From Corfu to Lesbos. Lesbos island in Greece Pefkohori distance to Lesbos island

Greece is a paradise in Europe. The country has become widely known due to its rich history; it is no less interesting as an international resort. Let's look at the largest islands in Greece.

general information

The country includes more than one thousand four hundred islands. Many of them are uninhabited and their sizes are very small. The largest islands in Greece, of which there are two hundred and twenty, have been developed by people. However, many have a population of no more than one hundred people.

The most populous islands in Greece are Crete, Euboea, Lesbos, Rhodes and Kefalonia. They are also the largest in area. Each of them is famous for its rich history, dating back thousands of years. They had to survive the rise and fall of empires, from which what remains today are the unique ruins of temples, palaces, fortifications, and gardens.


The largest island of Greece is shrouded in myths and legends as if in fog. It represents the extreme point of all of Europe. Crete is inhabited by 550 thousand people, its area is 8,336 square kilometers. The peculiarity of the island is that it is located at the junction of sea routes between Africa, Europe and Asia Minor. The main Cretan ports are Agios Nikolaos, Heraklion, Chania and Rethymnon.

The islands in Greece are famous for their amazingly beautiful nature, and Crete is no exception. Its southern coast is steep and steep, while its northern coast is sandy and flat. The maximum height of the mountains is 2400 meters, and they have an incredible number of caves - more than three thousand! According to legend, Zeus was born in one of them. Deep gorges, fertile plains and villages surrounded by green olive groves - this is all the island of Crete in Greece. On its territory you can admire chestnut, oak, cypress, cedar and palm groves. The mountain slopes are covered with carpets of medicinal herbs and flowering shrubs.

Gifts of nature

The best islands of Greece produce crops up to three times a year. For example, oranges, peaches, potatoes and peppers grow in Crete. Every free piece of land is occupied by a greenhouse, inside of which there are one and a half meter carnations or bunches of bananas. The most common are oil trees.


In second place on the list of “Largest Islands of Greece” is Euboea. It is separated from the shores of Southern Thessaly by the Trickerian Strait, and to the west from Locris, Attica and Boeotia by the Talactian and Euripus straits. At the narrowest point of the latter, a bridge is built to mainland Greece, because the distance is only 38 meters.

Euboea flourished during the period of antiquity; currently it is of interest as a wonderful resort area. The total area of ​​the island is more than 3,600 square kilometers; it is distinguished by mountainous terrain. The climate is Mediterranean (dry subtropical), the soil in the valleys is fertile. The river network is poorly developed. The main products are wine, honey, wheat and oranges. Peaches and (mulberries) are very common.

Island population

The largest islands of Greece have been fully developed by people. So, already in 1889, just over ninety thousand people lived on Euboea. According to official sources, Greeks constitute the main population of the island.

Following the turmoil of the expansion of the Ottoman Empire and the Crusader invasions, large groups of settlers whose origins were not Greek came to the island. The Venetians settled in the southern regions of Euboea, and then the Arnaut Albanians and Turks. In the Middle Ages, the north-west was filled with nomadic Romance-speaking Vlach shepherds. Khalkis is inhabited by gypsies. The beginning of the nineteenth century was marked by the massive migration to Euboea of ​​the Karakachans, nomadic Greek-speaking groups of unknown origin who adhere to the Orthodox faith.

Today, Modern Greek is the most widely spoken language among the residents of Euboea, but in some villages you can still hear the Albanian dialect.


This island is located in the northeast Aegean Sea. It is the third largest island in Greece and the eighth largest in the Mediterranean (only Sicily, Cyprus, Sardinia, Corsica, Crete, Euboea and Mallorca are larger than Lesvos). Its area is 1632.81 square kilometers. Mytilene is considered the main city.

Excursion into the past

The first settlements that are known for certain appeared on Lesbos at the beginning of the third millennium BC. The oldest famous native of the island is Terpander, a poet who worked in the eighth century BC.

At the end of the seventh - at the beginning of the first half of the sixth century BC, Lesbos was the place of life of such famous poets as Arion, Alcaeus and Sappho. Thanks to the creativity of the latter, the name of the island became the source of the emergence of a new term - “lesbian love”, meaning female homosexual relationships.

The island was home to Aristotle for some time (before he received a court rank from King Philip of Macedonia). It is assumed that in the second century, Tatius Longus, a writer who glorified the island in the pages of his novel “Daphnis and Chloe,” lived on Lesvos.

In the Middle Ages, Lesvos was captured by the Genoese. Power over the territory was in the hands of the Gattilusio family. Its representatives took the title of archons (heads) of the island. They ruled from 1355 to 1462, until Mehmed II came to Lesbos. Only at the end of 1912 did Greek troops recapture the island during a liberation operation. According to the agreement concluded in 1920, Lesbos became part of Greece.


What are the largest islands in Greece? Above we have already mentioned Crete, Euboea and Lesbos. Now let's look at the fourth largest island (1398 km²) called Rhodes. It is located in the southeastern part of the country and is part of the Dodecanese, in the Aegean Sea. From Rhodes to the capital - Athens - two hundred and seventy

The island is often called the pearl of the Mediterranean. There is a great variety of natural beauty and archaeological sites on its territory. By decision of UNESCO, the historical part of Rhodes is included in the list of world cultural heritage.

Climatic features

The best islands in Greece boast fresh summers and mild winters. And Rhodes is the clearest example of this. The climate there is Mediterranean, the average temperature is 18-20 degrees Celsius. There are many sunny days on the island - about three hundred a year. The warmest months are July and August (+29 on average), and the coolest are December, January, February and March (+9-11 degrees).

Culture and art of Antiquity

For many centuries, Rhodes played the role of an important trading port in the eastern Mediterranean. The island significantly influenced the history of the entire region; during its heyday, art and literature received special development. Painting, philosophy, physics, astronomy, geography and sculpture reached their apogee.

Unfortunately, masterpieces of Rhodian painting have not survived to this day. The only source of information is ancient writings. In them you can find references to the work of many talented artists.

Much more is known about ceramics. The Archaeological Museum of Rhodes displays the most striking examples of this art. Characteristic artifacts of that time are vessels depicting wild goats, griffins and deer, interspersed with garlands of flowers and anthemias.

Sculpture also reached a special level of development in Rhodes. Local craftsmen used parolite, not marble, in their work. In the fifth century BC, an independent sculptural school was formed on the island. During the Hellenistic period, it became the most significant in the East and one of the most famous in Greece. During this era, about one hundred and thirty craftsmen from thirty cities worked on the island. Among the most famous of them are Briaskidas from Athens and Lysippos from Sikyon.

The poet Apollonius lived and worked in Rhodes, as well as Aristippus of Cyrene, a philosopher and student of Socrates. The orator from Athens Aeschines founded a school of oratory on the island. Many Rhodians achieved success in philosophy. Among them are Panetai, Evdem.

"Frozen Music"

The architectural appearance of any area is directly dependent on the morphology of its territories, historical past and geographical location.

The settlements of Rhodes are divided into those located inland and coastal. The latter include the cities of Rhodes and Lind. They are built in the shape of an amphitheater and offer amazing views of the endless water surface.

As for the settlements in the interior of the island, their appearance is due to the need to protect the local population from constant attacks by pirates during the Byzantine period and after Constantinople was captured by the Turks. Thus, people chose to live in areas that cannot be seen from the sea, small plains, hillsides and mountains, valleys and places on the banks of rivers. Most of the new settlements were fortified. Stone, earth and wood were used in the construction of houses and fortresses, but the island had enough.


This island is the largest of the Ionian Islands. Its name comes from the name of Cephalus, the hero of ancient Greek myths. There is another version. Thus, it is believed that the word “Kefalonia” can be translated as “island with a head”, and it is associated with the name of the Kefalus rock.

Geographical data

The island's closest neighbors are Zakynthos and Levkas. Mount Enos is the highest point of Kefalonia (1628 meters), area - 781 square kilometers. The administrative center and largest city is Argostoli. Kefalonia is located in an earthquake-prone area. The island suffered the most from the 1953 earthquake. As a result, most villages and all cities were destroyed. Only the northernmost settlement, Fiskardo, survived.

A little history

All the largest islands of Greece, the names and descriptions of which we presented above, were founded many thousands of years ago. Thus, historians and archaeologists have established that people began to explore Kefalonia back in the Paleolithic period. The first known inhabitants were the Greek tribe of Leleges. They came to the island in the fifteenth century BC. Thirty-five thousand people currently live in this territory. Saint Gerasimos of Cephalonia is considered the patron and protector of the island.

Transport network

There is an airport on the island with a runway of 2.4 kilometers. It is located ten kilometers from the city of Argostol. The main route is “Kefalonia - Athens”. In addition, the airport receives many charter flights from all over Europe.

Ferries to the continent regularly depart from ports on the east coast. Thus, from the port of Poros there is a crossing to the west of the Peloponnese, and from Sami - to Patras.

Cephalonians have been engaged in navigation for a long time. Many centuries ago it brought good income. As evidenced by the exhibits of the Ethnographic Museum, the inhabitants of this island were wealthy people. From their travels they brought home fashionable, expensive furniture, dishes, clothes and art objects. Some modern large shipping companies are organized by Cephalonians.

Wonders of nature

The island is famous for geological phenomena that can be observed due to previous tectonic processes. Thus, a truly unique phenomenon occurs in a place called Katavores: tons of sea water are continuously hidden underground, pass through a kind of underground tunnel seventeen kilometers long and break out to the surface, ending up in lakes Melissani and Karavamilos.

Concerts are held in the Kefalonia cave of Drogarati. Thanks to good acoustics, eight hundred people can simultaneously enjoy the sounds of beautiful music among stalagmites and stalactites.

The Enos Mountains are a national park. On its territory you can see many rare plants listed in the Red Book, including rare species of violets and orchids. The protected mountain is mostly covered with dark green spruce trees, the wood of which was previously used in the construction of ships.


The island is home to rare species of animals. One of the largest turtles, the Caretta, is under state protection. Representatives of an endangered species lay eggs in the sand of a protected beach in the town of Munda.


The largest islands of Greece, the list of which was given above, are of exceptional interest to historians, archaeologists and ordinary travelers who just want to soak up the gentle sun on beautiful beaches.

) and a resort that became famous for its artists and poets, including the famous Sappho. Lesbos has everything we love about Greece - beaches, nature and food, but this island has not yet been spoiled by the massive influx of “package tourists”, so this is where you can see a non-tourist country.

Local residents prefer to call their island Mytilene - after the name of the main city. Many people do not like that the rest of the world associates the island of Lesvos primarily with same-sex love. Representatives of sexual minorities really like to come here, and once a year a thematic festival is held on the island, where men are not allowed to enter. But the atmosphere here is absolutely peaceful and calm; adherents of conservative views should not worry.

Lesvos is famous for the production of high-quality olive oil, olives, cheese, as well as the famous ouzo anise liqueur.

How to get there

  • By plane

Airport named after Odysseas Elytis (famous poet of the 20th century) is located in the south-eastern part of the island, 8 km from Mytilene. It receives regular flights from Athens (daily Olympic Air and Aegean Airlines), Thessaloniki, Chios and Lemnos, as well as many international charter flights during the season.

  • On a ferryboat

In addition, the island can be reached by water. Many large cruise companies organize connections between Lesbos and Athens, for example NEL Lines, Blue Star. A third class ticket (without a bed) will cost approximately 28 EUR, a first class ticket with a bed and TV - 180 EUR. The journey will last 11-13 hours.

Throughout the year, the ferry Jale Tur runs between Mytilene and the Turkish port of Ayvalik. During the season it departs every day, in winter - several times a week, depending on the weather. The journey takes only 1.5 hours: Lesbos is one of the Greek islands closest to Turkey. One way fare is 20 EUR, round trip - 30 EUR. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

Maps of Lesbos

Transport on the island

Bus service is common in Lesbos. Tickets can be bought in small newspaper shops or cafes. The main bus station is located in Mytilene on El Venizelou street, near the Agias Irinis park. The following routes depart from there:

  • to Skala Eresou via Eresos (twice a day, journey 2.5 hours),
  • to Mithymna via Petra (five times a day, 1.5 hours),
  • to Sigri (once a day, 2.5 hours),
  • to Plomari (five times a day, 1 hour 15 minutes),
  • to Vatera (four times a day, 1.5 hours).

The fare depends on the distance - from 3 to 15 EUR; the route schedule can be found on the carrier’s website (in English).

You can also take a taxi (they are considered cheap). As a rule, in Mytilene they use meters (bright yellow cars, the tariff is about 1.6 EUR per km), and outside the capital the payment is fixed (gray cars).

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Weather in Lesbos

Lesvos has a typical Mediterranean climate. Summers here are dry and hot, and winters are wet and cool. The beach season begins in May and lasts until the end of October, however, in some bays the sea is very shallow, warms up quickly and you can swim there already at the end of April. The hottest months are July and August, the air warms up to +34...+36 °C, and the water - up to +25...+26 °C.

In autumn and winter it is rainy here, the coldest month is January, the air temperature is +10...+12 °C.

Lesvos Hotels

Most hotels are concentrated in Mytilene, many of them are located in ancient mansions - these are the most interesting and often the most expensive hotels on the island. For example, the Pyrgos of Myteline 4* hotel in a mansion built in 1916 is in demand. The building has preserved many elements of its original interior, and today this hotel resembles more of a museum (accommodation costs from 75 EUR per night for a double room). Another luxury hotel was built on Varia beach (near Mytilene) - Loriet 4*. It occupies an old 19th-century mansion on the seashore; on the territory there is a large garden where century-old pine trees grow.

Near the shore there are beach family hotels with entertainment for children and animation, for example the Sunrise Resort 5* hotel near the center of Mithymna. This is an entire resort complex with playgrounds for children and adults, several swimming pools, a fitness center and a beach with water activities just a couple of minutes walk away. The cost of accommodation is from 80 EUR per day for a double room.

In the area of ​​the thermal springs there are spa hotels offering wellness services.

For budget-conscious tourists, there are small family hotels in Lesvos, where for 30-35 EUR per night you will be offered a spacious room with air conditioning and shower, and sometimes breakfast. Hotels in the center of Mytilene and close to popular beaches are a little more expensive - about 40 EUR per night. For those traveling by car, an option far from resort centers may be convenient; you can rent a room for 20-25 EUR per day.

Beaches of Lesbos

Almost the entire coast of Lesbos has beaches, usually sandy or small pebbles. Absolutely all of them are free, you only need to pay for renting a sunbed. Their main advantage is a very clean sea.

  • Vigla (5 km from Mytilene) is considered the best beach near the capital.
  • Kratigos is another good resort, but is located further, 12 km from Mytilene.
  • Vatera Beach is also located near the capital and is considered the longest and best organized; some consider it to also be the best sandy beach on the island. Yachtsmen especially loved it, but other than them there are usually not many people there.
  • Agios Ermugenis, at the entrance to the Gulf of Gera, is the most picturesque beach on the island. The views of this bay are like a postcard, but both locals and tourists have already learned about the beach, so on weekends it is quite crowded.
  • Kaloni is the largest bay of the island, with fishing harbors and sandy beaches. There is all the tourist infrastructure here: umbrellas, sun loungers, cafes, restaurants, hotels right on the shore and rental of various water activities.
  • Polychnitos is famous not only for its warm springs, but also for the nearby (4 km) beaches of Skala Polychnitou and Nifida.
  • The town of Skala Eresu is known for its long sandy coastline and the ruins of ancient Eresu and two early Christian basilicas from the 5th century. Families with children love to come here, and in the summer it is quite crowded.
  • Sigri is the westernmost point of Lesbos. There is a charming bay overlooked by a fortress. Near the fortress there is a village - a beach resort popular among tourists.
  • For solitude, you should go to Campo Antissa beach, where in some places there are rocky areas among sand and pebbles, but turtles are found here in abundance.

There are many nudist beaches in Lesbos. As a rule, they are all located near “regular” popular beaches: for example, there is one near Skala Eresu, Molyvos and others.

Another popular tourist resort is the village of Molyvos. The beach offers a gorgeous view of the fortress, and along the sandy coast there are many fish restaurants, shops with leather goods, clothing, jewelry and olive oil.

The beauty of Lesvos

Shopping in Lesbos

There are no large shopping centers or outlets on Lesvos; there is even only one LIDL supermarket on the island. But here it is interesting to stroll through private shops and shops where they sell mainly local goods.

Most shops are in Mytilene. There you can buy leather shoes (for example, Greek-style sandals for only 20-25 EUR), fur coats and other fur and leather products (Edika store). In the Feggaropetra store you can buy dresses and other clothes in the national Greek style, in Stelios Stamatis Handmade Ceramics Workshop they sell famous Greek hand-painted ceramics, and they also make custom-made dishes. One of the most popular shops in the city is Olive Wood House, which sells jewelry and souvenirs made from olive wood, as well as natural cosmetics based on olive oil.

There is a good selection of souvenirs in the Aeolia Ers shop; for delicacies it is worth going to the Pailos shop. Jewelry made of silver and gold is sold at every turn both in Mytilene and in other tourist centers, but the Irida Jewels in Art jewelry store in Molyvos is considered the best - it has the most interesting design, and the price-quality ratio is the most reasonable.

Cuisine and restaurants of Lesvos

The cuisine of Lesvos is full of fresh fish and seafood, meat and vegetables. Every restaurant serves a traditional Greek salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, feta cheese and olive oil - this is how you can often tell if the food is good here. For appetizers they offer fried zucchini and eggplant, fried zucchini flowers (the eternal sport of the Greeks with the Italians - who first invented this dish, but the Greeks also add cheese), tzatziki, fried squid and much more.

The most expensive seafood delicacy is lobster; it is usually served in expensive restaurants. In taverns you should try lamb ribs (they are prepared well almost everywhere here) and fried liver with spices. Local cheese “ladotiri” is also served in almost every cafe. Another name for it is “butter cheese” because it is made from a mixture of sheep and goat milk and stored in olive oil.

There are as many as five factories producing Greek ouzo vodka on the island, so this drink is an important part of the local culture; it is offered everywhere here. It is not customary to serve complex and heavy appetizers with ouzo; they usually make do with olives, mussels, octopus tentacles and pickled vegetables.

One of the most prestigious restaurants of Greek cuisine on the island is Omega Restaurant & Bar in the town of Anaxos, it is considered one of the most prestigious establishments on the island. Here they cook only according to old recipes, and in the evenings there is live music. Molyvos also has its own gastronomic masterpiece - the Italian restaurant Galliano, which is famous not only for its cuisine, but also for its interesting wine list.

Dinner in a tavern in Lesbos will cost from 30 EUR for two, including a jug of house wine (5 EUR per 0.5 l).

Entertainment and attractions of Lesbos

In the capital

Mytilene (Mytilene) is the capital of the island, a picturesque town with a fortress rising on a hill near the center. According to legend, it was built by the Byzantines as a fortification, and the last reconstruction was in the 17th century, and since then the appearance of the castle has not changed. Today, within the walls of the castle there is an interesting archaeological museum, where various valuable artifacts found here during excavations are collected.

  • Church of St. Ferapont (19th century, inside - Byzantine Museum)
  • Cathedral of St. Athanasius (17th century),
  • Ethnographical museum
  • the Kioski area with old luxurious houses - it’s interesting to walk around it.
  • Museum of the industrial production of olive oil, since this fishery is one of the most important for Lesvos. The museum contains equipment that was used to produce oil many years ago, and also houses interesting ethnographic collections that introduce guests to the culture and traditions of local residents.

To the north-west of Mytilene, on a hill, are ruins of an ancient theater- one of the largest in Ancient Greece. 4 km south of the capital, in the coastal town of Varia, there is a museum of the outstanding Greek artist Theophilos (Theophilos Museum of Folklore Art).

In other parts of Lesbos

Lim Monastery O nose(St. Ignatius, Moni Limonos) - the largest and most significant in Lesbos; during the years of Turkish rule it was a center of education. Located in the center of the island, 14 km from the town of Kalloni. It was founded in 1523 by Saint Ignatius of Agollian, which is why it is sometimes called the Ignatiev Monastery. The cell of Abbot Ignatius has survived in the monastery, and today it is revered as a shrine. Note the wood carvings on the ceiling of the monastery's main church, the arcades under the high arch of the temple and the holy spring. The monastery has an almshouse, a small zoo and two museums - a church museum and a folklore museum.

Antique Byzantine Ipsilu Monastery(St. John the Evangelist) has an even richer history: it was founded in the 9th century by a monk who fled from Syria. Over the past centuries, it has been destroyed and rebuilt many times; now it is a functioning monastery. It is located on the top of Mount Ordymnos in the western part of the island (near Sigri and Antissos, about 80 km from Mytilene).

Agiasos- one of the most picturesque villages of Lesbos. Here you can walk along the colorful narrow streets, admire the tiled roofs, ancient houses, the Church of the Virgin Mary with a high belfry (1170), and visit the Byzantine and ethnographic museums. Agiasos is located in the southeastern part of Lesvos, 25 km west of Mytilene.

The island of Lesbos is located in the northeast of the Aegean Sea. It is the third largest island in Greece and a popular resort. Lesvos was glorified by the poet Odysseas Elytis and the poetess Sappho, thanks to whom the island gained such an ambiguous reputation as a place where same-sex love is common. Lesbos is also famous for its high-quality olive oil, delicious olives, cheese and special anise liqueur.

general information

Lesvos is a Greek island with an area of ​​1636 km2, the eighth largest among all the islands of the Mediterranean basin. Almost 110 thousand people live here. The capital is the city of Mytilene.

For many centuries, the island was glorified by talented people living and working on its shores - the poetess Sappho, the writer Long, Aristotle (for some time he lived and worked on Lesbos).

Poetess Sappho

Undoubtedly, the most controversial figure is the beautiful Sappho. Many call her the legislator of same-sex love between women, but this myth causes a lot of controversy. Sappho was not only a talented poetess, she sought to develop her aristocracy and ability to perceive beauty in the souls of other people. In 600 BC. e. a woman led a community of young girls dedicated to the Greek goddess Aphrodite and the muses. Here the pupils learned the art of living - good manners, the ability to attract and charm, and delight with intelligence. Every girl who left the community was a good conversationalist; men looked at the pupils as if they were earthly goddesses. The situation of women on the island was radically different from the situation on other Greek islands, where women were reclusive. In Lesbos, women had freedom.

Another attractive feature of the island of Lesbos in Greece is its fertile lands, where there are groves of olive trees, majestic pine trees, maples, and exotic flowers.

There are many fascinating places for tourists here - beaches, unique architecture, unforgettable cuisine, museums and temples, natural protected areas.

How to get there

The island has an airport named after Odysseas Elytis, located in the southeast, 8 km from the capital. The airport receives international charter flights during the holiday season and flights from other parts of Greece throughout the year.

Almost all major cruise companies offer sailing trips between the islands of the Aegean Sea. The cost of such a cruise will cost an average of 24 € (third class without a berth), if you prefer to travel in comfort, you will have to pay approximately 150 €. The route takes from 11 to 13 hours.

Considering that Lesbos is located near the Turkish coast (which can be seen on the map), a ferry service is organized between the island and the port of Ayvalik (Turkey). Ferries depart all year round, daily in summer, and several times a week in winter. The route takes 1.5 hours, the price of a one-way ticket is 20 €, and a round trip ticket is 30 €.

The most popular transport on this Greek island is the bus; tickets are sold in all newspaper shops and cafes. The main bus station is located in the capital near Agias Irinis Park. Flights follow:

  • to Skala Eresu, route 2.5 hours;
  • to Mithymna with a stop in Petra, route 1.5 hours;
  • to Sigri, route 2.5 hours;
  • to Plomari, route 1 hour 15 minutes;
  • to Vatera, route 1.5 hours.

Ticket prices range from 3 to 11 €.

It is important! Taxis are quite cheap in Lesbos, so many people choose this transport. In the capital, cars are equipped with meters - a little more than one euro per 1 km, cars are bright yellow; in other cities, the payment is usually fixed, cars are gray.

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Cities and resorts

Mytilene (Mytilene)

The largest city on the island, as well as the main port and capital of Lesvos. Located in the southeast, ferries regularly depart from here to other islands and the port of Ayvalik in Turkey.

The city is one of the most ancient; minting was done here already in the 6th century. Many talented famous people of Greece were born in the settlement.

The city has two harbors - northern and southern, they are connected by a canal 30 m wide and 700 m long.

The most significant attractions are the Mytilene fortress, the Archaeological Museum, the ruins of an ancient theater, the Ethnographic Museum, temples and cathedrals, and the Eni Jami Mosque.

The most visited beach of Mytilene is Vatera. The length of the coast is more than 8 km. There are many hotels, sports grounds, restaurants and cafes. Vatera is recognized as the most organized beach in Lesbos, Greece.

It is located in the north of Lesbos, 2-3 km from the settlement of Petra and 60 km from the capital. In archaic times, the city was considered a large, developed settlement. The first name - Mithymna - was given in honor of the royal daughter; the name Molyvos appeared during the reign of the Byzantines.

This is one of the most beautiful cities where festivals, concerts, and holidays are often held. There is an ancient fortress on the top of the hill. Visitors love to relax in the picturesque harbor with boats. On the streets of the settlement there are many jewelry shops and shops, restaurants and cafes.

Molyvos has one of the most popular beaches on the island of Lesvos. Here tourists find everything they need for a comfortable stay - sun loungers, showers, cafes, areas for active games.

This cozy miniature settlement in the north of the island is located approximately 5 km from Molyvos. The tourism sector is well developed here; this is the main source of income for the settlement. Everything is provided for a comfortable stay - hotels, shops, restaurants and a beach recognized as the best on the map of the island of Lesbos. Petra is a traditional place for families with children. The length of the coast is almost 3 km, along the entire length there are sun loungers, umbrellas, cafes, souvenir shops and a diving center.

The most significant attractions are the huge rock rising in the center of the city, the Church of the Virgin Mary, the Church of St. Nicholas, the local winery and the Valerdzidenas mansion.


A small resort in the west of the island. Tourists note the developed infrastructure; it is located 90 km from the capital. Skala Eressou is the harbor of the city of Eressos.

In ancient times, there was a large shopping center here, where outstanding scientists and philosophers lived.

Skala Eressu has the best beach where you can find everything you need for a comfortable holiday. The coastline stretches for 3 km. There are many hotels, cafes and restaurants near the beach. The beach has been awarded the Blue Flag several times. Sports equipment is available to guests.

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The most famous fortress on the island in the city of Mytilene is located on a hill between two ports - northern and southern. The structure was presumably built in the 6th century on the site where the ancient acropolis was previously located.

In 1462, the fortification was captured by the Turks and suffered serious damage. After restoration, the fortress was restored, but in the year of the war between the Ottomans and the Venetians, it was destroyed again. In the period from 1501 to 1756, the fortress was rebuilt, strengthened, and additional towers, ditches and walls were added. On the territory of the fortress there was a mosque, an Orthodox monastery, and an imaret. Today part of the fortress is destroyed, but remains one of the most interesting attractions of the island. The royal tower and the Turkish tower and numerous underground passages are perfectly preserved. In summer, various festivals and concerts are held here.

The Orthodox church is located near the settlement of Mandamados. The last reconstruction was carried out in 1879. The church is named after the patron saint of the island, Archangel Michael.

The first mention of the monastery was found in 1661; later, in the 18th century, the church was reconstructed.

There is a legend associated with the monastery, according to which in the 11th century it was attacked by pirates and killed all the priests.

One young monk Gabriel managed to escape; the pirates chased the young man, but Archangel Michael blocked their path. After this, the attackers disappeared, leaving behind all the loot. From the earth soaked in the blood of the murdered, Gabriel sculpted a sculpture of the Archangel, but there was only enough material for the head. Since then, the icon has been kept in the temple and is considered miraculous. Many tourists note that the face has a unique energy; when looking at the icon, goosebumps run down the body.

The courtyard is very cozy, filled with flowers. Candles in the church can be placed for free.

Panagia Glykofilus (Church of Our Lady of the Sweet Kiss)

This is the main attraction of the city of Petra. The temple, named after the icon, is located in the center of the settlement on a cliff 40 meters high. There are 114 steps leading to the entrance, so tourists note the difficult path to the temple.

The observation deck offers an amazing view of the town and its surroundings. Previously, there was a convent on the site of the church; the last reconstruction was carried out in 1747. Inside there is a beautiful wooden iconostasis, a throne and a unique icon. The guide will tell you amazing legends associated with the icon.

Not far from the foot of the mountain there are other attractions - the Church of St. Nicholas, the Vareldzidena mansion.

An amazing landmark that received the status of a natural monument in 1985. The petrified forest is located in the west of the island, between the villages of Eressos, Sigri and Antissa. Fossilized plants are scattered throughout almost the entire island - this is the largest accumulation of petrified trees in the world.

20 million years ago, after a powerful volcanic eruption, the island was completely covered with lava and ash. The result was a natural monument. More than 40 species of plants have been identified - birch, persimmon, maple, alder, lime, poplar, various palm trees, willow, hornbeam, cypress, pine, laurel. In addition, there are unique plants that have no analogues in the modern plant world.

The tallest petrified tree is over 7 m high and over 8.5 m in diameter.

The bay is the sunniest place on the island of Lesbos; there is a shallow, warm beach suitable for family holidays, where in addition to noisy, crowded places you can find secluded corners. But the main purpose of visiting the bay is observing rare birds and leisurely walks among exotic vegetation. Perhaps the best photos of the island of Lesbos can be taken here.

Byzantine fortress, Mithymna (Molyvos)

The town is located in the north of the island, just a few kilometers from the settlement of Petra and 60 km from the capital. Scientists believe that people lived in this area during the prehistoric period.

The Byzantine fortress is built on a mountain and towers majestically above the city. It is clearly visible when approaching the settlement. If you are traveling with your own transport, please note that there is no parking at the entrance to the fortress.

Sightseeing buses come here regularly; tourists are dropped off near the entrance and picked up a few hours later at the exit from Molyvos.

There is enough time to explore the surrounding area, towers and ancient buildings. Not far from the fortress there is a restaurant that serves delicious traditional Greek dishes. If you go down to the shore, you can admire yachts and boats, stroll through the narrow streets of the town and visit miniature shops.

Weather and Climate

The island of Lesvos in Greece has a typical Mediterranean climate - dry, hot summers and mild, rainy winters.

Summer begins in mid-May, the highest temperature - +36 degrees - is recorded in July and August. At this time, strong winds blow, often developing into storms.

From spring to autumn, the sun shines brightly on the island for 256 days - this is an excellent reason to choose Lesvos for a holiday. The highest water temperature is +25 degrees. There are also a lot of vacationers here in October, but they spend most of their time by the pool.

The air on the island is healing - saturated with the aroma of pine, and there are thermal springs next to Eftalu.

The island of Lesvos (Greece) is an amazing place where good weather and a unique atmosphere create ideal conditions for any vacation - romantic or family.

Watch the video to see what the beaches of Lesbos look like.

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The magnificent landscapes and bright colors of the Greek islands have long captured the imagination of poets and artists who want to settle here and find their own paradise on earth. Less romantic people consider these islands from the point of view of investing in real estate - and also do not remain indifferent to their charm.

For thousands of years, people roamed the seas around the Greek islands. As Homer wrote, Ithaca was the birthplace of Odysseus, where he returned after his success in the Trojan War. The founder of European medicine, Hippocrates, lived on the island of Kos, and St. John went into exile on Patmos, another island of the Dodecanese archipelago, where he wrote his gospel. The poetess Sappho, who gave preference to women all her life, lived on the island of Lesbos, whose name has since become a household name, and she found her tragic death due to unrequited love for a man on one of the Ionian islands - Lefkada.
Many centuries later, in the 19th century, Lord Byron, who wanted to devote his life to the struggle for Greek independence, wrote the famous poem “From a Diary in Cephalonia.” The film “Captain Corelli’s Choice” was shot about the military events on the same island, and the island of Corfu gained worldwide fame largely thanks to Gerald Durrell’s book “My Family and Other Animals.” The interest of the creative elite in the Greek islands was fueled by the cult poet and singer Leonard Cohen, who bought a house on the island of Hydra in the Sardonic Gulf, near Athens.
Real estate buyers, however, have their own favorites among the Greek islands. Most prefer good old Crete, Corfu and Rhodes. Each island has its own reasons for its popularity. Crete is the largest island of all that belongs to Greece; it is home to many unique historical monuments, as well as international airports. The island of Corfu, also called Kerkyra, was part of the British Empire for 50 years, which aroused the love of the British, the number one investors in the world real estate market, for it. Finally, Rhodes is popular, oddly enough, thanks to strict restrictions on construction - it was they who made it possible to avoid over-densification of buildings.

Crete is a rival of Cyprus
Crete is a large island, comparable in size to the super popular Cyprus. According to statistics, more than 10,000 foreigners own property here, the majority of whom are British. Unlike the market as a whole, which was stable for a long time and only began to rise due to changes in tax laws, in Crete house prices have been rising over the past five years. The general trend is associated with a combination of several factors, among which we note the development of tourism infrastructure, the construction of new golf courses and the opening of a new airport in Sitia, which has made the eastern part of the island much more accessible.
“Land prices have risen by 15% over the past two years. Before this, the growth rate was slightly higher, says Douglas Milne of Cretan Traditional Homes. - Nevertheless, the price-quality ratio remains very good. Here in Crete, an investor can get three times more for his money than on the expensive coasts of Spain.”
Milne himself started his business related to Cyprus real estate almost by accident. Twelve years ago he bought a house here, which served more to satisfy the owner's ambitions than to be a shrewd investment. However, realizing how quickly real estate prices were rising, Milne started thinking about starting his own business. Together with his partner, in 1997, he purchased a plot of land on a mountain slope and built his first village of 12 houses there. Business is developing very well, so that in his record year 2004, Milne sold almost 100 houses!
Milna's company focuses mainly on the western part of Crete and operates in the area between Chania and Rethymnon. Some of the houses have already been built, others are at the design stage. Those who buy objects at the zero-cycle stage and even at the construction stage have the opportunity to make changes to the project. Prices here reach 150,000 euros for townhouses and apartments, and a villa with an area of ​​about 100 sq. m. m will cost around 240,000 euros.
Crete is of great interest to those who are planning to buy property for rent. Thanks to the long holiday season, income is quite high - approximately 7-8%. Particularly popular among renters is the part of the island that gravitates towards Heraklion, where most tourists fly. However, in order to rent out a property, it is necessary to obtain official permission from the Greek Tourist Association, indicating that the property meets certain requirements. These requirements can and should be taken into account when buying a house, especially if it is done at the design stage.
Prices for older but renovated houses and apartments, which most often have a small area, are more affordable. Crete Property Consultants has a lot of such offers, one of them is a traditional stone cottage in the area of ​​the village of Aspro Potamos in the southeast of the island. This is a true traditional home with wooden ceilings, stone floors, a living room with an open kitchen area and one bedroom. The area is quite small - 40 sq. m, and for complete comfort there is not enough a full bathroom, which is replaced by a small shower. This is generally a typical picture for small and not new objects, which most likely were built before the appearance of water supply in this part of Crete. The house is located 800 m from the sea, its cost is 66,000 euros.

Ionic motifs
The islands of Corfu, Zakynthos, Kefalonia and Lefkada, part of the Ionian Islands, are located along the western coast of Greece. Particularly notable is the location of Corfu, the northernmost among them, neighboring Albania rather than the Greek mainland. Corfu, along with Zakynthos, can safely be called the most popular among all the Ionian islands. Nevertheless, there is still an opportunity to purchase magnificent real estate, although very expensive.
The island of Kefalonia became popular after the already mentioned film about Captain Corelli, and largely thanks to it it became very popular among tourists and real estate buyers. But Lefkada can still be considered little known on the market, especially its western coast. This is partly due to the danger of earthquakes, which is quite high on Lefkada. By the way, thanks to the strict anti-seismic building standards that exist in the Ionian Islands, local buildings are famous for their durability.

Next door to Athens
Looking at the map, it is easy to see that most of the Greek islands are located in the Aegean Sea, but not all of them are attractive for purchasing real estate. Mykonos is rapidly growing in popularity and has become one of Europe's most fashionable resort regions. Those with spare cash at their disposal might like the idea of ​​investing in one of the luxury villas here, traditionally painted white. Here, for example, is a beautiful two-storey house located at an altitude of 350 m above the beach of Saint Stefanos and 3.5 km from Mykonos town. The price is quite high - 650,000 euros, but this amount includes not only three bedrooms, but also a huge terrace, a deep diving pool, a garden and a veranda with upholstered furniture. However, according to the seller of the Property in Greece company, the main highlight of the villa is the gorgeous view overlooking the sea and the neighboring island of Tinos. The area of ​​the house is 145 sq. m. m, and the area of ​​the site is 0.047 hectares
Those who want to feel like they belong to a bohemian should look for proposals on the island of Hydra, next door to Leonard Cohen. The singer himself no longer lives there permanently, but visits only occasionally and for a short time - to take a break from the hustle and bustle and enjoy the colors and aromas of this small island. In 1960, he paid only $1,500 for the house, but now it is valued at approximately 1 million euros. By the way, Hydra is so careful about the environment that motor vehicles are strictly prohibited, with the exception of local garbage trucks. The attractiveness of the island is largely due to its location not far from the capital of Greece - Piraeus, the port part of Athens, is only 1.5 hours away by fast boat.

Non-standard islands
The good thing about the Greek islands is that the buyer can find among them exactly the piece of land that suits his taste. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be a popular place - you can even be proud of your non-standard choice!
Since the time of Sappho, the island of Lesbos has been considered a place favored by fans of same-sex love. Local residents do not like this fame - they believe that the island's reputation has been spoiled and because of this the island is not as visited as it could be. Indeed, tourism here is relatively poorly developed, and few people even think about buying real estate here. But in fact, this is more due to transport problems - getting to Lesvos is more difficult than to the larger islands. However, forward-thinking, open-minded buyers may well be interested in the extensive development opportunities and beautiful pristine beaches. “I received many requests from foreigners who wanted to purchase real estate,” says Panagiotis Karavataskis, head of the Greek representative office of ReMax, “but in practice this interest was never realized. Perhaps little is known yet about the opportunities for property buyers in Lesbos. By the way, this also has its advantages - land on the island is still relatively inexpensive.”
In the ReMax catalog you can find a range of properties in Lesbos. House with an area of ​​100 sq. m in Mitelen, the main town of the island, costs only 58,000 euros. Villa with a living area of ​​170 sq. m and a large plot of 0.45 hectares, on which there is an olive grove, is estimated at only 560,000 euros. A more expensive, truly luxurious villa on the outskirts of Mytelene is estimated at 1.3 million euros. The area of ​​the villa itself is 265 sq. m. m, and although its layout includes only two bedrooms, this is fully compensated by the amazing sea view from the spacious balconies. The land plot has an area of ​​2.2 hectares, and the villa is easily accessible both from Mitelenė itself and from the airport.