The tour is paid in full. What a beast a travel agency is. How agencies mislead tourists

At the time of booking the tour, payment is made using bank cards using two-stage authorization technology. This means that the money is frozen (blocked) on your card until confirmation of all services in the application is received. As soon as all services in the application are confirmed, the money is debited from the card automatically. If a refusal is received, for example, from a hotel, the money will automatically be returned to the holder’s card.

2. Partial payment by bank card

Installment plan from TEZ TOUR!

Partial payment by bank card is possible for tours on charter flights to Andorra, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, China (Hainan), UAE, Thailand, Turkey: 30% payment immediately and the balance no later than than 15 working days before departure.

The cost of the tour is fixed in USD. Prepayment/additional payment is made in rubles at the current exchange rate of the Company on the day of payment. Full payment must be made no later than 15 working days before departure.

Pay for tours online without commission!

At the time of booking the tour, payment is made using bank cards using two-stage authorization technology. This means that the money is frozen (blocked) on your card until confirmation of all services in the application is received. As soon as all services in the application are confirmed, the money is debited from the card automatically. If a refusal is received, for example, from a hotel, the money will automatically be returned to the holder’s card.

We do not charge a commission from clients when paying for tours with a bank card.

We accept bank cards of the following payment systems:

3. Sberbank online and cash payment

You can choose the option of paying in cash through Sberbank branches using an account from your personal account. Invoices printed for payment upon application are valid for 2 business days (day of issue + 1 day). This allows you to FIX the amount payable at the rate in effect at the time of invoice!

When choosing Sberbank Online, payment is made in your Sberbank personal account; the purpose of the payment indicates the application number.

Payment for tours at Sberbank ATMs and terminals, as well as through Sberbank Online without commission!

To pay for tours, you can use any of the following payment methods:

1. Sberbank Online and ATMs

Payment is made from a bank card or your bank account (in Sberbank Online).

2. Terminals

Payment is possible using a Sberbank card.

Sequence of actions when paying for an application (using the example of Sberbank Online):

4. Payment for early booking tours

For early booking tours with charter flights, partial payment in cash or through Sberbank Online is possible: you must make an advance payment of at least 25% of the cost to book the tour. The remaining 75% must be paid no later than 15 working days before the departure date.

Payment is considered made upon receipt of funds.

Attention! On the last day of early booking, payment must be received no later than 18:00 Moscow time!

< Оплата тура

Payment for the tour.

You can pay for a tour at the GlobEx travel agency in any way convenient for you:

  • Pay for the tour in cash at the office or transfer money through our courier.
  • Pay for the tour with a bank card in our office.
  • Transfer money for the tour to a bank card.
  • Transfer money for the tour by bank transfer.

And also in any other way available to you, as a result of which your money will be with us.

How to pay for the tour.

Regardless of which country you purchase a tour to, payment for the tour is made only in Russian rubles. The real currency of the tour is converted into Russian rubles at the internal rate of the tour operator from which the tour is purchased on the day of payment. As a rule, this rate is 2-2.5% higher than the Central Bank rate.

Obviously, currency exchange rate fluctuations do not allow us to rigidly fix the ruble price of the tour. If you pay in installments, this may result in some changes in your payment amount.

Terms of payment for the tour and amount of payment.

The terms and amount of payment are determined in the contract for the provision of tourist (for some reason lawyers say “tourist”) services. As a rule, these terms are determined in such a way that if a tourist refuses the tour he ordered, the funds paid would be enough to cover penalties from the tour operator. For more information about penalties, see the section in Cancellation of the tour.

In most cases this means that

  • Last minute tours are paid for immediately and in full.
  • The first payment for tours booked 30 days or more in advance is at least 30% of the cost.
  • At least 50% of the cost must be paid 15-20 days before departure.
  • The tour must be fully paid 10 days before departure.
  • When booking early, the payment schedule may affect the amount. To get the maximum discount, it is best to pay the entire cost of the tour in full at once.

When paying for a tour in stages, you must take into account possible changes in exchange rates.

Tours on credit.

We have tours on credit! The loan is issued in the bank “Credit Europe Bank” with which we have a direct contract in this regard. Loan conditions comply with the bank's current credit policy.

PS: a few more words a little off topic...

Tour price.

Tour price is fixed by the tour operator and we cannot add a penny to it. But we can reduce it a little, that is, give discount using your own money. This is described in detail in the section Discounts on tours from GlobeEx-tour. Additional fees are charged only for additional services, the cost and scope of which are negotiated separately.

Tour prices are different!... Why?

This question is often asked by tourists - when choosing a tour on their own or by contacting different travel agencies, tourists notice that the same hotel is sold at different prices by different tour operators. This raises, in particular, understandable doubts about the quality of the travel agent’s work. However, the reason is completely different - tour price is initially different for different tour operators, even if the service package is completely identical. A reliable tour operator with a well-known brand sets higher prices than a new, unknown tour operator.
- Why should we overpay if rest the result is the same, you say.
This is partly true - it is quite possible to drive a Zhiguli and not spend money on a BMW. But the reliability and confidence in the result is different. It's the same in tourism. More than one tourist season has shown the reliability and predictability of results when working, for example, with the Teztur company. Therefore, it is quite clear that this company values ​​its work quite highly.

But the final choice will always be yours - if you want to go rest from a cheaper operator, you will be given this opportunity. Except in cases where we know for sure that your choice carries a large share of risk and we will not take risks with you.

How to pay less for a tour.

And here's what else you should know before you go book a tour- This ways to make your vacation cheaper. There are several of them and their brief description is given in the section

24.07.17 79 033 0

What kind of beast is a travel agency?

How to buy a tour so as not to be left without money and a vacation

Roma and his friends were going to the Dominican Republic for the New Year.

Konstantin Golubev


Roman, victim

In November, he paid for a tour, but the agency manager forgot to transfer the money to the tour operator on time. Roman learned about this already at Domodedovo, when he was not allowed on the flight. Friends flew away on vacation, but he remained at the airport.

A month later, Roman returned the money, but the holidays were ruined. How to avoid such situations and what to pay attention to when working with travel agencies - we will tell you in the article.

What does a tour operator do?

There are two types of travel agencies: operators and agents.

A tour operator is like a travel producer. He comes to the country and looks at what hotels, excursions, transport, entertainment and everything else that might be of interest to tourists. He negotiates with all these suppliers, checks their licenses and certificates, makes an advance payment to them, negotiates some quotas and discounts - the result is a tourism product, aka a tour.

For popular tourist destinations, tour operators collect ready-made holiday packages: they negotiate in advance with hotels and airlines. Typically, a packaged tour includes flights, medical insurance and ground services: hotel room, meals, transfers, guided tours and entertainment. A tourist does not need to waste time and plan a trip himself - he buys a ready-made tour, takes a passport and goes on a trip.

Such travel packages are called package tours. Operators sell them independently or through intermediaries - travel agencies.

What does a travel agency do?

If the operator is a manufacturer, then the agency is a store of ready-made trips. The agency buys ready-made tours from the operator and sells them to tourists.

The agency's task is to help tourists choose and buy a suitable tour. Usually it goes like this:

  1. A tourist comes to the agency and says: “I want to go on vacation! Where will you send it?
  2. The agency shows him ready-made tours and explains what is included in them: where the tourist will live, how many days, when he departs and returns, and what else is included in the cost of the trip.
  3. The tourist chooses the tour he likes, and the agency books the tour with the operator: “Reserve this tour for my tourist. Here are the passport details."
  4. The operator confirms the reservation: “The tour has been booked. I'm waiting for payment."
  5. The tourist pays for the trip at the agency, the agency buys the tour from the operator: “Here is the money for the tour. You reserved it for my boyfriend."
  6. The tour operator receives the money and sends a tour package for the tourist to the agency: “Guys, everything is okay! I received the money. Tomorrow I’ll send you the tickets, hotel reservation number, insurance policy and travel itinerary.”
  7. The agency hands over the voucher to the tourist - the tourist packs his suitcase and flies off on vacation.

If the agency and operator were people, it would look like this:

Before booking and paying for a tour, the tourist and the agency sign an agreement on the provision of travel services. We’ll look at what it looks like and what to pay attention to in the contract in the next article.

How agencies mislead tourists

Natalia Golubeva

worked in a travel agency for four years

Let’s say a client comes to an agency and asks the manager to select a tour. The manager has not been anywhere, but in order to sell the tour, he says that he has a great idea of ​​the room, beach, pool and entertainment in the area. It turns out that the manager is misleading the tourist.

This is the most disgusting thing: when you go to a hotel with nothing but expectations, and get a room with a non-working air conditioner or mold on the walls. Therefore, we called and found out whether the tourist was satisfied with everything; studied descriptions of hotels and excursions from the tour operator; read reviews about hotels from others.

An adequate manager is always aware of construction near the hotel or long-standing renovations in the rooms and will not outright lie. The main thing is not to sell a tour for once, but to get a satisfied tourist who will return and book the tour again.

How to buy a tour cheaper

It is better to book a tour according to the season: choose a place in advance and contact the agency. Four to six months before the holiday, tickets and accommodation are cheaper and there will be many available rooms. If you take a tour a month or a couple of weeks before the trip, you will have to choose from what is left. For example, for cherry blossoms in Japan, good hotels are booked six to seven months before the tour.

Take a holiday at the beginning or end of the season to save on accommodation. Hotels give operators discounts to fill rooms before and after the main influx of tourists, so holidays at the beginning or end of the season usually cost less. You can find out the right time to travel to different countries.

Follow the Early Booking promotions. At the start of sales, operators want to quickly raise money to pay for purchased rooms and charter flights. Therefore, they attract tourists with promotions and discounts.

Charter - an aircraft rented in advance. The operator and agencies sell tours specifically for this flight in order to fill the flight and recoup the rental. Charter tickets are often cheaper, but the flight may be rescheduled for another time.

Charter - an aircraft rented in advance. The operator and agencies sell tours specifically for this flight in order to fill the flight and recoup the rental. Charter tickets are often cheaper, but the flight may be rescheduled for another time.

The operator "Tez-tour" is selling tours to the UAE for early booking with a discount of up to 40% until August 30. Screenshot from the tour operator's website

Usually you can buy early booking tours to summer resorts from January to April. For winter - from July to October.

Check canceled or last minute tours, if you are ready to go on vacation in a few days. When a tourist cannot go on a trip, he tries to return some of the money and resells the tour at a discount. Operators also reduce prices for charter tickets two to three days before departure in order to fully fill the board.

How scammers deceive

Unfortunately, there are scammers among travel agencies, and simply incompetent people among tour operators. Here's what to watch out for when dealing with an agency.

They work without an agreement with an operator. According to the law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities”, the agency must have an agreement with each operator. Without an agreement or power of attorney from the tour operator, the agency operates illegally: it sells fictitious tours and has no intention of buying them back from the operator. Most likely, in a few months the scammers will close the office and disappear with the tourists’ money.

In order not to give money to scammers, before purchasing a tour, ask the agency manager to show the agreement with the tour operator and check this information yourself on the website of the Tourpomosch association. This can be done in two ways:

  • open a list of partner agencies in the register of tour operators;
  • in the register of travel agencies, see which operators the agency works with.

The reservation is cancelled. To confirm a reservation and purchase a tour from the operator, the tourist first pays for the trip at the agency, then the agency transfers the money to the operator. After this, the operator sends a tourist voucher and itinerary receipts. Without these documents, the tourist will not be able to go on vacation: he will not be allowed on the plane and will not be accommodated in a hotel room.

This is what the itinerary receipt looks like:

Number of ticket

How else do tourists get scammed?

They lure you with promotions and discounts. The agency makes money by reselling tours: it buys from the operator at one price and sells them for a little more. Usually the agency receives 5-10% of the tour cost.

Fraudsters offer tours at bargain prices, accumulate the required amount and go off into the sunset. To avoid falling for the tricks of scammers, check in advance the average prices for tours from different operators.

They take money without an agreement. A travel services agreement is the basis for partial or full payment for a trip. When an agency takes money without an agreement, it is working in a dirty way. Therefore, if the manager is in a hurry with payment and offers to draw up an agreement later, it is better not to risk it and immediately go to another agency.

They don't provide payment documents. When a tourist pays an agency, the employee is obliged to give him a payment document: a cash receipt, a cash receipt order with a stamp and signature, a note with passport data, the purpose and amount of the payment - any document confirming the fact of transfer of money. Without payment documents, it will not be possible to return the money even through court. If you paid for the tour, but didn’t take the documents, you gave the money to the scammers.


  1. The tour operator creates a tourism product, the travel agent sells ready-made tours for operators.
  2. The tour operator is responsible for the quality of the tour and the accuracy of the information; the travel agent is obliged to explain to the tourist what he will get for his money.
  3. Package tours are more profitable than independent travel to popular tourist destinations.
  4. It is better to book a tour several months in advance, and accommodation is cheaper at the beginning or end of the season - this way you can save money.
  5. Before paying, check the tour program and contract, and then take the payment documents.
  6. If the operator has not sent the travel voucher and itinerary receipts, make sure that the agency has transferred the money to the operator.


You can pay for the tour in cash at additional VTB Bank offices throughout Russia.

You can check the addresses and opening hours of branches on the bank's website.

To pay for the tour through VTB Bank you need to present:

  • Receipt with payment agreement number
  • Passport

You can also pay for the tour at VTB payment terminals/ATMs. You can check the addresses and opening hours of ATMs on the bank's website.

To pay for a tour through a payment terminal/VTB ATM, you need to enter the agreement number on the screen (from the payment receipt).

How to receive a receipt with an account number for payment:

  • You must select the payment method you are interested in
  • Select the item “Pay at VTB branch”
  • Fill out the form with payer data
  • Select a form to create a receipt
  • Click the “Receipt” link, after which a receipt is downloaded for payment through the appropriate banking institution

Example of a receipt with an agreement number for payment

Payment is accepted in rubles according to the company’s internal exchange rate on the day of payment for the tour.

Additional payment is made at the exchange rate on the day of payment.

In addition, you can pay for the tour via Internet Banking

You can make a payment through VTB Bank from your personal account (each order has a “Payment for the order” tab).

To pay via Internet Bank, you need to receive a receipt with the agreement number for payment. Next, through your VTB Bank personal account, pay the required amount according to the agreement number indicated in the receipt.

Payment for each order must be made in a separate payment. It is not allowed to pay for multiple orders with one amount.

Additional payments are not allowed for orders that have already been paid by bank transfer. If such payments are received, they will not be credited and must be returned.