Vilyuchinsky volcano in Kamchatka (Vilyuchinskaya Sopka). Vilyuchinsky Volcano: sights, photos, videos, reviews What to do in case of an avalanche

Vilyuchinskaya Sopka, located in Kamchatka, is located near the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The geological formation rises between the basins of the Vilyuchi and Bolshaya Saranaya rivers. Vilyuchinsky stratovolcano stands at the source of the river. Paratunka.

The hill belongs to the category of extinct. It is a conical formation of regular shape. The absolute height of Vilyuchinsky volcano is 2175 m.

The Vilyuchinsky volcano is named after the bay of the same name. Until 1830, when Russian explorers P. Ilyin and P. Skrypov named the bay Vilyuchinskaya, the area was called Niyakshin (Itelmen name). The best view from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Vilyuchinskaya Sopka opens from the city center, from the top of Nikolskaya Sopka.


The western part of the peak is truncated. It looks like a cluster of remains interspersed with snow layers and glaciers. Lava and pyroclastic flows present a multi-colored landscape. This may be due to the fumarole effect of the active volcanic phase.

The slopes of Vilyuchinskaya Sopka are cut by radially directed barranoxes. Some of them start from the top, others from the middle of the slope. The recesses of the upper cracks are filled with firn deposits and glacial layers.

The rock composition of the volcano is represented by pyroclastic deposits and andesite-basalts. The lower part is composed of olivine basalts, then andesitic rocks of various compositions rise upward. The eastern slope contains traces of solfatara activity. Today, these sulfur fumaroles are not active, only visual evidence remains. There are hot springs in the southeast. Gas emissions have been repeatedly observed at the top of the volcano. At the very foot of the cone there is a waterfall.

Climbing Vilyuchinsky volcano

Vilyuchinskaya Sopka is not considered the most difficult to climb on the Kamchatka Peninsula. The most popular route for climbers has a difficulty category of 2A. The one-day route is suitable for all tourists in good physical shape without special skills (but it is advisable to have mountaineering training). Tourists must be healthy - without cardiovascular diseases or joint diseases. The ascent takes about 5 hours, the descent without stopping takes 3.5 hours. The total length of the route is 12 km. The elevation difference is almost 2000 meters. Typically, excursion tours from Kamchatka tour operators include a stop for swimming in the Upper Paratunka springs.

The northwestern route (the most popular) begins at the trail to the Vilyuchinsky waterfall. Next, the trail goes into a wooded area of ​​dwarf alder. Next, after the forest, you need to focus on the snowfield - with a slight climb you will reach the Vilyuchinsky waterfall along the snowfield. There are several sites above the Vilyuchinsky waterfall - if you are planning an overnight trip, you can pitch a tent here. Then the path goes through the snowfield: if the snow is dense, then you can do without crampons. Above you will need crampons and trekking poles.

To complete the route, you will need special equipment and clothing: trekking shoes (worn out) that secure the ankle; windproof windbreaker; Sunglasses; headdress; sunscreens; trekking poles; cats.

In winter, the slopes of the Vilyuchinsky volcano turn into freeride areas. Access to the slopes is carried out by helicopters and also by snowmobiles. The longest descent reaches a length of 6 km. The steepness of the slopes varies from 15 degrees to 35 degrees.

Panoramic view of the surrounding area and the volcano from the observation deck at Vilyuchinsky Pass

How to get to Vilyuchinsky volcano in Kamchatka

You can get to the foot of the Vilyuchinsky volcano by car. The asphalt road goes past the fork to the village of Termalny, then a dirt road to the beginning of the trail. You can leave your car in the spontaneous parking lot at the beginning of the trail.

Tourists without a car need to take a bus to the village of Termalny and get off at the “Road to Mutnovka” fork (the stop is located just before the village of Termalny). After the stop, a dirt road begins, quite dusty in the summer. Therefore, it is better not to walk here, but to try to catch a ride. In the summer, especially on weekends, quite a few cars pass here. Moreover, the road along the dirt road takes 28 km.

An alternative to hitchhiking is a taxi. You can order a taxi ride from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to the foot of the Vilyuchinsky volcano through the Yandex.Taxi application or through local services by phone.

Video about Vilyuchinsky volcano

The tragedy that occurred in April 2017 on the slope of the Vilyuchinsky volcano in Kamchatka attracted public attention. An avalanche that claimed the lives of a man and a child makes us think about the safety of outdoor activities. So what is this volcano and how dangerous is it? This is discussed in our article.

Kamchatka - a land of contrasts

The place where the Vilyuchinsky volcano is located is Kamchatka. The land of volcanoes (160 of them) and glaciers (414), boiling springs and rushing rivers with waterfalls and lakes. Kamchatka is a territory adjacent to the mainland and it is washed by cold stormy seas (Berinogov and Okhotsk), and from the northeast its coast sinks into the waters of the Pacific Ocean. This is a favorite place for tourists, especially active and extreme ones. Here you can organize a tour with river rafting, boat trips and diving. Adventure and ecological tourism, hunting and fishing, skiing and mountaineering tourism are developed.

Kamchatka: Vilyuchinsky volcano

50 kilometers to the southwest in a straight line from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the Vilyuchik volcano, as the locals call it, rises above Avachinskaya Bay. In winter, the Vilyuchinsky volcano has a dazzling white cap and adorns the panorama of the bay. This is a favorite vacation spot for snowboarders and is suitable for downhill skiing and snowmobiling. Its regular cone is clearly visible from the city. The height of the Vilyuchinsky volcano is 2175 meters above sea level. It is surrounded on three sides by the valleys of the Vilyucha, Paratunka and Bolshaya Saranaya rivers.

Correct volcano

The top of the Vilyuchinsky volcano has a cut on the northern side, where a small crater is located. Deep and almost flat barrancos are almost completely filled with ice. In the past, fumaroles gave the lower part of the volcano a variegated appearance. Photos of the Vilyuchinsky volcano are striking in their beauty, which in 1996 was noted by UNESCO by being included in the list of World Natural and Cultural Heritage sites in the category “Volcanoes of Kamchatka”.

Extinct giant

Vilyuchinsky is considered an extinct stratovolcano, which erupted 7 thousand years ago. And although there is no seismic activity observed on it today, gas and steam emissions have been repeatedly recorded at its top. Climbers who have been to the top report the smell of hydrogen sulfide. On the eastern slope of the volcano there are multiple hot springs, and in the lower part there is a waterfall of the same name about 40 meters high. From the north of the foot there are cones and domes made of slag and lava. Among them are Lava and Topolovoe, which are rich in fish and interesting for fishermen.

Tourist site

Vilyuchinsky volcano is part of the park and is a popular vacation spot. The Topolovoe and Zelenoe lakes at the foot and the developed infrastructure of the Termalny village provide the opportunity to ski, snowboard and snowmobile. Ice fishing in winter and summer will delight fans. And hot springs, which can be reached on foot, are considered one of the most optimal wild springs in terms of accessibility.

Scenic Pass

Favorite walking route. The crossing of the Vilyuchinsky Pass opens up magnificent views. Its height in some places reaches 1 kilometer above sea level. This winding road offers views of the Mutnovskoe plateau on the south side and the Vilyuchik volcano in the east. After the pass, tourists find themselves in a valley where the Vilyucha River and the Spokoiny Creek flow into Vilyuchinskaya Bay.

Extreme Vilyuchik

Extreme freeride and backcountry attractions attract tourists. There are no lifts here, and delivery to the top by helicopter or snowmobile only adds to the adrenaline-pumping sensation. Even beginners can climb the volcano to a low altitude. The route runs along a path on the southwestern slope. Climbing becomes quite difficult when the slope reaches 35 degrees and requires special preparation and reliable equipment. Several classified routes of difficulty categories from 1B to 2B lead to the top.

Sel 1981

Typhoon Elsa, which that year unleashed its power of torrential rains all over the world, also affected Kamchatka. Rain flows eroded the slope and formed powerful mudflows. Neighboring residents and residents of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky heard a roar from the peaks. A storm warning was issued. Then three climbers who were returning from climbing the volcano died. Their car was simply carried away by a mudflow, as the only surviving participant said.

Tragedy of 2017

The volcano has always been an avalanche hazard. The relevant services monitor and warn tourists about the possibility of avalanches. That tragic avalanche of the Vilyuchinsky volcano, photos and videos of which were distributed by the media, occurred on April 9. At that moment, there were about 40 tourists on the slope, who saw how 2 people disappeared in the snow on the northern slope. Lack of communication delayed search efforts. Witnesses had to get to the bottom to call for help. 40 pieces of equipment and more than 100 rescuers took part in rescuing the victims. The bodies of the father and child were discovered by the end of the day on April 10 at a depth of 8 meters, which did not give any chance of survival. According to the accident investigation commission, the avalanche on the northern slope of the Vilyuchinsky volcano could not have been triggered by the victims themselves while riding a snowmobile. They were fifth in the column of snowmobiles, and the four previous ones covered a rather narrow section of the route as usual. There were no casualties and rescue work was carried out with probes throughout the entire area of ​​the avalanche. The avalanche was most likely caused by temperature changes, because it was warm on that tragic day.

Avalanche zone

Every year, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Kamchatka Territory announces avalanche danger in the mountainous areas of the Paratunka River basin, the Vilyuchinsky, Koryaksky, Avachinsky, Kozelsky and Klyuchevsky volcanoes group. Tourists, hunters, and fans of extreme sports are warned of the danger and are advised to refrain from hiking in the mountains. But there are always people who neglect safety rules. So, in 2010, during a period of declared avalanche danger, a teenager died while snowboarding in the area of ​​the northern slope of the volcano. And in February 2017, two people were caught in an avalanche - a German citizen and a Russian tourist. They were skiing in a group of 18 people and were caught in a sudden avalanche. Unfortunately, the life of the 40-year-old German tourist could not be saved.

What to do in case of an avalanche

When going to the mountains to ski, especially in avalanche-prone areas, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • You should not go to the mountains if there is an avalanche danger.
  • If the avalanche is high, take the opportunity to get out of its path.
  • If it is impossible to avoid an avalanche, take a horizontal position and orient your body in the direction of movement of the snow mass.
  • If you find yourself in an avalanche, close your nose and mouth, and then use swimming movements to make your way to the edge of the avalanche. You need to breathe shallowly.
  • Don't panic - they are looking for you!

And in conclusion I would like to say the following. You can even fall out of a window, but the likelihood of such a fall increases many times over if you stand on a stool or window sill. Take care of your health and life, do not take unnecessary risks, follow the safety rules - and the memories of your vacation will delight you for the rest of your life.

Let's dress warmer. Although no one is going to climb to the top of the volcano - let's leave this task to fearless and hardy tourists - but a walk along the snowy slopes requires a jacket or down vest. There are always a lot of cars heading towards Vilyuchinsky, so the hitchhiking option works in most cases. As a backup - in case of total bad luck - we are warmed by the thought that we can easily get there in the back of a tourist campervan. Just get ready right away - the shaking on the road will be severe. Asphalt is laid only up to the village of Termalny, then there is a dirt track. Along the way we meet camp sites. Here everyone bathes in thermal springs. And we couldn’t resist either. A natural pool, water with steam, has a specific smell, but you quickly get used to it. And most importantly, there is beauty all around! After warm baths, you quietly admit to yourself that you still love this world. At the foot of the volcano we quickly find a tall, picturesque waterfall. The photographs turn out amazing. It seems that the water begins to move from a rocky peak, covered with azure greenery, and ends in a depression covered with snow. On the slopes of the volcano, many set up camps, have a snack, and move on. Smells like flowers and grass. The air is intoxicating. Next door to us was a married couple who had already been to the top of Vilyuchinsky twice. But even the bewitching stories about the view of the ocean from the height of the volcano could not make us spend five hours on the difficult climb. I wanted to continue sitting on the grassy “cushion” of the slope and be content with the beauty of the volcanic plateau.

Vilyuchinsky Volcano (Vilyuchinskaya Sopka, Vilyuchik, Viliuchinsky Volcano) is considered extinct, but volcanologists noted steam and gas emissions in the area of ​​its summit.

The height of the volcano is 2175 meters above sea level. Vilyuchik's cone is unusually smooth, beautiful and in terms of the effect produced can compete with the famous Japanese Fuji or Italian Vesuvius. On the northern apical slope of the cone there is a small depression of its destroyed crater. There are hot springs in the southeastern part of Vilyuchik.

The slopes of Vilyuchinsky are cut by deep barrancos (furrows like ravines). Their presence indicates that the last eruptions most likely occurred a very long time ago. According to some studies, the last eruption of the Vilyuchinsky volcano occurred more than 7 thousand years ago.

The steepness of the slopes of the volcano is 15-35 degrees.

There are about 25 small cinder cones and lava domes located north of Vilyuchik. Among them lie two lakes - Zelenoe and Topolevoye. They appeared as a result of the activity of these volcanoes. The lakes are declared natural monuments.

On September 5, 1981, after a heavy downpour brought by Typhoon Elsa, a mudflow (mudflow) came down from the western slope. At this time, four people were returning from the volcano by car: three climbers and a driver. The driver, who miraculously escaped, later said that he heard an incomprehensible roar approaching, was thrown out of the car and somehow made it to the shore, and the car with its passengers was hit and carried away by the stream.

The volcano got its name from Vilyuchinskaya Bay. The Itelmens called this bay Niyakshin, but no one understood the meaning of this word. Therefore, in 1830, hydrographers P. Ilyin and P. Skrypov renamed the bay Vilyuchinskaya.

Vilyuchik is partly located on the territory of the South Kamchatka Natural Park, which was included in the UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage List in 1996 in the “Volcanoes of Kamchatka” category.


Kamchadals consider volcanoes to be the dwellings of the dead and say that smoke is visible above the peaks when the deceased drown their yurts. According to the aborigines, they feed on whale oil, and whales are caught in the underground sea. The same fat is used to provide light, and they are heated with bones instead of firewood.

Not only the Kamchadals, but also the Cossacks consider the “ignition” of volcanoes to be an omen of bloodshed. The longer and stronger the “burning”, the more blood is shed, they say.

The Kamchadals call the mountain gods “Kamuli” or “small souls” (soul in Kamchadal is “Kamulech”). These gods, according to the aborigines, are the enemies of man. They live on the highest, most intensely smoking and fire-breathing volcanoes, which is why the Kamchadals do not dare not only climb them, but even come close.


The Vilyuchinsky volcano is considered easy to climb; the ascent to the top is carried out along the southwestern slope and takes 6-7 hours. On the southwestern and southern slopes it is possible to ski and snowboard down to the Vilyuchinsky Pass. Sometimes travel agencies, in addition to traditional ascents to the volcano, offer a helicopter ride to the top. Routes to the Vilyuchik area are organized both in summer and winter.

From March to May, winter sports lovers are offered a helicopter-skiing-snowboarding route, which includes skiing from Vilyuchik.

At the foot of the Vilyuchinsky volcano, on the southern side, there is a small valley in which the Verkhne-Vilyuchinsky thermal springs are located. There is a base for climbers and a camp for overnight stays.

Local features

The climate in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and its surroundings is maritime and humid. Winter is mild, but very long - lasting more than six months. The average temperature in winter is -10...-15°C, in summer +20°C. The warmest month is August.

The best viewpoints and photo/video shooting

Dazzlingly white in winter and striped (gray rocks alternate with white snowfields) in summer, the volcano is the main decoration of the bay’s panorama. Like the “home” volcanoes of Petropavlovsk (Koryaksky, Avachinsky, Kozelsky), Vilyuchinsky is clearly visible from the city.

From the top of Vilyuchinsky there is a stunning view of Avacha Bay and the Pacific Ocean. The waterfall at the foot of the volcano is also very picturesque.


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One of the closest to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, in good weather it is clearly visible from many places in the city, located on the opposite side of Avachinskaya Bay, southwest of the regional center. According to numerous sources, its height is 2175 meters. and its surroundings are very good, I would even say, in terms of distance from the city/quality ratio - one of the best places for skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling. Both the volcano itself and its foot, as well as the nearest hills and passes, are very well adapted for this.

There are long, wide and mostly straight valleys and gorges. One of the favorite places for snowmobilers, skiers and snowboarders. In relative proximity to the foot of the volcano there is a recreation center where you can spend the night in modern, comfortable and warm houses, there is a swimming pool with hot thermal water, a dining room, and you can also use various services, for example, book a snowmobile ride. Nearby are the Verkhneparatunsky hot springs, one of the most accessible wild springs; they look like hot puddles where water gushes out from underground. They are located on the slope of a hill, which can be reached on foot in the summer (walk about 15 minutes from the place where you can leave the car), and in winter and spring by snowmobile or cross-country skiing. The road from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Vilyuchinsky volcano passes through the village of Termalny, which can be reached by car in 40-50 minutes. Further, in the winter and spring seasons, as a rule, the road is under snow; you can order a snowmobile or special transport from the recreation center, which is located not far from the volcano, which has already been mentioned.

View of Zelenoe Lake from the north-west side.

Also in relative proximity is the mountain lake Topolovoe, a snowmobile ride to which, in ideal weather and snow conditions, from the foot of the volcano is 10-15 minutes. In this place you can ride a snowmobile and visit the nearest passes, which offer very beautiful views, as well as go fishing, in this case ice fishing, since we are talking about winter and spring. By the way, if you come here in the middle or at the end of spring, you can also sunbathe. Although there is still a lot of snow, in clear weather the air temperature and the scorching mountain sun easily allow this. In my opinion, the ideal time to visit this place is from April to early June.

As I already said, this place has a huge scope for those who like to admire the scenery.

The following photo was taken one kilometer from the recreation center, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article. Photography time is late May - early June.

And here is the Vilyuchinsky volcano in April 2016.

Thank you all for your attention. As new travels occur, fresh photographs from this place will be added, which will be stated in the site news at the bottom of the main page.

Vilyuchinsky Volcano (Kamchatka Territory, not far from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) rises above sea level by more than 2000 m. It has the shape of a regular cone and is visible from afar, which attracts many tourists. Most of them admire the volcano from the outside, take walks at its foot and take photographs of the magnificent views that are countless here. And only the most experienced skiers know how interesting Vilyuchinsky is for heli-skiing - one of the most extreme types of freeride, requiring good preparation and untouched snow slopes. The top of the volcano cannot be reached by ski lifts, only on foot or by snowmobile, or even better - by helicopter. Heli-skiing enthusiasts form groups and rent a helicopter, which drops them off at the starting point. For the descent, several of the most suitable slopes of the volcano and neighboring mountain ranges are used; the longest descent is about 6 km long. After skiing, skiers and snowboarders can go to the Verkhne-Vilyuchinsky or Nizhne-Paratunsky thermal springs, where there are changing rooms and the opportunity to relax.

When to come

The slopes of Vilyuchinsky are covered with snow all year round. In summer, its quantity decreases, giving life to the Vilyuchinsky waterfall on the northwestern slope of the volcano. At the same time, it is in the summer - in May-July - that it becomes easier to climb the slopes of the volcano on foot in order to descend from there on skis or snowboards. Tour groups reach the most stubborn glaciers and snow-covered slopes, where you can do a little skiing in shorts. There is the least snow in August; this month is not recommended for skiing. But in winter there is even room for cross-country skiing. Since the volcano is located in the southern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, you should not be afraid of severe frosts (in winter the temperature rarely drops below -10 degrees Celsius), but heavy rainfall often occurs, especially in the autumn months.

How to get there

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky has air and sea connections with many Russian cities. From here to the volcano in a straight line is about 25 km, but in fact you will have to make a rather long journey, since Vilyuchinsky is located on the opposite edge of Avachinskaya Bay from Petropavlovsk. Organized tourist groups are taken to him by bus and taken back in the same way. You will have to get there on your own by car (preferably an SUV), first to the village of Termalny, then turn onto the highway to the Mutnovskaya geothermal thermal power plant, and then another 15 minutes along the path to the glacier, which does not melt all summer. You can get to Termalny (or neighboring Paratunka) by regular bus, but then you will have to transfer to a car, since public transport does not go to the volcano.

Where to stay

If the purpose of the trip is Vilyuchinsky, then you should settle as close to it as possible. The best option would be the village of Paratunka - nearby there are springs of medicinal thermal waters (Nizhne-Paratunsky springs), on the basis of which a large balneological resort with several hotels and recreation centers has been created. If you are interested in a broader acquaintance with the south of Kamchatka, then it is better to stay at one of the hotels in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, where there are more opportunities for organizing various kinds of excursions.