Attract vacationers. Sanatoriums in the Moscow region. Are there any ways to make guests permanent

Where to get tourists? It is advisable for an individual entrepreneur who decides to engage in receiving tourists to start his business by looking for a tour operator to whom he can offer his services for accommodating arriving tourists.

The owner of the guest house offers accommodation services for tourists, as well as voice Additional services the selected tour operator. The tour operator, in turn, concludes an agreement on joint activities with the owner of the guest house, where the form of remuneration for the tour operator for finding tourists for the guest house is prescribed. In this case, the owner gets the right to conclude an agreement with other tour operators and travel agents for the supply of tourists. It is recommended to dwell on these details in detail, since often villagers are unaware of the responsibility associated with working with people. Contractual work with an experienced tour operator disciplines the owner of the guest house, provides an opportunity for advanced training in the field of tourism.

Work on the creation of a tourist product of rural tourism.

In order to attract tourists to a rural family on vacation, it is necessary to offer them a set of services necessary to meet the needs of vacationers. Tourist product is a set of services consisting of accommodation, catering, excursion services, insurance and delivery. By the beginning of the year, the organizer accumulates information on what services each guest house can provide. In addition, the tour operator usually develops additional special tours to make the offer of villagers attractive.

Promotion of a tourist product to the tourist services market.

Now it is necessary to make the potential consumer aware of the villagers' offers. For this, the tour operator prepares advertising information (brochures, descriptions, photographs). The main advertising material is the catalog of rural tourism objects, which describes and shows each guest house. The catalog is published in sufficient circulation so that travel agencies in various cities can visually show guests the guest houses. The tour operator also assumes the costs of participating in travel exhibitions and working meetings of travel companies in different cities of Russia. The tour operator is recommended to post on the Internet site about rural tourism. Thus, information about a rural tourist facility can reach a resident of any country. The tour operator is also engaged in outdoor advertising of rural tourism objects, finds funds to place advertisements on billboards and in various information service centers for tourists.The owner of the property can himself attract tourists to his guest house. To do this, he can put a sign on the road to his house.

Organization of tourist reception.

Meeting, registration, acquaintance with local conditions. Guest house reservations are usually made in advance by the tour operator. Therefore, it is necessary to meet the guest at the agreed place and escort him to the guest house. If the guest arrives by his own car, then, having placed his car on the personal plot or in the garage, you should proceed to the registration procedure. If the guest arrives through a tour operator, then he presents a voucher (developed by the tour operator), filled out by the travel agency and certified by the seal, and a voucher. These documents contain enough information necessary to issue your own receipt - the Strict Reporting Form. One copy of the receipt is given to the guest, one remains with the owner. On the basis of this receipt, the owner makes a later entry in his income book. If the guest arrived on his own, then the owner asks him to present documents and issues a receipt (SRF), indicating the necessary information in it. A clear written agreement, introduced into the binding relationship between the guest house and the tourist, will significantly facilitate future relations. Further, the owner acquaints the guest and his group with the guest house, the rules of residence, with the requirements for fire safety, shows where the keys, trash can and more are located. It is also recommended to inform guests about local conditions, the timetable of regular buses, natural sites, cultural and other events.

What is meant by the ability to treat guests attentively and kindly?

    The ability to be a flexible Host and quickly make changes to the equipment of the house, depending on the composition of the group of guests (install a baby bed, make ramps for moving a wheelchair, install or remove berths, provide skewers, etc.)

    An agreement with other villagers to provide additional services to their guests, if these services are not provided centrally

    Ability to resolve conflict situations (look for and find the cause of trouble in yourself)

    Maintaining a joyful atmosphere in your guest house.

    Attention to the slightest request of guests (change the towel once again, dry the linen soaked by the child, call by phone, etc.)

    Ability to take note of any guest comments

    Striving to improve the quality of services


Temporary accommodation is the main service provided by all guest houses. Comfort and convenience are the main criteria for the quality of services in the field of rural tourism. Guest rooms and other living and utility areas must be kept clean and free from unpleasant odors. If the owner of the guest house does not depend on the elimination of external and internal sources of noise and odor, then guests should be warned about this. V summer time it is necessary to have insect screens on windows and vents. Be sure to warn the guest that smoking is prohibited in the guest house. It is desirable to have internal rules use of the guest house (Appendix No. 1), compiled by the owner.


An equipped kitchen is provided for self-catering. The kitchen must be impeccably clean and the necessary equipment (kitchen furniture, refrigerator, cupboard for storing food and dishes, electrical appliances). Homeowner cooking is not a rental or short-term stay service.

Resolution of conflict and controversial issues.

Conflict or near-conflict situations can arise in any business. Tourists are, first of all, consumers who pay to get a pleasant, interesting, maximally comfortable and stress-free pastime. Near-conflict situations are generated by a significant difference between the expectations of the tourist and his specific impressions received from the trip and accommodation. For example, the cost of the services of the guest house seemed to the tourist too high in the absence of the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions (no hot water, cold toilet in the yard, etc.). Such situations can arise when the owner himself receives guests. They do not arise if tourists come from an experienced tour operator or travel agent who warn the tourist in advance about all the nuances of the guest house. Conflict situations are associated with the so-called "difficult" clients, which include overly demanding guests. But, the practice of receiving guests by "green houses" in Altai shows that such situations happen very rarely, since the owners of "green houses" treat guests with attention and hospitality.

Guest house owners need to remember that their economy is not a separate entity of the tourism industry. It, like any other hotel, is in close cooperation with the tour operator and travel agent, who are also responsible for their obligations. Maintaining a reputation as a good and reliable partner is the key to the continued prosperity of the guest house owner's business.

Additional services of the guest house.

The standard set of services for rural guest houses usually includes only accommodation. To attract tourists on the territory of the Altai Republic, a basic set of services of guest houses has been adopted, the provision of which is mandatory: accommodation, provision of an equipped kitchen, provision of a bath 1 time (if paid for at least three days of stay), parking a car on the territory of the personal plot, greenery from the garden. All these services are included in the cost of living. The rest of the paid services are considered additional, which are necessary to increase competitiveness. The composition of additional services is determined by the owner independently, depending on the demand from the client. It is recommended to use such services as "Heating a bath with the provision of a broom", "Riding a horse", "Sale of farm products", "Transport services in the owner's own car (car rental)", "Using firewood for cooking barbecue and fire, fireplace" , "Provision of a telephone for long-distance calls", "Accommodation of the guest's car in the garage of the owner of the house", "Reception of dogs (pets)".

Pricing and settlements.

The prices for the services of the guest house are distinguished between retail (final for the client) and wholesale (for intermediate links).

Retail prices

If a tourist contacts the owner of the guest house directly, the retail price may fluctuate depending on their agreement.

  1. Retail prices should remain consistent at any point of sale if tourists are attracted through travel agents or tour operators. In other words, if the client arrived through intermediaries (from travel agencies, from a tour operator), he must receive information about the price the same as he received from the intermediaries. In this case, the contractual conditions are observed and business partners are not "substituted". This is the main condition for all participants in the chain. If the agreement on maintaining a single price for the services of the guest house is observed, the flow of tourists is not cut off, since they are systematically worked with in cities.

Wholesale prices(net prices) for services of guest houses are exposed to tour operators and travel agents, who include services of guest houses in their tourism product. Since these partners are the ones who deal with expensive advertising, they should have income to cover their expenses when selling accommodation in guest houses. This income is called in tourism agency fees or commissions. This usually amounts to 10% of the accommodation price. Wholesale prices fluctuate depending on the season, on the partner's contribution to rural tourism advertising, on the volume of sales. If the homeowner has established a strong business relationship with any travel agency that does not forget him and constantly sends clients, then the remuneration may increase from 12% to 30%.

This approach is most expedient: the owner of the guest house develops flexible retail prices for different seasons and includes there a commission of intermediaries, which can be 10 - 30%. These prices are then offered to different firms. In this case, the owner will not get confused, and all his guests will receive the same information from him.

Important: if the owner of the guest house informs the guests that he is ready to receive them at a lower cost the next time, if they come directly, then he deprives his partners of earnings, who eventually find out about this and stop working with him.

Therefore, each owner of a guest house must decide for himself how he will attract tourists: through intermediary partners or conduct independent advertising activities. A choice must be made here. If both types of work are used, then their obligations to partners must be firmly fulfilled.

As long as the owner of the house is an entrepreneur who does not have a safety certificate for tourist accommodation, he has no legal right to advertise his services. Travel agencies that care about their reputation will not enter into agreements with such an entrepreneur, since in this case the safety of tourists is not ensured and, as a result, in the event of an accident with a client, the company that sent the tourist to such a resting place will be liable.

Mutual settlements are made as follows:

  1. If the tourist has paid for the voucher at the city travel agency, then the tour operator receives money at the cash desk or to his bank account by depositing or transferring Money and also pays off with the owner.
  2. If the tourist comes directly to the owner of the guest house, then the owner is obliged to transfer the relying part of the income to the tour operator.

The basic principle is that payment takes place at the beginning of the tourists' holiday. The owner should take into account that the money received finally becomes earned after the departure of the tourist, if his vacation ended successfully. If the vacation is long, then it is better to take payment in installments. The payment for additional services of the guest house remains entirely at the disposal of the owner of the property, the organizer is not responsible for their quality. This circumstance must be spelled out in the agreement between the guest house and the tour operator.

Pricing issues are complex and conflicting. Therefore, they should be completely clear for both sides. There is a law in the economy: whoever earns more bears a greater responsibility. When hosting guests through a tour operator, the owner's share is usually much higher than the tour operator's share. Therefore, in the event a tourist submits a complaint (a complaint about service with a claim to compensate for damage), the owner of the guest house will reimburse a large share.

The business plan of a sanatorium (boarding house or base) determines the way of creation and operation in a city with a favorable environment for health improvement and a population of over 40 thousand people. Since the construction of a sanatorium is a long and costly process in terms of investments, it is economically expedient to lease premises and land for placing a sanatorium or a boarding house.

Attractiveness of the project

  1. Currently, the ecological situation in most cities leaves much to be desired, this significantly affects the health and well-being of people. In addition, the majority earn a lot of chronic diseases due to unhealthy diet and intense lifestyle. The sanatorium (boarding house) is located in an ecologically clean area. Thanks to the unique complex of health procedures, everyone can significantly improve their health and have a good rest.
  2. The sanatorium (boarding house) provides a wide range of services in addition to recreational activities: the services of a bath, a beautician, a hairdressing salon and others.
  3. Most people believe that good health is the main component of life, but due to the eternal bustle of the city, they do not find the right amount of time to maintain it. The complex of wellness procedures is unique and allows you to perfectly recuperate.
  4. On the territory of the sanatorium (boarding house), representatives of various companies can organize various seminars and meetings, arrange offsite corporate events.

Basic prices for spa treatment and other services should not exceed the average for the region. It is economically advantageous to orient the work of the sanatorium for people with an average income level.

To finance the project, investors can be attracted, for example, large enterprises that can send their employees to health improvement at affordable prices. The share of equity capital must be at least 5%.

When developing this business plan, the following materials were used:

  • data from open sources;
  • trade publications;
  • publications by industry experts;
  • surveys of the population through social networks;
  • research of Russian and foreign industry institutes.

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The market of sanatorium and health services

The number of organizations that provide such services is really large. However, most of those who wish are not able to purchase a voucher due to the workload of this industry, or, having once visited a sanatorium on the voucher provided, they are not satisfied with the quality and service of the services provided and are looking for health establishments outside the country. Most of the sanatoriums, with the ideal quality of the services provided, do not deal with the cultural and entertainment aspect of the activity. But people come not only for clean air and proper nutrition, but also for a charge of positive emotions and impressions. With an individual approach to each client, a person will return to the sanatorium again and again. According to statistics, most people prefer to spend their holidays in favorite place rather than indulge in dubious experiments in new places.

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Personnel required for the operation of the sanatorium (boarding house)

  1. Administration. For work, you will need one manager and his deputy, who will coordinate the work of all personnel, sign contracts with suppliers, enterprises that receive services, etc.
  2. Accounting. One chief accountant and his assistant will be enough to keep track of wages, financial reports, payments, product consumption, etc.
  3. Marketing department. The selection of competent specialists is especially important here - it depends on them how much all vouchers and additional services will be implemented. And from this the period is determined, how quickly the given project will pay off.
  4. Security. For the rest to be safe and comfortable, the presence of security is required. It will be good if the guards will work part-time as plumbers and carpenters when the need arises.
  5. Medical staff. Doctors in sanatoriums usually work part-time (they come at reception hours for 3-4 hours to prescribe medical and health procedures and diagnostics). The number of nurses, massage therapists, etc. is calculated based on the number of procedures performed and guests.
  6. Maids and other staff of the sanatorium. The calculation of the need for service personnel is based on the fact that for every 15 rooms, one worker will be needed to do laundry, cleaning, ironing and maintaining order.
  7. Kitchen staff (cooks, cook assistants, waiters).
  8. Personnel for rendering other types of services (for baths, cafes, hairdressing salons, etc.).

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Choosing a place for placing a sanatorium (boarding house)

When choosing a place for placing a sanatorium (boarding house), it is necessary to pay attention not only to the availability of natural and other resources, but also to whether the area is a resort.

When drawing up a business plan for a sanatorium, all possible costs must be taken into account. In this case, it is necessary to decide whether to start construction or it is better to buy or rent a ready-made object. Real estate prices are dictated by the country's policy and the often not very stable exchange rate of the national currency. The location plays a major role: prices for sanatoriums in the Moscow region can be significantly higher than those in Sochi. The price level for these objects is currently dictated not by demand, but by supply.

Sanatoriums and boarding houses exist as a separate industry with their own laws and regulations.

Experts say that with a competent approach to this business, all costs can be recouped in the first season. To do this, it is necessary to provide for all the points that may arise in the work.

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Selecting the operating mode of the sanatorium (boarding house)

It is necessary to determine and accurately calculate: is it profitable if the sanatorium will be year-round or work only in the warm season. The choice depends on many factors:

  • is there a swimming pool in the sanatorium;
  • whether there is a body of water, forest, etc nearby;
  • what kind excursion tours is in the city at different times of the year;
  • what alternative winter recovery methods can you suggest.

As the experience of many owners shows, it is economically beneficial if the sanatorium has a wide profile of activity and operates all year round. It is only necessary to correctly correct the cultural and health-improving program.

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Basic costs and investments

  1. Premises for a sanatorium and the land adjacent to it. If you buy a building, then the cost will go to the cost, if you rent, then the rent. Here, do not forget that other capital costs are very high and the payback period can be more than a year. Therefore, it is advisable to conclude a lease agreement for a long term.
  2. The cost of repairs and improvement of the territory. Considering these costs, do not forget that the most important thing for vacationers is how comfortable their stay will be. For example, if the choice is before installing a beautiful suspended ceiling or purchasing air conditioners in the rooms, then it would be more correct to choose the latter. Clients will never forget see-through windows, lack of hot water or the Internet, even if a luxurious renovation is made - they will never come back here.
  3. The costs of furnishing, design and other elements of the interior of the sanatorium. It is necessary to carefully plan the design, layout, furnishing of the premises in advance. Many owners of both large and small sanatoriums purchase furniture for their rooms in one place (large purchases are made at wholesale prices).
  4. Equipment and inventory costs for rooms, medical offices, kitchens, canteens, cafes, showers, treatment rooms, lounges, hairdressers, etc. If the necessary funds for the creation of all objects are not yet available, it is possible to provide premises for rent for those firms that provide services in these areas.

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Monthly expenses for the maintenance of the sanatorium (boarding house)

  1. Rent, payment for land, utility bills.
  2. Wages to employees.
  3. Taxes and other payments.
  4. Expenses for medications and other means to improve health, maintain the well-being and beauty of vacationers.
  5. Food expenses.
  6. Expenses for cultural events.
  7. Advertising costs.

It is necessary to clearly and competently describe all the services of the doctors that you will represent. All employees must be of certain merit and the necessary work experience. Diplomas and certificates hung on the walls create a sense of the client's trust in the attending physician.

The services of an endocrinologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, surgeon, dentist and otolaryngologist are popular in the health resort business. The cost of treatment for one visit (about 20-25 days) must be agreed with specialists. The basic formula for calculating the service: cost of medicines, depreciation of equipment, cost of doctor's services, payment for diagnostics plus a percentage of profit. Most often, a percentage of 10-15% is used.

It should be borne in mind that a recreation area can also act as a good trading platform for the sale of specialized services and goods (souvenirs, juices, etc.) mineral water, health teas, etc.). Many boarding houses also include a beach area, billiard rooms, an area for discos (which can be visited not only by vacationers, but by all residents and guests of the city for a fee).

When recruiting personnel, it is necessary to calculate the optimal salary, a convenient work schedule, the percentage of monetary rewards for the sale of additional goods and services. It is necessary to establish direct supplies of food, choose a way of serving food (set tables or buffet), develop a menu, therapeutic diets, etc.

Vacationers will be happy to attend yoga, fitness or other sports training. It is possible to create hobby groups where vacationers can learn to draw, sculpt from clay or salt dough, etc. The range of services that can be provided is truly endless. All that remains is to find the right instructors and masters who will be able to transfer their knowledge.

The most difficult period for anyone country hotel focused on family holiday- off-season. The main reason for this is definitely bad weather... But there are factors that can attract a person at this time in the countryside. Clubbing - that's what can "save" the recreation center from poor occupancy during such a period. The main thing for which people gather in "bad weather" is communication, and the main product that attracts vacationers in the high season will no longer be of such great importance.

A resident of a metropolis is in constant motion, and as a result - in stress. Therefore, the desire to rest, relax, take a short break from work becomes a necessity. And if you offer him this, albeit a short rest, he will gladly accept this offer. Fantalis recommends organizing so-called stress management weeks. The “menu” of such a week should have everything that accompanies complete relaxation. Before the weekend, you can notify clients by letters about the so-called "interesting weekend at the recreation center." For example, you can devote a weekend to playing Mafia and offer a free week's vacation as a prize. In parallel with animation for adults, there should also be a children's program. The animation program for adults must be accompanied by children's animation. Often, vacationers give preference to exactly that country hotel, where both themselves and their children can have fun. And for this it is necessary to give them the opportunity to rest from each other. Also, guests can be lured by preparing some special "weekend" meal.

So, the guarantee of high occupancy of the hotel in the off-season is an animation program that will gather people. You need to know the customer base well and be able to correctly distribute it according to interests. In every season it is possible to organize weekly races for children, as schoolchildren “celebrate” holidays 4 times a year.

Are there any ways to make guests permanent?

Vacationers who come to the hotel again are grateful, and, of course, welcome guests. How do you get the guest back?

Consider the conditions under which a customer becomes a regular. For example, fishermen generally come to the recreation center during a certain period intended for a good catch. And if vacationers, through a kind of trainings, are consulted on how to fish competently at any time, of course, they will come more often. In order for the guest to feel comfortable, like at home, everyone's preferences should be taken into account. Moreover, you can choose several directions of the public of your country hotel. Namely, it is not necessary, for example, to gather married couples and noisy youth in one race. As a result, guests will come to their country house, many will already know each other. The staff, in turn, must have a personal relationship with each of the guests, then the vacationer will involuntarily return to this place, since it is here that his wishes are guessed. Children play a special role in hotel occupancy. If you entertain the little guest correctly, then he will definitely want to return to this recreation center again. And since most often, parents make a choice in favor of the whim of their child, they will come exactly where their child is having fun.

Do not forget to improve your hotel, tourists are often looking for new sensations. New animation, new interior, new proposals - all this will quench the thirst of travelers.

Description of products, confirmation of demand in the domestic and foreign markets, the possibility of import substitution

Unique geographic and climatic conditions, gentle, warm sea, sandy beaches and amazing fresh air allow you not only to have a good rest, but also to improve your health. The sun shines here 280 days a year, the average temperature in summer is 28-33 degrees Celsius. The shallow sea is very convenient for children and families. The average water temperature reaches 28 degrees Celsius. Bathing season lasts more than five months.

Justification of the market niche of products and the mid-term concept of its expansion. Demand nature

The demand for these types of services will fluctuate throughout the year, in the autumn-winter period the number of tourists in the complex will be lower compared to the spring-summer period.

General marketing strategy of the enterprise. The most effective mechanisms for promoting products (works, services) to target markets

The market price will be set based on the current prices for these types of services.

In the future, on the basis of marketing research, it is planned to carry out a weighted average pricing policy at a level below the average market prices and their possible increase based on determining the elasticity of demand for services.

Enterprise pricing characteristics

Planned measures to stimulate product sales. The cost of advertising and promoting it on the market

After-sales service and quality assurance policy

The quality policy will be to strive to achieve 100% zero complaints and claims from vacationers.

Quality strategy

The priorities in the field of quality are the quality of services and the quality of service.

Even the highest quality service, accompanied by insufficient attention to you as a client, will not bring you satisfaction. On the other hand, no matter how high the quality of service, you will be disappointed if you receive insufficient quality results. The knowledge and experience accumulated over the years allows us to find the optimal balance between these two key elements.

The basis of the service quality assurance system is:

    Standardization of processes and procedures. The enterprise will develop, implement and constantly improve a quality assurance and control system based on standardization and formalization of all order processing processes and work execution procedures based on an internal quality standard. Such standardization allows you to clearly plan all work and avoid surprises and mistakes - each employee clearly knows what and how he should do, and performs his work at a high professional level.

    The professionalism of the staff. The professional level, qualifications and experience of employees will be at the forefront. No matter how thought out and standardized all the processes and procedures, no matter how perfect the system of processing and fulfilling orders and no matter how fine-tuned and fine-tuned all methods of control and quality assurance, in any case, the main source of quality is our employees. An important role is played by the optimal system of division of labor - which allows each employee to concentrate on their work and provide high quality services provided and customer service.

News about Russian tourism appeared on the website of the popular TASS news agency today:

This year, most Russians have relied on domestic tourism.

Reservation service representative Ozon Travel Maria Nazamutdinova told TASS that 72% of their clients preferred travel in Russia, noting that in 2014 this figure was 65%.

Against the background of this news, the idea appeared to lay out useful information about how a recreation center can receive customers via the Internet, regardless of where it is - on the seashore or in the outback. Information for the article is collected from the experience of working with the recreation center "Yuzhnaya".

Who is the client of the recreation center?

  • Residents of nearby cities planning a family holiday on weekends / vacations;
  • Residents of nearby cities planning a vacation in the company of friends or relatives on the occasion of any holiday (birthdays, meetings of classmates, graduation, etc.);
  • Residents of other cities planning to go to the base for rest / vacation (rare, certain features of the recreation center are required);
  • Corporate clients gathering a company of employees for a corporate party;
  • The audience for the specific services of the recreation center (hunting, fishing, snowmobile tours, etc.);
  • Young people planning a wedding.

Of course, this is far from a complete and detailed analysis of the target audience of the recreation center, but we roughly segmented it. Further, a more in-depth division by gender, age, interests, occupation, etc. is carried out, but this process is worthy of a separate blog entry.

Where to find the target audience of the recreation center?

The entire audience can be divided into those who were looking for themselves, those who were "caught up" by retargeting services, and those who saw them by chance. Who is looking? For example, a person has a birthday soon and he is looking for where to celebrate it. Or someone is looking for where to celebrate New Year's Eve... Or maybe just looking for a "recreation center" to relax.

To get such an audience, you need to meet several conditions:

  1. You need to be wherever you can search (All search engines, directories, social networks, etc.);
  2. You need to be found and you were in the top lines of search results;
  3. You need the user to want to go from the search results for your ad to the site / group page, etc.

Actually, in order to meet these conditions, it is necessary to perform a set of measures.
You need to have all the necessary pages on the site, you need them to be optimized for search engines, you need someone to promote these pages in search engines (SEO), you need to work with social networks - create groups, lead them, buy ads in thematic communities, build an audience and use targeted ads.

It is necessary to correctly name the community so that it is more often found in searches on social networks - this is also very important.

Thus, you can get active traffic of targeted users who are looking for your service themselves.

The second segment of the audience is those who are "caught up" with retargeting services. Retargeting is a repeat marketing action, and more specifically, an ad serving. The customization is usually very flexible and you can, for example, show an advertisement to those who clicked on the "book" button, but did not enter any data and did not submit the form. This was clearly the target user and you need to get him to come back and still book. Such advertisements can haunt the user for a long time, and everywhere - in the results of search engines, in in social networks, on the partner sites of the contextual network.
This also includes options such as

  • Tracking users of the Vkontakte site (you get links to the profiles of those who were on your site and can directly contact the client);
  • E-mail marketing (yes, with a competent approach, a very effective method of returning customers);
  • "Deferred" discount systems - you can offer a discount to a user who has left the site. Here, of course, there is a chain of advertising tools - for example, 3 days after visiting the site, send a letter to the user with a "unique" offer to visit the database with a 3% discount on accommodation.

The last way - the most interesting - is when a user "accidentally" sees your ad. Of course, not by chance. And advertising should be interesting to him. This approach to customer acquisition is a time-consuming process of analytics, customization of tools and control.
You can, for example, show VKontakte ads to those who have a birthday no earlier than 1-2 weeks and no more than 1-1.5 months later. And invite them to celebrate DR at your recreation center. The user did not seem to be looking for anything, but the information for him may be useful.

By the way, filtering out "unnecessary" audience (by age, by occupation) can significantly save the budget of an advertising campaign.

Or, you can offer to hold your wedding to those who have a "marital status" - engaged. Actually, in addition to social networks, similar techniques are used in contextual advertising networks.

How to convince a user to leave an order / application?

The effectiveness of any advertising campaign is assessed by its conversion. And conversion doesn't always depend on ads alone. In our case, the site itself plays a huge role - the landing pages to which users go from advertising. Here you need to show the user all the necessary information, show the most favorable conditions, provide him with convenient navigation through the sections of the site, and in simple ways order.

So, for example, a large order form can significantly reduce conversions, because no one likes to fill in many fields. But offering a discount or a gift when ordering through the site can, on the contrary, increase the conversion. In fact, all these indicators are individual not only by type of activity, but also for each site separately. To increase the conversion, it is necessary to regularly analyze the current indicators, investigate possible changes, user opinions, etc., then implement the changes through the system of "split-tests".

Split tests are the display of different versions of the same page to different users at the same time interval. They are carried out to select the most effective option.

Work to increase conversion needs to be done constantly - the Internet market is a very active metric, in which all indicators always change very quickly. And, if today your conversion is high because of a 3% discount, then tomorrow it may be low because of the total cost of the service or because of outdated photos on the site (in winter - summer ones left).

How do sales on the site generally take place?

The most correct presentation of the sales process is the image of the sales funnel. The funnel has been simplified much for clarity, and the stages, in principle, are described above.

Now imagine that you have 2000 users on your site every month. Of these, 3% were interested and you received 60 applications.
Of these, 50% made a purchase (paid for the service) - these are 30 paid orders (with an average check of 10,000 rubles, this is 300,000 rubles). It is very convenient to see the need for work to increase conversion, increase customer loyalty and return customers to the site.
Imagine that the conversion to order increased to 5%, that is, to 100 orders. This is already 50 sales or 500,000 rubles. Not a small change in profit, depending on the color of the button, isn't it?
And if we increase the quality of the manager's work and the conversion of applications into sales from 50% to 70%, then this is not 500 thousand rubles, but 700 thousand rubles.
By increasing the conversion of the site by 2% and the conversion of the manager by 20%, you can increase the income from sales by 100-150% and more!

If you have a recreation center and you want to get additional clients via the Internet, we are ready to offer you a free audit of the existing site (if any) and consultation on the most suitable options for you!