Northern Islands of Nha Trang: Monkey Island and Orchid Island. The big journey of the Belyaev couple Video excursions to the northern islands

I often remember the excursion to Monkey Island in Hainan. I was left with very conflicting impressions from this trip. I can’t even say what I remember more: the joy of meeting macaques or the “scary” ride on the cable car. I'm afraid of heights, so the cable car became a real challenge for me.

Opening hours and cost of visiting

Nanwan Monkey Island Sanctuary is open daily from 8.00 to 16.30.

You can get to the island by cable car or boat. The cable car ride costs 4 euros (30 yuan) one way, 8 euros (60 yuan) both ways.

Usually, during an excursion as part of a group, you are taken to the island by cable car and back by boat. I haven’t seen any “private” boats offering transportation services from the island, so if you’re traveling on your own, you’ll need to take a round-trip ticket for the funicular.

The entrance ticket costs 8.5 euros (63 yuan).

Children up to 1.20 cm - free, from 1.20 cm to 1.40 cm - 4 euros (30 yuan).

There is a comprehensive ticket, it costs 22.5 euros (163 yuan). The price includes: round-trip travel on the cable car, a visit to the monkey reserve and transfer from the Lingshui railway station to the cable car.

Children up to 1.20 cm free, children from 1.20 cm to 1.40 cm – 11.5 euros (83 yuan). Students and pensioners over 60 years old - 15.5 euros (113 yuan).

How to get there

The road to the island (in fact, it is a peninsula, they call it an island in order to lure more tourists there) can be divided into two parts: first you need to get to the village of Xincun, and from there you can take a cable car to the Nanwan Island Nature Reserve.

Road to Xincun

I chose a tour as part of a group. Firstly, the reserve is located quite far away, about 60 km from the city of Sanya, secondly, it seemed to me that it would be difficult to get to the monkey island on my own, and thirdly, I was there without my husband and was afraid of getting lost alone.

With a tour operator, the excursion costs about 48 euros (350 yuan). I bought it cheaper on the street in Dadonghai, for 35.5 euros (260 yuan).

Prepare in advance for the fact that along the way you will certainly be taken somewhere: to a shark or snake farm, a pearl factory, a medical center or some other similar place. Here they will persistently tell you how vital all this is for you, and if you don’t buy something, you will never forgive yourself for it. That is, you will spend more time on the excursion than you originally planned.

If you decide to go yourself, try this. First you need to get to the Sanya railway station, it is located in the northern part of the city.

The easiest way to get there is by taxi (about 3 euros or 20-30 yuan), but you can also take bus No. 4, 22, 29. A bus ride will cost 1 euro (5 or 7 yuan depending on the distance).

From Sanya Railway Station you need to take a train to Lingshui City. Tickets are sold only if you have a passport! Costs about 3 euros (18-20 yuan), travel time is 25 minutes.

From Lingshui Railway Station to Xincun Village there is a scheduled bus Y2, the fare costs about 1 euro or 10 yuan. But the schedule is entirely in Chinese! Therefore, it is not so easy to find out the bus departure time. This is where a map will come to the rescue; you can simply “point your finger” at it and show you the place you need. Then the good Chinese will try to help you in every possible way and will show or write in numbers the bus departure time.

To be honest, I didn’t like this option at all, why bother so much on vacation?!

You can take a taxi yourself: the first 3 km costs 1 euro (8 yuan), then each kilometer costs 2 yuan. The driver will take you directly to the cable car. Taxi fares are paid by meter.

Ride the cable car

The cable car connecting land with Monkey Island is the longest road over water in China. Its length is 2138 meters.

The cable car cabins are open, because this makes it more convenient for tourists to admire the landscapes from a bird's eye view.

The wind sometimes rocks the cabin a lot. The funicular travels either slowly, approaching the support tower, or quickly, going down from it.

The views around, of course, are simply stunning: mountains, sea, fishing village on the water, rice fields, pearl plantations. When else will you be able to look at all this from such a height?!

We rode the funicular for about 10-15 minutes and finally got into the reserve itself with monkeys.

Nianwan Island Nature Reserve

Monkey Island is a nature reserve with an area of ​​about 1000 hectares. More than 2,000 monkeys live here in their natural environment. Scientists observe their behavior, study animals, and monitor the population of the species. You cannot walk throughout the entire territory; much is closed to tourists. To look at the animals you can only walk along special paths, and there are not many of them here.

Macaques walk freely wherever they want, splash in a pool specially equipped for them, jump in trees, and hide from people in the bushes. In a word, they are the masters here. Monkeys are not at all afraid of people and come very close in the hope of a treat. For a small fee (no more than 1 euro) you can buy food for the animals and feed them.

At the entrance you will be greeted by monkeys holding flags of different countries. I felt sorry for them: they sat on a leash, while their relatives ran around everywhere.

The excursion begins with each group being assigned a guide in a smart suit, who talks about the rules of behavior in the territory of the “monkeys”. Be sure to follow these requirements! In my presence, a monkey bit a woman who wanted to pet a baby macaque (apparently, the female mother was protecting her child this way). No matter how cute they may seem, they are still animals. Then you can walk with a guide or walk around the reserve on your own.

It was really interesting to watch the animals. Caring females scratch the males' skin and look for fleas. Mother macaques carry their babies on their backs or stomachs, protecting them in every possible way.

Someone swims in the pool, and in different styles! Some island residents sunbathe in the sun, sitting on a stone or near the pool, others lie in hammocks.

For example, it was a discovery for me that a monkey peels a banana before eating it and knows how to open a bottle of water. I also saw an example of how animals obey the leader. A bunch of monkeys were running around people, begging for food, and then suddenly a large male appeared, made some terrible sound and all the monkeys retreated and ran away.

By the way, offending monkeys are put in “prison”. This is such a large cage where the animal is kept until it reforms.

Trained monkeys will give tourists a free show. There are two of them: one looks like a circus, and the second looks like a theater. Both shows take place at different times, there is a sign with the schedule and directions to the show. In addition, you can check the route and time with the guide accompanying you; he is always ready to answer any questions. It is advisable to take seats in the “auditorium”, which is simply an open-air stage and benches around it, in advance, otherwise you may simply not see anything.

In a circus show, animals perform various tricks: walk on a tightrope, ride a bicycle, ride a pony, ride a goat, etc.

For 1.5 euros (10 yuan) they take a photo with your camera. Cashier parrots fly around the “hall” and collect money. If you raise your hand with a bill, the bird will fly up to you and take the money shown with its beak.

As soon as you have paid for the photo, the macaques, at the command of the trainer, take certain places next to you: one jumps on your shoulder, the second on your knees, and the third sits in front of you on the floor - now everything is ready for a successful photo!

It's more difficult with a theater show. Its essence is that monkeys mock their trainer. But for it to be fun, you need to understand what is being said, and the trainer speaks only in Chinese. So only the Chinese laughed here.

I also noticed that trained animals are sometimes treated cruelly. The monkeys are wearing collars and chains, and they are scolded very much for their offenses. Training is based on the complete subordination of the animal to the person.

There are no special cafes where you can have a snack on the island. But I don’t recommend taking food with you either: they will take it away from you at the entrance, because they will think that it is food for monkeys. You can eat on the way back, in a fishing village on the water.

Way back

If you went on an excursion as part of a group, you will be taken back from the island by boat, not by cable car.
We drove through a settlement on the water.

This is a whole village of boat houses in which people live. The guide said that many people live like this all their lives! They get married on these boats, work, raise children, etc., and some have never even set foot on land! Those who live on such a boat do not have to pay expensive land taxes, because their house is on the water. Naturally, their whole life and work are connected with fishing and seafood.

On the way we were taken to a local “restaurant” located somewhere between these huts. In it, for a low fee, you can choose the fish you like, which will be caught from a special cell and, in a few minutes, cooked the way you want: boiled, fried, steamed. A whole grilled fish (similar in size to a medium mackerel) costs only 3 euros (20 yuan)!

True, the smell here is unbearable: it smells very strongly of fish, mud, stagnant water, etc. At least, I completely lost the desire to eat or even drink anything.

  1. An excursion to Monkey Island is a fun walk, there is nothing educational or interesting in it, so if you come to relax for a few days, then you can exclude it from the list of obligatory activities.
  2. Do not get to the island by cable car with a small child: the cabin is open, it is still dangerous! Ask to be taken to the reserve by boat on the water, this is included in the price of the excursion. (Just discuss this with your guide before you go to the island so that he has time to organize everything).
  3. Do not take food for the monkeys, it will be taken away upon entry. Treats for the animals can be bought in the reserve itself.
  4. Take off bright and flashy jewelry before going to the island, macaques really like everything bright and shiny, they can take it off you.
  5. Follow the rules of behavior in the reserve; your guide will tell you about them.

Hon Lao Monkey Island is a nature reserve where various species of monkeys live in natural conditions and nurseries. Geographically, the attraction is located 15 km north of Nha Trang. The total number of monkeys on the island cannot be determined. According to preliminary data, this figure varies from 1000 to 2000 individuals.


In the 60s of the last century, the main activity of the nursery was breeding and sending monkeys to various countries of the socialist camp. More than 80% of all supplies came from the USSR. During the collapse of the Soviet state, monkeys settled around the island and lived in their natural environment. Now it is a nursery and at the same time a museum. Local representatives freely accept food from the hands of tourists.

The island is aimed at tourists and travelers. The main entertainment is feeding the monkeys, as well as watching shows with their participation. This event is included in the ticket price. During the performance, the trainers' wards perform acrobatic tricks and also participate in other entertainment programs. Currently, tourists are also attracted by systematic dog racing.

As in any other place where you have to come into contact with monkeys, tourists are warned to keep an eye on their personal belongings. Traditionally, local residents tear off glasses and bright items of clothing of visitors. They can form a group and try to snatch a woman's bag from her shoulder. It is worth leaving personal belongings in storage rooms, and also taking these recommendations into account when contacting local fauna.

The main rule that tourists should know is that you can feed the macaques only on the territory of the nursery. This is done in order to wean the monkeys from leaving the territory of the attraction, because In addition to the cages, the island has a network of bars and restaurants. The macaques outside the main gate live both in open enclosures and directly in the trees. You can feed them in any conditions, subject to safety rules. It is better to leave valuables in special storage rooms or hide them away from the eyes of monkeys.

How to get to the island

There are several main ways to organize a trip:

  • Take advantage of excursion services. A visit to the island is not planned in advance. It is enough to leave a request to the local guide at the hotel and as the group is formed, the crossing will be provided, first by bus to the port, then by boat directly to the island.
  • On one's own. To do this you need to get to the local Northern Pier. This can be done by bike, taxi or bus number 4, which runs along the main tourist streets, including the seaport. If you do not use a tourist package, where the price includes a ferry to the island, you can get to the attraction by ferry. The boat departs daily from 9-00 to 15-00 with an interval of 20 minutes.

Cost of visiting the attraction

If the trip is organized independently, then the expenditure part of the budget will include:

  • Payment for the trip to the pier. A bus ticket will cost around 6,000 VND, a taxi will cost 40,000 VND, and renting a motorcycle will cost about 90,000 VND.
  • Payment for the boat. A ticket to the island is about 10,000 dong.
  • Entrance to the island is 70,000 VND per person.

Additionally, you can purchase apples to feed the local inhabitants. Their cost will be about 15,000 VND. If you plan to make the trip on your own, then your expenses should include lunch. In local bars and cafes you can have lunch within $15 per 2 people.

The territory of the Hainan Monkey Sanctuary is well-groomed and clean. Everywhere there are direction signs in different languages, and Russian is one of them, so despite the huge area, you are unlikely to get lost here. In addition, in the reserve you will often meet staff who are clearly visible, as they are dressed in bright uniforms.

When entering the reserve, tourists must be given instructions according to which the macaques must not be frightened, teased or fed. Even attempts to touch them can lead to unpredictable consequences. Monkeys are not cats, they do not like to be petted and may bite for it. Tourists are also advised to hide all their belongings in their pockets and bags, otherwise the macaques may steal something. The rules for staying in the reserve can also be read on a special board at the entrance.

The Guangxi macaques themselves, living on monkey island, are not at all afraid of people, and small individuals show special curiosity and can easily climb on you. The animals have a specially equipped pool where they splash around on hot days, enjoying its coolness. Walking along the paths where these wonderful animals frolic at arm's length is very interesting and unusual.

However, not all monkeys living on Monkey Island are in the wild. The reserve has its own theater and circus with trained individuals performing complex tricks and performances, which are very entertaining to see. Such macaques are kept separately from the rest.

While walking through the park, you will also have the opportunity to take unusual photos with trained macaques who will pose for you. The animals jump onto your knees, shoulders, and head, catching food thrown from there by a zoo employee. At this time, another employee will take several photos with your camera. For a photo session with trained monkeys you need to pay a small amount - about 10 yuan.

After a fascinating walk through the monkey zoo, you can relax in a cozy restaurant “on the water”, tasting various seafood delicacies.

How to get to Monkey Island in Hainan

Nanwanhoudao is located on a small peninsula, located 60 kilometers from Sanya. This island is separated from the village of Xingcun by a strait. You can get from Hainan Island to the reserve by cable car - the longest cable car in the country located over the water. The length of the path is 2138 meters. A ride on a cable car with an unglazed cabin is interesting and exciting. From the height you can see a picturesque panorama of the fishing village on the water and the Monkey Island itself.

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Cheerful and mischievous, smart and calculating, sometimes cunning, sometimes good-natured. These adjectives can easily be attributed to monkeys, of which there are a huge number in Asia. Often these cute creatures form groups that people simply cannot ignore.

I immediately remember the Monkey Forest in Bali, abundantly populated by these animals. Or Jigokudani - a snow monkey spa in Japan - the same one where macaques bask in its geothermal waters.

There is also a similar place in China, proudly called Monkey Island.

Monkey Island on the map

  • Geographic coordinates 18.401539, 109.973944
  • Distance from the capital of China Beijing approximately 2470 km
  • The distance to the nearest Sanya Phoenix International Airport is about 60 km

Let's say right away that Monkey Island is a small peninsula that is part of Hainan Island in the southern part of the country. Sometimes the whole of Hainan is called Monkey Island. Of course, it abounds in macaques, but the maximum number of them per unit area is located on a small piece of land in the southern part of the island. According to all the laws of geography, this is a peninsula, but this place is called an island in order to attract more visitors.

The Nanwan Houdao Island Ecological Scenic Spot is located here. The park area is covered with dense forests and mountains. More than 2,000 monkeys live on an area of ​​1,000 hectares. Moreover, they live in natural conditions for themselves. The center's scientists observe them, their behavior, and their vital functions. There are practically no changes in the landscape, with the exception of paths laid specifically for tourists. It is prohibited to leave them so as not to harm the natural habitat of the macaques. There is, however, a pleasant innovation for the monkeys - a swimming pool. Yes, the pool was built for animals. They bathe freely in it and even swim in different styles. Watching macaques is a very interesting and exciting activity.

You can get to Monkey Island as part of an excursion group or on your own. There are two ways to the park - by water on a boat or boat, and by air using a cable car.

At the entrance to the reserve you will be greeted by monkeys with colorful flags. True, there is a not entirely pleasant moment - these monkeys are tied, and I feel not entirely free, unlike many of my brothers, briskly jumping nearby.

Freer macaques are not at all afraid of humans. On the contrary, they boldly approach tourists and beg for all sorts of goodies. But you cannot feed them with food you brought with you. All food will be taken from you at the entrance, even if you grabbed it for yourself. If you still want to feed the animals, then for a small fee you can buy special food for monkeys right in the park.

A typical excursion includes arriving at the park by cable car (by the way, its length is 2138 meters). But before that, you will definitely be taken around local villages, where you will be strongly urged to buy some terribly healing potions and souvenirs that are extremely important in everyday life. The way back from Monkey Island usually takes a boat through the village of “sea people”. This is an interesting village made entirely of boats in which people live right on the water. You will definitely be taken to a small restaurant on the water. Its menu consists of a large amount of seafood. But the smell in this place is appropriate and quite specific.

Performances are held directly in the park for visitors. Naturally, the main roles are played by monkeys. Usually there are two types of performances: theatrical and circus. They are held outdoors at different times. The park has a schedule of these events and their locations. Performance arenas are just a few benches around a small area with “actors”.

There is an interesting point in these views. Cashier birds fly around the makeshift “hall.” No, this is not a species of birds, but their work activity. As soon as you raise your hand with a bill, a bird flies up to it and takes the money.

And of course, on Monkey Island, for a modest fee, you can take traditional photos with macaques as a souvenir.

Some features of Monkey Island

  • As in any other case, we strongly recommend not to irritate the monkeys, make them angry or provoke them
  • you cannot leave the footpaths
  • try to hide all the jewelry and shiny things (you probably understand why)
  • there are no temples or other buildings here - this is the most natural habitat for macaques (with the exception of improvised circus and theater arenas where performances are held)
  • Monkey Island is open to visitors from 8-00 to 16-30
  • visiting is paid, but children under 1m 20 cm in height are admitted free of charge

Monkey Island photo

Reading time: 9 minutes

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The northern islands near Nha Trang are suitable for those who like variety. There are no gorgeous beaches or a rich underwater world, but there are other entertainments.

Among the islands in Nha Phu Bay, the most famous are:

  • Monkey Island;
  • Orchid Island.

How to get to the northern islands of Nha Trang?

Every tourist can book an excursion at any of the agencies, or can get there on their own, since the northern islands are only 16 kilometers from the center of Nha Trang.

If you decide to get there on your own, there are several options:

  • bus No. 3 to the North Port (cost ~ 20,000 VND);
  • (cost from 100,000 VND per day);
  • (200,000-250,000 VND).

Bus number 3 to Zoklet beach

If there are two of you and you like to travel with the breeze, then renting a bike is most suitable. Still, there is some romance in this!

As for taxis, everything is not so clear. You can get there for either 200,000 dong or 400,000. It all depends on the impudence of the driver and your knowledge of prices and ability to negotiate.

Taxi in Nha Trang is inexpensive, from 4500 per km.

The meter will definitely be more expensive, so immediately negotiate a fixed price with the taxi driver. Usually the cost of a trip to the northern port is 200,000 VND.

The cost of travel

Middle row - Monkey Island, right - Orchid Island

Boats depart from the port every hour and will take you to the islands. Boat No. 3 sails to Monkey Island, boat No. 2 to Orchid Island.

It is possible to get to both at once: first you will be taken to Monkey Island, and after you’ve had your fill, you can take any of the boats going to Orchid Island.

Northern Isles prices for 2017.

Monkey Island

Monkey Island is located approximately 2 km from North Port (20-30 minutes)

Monkey Island ( Monkey Island, or đảo khỉ) located approximately two kilometers from the shores of Nha Trang. The name comes from the huge number of monkeys living here.

Before, there were nurseries on the island where various breeds of monkeys were bred, which were supplied to the USSR. In the post-war period, supplies stopped and monkeys overran the entire area.

At the moment there are more than a thousand of them. Shows featuring these animals are organized daily for tourists.

In fact, tourists will only be able to see a small part of Monkey Island in Nha Trang, because the rest is occupied by the jungle.

However, this small area of ​​the island has all the conditions for a wonderful holiday. There are cafes and shops, there is a beach, gardens and a park. For an overnight stay you can rent a house with all amenities.

On the beach, if you wish, you can rent a sun lounger, kayak, or jet ski. In addition, for those who love active recreation, there is a karting track.

Performance for tourists

It is important to remember that monkeys are everywhere on the island and they are accustomed to being fed and treated to various delicacies. Having noticed how you reached into your bag or backpack, the monkeys will closely watch you until you treat them with something.

Monkey Island will not leave anyone indifferent, because it combines various types of recreation.

Important! Try not to tease the monkeys. They may bite you or your child. And no one can guarantee that these animals do not suffer from some kind of rabies.

Orchid Island

Huts right on the water

On the way to Orchid Island you will see a “floating village”. Its inhabitants are engaged in fishing, they work and live in their huts located right on the water. Who knows, maybe this is only a temporary shelter and every evening they return to the city, to their ordinary Vietnamese houses.

View from the pier

Orchid Island (Suoi Hoa Lan) is often called the island of elephants. From the names you can guess that here you will see both elephants and orchids. Although, in fact, there is only one elephant, or, to be precise, a female elephant.

When tourists reach the island, a beautiful beach opens up in front of them, where they can swim and sunbathe. Sun loungers and gazebos are installed for these purposes. The water is warm and calm throughout the year, so you can come here in any season. Here you can also ride a water scooter or go down inflatable slides.

It is definitely worth taking a walk into the interior of the island. Among the huge amount of greenery, many streams flow, over which beautiful bridges are installed. Along the way there are stone stairs, various rises, fountains, stone and wooden sculptures. And, of course, a lot of orchids.

The whole island is covered with a lot of greenery and flowers

Their petals have bizarre shapes and all kinds of shades. The varieties of orchids are selected in such a way that if you arrive at any time of the year, you can see them blooming. This sight will not leave anyone indifferent. Photo with a hawk - 20,000 dong

Ostriches calmly walk around the island

Ostriches calmly walk around the island; you can feed them grains purchased from zoo workers. But we must remember that these are impudent birds. If you treat them once, they may start chasing you to take the food.

Aviary with deer

There is an enclosure with deer where you can spend the whole day feeding and watching them. These animals are very friendly and cute, so both adults and children will enjoy communicating with them.

In addition, there is a restaurant on the island where customers are offered European and Vietnamese cuisine. In shops, tourists will be able to buy souvenirs.


The Northern Islands of Nha Trang are one of the must-see places. After all, each of these islands is attractive and truly unique in its own way. This trip will be remembered for a long time by any traveler.