Koh Kood island in Thailand. Useful information for those who are going to Ko Kood Beach holidays on the island of Ko Kut

Ko Kood

Kood Island Thailand is the second largest island in the Mu Koh Chang archipelago after Koh Chang and the fourth largest in the Kingdom of Thailand. The island's population is about 1,500 people. There are a total of 6 villages on the island: Klong Hin Dum Village, Klong Chao Village, Ao Yai Village, Salak Aun, Ao Plaow, Ao Salat. Residents of the island, immigrants from Thailand and Cambodia, have been cultivating coconut, hevea (rubber tree) and fishing for centuries.

The island's landscape is similar to that of Koh Chang - a mountainous area covered with tropical forests. The highest point of Koh Kuda, Khao Phaenth Hill, reaches 315 m and is located in the southeast of the island. The most popular beaches with white sand and crystal water are located in the western part of the island - Ta Phao Beach, Khlong Chao Beach, Thakian Beach, Ao Phrao Beach and others. Not far from Koh Kood are Koh Rat and Koh Mai Si, small islands for those tourists who find the solitude of Kood insufficient.

One of the popular places to visit on the island is the Klong Chao waterfall on Ko Kood. The waterfall is not as high as Khlong Phlu or Klong Nueng on Koh Chang island, but no less beautiful. Despite this, the bowl of the waterfall on Ko Kood is also a natural pool, surrounded by tropical jungle and quite suitable for swimming. In 1911, this waterfall was visited by King Rama VI. You can also go see Khao Rua Rub - natural stone ships. Another interesting place to visit in the jungle would be the ancient trees.

Due to the development of infrastructure, roads connect hotels, waterfalls and other tourist spots, although even so far the hotels in the south and north of the island are only accessible by boat. Songthaews appeared on the island quite recently - most of them transport people collectively from boat piers to hotels, while trips between beaches are carried out on an individual basis and for a fee of 200 baht. The largest and most famous fishing village, Ao Salad, is located in the northeast of the island. The village is home to about 300 people, making it the largest settlement on Ko Kood. Here you can always buy fresh seafood, local souvenirs and large shells caught from the bottom of the sea. The oldest settlement is Klong Mad Village, whose residents live in the same trades as their ancestors did decades ago.

Ko Kood or Ko Mak?

The first thing that catches your eye about the differences between these islands is the landscape. If on Ko Mak you can walk around the island for your own pleasure, then on Ko Kood this is difficult, because the area is hilly and even covered with jungle. Ko Kood is larger than Ko Mak, Ko Kood has more small cozy beaches, on which there can be only one hotel. On Koh Mak there are plantations where coconuts and giweya are grown, which you can visit. At the same time, there is no waterfall on Koh Mak like Klong Chao on Koh Kood. So, which of the islands of the archipelago to choose is up to you.

Must-sees include Viewpoint Cafe on Klong Chao Beach, Pizza & Pasta Italian Restaurant on the main road (near Ao Noi Hotel) and Baan Phor Coffee next to the Italian restaurant. Ngam Kho Koh Kood's restaurant serves incomparable Thai dishes and fruit shakes.

Despite the popularity of the island, there is not a bank branch here, there is one ATM, but you should still take care of cash in advance. Fortunately, many hotels accept cards for payment. In the Tinkerbell and Peter Pan hotels you can cash out money from your card for a 5% commission.

A map of Koh Kood island is in the article

We sailed next to an interesting small island:


Koh Mak Island

On the way to Khud, our boat stopped at Mak Island (Kho Mak / Koh Mak) An interesting small island (16 km²).

As you can see from the photo, the island is not very high, i.e. has a flat landscape. A small wave and he will disappear under water. Kidding. I haven't seen the whole island. We just got out, walked around for 5 minutes and got back into the boat.

Ko Kood

We landed at Ao Bang Bao at the pier next to Koh Kood Resort.

We looked at the beautiful water at the pier for a bit and went to look for accommodation and find out prices.


Koh Kood Hotels

Everything here was occupied by resorts with expensive houses. The first resort offered houses for 1200 or 1800. But all the houses were occupied (All full).

Second - . A very beautiful place.

This hotel rented out houses at the following price:

At the third hotel with houses on the shore - Siam Beach Resort Koh Kood prices for bungalows ranged from 1200 to 3000.

I don’t remember exactly, but it seems that all the bungalows here are also occupied. One Thai man told us that if we went further, we would come to the last resort on the shore, which was visible ahead - and that you could rent housing there at low prices.

We headed there with the hope that at least there would be a free bungalow for us.

At the reception we were offered the last available house for 800 rubles, or rent a room for 300 rubles. A room, of course, was not an option, and after thinking a little and haggling in an attempt to bring down the price, we rented a house for a day for 800 rubles.

In general, an ordinary house with a bed, a fan, a stool, a shower, a toilet and an excellent view from the porch.

When asked about cheaper bungalows, the owner of the resort said that you can find cheap houses, but they are not much cheaper and are located far from the beach. She also added that she would reduce the price to 700 rubles per day if we rented the house for another 2 days.

We had a plan in our heads - to go to another beach and see how the situation with housing was there, and if we liked something more than this house (in terms of price and quality), then rent there.

After shopping a bit and looking at the fish, at about 4 o’clock we set out to look for another beach.

There are a couple of roads here. One is the main road on which bikes and cars race, and the second is an old washed out road that is impossible to drive on. It was just leaving our resort and leading into the jungle. Let's go along it.

We walked for quite a long time. Not a soul around. We finally reached the more popular concrete road towards the Khlong Hin Beach Resort sign. This is the direction sign to another beach.

Suddenly I remember movies about desert islands and find in the depths of my brain a hidden fantasy/desire to climb a palm tree, get a coconut and eat it.

We are simple Russian boys... Knowing that I’ll rip everything off for myself, without hesitation I climb a palm tree without a T-shirt in my shorts. I pick the largest coconut, throw it down and from above I see a Thai man on a bike approaching in our direction. Fade! I don’t know why, but I began to quickly go down the palm tree, like on a rope. As a result, he scratched his legs, arms and chest.

If I hadn't been in a hurry, I would have gotten less ripped off

A Thai guy on a bike laughs and rides by. We put the coconut in our bag and move on as if nothing had happened. After some time we find ourselves in places where coconuts are processed - several houses near the shore.

Not far from this place, on one side and on the other, there are resorts.

According to the Russian girl - guide we met, prices for houses on this beach start from 1400 rubles. They didn’t check - they really wanted to eat. Let's go look for restaurants...

It was difficult to find 2 small restaurants. In one we didn’t like the decor, in the second we didn’t like the food. Small portions of food for big money. Greedy bastards...) And we liked the beach where we rented a house better.

We ate and went home. It's already dark. (The sun in Thailand sets at about 18.00. After that, darkness sets in.) We remember the road through the jungle and begin to get excited. The cafe worker, worried about us, began to wonder where we were coming from and where we were going, whether we had a flashlight, etc. We had no flashlight, no cell phones, no weapons except a coconut in our bag. By the way, coconut is quite a deadly weapon. It is heavy and strong and if it hits the head, it will have no chance...)

We took the second civilized wide road at random. Thank God, they found the way to the house. Apart from the torn shale of the sidekick and a pack of disgruntled barking dogs, we arrived without incident. As soon as I got home I started opening the extracted coconut.

How to open a coconut

Rumor has it that opening a coconut is quite difficult unless you have a good cleaver at hand. In fact, there is nothing difficult about hiding a coconut, but you still have to work hard.

So, to split a coconut, we need: hands growing from the right place, a medium-sized stone, an ordinary table knife and, of course, the coconut itself.

The top of the coconut is covered with a rather soft skin. You need to peel it with a knife until you get to the core, which contains milk and white filling. If you want to get only the milk out of the coconut, then you can peel a small area of ​​the skin, but if you want to eat the insides, you will have to clean it more.

The core is very strong, an ordinary knife will not take it.

This is where a stone comes in handy. We apply neat pinpoint blows with the stone, “drawing” the fault line we need.

After we drink the milk, we continue to crack the coconut to eat the insides.

Delicious... It was probably worth it :).


The roads here are good for learning to ride a bike. There are few cars and bikes. Therefore, without thinking twice, we rented a bike for 350r/day

There are all kinds of entertainment on Ko Kood: kayaking, renting bicycles/motorbikes, snorkeling, diving, fishing, all sorts of tours to a waterfall or pearl farm, etc., but they are not cheap. For example, a massage for 500 rubles, instead of the usual 250-300 rubles. Rent a bike – 350 rubles, instead of 200 rubles. The restaurants are all from resorts. The food there is delicious, but I didn’t look at the price tag of the food. However, I generally don’t like looking at food prices in price lists. You need to choose what you want to eat, and not what “the toad won’t strangle for.”

There was no Internet in the bungalow, which was a plus. After all, I wouldn’t do anything anyway. Completely lazy...

Overall, Ko Kood is a very calm, beautiful island. There are no loud bars or parties at night. You need to come here to rest, relax, enjoy the sea and beautiful beaches, lie on the sand, look at the fish. I liked it on Kuda. It’s a pity we couldn’t stay here for a long time... I’ll definitely come back here again and see all the beaches.

P.S.: My sidekick and I parted ways. Next I travel alone. I stayed in Bangkok for one day and moved on. The first one to guess where I went will receive $5. (Those to whom I told, do not write, I will not give money.)

See you soon.

In the Gulf of Thailand in Thailand there is a paradise for a comfortable holiday - the island of Ko Kood. It is located in the very southwest of the country in close proximity to the border with Cambodia. This island is considered the fourth largest in Thailand and is part of the largest archipelago of Koh Chang. The territory is home to only 2,000 inhabitants; the rest of the island is covered with pristine tropical nature and snow-white beaches.

Going to the island is especially worthwhile for those tourists who want to take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy a relaxing beach holiday on the shores of the warm Gulf of Thailand. Paradise Island cannot boast of its nightlife entertainment venues; there are only a few of them in the busiest areas and only during the high tourist season.

Paradise Island is also worth considering for a vacation for those who love active pastime. Here you can engage in such types of recreation and entertainment as:

  • trekking walks;
  • visiting waterfalls;
  • passing through the tropical jungle;
  • diving and snorkeling;
  • sea ​​fishing;
  • sailing on a yacht or kayak;
  • underwater adventures;
  • getting to know the local flora and fauna.

Ko Kood will definitely please and captivate connoisseurs of pristine nature, but will upset those tourists who like to spend time in nightclubs, bars and shopping centers. The infrastructure in this regard on the island is completely undeveloped, but the state government plans to create all this in the near future. On the one hand, this will attract even more tourists here and for a longer stay, and on the other hand, it will negatively affect nature and turn the island into a typical Thai resort.

A visit to the island of Koh Kood is included in a sightseeing tour of Thailand, where tourists are scheduled to visit snow-white beaches and beautiful jungles. In the near future, Ko Kood may lose the title of the most paradise island of Thailand, since the tourism sector of the economy has been very actively developing on its territory in recent years. A lot of hotels are being built, and numerous cafes and entertainment are expanding on the beach strip.

Popular beaches

All the popular and comfortable beaches of the island are located in its western and southern parts, including the following:

  • KhlongChao is considered the most popular and inhabited beach on the island, the length and width of which exceed 0.5 kilometers. Volleyball, football and basketball games are played here on the snow-white sand.
  • LaemBangBao surrounded on four sides by beautiful scenery of dense tropical forest, which is rich in interesting vegetation. The coastline is completely covered with snow-white sand, and the entry into the sea is very smooth and soft.
  • AoPrao It is considered the most beautiful beach, in the middle of which several dozen palm trees grow. They create a natural barrier from the hot sun, and the beach is also famous for its beautiful sunsets.
  • AoYaiKoet located near the previous beach in close proximity to Klong Mat village. It is always sparsely crowded here, since there are no hotels near it and it occupies a very small area on the island of Ko Kood.


By the standards of Thailand, the daily cost of staying in hotels is very high and this is explained by their great popularity among tourists. It is almost impossible to find economy-class accommodation here, the cost of which per day will be less than 1,000 baht.

Accommodation in a small room without air conditioning and with a shared bathroom will cost 1000 baht; the hotel will be located far from the center of the island and the beaches. In high season, it is better to book hotels on the island in advance, then for 1200-1500 baht you can find an acceptable accommodation option. For this price you can order a separate bungalow with all amenities, which in fact on the day of your request will cost 2 times more. I recommend booking a hotel on the Hotelluk website.

Among the popular hotels that have 4-5 stars are the following:

  1. Soneva Kiri is considered the coolest hotel on Koh Kood. Guests are offered accommodation in huge individual luxury villas. On site you will find a large outdoor swimming pool, as well as a private terrace overlooking the sea. The five-star hotel has everything for a complete relaxing holiday, including many hammocks and sun loungers, free Internet throughout the entire territory, a gym, spa treatments, several bars and restaurants.
  2. High Season Resort positions itself as a five-star hotel and spa complex. It is located on the first coastline of the island in the middle of Klong Chao Beach. Guests have access to several large swimming pools, a huge spa, free internet and a gym. The hotel's restaurants serve dishes from two world cuisines - Thai and European.
  3. To The Sea The Resort Koh Kood is a 4-star hotel, which is in no way inferior to the previous ones in terms of comfortable accommodation, service and maintenance. The cost of living is already significantly lower than in five-star accommodation options. The hotel is located in the busiest part of the resort, close to the central beach and the main streets of the island. The hotel has several outdoor pools and its own area on the beach of Koh Kood.


Transport infrastructure on the island of Koh Kood is almost completely absent; there is no public transport or even taxis. Only local residents act as the main carriers for tourists, who can offer you a ride on their own motorbike. You can travel to Koh Kood for your own pleasure only with a rented vehicle - a motorbike, bicycle or car.

Rental offices are mainly located in large hotels on the island, which offer tourists to rent a bicycle, motorbike, motorcycle or car. The most expensive option is to rent a car; the cost per day will be at least 1,500 baht. Renting a motorbike will cost 300 baht per day and this is the best option, since moving around the island on a bicycle under the scorching sun is very difficult and dangerous.

The option of a mountain bike is convenient for those who are going to conquer the local jungle and do not want to spend money on gasoline.

There is only one gas station on the island that sells gasoline and it is located near the central pier of Hlon Hin Dam. If you cannot buy gasoline there, you can buy it in stores. It is sold in cans, but its cost is several times higher than at a gas station.

How to get there?

The easiest way to get to Koh Kood is on a tour, which usually lasts two days and two nights. The cost of such excursions starts from 5,000 baht, but the price includes round-trip transfer, partial meals and full payment for hotel accommodation on the island. You can book an excursion from Pattaya at.

There are several options to get to Koh Kood on your own from different parts of Thailand:

  1. From Bangkok can be reached by plane, which operates three flights a day from Suvurnabhumi Airport to Trat on the Thai mainland, located near Koh Kood. The cost of a ticket for local airlines is quite high, since the flight is very popular - from 3,000 baht one way for an hour flight. Next you need to get from the city of Trust to the island by speed boat.
  2. From Bangkok and Pattaya The most acceptable option is the bus, which departs from the capital of Thailand from the northern and eastern bus stations, as well as from the terminals near Suvarnabhumi Airport. From Pattaya, tourist buses run every day from the resort's central North Bus Station. Travel time by minibus from Bangkok is about 5 hours, and the fare starts from 200 baht, depending on the chosen cabin class.
  3. Upon arrival in the city of Trat, you need to get to the Laem Sok pier, from which high-speed boats depart twice every day to Koh Kood. Travel time takes no more than two hours; you can leave the city on the mainland at 9 am and noon. Boats depart back from the island at 10 am and noon. On Ko Kood, the boat drops tourists off at the hotel or place they need, and the price includes transfer to the place of arrival. The price for one trip is 600 baht.
  4. WITH Koh Chang archipelago You can only reach the island by sea. Speed ​​boats ply along the route every day. The cost of one trip is quite high and amounts to 900 baht per person. Speed ​​boats depart from Koh Chang at 9 am and return at 11 am. The travel time takes no more than an hour and a half, and the ticket price includes a transfer from the departure point on the archipelago to the desired hotel on the island.

Koh Kood island on the map

On this map you can see the exact location of Koh Kood island in Thailand.

Although the resort is positioned as an excursion destination in Thailand, it is perfect for those who like a quiet, calm and measured holiday. The infrastructure is very poorly developed, but this attracts even more tourists here. At the moment, the island is not cluttered with roads, hotels, shopping centers and entertainment venues.

The Thai island of Koh Kood in the Gulf of Thailand is one of the largest islands in the kingdom. Only Phuket, Koh Chang and Samui are bigger than it. But if many locals live in the first three, crowds of tourists come, then on Ko Kood there is no trace of a crowd. There are only 2,000 local residents there, and even fewer tourists. So it turns out to be a very intimate setting and a secluded atmosphere.

On Ko Kood there is no ring road around the island, there is only a concrete road connecting the northern part of the island with the southern part and roads radiating from it of varying degrees of quality. The island is not so mountainous, the maximum height of the mountains here is only 315 meters, so there are no such steep serpentines as on Koh Chang, for example. Most of the island is covered with forest, it is very green here and this is good.

Due to the island’s remoteness from the mainland and Chang, Ko Kood is not particularly popular among tourists; it is quite cozy and relaxed here. There are practically no Thais who are tired of crowds of farangs and Chinese, so if you are nostalgic for Thailand before the surge in its popularity, this is the place for you. The island hasn't deteriorated yet.

If you are already in Thailand, then the situation becomes much simpler and cheaper. How to get to Ko Kood from different points in Thai?

From Pattaya

The easiest method now is to buy a transfer from a hotel in Pattaya to Koh Kuda through an online service at a price of 850 baht.

There is also the option of taking a full transfer from the hotel in Pattaya to the hotel at Ko Kudev travel agencies. Its price is 900 baht. I recommend buying a return transfer immediately in Pattaya, since it will be more expensive in Koh Kood.

You can get there with a transfer in Trat, how to do this, read in.

From Bangkok

The easiest way is to take a combo ticket (minibus to the pier, speedboat to Koh Kood, transfer to the hotel) for 850 baht through the online service for 850 baht.

If you take everything separately, you can save 100-150 baht. First you need to get to Trat, how to do this, read my article about. And then - below.

From Trat

Every day, boats depart from Laem Sok Pier to Koh Kood. More precisely, one smaller and faster boat and one slower and larger one, for some reason they call it Ferry, although in fact it is also a boat.

The Koh Kood Princess ferry departs from Laem Sok Pier daily at 12:30. And back from the island at 10:00. But Koh Kude arrives from Ao Salad Pier and departs from Hin Dam Pier. Be careful: these piers are located in different parts of the island. Ferry price 350 baht. Children from 6 to 9 years old buy a ticket for 50%, and under 6 travel for free. The price includes transfer from your hotel in Trat to Laem Sok Pier. But the transfer from Ao Salad to your hotel on Koh Kood is not included in the price and you need to negotiate with the hotels to pick you up from the pier. Carrying a motorbike is possible and costs the same as an adult ticket. They do not ask for any documents for the motorbike. The ferry workers will load and unload it themselves. Such a boat floats for 1.5-2 hours.

Koh Kood Express also departs from Laem Sok Pier daily at 12:30, and back at 10:00 from Hin Dam Pier in Koh Kood. Ferry price 350 baht. Children under 4 years old travel free of charge. The price includes transfer from your hotel in Trat to Laem Sok Pier. On the island, transfer to the hotel is not included in the price. You can also bring a motorbike on this boat for the price of a ticket.

The Koh Kood Speedboat departs from Laem Sok daily at 10am and returns from the island at 1pm. It arrives and departs from the Hin Dam pier on Koh Kood, which is more convenient since this pier is closer to the center of the island. Ticket price – 600 baht. Children from 5 to 10 years old get a 50% discount, under 5 years old – free. The price includes transfer from the hotel in Trat to the hotel in Ko Kood. This boat floats for 1 hour. Doesn't carry motorbikes.

Tickets for these boats can be bought at offices near the pier, or at travel agencies in the city - the price is the same.

From Koh Chang island

A small boat operates between the islands daily, departing from Kai Bae Pier on Chang at 9am and from Bang Bao Pier on Kuda at 11am. The fare is 900 baht.

On the same boat you can get from Ko Kood to Ko Wai for 700 baht and to Ko Mak for 400.

Transport within the island

There are no taxis or motorcycle taxis on the island. Everyone gets around on their own motorbikes, which are rented here for 350 baht per day. Which is expensive. If you are going for a long time, it is cheaper to rent in Trat for less than 150 baht per day and transport this bike by ferry. The cheapest gasoline is in the central village, at the gas station. But throughout the island it is sold in bottles for 40 baht a liter. You can also rent a car with a driver at a price of 1,200 baht per day.

Where to live

I have already written a detailed article on the topic. There are all kinds of housing options there, from simple guesthouses for 200 baht to posh resorts for $2,000.

Where there is

In guesthouses and even more so in resorts, food is expensive, so many farangs do not eat there, but go to cheap eateries, of which there are not many on the island.

Edalni next to the stadium

In the central village, next to the stadium, there are several of the most popular eateries, where we most often ate. Most simple dishes cost 40 baht. But there are also 50, 60, 80.

Eating place next to Ko Kood Ice-Cream

Rak Restaurant

Located on the way to Khlong Chao Waterfall, close to Baan Sangjun Guesthouse with rooms for 6,000 baht per month. It's a little more expensive here and most dishes cost 60 baht, but there are also 40 baht.

Shops and fruits

There are several small supermarkets on the island along the main road. Prices there are slightly higher than on the mainland. The assortment is not large, but in general there is everything. It is more profitable to buy water in a whole package, with a discount for small wholesale. Fruit on the island is expensive, even bananas. Along the road they are sold from shops, where the prices are the cheapest.

Things to do on Koh Kood Island


Ko Kood is a beach place. Moreover, the beaches there are some of the best in Thailand. Of course, they are far from Indonesian beaches on uninhabited islands, like , but for Tai these are kosher beaches - it’s hard to find cooler ones in the kingdom.


There are 3 waterfalls on the island. Alas, we were there during the dry season and did not fully appreciate them. But the waterfalls are free, unlike those on Koh Chang or Samui!

The most famous waterfall, the largest and deepest. It has a large bowl in which you can bathe. In March he looked like this.

Located in the north of the island, not far from the place where we lived - Koh Kood Garden House. I think it’s wonderful here in October-November – there’s a lot of water. But in the dry season there is only a thin trickle. The waterfall has several rapids, this is the largest.

Klong Yai Kee has a very interesting location, you can go down a little and there will be beautiful stone creeks along which water should flow after the rainy season.

Or it is also called the secret waterfall, since finding the way to it is not easy. This waterfall is located in a beautiful gorge and consists of several rapids.

There are interesting stones with holes there, apparently in the past water pierced them like that, falling from somewhere above.

Big trees

Since most of the island is still covered with forest, there are still large trees in the depths. And even very large ones, such as a couple of 500-year-old giants, Makka Tree and Big Chai Tree. They look something like this.

I can’t say that I was very impressed, I’ve seen such trees so many times in Sumatra, for example, in, but you can stop by, especially since these trees are on the way to the Huang Nam Kaew waterfall

Trekking Klong Kang Kao – Khao Ruea Rop

This trail begins behind Mata Guesthouse and goes to rocks that are shaped like ships.

The trail initially goes through mangroves.

But gradually he enters the forest. With ficus stranglers...

Since it was the dry season, nothing interesting was found in the forest. Trail map.

You can also get to the trail by motorbike, turning off the main road of the island following the sign for Khao Ruea Rop near Ngam Kho beach.

Fishing villages

There are two more fishing villages on the island - Ao Salad in the north of the island and Ao Yai in the south. The road to the latter is the most mountainous, least crowded and there is one good viewpoint. The villages themselves are not as colorful as Indonesian ones, so I didn’t take any photos. There are fish restaurants in the villages where you can taste fresh seafood.


The island offers several boat trips around the island with snorkeling. Check prices with travel agencies or the main tour office near Klong Chao Beach.


Wi-Fi is available in all expensive resorts, in many guesthouses and cafes. But slow. The fastest Internet on desktop computers is at the main tourist office. Naturally, it’s paid, but I forgot how much it costs.


You can do your laundry by handing over your clothes to several Laundrys located along the road, for example, to the cheapest one, in the eatery next to the Ice-Cream Restorant. 50 baht per kilo.


You can get a free map of the island from the tourist island; it is quite detailed and reliable. In the meantime, I suggest you familiarize yourself with my map of the island, where all the main points are marked.

▣ Koh Kood Island.

Koh Kood Island - Thailand's coconut lagoon - is located in the Gulf of Thailand, near the borders of Cambodia. Administratively it belongs to the province of Trat, 79 km from the city of Trat, southeast of the island of Koh Chang.

The total area is 131 km². The island is the fourth largest in Thailand, the second largest island in the Koh Chang archipelago and part of the Mu Koh Chang Marine National Park.

Ko Kood on the map of Thailand

The landscape is dominated by hilly terrain, the highest point being 315 meters. The number of local residents does not exceed 2000 people. These are descendants of Cambodians who fled to Thailand from French colonists. They settled on a desert island in 1905. Their main activities: serving tourists, fishing, collecting rubber and coconuts.

How to get to the island

Please note that there is no airport on the island. Therefore, you can get there by sea: by ferry or speedboat from the piers of the city of Trat and the neighboring island of Koh Chang.

From Bangkok. By plane from Bangkok to Trat Airport - located 30 kilometers from Laem Ngob Pier and Dan Khao Pier, about 60 kilometers from Laem Sork Pier. The air carrier company Bangkok Airways operates 3 flights daily, 55 min. ways. Approximate ticket price 2550 baht.

Take a bus to the bus station in Trat. Travel time is 5 hours. Bus routes depart from the Ekamai Bus Terminal every hour from 6:00 to 24:00. From the northern terminal "New Morchit", less often, at 08:30, 09:30, 12:30, 15:30, 17:30, 23:00. The average ticket price is 250-300 baht. If finances allow, you can take a taxi, the estimated cost is 4,000 baht.

From Pattaya. Get to the pier of Trat province by minivan, and from here go to Ko Kood. Estimated cost 500 baht. Or use the services of the carrier 35 Group Pattaya. Please note that ferries to Ko Kood leave in the morning. You must arrive at the pier before 10:00 am.

Ferries to Koh Kood

Company Price Schedule
Laem Sok - Koh Kood Koh Kood - Laem Sok Travel time
KoKut Express 350 ฿12:30 10:00 90 minutes
Koh Kood Princess 350 ฿12:30 10:00 110 minutes
Boonsiri 450 ฿10:45; 14:00* 09:00; 12:00* 90; 130* minutes

Speedboats to Koh Kood Island

Route Price Schedule Route Price Schedule Travel time
Laem Sok - Koh Kood 600 ฿9:00 Koh Kood - Laem Sok600 ฿12:00 90 minutes
Koh Chang - Koh Kood 900 ฿9:00; 12:00 Koh Kood - Koh Chang900 ฿9:00; 11:00 90 minutes
Koh Mak - Koh Kood 400 ฿9:30; 12:30 Koh Kood - Koh Mak400 ฿9:00; 11:00 30 minutes
Koh Wai - Koh Kood 700 ฿9:30; 12:30 Koh Kood - Koh Wai700 ฿9:00; 11:00 60 minutes

From the neighboring island of Koh Chang, ferries depart to Koh Kood from Bang Bao Pier, speedboats from Kai Bay Beach and Bang Bao Pier. The good thing about boats is that they take passengers along the beaches, having previously specified landing on the island of Ko Kood.


When you get off the ferry at Ao Yai or Ao Salad piers, you may only see the occasional local tuk-tuk. You will have to get to the beaches on your own.

There is no public or commercial transport on Ko Kood. Local residents also do not provide transport services.

The main means of transportation around the island are traditional Thai motorbikes. You can rent a vehicle at any hotel. There are no specialized rental services. You will also be offered bicycles and cars, but the mountainous terrain will make their use difficult; it is better to use a bike.

There are roads on Ko Kood, but not many.

Renting a bike on Koh Kood costs approximately 250-400 baht, which is significantly more expensive than on Koh Chang. The island has several large gas stations located north of Khlong Chao. Don’t be surprised when you see a gas station along the way - gasoline in bottles, this is a type of business in Thailand.

Where to stay

The tourist history of Ko Kood goes back only a few years. Therefore, the infrastructure on the island is in the process of development.

Hotels are located along the coastline

Most hotels are located along the coastline, right on the beach, representing bungalow-type housing. Their photos are presented on most tourist brochures in Thailand. These can be either traditional houses on stilts, thatched buildings, or wooden bungalows with a thatched roof. Overnight stay on the beach in a bungalow with air conditioning from 400-700 baht.

And only on Klong Chao several resort centers have been built, hotels with an average of 8-10 rooms. Some of them are shown in the photo below.

For lovers of comfort, there is a wide selection of hotels. They are located in cozy corners of the island. These are separate villas or bungalows with open terraces and balconies. All of them are equipped with air conditioning. Guests have access to the Internet, cable TV, minibar, and safe. The bathrooms have all the necessary cosmetics and toiletries. The complex has a swimming pool, spa, bars and restaurants.

As a budget option, you can consider a dorm room. They are worth looking for on Klong Chao. They are located near the river, but the sea is only a 5-minute walk away. Please note that you will have a toilet and shower outside. It costs 200-250 baht per day. If you prefer to have amenities in your room, you can rent a separate wooden house with a TV and refrigerator for a little more. Although for the same price you can find housing on the coast.

Wooden house on Koh Kood

There are significantly fewer tourists in Ko Kood than in other resorts in Thailand. But hotels in high season should be booked in advance to have a choice. Please also note that during the low season some hotels close. Since their use becomes not rational.


Koh Kood is dominated by tropical humidity. The sea water temperature does not depend on the seasons and is +27… +29 degrees all year round. The rainy season occurs from late May to October. The temperature during this period is +30 degrees. The ideal time to visit the island is November - March. Air temperature + 28…+30. From April to May the air warms up to +34…+36 degrees.


The west coast of the island has the widest beaches, while the east coast is characterized by rocky coves. Many of them are uninhabited, and you have the opportunity to become their discoverers.

Most popular beaches:

Klong Chao is 600m long. The size of the beach makes it possible to organize football and volleyball competitions. The beach has the most developed infrastructure. Some parts of it are illuminated at night. There are both expensive hotels and guesthouse rooms here.

Bang Bao is another popular beach in the west of the island, surrounded by hills. The sea is always calm here, and stone boulders look picturesque on the white sand.

Taphao Beach is the largest beach on the island. Palm trees that grow right on the white sand give it an exotic feel. In their shade you can hide from the heat. The island's beach is located near the seaport and is ideal for swimming and snorkeling.

Taphao Beach is the largest beach on the island

Klong Yai Kee is located north of Ta Phao. And just a few meters from the sea coast there is a waterfall of the same name. Among other beaches, it is necessary to note Ao Chak, Klong Ta Tin and Yai Ki, Ai Noi, Klong Quen, Ta-U. Each of them has its own hotels and resorts.


The main attractions of Koh Kood are coral reefs, numerous beaches, Nam Tok National Park with an area of ​​500 sq.m., fishing villages and beautiful waterfalls.

Khlonq Chao Falls and Khlonq Yaiki Falls are worth a visit, even just looking at the photos will take your breath away. Khlong Chao is located in the jungle and is the largest waterfall on the island. The Thais associate it with the name of King Rama VI, who stayed here during his travels.

Klong Chao

The second waterfall, Klong Yai Kee, is located next to the beach of the same name. At its foot there is also a freshwater pool. You can get there on foot or by kayak.

Descent to Khlong Yai Kee waterfall

In the village of Ao Salad you will be offered a mini excursion to the statue of the Big Buddha. It is worth visiting the coconut and rubber plantations. The village on stilts of Ao Yai also attracts attention. Most of it is on the water. This is a Thai fishing village where you can observe the life of fishermen. Many locals can offer overnight accommodation in their hut for as little as 300 baht. For lovers of ancient Buddhist temples, you can go to the Klong Mat Buddhist Temple.

Until recently, tourist brochures on the neighboring island of Koh Chang listed the entire island of Koh Kood as a tourist attraction. And to this day it is an organizational place for two or three day excursions to Ko Kood.

The main types of entertainment on the island: snorkeling, kayaking, fishing, diving, beach holidays. For lovers of active recreation: jet skis and skis, boat rides, etc.

There are many small shops on the island that offer a wide range of souvenirs. The markets sell a variety of exotic fruits, fresh fish and other seafood, a huge selection of spices and seasonings, as well as a variety of dried fruits. Today the island's cultural program is not extensive. It is just beginning to become a tourist center.