Mysterious flight 914. Where ships, trains and planes disappear. Fried facts and newspaper ducks



Like a flying phantom from the Twilight Zone, a DC-4 charter plane with 57 passengers on board landed in Caracas, Venezuela in 1992. It was 1992 and suddenly airport controllers saw an old propeller-driven plane coming in to land, and this plane had never been seen before. reflected on the radar and appeared out of nowhere. Eyewitness accounts and tape-recorded radio communications between the pilot and the control tower provide irrefutable evidence that this nightmare landing of the plane actually happened.
“The testimonies of the airport control service workers who saw this incident coincide in essence,” said the Deputy Minister civil aviation Ramon Estovar. But the clincher, according to Estovar, is a small 1955 calendar that the pilot threw on the runway moments before the DC-4 took off and disappeared.
- I saw the plane... I heard the pilot’s voice. “I even held the calendar in my hand, but I still can’t believe it,” said Juan de la Corte, who clearly saw everything that happened from his post on the flight control tower. “These people on board still thought it was 1955 and that they had landed in Florida.” But that's not true. Only God knows where they have been all these years.
According to de la Corte and other air traffic controllers, they realized that something supernatural was happening when a propeller-driven plane suddenly began approaching the airport and did not appear on the radar screens.
“We saw the plane with our own eyes, but there was no sign of it on the radar,” said de la Corte. - We asked the pilot to identify himself, and he radioed us: “Where are we?” His voice was frightened and confused, but finally he said that he was doing chartered flight 914 from New York to Miami with a crew of 4 and 57 passengers on board. The dispatcher said that after these words from the pilot, there was silence in the control room. Everyone was stunned. Flight 914's destination is... Miami... 1800 km from Caracas...
- I answered the pilot: “This is Caracas, Venezuela... South America" Then I asked, “Are you in distress?” There was no answer, and I cleared the corridor for the plane to land. The landing went well. Just when I started to think everything had gone well, I heard the pilot say to his co-pilot, “Jesus Christ, Jimmy! What the hell is this? They looked at the jet plane and acted as if it were a spaceship.
According to de la Corte, the pilot stated that he was scheduled to land at Miami International Airport at 9:55 a.m. on July 2, 1955.
“Then I heard him say, 'Something's wrong here.' I radioed the plane: “Captain, this is international Airport in Caracas. Today is May 21, 1992." He just exclaimed: “Oh, God!” You could hear him breathing heavily. I tried to calm him down by telling him that the ground team was already heading towards them.
According to de la Corte, as the ground crew and tanker approached the plane, the pilot shouted over the radio, “No! Don't come any closer! We're flying away from here!” Ground service workers later reported that they saw the faces of passengers pressed against the windows. And the pilot opened his cockpit window and waved for them to get out.
“He was waving some kind of folder,” de la Corte said. - Apparently, the calendar fell out of it, which we later discovered. The pilot started the engines and the plane took off. Civil aviation officials have seized all recordings of communications with the aircraft, as well as the calendar found, and are continuing to investigate the incident.

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The Douglas DC-4 passenger plane took off and headed for Miami. The dispatcher looked after him, and some vague concern touched the man. Suddenly, the plane suddenly disappeared from the radar, raising the entire airport staff to their feet, and then the search teams, but despite large-scale search efforts, the site of the death of the aircraft could not be found. An entry appeared in the airport’s special magazines:< 1955 год. Рейс 914. Нью-Йорк-Майами. Пропал с радаров самолет Douglas DC-4 вместе с 57 пассажирами и экипажем. Несмотря на масштабные поисковые мероприятия, судьба пассажиров и экипажа осталась неизвестной.>

Pilot Sam Warter confidently gained altitude and directed the plane towards Miami. It was calm on the plane. Passengers looked with curiosity out the windows, into the amazingly beautiful blue, where the clouds were white, bathed in the golden sun. There were no signs of bad weather, not even a small cloud was visible anywhere. Suddenly the plane fell into an air pocket. It felt like he was falling. The heart sank and began to work again.
“Calm down,” the stewardess’s voice was heard. “It’s just an air pocket.” It is not dangerous for the plane, just like the turbulence that we are beginning to feel.
The plane trembled, and with it a trembling passed through the passengers. It seemed that every cell of the body was trembling, and it was impossible to cope with this trembling. But then the plane escaped from air pocket and...immediately found myself in a thunderstorm. Here and there, bright, branched lightning flashed continuously, and powerful iridescent peals of thunder were heard. Darkness covered the plane, all the sensors on the plane failed, and it was impossible to understand where to fly... Finally, he managed to escape from the thunderstorm front, and everyone on the plane breathed a sigh of relief. The sensors are working again...
“Yes, we only deviated a little from the course,” said Sam Warter.
“We’ve already reached the assigned route,” answered navigator Mark Stephen.
They flew calmly for several minutes.
-We're going down.
But as soon as they lowered their altitude, they immediately came under fire.
-What it is? They're shooting at us...
-Can't be. What's happened? Has a war begun on Earth?
The crew watched in surprise and fear as flashes flashed around them, bringing death. Passengers, their faces contorted in horror, looked out the plane's windows.
The crew decided to leave, and the plane took off again.
-Let's try to land in Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood (FLL).
They descended again, hoping to see the airport, but what they saw shocked them. Below them lies an unfamiliar city. Strange, very beautiful buildings did not resemble those that were on earth. The semi-circular buildings stood out with their deep blue color, merging in beauty with the blue clear skies. Strange space objects, still invisible, were flying around the plane.
-Oh my God. What's going on with us? Where are we again?
Without hesitation, the plane took off again. After making a circle, the plane took a flight to Florida.

1992 The month of May. Airport in Caracas. Airport employees experienced a real shock when, without appearing on the radar, a long-outdated Douglas DC-4 began circling in the sky.
The controller Jimi Johnson hurried to contact the pilot:
-Who you are? Where are you going?
-We're heading to Florida.
-You have deviated from the route by 1500 kilometers. Provide your details.
-Flight 914. New York-Miami.
The dispatcher was stunned and could not say a word. Everyone at the airport knew about the missing Douglas DC-4 from surviving reports in special magazines.
-You have been allocated a special lane for boarding. Welcome to 1992.
The plane landed safely. People were running towards him from all sides.
“Ka, what year?” the pilot asked stuttering. He looked around in surprise at previously invisible jet planes. “What is this?” What kind of planes are these?” the pilot shouted to the dispatcher.
“Welcome to 1992,” the dispatcher repeated.
“Get back,” the pilot was heard shouting. “Don’t go near the plane.” We're leaving.
The plane soared up and disappeared from sight.
After making several circles in the sky, the plane headed for Miami.
“We’re descending, what will happen will happen,” the crew decided, approaching the Miami airport.
“Welcome to Miami,” said the dispatcher. “Flight 914, you are 20 minutes late.” What happened to you?
“What year is it now?” Sam asked hastily.
-Are you already there? “It’s clear what year it was, 1955,” the dispatcher’s surprised voice was heard.
-Thank God, it means we’re home. Sam dropped his head on the control panel, he cried, but was not embarrassed by his tears...

It was an ordinary day in May. The weather was great. There was not a single cloud in the sky over Caracas.

It was a completely normal day for airport dispatcher Juan de la Corte. Nothing remarkable. Exactly the same as last shift. And the year before last.

During this quiet time, radar usually shows only two or three aircraft in the sky.

At one point, Juan de la Corte thought that somewhere in the distance, but clearly, he heard the noise of propeller engines. Dispatcher de la Corte's gaze fell on the radar again. A green stripe running along the entire circumference of the monitor highlighted only a couple of aircraft known to him. An unfamiliar plane did not appear on his radar. The dispatcher picked up binoculars and began to scan the sky around the control tower.

Caracas International Airport (Venezuela) Simon Bolivar

The ever-increasing noise of the engines and the emptiness on the radar made the experienced dispatcher, who was de la Corte, nervous. Through binoculars, the dispatcher saw a small DC-4 aircraft approaching the runways.

It was a strange plane. DC-4 aircraft have not been produced since World War II. This is a passenger, four-engine airliner, capable of accommodating, according to various sources, from 40 to 80 passengers, not counting crew members. It was he who was seen on the horizon that day by the dispatcher at Caracas International Airport, Juan de la Corte.

The controller, sensing something, gave the order to clear one of the runways and tried to contact the unknown aircraft.

— Unknown board, respond. - de la Corte said on the radio - Identify yourself!

Through slight interference, the pilot answered the question with a question:
- Where are we?! - the pilot’s voice was alarmed and confused. - Tell me, where are we? I'm flight 914 - New York - Miami.

Silence reigned in the control room. De la Corte and the other Caracas air traffic controllers took a few moments to digest what the DC-4 pilot had said. Miami! Miami is 1,800 km from Caracas!

— 914, the dispatcher of the airport in Caracas, Venezuela is speaking to you. - said Juan, - What’s wrong with you, 914th? Are you in distress? Get on the runway.

- Caracas?! How can this be? - asked the pilot.

A few minutes later, the DC-4 landed on one of the runways of Caracas International Airport.

An exclamation was heard in the cockpit, the intonation of which cannot be conveyed. The exclamation was full of horror and surprise:
- Jesus Christ, Jimmy! What the hell is this? Rocket?

Judging by the viewing angle, the pilots of Flight 914 were looking at nothing more than a modern jet aircraft taking off on the adjacent runway.
- We are flight 914! We are due at the Miami airport at 9:55 am, July 2nd. - the pilot shouted - how did we end up in Caracas? Something is not clean here!
— I assure you that you are at Caracas International Airport. Today is only May 21, 1992. - answered Juan de la Corte.
- Oh my God! - the pilot of flight 914 clearly did not count on such an answer.

The controller tried to reassure the pilot, saying that the ground crew was on the way and the pilots should remain calm.
- Don't come near us! - the pilot shouted into the open cockpit window - Don't come closer! We're leaving. Let's fly away from here!

The pilot screamed and waved a folder from which a small piece of thick paper fell out.
- Just think about it! - continued the captain of flight 914 - ninety-second year!

He started the engines and the plane took off. Soon the muttering on the radio died down, and there was no longer any reminder of the strange plane. The radar was still blank.

The ground team of technicians said that as they approached the plane, they saw frightened passengers of this flight who were pressed against the observation windows. After the 914 took off, the team discovered on the runway a document that had fallen from a folder that the DC-4 pilot was waving. This document turned out to be an ordinary pocket calendar. He looked like new, but the year - 1955 - confused him.

Juan de la Corte was trying to remember whether the pilot had mentioned the year of his flight plan in the conversation or not.

If mystical things do happen, this was clearly one of them. A post-war aircraft, pilots who were almost crazy from the sight of a jet airliner, a calendar for 1955 that fell out of the pilot’s folder - all this brought alarming thoughts to all the dispatchers at Caracas International Airport.

Is it possible to say that it was Flight 914, which took off from New York Airport in 1955 with 57 passengers on board? Skeptics think this is a great hoax. But the dispatchers who received the 914th DC-4 on one of the airport runways are sure that it was a plane from the past.
All communications between dispatchers and the ghost of Flight 914 were seized for careful analysis.

Later, Juan de la Corte recalled:

I saw the plane... I heard the pilot's voice. I even held a calendar in my hand, but I still can’t believe it. These people on board still thought it was 1955 and that they had landed in Florida. But that's not true. Only God knows where they have been all these years.

No one else saw the DC-4 plane with 57 passengers on board on flight 914 New York - Miami.
It still remains a mystery - Flight 914 - fact or fiction? Perhaps we will ever hear again about a plane that lost its course for 37 years and 1800 kilometers?

The Mystery of Flight 914

The plane that took off from New York in 1955 and disappeared landed 37 years later in Venezuela...

A DC-4 charter plane with 57 passengers on board landed in Caracas, Venezuela in 1992... 37 years after it disappeared in 1955 while flying from New York to Miami! But not even a few minutes had passed before the ghost plane took off again and disappeared into the clouds!

Eyewitness accounts and tape-recorded radio communications between the pilot and the control tower provide irrefutable evidence that this nightmare landing of the plane actually happened.

The testimony of the airport control workers who saw this incident coincides in essence, said Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation Ramon Estovar. But the clincher, according to Estovar, is a small 1955 calendar that the pilot threw on the runway moments before the DC-4 took off and disappeared.

I saw the plane... I heard the pilot's voice. “I even held the calendar in my hand, but I still can’t believe it,” said Juan de la Corte, who clearly saw everything that happened from his post on the flight control tower. “These people on board still thought it was 1955 and that they had landed in Florida.” But that's not true. Only God knows where they have been all these years.

According to de la Corte and other air traffic controllers, they realized that something supernatural was happening when a propeller-driven plane suddenly began approaching the airport and did not appear on the radar screens.

We saw the plane with our own eyes, but there was no sign of it on the radar,” de la Corte said. - We asked the pilot to identify himself, and he radioed us: “Where are we?” He sounded scared and confused, but finally he said that he was on charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with a crew of 4 and 57 passengers on board. The dispatcher said that after these words from the pilot, there was silence in the control room. Everyone was stunned. Flight 914's destination is... Miami... 1800 km from Caracas...

I answered the pilot: “This is Caracas, Venezuela... South America.” Then I asked, “Are you in distress?” There was no answer, and I cleared the corridor for the plane to land. The landing went well. Just when I started to think everything had gone well, I heard the pilot say to his co-pilot, “Jesus Christ, Jimmy! What the hell is this? They looked at the jet plane and acted as if it were a spaceship.

According to de la Corte, the pilot stated that he was scheduled to land at Miami International Airport at 9:55 a.m. on July 2, 1955.

Then I heard him say, “Something is wrong here.” I radioed the plane: “Captain, this is the international airport in Caracas. Today is May 21, 1992." He just exclaimed: “Oh, God!” You could hear him breathing heavily. I tried to calm him down by telling him that the ground team was already heading towards them.

According to de la Corte, as the ground crew and tanker approached the plane, the pilot shouted over the radio, “No! Don't come any closer! We're flying away from here!” Ground service workers later reported that they saw the faces of passengers pressed against the windows. And the pilot opened his cockpit window and waved for them to get out.

He was waving some kind of folder,” de la Corte said. - Apparently, the calendar fell out of it, which we later discovered. The pilot started the engines and the plane took off. Civil aviation officials have seized all recordings of communications with the aircraft, as well as the calendar found, and are continuing to investigate the incident. By the way, the calendar was from 1955!

Exists mystical story, about the disappearance of a DC-4 in 1955 on Flight 914 from Miami. It is alleged that there were 57 passengers and 4 crew on board the plane.
In 1992, 37 years after it went missing, the plane appeared extremely mysteriously at the airport in Caracas in Venezuela, where it stunned with its appearance most airport workers, and especially air traffic controller Juan De La Corte, on whose behalf in most cases the description of what happened.
According to Juan, the plane appeared as if out of nowhere and was not visible on the radar, and the pilot of the plane was sure that it was 1955.
“We saw the plane with our own eyes, but there were no signs of it on the radar. We asked the pilot to identify himself, and he radioed us: “Where are we?” He sounded scared and confused, but finally said he was on charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with a crew of four and 57 passengers on board, De Da Corte claimed.
After the runway was cleared for the plane and it was able to land successfully, the pilots of the plane were extremely frightened by the modern jet aircraft.
- The landing went well. Just when I started to think that everything had gone well, I heard the first pilot say to his co-pilot: “Jesus, Jimmy! What the hell is this? They looked at the jet plane and acted as if it were a spaceship. – Juan told about their fear.
After Juan informed the pilots of the plane the year and place where they landed, as well as that the ground crew was already approaching the plane, the pilots became even more frightened and completely panicked when the tanker and his assistants approached the plane.
The pilot began shouting at the people surrounding the plane from the window and waving some kind of folder, after which the plane’s engines roared and it flew away. At the site of the plane, only a calendar for 1955 was found; it is believed that it fell out of the folder that the pilot was waving...
The story is quite funny, but it is an absolute fiction and there are several facts to prove it...
In the English version of the story, the plane appeared in Venezuela in 1990. Of course, this can be attributed to the peculiarities of the translation of this fantastic story, but it is not necessary to translate the figure.
There is no documentary evidence that such a plane mysteriously disappeared and then appeared, not even a single small note in the newspapers. All information is only on the Internet, presented in amateur films with a boring voice reading the text and the texts themselves, reeking of fabulous ufology for a kilometer.
The telling of the story varies quite often. For example, in one version, Juan claims that he held that calendar in his hands without even leaving his tower for such a task. Another version says that the calendar was almost immediately taken away by representatives of Venezuelan security forces, but Juan again managed to hold the calendar without leaving his workplace.
Despite the fact that both incidents “happened” quite a long time ago, the story only became known in 2014, and nowhere does it say that it was classified.
This whole story is a rather poorly thought-out tale, but, nevertheless, it was almost immediately picked up by ufologists thirsty for sensations and other mystical personalities. Or maybe they came up with it, which seems most likely...