Test on the topic of social tourism. A test to determine the professional suitability of travel agency employees. The most extreme types of tourism include



1. Which route from the listed hikes do you represent!! Hiking I category of difficulty?

    150km 6 days. 3) 130 km 5 days. 5) 100 km 6 days.

    130km 6 days. 4) 140 km 6 days.

2. What is the quantitative composition of the tourist group taking part in the weekend hike?

    From 6 to 8 people. 3) From 4 to 50 people. 5) From 4 to 40 people.

    From 5 to 30 people. 4) From 5 to 50 people.

3. The leader of a hike of category I difficulty can be a tourist who has achieved:

    14 years old; 3) 18 years old;

    20 years; 4)16 years old.

4. Participants in a hike of category I difficulty can be tourists who have achieved:

    16 years; 3) 14 years old;

    15 years; 4) 18 years old

5. The leader of a hike of category I difficulty can be a tourist who has experience in participating in hikes:

    multi-day; 3) having III sports category;

6. Which item is not the responsibility of the caretaker?

    distribution of responsibilities for preparing products among participants; "

    distribution of responsibilities for preparing group equipment among participants; *

    distribution of responsibilities for preparing personal equipment among participants;

    keeps records of food items along the route;

    makes up the menu.

7.What responsibilities are not distributed in amateur hikes of the first category of difficulty?

    caretaker; 3) group leader; 5) responsible for the diary;

    medical instructor; 4) cultural activist; 6) navigator.

8. What does not include exploring the area of ​​travel?

    acquaintance with literature (including fiction);

    cartographic material;

    conversations with people who visited the places of travel;

    studying the political map of the world.

9. What documents do not need to be completed before setting out on the route?

    route sheet; 3) route book;

    route map; 4) travel certificate.

10.What is not included in personal summer hiking equipment?

    backpack; 3) underwear;

sleeping bag; 4) wool sweater; 5) gloves.

11.What is not included in group summer hiking equipment?

    awning; 3) flask;

    saw; 4) thermos;

5) soap. 6) candle;

12. What is not included in the first aid kit?

    rubber tourniquet;





    narcotic drugs.

13. What things fit at the bottom of the backpack?

    bulk; 3) heavy;

2) soft; 4) urgently not needed;

5) sleeping bag.

    canned food; 3) condensed milk;

2) sour cream; 4) milk powder;

    200-300; 3) 350-500; 5) 250-300. v~

2) 180-220; 4)400-600;

    180-220; 3) 3) 100-140; 5) 200-250

    160-180; 4) 4) 130-150;

    What are the requirements for product selection?

    minimum weight;


    instant cooking;


    long shelf life;

    minimum shelf life

    Which of the following berries are poisonous?

2) strawberries;

3) wolf's bast;

4) blueberries;

5) raven eye

    Which of the following mushrooms are edible?

1 porcini mushroom; 3) tinder fungus;

2 boletus; 4) chanterelles; 5) yellow-skinned champignon.

    Which of the following herbs are not eaten?

    nettle; 3) burdock;

    sorrel; 4) dandelion; 5) plantain

    Which of the following herbs are medicinal?

    plantain; . 3) burdock;

    nettle; 4) 4) lily of the valley; .5) snowdrop

    Which knot is designed for tying ropes of different thicknesses?

1 straight; 3academic;

2 counter; 4) weaving.

    Which of the following is a node?




Which knot is designed for tying ropes of equal thickness?


5) stirrup.



What type of fires does not exist?



    What kind of fire is long lasting?

    pioneer; 3) nodya;

    star; 4) hut;

5) well;

6) Polynesian.

    What type of fires is used to heat a large group?

1) hut; 3) taiga;

2) fireplace; 4) pioneer;

5) star;

6) Polynesian.

    What type of fire is used to light in open areas in windy weather?

    fireplace; 3) pioneer; 5) Polynesian.

    taiga; 4) star;

    Which map is most suitable when preparing a route for a multi-day hike?

    economic; 3) administrative; 5) sports.

    political; 4) topographical;

    Which map is most suitable for the route (based on scale)?

    small-scale; 3) macroscale;

    large scale; 4) not large-scale.

    Is a linear scale always needed on maps (original)?

1) yes; 2) no.

32. How many kilometers are in one centimeter on a scale of 1:50000?

33. Which symbols are not to scale?

1 image of rivers; 3. Image of settlements

2image of roads; 4) lakes.

36. What is latitude?

1.dihedral angle measured from the true meridian to the equator;

2. dihedral angle made by the plane of the prime meridian with the plane of the equator;

3. dihedral angle made by a plumb line from a given point with the equatorial plane;

4. dihedral angle formed by the meridian plane of a given point with the plane of the prime meridian

5 dihedral angle; counted from the north direction to the direction of the object.

34. Which symbol shows shrubs?

Decipher the sign:

37. What is longitude?

    dihedral angle measured from the true meridian to the equator;

    dihedral angle made by the plane of the prime meridian with the plane of the equator;

    dihedral angle made by a plumb line from a given point with the plane of the equator;

    dihedral angle formed by the meridian plane of a given point with the plane of the prime meridian;

5. dihedral angle, measured from the north direction to the direction towards the object.

38. What is azimuth?

1 dihedral angle, measured from the true meridian to the equator;

2 dihedral angle formed by the plane of the prime meridian with the plane of the equator;

3 dihedral angle made by a plumb line from a given point with the equatorial plane;

4 dihedral angle formed by the meridian plane of a given point with the plane of the prime meridian;

5 dihedral angle, measured from the north direction to the direction towards the object.

39. How is latitude calculated?

from 0° to 360° from north.

from 0° to 90° north and south;

How is longitude calculated?

from 0° to 180° west or east;

from 0° to 270° south and north;

from 0° to 360° from east to west;

from 0° to 360° from north.

from 0° to 90° north and south;

How is azimuth calculated?

from 0° to 180° west or east;

from 0° to 270° south and north;

from 0° to 360° from east to west;

from 0° to 360° clockwise.

from 0° to 90° north and south;

42. What is magnetic declination?

1) the difference between latitude and longitude;

2) the difference between magnetic and true azimuth;

    difference between true azimuth and longitude;

    difference between magnetic azimuth and longitude.

    What objects cannot be used to determine the sides of the horizon?

1 by moss on trees; 5) by mosque; 7) according to the polar star I

2 by cutting down a tree; 6) by the polar star in the constellation Minor

    by church; constellation Ursa Major.

    on an anthill; bears;

    Determine the distance from the linear dimensions of the objects to the pillar.

Arm length - 0.6 m. The size of the image on the ruler is 0.02.

Pole height - 6m.

45. List the basic safety requirements for places of rest and overnight stays:

flooded river shallows;

in picturesque places;

beds of dry channels;

in an early-lit place;

in low places;

under the bank slope;

on ridges, hilltops;

near felled trees;

under a lonely tree;

in the thicket of a coniferous forest;

upstream of the river from the last point.

    The recommended rest time while hiking at a short rest stop is no more than:

    20 minutes. 3) 40 min.

2) 10 min. 4) 30 min.

    The recommended duration of a lunch break during a hiking trip is:

1) 2-4 hours 2) 1-2 hours 3) 5-6 hours

    You cannot build a fire closer to trees than:

    4-6m. 3) 1-2m.

    2-3 m. 4) 7-8 m.

    The tourniquet can be on a limb in summer no more than:

    30 min. 3)50 min. 5) 90 min.

    40 min. 4) 1 hour. 6) 2 hours.

    What observations relate to weather changes and its prediction?

    topographical; 3) meteorological; 5) glaciological.

    geological; 4) hydrological

    Signs of good, clear weather:

    air pressure drops; 4) it is warmer in the evening than during the day;

    air pressure increases; 5) the sun sets into a cloud.

    dew or frost does not appear;

    What does it mean: passing a given number of checkpoints from those available in the competition area?

    orientation in a given direction; 3) orientation on a marked route.

    orientation by choice;

53.Which stages in the tourist obstacle course are technically difficult?

    crossing on watercraft; 4) suspended crossing;

    movement over bumps; 5) transportation of the victim.

    crossing the river to ford;

    How many minutes before the main start is the map given to the orienteer?

1) in 1 min. 2) in 2 minutes. 3) in 3 minutes.

Chairman UMK Dean FFKiS

Details Social and cultural service and tourism

1. What is considered among experts to be the most extreme type of recreation?

boar hunting
underwater photography

2. How to protect yourself from falling stones on a rocky area?

curl up into a ball
jump aside
cover your head with your hands
hide behind a rock
hug the rock

3. What saves a tourist from an avalanche, rockfall, or falling cornice?

knowledge of safety techniques
help from comrades
cry for help
speed of reaction

4. What is the first thing that tourists notice when the partial pressure of oxygen decreases?

lack of appetite
sexuality increases
the real assessment of the situation is violated
desire to increase the load

5. What must the chosen route comply with according to safety rules?

proximity to the city
presence of water sources
capacity and newness of equipment
level of training and capabilities of participants
number of participants

6. Indicate the number of items included in the emergency stowage (according to the textbook by M. B. Birzhakov and N. P. Kazakov “Safety in Tourism”)


7. A universal item that is included in emergency stowage, protects from rain, warms and serves as a signal mirror:

polyethylene film

8. Which of the following items can be classified as special equipment?

polyethylene cape
life jacket
shoe covers

9. Overnight without a tent in summer conditions, when there is no point in setting up a full camp:

sitting huddled together
under the bush
in the crown of a tree
make an inclined canopy to a vertical surface
under a tent in sleeping bags

10. Overnight without a tent in winter:

lean against a tree or cliff
climb into a sleeping bag with your head
put on all your existing clothes
make a snow shelter, cave
jump all night near the fire

11. What is ski touring?

ski mountaineering
dog sled racing
type of ice climbing

12. What is gliding?

flying in powered aircraft
helicopter flights
flight without the use of thrust on specialized aircraft
hang gliding

13.What is solo climbing?

mountaineering type of roped climbing
combining rock climbing with drytooling
difficult climbing without a belay
climbing using artificial footholds

14. What is rope jumping?

flying down from a high object using a shock absorbing system
jumping using a special simulator
jumping and running
skydiving from high objects
suit fabric wing

15. Since when did regular world and European spearfishing championships begin to be held?

since 1930s
since the 1940s
since 1950s
since the 1960s
since the 1970s

16. From what period did the history of underwater archeology begin?

since 1900
since 1925
since 1940
since 1950
since 1960

17. What is diving?

technically challenging deep dive
scuba diving with special equipment
high-tech type of diving
underwater dive
entertainment and tourism

18. Military diving is:

installation and dismantling of equipment
recovery of sunken objects
treasure hunting
diving using special equipment and gas mixtures
carrying out mining of ships

19. Where there is an abundance of volcanoes7

in Italy
in Alaska
in China
in the Caucasus
in Kamchatka

20. Land-based types of extreme tourism include

dragster racing
hot air balloon flights
group acrobatics

21 Water types of extreme tourism include:

hang gliding

22. Air types of extreme tourism include:

hang gliding

23. Urban types of extreme hobbies include:


24. Rock climbing includes:


25. New winter types of tourism and sports include:

base jumper

26. The most extreme types of tourism include:

hot air balloon flights
ice climbing

27. Unofficial types of rock climbing include:

base jumper

28 Air types of extreme tourism include:


29. Urban types of extreme hobbies include:


30. Underwater types of extreme tourism include:

here's a bug

31. Underground types of extreme tourism include

mountain biking

32. The birthplace of jail tourism is


33. Bouldery n'to

C type of rock climbing
dragster racing
type of exotic tourism
jungle journey
jail tourism

34. Rope jumping

jungle travel
trip to former nuclear test sites
type of parachute hobby
type of jumps
airship flights

35. Artificial support points

base jumper
solo climbing

36. Spelestologiya

snowboarding on sand dunes
unofficial form of rock climbing
underground type of extreme tourism
element of dome acrobatics
artificial fulcrum

37. Kayaking

water type of extreme tourism
type of water slalom
type of rafting
type of kyoning
type of skysurfing

38. Which place is called “a paradise for divers”?

White Sea
Black Sea

39. The White Sea deserves special attention from divers

Kuzova archipelago
Kolchak Archipelago
Solovki archipelago
SharmelSheikh archipelago
Gulag archipelago

40. What should be done after a jellyfish burn?

soak the affected part of the body in hot water for about an hour
treat the area with an antihistamine
treat with vinegar solution or alcohol
remove wetsuit gloves
consult a doctor

41. The first historically reliable mention of the use of a diving bell was in


42. Where did spearfishing originate?

on the White Sea
on the Baltic Sea
in Cuba
in the Mediterranean Sea
on the Pacific Islands

43. In what year did a real revolution take place in the history of diving?

in 1943
in 1917
in 1953
in 1961
in 1987

44. During what period did the passion for diving sweep the whole world like a fever?

in the 20s
in the 40s
in the 50s
in the mid 70s
in the 80s

45. Jetbot is:

journey through the caves
overcoming canyons
rafting on calm rivers
passing technically difficult obstacles

46. ​​Skysurfing is:

this is a relatively new type of parachuting
ski jumping to perform various figures in free fall
building formations from the canopies of opened parachutes
performing a set of figures in free fall
jumping and running

47. What type of parachute hobby has recently developed rapidly?

classic parachuting
dome acrobat

48. Joliejumper is an invention of an Australian scientist

Alexandra Bok
Vladislav Ketova
Gleba Travina
Dennis Tito
Nika Perata

49. What type of jumping is the youngest, but very promising?

rope jumping
badge jumping
bungee jumping
jolie jumping

50. Who is the founder of base jumping?

Alexander Bok
Dennis Tito
Karl Boenisch
Karl Marx
Karl Maury

51. Freesking is a type of:

rock climbing
ice climbing
snowboard freestyle
descending steep unprepared slopes

52. Ski touring is:

mountain tourism using skis and special bindings for climbing uphill
descending steep unprepared slopes with difficult terrain
the same thing, but using a helicopter as a means of delivery up the mountain
ski mountaineering
something like freestyle snowboarding

53. In which country can you live without snow if you have a snowmobile?

in Iceland
in Finland
in Russia
In Kazakhstan
In Canada

54. Which modern traveler traveled around the earth for 21 years?

Fedor Konyukhov
Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov
Mikhail Khergiani
Vladislav Ketov
Yuri Golodov

55. What is a wakeboard?

absolute all-terrain vehicle
Mountain bike
winter sport
Mountain bike

56. What is freeboarding?

A direction rather similar to skateboarding?
stunt riding on a special bike with jumps
descent from asphalt slopes on a special freeboard equipment
climbing to the outside of buildings

57. What is building?

performing various tricks on a skateboard
the art of moving and overcoming obstacles
climbing the outside of buildings and other urban structures
jumping from skyscrapers
stunt riding on a special bike with jumps

58. The pioneer of space tourism was:

Yuri Gagarin
German Titov
Dennis Tito
Alexey Leonov
Mark Shuttleworth

59. Who made a parachute jump from the stratosphere from a record height of 39.4 km?

Felix Portnoy
Felix Baumgartner
Felix Dzerzhinsky
Felix Kulov
Alexander the Great

60. Where, in what country is Krasnaya Polyana located - the site of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games?

in USA
in Russia
In Kazakhstan
in China
in Brazil

61. In which country did heliski become a separate type of recreation?

in USA
on Kkuba
in Germany
in the UAE

62. Who was the first sports commentator to bring snowboarding to Russia in the late 80s?

Lev Yashin
Vladimir Maslachenko
Vladimir Pereturin
Diaz Omarov
Maria Sharapova

63. What gave birth to a truly revolutionary role in the development of active winter recreation?


64. Ringuet is:

type of rock climbing
type of scuba diving
type of winter walking

65. Is this what it is?

winter walking
riding in a bowler hat

66. Is this ice cross downhill?

ice skating slalom
type of hockey
type of exotic tourism
gorilla safari
riding in a bowler hat

67. What is kayaking?

type of rafting
rafting on catamarans
singles sport
a mixture of tourism and science

68. What is this?

adventure racing
extreme ski slopes
mountain bike competition
car racing
downhill skiing from the peaks

69. What is dry-tooling?

ice climbing
traditional rock climbing
climbing up a rock wearing crampons and icefats
climbing with artificial footholds
water ski combination

70. What is wakeboarding?

combination of water skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing
oval carbon fiber board
ski jumping
building a formation from the canopies of opened parachutes
ice skating slalom

71. How many diving groups do you know?


72. What is scuba diving?


73. Is caring a journey?

in caves along underground rivers and lakes
in order to overcome canyons without the help of floating devices
along calm rivers on metal boats
performing acrobatic elements on a kayak
walks and trips on smooth water

74. Who is the inventor of scuba gear?

John Kennedy
Emil Ganyan
Charles Aznavour
Louis Boutane
Jacques Cousteau

75. When did mass production of the first scuba gear begin?

in the 20s
in the 30s
in the 1950s
in the 60s
in the 80s

76. When were the first underwater photographs taken?

in 1856
in 1876
in 1921
in 19390
in 1940

77. From what year did underwater sports begin to develop in the USSR?

since 1917
since 1923
since 1940
since 1956
since 1961
78. Who is the father of underwater photography?
Louis Boutane
Lev Durov
John Kennedy
Paul Robson

79. Who started space tourism?

Yuri Gagarin
German Titov
Mark Shuttleworth
Felix Baumgartner
Dennis Tito

80. Is this a safari?

popular type of adventure tours
encounter with wildlife
trip to the equator
hunting trip
crossing the Sahara desert

81. What is zorbing?

tree care
extreme attraction
tree climbing
survival in extreme conditions
"fox hunt"

83. What is arboriculture?

extreme attraction
tree care
a type of zorbing
"hunt" for tornadoes

84. What is volcanoboarding?

descent into the volcano crater
parachute jump into a volcano crater
descent from the volcano on wooden boards
climbing to the crater of the volcano
Climbing the extinct volcano Kilimanjaro

85. The birthplace of extreme board entertainment is rightly considered:


86. What type of extreme water tourism is considered universal?

water skiing

87. What should not be done during a flood unless absolutely necessary?

look for watercraft
stuff your shirt (pants) with plastic bottles
hang a white or colored cloth for rescuers in a high place
engage in self-evacuation
get to high ground as quickly as possible

88. What is the first thing to evacuate during a flood?

gold reserve
administration and prison
children, child care institutions and hospitals
industrial enterprises

89. What to do first at the final evacuation point

seek refuge
look for food
look for family and friends
look for a source of communication

90. What basic skills do you need to know when kayaking?

slalom and rodeo techniques
surfing technique
skate technique

91. Favorite place for mudflows?

mountain tops
forest slopes
medium scree on the slope
river beds and dry beds of temporary streams

92. The main damage to the economy from the impact of environmental factors in tourism?

limiting the influx of tourists

93. Optional items of personal utensils in land-based extreme tourism?

flask and thermos

94. Which of the air types of extreme tourism does not require flying equipment?

group acrobatics
dome acrobatics

95. Name of knots for tying two ropes of the same diameter (two answers)?


Briefly about the training:

Training program:
If you decide to start working in a travel agency, think seven times! They say that tourism is a disease, and it often becomes chronic. Have you changed your mind? Have you called several travel agencies and been invited to an interview for a manager position? As a preliminary preparation for a conversation with a potential employer, we recommend taking this training.

Level 1
The first impression of an applicant is often decisive. Think before answering even the simplest questions.

Question 1. If during the first telephone conversation with a tourist you cannot immediately offer him the required tour option, then you:
Correct answer: ask for his phone number and call back yourself as soon as you have the necessary information

Question 2. It is recommended to check the departure time of a charter flight with the operator:
Correct answer: a day or two before departure

Question 3. The Canary Islands are part of:
Correct answer: Spain

Question 4. Before booking a tour with a tour operator you should:
Correct answer: conclude an agreement with the tourist and take an advance payment

Question 5. There are no ski resorts in this country:
Correct answer: Egypt

Level 2
Of course, a lot can be learned in practice. But you already have theoretical knowledge. At least that's what your employer hopes.

Question 1. Money to pay for the tour should be accepted from the client:
Correct answer: in rubles

Question 2. To travel to Switzerland, a tourist will need:
Correct answer: Swiss visa

Question 3. The responsibilities of the travel agency include providing the tourist with information:
Correct answer: about the country of temporary stay, rules of entry into it, traditions and customs and rules of behavior in it

Question 4. What is the difference between FB and all inclusive meal plans?
Correct answer: FB – Full Board, i.e. full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner). All inclusive - “all inclusive” and you can eat at almost any time.

Question 5. The international passport of a tourist who has purchased a tour to France must be valid for:
Correct answer: at least 3.5 months from the end of the trip

Question 6. What is a ski-pass?
Correct answer: ski lift pass

Question 7. The Costa Brava resort is located:
Correct answer: on the Spanish coast

Question 8. A tourist has the right to file a claim with the company within:
Correct answer: 20 days from the date of return from travel

Question 9. The Brazilian carnival takes place:
Correct answer: in February

Question 10. What is the difference between Twin and DBL room types?
Correct answer: TWIN – double room with two beds, DBL with one.

Level 3
No one claims that at the very beginning of your career in tourism you should know absolutely everything... But the more, the better.

Question 1. Which destination has been the most popular on the Russian market in the summer for several years in a row?
Correct answer: Türkiye

Question 2. Characteristics of the Val d'Aosta region:
Correct answer: the highest mountain in Italy

Question 3. Instead of one five-star hotel at the resort, a tourist was accommodated in another also at the 5-star level, and he demands financial compensation, calling from abroad in a panic. Your actions:
Correct answer: I’ll explain to him that, according to the terms of the contract, the hotel can be replaced with an equivalent one, but I’ll try to help

Question 4. Travel agency managers are sent on promotional tours so that they:
Correct answer: improved their qualifications, looked at hotels and resorts

Question 5. Which application method is not used in tourism?
Correct answer: by regular mail

Question 6. A tourist fills out a form for the French consulate. What data will he not need?
Correct answer: address of actual residence of father, mother

Question 7. Port Louis is:
Correct answer: capital of the island of Mauritius

Question 8. The main documents that are issued to the tourist when paying for the tour are:
Correct answer: tourist voucher (or cash receipt) and contract

Question 9. The concept of “slop flight” means:
Correct answer: the plane is parked at the airport of the country of arrival until the departure time of the group arriving on it

Question 10. In online booking systems of tour operators:
Correct answer: you can book a tour

Question 11. The resort of Lido di Jesolo is located in the region:
Correct answer: Venetian Riviera

Question 13. What is the largest of the Seychelles islands?
Correct answer: Mahe

Question 14. The UAE includes:
Correct answer: 7 emirates

Question 15. For a tourist going on a sightseeing tour in Europe, the following is mandatory:
Correct answer: health insurance

This test can be performed by both students and employees of travel agencies. At the same time, students who have not completed an internship in a travel agency or who do not have experience working in one should model the answers to the questions posed as truthfully as possible based on the principle: “What would I do in this case if I were at the workplace?”

  • 1. Do you think that while at work, it is necessary to imbue with the spirit of a “serviceman” and work tirelessly for the sake of clients?
  • 1) yes;
  • 2) no;
  • 3) diligence is necessary only within the limits of your job responsibilities, since you are employed;
  • 4) the degree of effort must clearly correspond to the salary you receive.
  • 2. When working with clients of a travel agency, is it necessary to invest your whole soul in smoothing out some conflict situations, or is it more advisable to have high professionalism to prevent these conflicts?
  • 1) a sincere attitude towards the client is the key to the commercial success of the travel agency and your personal well-being;
  • 2) working as a professional, you will never receive criticism from your superiors and will not create financial and other problems for the travel agency;
  • 3) professionalism does not involve “heartfelt” work with clients, but is based on formalized service technology.
  • 3. You know that customers like it when the staff is friendly and smiling, but:
  • 1) you can’t smile at work all day;
  • 2) you have personal problems when there is no time for smiling;
  • 3) you can play along with your clients like an actor, even when you are not having fun at all;
  • 4) for your detachment from the complexities of real life and transformation, you need an appropriate salary, significantly more than the current one;
  • 5) with some clients you behave in a purely formal and strict manner, although you show more attention to those you like.
  • 4. Organization of production in your travel agency:
  • 1) completely satisfies you;
  • 2) needs improvement;
  • 3) does not satisfy you.
  • 5. You organize your work:
  • 1) focusing only on one’s own interests;
  • 2) focusing only on the interests of your department;
  • 3) focusing on the interests of all divisions of the travel agency.
  • 6. You believe that your salary corresponds to your qualifications and hard work:
  • 1) in full;
  • 2) partially;
  • 3) does not correspond.
  • 7. Do you think that the principle “I will be a good subordinate, thinking about the time when I myself will become a boss”:
  • 1) should be your motto;
  • 2) is only partially true, because obtaining a higher position depends not only on the conscientious performance of one’s duties;
  • 3) is incorrect because you will never become a boss.
  • 3) would not have received high results due to the inability to work for show.
  • 9. Do you think that the tourism business is:
  • 1) satisfying all the client’s needs and even his whims;
  • 2) satisfying the client’s needs in accordance with the payment made;
  • 3) the opportunity for the client to receive the widest possible range of services.
  • 10. Depending on who your client is, service him:
  • 1) changes;
  • 2) does not change, since all clients are equal for you.
  • 11. How do you behave with clients of different ages?
  • 1) you should behave more strictly with young clients than with older ones;
  • 2) all clients are equal to you, otherwise misunderstandings may arise.
  • 12. The proverb “What goes around comes around” applies to the tourism business:
  • 1) in full;
  • 2) partly;
  • 3) not applicable.
  • 13. Courtesy to clients and good opinion of clients about the travel agency:
  • 1) are interconnected;
  • 2) are interconnected, but the opinion of clients about the tourist service is determined not only by this;
  • 3) are poorly connected, since a high-quality tourism service base has not been created.
  • 14. Do you think it is necessary to know the main economic indicators of the travel agency in which you work?
  • 1) no;
  • 2) yes.
  • 3) partially necessary; knowledge of the economic indicators of a travel agency is not needed in your work.
  • 15. Do you think it is necessary to know the birthdays of all employees of a travel agency?
  • 1) yes;
  • 2) no;
  • 3) only people close to you.
  • 16. Your attitude to the Internal Labor Regulations:
  • 1) you always follow all the rules;
  • 2) there are circumstances that prevent the unconditional implementation of all the rules of the routine;
  • 3) you do not strictly adhere to the rules of the routine, but you have no complaints.
  • 17. How many cigarettes do you smoke during the working day?
  • 1) not at all;
  • 2) no more than three or four;
  • 3) no more than five or six;
  • 4) near the pack.
  • 18. You believe that the way you dress at work means:
  • 1) maximum comfort of clothing for performing work;
  • 2) beauty and matching of clothes to the interior;
  • 3) your financial situation, which allows or does not allow you to wear those accessories that you like in addition to uniform;
  • 4) suitability of the style and uniform of clothing for your position and work performed.
  • 19. If it’s cold in a travel agency, do you have the right to wear warm socks over your tights?
  • 1) yes;
  • 2) no.
  • 20. Do you think that the length of the skirts of travel agency employees should be unified, for example, strictly 2-3 centimeters above or below the knees?
  • 1) yes, you think so;
  • 2) no, you don’t think so;
  • 3) you cannot answer unequivocally, since fashion is changeable, and figures are individual.
  • 21. What would you sacrifice or neglect if you were short of money or time?
  • 1) hairstyle;
  • 2) makeup (cosmetics);
  • 3) fashionable or beautiful clothes;
  • 4) decorations
  • 5) you cannot neglect anything.
  • 22. Do you think it is acceptable for male employees of a travel agency who communicate with clients to wear a beard and mustache?
  • 1) yes, this is acceptable;
  • 2) a neatly trimmed beard and short mustache are acceptable;
  • 3) only wearing a mustache is acceptable;
  • 4) this is unacceptable.
  • 23. What is your attitude towards travel agency employees wearing hairpieces or wigs?
  • 1) this is their personal business;
  • 2) this is unacceptable for aesthetic and hygienic reasons;
  • 3) not recommended;
  • 4) possible with severe hair defects.
  • 24. Do you consider the length and color of your nails to be a purely personal matter?
  • 1) yes;
  • 2) no;
  • 3) this is a rather intimate issue that is not subject to discussion.
  • 25. If you do manicures, what nail color do you prefer at work?
  • 1) colorless;
  • 2) bright, in harmony with clothes;
  • 3) extravagant (green, with ornaments, etc.);
  • 4) you do a manicure, but don’t paint your nails.
  • 5) you don't do a manicure.
  • 26. If clients address you as “girl” and you are over 30 years old, or “woman” and you are under 35 years of age, you:
  • 1) make a polite remark to the client, sometimes reducing everything to a joke;
  • 2) take this request for granted and fulfill the client’s request;
  • 3) do not enter into an argument with the client, but by your behavior you show that he has insulted you;
  • 4) pay him in the same coin, having an ironic answer in advance.
  • 27. How do you feel about clients wearing white socks and black shoes?
  • 1) you think that these are very fashionable people;
  • 2) you don’t think it’s very beautiful, although, perhaps, such a style is their personal matter;
  • 3) you believe that these people do not have refined taste.
  • 28. What would you prefer at work?
  • 1) comfort and lightness of suede or fabric shoes;
  • 2) the beauty of patent leather shoes;
  • 3) it doesn’t matter, the main thing is the cleanliness of the shoes.
  • 29. What shoes should you prefer for work?
  • 1) open;
  • 2) closed.
  • 30. How do you feel about the possible requirement of the travel agency management to work in tights or stockings in the summer?
  • 1) this is an unprincipled issue, and you are indifferent to it;
  • 2) positive;
  • 3) generally negative, since tights and stockings will probably not be included in the uniform provided free of charge;
  • 4) extremely negative, since in our climate this is impossible.
  • 31. Do you consider it mandatory for female staff of a travel agency to remove leg hair?
  • 1) yes;
  • 2) no;
  • 3) this is a woman’s personal matter.
  • 32. Is it possible for a travel agency employee over 40 years old not to wear even light makeup at work?
  • 1) of course, because this is her personal business;
  • 2) she should not stand out from the rest of the staff, so makeup is required.
  • 33. Is it possible to wear expensive jewelry at work?
  • 1) possible without restrictions;
  • 2) it is possible if they are not obnoxiously expensive;
  • 3) it is possible, but only in case of the expected arrival of high-ranking clients;
  • 4) it is impossible.
  • 34. Can I wear rings at work?
  • 1) you can have no more than one simple ring on each hand;
  • 2) no more than two rings on each hand;
  • 3) no more than two rings are allowed, but only on one hand;
  • 4) it is impossible.
  • 35. Is it possible to wear glasses on a chain at work?
  • 1) it is possible;
  • 2) undesirable;
  • 3) it is impossible.
  • 36. Is it possible to wear dangling earrings at work?
  • 1) it is possible;
  • 2) possible, but only for young women;
  • 3) possible on especially special occasions;
  • 4) it is impossible.
  • 37. Do you think that any instructions from your immediate superior are mandatory?
  • 1) yes, without discussion;
  • 2) sometimes it is necessary to adjust his instructions and do things a little differently, since the boss does not take into account some of the nuances of the work;
  • 3) often his instructions are subjective and do not help eliminate shortcomings, so you can only imitate their implementation;
  • 4) before following the boss’s instructions, you should agree with him on all the specifics of the proposed changes, since the boss’s lack of information about possible changes that arise as a result of following his instructions may incur his anger on you.
  • 38. When you greet a client, should you look him straight in the eyes?
  • 1) yes;
  • 2) no;
  • 3) you need to quickly look at the guest’s face and look to the side.
  • 39. Is it necessary to smile at a client when meeting him for the first time?
  • 1) yes;
  • 2) depending on your disposition towards him;
  • 3) optional.
  • 40. When you dial a phone number at work, do you have a clear plan for the upcoming conversation in your head?
  • 1) there is;
  • 2) not always;
  • 3) no.
  • 41. When you pick up a ringing phone, what are your first words?
  • 1) travel agency;
  • 2) who speaks?
  • 3) who do you need?
  • 4) hello. Travel agency "X". Manager (state your name);
  • 5) listening;
  • 6) ale;
  • 7) say different words.
  • 42. Do you think that your first words in response to a phone call determine the image of a travel agency?
  • 1) yes;
  • 2) partly;
  • 3) no, because the image of a travel agency is much more than answering a single call.
  • 43. After calling the client, you:
  • 1) introduce yourself on behalf of the travel agency;
  • 2) introduce yourself by your own name, indicate your position and the name of the travel agency;
  • 3) introduce yourself by your position and the name of the travel agency;
  • 4) introduce yourself, but not always.
  • 44. When at work, after what call do you usually pick up the phone?
  • 1) immediately after the first;
  • 2) after the second or third, since the connection may not work;
  • 3) as soon as you are freed from the work preceding the call.
  • 45. Do you adapt to the tempo, timbre of voice, and manner of speaking of your unfamiliar telephone interlocutor?
  • 1) no, because you have a fairly pronounced individuality;
  • 2) depending on the circumstances;
  • 3) adapt, as this works for the authority of the travel agency.
  • 46. ​​When you have finished a telephone conversation with a client, what do you do?
  • 1) immediately hang up;
  • 2) wait for short beeps and then hang up;
  • 3) did not think about it, since it is unimportant.
  • 47. When talking to a stranger on the phone, can you determine his approximate age?
  • 1) yes;
  • 2) no;
  • 3) I’m often wrong.
  • 48. When talking to a stranger on the phone, can you determine his profession?
  • 1) yes;
  • 2) no;
  • 3) not always.
  • 49. If you called, but during a telephone conversation with a subscriber who knows your number, a disconnection occurred, you:
  • 1) wait for his call;
  • 2) call him again;
  • 3) act according to circumstances.
  • 50. Can you say that you have never used your office phone for personal purposes?
  • 1) yes;
  • 2) no;
  • 3) do not want to answer this question for fear of worsening test results.
  • 51. In response to the caller’s arrogance or rudeness, you:
  • 1) never get irritated;
  • 2) sometimes you get irritated;
  • 3) get irritated and rebuff your interlocutor.
  • 52. If you are asked by phone to invite another employee, but he is not nearby, you:
  • 1) ask to call back in a few minutes;
  • 2) ask to wait until this person is invited.
  • 53. If a client uses rude or abusive words in a telephone conversation, you should:
  • 1) answering politely, stop the conversation and hang up;
  • 2) remind the subscriber about the existence of the police;
  • 3) sometimes you need to raise your voice to bring the caller to his senses.
  • 54. If a client asks a question to which you cannot give a comprehensive answer, you must:
  • 1) give an evasive answer, but so that the client does not doubt your competence;
  • 2) admit your lack of competence and offer to contact another employee;
  • 3) take measures to obtain complete information on this issue and respond to the client after some time.
  • 55. Do you think your clients should be called by their first and patronymic names?
  • 1) should not;
  • 2) should not be done, except for celebrities;
  • 3) follows;
  • 4) should if they are regular customers.
  • 56. How do you feel about smoking in the workplace?
  • 1) negative, this is not allowed by the rules;
  • 2) positive, but this is not allowed by the rules;
  • 3) this is your personal business.
  • 57. When saying goodbye to a client, you:
  • 1) don’t react if he doesn’t say goodbye to you;
  • 2) wish him a good journey;
  • 3) say “goodbye”;
  • 4) invite you to visit the travel agency again.
  • 58. If a customer makes a verbal complaint, you:
  • 1) apologize, but only if the complaint is justified;
  • 2) apologize in any case, even if the complaint is unfounded;
  • 3) do not apologize, but try to resolve the conflict by all available means;
  • 4) do not apologize if you personally have nothing to do with the client’s requirements.
  • 59. Did you know that by law you are criminally liable for disclosing information relating to the personal life of your clients?
  • 1) yes, you know;
  • 2) no, you don’t know;
  • 3) you heard something about it, but you don’t know for sure.
  • 60. Is it possible to ask for autographs from famous people buying a tour?
  • 1) it is impossible;
  • 2) it is possible;
  • 3) in some cases this is acceptable.
  • 61. Is it possible to store, for example, certificates of incapacity for work or other papers and documents that are not classified as official documents under glass on the desktop?
  • 1) it is possible, otherwise they may get lost;
  • 2) it is possible, since this is not a violation, and you have not heard of anyone being deprived of a bonus for this;
  • 3) of course, it’s impossible.
  • 62. How would you formulate the main purpose of your work in a travel agency?
  • 1) the opportunity to make a career;
  • 2) the possibility of decent earnings;
  • 3) the opportunity to obtain retirement experience and a decent pension;
  • 4) obtaining pension experience and means of subsistence;
  • 5) concern for the welfare of the client.
  • 63. Do you think it is necessary to praise subordinates?
  • 1) no;
  • 2) yes;
  • 3) sometimes necessary.
  • 64. If you don’t like something, but your boss insists on doing it, you:
  • 1) unquestioningly fulfill his demand;
  • 2) find out the feasibility of the requirement and only then fulfill it;
  • 3) find a reason to refuse to fulfill the requirement.
  • 65. If you strive to perform better than your colleagues, do your efforts become a role model?
  • 1) yes;
  • 2) not always;
  • 3) no;
  • 4) don’t know;
  • 5) you work no better than others.
  • 66. Not only you, but also two other colleagues are applying for a vacancy with a salary higher than yours. What will you do in this situation?
  • 1) you will calmly continue to work, believing that your business qualities do not require advertising;
  • 2) be indifferent to this;
  • 3) you will do everything to prove to others that you are better than other applicants.
  • 67. Your friend managed to advance in her career, among other things, also thanks to the fact that she calmly and efficiently proved to the director of the travel agency the incompetence of her immediate superior. How do you evaluate her behavior?
  • 1) negatively, because the friend behaved without remorse and achieved success at the cost of belittling the merits of another person;
  • 2) there was nothing wrong with this: in work, competence is valued above all;
  • 3) she made a mistake because she should have submitted comments to her immediate superior.
  • 68. When a client approaches your table, you should:
  • 1) rise to greet him;
  • 2) greet only acquaintances or especially important clients while standing;
  • 3) sit in any case, since this is your workplace and it is determined by your job responsibilities;
  • 4) sit, but only if you are talking on the phone or writing at that moment.
  • 69. Do you think the manager of a travel agency should be the first to greet the client?
  • 1) yes;
  • 2) yes, but not in Russian travel agencies;
  • 3) no.
  • 70. What phrase is preferable to greet a client?
  • 1) hello!
  • 2) welcome!
  • 3) good morning (afternoon, evening)!
  • 71. What do you do if a client asks you to pick up a young girl for his trip, for whose trip he is willing to pay?
  • 1) indignantly refuse this request;
  • 2) try to satisfy his request, if possible;
  • 3) gently, but definitely refuse.
  • 72. If a client cannot find glasses before filling out documents and asks one of the employees for suitable glasses, you:
  • 1) satisfy his request;
  • 2) fill out documents for him;
  • 3) refuse to give glasses, since they are a personal item.

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Tests by discipline


1. Ancient Greek scientist, “father of history”:

A) Herodotus

B) Strabo

C) Eratosthenes

D) Archimedes

E) Plato tourism development travel world

2. The very first alphabet in human history, containing 22 characters, was invented by:


D) Egyptians

E) Assyrians

3. Physiographic region where the remains of the ancient Sumerian civilization were discovered:

A) Mesopotamia

B) River valley Nile

C) Amazon

D) Semirechye

E) Volga region

4. In Greek policies, “Hospitality Unions” were created, whose members took upon themselves to protect the interests of residents of another policy. What were the members of this union called:

A) Xenami

B) Xenons

C) Argons

D) Argonauts

E) Guests

5. The descendants of the Phoenicians founded a city-state on the northern coast of the African continent:

A) Carthage

C) Tripoli


E) Alexandria

6. In ancient Greece, the rights of hospitality were under the protection of the god ……………, whom Homer called “………… - hospitable” -

A) Zeus

B) Apollo

7. Chinese traveler, who collected legends and stories about Buddha, described about 30 states of Central Asia and India, and published the work “Description of Buddhist States”:

A) Fa Xian

B) Xiao Ping

C) Jiang Ju

D) Qinn Jin

E) Sima Qiang

8. The geographical knowledge of the Arabs was summarized at the beginning of the 13th century in the “Geographical Dictionary”, which was published:

A) Yakut;

B) Ferdowsi;

C) Al-Biruni;

D) Avrasiyap;

E ) Al-Farabi

9. European traveler who first traveled to the headquarters of the Mongol Khan through the territory of modern Kazakhstan in Karakorum in 1245 -

A) Plano Carpini

B ) Marco Polo

C) Guillaume Rubruk

D) Mario Casablanca

E) Pablo Rapini

10. The name of the first guidebook for pilgrims, published in Byzantium in the second half of the 8th century -

A) The Tale of Syria and the Holy City

B) The Tale of Carthage and the ways to achieve it

C) Guide to the Mediterranean

D) The Tale of Syria and the Ways to Reach It

E) The Tale of the Prophetic Oleg

11. The beginning of the Middle Ages was marked by:

A) The Great Migration of Peoples

B) Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars

C) The beginning of the Crusades

D) The campaigns of Alexander the Great

E) The Great October Revolution

12. The city in which, by order of Charlemagne, the first special hospice house for pilgrims was built, consisting of 12 rooms with a library:

A) Jerusalem

D) Babylon

E) Damascus

13. Secretary of the embassy of the Baghdad emir Muktadir, sent to the Volga Bulgars who converted to Islam in 921-922, passing along the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea -

A) Ahmad Ibn Fodlan

B) Ibn Sina

C) Ibn Basta

D) Al-Farabi

E) Abdullahat-Ibn-Safari

14. The leader of the expedition, which in 1643 reached the mouth of the Kolyma River and established the Nizhnekolyma winter quarters:

A) M. Stadukhin

B) Shapoval G.F.

C) Khatshepsutov N.

D) Mariotti V.P.

E) Dainov P.

15. Catherine II is considered the patroness of travel lovers in Russia, who visited the Imatra Falls on the river:

A) Vuoksi

B) Daugava

C) Pripyat

A) M. Kashgari

WITH ) Al-Farabi

D) M. Zhumabaev

E) M. Auezov

17. The first large “Earth Globe” was made in 1492:

A) MartinBeheim

B) Mikhailo Lomanosov

C) Ulrich Cortes

D) Afanasy Nikitin.

E) Martin Unzicker

18. Peter I in 1779 sent an expedition to study Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin under the leadership of:

A) I. Evreinova and F. Luzhina

B) R. Damskova and R. Forina

C) K. Kotina and Zh. Sholokhova

D) B. Digova and P. Lorina

E) A. Vorina and E. Kosina

19. Russian navigator who first sailed from the Arctic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean:

A) V. Bering

B) P. Berg

D) M. Dezhnev

E) R. Chelyuskin

20. The first Kazakh traveler who traveled in 1910-1912. trip around the world:

A) A. Dzhangildin

B) M. Zhumabaev

C) Sh. Ualikhanov

D) Y. Altynsarin

E) M. Auezov

21. In 1698, the “Drawing of All Siberia” was published, in which the territory of Kazakhstan was depicted for the first time, the author of which was:

A) S. Remezov

B) O. Shapovalov

C) Z. Abramov

D) P. Farezov

E) L. Dokuchaev

22. The first round-the-world voyage of Russian navigators in 1803-1806. headed by:

A) I. Krusenstern

B) A. Zhorin

C) V. Ivanov

D) P. Lazarev

E) O. Liechtenstein

23. Russian traveler who made the first trip around the world by bicycle from 1911 to 1913:

A) A. Pankratov

B) V. Vedenin

C) A. Konin

D) F. Nikitin

E) E. Karamzin

24. At the end of 1928, after the liquidation of the United Excursion Bureau, in order to transition to mass tourist and excursion work, the following was created:

B) Society of Cyclist Tourists

C) Society of Excursionists - Explorers

D) Society of Tourist Travelers

E) Society of Hunters and Fishermen

25. The All-Union youth tour to places of military glory began in honor of the 20th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in the city:

A) Brest

B) True

C) Berlin

E) Semipalatinsk

26. Ancient Greek scientist, founder of the mathematical and astronomical direction in geography, who determined the size of the Earth and introduced the concept of “geography” into science:

A) Eratosthenes

B) Plutarch

C) Aristotle

D) Herodotus

E) Archimedes

27. The first maritime expedition of the Phoenicians around Africa in the 6th century. BC. equipped:

A) Pharaoh NechoII

B) Yu. Caesar

C) A. Makedonsky

D) Pharaoh Tutankhamun

E) Pharaoh Uzertezen

28. Ancient Greek scientist, in whose works the territory of modern Kazakhstan was first mentioned:

A) Herodotus

B) Eratosthenes

C) Plato

D) Strabo

E) Archimedes

29. The first road in the Roman Empire between Rome and Capua, which the historian Procopius called one of the “Wonders of the World”:

A) Appian Way

B) Macedonian road

C) Transapenine road

D) Italian road

E) Roman road

30. Ancient Greek scientist who founded the first natural science museum, teacher of A. Makedonsky:

A) Aristotle

B) Eratosthenes

C) Plutarch

D) Herodotus

E) Archimedes

31. Egyptian navigator, in the 2nd millennium BC. e. sailed to the East and reached the country of Kedem (Hindustan Peninsula):

A) Sinuchitis

B) Trabzon

C) Tutankhamun VI

D) Herodotus

E) Sapurite

32. The diplomatic mission, which took place for the first time along the route of the Great Silk Road, was conducted under the leadership of the Chinese ambassador:

A) Zhang Qian

B) Fa Xian

C) Jiang Ju

D) Qinn Jin

E) Xiao Ping

33. Encyclopedist scientist, traveler, who collected extensive material about Indian culture and life, and published the work “Kannon Masuda”:

A) Biruni

B) Kanafi

C) Punjabi

E) Paruni

A) Ibn al-Wardi

B) Ibn Sina

C) Al-Biruni

D) Al-Arash

35. French monk who traveled through the territory of modern Kazakhstan in 1253. to the headquarters of the Mongol Khan and described in his works the medieval city of Koyalyk (Almaty region) -

A) Guillaume Rubruk

B) Plano Carpini

C) Marco Polo

D) Mario Casablanca

E) Pablo Rapini

36. A European traveler who first visited China by land and returned 25 years later by sea:

A) Marco Polo

B) Colombo

C) Magellan

D) Carpini

E) Rubruk

37. The Pope who announced the beginning of the Great Crusades in 1095:

A) UrbanII

B) Selevan III

WITH ) Johann IV

D) Tiren II

E) Nicodemus III

38. The famous water trade route, which was laid by the Slavs “from the Varangians to the Greeks”:

A) Dneprovsky

B) Egyptian

C) Baltic

D) Volzhsky

E) Syrdara

39. Kiev prince, who made the first journey by boat from Kyiv to the Lower Vistula in 1041:

A) Yaroslav the Wise

B) Nikolai Kyiv

C) Yaroslav Sovelsky

D) Nikolay Donskoy

E) Karpion Yaroslavsky

40. The Florentine bishop, sent in 1338 to the Mongol Khan Shundi with a “living gift” (Arabian horse), passed through the territory of modern Kazakhstan along the Carpini route:

A) D. Marignola

B) P. Ronaldi

C) E. Carpignoni

D) R. Maldivi

E) E. Giovanni

41. Syrian scientist of the 13th century, who wrote the work “Ordering Countries” or “Table of Lands” in common parlance “Geography”, which describes about 30 regions (climates) of the Earth:

A) Abul Fida

B) Abd el-Farhoud

C) Ahmad ibn Fodlan

D) Ahmad Sina

E) Ibn Sina

42. The famous Russian traveler who traveled to India and published the work “Walking across Three Seas”:

A) A. Nikitin

B) P. Rogipov

C) P. Nikitinsky

D) A. Salyukin

E) P. Sharapov

43. Phoenician navigator who first discovered the “Land of Tin” (England):

A) Hamilcon

B) Magellan

C) Hanno

D) Plutarch

E) Hannibal

44. The annexation of Siberia to Russia began in 1581 with the campaign:

A) Ataman Ermak

B) Ataman Dezhnev

C) Ataman Kolovrat

D) Ataman Yudenich

E) Ataman Chelyuskin

45. English navigator who made the first three voyages around the world:

A) J. Cook

B) Thomas Cook

C) R. Jefferson

D) G. Williams

E) S. Johnson

46. ​​Norwegian explorer who reached the South Pole for the first time in December 1911:

A) R. Amundsen

B) S. Amersen

C) N. Carnegian

D) G. Jefferson

E) P. Robertsen

47. In 1926, under the People's Commissariat of Education of the USSR, the United Excursion Bureau was created, which did not include:

A) Society of Proletarian Tourism

B) Bureau of long-distance excursions

C) Excursion bureau at the People's Commissariat for Education

D) Tour desk at the museum department

E) Society of Cyclist Tourists

48. The camp site, which in 1943 housed the All-Union School for the training of “Instructors” for mountain rifle units of the Soviet Army -

A) "Gorelnik"

B) "Patriot"

C) "Shooter"

D) "Zarnitsa"

E) "Instructor"

49. Name the year in which the International Union of Official Tourism Organizations (IUOTO) was reorganized into the World Tourism Organization (WTO):

A) 1968

50. The country is the leader in receiving foreign tourists in 1995:

A) France

B) Portugal

C) England

D) Spain

E) Italy

51. Ancient Chinese scientist, who is called the “Chinese Herodotus” (father of Chinese historiography):

A) Sima Qian

B) Zheng He

C) Mao Zedong

D) Confucius

E) Al-Farabi

52. Ancient Greek navigator who first attempted to reach the North Pole:

A) Pytheas

B) Aristotle

C) Plato

E) Strabo

53. An ancient Greek scientist who published the famous work “Geography” of 17 books, which was the result of the geographical knowledge of the “ancient world”:

A) Strabo

B) Herodotus

C) Eratosthenes

D) Archimedes

E) Plato

54. The main factor hindering the development of tourism and travel in Ancient Rome:

A) Lack of road network

B) Lack of accommodation

C) Lack of treatment places

D) Military campaigns

E) Lack of tourist organizations

55. An ancient Greek traveler-seafarer who sailed to the mouth of the river. Indus, who established the patterns of monsoon movement in the Indian Ocean, published the work “Navigation around the Erythraean Sea”:

A) Merchant Gippal

B) Marco Polo

C) Ferdinand Magellan

D) Merchant Strabo

E) Navigator Nearchus

56. Voyage of the Argonauts for the Golden Fleece to Colchis in the 13th century BC. headed by:

A) Yasson

B) Pytheos

D) Plutarch

E) Zimarch

57. Egyptian pharaoh, who sailed to the upper reaches of the Nile River, founded a fortress there and established a boundary pillar:

A) Userthesen

B) Tezerhat

C) Hatshepsut

D) Tutankhamun

E) Stilberger

58. Under the leadership of this outstanding Arab scientist of the 12th century, a semblance of the “Vault of Heaven” made of silver was built in Palermo, as well as the Earth’s disk with images of the “climates” of the Earth with their countries and regions:

A) Idrisi

B) Biruni

C) Ferduosi

D) Ibn Basta

E) Al-Farabi

59. A European traveler, while in captivity, visited many countries of Central and Central Asia, Transcaucasia and Western Asia for 27 years:

A) Hans Stilberger

B) Plano Carpini

C) Guillon Rubruk

D) Giovani Marioti

E) Silvio Berlusconi

60. The first state in Western Asia, founded in 1096 by the crusaders during the First Crusade:

A) Edessa County

B) Greek county

C) Athenian state

D) Western Asian state

A) Kyiv monk Nestor

B) Arab Shah Ibn Sutra

C) Slavic scribe R. Vernad

D) Moscow Prince Yu. Dolgoruky

E) Kyiv Prince Yu. Dolgoruky

62. The famous water trade route, which was laid by the Slavs from the “Varyags to the Khazars”:

A) Volzhsky

B) Magadan

C) Volga-Slavic

D) Pridneprovsky

E) Baltic

63. A. Nikitin’s journey to India, which is described in his work “Walking across Three Seas,” was completed:

A) in 1468-1472.

B) in 1456-1457.

C) in 1468-1478.

D) in 1434-1472.

E) in 1467-1472.

64. He led the exodus of Jews from Egypt to Palestine:

A) Moses

65. Russian ambassador who visited 1618-1619. China, his work “Drawing and painting about the Chinese region:

A) Ivan Petlin

B) Ivan Sukhozhilin

C) Ivan Sokolov

D) Ivan Karasev

E) Ivan Konyukhov

66. The strait separating North America and Eurasia was discovered by an expedition in 1648:

A) Dezhneva

B) Zhdanov

S) Severtseva

D) Timurenko

E) Dozhmanova

67. The first circumnavigation of the world in 1519-1522. The expedition was carried out under the leadership of:

A) F. Magellan

B) Hanno

C) J. Cook

D) Marco Polo

E) H. Columba

68. The discovery of the continent of Antarctica was made by a Russian round-the-world expedition in 1819-1821. under the direction of:

A) F. Bellingshausen and M. Lazarev

B) P. Reshov and F. Bellingshausen

WITH ) M. Lazareva and P. Reshova

D) T. Medvedev and F. Bellingshauser

E) M. Lazarev and P. Dezhneva

69. The first tourist organization created in 1919 in the Soviet Union:

A) School excursion bureau.

B) Bureau of Young Talents

C) Bureau of Young Tourists

D) Bureau of school tourists and excursionists

E) School Tourism Bureau

70. The resolution of the Council of People's Commissars on the merger of JSC "Soviet Tourist" and the "Society of Proletarian Tourism" was adopted:

71. The All-Union youth tourist trip to places of military glory was massive in form and continued:

A) from 1965 to 1987

B) from 1865 to 1988

C) from 1965 to 1969

D) from 1968 to 1987

E) from 1970 to 1987.

72. The first Alpine Mountain Club under the Caucasian “Natural History Society” arose in the city:

A) Tiflis, 1877

B) Tashkent, 1876

C) Tehran, 1867

D) Yerevan, 1878

E) Turin, 1879

73. Scientist and traveler, teacher of A. Makedonsky, founder of the first natural science museum:

A) Aristotle

B) Herodotus

C) Eratosthenes

D) Procopius

E) Plutarch

74. The diplomatic mission that first passed along the route of the “Great Silk Road” was carried out under the leadership of:

A) Zhan Qiang

B) Sima Qiang

C) Zhang He

D) Fa Sanya

E) Dao of Xing

75. The most ancient city in the north-west of the Hindustan Peninsula, called by Pakistani archaeologists S.A. Naqvi “Manhattan of the Bronze Age”:

A) Mohenjo Daro

C) Karachi

D) Babylon

E) Ahmedabad

76. To travel outside of Athens and Sparta in Ancient Greece, “foreign passports” were used, called:

A) sphragis

B) stellis

C) stelons

D) strabis

E) spargus

77. The First Crusade, called the “Campaign of the Poor,” was carried out:

A) in 1196 g

78. One of the rulers of the Middle Ages, who drowned during the Third Crusade in 1189:

A) Emperor Frederick II

B) Emperor Frederick I

C) Emperor Bonaparte

D) Pope Urban II

E) King Charlemagne

79. The most outstanding pilgrimage to Palestine, during which the features of nature, the animal world, and the main occupation of the population were described, was made at the beginning of the 12th century:

A) Daniel

B) Albanil

C) Pavlon

D) Jerekhonin

E) Dmitry

80. An Italian monk sent by the Pope to China, at whose suggestion a Catholic Cathedral with a belfry and 3 bells was built opposite the Khan’s court:

A) D. Montecorvino

B) Sh. Maldivi

C) O. Giovanni

D) P. Carpignoni

E) S. Ronaldi

81. The Arab caliph who sent Emperor Charlemagne the keys to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the most sacred city of Jerusalem:

A) Harun Al-Rashid

B) Harun-Ibn-Fida

C) Haroun Al Safari

D) Ibn Al-Rashid

E) Harun-Ibn-Safari

82. The first centralized state in Mesopotamia (XXIV century BC) was created by one of the greatest conquerors of antiquity, called the “King of the Gods”:

A) Alexander the Great

B) Gaius Julius Caesar

C) Hannibal the Great

D) Sargon the Great

E) Cyrus the Great

83. The annexation of Siberia to Russia began with the campaign of the Kazakh ataman Ermak to:

A) 1581

B) 1582

C) 1589

D) 1580

E) 1585

84. The navigator who discovered America in 1492:

A) H. Columbus

B) F. Magellan

C) Marco Polo

E) Carpini

85. The mainland of Australia was discovered by an expedition in 1606:

A) V. Janszona

B) V. Jankensee

C) V. Yangtsin

E) V. Yandu

86. Made a voyage to India around the continent of Africa in 1497-1499. expedition:

A) Vasco da Gama

B) Viejo de Lomo

C) H. Columbus

D) Marco Polo

87. Russian traveler who made the first trip around the world, the walking part of which was 26,877 km:

A) K. Rengarten

B) N. Rozhikov

C) D. Preobrazhensky

D) N. Voylok

E) R. Petrovsky

88. Date of the First Regional Studies Conference of the RSFSR and the publication of special journals “Local Studies” and “CBK” on the initiative of the People's Commissariat for Education and the Academy of Sciences:

A) December 1921

B) February, 1921

C) April 1921

D) January, 1921

89. What was the name of the Bureau of International Youth Tourism in the USSR -

A) Satellite

E) Tourist

90. The beginning of the emergence of organized tourism in Russia is considered to be 1777, when the “Plan for an Entrepreneurial Travel to Foreign Lands” was published in Moscow, the author of which was:

A) V. Gensch

B) R. Planche

C) S. Rold

D) O. Herald

E) R. Punch

91. The first tourist base founded on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

A) Gorelnik

B) Tourist base

C) Base Bayan-aul

D) Zolotoy Bor

E) Sosnovy Bor

92. The subject of studying the history of tourism is:

A) Patternsemergence,developmentand the formation of the tourist movement

B) Tourism Natural Resources Information System

C) Patterns of economic development in various countries

D) Patterns of development of nature

E) Biographies of famous travelers

93. The main goal of studying the history of tourism in the ancient, medieval and modern periods of the general history of mankind:

A) Identifying the initial motives of a person seeking to move in time and space

B) Studying the culture of different peoples

C) Study of the economy of that period

D) Collection of anthropological information

E) Identification of information about natural and cultural monuments

94. Define the concept of “hypodynamia”:

A) Impaired body function caused by insufficient physical activity

B) Decrease in arterial - blood pressure

C) Experimental learning of a person during natural sleep

D) Decreased tissue tone and muscle tension

E) Enlarging something to an abnormal size

95. Define the concept of “international tourist”:

A) Tourists traveling outside their country of permanent residence and included in WTO statistics

B) Tourists coming to a foreign country for a period of less than one day

C) Travelers traveling within the country where they reside permanently

D) Tourists traveling outside the country of permanent residence

E) Tourists traveling outside the WTO statistics

96. Name the main feature of the aesthetic function of tourism:

A) The opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature and the creations of artists, sculptors, architects

B) The ability to relieve stress after hard work

C) The ability to perform socially significant tasks

D) Opportunity to meet new people

E) The ability to develop positive human qualities

97. The first “tourists” were called:

A) Grand Tour participants

B) Missionaries

C) Politicians

D) Pilgrims

E) Military

98. "Vademecum" is:

A) Guide

B) List of hotel rooms

C) Adventure novel of the Middle Ages

D) Instructions for those entering the monastery

E) Restaurant menu

99. International tourism means:

B) Outbound tourism

C) Inbound tourism

D) Travel within one state

E) Ethnographic travels

100. Travel is:

A) Movement of people in time and space

B) Method of movement

C) Mass social phenomenon

D) Mass political phenomenon

E) Transport movements of people

101. The concept of “tourism” corresponds to:

A) A special case of travel

B) A person’s stay outside the place of residence for up to 24 hours.

C) Method of obtaining money

D) Nomadism

E) Departure for residence in another state

102. The priority of social tourism presupposes:

A) Advantages of social tourism associated with the implementation of constitutional rights

B) Offering cheap tours for low-income people

C) Priority of measures to provide tourism to low-income groups of the population

E) Predominance in groups of low-income tourists

A) The most dynamically developing

B ) Most developing

C) Poorly developing

D) Moderately developing

E) Developing

104. WTO falls into the category:

A) Intergovernmental organization

B) Government organizations

C) Legislature

D) Intragovernmental organization

E) Financial authorities

105. Urbanization contributes to:

A) Increasing the volume of domestic and international tourism

B) Decline of tourism

C) Changes in the form of tourism

D) Regression of tourism

E) Decrease in demand for tourism

106. International tourism is one of the largest export industries, which include:

107. Insurance business is used in tourism primarily for insurance:

A) Life and health of tourists

B) Real estate

C) Movable assets

D) Tourist property

E) Family members

108. Goals of tourism:

A) Health improvement, cognition, professional and business, sports, religious

C) Cognitive

D) Recreational

E) Individual

109. Tourism business is:

A) Tourism entrepreneurship

C) Type of income

C) Type of activity of tourists

D) Type of activity of guides

E) Money from tourism

110. Hospitality:

A) Harmonious combination of tourism services production

B) Sphere of sending tourists

C) Level of service

D) Tourist reception area

E) Hotel services

111. Name the main social purpose of tourism:

A) Increasing the duration and improving the quality of human life

B) Obtaining funds

C) Gaining higher status

D) Obtaining privileges

E) Creation of new jobs

112. One of the natural human needs that relates to tourism:

A) Discovery and learning new things

B) Availability of food

C) Availability of housing

D) Availability of clothing

E) Procreation

113. Of the above, one of the social functions of tourism includes:

A) Wellness

B) Informative

C) Production

D) Statistical

E) Demographic

114. The social function of tourism, which is realized only by natural resources:

A) Sports

B) Pilgrimage

C) Creative

D) Aesthetic

E) Social-communicative

115. Define the term “travel”:

A) Movement of people in space and time, regardless of

B) Travel for commercial purposes

C) Air flight

D) Sailing

E) Obtaining information about another country

116. Specify the correct definition of the concept “international tourism”:

A) The combination of inbound and outbound tourism

B) Travel of citizens of our country abroad

C) Outbound tourism

D) Entry lockjaw

E) Travel of foreign citizens within the territory of our country

117. The first purposeful travels of man around the globe for educational purposes began:

A) 5-6 thousand years ago

B) 2 thousand years ago

C) 9-12 thousand years ago

D) 20 thousand years ago

E) 3-4 thousand years ago

118. Name the essence of the first division of human labor:

A) Separation of animal husbandry from agriculture

B) Separation of mental labor from physical labor

C) Separation of crafts from agriculture and cattle breeding

D) Division of labor of merchants and cattle breeders

E) Division of labor of farmers and breeders

119. Factor that stimulated the organization of targeted travel in the 2nd millennium BC:

A) The transition of humanity from matriarchy to patriarchy

B) The onset of the great glaciation

C) Rising sea levels

D) Division of humanity into races

E) Transformation of gathering into agriculture

120. Name the main book that has come down to us by the traveler Strabo (64-63 BC, 23-24 AD):

A) Geography

B) History

C) Hydrography

D) Anabasis

E) Historiography

121. The main motivation for ancient travel:

A) The desire to own lands, resources and trade

C) Organize tourist routes

C) Acquaintance with the traditions and customs of peoples

D) Relieve stress

E) Trade only

122. Travel around Europe in 320 BC. undertook:

A) Pythias

B) Ibn Battuta

C) Herodotus

D) Eric the Red

E) Aristotle

123. One of the ancient travelers who left behind a unique work “On the Ocean”:

A) Pythias

B) Ibn Battuta

C) Herodotus

D) Eric the Red

E) Aristotle

124. In pre-Columbian times, these travelers reached Greenland and founded their colonies:

A) German

B) English

C) Spanish

D) Vikings

E) French

125. He led expeditions of immigrants from Iceland to Greenland in 982:

A) Eric the Red

B) Ibn Battuta

D) Herodotus

E) Aristotle

126. The American continent “discovered”:

A) Christopher Columbus.

B) Vasco da Gama.

C) Ferdinand Magellan.

D) Livingston.

E) Marco Polo.

127. In the history of tourism development there are ____ stages:

128. The idea of ​​the first ever “Businessman Lunch” belongs to:

A) Sequius Locata

B) Rene Bordeaux

C) Nostradamus

D) Archimedes

E) Herodotus

129. The pilgrims' journeys to Palestine began:

A) in the III-IV centuries.

B) in the V-VI centuries.

C) in the IV-V centuries.

D) in the VI-VII centuries.

E) in the II-III centuries.

130. In the 8th century. he established rest houses for pilgrims:

A) Charlemagne

B) Pope Pius V

C) Caliph Omar

D) Emperor Constantine

E) Sultan Baybars

131. An inn is:

A) The oldest enterprise in the hospitality sector

B) Cabby parking area

C) Place where the convoys stop

D) Caravan resting place

E) A resting place for auto travelers

132. Factors that determined the organization of the first purposeful human travel:

A) Division of human labor

B) Creation of the first land vehicles

C) Transition from matriarchy to patriarchy

D) The Great Glaciation on Earth

E) The need to discover new lands

133. The first organized traveler in the history of the ancient world was:

A) Merchant

C) Hunter

D) Navigator

E) Pilgrim

134. In this city, one of the “seven wonders of the world” was built - the Faros lighthouse:

A) Alexandria of Egypt

B) Ecbatany

C) Babylon

135. This consequence of Alexander the Great's eastern campaign contributed to the further development of organized travel:

A) Connection of caravan routes from the East and sea routes from the Mediterranean countries

B) Development of trade

C) Penetration of the Macedonians into Asia

D) Formation of new kingdoms

E) Construction of new cities

136. The factor that most stimulated the development of organized travel in Ancient Egypt:

A) Identification of merchants into a special category of the population

B) Construction of new cities

C) Development of rivers as transport arteries

D) Mapping

E) Development of geography

137. The factor that most stimulated the development of travel organization in Ancient Arabia in the 7th century:

A) The emergence of a world religion - Islam

B) The emergence of new cities

C) The emergence of a world religion - Buddhism

D) Development of historical science

E) The emergence of a world religion - Christianity

138. The factor that most stimulated the development of organized travel in Ancient China:

A) Silk production

B) Invention of hieroglyphic writing

C) Making tea

D) Beginning of iron mining and processing

E) Invention of the compass

139. Name the most famous traveler and explorer, predecessor of Herodotus and Strabo, and the time of his life:

A) Hecataeus of Miletus (6th-5th centuries BC).

B) Ahmed Ibn Fardlan (10th century).

C) Fa Xian (4-5 centuries).

D) Zhang Qian (circa 103 BC).

E) Benjamin of Tudela (12th century).

140. The factor that most stimulated the development of organized travel in Ancient Greece:

A) Development of the craft

B) Constant trade with other countries

C) Ship construction

D) Development of navigation

E) Constant trade with Egypt

141. The factor that most stimulated the development of organized travel in ancient Rome:

A) The emergence of Christianity

B) Development of the eastern Mediterranean

C) Creation of a public education system

D) Creation of a unified church in the empire

E) Wars of conquest

142. A famous researcher who called global trade and transport communications the Great Silk Road:

A) 1877 - F. Richthofen

B) 1834 -- A. Humboldt

C) 1855 - F. Wrangel

D) 1814-L. Burckhardt

E) 1794 - A. Mackenzie

143. Who and when compiled the first description of the Great Silk Road that has reached our time:

A) Claudius Ptolemy 2nd century AD

B)Pliny the Elder 1st century AD

C) Marinus of Tire 1st century BC.

D) May Titian 1st century BC

E) Ammianus Marcellinus 4th century AD

144. Who is Sequius Locatus, what is he famous for:

A) Roman innkeeper who came up with the idea of ​​the first ever "Businessman's Lunch".

B) The historian who called the Appian Way one of the Wonders of the World.

C) An ancient Roman builder who supervised the construction of a bridge over the Alcantara River in Spain.

D) Participant in the first Olympic Games in Ancient Greece.

E) An ancient Greek priest who practiced healing in the Temple of Asclepius.

145. According to K. Libera, “pure tourism” of the 17th century included those traveling with the purpose of:

A) Educational, therapeutic, relaxation

B) Religious, healing

C) Educational, cognitive

D) Political, military

E) Missionary and pilgrimage

146. A traveler who walked around all the countries of the East, North Africa, India and China in 21 years:

A) Ibn Battut

B) Herodotus

D) Eric the Red

E) Aristotle

147. Italian merchant who made a unique journey to China in 1271-1295. ad:

A) Marco Polo

B) Thor Heyerdahl

C) Ferdinand Magellan

D) Francisco Franzialli

E) Christopher Columbus

148. Russian traveler, the first to make a pilgrimage to Athos and the Holy Land:

A) Abbot Daniel

B) Afanasy Nikitin

C) Vitus Bering

D) Miklouho-Maclay

E) Przhevalsky

149. “Walking across the Three Seas” belongs to him:

A) Afanasy Nikitin

B) Miklouho-Maclay

C) Przhevalsky

D) Vitus Bering

E) Semenov-Tien-Shansky

150. The main motives for traveling during the period of ancient tourism:


D) Need for rest

E) Need for familiarity

151. The main motives for travel in tourism of the Middle Ages:

A) Education, religious tourism, aristocratic relations

C) Education, pilgrimage, treatment, sports competitions

C) Industrial revolution, reduction of working hours

D) Need for rest

E) Need for familiarity

152. The flourishing of ancient tourism is associated with these ancient states:

A) With Greece and Rome

B) With Italy and Egypt

C) With Persia and Egypt

D) With Palestine and Babylon

E) With Italy and Carthage

153. In the times of ancient tourism, a huge role was played in travel by:

A) Seas

C) Oceans

D) airspaces

E) Railway

154. During this event, during the times of ancient tourism, all wars and conflicts ceased:

A) Olympic Games

B) The marriage of the Pope

C) Sea competitions

D) Death of the Pope

E) Hunting and fishing

155. In Ancient Greece the following were very developed:

A) Health resorts and medical tourism

B) Horse tourism and balneology

C) Cruises and religious tourism

D) Nostalgic and rural tourism

E) Wine and ecotourism

156. The Olympic Games were named:

A) In honor of Mount Olympus

B) In honor of the Olympia wine brand

C) In honor of the goddess Olympia

D) In ​​honor of the area of ​​the same name

E) In honor of the car

157. The Olympics in ancient Greece continued:

A) 5 days

158. The following types of tourism developed in Ancient Rome:

A) Medicinal, religious

B) Mountain, sports

C) Amateur, cognitive

D) Sports, equestrian

E) All types of tourism

159. “Hospitaliers” are:

A) Special “service” for pilgrims

B) Cartographers

C) Hospital workers

D) Hospital guards

E) Dog breed

160. “Grand Tours” were popular:

A) In the XIV century. in England

B) In the 15th century. in France

C) In the 8th century. in Italy

D) In ​​the 10th century. in Spain

E) in the 15th century. in France

161. “Golden” time of the grand tour:

A) XVIII century

163. The pioneer of Polish mountain tourism is:

A) L. Zeischner

B) Yu. Nemtsevich

D) S. Stashitz

E)I. Kohl

164. The founder of mass tourism is considered to be:

A) Thomas Cook

B) Ibn Battuta

D) Afanasy Nikitin

E) Marco Polo

165. The compiler of the first Polish guide to the Tatras, Beskydy and Pieniny Mountains is:

A) E.A. Yanota

B) Yu. Nemtsevich

D) S. Stashitz

166. In the work of I.G. Kohl, published in 1841, considered:

A) Tourist movement and its influence on the development of the area

B) Problems of railway transport

C) Problems of caving tourism

D) Development of TRS

E) Creation of a travel guide to Germany

167. The term “tourism” has been adapted in the languages ​​of different peoples:

A) in the 19th century

B) in the 15th century

C) in the 20th century

D) in the 17th century

E) in the 12th century

168. These inventions stimulated the development of tourism in the 19th century:

A) Invention of the steamboat and steam locomotive

B)Improvement of sailing equipment of sea vessels

C) Breeding new breeds of horses

D) Invention of multi-shot small arms

E) Invention of improved artillery systems

169. In one of the named cities, the famous Musey was created - the prototype of modern museums:

A) Alexandria of Egypt

C) Troy

E) Nineveh

170. In the dictionary of this state and when the concept of “tourism” was first defined:

A) France (end of the 15th century - beginning of the 19th century)

B) England (XVIII century)

C) Germany (XVI century - early XVII century)

D) Russia (second half of the 18th century)

E) USA (late 18th century)

171. Inventor of the word “tourist”:

A) F. Stendhal

B) J. Dumazedier

D) M. Montaigne

E) R.Lassel

172. Year of creation of the first international tourism organization:

A) 1898.

C)1856 g

173. Country in which the first railway was built:

A) England (between Manchester and Liverpool)

B) France (between Paris and Nantes)

C) Italy (between Rome and Naples)

D) Spain (between Barcelona and Madrid)

E) Germany (between Dresden and Frankfurt

174. This year the first railway was built:

A) 1825 G.


175. Who and where created the world’s first travel agency:

A) T. Cook in England

B) S. Stangen in Hamburg

C) K. Riesel in Berlin

D) P. Perucca in Rome

E) G. Lann in England

176. An international organization that has played a major role in the development of scientific research in the field of tourism:


177. Time of appearance of the first tourist brochures:

A) VIII century

D) XVIII century.

178. The main trends in recreation in tourism of new times have been determined by:

A) Industrial Revolution, reduction of working hours

B) Education, religious tourism, aristocratic relations

C) Education, pilgrimage, treatment, sports competitions

D) Olympic Games

E) World Championships

179. Time of emergence of “clean tourism” in Europe:

A) XVII century

E)XX century

180. The global tourism market began to form:

A) In the 50s of the 20th century

B) At the end of the 20th century

C) At the beginning of the 20th century

D) In ​​the 60-70s of the 20th century

E) In the 19th century

181. Location of the World Tourism Organization:

A) Spain

B) France

C) Austria

A) V. Paul

B) Yu.U. Nemtsevich

C) T. Zhebrovsky

D) L. Zeicher

E) A. Gettner

183. Time of manifestation of “specialization” of settlements depending on the nature of tourist arrivals:

A) At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.

B) At the turn of the XV-XVI centuries.

C) In ancient times

D) After the 1st World War

E) Currently

184. Leading countries in receiving international tourism since the beginning of the twentieth century. to 1930:

A) Austria, Switzerland

B) France, Italy

C) Germany, Poland

D) USA, Canada

E) UK, Spain

185. Factors that influenced the development of mass tourism after the First World War:

A) Creation of new states

B) Changes in the political map of the world

C) Victory of the October Revolution in Russia

D) Improvement of vehicles

E) Strengthening government regulation of tourism

186. The first round-the-world tourist trip was organized by:

A) Thomas Cook (1882).

B) James Cook (1775).

C) Henry Lan (1883).

D) Thomas Mann (1911).

E) Ferdinand Magellan (1521).

187. One of the European explorers who laid the foundation for the discovery of America:

A) Christopher Columbus (1492-1504)

B) Amerigo Vespucci (1475-1482)

C) Vasco da Gamma (1497-1524)

D) Fernando Megellan (1519-1521)

E) Hernan Cortes (1519-1521)

188. The first congress of the International Union of Official Organizations for Tourism Promotion took place:

A) in The Hague 1925

B) in Paris 1931

C) in Berlin 1918

D) in Madrid 1936

E) in Amsterdam 1918

189. Place of creation and name of the first international tourism organization:

A) Luxembourg - international league of tourism organizations

B) Brussels - International Bureau of Social Tourism

C) Rome - World Federation of Travel Agencies Association

D) Monaco - International Academy of Tourism

E) Vienna - international association for excursion services and tours

190. This organization decided to celebrate September 27 as “World Tourism Day”:

A) WTO General Assembly in 1980

B) UN General Assembly in 1969

C) Non-governmental organization MSOTO in 1969

D) by the WTO Executive Council in 1970.

E) by the WTO Secretariat in 1975.

191. The first alpine club arose in 1857:

A) England

B) Switzerland

C) France

E) Austria

192. The first government tourism management body was created in this country:

A) New Zealand

B) Spain

D) France.

193. The WTO Charter was adopted:

194. Year of opening of the first Institute of Tourism:

A) 1929

195. The first head of the Institute of Tourism was:

A) Robert Glucksmann

B) A. Grontal

C) A. Bormann

D) Thomas Cook

E) D. Turlykhanov

196. The first Institute of Tourism was opened in this city:

A) Berlin

197. The first Institute of Tourism was opened in this state:

A) Germany (FRG)

B) France

C) Switzerland

D) Spain

E) Belgium

198. Leading theorist of tourism in the first half of the thirties:

A) A. Bormann

B) A. Gettner

C) I. Stadner

D) V.S. Preobrazhensky

199. Year of liquidation of the first Institute of Tourism:

A) 1934

200. Method of financing study abroad under Peter I:

A) With stipend

B) At my own expense

C) At the expense of a foreign state

D) Not at all

E) Benefit was paid

A) Stepan Krasheninnikov (1735)

B) Veniamin Gensch (1777)

C) Peter Semenov-Tien-Shansky (1856)

D) Peter 1 (1720)

E) Ferdinand Wrangel (1820)

A) Frederick Cook (1897)

B) Thomas Cook (1841)

C) Alexander Mackenzie (1793)

D) Thomas Mitchell (1836)

E) Charles Sturt (1844)

203. In the state department of Russia in the 19th century. places for treatment were listed, of which there were:

204. One of the famous explorers of the Caucasus, who was an active member of the first Russian mountaineering club:

A) I.A.Golovkinsky

B) K.K.Rengarten

C) N.Greinert

D) A.V.Pastukhov

E) P. Pankratov

205. What is the year of creation, the name of the first chairman and the main task of the Russian Mining Society:

A) 1907 - D.N. Anuchin - organization and financing of archaeological and geographical tours

B) 1891 - I.V. Mushketov - an association of geographers and mountaineering enthusiasts

C) 1901 - A.K. von Meck - a comprehensive study of the mountains and the distribution of information about them and facilitating acquaintance with mountain nature

D) 1898 - P.P. Semenov - raising funds and organizing expeditions to mountainous areas of the world

E) 1905 - V.I. Vernadsky - study of the biosphere of mountainous regions in Russia and abroad

206. The year when Peter I laid the foundation for local history in Russia:

207. Peter I made his first trip to Europe during the period:

A) 1657-1668

B) 1697-1698

C) 1698-1700

208. Name the first Russian travel organization company, founded in 1871:

A) Joint Stock Company Imatva

B) Club "Russian Tourist"

C) Joint Stock Company "Sputnik"

D) Grand Tour Company

E) Closed Joint Stock Company "Emperor"

209. He compiled the first “Guide to the Caucasus”:

A) Peter 1

B) Leopold Lipson

C) A.V. Pastukhov

D) S.I. Ilovanskaya

HER. Weidenbaum

210. The Russian Mining Society (RGO) arose:

A) In Moscow 1901

B) In the Caucasus 1990

211. The Charter of the Russian Society of Tourists (ROT) included _____ articles:

A) 35 articles

B) 30 articles

C) 25 articles

D) 15 articles

E) 55 articles

212. The official publication of ROT until 1899 was the magazine:

A) "Bike"

B) "Scooter"

C) “Cyclist”

D) "Cyclist"

E) “Russian tourist”

213. Year of creation of the Crimean Mining Club:

A) 1890

214. The historical prerequisites for tourism in Kazakhstan are:

A) Formation and development of the Great Silk Road

B) Rich history

C) Ethnography

D) Creation of architectural ensembles

E) Kazakhstan gaining independence

215. The Central Council for Tourism and Excursions (CSTE) is:

A) The largest tourist and excursion organization under the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions in the USSR

B) The largest tourist enterprise in the USSR

C) Commercial public organization

D) Modern tourist and excursion organization

E) Name of travel agency

216. The period of origin and formation of the organizational structure of tourism in the USSR:

A) 1917-1936

217. The time when tourism and excursion business came under the jurisdiction of trade unions of the USSR:

A) 1936-1969

218. The period of intensive development of tourism in the USSR:

A) 1969-1990


219. Excursion stations in the USSR began to be created:

A) in 1918

B) in 1917

A) 1919G.

221. This document regulated the activities of sanatorium and resort institutions in the USSR in the first years of Soviet power:

A) “On healing areas of national importance B) “On measures for the further development of tourism and excursions in the country.”

C) ». "On the removal of monuments erected in honor of kings and their servants."

D) “How to reorganize the Rabkrin.”

E) “How to organize a competition.”

222. This organization was in charge of tourist and excursion activities in the USSR in the first years of Soviet power:

A) People's Commissariat for Education

B) Russian Communist Youth Union

C) Glavpolitprosvet

D) Trade union

E) United excursion bureau

223. The first all-Union tourist route:

A) All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (Moscow)

B) In the North Caucasus

C) "Golden Ring"

D) Along the Urals

E) Along the Volga

224. The newspaper that held the first correspondence meeting on the organization of proletarian tourism:


D) Izvestia

E) Literary newspaper

225. Traveler who received the right to be called “Tien Shan”:

A) Semenov

B) Valikhanov

C) Przhevalsky

D) Severtsov

E) Bogdanovich

226. An error was made in the list of regions for which tourist routes were developed in 1927. Find her:

A) middle Asia

D) Central industrial

227. The first initiator of mass tourism in the USSR:

A) Komsomol

B) Pioneer organization

C) Trade unions

D) People's Commissariat of Education

E) Glavpolitprosvet

228. Year of creation of the All-Union Joint Stock Company "Intourist":

A) 1929

229. Year of adoption of the Regulations on the “USSR Tourist” badge:

A) 1939

230. Year of creation of the United Lecture and Excursion Bureau:

A) 1920

231. Year of creation of the Bureau of International Youth Tourism (BIYT) “Sputnik”:

A) 1958

232. Year and name of the team of Kazakhstani tourists, which for the first time took part in the all-Union competition for the best tourist trip:

A) 1970 - team of the camp site "Gorelnik"

B) 1972 - team of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute

C) 1969 - team of the tourist center "Issyk"

D) 1973 - team of the Kazakh Institute of Physical Education

E) 1971 - team of the plant named after. CM. Kirov

233. Year of creation and first chairman of the Kazakh SSR Tourism Federation:

A) 1977 - A.M. Cheusov

B) 1972 - A.A.Ivanov

C) 1979 - A.A.Onuchin

D) 1975 - V.M.Zimin

E) 1976 - Yu.S. Nakatkov

234. The first master of sports in tourism in Kazakhstan was:

A) V.G. Khamullo (1957).

B) A.A. Ivanov (1955).

C) V.M.Zimin (1958).

D) Yu.S. Nakatkov (1962).

A) N.VLedenev (1908)

B) V.V.Bartold (1901)

C) N.M. Potanin (1911)

D) N.M. Bekchurin-(1899)

E) G.S. Karelin (1907)

236. Place and year of the first local history conference of local history teachers in Kazakhstan:

A) Semipalatinsk 1924

B) Kyzyl-Orda 1931

C) Taldykorgan 1929

D) Almaty 1927

E) Orenburg 1923

237. City and year of creation of the first children's excursion and tourist station in Kazakhstan:

A) Kustanay 1951

B) Almaty 1953

C) Ust-Kamenogorsk 1958

D) Semipalatinsk-1954.

E) Shymkent 1952

238. City and year of creation of the first Republican children's excursion and tourist station in Kazakhstan:

A)Alma-Ata 1960

B) Shymkent 1958

C) Kyzyl-Orda 1961

D) Semipalatinsk 1963

E) Ust-Kamenogorsk 1962

239. The year of renaming the “Republican Station for Young Tourists” into the “International Center for Tourism for Students of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”:

A) 1996r.

240. Year of creation of the Tourism and Excursion Management (TEU) in Kazakhstan:

A) 1952 G.

241. Year of creation of the Kazakh Republican Council for Tourism and Excursions:

A) 1965G.

242. Year of creation of the state tourism body in Kazakhstan:

243. First tourist center of Kazakhstan:

A) "Gorelnik"

B) "Karkaralinskaya"

C) "Zolotoy Bor"

D) "Southern"

E) "Bayanaul"

244. Years of the twentieth century, when scientific research began in the field of geography of recreation and tourism in Kazakhstan:

A) 70s.

245. The institute, which was the first-born in carrying out scientific research and design work in Kazakhstan:

A) Kazgiprograd

B) Kazgenproekt


D) Kazdorproekt

E) Institute of Geophysics of the Kazakh SSR

246. Year of adoption of the Law “On Tourism Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan”:

A) 2001

247. What is characteristic of the development of tourism in Kazakhstan after gaining independence:

A) Rapid development of outbound tourism

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