was not taken forward then, since Tulyakov is considered a protégé of the head of the UAC, Yuri Slyusar. But now it may be resumed.

There are rumors that Tulyakov, as a member of the board of directors of the Ilyushin Finance company, disinterestedly pushed through the purchase of 10 Bombardier aircraft by this company at the end of last year, while this leasing company was obliged to purchase domestic aircraft. Thus, Alexander Tulyakov may find himself accused in a number of criminal cases.

From witness to suspect?

As you know, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Khoroshevsky district of Moscow is now dealing with the machinations of the “Tulyakov team”. As noted earlier, the consequence of the actions of the security forces was the arrest of the former general director of the subsidiary of RSK MiG - OJSC MiG-Rost, Alexey Ozerov, and the deputy general director of PJSC Tupolev, Yegor Noskov. Now there is good reason to believe that Ozerov and Noskov could have worked for Tulyakov, and all the scams were committed on his orders. Thus, in the very near future, the vice-president of the UAC may turn from a witness into a suspect.

Top manager without education?

Now let's look at the main career milestones in the life of the UAC vice president. Let us recall that from 1993 to 2008 Alexander Tulyakov held various positions at the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG. But we are interested in 2001, when Tulyakov had a sharp career takeoff. He becomes the head not of a design bureau, not of a specialized aircraft manufacturing direction, but of the MiG property management department.

It is worth noting that PJSC United Aircraft Corporation has an impressive amount of property. And some of the assets are recognized as non-core and are subject to privatization. At the same time, the first vice-president of the UAC, Alexander Tulyakov, who is responsible for non-core assets, is responsible for privatization. He came to UAC from JSC RSK MiG, where he headed the property management department.

How Tulyakov’s accomplices “seized” assets is written above. However, there is one “nuance” in this process. Experts doubt that Alexander Tulyakov has a higher education. This means that his qualifications (or rather, lack thereof), to put it mildly, “do not fully correspond to the position held.”

So, in Tulyakov’s official biography, in the education column - Institute of Economics and Finance “Synergy”. At the moment, in the “Education” column, graduation dates and the name of the specialty received have been removed. One can only guess why it was necessary to remove specifics from the “Education” column. Perhaps Mr. Tulyakov simply does not want to be “exposed”?

Now let's carefully analyze the available data on the education of Alexander Tulyakov. So, the Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship actually exists in Moscow, where the first vice-president of the UAC himself was born. It also has branches in St. Petersburg and Samara. But on the official website of this university we could not find any mention of the possibility of obtaining a first higher education in the specialty “Jurisprudence” (there are only legal advanced training courses and short-term seminars). Moreover, journalists were unable to reach the university at all the telephone numbers listed on the official website.

Now let’s look at Tulyakov’s alleged “study” at the Synergy Institute of Economics and Finance. As it turned out, the employee of the admissions committee, with whom the journalist was connected by telephone by the secretariat of the institute, after a long search in the alumni database, replied that full name. She was unable to find Tulyakov Alexander Vladimirovich. So, it turns out that there is every reason to believe that Alexander Tulyakov either did not study at the universities mentioned above, or received their diploma in some “dubious way.” Ultimately, Tulyakov’s higher education raises many doubts. And if so, how can this top manager even work in such an important position when he does not even have a simple education in aircraft manufacturing? It seems that after all these scandals, Alexander Tulyakov should be fired from the UAC.

Where did 70 billion rubles go?

Experts have recently accumulated many questions regarding the work of the United Aircraft Corporation, in which Alexander Tulyakov has served as executive vice president since 2011. The whole point is that the domestic aircraft industry is in a deep crisis. The main commercial project of the UAC - the Sukhoi Superjet-100 aircraft - can actually be considered a failure. In January 2014, the Prosecutor General’s Office, based on the results of an inspection of defense industry enterprises, presented a report in which it stated: ship and aircraft manufacturers invest budget funds in commercial banks in order to extract their own profit; the heads of industry enterprises are often the organizers of thefts.

Then, by the way, the Prosecutor General's Office announced the initiation of 48 criminal cases related to theft and deliberate bankruptcies of enterprises. At the moment, Alexander Tulyakov has the status of a witness, but soon he may become a suspect. However, he can be saved by his closeness to the new president of the United Aircraft Corporation, Yuri Slyusar, who replaced the former head of the UAC Mikhail Pogosyan, whose appointment in turn was lobbied by Rostec and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Will Slyusar not save Tulyakov?

Rumor has it that the new head of the UAC, Yuri Slyusar, understands even less about aircraft construction than Tulyakov. However, this is understandable. The thing is that previously Slyusar was in no way connected with aviation at all, and he began his activities by leading the autonomous non-profit organization RFA (Russian Phonographic Alliance).

Later, he was involved in the wholesale trade of technical media and chaired the board of directors of the National Federation of Phonographic Manufacturers (NFPP). The media wrote that, while still chairman of the board of the RFA, Yuri Slyusar managed to resolve the issue of obtaining accreditation for phonogram rights through the wife of Dmitry Medvedev. Perhaps, thanks to his acquaintance with the wife of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Yuri Slyusar made a good career in government circles.

So in 2009, Slyusar became an assistant to the Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko. In 2010-2012, the official headed the aviation industry department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and from May 5, 2012, Slyusar became Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, who is considered his (Slyusar’s - editor’s note) “patron.” The second “patron” of the current head of the UAC can be called the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov.

However, even with support from Chemezov and Manturov, Slyusar, according to experts, will not “harness” for Tulyakov when investigators once again come for the KLA vice-president. Most likely, the head of the UAC will “hand over” his deputy to the security forces, thereby depicting an “internal struggle” against corruption in a state corporation. It seems that Alexander Tulyakov does not have much time left to hold the post of vice-president of the UAC, and also to generally walk free. Apparently, in the near future he will turn from a witness into a suspect, and then into an accused and into a defendant. So, in the end, Alexander Tulyakov is expected to land.

In July, the integrated flight simulator FFS of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) aircraft was delivered to the Aeroflot Aviation Personnel Training Department in Sheremetyevo as part of an agreement to supply the airline with 30 SSJ100 aircraft.

In interaction with key customers, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft (SCAC) adheres to global practice, which is that the aircraft manufacturer ensures that the airline's training center is equipped with a comprehensive FFS flight simulator in the event of a major contract being awarded.

Currently, specialists from Thales Training & Simulation, the developer and supplier of the simulator, together with engineers from the Aeroflot Central Training Center and the State Aircraft Simulator Directorate are completing installation work on installing the FFS simulator in Sheremetyevo.

"The FFS simulator replicates a real aircraft flight deck, fully equipped with all aircraft consoles and indicators. It is equipped with a visualization system to display the external environment that pilots can see at various stages of the flight mission. The pilot located in the FFS receives the same sensations and feedback on control actions, as if he were in the cockpit of an aircraft in flight. FFS simulates normal, complex and emergency flight conditions in real time at all stages of the mission in any weather conditions and at any time of the day. The use of FFS significantly improves the quality of pilot training. , since FFS allows pilots to practice actions in difficult and emergency situations,” notes Alexander Akimov, Deputy Director of the Directorate for State Aircraft Simulators.

All procedures practiced at FFS are fully consistent with operational documentation, and above all with the Flight Manual.

The FFS simulator for the SSJ100 aircraft was developed by Thales Training & Simulation in collaboration with Sukhoi Civil Aircraft and GosNIIAS. Thales Training & Simulation, manufacturer and supplier of FFS, is one of the world's leading high technology firms in this field. The FFS of the SSJ100 aircraft belongs to the latest generation of Reality 7 simulators. It features a state-of-the-art electro-hydraulic mobility system, a visualization system with LCOS projectors and an instructor workstation with improved ergonomics. Almost all real avionics blocks have been rehosted, that is, replaced with special software modules. This significantly increases the trouble-free operation of the simulator.

“Our simulator is superior in all respects to the domestically produced Aeroflot simulators and is at the same level as the 7000 series simulator of the A320 family aircraft produced by the Canadian company SAE,” explains Alexander Akimov.

Aeroflot instructors have already been trained at the SCAC SC in Zhukovsky to conduct pilot training on the FFS simulator for the SSJ100 aircraft.

Installation, commissioning, inspection and testing on the simulator will be completed at the end of September. After this, the simulator will undergo acceptance tests and will be approved by the Federal Air Transport Agency and the European Aviation Safety Agency EASA for its use in training. Aeroflot specialists will also be trained in the operation and maintenance of the simulator in September.

The SSJ100 will be "Level D" certified in accordance with the international standard for training equipment (JAR FSTD A). This level is the highest level for flight simulator certification.

“After the FFS puts the SSJ100 aircraft into operation in mid-October, Aeroflot will train SSJ100 pilots at its DPAP in Sheremetyevo,” emphasizes Alexander Akimov.

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Could Alexander Tulyakov master at least a tenth of what Mr. Ulyukaev raked in? This is not an easy question, but we will try to answer it by collecting data from open sources, inside information and information from our correspondents.

A large-scale anti-corruption campaign continues throughout the country. Investigative officers arrest everyone - from bribe-taking governors to thieving top managers of state-owned companies. At the same time, the security forces “take” even those who were previously considered “untouchable.” Take, for example, the arrest of the ex-head of RusHydro, Evgeniy Dod, who has a “powerful lobby” in government circles. And not only him. More officials have been arrested in the past year than in the past three years. Today we will present to you the obvious candidate for landing the first vice-president of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), Alexander Tulyakov.

The third participant in the high-profile case of theft and illegal sale of corporate real estate to the MiG Corporation could be UAC Vice President Alexander Tulyakov. At the request of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested a number of former and current executives of the MiG aircraft manufacturing corporation as part of an investigation into a high-profile case of theft and illegal sale of corporate real estate. The ex-director of the subsidiary company of RSK MiG, JSC MiG-Rost, Alexey Ozerov, and the deputy general director of PJSC Tupolev, Yegor Noskov, were taken under arrest. They are accused of multi-million dollar fraud. In particular, in the resale and subsequent lease to structures included in the UAC, a complex of buildings on Khodynskoye Field with an area of ​​22 thousand square meters. m.

As part of the same investigation, Investigative Committee investigators questioned UAC Vice President Alexander Tulyakov, who in the early 2000s headed the property management department at RSK MiG.

The Investigative Committee has accumulated a large evidence base regarding Alexander Tulyakov, as Russian media write, and his arrest is very likely in the very near future.

Frauds with real estate owned by RSK MiG were revealed by the Accounts Chamber, and then by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. The materials of their inspections were transferred to the Investigative Committee, which opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale).

As Russian media write, Alexander Tulyakov is one of the key figures in these frauds. From 1993 to 2008, he held various positions at the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG. In 2001, he had a sharp career takeoff: he headed the property management department of the MiG corporation.

And in the same 2001 (perhaps this is not a coincidence) RSK MiG decided to get rid of its supposedly “non-core asset,” as Tulyakov himself put it, with an area of ​​22 thousand square meters. m in Moscow on Polikarpova Street.

This huge territory on the Khodynskoye field was transferred to the economic management of a subsidiary of the RSK - FSUE MiG-Rost, headed by Alexey Ozerov.

By the way, Tulyakov personally lobbied for the idea of ​​​​creating this subsidiary company. In June 2003, this company was privatized and actually taken out of the control of the MiG corporation.

After this, the scam began to develop rapidly according to a pre-thought-out plan. The land assets of the aircraft manufacturing company on Khodynka were encumbered by a lease agreement concluded by MiG-Rost OJSC (as the legal successor of the privatized Federal State Unitary Enterprise) on May 31, 2004 for a period of 11 months.

Moreover, simultaneously with the lease agreement, an additional agreement was concluded extending the validity of the agreement for no less than 49 years! And the main activity of MiG-Rost OJSC was stated to be “production of plastic products for packaging goods.” The general director of the company remains, as you might guess, the same Alexey Ozerov!

At the same time, the head of the capital department of the Federal Property Management Agency, Anatoly Shesteryuk (he is currently a defendant in a criminal case for the theft of more than a hundred real estate properties), tried to achieve the removal of Mr. Ozerov from his position, blaming him for extremely low rental income, which received by JSC MiG-Rost! In other words, Tulyakov and Ozerov actually took over the proceeds belonging to MiG Airlines.

Meanwhile, the spiral of large-scale fraud continued to unwind. In 2004, the entire complex of buildings on Polikarpova Street was sold to the newly created Business-Active LLC. And a year later, this company with assets of hundreds of millions of rubles was acquired by businessman Yegor Noskov for just... 10 thousand rubles. Thus, a classic withdrawal of funds occurred.

But the scam didn’t end there either. In 2005, all the former MiG real estate was resold for almost 50 million rubles to a certain Liberta Investment LLC. And it was immediately leased to structures belonging to the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC).

From 2011 to 2015, the Liberta Investment company, founded by the Cypriot offshore Feretto, received almost 800 million (!) rubles in rent.

According to our sources, the offshore belongs to Tulyakov, Ozerov and Noskov. Alexander Tulyakov may also be involved in another criminal case that the Tambov Ministry of Internal Affairs opened last year against the management of Morshanskkhimmash LLC, which wasted 58 of the 60 million rubles allocated for the project for the UAC.

This case was not taken forward then, since Tulyakov was considered a protégé of Yuri Slyusar himself, the head of the KLA. But now it may be resumed.

There are rumors that Tulyakov, as a member of the board of directors of the Ilyushin Finance company, disinterestedly pushed through the purchase by this company of 10 Bombardier aircraft at the end of last year, while this leasing company was obliged to purchase domestic aircraft. Thus, Alexander Tulyakov may find himself accused in a number of criminal cases. And from him, which is quite obvious, the threads will stretch to the higher figures of our aviation industry, for whom, it seems, the time of “flight” is ending and the season of “landing” is beginning.

The first vice-president of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), Alexander Tulyakov, was involved in the sale of production space owned by FSUE MiG-RosT for next to nothing, followed by leasing it for 785 million rubles. Against the backdrop of rosy reports from the management of one of the largest government agencies, the United Aircraft Corporation, independent specialists in the aircraft industry and professional pilots note a sharp decline in the production and implementation of new technologies in Russian aviation. What is happening in the domestic aircraft industry?

Who, under the guise of “optimization,” is appropriating for pennies huge chunks of the capital’s real estate of world-famous aircraft factories? And who will be responsible for the hundreds of billions of rubles allocated for the construction of modern civil and military aircraft, which, in fact, went down the drain? There is a special investigation about all this.

The statistics of the domestic aircraft industry do not inspire optimism. If in 1990, on the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the country produced about 200 civil airliners, then in modern Russia over the past ten years only a few aircraft have been built per year. Apparently, even the creation of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) in 2006 did not help to rectify the situation. - Ed. KOMPROMAT. How else can we explain the closure of the best design bureaus, where the flagships of Soviet and then Russian aviation were created? According to specialized aviation publications, the Yakovlev and Myasishchev design bureaus have practically ceased to exist. Ilyushin was left with only transport aviation.

It is unlikely that anyone other than narrow specialists knows that in October 2001 the government approved the federal program “Development of Civil Aviation Equipment in Russia for 2002-2010 and for the period until 2015.” According to this document, more than 207 billion rubles have been allocated from the country's budget for the development, modernization and production of 17 types of aircraft, 9 helicopters and 18 engines. Another 247 billion for the development of the aviation industry in 2007-2012 just went to the newly formed UAC aircraft manufacturing corporation.

If anyone thinks that the injection of almost half a trillion rubles into the aviation industry has moved things forward, then they are deeply mistaken.

An audit of the implementation of Presidential Decree No. 596 of May 7, 2012, carried out by the Control Directorate of the Head of State, regarding the development of the aviation industry for the needs of the civil air fleet showed: “with the full utilization of the allocated funds, the goals defined by the program have not been achieved.” What does it mean? According to my colleagues, “having spent about 14 billion target rubles from the federal budget, the United Aircraft Corporation never organized serial production of IL-96-300 and Tu-204/214 aircraft and did not bring them to meet international requirements. The regional Tu-334 also did not wait for its industrial launch. Having spent 6 billion rubles from the federal budget and more than 10 million dollars from extra-budgetary sources on its development and production of a prototype, officials from the aircraft industry simply excluded all work on this project from the federal target program. Another 36 billion rubles were allocated in 2011-2012 for the creation of new short- and long-haul airliners. 4 billion - for the development of a wing for promising civil aircraft. 7 billion - for the manufacture and production of a prototype of the modern PD-14 engine. There is no promised plane, no wing, no engine. There’s no money either.”

Alexander Tulyakov and his heavy burden

The United Aircraft Corporation, as we have already said, was created in 2006. It included more than two dozen legendary Russian aviation enterprises with their own developments, production facilities and grandiose plans for the future. According to the original plan, the UAC was supposed to gather all aircraft manufacturers into a single fist and, with financial support from the state, make the country one of the world leaders in aircraft and helicopter manufacturing.

Alexey Fedorov became the first head of the UAC. The professional design engineer Fedorov, according to our interlocutors, was initially given unrealistic tasks. Faced with the degradation of the Russian aircraft industry, he was forced into harsh conditions - the rapid progress that was required of him meant closing factories and laying off people.

Fedorov was fired from his post as head of the UAC in 2011. The reason for this resignation was even commented on by Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich: “The President (in 2011, Dmitry Medvedev - Ed.) assessed the work of large companies in using innovation, this assessment is unsatisfactory.” He recalled that state-owned companies have been given strict deadlines for preparing an innovative development program, so for failure to comply, “responsibility will be as strict as possible, up to and including dismissal.”

The next head of the KLA after Fedorov was his deputy Mikhail Pogosyan.

People personally familiar with Fedorov and Pogosyan noted the top managers’ different approaches to work. Fedorov is a production practitioner; his task was to “collect stones.” Poghosyan worked in design bureaus throughout his professional life after college. He was given a super task - to create a plane with 100 seats and a fighter.

State corporation or profitable place? Alexander Tulyakov on a white horse

UAC's official reports have always shown annual growth in the corporation's revenue and an increase in the number of aircraft produced. Thus, in 2014, UAC’s revenue increased by a third and amounted to 285 billion rubles. The number of civil aircraft delivered to customers was 190.

The reverse side of the UAC reports became available to the press - a report from the Prosecutor General's Office after a full-scale audit of the state-owned company: “Funds in the amount of almost 50 billion rubles allocated from the federal budget to the authorized capital of the corporation from 2007 to 2012 for the implementation of projects for the construction of civil aircraft of domestic production were transferred by the corporation to its subsidiaries and dependent companies on extremely unfavorable conditions. Instead of a gratuitous contribution to the authorized capital of companies, funds designed to support enterprises in the aircraft manufacturing industry were provided to them by the corporation in the form of loans charging up to 14.5% per annum.

In addition to income from accrued interest, the corporation often received interest-free loans from subsidiaries and affiliates. JSC Sukhoi Company, JSC NAZ Sokol, JSC Irkut Corporation issued over 2.2 billion rubles in interest-free loans to JSC UAC in 2011-2012.

In fact, the United Aircraft Corporation functions as a commission agent and has its own percentage of profit from any process taking place in the Russian aviation industry. When the state allocates funds for the development of domestic aviation, the UAC takes a very significant share for itself. What remains was distributed to airline companies, and solely in accordance with the personal preferences and preferences of the manager.”

Here is what the weekly newspaper “VPK” writes about this: “the report of the Accounts Chamber directly indicates that, despite the supplies of aircraft produced by JSC Sukhoi Company and JSC RSK MiG provided for by the State Armament Program, in 2010-2012 the budgetary support in the amount of almost 7 billion rubles was provided only to the first one.” Let us recall that Mikhail Pogosyan moved to UAC from the position of general director of the Sukhoi company. And the super task set before him by Vladimir Putin to create a domestic civil airliner was also carried out on the basis of Sukhoi.

Tulyakov Alexander

The creation of the Sukhoi Superjet aircraft has become a priority program for the UAC. Moreover, it was such a priority that all the resources of the domestic aviation industry were thrown at it. The result, according to experts, is not obvious. The SSJ never became an attractive product in the international market. The purchase of several dozen aircraft by medium-sized Mexican and Chinese airlines is not a spectacular figure. Russian air carriers prefer to use, albeit used, foreign airliners. Other eminent design bureaus were virtually left without funding. But the most curious thing is that the financial indicators of the Sukhoi company turned out to be negative.

Thus, according to information from open sources, according to the results of the first quarter of 2014, the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC) was missing almost 6 billion rubles. The management of the UAC confirmed that the gross loss of the State Aircraft Company increased almost 2.8 times and amounted to 705 million rubles.

According to Aviation Explorer project director Roman Gusarov, the SSJ brings enormous losses to the country. Moreover, the more it is built, the faster the losses grow. According to the annual reports of JSC "GSS", losses by year are: 2010 - 1.844 billion, 2011 - 3.859 billion, 2012 - 4.582 billion rubles.

Is the UAC top manager a lawyer and economist?

This spring, the leadership of the United Aviation Corporation changed again. Yuri Slyusar was appointed to head the UAC instead of Mikhail Pogosyan. Slyusar is a former deputy minister of industry and trade. According to sources in the state corporation, the new head of the UAC came alone, without his team. And he has to rely on the footage that Poghosyan left behind.

And this is where the fun begins. The team that the new UAC president inherited can hardly be called professional. Take, for example, the current first vice-president Alexander Tulyakov. Let's start with the biography, which is published on the official website of the state corporation. In the education column, the first vice-president of the UAC has two entries: 2001 - graduated from the Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship - Institute. Specialty: "Jurisprudence". 2003 - Institute of Economics and Finance "Synergy".

I went to the official websites of these educational institutions to study them and make sure of the professional training of the second person in the Russian aircraft industry.

The Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship actually exists in Moscow, where the first vice-president of the UAC himself was born. It also has branches in St. Petersburg and Samara. But on the official website of this university I was unable to find any mention of the possibility of obtaining a first higher education in the specialty “law” (there are only legal advanced training courses and short-term seminars), as well as to contact the university at all the telephone numbers indicated on the official website. Perhaps the opportunity to obtain a legal education was available in the late 1990s, and then the specialty “law” “disappeared” from the list of areas of training for specialists in this non-state educational institution? For me this question remained unanswered...

Go ahead. Institute of Economics and Finance "Synergy". It's even more interesting here. The employee of the admissions committee, with whom the secretariat of the institute connected me by phone, after a long search in the alumni database, answered that full name. She was unable to find Tulyakov Alexander Vladimirovich... And now the question! How is it that the second person in the Russian aviation industry, who really shapes the ideology and opinion of the new head of the UAC about the enterprises of the industry, influences the personnel policy of the corporation, but, judging by his official biography, does not even have a simple education in aircraft manufacturing?

At the same time, Tulyakov is also on the boards of directors of almost all enterprises included in the UAC. It turns out that in Russia world-famous design professionals are led by a simple specialist in property matters?

Let's study the official biography further. From 1993 to 2008, Alexander Vladimirovich Tulyakov held various positions at the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG. But we are interested in 2001, when Tulyakov had a sharp career takeoff. He becomes the head not of a design bureau, not of a specialized aircraft manufacturing direction, but of the MiG property management department.

We have at our disposal the interesting results of an audit by the General Prosecutor's Office of the MiG aircraft manufacturing corporation, conducted on the facts of the illegal withdrawal of assets at an undervalued value in favor of a group of former employees of this enterprise.

Alexander Tulyakov and the path to offshore

According to the materials of the prosecutor's audit, on the initiative of the management of the aircraft manufacturing corporation, in June 2001, RSK MiG transferred to its subsidiary FSUE MiG-RosT industrial buildings with an area of ​​more than 16 thousand square meters on Polikarpova Street in Moscow for economic management. In principle, there is nothing criminal in this. Read on. FSUE "MiG-RosT", as the past management of "MiG" assured in official letters, was created for the full and most efficient use of the corporation's production capacities. And according to some reports, it was Alexander Tulyakov who lobbied for the idea of ​​​​creating a subsidiary structure. Just two years later, in June 2003, according to a prosecutor's audit, FSUE MiG-RosT was privatized, becoming an open joint-stock company (OJSC - Ed.) and actually taken out of the control of the MiG corporation.

And a year later, in 2004, MiG-RosT OJSC sold all the buildings on Polikarpov Street in Moscow to a certain Business-Active LLC. According to the database, Business-Active LLC was created in February 2004 and liquidated in July 2010. Further more. After an unknown LLC acquired the production property of MiG, a certain Yegor Noskov became the full owner of Business Asset in 2005. This successful businessman paid only 10 thousand rubles for a 100% share in the company, which had 16 thousand square meters of “priceless capital real estate” on its balance sheet!

Now let's see who this lucky guy really is. Egor Noskov, according to the prosecutor's office, is the deputy general director for the property complex of the Tupolev company, and he is also the brother of Akim Noskov, who, by a strange coincidence, from December 2001 to January 2004 held the position of deputy director for property management of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "RSK" "Moment". In other words, Akim Noskov was Alexander Tulyakov’s deputy.

We continue to study further the results of the prosecutor's audit. In May-June 2005, the newly appointed General Director of Business-Active, Egor Noskov, sold all the real estate previously owned by MiG to another LLC, Liberta-Investment, which was also formed shortly before this fateful transaction for him, for 48 .9 million rubles. After which “Business-Active” ceases any economic activity, and Evgeny Noskov in 2006 takes the position of deputy general director at “Liberta-Investment”.

Why was such a simple, but extended over several years, scheme needed? And in order to rent out the acquired premises starting from 2005 - now pay attention! - still the same JSC MiG RosT, but at commercial prices. The auditors calculated that “in 2011-2015 alone, Liberta-Investment LLC received from its tenants, and this, in addition to MiG, also included Aviatekhpriemka OJSC, Aerocomposite CJSC, Helicopter Service Company OJSC, all the same Sukhoi Civil Aircraft and many others, more than 785 million rubles!

And now about where the huge revenues from objects that were essentially taken out of state ownership went. Prosecutors have established that the co-owners of Liberta Investment are the Cypriot company Feretto Investments Limited and a certain Andreev A.B., who is also the ultimate beneficiary of the Cypriot company. Andreev at one time ran a joint business in the Region-Investment company with Alexander Tulyakov - first vice-president of the UAC, Akim Noskov - former deputy general director of RSK MiG, Alexey Ozerov - former general director of OJSC MiG-RosT and Sergei Malinov - former member of the board of directors of OJSC MiG-RosT. As they say, comments are unnecessary here.

According to exactly the same scheme, other objects of the aircraft manufacturing industry ended up in the hands of Cypriot offshore companies. For example, the building of a former dispensary with an area of ​​almost 3.5 thousand square meters in 2nd Botkinsky Proezd in Moscow.

Alexander Tulyakov, apparently, will have to answer many questions in the very near future. But here's what's interesting. What will the first vice-president of the UAC say if he is invited for interrogation to the internal affairs department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Khoroshevsky district of Moscow? As we learned, on May 27 of this year, based on the results of the prosecutor's investigation, the investigator of this department opened criminal case No. 152050 under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code, part 4 “Fraud committed by an organized group of persons on an especially large scale.”

"On the other side"

From 1993 to 2008, Alexander Tulyakov held various positions at the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG. But we are interested in 2001, when Tulyakov had a sharp career takeoff. He becomes the head not of a design bureau, not of a specialized aircraft manufacturing direction, but of the MiG property management department.

It is worth noting that PJSC United Aircraft Corporation has an impressive amount of property. And some of the assets are recognized as non-core and are subject to privatization. But how did this happen?

The fact is that the UAC has a first vice-president of the UAC, Alexander Tulyakov, who is involved in non-core assets. He came to UAC from JSC RSK MiG, where he headed the property management department.

Tulyakov may also be involved in another incident. Thus, last year the Tambov Ministry of Internal Affairs opened a criminal case against the management of Morshanskkhimmash LLC, which squandered 58 of the 60 million rubles allocated for the project for the UAC.

“Only preparatory work has been completed under the contract: the technological process and technical conditions have been agreed upon, and travel expenses have been incurred for this,” noted Nadezhda Istomina, a representative of the regional prosecutor’s office, at the time.

But the matter died down... After all, Tulyakov is considered the “right hand” of UAC President Yuri Slyusar. And his appointment was lobbied by one of the largest Russian state corporations, Rostec, and the Ministry of Industry. At the same time, if the ex-head of the UAC Mikhail Pogosyan was a serious figure who, in fact, was subordinate only to the president and the head of his administration, then Slyusar will do what the state corporation orders him to do.

"Patron" Tulyakov

If you take a closer look at the figure of Slyusar, it becomes clear that his relationship to the aircraft industry and to the civil service is very indirect. Previously, a high-ranking official headed the autonomous non-profit organization RFA (Russian Phonographic Alliance).

Slyusar has no direct connection to aviation, and most importantly, no specialized education. After all, at one time he was engaged in the wholesale trade of technical media and headed the board of directors of the National Federation of Phonogram Producers (NFPP).

In 2009, Slyusar unexpectedly became an assistant to the Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko. In 2010-2012, the official headed the aviation industry department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and on May 5, 2012, Slyusar became Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov.

According to media reports, after Manturov issued an order to appoint “his own man” as acting general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Departmental Security of Industrial Facilities of Russia”, the head office of the enterprise was seized by force.

UAC is slowly but surely turning from an aviation enterprise into a kind of MMM. According to the prosecutor's audit, despite “unprecedented state support measures” in the amount of 70.5 billion rubles. , the financial condition of aviation industry enterprises has not improved.

The total debt of the corporation exceeded 260 billion rubles, and the authorized capital of UAC, due to a decrease in the value of the assets of its subsidiaries, decreased by 30.7 billion rubles. And here again it’s worth remembering Tulyakov. Under him, dividends regularly collected from subsidiaries were placed by the UAC to generate income on deposits, while the aircraft manufacturing enterprises themselves were forced to take out more and more commercial loans!

Contact with Aeroflot

Let us note that Aeroflot’s actions caused direct damage to the domestic aircraft industry this year. How did this happen and what does Tulyakov have to do with it?

At the end of 2015, the general director of the airline, Vitaly Savelyev, pushed through the decision to purchase Bombardier aircraft by the leasing company Ilyushin Finance Co. The transaction was made in the interests of Aeroflot exclusively. This is also evidenced by the fact that previously no other company was interested in the purchased Cseries-300 aircraft.

What makes the situation more scandalous is the fact that Ilyushin Finance Co. was initially obliged to sell exclusively Russian-made aircraft. The signing of a contract for the purchase of 32 and an option for another 10 Cseries-300 aircraft deprives investments in the amount of $2.56 billion to $3.42 billion if the deal is closed.

And in fact, Mr. Tulyakov, who is a member of the Board of Directors of Ilyushin Finance Co., helped Savelyev in this! Instead of fighting for the Russian manufacturer, since Tulyakov represents the UAC, he preferred “social compromise.” Rumor has it that Tulyakov agreed not to Bombardier for free...

Returning to PJSC United Aircraft Corporation. Let us note that after the UAC audit, in 2014 the prosecutor announced 48 criminal cases initiated in aircraft and shipbuilding corporations. But there is no special progress...

Then the press service of the United Aircraft Corporation reported that “the Corporation does not have information about criminal cases initiated against JSC UAC or its officials. At the same time, there are investigations being conducted at the initiative of the Corporation itself, as well as in relation to third parties and organizations that have nothing to do with UAC and its officials.” Slyusar just wanted to solve the problem without involving the security forces, to quietly cover his tracks.

But it looks like there's no way to cover up your tracks now. Before the elections in 2016, the authorities decided to demonstrate that they were still fighting corruption. MiG fighters Yegor Noskov and Alexander Ozerov have been arrested so far. Soon Alexander Tulyakov will also be isolated, for which investigators have a huge base of evidence.

The situation will also affect the head of the UAC, Yuri Slyusar. What is most noteworthy is that arrests will most likely occur before September of this year. After all, as we have already noted, these are not just investigative actions, but also a PR stunt before the elections. In any case, this does not relieve corrupt officials from responsibility.