The Forbidden City in Beijing (Gugong) is the palace of the emperors of the Celestial Empire. Forbidden City China What is the name of the residence of the Chinese emperors in Beijing

- This is the ancient residence of Chinese emperors, today turned into a huge museum. Nowadays the city is simply called Gugun or Former Palace. This is the largest palace complex in the world.

It is located slightly north of Tiananmen Square and is considered the main cultural and historical attraction of everything. Tourists from all over the world come here every year.

The main palace of the Forbidden City became the residence of the emperor from the moment of its construction, i.e. from the beginning of the 15th century. At that time, the Ming Dynasty reigned. And it ceased to be in 1912, when the last emperor of the Qing dynasty was overthrown.

The palace took about 15 years to build. The best architects, builders, masons, artists and millions of simple unknown builders took part in its construction. Construction was carried out from precious trees and expensive materials.

The emperor lived with his family and servants in the Forbidden City. No one else was allowed here under penalty of death. The palace complex is surrounded by thick walls and a wide moat filled with water.

In total, during the entire period of the empire, 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties lived in this city. All significant ceremonies were held here; it was the political center of the Great Ming Empire and the Qing Empire.

In 1912, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Pu Yi, was overthrown but was allowed to continue living in the Inner Palace. And a museum was organized in the Outer Palace. A few years later, Pu Yi was expelled from his palace.

In the 30s of the last century, when Japan attacked China and captured Beijing, the palace’s jewelry had to be hastily removed. A significant part of them was captured by the Japanese, but out of respect for the former emperor they were preserved.

The Cultural Revolution caused the most damage to this site. In the 50-60s of the 20th century, some artifacts were destroyed here. However, the vandalism was stopped and army battalions were deployed near Gugun to protect the cultural heritage.

Over the entire period of its existence before becoming a museum in 1925, the Forbidden City underwent many changes. He was constantly upset and strengthened, huge amounts of money were invested in him.

The entire complex of palaces is an example of Chinese traditional palace architecture. At the end of the 80s of the last century, it was the first in China to be included in the famous UNESCO list as the largest ancient wooden structure.

Forbidden City today

The Forbidden City is the center of ancient Beijing, which is called the Imperial City. Gugun itself is divided into several parts, surrounded by a wall 3.4 km long and almost 8 m high and a ditch, the width of which is more than 50 m.

On three sides there are magnificent imperial gardens and famous parks. To the south of Gugun there is a Sanctuary where all the emperors of China, without exception, worshiped the spirit of the nation and their ancestors.

Also to the south is the Gate of Heavenly Peace with a portrait of the father of the people - Mao Zedong. This gate is the link between ancient Gugong and modern Tiananmen Square.

The entire design of this beautiful architectural masterpiece is filled with symbols of Chinese religion and philosophy, and also emphasizes the greatness of imperial power and its direct connection with heaven. The layout follows ancient traditions.

This palace complex is a real wonder of the world, which is described in books and films. In 1918, he was featured in one of the first Chinese feature films, a biopic about the last emperor Pu Yi, a TV series about Marco Polo, etc.


Currently, the Forbidden City is visited by at least 7 million tourists a year, especially in the summer. This is the most famous Chinese landmark. Xi Jinping recently hosted Donald Trump at the Inner Palace.

In the very center of Beijing there is a large imperial palace complex, nicknamed by the Chinese “Gugong” (故宫 gùgōng, “Former Palace”). Twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties lived in it, replacing each other on the throne of the rulers of the Celestial Empire, established here.

The complex was built in 14 years under Emperor Zhu Di (Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644). Ancient Chinese astronomers believed that the purple (Pole) star was located in the center of the heavens, and therefore the Emperor of Heaven lived in a purple-colored palace. Accordingly, the monastery of the earthly emperor was made in the same colors and was called the Purple City. It was forbidden to enter this city without special permission from the emperor himself. Thus, “Forbidden” (紫禁城 zǐjìnchéng, Purple Forbidden City) was also added to the name of the complex, but soon the color faded into the background, only the name remained, which is still known today - “ Forbidden City».

Today it is a famous palace museum north of Tiananmen Square. The austere rectangle of the Forbidden City is the world's largest palace complex and occupies 74 hectares. 8886 rooms are located in 980 palace buildings, surrounded by a 52-meter (wide) moat with water and a 10-meter (high) wall. On each side of the wall there is a gate. The distance between the eastern and western gates is 750 meters. Unique carved towers rise above each of the four corners of the outer wall. The palaces and cityscapes of Beijing are clearly visible from them.

The Forbidden City is divided into two parts. The southern part, or Outer Palace, was the place where the emperor exercised his supreme power over the people. The northern part, or Inner Palace, is where he lived with his family.

The most important hall both in the Outer Palace and in the entire complex is Hall of Supreme Harmony(太和殿 tài hé diàn). It was built in 1420, covers an area of ​​2,400 square meters, and with a height of 36.57 meters, it is the tallest palace in the complex. During the reign of the emperor, no building in Beijing could be taller than the Hall of Supreme Harmony. This palace contains dragon throne- the imperial throne surrounded by elephants symbolizing peace.

Before 1924, when the last emperor of China, Pu Yi, was expelled from the Inner Palace, fourteen emperors of the Ming Dynasty and ten emperors of the Qing Dynasty had already lived in the Forbidden City. Having been the home of the rulers of the Celestial Empire for five centuries, the palace has preserved many rare treasures and legends.

Construction of the palace complex, in which, according to various sources, more than a million workers, including one hundred thousand artisans, worked under difficult conditions, began in 1407 during the Ming Dynasty, and ended fourteen years later. Huge amounts of wood and other materials were brought from distant provinces. The stone for the building was mined in Fangshan District (an area in the southwest of present-day Beijing). To facilitate delivery along the route, wells were dug every 500 meters from which they drew water to flood the road in winter and roll huge blocks of ice over the ice. For example, in the front of the Palace of Supreme Harmony, there is a stone slab called the "Imperial Way" or Yunlong. Its area is more than 50 square meters, weight - 239 tons. Delivery required 20 thousand workers and 28 days.

Wood, including very valuable varieties, was mined in the southern provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei and floated to Beijing by waterways.

The following year, after the construction of the palace complex was completed, the capital of the Chinese Empire, as planned, was moved from Nanjing to Beijing.

The ancient Chinese showed their very extraordinary skills in the construction and design of the palace. Take, for example, the grandiose red city wall. At the base it is 8.6 meters wide, gradually narrowing towards the top, where it reaches 6.66 meters. The angular shape of the wall completely prevents attempts to climb it. The bricks with which it is built are made of white lime and glutinous rice, and the cement is made of glutinous rice and egg whites. These incredible building materials make the wall extremely durable.

The palaces themselves are mainly built of wood, and ancient Chinese engineers, fearing fires, developed for them special heating system, in which heat was supplied under the floor of the room through underground pipes leading from bronze coal furnaces located outside the building. Thus, the palaces of the Forbidden City do not have a single chimney, and the floors are always warm.

Since yellow color became a symbol of the imperial family, he acquired a dominant position in palace architecture. The roofs are built with yellow tiles; decorations in the palace are painted yellow; even the bricks on the ground are made yellow using a special technology. However, there is one exception. Wenyuange, the Imperial Library, has a black roof. The reason is that the ancient Chinese considered the color black to be a symbol of the water element, and therefore a talisman against possible fires. But still, 90% of the roofs of the Forbidden City are lined with yellow or “golden” tiles. This tile is very heavy, when tapped, a clear ringing sound is heard, and tung oil is used to give it a special shine during polishing.

Another symbol: golden lion statues near the imperial palace they have thirteen cone-shaped curls on their heads. This is the largest number, reserved only for imperial house lions. Other high-ranking politicians and officials were ranked by the number of curls: if the official did not deserve more than seven, then lions were not even placed near his house.

The Forbidden City is Beijing's top attraction and, no doubt, deservedly so. Listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987, the palace complex has already earned the distinction of being one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world.

In addition, anyone who is interested in the history of China and, in particular, the life of the Forbidden City, we strongly recommend watching the wonderful historical and artistic film by Bernardo Bertolucci “The Last Emperor” (1987), which takes place in the real Forbidden City, including in the throne room and other notable places. The plot is also extremely interesting, even for non-Chinese scholars.

Movie trailer:

Gugun Palace or Forbidden City is a palace complex in the center of Beijing.

History of the Forbidden City

Beijing rightfully holds the title of owner of the largest palace complex on the planet. The world famous collection of various palaces is located in the Forbidden City. Twenty-four Chinese rulers chose it as their residence. Astronomers used special calculations to select the location for the construction of structures. They believed that the palaces were located in the very center of the planet. Legend has it that a Chinese monk dreamed about the design of the Forbidden City. He told the emperor about the dream, who began construction of the complex.

The palaces are built of brick and wood. The interior is decorated with marble and the floor is tiled. Since earthquakes and other natural disasters are not uncommon in this area, the buildings are all one-story, the roofs are supported by stable columns. The windows and doors of the palaces are located on the south side. This indicates that visitors from the north were not welcome here.

The city received such a fancy name for a reason. Ordinary people could not enter its territory without special permission. Emperors and their families lived here. Those brave souls who tried to look inside suffered a terrible death. One day, local residents broke into the palace and drove the emperor to suicide. Numerous warriors could not stop them. The people protested against high taxes and exorbitant poverty.

Local guides will also tell you about the curse of this place. The Qing Dynasty was cursed. According to legend, the fall of the city was to be carried out by a woman. And so it happened. The emperor's wife took over control of the country, later transferring all power to her successor. He renounced power in 1912.

Description of the Purple Forbidden City

All buildings in the Forbidden City are hidden behind a massive wall. A ditch for water was dug around the wall. Several bridges carry tourists inside. One of them - the most pompous, served only for the imperial family, the other - for the military and officials. And people walked on the smallest one if there was a need.

Just like many centuries ago, gazebos and pavilions decorated the palace grounds. Now tourists like to spend time here. You can hide from the sun in them or simply retire.

In the center, a huge pavilion attracts attention. Its height is almost 40 meters. Previously, it held the title of the tallest building in Beijing. No one could build houses or other objects higher, since the pavilion symbolized the majesty of the Celestial Empire.

Attractions of the Forbidden City

List of objects deep into the palace complex from Tiananmen Square:

  • Tiananmen Gate (Gate of Heavenly Peace)
  • Former Altar of Earth and Cereals (now Sun Yat-sen Park), left
  • Former Taimiao Imperial Ancestors Temple (now the Palace of Workers' Culture), on the right
  • Duanmen Gate (Gate of Honor, or Gate of Right Conduct).
  • Wumen Gate, behind which the Forbidden City begins

Scheme of the Gugun palace complex

  • Wumen Gate 午門, "Noon Gate".
  • Shenumen Gate 神武门, "Gate of Military Valor".
  • Xihuamen Gate 西华门, "West Gate".
  • Donghuamen Gate 东华门, "Eastern Gate".
  • Watchtowers 角落 jiaolou.
  • Taihemen Gate 太和门 “Gate of Supreme Harmony.”
  • Taihedian Pavilion 太和殿 “Hall/Palace of Supreme Harmony.”
  • Zhonghedian Pavilion 中和殿 “Hall/Palace of Middle (or Complete) Harmony.”
  • Baohedian Pavilion 保和殿 “Hall/Palace of Preserving Harmony.”
  • Wingdian Outhouse 武英殿 "Warlord's Outhouse".
  • Outbuilding of Wenhuadian 文华殿 “Chinese Hall/Palace”.
  • Qining Garden 慈宁花园 “Garden of Kindness and Tranquility.”
  • Nansanso 南三所 “Three Southern Abodes.”
  • Qianqinggong Palace 乾清宫 “Hall of Heavenly Purity.”
  • Jiao Taidian Palace 交泰殿 “Hall of Unification and Peace.”
  • Kunningong Palace 坤宁宫 “Hall of Earthly Tranquility.”
  • Yuhuayuan Garden 御花园 "Imperial Garden".
  • Yangxindian Pavilion 养心殿 “Hall of Nurturing the Heart.”
  • Ninshougong Palace 宁寿宫 “Palace of Calm Longevity.”

Visit to the Forbidden City

Excursions to the Forbidden City are very popular. An audio guide in any language can be purchased at the entrance. Guests can take photos of whatever they like, but only from the outside. You should not do this indoors; you may get a fine for it.

You can get to the complex by bus or metro. Visitors will be delighted by the Imperial Garden located on the territory. Numerous miniature shops offer a wide selection of various national products.
The Forbidden City in Beijing is a must-see when traveling to China. When traveling to this country, be sure to plan a trip to the Forbidden City.

Entrance fee is 40-60 yuan (depending on the season).

The Gugun Imperial Palace (Forbidden City) is a grandiose complex. It is located in Beijing and consists of a huge number of veranda towers with golden tiled roofs. In 1987, Gugun was included in the World Heritage List. Today, there are about a million exhibits inside the complex. Only about 20% of the buildings and about half of the territory are accessible for inspection. But this is enough for tourists. A whole day is not enough to walk around the entire territory. Even a quick inspection should take 4-5 hours.

Interestingly, the Forbidden City consists of 9,999 buildings. This is no coincidence! 9 is a sacred number for the Chinese. Repeated four times it becomes sacred. It is believed that the number of buildings is not accidental also because the heavenly king had a palace with 10,000 rooms; the earthly emperor could not equal him.

History of the palace

Construction of the palace began under Emperor Chengzu, who belonged to the Ming Dynasty. He decided to firmly establish himself in Beijing and immediately began to take care of the construction of comfortable buildings. It took about 15 years to build Gugun. Moreover, only after the active use of the towers began, the craftsmen realized that the wood was short-lived. Almost the entire palace was rebuilt over time. Some buildings burned down, and others were immediately erected in their place.

When is the best time to visit the Imperial Winter Palace?

We recommend arriving in Gugun at 8 am. Tickets must be purchased at the box office, which is located at the Wumen gate. It is best to spend at least 3-4 hours for a walk. In less than a short period of time, you simply won’t see anything. By the way, some guides manage to take tourists around the territory in 2 hours. But this is more of a race than an acquaintance with an amazing landmark and a real masterpiece of architecture.

What to see?

  1. A huge stone wasteland. It is located at the entrance and is crossed by a channel in the shape of a bow. On the sides of the vacant lot there are pavilions with closed windows. Copper vats are lined around the perimeter. By the way, there is no vegetation here at all. This is no coincidence! Attackers who were planning to kill the emperor could be hiding in the crowns. The emptiness of the territory was also maintained because it had a pressing effect on the guests of the palace.
  2. Three pavilions (Hall of Higher Harmony, Hall of Middle Harmony and Hall of Harmony Preservation). In these buildings, the emperor changed clothes, prepared for dinners, held New Year's banquets, and solved work problems.
  3. Palace of Earthly Tranquility. This is where the emperor's bedroom was located. The emperor always spent his first wedding night and the first night of the new year in this room.
  4. Yuhuayuan Imperial Garden. To get into it, you need to leave the imperial bedroom. The garden is amazingly beautiful. It is decorated using stone, wood and other materials.

Of course, these buildings and the garden are only a small part of the territory. We recommend visiting other sites as well. It is still better to go on an excursion not on your own, but with an experienced guide. Of course, many of the signs here are in English and are well understood. Nevertheless, a walk with a specialist will allow you to learn a lot of interesting things about Gugun. Even those secrets that are not written about in guidebooks will be revealed to you.

Forbidden City (Gugong Imperial Palace in Beijing)- the most extensive palace complex in the world. Conceived back in 1406, it was closed to mere mortals for centuries (hence the name of the palace). From this place the Celestial Empire was ruled by 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. But even today, 75 years after the last Chinese emperor left the palace, it still remains forbidden, with half of the city still closed to curious tourists and surrounded by an aura of mystery. This Palace was the first Chinese site to be listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO (in 1987).

Gugong Imperial Palace was built in 1406-1420. Its total area is 720 thousand square meters. m; The palace complex has 9999 rooms. It is surrounded by a 3400 m long wall and a moat with water called “Golden Water”. A million builders and 100 thousand other specialists took part in its construction - masters of stone carving, wood carving, artists, etc. The Gate of Heavenly Peace leads into it.