Rules for the classification and construction of inland navigation vessels. Regulations on the classification of vessels of inland and mixed (river-sea) navigation. The practice of applying the civil procedural code of the Russian Federation, a practical guide edited by Z

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1 Regulations on the classification of vessels of inland and mixed (river-sea) navigation “Regulations on the classification of vessels of inland and mixed (river-sea) navigation” is a regulatory legal act that determines the procedure for carrying out classification activities by the Russian River Register. The document was developed on the basis of Part 1 “Classification” of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Inland Navigation Vessels (RSVP), other Rules of the Russian River Register ed. and the Charter of the Russian River Register, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated, taking into account the provisions of the Code of Inland Water Transport. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. These Regulations determine the procedure for the classification of vessels of inland and mixed (river-sea) navigation (hereinafter referred to as classification activities) by the federal state institution "Russian River Register" (hereinafter referred to as the River Register). In its classification activities, the River Register is guided by these Regulations, the rules developed and issued by it, containing requirements for ships during their design, construction, repair and operation, as well as for materials and products intended for installation on ships, and other regulatory and technical acts (hereinafter referred to as rules) The purpose of the classification activities of the River Register is to ensure the technical safety of navigation of ships specified in paragraph 1.5 of these Regulations, in accordance with their purpose, the protection of life and health of passengers and ship crews, the safety of cargo transported on ships, the environmental safety of ships. To achieve the goal specified in 1.3 of these Regulations, classification activities include the development and publication of rules, review. and coordination of technical documentation, technical supervision of the manufacture of materials and products, construction of ships with assignment of class, as well as confirmation, renewal and restoration of class based on the results of surveys prescribed by the rules for the entire period of operation of each ship before its decommissioning with the execution and issuance of relevant documents by the Objects classification activities of the Russian River Register are self-propelled inland navigation vessels with main engines with a power of at least 55 kW, non-self-propelled vessels with a capacity (Appendix 1 to these Regulations) of at least 80 tons, all passenger and tanker vessels, ferry crossings and floating bridges on inland waterways routes, vessels of mixed (river-sea) navigation (clause 1 of Article 35 of the Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation) At the request of organizations, the River Register can carry out classification activities in relation to objects not listed in clause. 1.5 of these Regulations Work performed by the River Register within the framework of classification activities is carried out on a reimbursable basis Organizations engaged in the design, construction, re-equipment, modernization and repair of ships, manufacturing and repair of products and production of materials for installation on ships, performing work, the results of which are used by the River Register When conducting surveys, the Register, as well as testing laboratories, receive from the River Register a certificate of recognition certifying that this organization manufactures products, performs work and/or provides services in accordance with the requirements of the rules. Surveys of organizations for this purpose are carried out by the River Register once every two years.

2 2. PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION OF THE RULES 2.1. Vessels, materials and products, the technical documentation of which is submitted for approval to the River Register after the entry into force of the rules or changes made to the rules, must meet the requirements of these rules and changes. For vessels under construction, materials and products, the technical documentation for which was approved by the River Register before the rules entered into force, the version of the rules that was in force at the time of approval of this documentation applies, unless otherwise specified in the relevant parts or sections of the rules. Vessels in operation are subject to requirements of the edition of the rules according to which they were built, unless otherwise specified in subsequent editions of the rules and bulletins of additions and changes to the rules issued after the publication of the rules. Restoration or re-equipment of a vessel in operation must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the newly published rules in that To the extent that it is feasible and technically justified, the River Register in some cases may allow the use of structures, materials and products, as well as make decisions that, to one degree or another, do not meet the requirements of the rules, provided that the necessary justification is provided to it (calculations, results of experimental studies, operating experience and other data) proving that the specified structures, materials, products or decisions made are, from a safety point of view, no less effective than those regulated by the rules. If the design of the ship, its elements or the materials used cannot be are recognized as sufficiently tested in operation, the River Register may propose special tests, reduce the time between periodic surveys, increase the scope of these surveys or impose restrictions on the operating conditions of the vessel. Restrictions are lifted after obtaining satisfactory test results during operation. The River Register has the right, if the requirements specified in the rules are not met, to prohibit the operation of ships, ship mechanisms, devices and technical means, as well as not to issue or cancel documents previously issued to them permitting the operation of ships. 3. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION 3.1. The River Register reviews and approves technical documentation for the construction, re-equipment, modernization and repair of ships, the manufacture and repair of products and the production of materials for installation on ships (technical designs, working documentation, technical specifications, standards and other regulatory and technical documents), and also approves computer programs used for design purposes and in the operation of ships. Standard lists of technical documentation submitted for approval to the River Register are given in the rules. Technical documentation is developed and submitted for review before the start of construction (manufacturing) of the facility. Documents are submitted to the River Register in the form of originals, duplicates or copies. Documents must contain all the necessary data to verify compliance with the requirements of the rules. In the case of applying fundamentally new solutions, technical specifications, technical proposals, preliminary designs, as well as development and research studies may be submitted to the River Register for consideration. Such documents are not subject to approval. Based on the results of their consideration, a letter of conclusion (review) of the River Register is drawn up. The approval of technical documentation by any structural unit of the River Register is valid for all other units of the River Register. This approval can be (if there are grounds) canceled or changed only

3 by the division that approved the documentation, as well as by a higher-level (by subordination) structural division, Technical documentation approved by one of the River Register divisions is accepted by other divisions for technical supervision without additional approval, if the production conditions in a particular organization do not require adjustment of this documentation Changes , introduced into the previously approved technical documentation must be agreed upon with the structural unit of the River Register that reviewed the technical documentation. Changes made to the working documentation during the process of its development are approved by the River Register inspection (hereinafter referred to as the inspection) that approved the working documentation. All deviations from the agreed working documentation that arose during the construction of a ship, the manufacture, repair of a product or the manufacture of material for installation on ships are agreed upon by the inspectorate supervising the construction of the ship, the manufacture or repair of a product or the manufacture of material, respectively. However, this inspection retains the right to transfer certain deviations of a fundamental nature for approval to the division of the River Register that reviewed the project. The River Register does not check the correctness of the computational operations during the calculation, including according to the programs agreed with the River Register, but examines the final results of the calculations. Calculations must be performed in accordance with the instructions of the rules or methods agreed with the River Register. In some cases, the River Register may conduct an additional examination of the reliability of the final results of calculations. If there are solutions in the technical documentation that differ from those regulated by the rules (deviations), the design organization provides a list of such decisions outlining their essence and technical justification. In its conclusion on the project, the River Register reports about the decisions taken on the presented list. Deviations not included in the list are not considered agreed upon, and the River Register may require their elimination at any subsequent stage of design, construction or manufacture of objects. All documentation submitted to the River Register for consideration is confidential and can be transferred to a third party only with its written consent owner The validity period of the River Register approval for the technical documentation of the vessel is no more than 6 years. After this period has expired or in the event that the gap between the dates of approval of the documentation and the start of construction exceeds 3 years, the documentation must be adjusted to take into account changes in the rules that occurred during the specified time. In justified cases, the River Register may extend the validity period of technical documentation without adjusting it. The scope of the adjustment must be agreed with the River Register. The approval of technical documentation for the repair, modernization and re-equipment of ships is carried out, as a rule, without a time limit. The River Register coordinates standards and other regulatory documents, with the exception of technical specifications for materials and products, for the period of their validity. Technical conditions are agreed upon for 6 years. Upon expiration of the validity period, the documentation is subject to approval by the River Register, during which its compliance with the requirements of the current rules is checked. 4. TECHNICAL SUPERVISION 4.1. Technical supervision is an integral part of classification activities and includes stage-by-stage checks of compliance with the rules in the process of construction, re-equipment, modernization, repair of ships and their elements, manufacture and repair of products (mechanisms, equipment, devices, supplies) and manufacturing

4 materials for installation on ships. The elements of the ship include the structural parts of the ship regulated by the rules: the hull, superstructures, ship fittings, equipment, supplies, fire protection equipment, engines, boilers, systems, heat exchangers, pressure vessels, deck machinery, electrical equipment, radio and navigation equipment, refrigeration units, automation equipment, lifting devices, environmental safety equipment Technical supervision of the River Register is carried out at the request of organizations on a contractual basis. The range of objects of technical supervision, the scope and methods of inspections, measurements and tests are established by the rules and in each case are subject to clarification when concluding an agreement taking into account specific production conditions. Attached to the contract is a list of control checks of facilities and technological operations that are required to submit an inspection after control by the organization’s personnel and the execution of the relevant documents by them. The organization provides the representative of the River Register (hereinafter referred to as the inspector) with the necessary conditions for carrying out technical supervision, namely: 1) provides the technical information necessary for the work documentation, including product quality control documents, as well as the necessary tools and workwear; 2) prepares facilities for inspections to the required extent; 3) ensures the safety of the inspector’s technical supervision; 4) ensures the presence of officials authorized to present objects to the inspector for inspection; 5) promptly notifies the inspector of the time and place of inspections and tests of objects. If the organization fails to comply with the conditions for carrying out technical supervision, the inspector has the right to refuse inspections and participation in tests, motivating his refusal in writing. The River Register may instruct the technical staff of the organization to conduct control tests or part of them in order to verify the compliance of materials and products with the rules. In this case, the rights and obligations of the organization and the River Register are established by agreement of the parties. Materials and products (objects of technical supervision, see clause 4.3 of these Regulations) are allowed for installation on ships only if there are documents from the River Register or documents from another classification organization issued on behalf of the River Register Register. In the absence of such an order, the possibility of recognizing certificates of another classification organization is the subject of special consideration by the River Register, 4. 7. By agreement with the Main Directorate of the River Register, instead of issuing River Register documents, it is allowed to confirm the documents of the manufacturer for materials and products of mass production, including replacement spare parts, by signing them by the inspector and affixing his personal stamp. New and first-time standard materials and products presented to the River Register must be approved by the River Register for its intended use with the issuance of a certificate of approval of the type material or product in the manner prescribed by the rules. 5. INSPECTION OF SHIPS IN OPERATION 5.1. Inspection of ships in operation is an integral part of the classification activity, consists of checking the compliance of the ship with the rules and includes, at a minimum: checking the availability of agreed technical documentation, certificates for materials and components, reports of the technical control service of the organization, acts of the shipowner, reports of previous surveys;

5 external inspection, measurements, operational checks and tests; registration and issuance of documents of the River Register Each vessel specified in paragraph 1.5 of these Regulations is registered with the classification inspection inspection: 1) after the construction of the vessel; 2) after changing the point of registration and, in connection with this, moving to the area of ​​activity of another inspection; 3) when transferring to a River Register class from a class of another classification organization; 4) if the ship was previously deregistered or was not registered with any inspection; 5) when there is a change of shipowner. A ship is removed from the inspection classification register: 1) when it is written off; 2) upon relocation to a new home point in the area of ​​activity of another inspection; 3) upon transfer to a class of another classification organization; 4) in the case when the ship has not been submitted for survey for more than two years in the absence of a reasonable request from the shipowner; 5) upon change of shipowner. Removal of the vessel from the inspection register, except for the case specified in paragraphs. 4 of clause 5.3, is carried out at the request of the shipowner, which must indicate the reason for deregistration of the vessel. The shipowner submits vessels that are on the classification register of the River Register for survey within the time limits specified in the documents issued to the vessel by the River Register. Survey of vessels, with the exception of calls in case of emergency, it is carried out according to preliminary applications sent to the inspector or inspection no less than one day before the survey. The inspector may refuse the survey if the ship or its element is not prepared for the survey. In this case, the inspector must state the reasons for the refusal in writing (in a report or notice). For all types of surveys, the inspector is authorized to make decisions in accordance with the rules. Decisions that differ from those regulated by the rules must be agreed upon with the head of the inspection. A certificate of verification by the shipowner before the start of navigation of the suitability of the ship for operation must be kept on the ship. All work related to the preparation for survey and testing of ship elements, carried out before presenting the ship for survey, as well as the work necessary to determine the technical condition of the ship's elements (complete or partial disassembly of the structure, opening of slats, lining and insulation, determination of wear and deformation parameters, calculations, measurements, etc.) is carried out by the forces and/or at the expense of the shipowner. In justified cases, the shipowner can, and in cases prescribed by the rules, is obliged to entrust the defect detection of one or another element of the vessel to an organization that has a recognition certificate for the corresponding type of activity issued by the River Register. In the event of a discrepancy between the results of the sample control carried out by the inspector and the measurement data provided by the shipowner, the inspector has the right to demand that all necessary measurements be repeated. During the survey, the shipowner ensures the presence of command personnel responsible for the condition of the elements of the ship being inspected. The adjustment and sealing of safety valves of boilers and pressure vessels is carried out by the shipowner. During all types of surveys, the shipowner and/or the ship's command staff inform the inspector about all noticed defects, cases of failure of ship elements in the period between the previous and ongoing surveys, as well as changes in the composition

6 equipment and supplies and repairs carried out during the same period, present the necessary documents, reports of previous surveys, technical documentation and inspection and testing reports of ship elements prescribed by the rules. About damage to the ship, the shipowner immediately notifies the inspectorate within the boundaries of whose activities the damage occurred, and presents the ship for examination, regardless of whether the damage led to a traffic accident or not. The inspection may not conduct an examination if the damage did not lead to a transport accident, the removal of the ship from service, and can be repaired under ship conditions in a short time. A ship that is subject to a one-time passage through basins significantly different from the navigation area provided for by the class of the ship is prepared by the shipowner for such passage in accordance with the requirements of the rules under the technical supervision of the River Register with the issuance of a certificate for a one-time passage. A non-passenger vessel may be recognized by the River Register as suitable for transporting organized groups of people (delivery to the place of work and back) at the request of the shipowner, subject to special additional equipment of such a vessel in accordance with the requirements of the rules, the availability of information on the stability and unsinkability of the vessel. A vessel may be recognized by the River Register as suitable for the carriage of cargo not provided for in the ship's documents if the shipowner submits technical documentation confirming the possibility of safe transportation of this cargo and containing a description of additional design measures, methods of securing the cargo, additions to the instructions for loading and unloading, as well as information on the stability and unsinkability of the vessel. Any changes relating to materials, products and design of the vessel, which are subject to the requirements of the rules, are agreed upon with the River Register before their implementation. 6. RIVER REGISTER DOCUMENTS 6.1. When carrying out classification activities, the River Register issues documents prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the rules. The River Register documents are issued on the basis of positive results of the survey of the object. The River Register may fully or partially recognize documents issued by other classification organizations. When processing documents issued by the River Register, it is allowed to use only established Main Directorate for Samples of Forms, Stamps and Seals In case of disagreement with the inspector’s decision, the shipowner or organization can appeal to the head of the inspection. The decision of the head of the inspection can be appealed to the Main Directorate of the River Register with the presentation of justifications and a copy of the decision of the head of the inspection. The decision of the Main Directorate can be appealed to the federal executive body in the field of transport or an arbitration court. 7. PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION OF VESSELS 7.1. The class of a ship is determined by a set of conventional symbols assigned to a ship during its classification and characterizing the design features of the ship and the conditions of its operation in accordance with the rules based on safety requirements. Classification of ships is carried out in accordance with the classification of water basins. Inland water basins, including estuary areas with marine navigation regime, classified into categories “L”, “R”, “O” and “M” depending on their wind-wave regime based on the following conditions: 1) in pools of categories “L”, “R” and “O” waves 1% - height provision

7, respectively, 0.6, 1.2 and 2.0 m have a total repeatability (availability) of no more than 4% of navigation time; 2) in category “M” pools, waves of 3% probability with a height of 3.0 m have a total repeatability (probability) of no more than 4% of the navigation time. Estuary areas with marine navigation begin from the border of inland waterways. In these areas, the operation of vessels of all types is permitted in accordance with the rules and class of the vessel. Lists of inland water basins of Russia depending on their category, as well as sea areas in which the operation of mixed (river-sea) navigation vessels is allowed, and the operating conditions of vessels are established by the rules. The main symbols in the formula for the class of inland navigation vessels are the letters “L”, “R” ", "O" and "M", defining the design features of the vessel and the category of the water basin in which its operation is allowed. The main symbols in the formula for the class of vessels of mixed (river-sea) navigation are the letter combinations “O-PR”, “M-PR” and “M-SP”, which determine the design features of the vessel and the conditions of its operation in sea areas. Characteristics of standard wave heights in relation to the main symbol of the vessel class are given in Appendix 2 to these Regulations. Depending on the design features of the vessel, the main class symbol in the class formula is supplemented with the following symbols: 1) for ships built under the technical supervision of the River Register or another classification system recognized by the River Register organization, a symbol that is placed before the main symbol, for example, “O”; 2) immediately after the main class symbol, the wave height allowed during operation in meters is entered, accurate to the first decimal place, for example, “O1.5”. For high-speed vessels: gliders, hydrofoils, hovercraft, and ekranoplanes, wave height restrictions are written as a fraction, the numerator of which indicates the wave height when the vessel is moving in a displacement state, and the denominator in operational mode. After the fraction, the type of vessel is indicated according to the principle of movement, for example, “P1.2/0.8 glider”, “O2.0/1.2 SPK”, “O2.0/1.5 SVP”, “P 1.2/ 0.4 ekranoplan"; 3) for ships with special ice reinforcements, after the wave height value, the word “ice” and the thickness of fine winter ice in centimeters, established by the River Register when approving the vessel design, are written in brackets, for example, “O (ice 20)”. The word “icebreaker” is included in the icebreaker class formula; 4) for ships equipped with automation equipment in accordance with the rules, after all the symbols specified in subparagraphs 1 to 3 of this paragraph, the letter “A” is entered, for example, “O 2.0 (ice 20) A”; 5) if the vessel or its individual elements do not fully comply with the rules, have not been tested by operating practice, but are approved by the River Register for operation as experimental for the purpose of studying and testing them, the symbol “E” is added to the class formula before the symbol, for example, “E O2.0 (ice 20) A.” If the results of testing, operation and surveys of a vessel with an experimental class are satisfactory, the symbol “E” may be excluded from the class formula. The River Register may exclude or change one or another symbol in the class formula if the conditions that served as the basis for introducing this symbol into the class formula are changed or violated. The Register assigns a class to a ship during the initial survey, confirms, renews or restores it during other types of surveys. The assignment, renewal or restoration of a class to a vessel is certified by a classification certificate issued to the vessel. The class of a vessel constantly operating in a pool of a given category must be not lower than the category of this pool. An inland navigation vessel that has a suitable technical condition can be recognized as suitable for occasional navigation (irregular operation) V

8 in a pool of a higher category, subject to additional requirements for design, freeboard, equipment, supplies, as well as restrictions on the navigation area, wind-wave conditions, seasonality, ice conditions, etc. The River Register, at the request of the shipowner, reclassifies vessels in the event the need to change the main class symbol in the class formula or the type and purpose of the vessel. Work to prepare the vessel for reclassification with an increase in class and/or in connection with a change in the type and purpose of the vessel must be carried out in accordance with the technical documentation agreed with the River Register and under its technical observation. Calculations and checks must be carried out in accordance with the rules in force at the time of development of technical documentation for reclassification, and must be focused on new operating conditions due to changes in external loads, technical characteristics (draft, displacement, freeboard), type of cargo transported and etc.

9 APPENDIX 1 GUIDELINES FOR DETERMINING CAPACITY Capacity refers to the gross tonnage of the vessel. The gross tonnage of inland navigation vessels GT in registered tons is determined by the formula: GT = V / 2.83, where V is the gross tonnage, m 3, determined by measuring all the premises of the vessel or calculated by the formula: V LBT LB (H T), lbh where L and B length and width of the vessel along the design waterline, m; H side height, m; T of the vessel's draft along the design waterline, m; displacement completeness coefficient; coefficient of completeness of the design waterline; l, b, h, respectively, the average length, width and height of superstructures or deckhouses, m. The gross tonnage does not include the volume of the wheelhouse, galleys, toilets, all skylights and similar small deckhouses. The gross tonnage of mixed (river-sea) vessels is determined in accordance with the rules for measuring vessels contained in Appendix 1 to the International Convention on Tonnage of Ships of 1969. APPENDIX 2 CHARACTERISTICS OF STANDARD WAVE HEIGHTS IN APPLICATION TO THE MAIN SYMBOL OF THE VESSEL CLASS Main class symbol Standard wave height, m ​​Provision of wave heights, % “L” 0.6 1 “R” 1.2 1 “O” 2.0 1 “M” 3 .0 3 “O-PR” 2.0 3 “M-PR” 2.5 3 “M-SP” 3.5 3 Total frequency, % General Director of the Russian River Register N.A. Efremov


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Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 No. 427 On the procedure for checking the reliability of determining the estimated cost of capital construction projects, the construction of which is financed with

APPROVED by the decision of the extraordinary general meeting of the self-regulatory organization of the Non-Profit Partnership "Builders of the Urals" Minutes 5 of 05/13/2010 RULES for monitoring compliance by members of the self-regulatory

Document provided by ConsultantPlus Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 30, 2017 N 48733 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER dated May 19, 2017 N 191 ON APPROVAL OF STATE RULES

1 Draft PROCEDURE for carrying out work on certification of organizations engaged in the manufacture of civil aviation equipment I. General provisions Applicability 1. This Procedure is based on

The main documents regulating the expert assessment of courts in Ukraine are:

1. Russian river register

Rules for the classification and construction of inland navigation vessels.

Publishing house Marine engineering service M.1995 volumes 1,2,3.

  1. Order of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Ukraine dated August 13, 1997 No. 46 “On the introduction into force in Ukraine the Rules of the Russian River Register ed. 1995 from 1.09.97 years.”

  2. Instructions for filling out documents of the Russian River Register compiled during the classification and technical supervision of ships.

  3. Rules for environmental safety of domestic and mixed courts swimming M1995

  4. Russian Maritime Register of Shipping of Russia.
191186 St. Petersburg Palace Embankment 6 tel. 3141087

Phone numbers of organizations involved in surveying:
Belokurets Anatoly Alekseevich - tel. 417-30-53- Chief engineer of Ukrflotnadzor of Ukraine;

Okhrimenko Alexander Stanislavovich - Deputy Head of Ukrflotnadzor of Ukraine - tel. 416-82-09;

Savchenko Boris Nikonovich - Representative of Ukrmorflotnadzor in Ukraine. - tel. 416-53-21.

Classification of ships, definitions.
The following definitions are adopted in the Rules of the River Register of the Russian Federation:
1,1 Cargo ship- a ship designed to transport goods.

1,2 Passenger ship- a vessel intended for the carriage of passengers or carrying more than 12 passengers

1,3 fishing boat- a vessel used directly for fishing, as well as for the extraction of other living water resources.

1,4 Mixed navigation vessel (river - sea)- a vessel designed for non-transshipment transportation of goods along sea and inland waterways.

1.5 Vessels with a horizontal method of loading and unloading cargo - vessels specially designed for transporting various wheeled vehicles, cargo operations on which are carried out in a horizontal way - rolling, including:

- ro-ro vessels - cargo ships specifically designed for the transportation of various equipment (with and without cargo), on all decks, including superstructure decks;

- ferries - ships intended for the carriage of passengers, as well as railway rolling stock or trackless vehicles (with or without cargo), usually on the bulkhead deck and above;

1,6 Tanker - a vessel designed for the transportation of liquid cargo in bulk.

1,7 Combination vessel - a vessel intended for the transportation in bulk of crude oil and petroleum products, as well as bulk cargo (these vessels mean oil ore carriers and similar vessels).

1,8 Pusher - a vessel that has a coupling device and is intended for constant driving by pushing other vessels and floating structures.

1,9 Deadweight - the difference between the vessel’s displacement along the load waterline, corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard in water with a density of 1,000-1,025 t/m 3 (depending on the class of the vessel and the navigation area) and the lightship displacement.

1,9,1 Lightweight displacement - displacement of the vessel in tons without cargo, fuel, lubricating oil, ballast, fresh, boiler water in tanks, ship stores, as well as without passengers, crew and their belongings.

1,10 Tow - a vessel that has a towing device and is intended for towing and towing other vessels and floating structures.

1,11 Floating crane (floating crane) - a crane structure on a floating base of a pontoon type or similar in shape, intended for lifting operations.

1,12 Dry cargo ship- a vessel designed for the transportation of various cargoes (general cargo, containers, timber, bulk cargo, loaded and unloaded vehicles), except for liquid cargo in bulk.

1,13 Container ship - a vessel designed and specially equipped for transporting goods in international containers.

1,14 Hydrofoil vessel (HFV) - a vessel supported above the water surface when moving in operational mode by hydrodynamic forces developing on hydrofoils.

Gross tonnage - in register tons is the gross tonnage in cubic meters divided by 2.83. The gross tonnage shall not include the volume of the wheelhouse, galleys, toilets, all skylights, and similar small deckhouses.

When conducting an expert assessment, depending on its purpose, the appraiser (surveyor) may require the following documents showing the condition of the vessel on the date of the assessment (issued by the State Marine and Technical Supervision Authority of Ukraine):
1, certificate of seaworthiness;

2 Register book of the steam boiler and main steam pipeline;

3, Pressure Vessel Register Book;

4, Inspection reports;

The River Register issues all these 1-4 documents without a time limit; they are valid if there is an appropriate inspection certificate.

5. For ships making overseas voyages, in addition to documents 1-4, the following are issued:

5.1 Certificate of fitness for navigation;

5.2 Certificate for signaling devices;

5.3 Certificate for life-saving appliances;

5.4 Load line certificate;

Oil, Sewage, Garbage Pollution Prevention Certificate;

6, The River Register issues a passenger certificate for passenger ships sailing to coastal areas;

The documents specified in paragraphs 5-6 are issued for the period until the next survey with their annual confirmation.

7. Documents confirming the compliance of materials and products manufactured under the supervision of the River Register with the provisions of the Rules and additional requirements are:

7.1 River Register certificates issued for materials and products;

7.2 River Register documents on the tests performed;

7.3 documents agreed with the River Register issued by enterprises for the materials and products they produce or by laboratories for tests carried out by them;
It is necessary to take into account that the River Register may fully or partially recognize documents of other classification societies, technical supervision bodies, as well as other organizations.

Ship's documents must be kept on the ship, and when operating ships without crews, they must be kept by the owner of the ship.

The captain (commander, skipper) of the vessel, the owner of the vessel (when operating vessels without crews) are responsible for the safety of all River Register documents.

Any changes relating to materials, vessel design and products subject to the requirements of the rules, carried out by shipowners, shipyards and manufacturers, must be agreed upon with the River Register before their implementation.

Supervision over the construction, operation and restoration, modernization and re-equipment of vessels by inspectors is carried out on the basis of agreements with the River Register of technical documentation.

The following inland and mixed navigation vessels, both under construction and in operation, belonging to state enterprises, any form of ownership, business partnerships, public organizations and individuals are subject to technical supervision of the River Register:

- self-propelled with main mechanisms with a power of 55 kW or more;

- non-self-propelled with a gross tonnage of 80 registered tons or more;

- ship lifting devices with a lifting capacity of 1 ton and


Technological and special devices for fishing vessels,

fishing, cable, technical fleet and special purposes are not subject to the supervision of the River Register, with the exception of the equipment listed in the relevant parts of the rules.

Vessel class

1.1 The River Register may assign a class to a vessel built under its technical supervision, as well as assign or restore a class to a vessel in operation.

1.2 Assignment or restoration of class means that the vessel fully or to the extent recognized by the River Register as sufficient satisfies the requirements of the Rules that apply to it.

1.3 The assignment or restoration of a class to a ship is certified by the issuance of a certificate of seaworthiness and is confirmed during regular annual and extraordinary surveys.
The main symbol in the class formula for an inland navigation vessel is the letter designation “L”, “P”, “O”, “M”, which determines the design of the vessel and the category of the water basin in which the vessel is allowed to operate.
Depending on the design features of the vessel, the main class symbol is supplemented with the following signs included in the class formula:

For vessels built under the technical supervision of the River Register or another classification body recognized by the River Register, the sign * is placed in front of the main symbol, for example “* O”

For ships that have special ice reinforcements that meet the requirements of the Rules, the word “ice” is enclosed in brackets, and for icebreakers the word “icebreaker” is placed instead of ice.

For vessels recognized by the River Register as experimental, the letter “E” is placed in front of the combination of the sign * s and the main symbol

“L”, “R”, “O”, “M”, for example “E * M”.
The experimental class is assigned to ships. Individual elements of which or the vessel as a whole do not comply with the Rules, have not been tested by operational practice, but are approved by the River Register for navigation in order to study new elements of the vessel.
- For ships equipped with automation equipment in accordance with the requirements, the letter “A” is placed at the end of the class formula, for example “*O (ice) A”. In the class formula of ships intended for navigation in conditions different from the regulated ones there may be additional signs are used.
Type and purpose of the vessel.
The type of vessel should be designated by the words “motor ship”, “steamship”, “diesel-electric ship”, “Open (closed) cargo ship”, “floating crane”, etc.

To determine the purpose of the vessel, it is allowed to use additional explanations, for example, transportation of petroleum products with a flash point of 45 0, dredging, lifting cargo, etc.

The type and purpose of vessels are not included in the class formula, but they are usually indicated in the “Basic technical data of the vessel” section of the Seaworthiness Certificate.
Regular surveys are carried out to determine the technical condition of the main elements of the vessel, equipment, devices, systems, and supplies. Based on the results of the regular survey, requirements are imposed aimed at ensuring the safe navigation of the vessel in accordance with its purpose and class. (Frequency in tables)

(Annual and extraordinary examination.)

Classification of water basins
division of water basins into categories "L", "R", "O", "M" carried out in compliance with the following conditions:

In discharge pools "L", "R", "O", waves of 1% supply with a height of 0.6, respectively; 1.2; and 2m have a total repeatability (availability) of no more than 4% of navigation time;

In discharge pools "M» waves of 3% probability with a height of 3 m have a total repeatability of no more than 4% of the navigation time.

In the pools of discharges "L", "R", "O", "M" vessels of corresponding classes are allowed to sail in waves with a height of 0.6; 1.2; 2 and 3m.

The class of a vessel constantly operating in a pool of a given category must be not lower than the corresponding category of this pool.

The possibility of a one-time passage through pools that do not correspond to this class of vessels is determined by the Inspectorate, taking into account wind and wave characteristics, the passage route and technical condition, subject to the owner submitting justifications and measures to guarantee the safety of the passage.

The categories of inland water basins of Ukraine are presented in the order of Ukrmortekhnadzor in addition to the Rules.

Technical documentation of the vessel being converted or restored.

This is especially important when assessing ships transferred as collateral to obtain loans for re-equipment or restoration or when calculating the LNEI of a ship.
Before the start of major or restoration repairs, modernization or re-equipment of a vessel, technical documentation on those parts of the hull, mechanisms and equipment of the vessel that are subject to repair, modernization, re-equipment or restoration must be submitted to the River Register for review.

When changing the characteristics of strength, stability, hull design, installing new mechanisms and devices on the ship, etc. As a result of vessel re-equipment, approvals must be obtained from the River Register.

Rules for inspection of the vessel by an appraiser or (items described upon receipt of the surveyor’s conclusion).
When inspecting a vessel, the following definitions of the main elements of the vessel were adopted:

1. hull - outer plating, flooring of decks, platforms and internal bottom, impenetrable longitudinal and transverse bulkheads, internal sides, longitudinal and transverse set (bottom, deck, side) superstructures involved in the general bending of the vessel, superstructures of passenger ships.

  1. main engine mechanisms, transmissions from them to the propeller shaft, shaft lines, lifting devices of floating cranes, refrigeration units of refrigerated ships, main steam boilers;

  1. Electrical equipment - main electrical machines of an electric propulsion unit, autonomous generators of a general power plant, main distribution boards, main current cables of ships with electric rowing units, power cables going from power station generators to distribution boards, from distribution boards to electric motors of the main mechanisms of floating cranes and to electric motors of the refrigeration unit of refrigerated ships.

  1. Equipment, technical safety and supply - life-saving equipment for ships, emergency and navigational equipment, signaling equipment, fire-fighting equipment, radio communications,

The scope of the survey carried out, information on the technical condition of the main elements, data on measurements and the scope of repairs and replacements carried out must be reflected in sufficient detail in the reports examinations.

Hull and superstructure
If the vessel is inspected by an appraiser after the first survey by the Inspectorate, this can be done without a diving team, if the inspection of the compartments and places most susceptible to wear does not reveal defects and damage to the underwater part of the hull.

During examination add-ons special attention should be paid to regulated elements: closures, doors, windows, ladders, coamings, fire bulkheads, etc.
The wear rates of superstructure links involved in the general bending of the vessel should be taken to be the same as the wear rates of the hulls. The wear rates for the superstructure links of passenger ships that do not participate in the overall bending of the ship should be taken to be the same as the wear rates for the ends of the hull.
If superstructure connections are worn beyond the established standards, it is necessary to reduce the assessment of the technical condition of the hull.

Particular attention during the assessment, with mandatory reflection in the report during the inspection of the superstructure, must reflect damage that affects the safety of navigation.

When inspecting steel docks by the shipowner The appraisal company itself can present in the report an act of diving inspection of the underwater part of the hull and an act of measuring residual thicknesses with a thickness gauge.

The appraiser must pay attention for acts of sticking and defects of the vessel (Two years without inspection at the slipway may be an inland navigation vessel;

one year - for ships of the “M-SP”, “M-pr”, “O-pr” classes.)
The greatest wear of connections that you need to pay attention to when assessing the hull or in survey reports is:

- set plane - for the flooring of decks and the second bottom of ships, loading, unloading and cleaning of which is carried out by grabs and bulldozers, for the side plating of ships operating in ice conditions and lock basins, for the bottom plating of ships, the hull material of which is subject to road corrosion, for the bow formations of ships, operating in ice conditions and mooring off an unequipped shore;

-upper part of the gas zone - for flooring decks and shafts, for deck frames and bulkheads of oil tankers, especially in cargo receiving and pumping compartments.

-zones of intense steam-air exchange - for ballast compartments, especially for ships operating in offshore and coastal areas;

-bow stern valances especially for vessels with sledge-shaped ends.

In the expert assessment, especially for concluding purchase and sale agreements while continuing to operate the vessel for its intended purpose, it is necessary to indicate the degree of wear of the hull bracing groups, deformation parameters, on the basis of which an assessment of the technical condition of the hull is established.

During the inspection of the hull bottom decks, insulation of hold spaces and internal wooden lining must be removed to the extent necessary to determine wear and damage to all hull elements, and access must be provided for inspection of the below-deck kit. All cement seals, as well as temporary backup sheets installed without complying with the requirements of the standards, must be removed or must be noted in the report by the appraiser. Duplicate overlay strips to increase the overall strength of the body or the local strength of individual connections, as well as duplicates installed on pre-welded cracks, are not subject to removal, but may be noted in the report in the descriptive part.

When inspecting metal ships, the appraiser must selectively inspect the following parts of the hull and superstructures:

We are used to calling ourselves earthlings, and this is natural - after all, a person lives on the solid surface of the earth. And how could it be otherwise? After all, every day we see the land under our feet, every day we walk on it and, thus, closely connect ourselves with the processes occurring on it or in the immediate vicinity of it, including calculating and installing refrigeration units for conditions of “absence jocks."

However, the shores of the Russian Federation are washed by 13 seas, and “refrigeration” life continues on these water spaces, no less important than on land. This life is connected with refrigeration units designed to cool cargo holds, as well as cargo chambers of portable refrigerated containers transported on a ship, which must meet all the requirements of the Rules of the RUSSIAN RIVER REGISTER.



9.1.1 The requirements of this section of the Rules apply to ship refrigeration units and their equipment.

9.1.2 Refrigeration units intended for cooling cargo holds, as well as cargo chambers of portable refrigerated containers transported on a ship, must meet all the requirements of this section of the Rules.

9.1.3 Refrigeration units not listed in 9.1.2 must meet the requirements:

9.2.2, 9.3.2, 9.7.1, 9.7.3-9.7.7, 9.8.1-9.8.5, 9.9.4, 9.9.8, 9.9.10, 9.10.3, 9.11, 9.12.2, 9.12.5, 9.13.1, 9.13.2, 9.13.4,

9.14.1, 9.15.2, 9.16.3, 9.16.5, 9.16.6, 9.17.2, 9.18.3,, 9.18.8, 9.20.3, 9.20.4, 9.21.2 - only for equipment operating under refrigerant pressure, and 9.21.3, 9.21.6, 9.22.1 of this section of the Rules.


9.2.1 The elements of the refrigeration unit must remain operational under conditions of pitching and trim in accordance with 1.3.

9.2.2 Equipment included in the refrigeration unit should be installed on the ship in accordance with 1.10.2, 1.10.3, 1.10.5, 7.4.2.


9.3.1 In these Rules, refrigerants are divided into the following three groups:

I - non-flammable refrigerants;

II - toxic and flammable refrigerants having a lower flammability limit at a volumetric concentration of refrigerant vapor in the air of 3.5% or more;

III - explosive or flammable refrigerants having a lower flammability limit at a volume concentration of refrigerant vapor in the air of less than 3.5%.

The River Register allows the use of refrigerants of group III only for refrigeration systems of ships transporting liquefied gases in bulk, using cargo as a refrigerant.

9.3.2 When calculating the strength of elements operating under refrigerant pressure, it is necessary to take as the calculated pressure no lower than the excess pressure of the saturated vapor of the refrigerant at 50 °C as indicated in Table. 9.3.2. For refrigeration equipment operating under the pressure of refrigerants with low (below 50 °C) critical temperatures, the design pressure is the subject of special consideration by the River Register. Elements of refrigeration units operating under pressure must be subjected to verification calculations for strength at a pressure equal to the test pressure during hydraulic tests (see 9.21.2). In this case, stresses should not exceed 0.9 of the yield strength of the material.

Table 9.3.2

Refrigerant group Symbol Chemical formula Design pressure
R134* C2H2F4 1,2
R22 CHF2Cl 2,0
R125** C 2 HF 6 2,0
R717 NH 3 (ammonia) 2,0
R290 C 3 H 8 (propane) 1,6
R1270 C 3 H 6 (propylene) 2,0

* Instead of R12, which is not allowed for new installations.
** For moderate condensing temperatures instead of R22, which is not allowed for new installations from 01/01/2020.


9.4.1 The refrigeration unit must ensure constant maintenance in the refrigerated rooms of the temperature required by the type of cargo being transported and the navigation area under normal operating conditions of the vessel.

9.4.2 The refrigeration unit must ensure that the required temperatures are maintained during operation of the main equipment for all cold consumers at an outside air temperature of at least 40 °C and a sea water temperature of at least 30 °C.

9.4.3 The drive power, cooling capacity, surface areas of evaporators, air cooler condensers, as well as the surface area of ​​cooling batteries with coolant circulating in them must be sufficient to maintain regulated temperatures in the refrigerated rooms during continuous operation of the main equipment for 24 hours a day and provide cold to other consumers.

The main equipment must include at least two identical condensers and, in the case of using intermediate coolant systems or cascade and staged cycles, two identical evaporators, interstage heat exchangers and intermediate vessels.

9.4.4 The drive power, cooling capacity and surface areas listed in 9.4.3 of a refrigeration unit, also intended for cooling cargo on a ship that has not previously been cooled, must be sufficient to cool the cargo to the regulated temperature within the time during which its safety is ensured during continuous operation all equipment, including backup.

9.4.5 The backup equipment of a compressor refrigeration unit must consist of a compressor with a drive motor, a condenser, a control system and fittings necessary to ensure the independent operation of all equipment devices.

The cooling capacity of the backup equipment must be such that if any one main compressor or condenser fails, all consumers will be provided with cold.

9.4.6 On ships with a refrigerated hold capacity of no more than 300 m3, it is allowed to use a refrigeration unit without reserving its equipment. The cooling capacity and cooling surface area of ​​the installation must be sufficient to maintain regulated temperatures when the equipment operates for 18 hours a day.

9.4.7 The connections of the piping system between the elements of the refrigeration installation must be such that the installation can operate with any combination of equipment. Heat exchangers and other devices must be equipped with devices for connecting suction and discharge pipelines that ensure pumping of refrigerant and its removal from the device.

9.4.8 Cooling coils must be positioned to ensure uniform cooling of the room.

Batteries must consist of at least two independent sections, each of which must be switchable. The use of cooling batteries with direct evaporation of group II refrigerant is not allowed.

9.4.9 When using a pumped refrigerant circulation system, it is necessary to install at least two refrigerant circulation pumps, one of which is a backup one.

If the pumping system can operate with the pump off, it is not necessary to install a backup pump. In this case, the refrigerating capacity of the installation must satisfy the requirements of 9.4.1, and the refrigerating capacity of the freezers or agents should not be reduced by more than 20%.

9.4.10 The liquid coolant system of a group of cold consumers must have at least two liquid coolant pumps, one of which must be a backup one.

With two or more groups of cold consumers with independent liquid coolant systems (with different temperatures), each group must have at least one liquid coolant pump; the backup pump can be a pump common to them, corresponding to the flow and pressure.

9.4.11 The refrigeration unit must have at least two cooling water circulation pumps, one of which must be a backup. Any ship's seawater pump that has sufficient flow and pressure can be used as a backup.

9.4.12 Cooling water must be supplied from at least two kingstons. When using kingstons for general purpose, a sufficient supply of water from each kingston must be ensured under normal operating conditions of the vessel.


9.5.1 The quality and basic characteristics of materials used for the manufacture of parts, assemblies and fasteners of refrigeration equipment operating under conditions of dynamic loads, excess pressure, variable and low temperatures must meet the relevant requirements of Part V of the PSVP.

Materials should be selected depending on the operating temperature and physico-chemical properties of the refrigerant:

.1 materials of equipment parts in contact with refrigerants and their solutions, lubricating oils, cooling and refrigerated media must be neutral with respect to them and resistant to the aggressive effects of the listed media;

.2 materials of equipment parts operating at low temperatures must not have irreversible structural changes and must maintain sufficient strength at low operating temperatures;

.3 steel structures operating at temperatures down to -50 °C must meet the requirements of 3.3.7 Part V of the PSVP;

.4 materials of equipment parts operating at temperatures below -50 °C are the subject of special consideration by the River Register.

9.5.2 The materials of parts of equipment that come into contact with corrosive environments must be made of materials that have sufficient corrosion resistance to these environments, or must have anti-corrosion coatings.

Components and structures of mechanisms and devices that are made of materials with different electrolytic potentials and that can come into contact with sea water must be protected from electrochemical corrosion.

9.5.3 Steel pipelines for refrigerant, liquid coolant and connecting parts of these pipelines that are not made of stainless steel must be galvanized on the outside or have equivalent anti-corrosion protection on the outside. Surfaces in contact with refrigerant or coolant liquid must not be galvanized.


9.6.1 Electrical equipment of refrigeration units, automatic devices, as well as lighting of refrigeration machine compartments, refrigerant storage rooms and refrigerated rooms must comply with the applicable requirements of Part IV of the PSVP.


9.7.1 The refrigeration machine compartment must meet the requirements of 1.8.1, 1.8.7 and this chapter.

Refrigerating machines using refrigerants of groups II and III should be installed in separate sealed rooms.

Dehumidification of the refrigeration machine compartment must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of 10.7.34.

9.7.2 Pumps, compressors, apparatus and pipelines must be placed in the compartment of refrigeration machines so that their convenient maintenance is ensured, as well as the possibility of replacing parts without removing the pumps, compressors, apparatus from the foundation. In this case, the listed and other equipment must be installed at a distance of at least 100 mm from the bulkheads of rooms and the surfaces of adjacent devices.

9.7.3 The refrigeration machine compartment must have two exits with doors opening outward and located as far as possible from one another. If the refrigeration machine compartment is located above or below the open deck, then its exits must be equipped with steel ladders leading to the doors of the rooms from which there are exits to the open deck.

Departments of automated refrigeration machines, in which permanent shifts are not provided, may not have a second exit if a Group I refrigerant is used.

9.7.4 Exits from the compartment of refrigeration machines using refrigerants of groups II and III should not lead to residential and service premises or to premises connected to it. One of the exits should lead to the open deck.

Exits with corridors or shafts must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, and the supply ventilation must be artificial. The device for turning on this ventilation must be located outside and inside the refrigeration machine compartment in close proximity to the exit door.

9.7.5 Exits from the compartment of refrigeration machines using refrigerants of groups II and III must have a device for creating water curtains. The device for turning on the water curtains must be located outside in close proximity to the exit door.

In the refrigeration machine department it is necessary to have a fire hydrant with a hose from the water fire extinguishing system.

9.7.6 The refrigeration machine department must have autonomous ventilation, providing 10 air exchanges per hour.

9.7.7 In addition to basic ventilation that meets the requirements of 9.7.6, each compartment of refrigeration machines must be equipped with emergency ventilation that provides:

30-fold air exchange per hour for departments of refrigeration machines using refrigerants of groups II and III;

20-fold air exchange per hour for departments of refrigeration machines using Group I refrigerants.

Depending on the density of the refrigerant, the ventilation system must ensure that air is removed from the highest or lowest parts of the room.

When calculating the emergency ventilation system, it is allowed to take into account the supply of main ventilation fans, provided that in the event of a loss of power to the distribution board of refrigeration machines, the main ventilation can operate together with emergency ventilation.


9.8.1 Spaces for storing refrigerant supplies must be separated from other spaces, and their location on the ship, as well as the design of enclosing surfaces, must meet the requirements of Section. 9 hours I PSVP.

Refrigerant storage areas must be gas-tight.

When storing small reserves of Group I refrigerant, deviations from the stated requirements are allowed in agreement with the River Register.

9.8.2 Refrigerant containers should be secured so that they cannot move when rocked.

Non-metallic gaskets must be laid between the lining of the pantry room and the vessels, as well as between individual vessels.

9.8.3 Premises for storing refrigerant reserves must be equipped with independent ventilation and insulated in such a way that the temperature in them cannot exceed 45 ° C.

9.8.4 It is not allowed to store containers with other compressed gases in the room where the refrigerant supply is stored. Combustible materials should not be used to equip the room.

9.8.5 It is allowed to store refrigerant reserves in stationary vessels (receivers), provided that the vessels and the rooms in which they are located meet the requirements of 9.7.5, 9.7.7, 9.13.1, 9.13.2, 9.13.4, 9.16.5, 9.16.6.

It must be possible to remove group II refrigerant from the supply pipe of each vessel after filling the system or after periodic recharging.

Consumable pipelines from vessels intended for storing refrigerant should not be laid through residential and service premises.


9.9.1 Refrigeration equipment, batteries, instruments, as well as pipelines and air ducts located in refrigerated rooms must be securely fastened and protected from damage by cargo.

9.9.2 Air coolers for air cooling systems can be installed both in individual rooms and in refrigerated cargo spaces. When located in refrigerated cargo spaces, air coolers must be equipped with a condensate collector. For cooled rooms with sub-zero temperatures, it is recommended that condensate collectors be heated.

It is not allowed to use air coolers with direct evaporation of group II refrigerant.

9.9.3 Access to the air coolers of air cooling systems must be ensured when the cargo space is fully loaded. If this requirement cannot be met, access to the air coolers from uncooled adjacent spaces must be provided. The opening for passage into the air cooler room must be of dimensions that allow the fan impeller and electric motor to pass through it.

9.9.4 When air cooling ducts pass through tight bulkheads, it is necessary to install clinkers on the latter that are designed for the same pressure as the bulkhead. The clinker controls must be located in accessible places above the freeboard deck.

9.9.5 For the transportation of goods, the preservation of which requires a change of air in refrigerated cargo spaces, a ventilation system must be provided to ensure the supply of clean outside air (cooled or heated) to the spaces.

9.9.6 Each inlet and outlet located in the bulkheads or enclosures of refrigerated cargo spaces must have an airtight closure device.

9.9.7 Air ducts passing through refrigerated rooms to other rooms must be sealed and carefully insulated.

9.9.8 If air cooling of cargo holds with direct evaporation of group II refrigerant in air coolers is used for refrigeration units, an independent ventilation system must be provided for each or several such holds.

9.9.9 Refrigerated rooms must be equipped with telethermometric devices. If they are not available, refrigerated rooms must be equipped with two (or more) thermometric pipes with a diameter of at least 50 mm.

Sections of thermometric pipes passing through uncooled rooms must be carefully insulated.

9.9.10 Dehumidification of refrigerated premises must be carried out in accordance with 10.7.40-10.7.43.


9.10.1 The placement of air coolers and fans in freezers must meet the requirements of 9.9.1 and 9.9.3.

9.10.2 In the refrigeration machine department, instruments must be installed to monitor the operation of freezing and cooling devices operating on a direct evaporation system.

9.10.3 If the freezer chamber uses a system of direct evaporation of group II refrigerant, emergency exhaust ventilation must be provided, and the chamber must be sealed.

9.10.4 The fittings of pipelines leading into the chamber must be located outside the chamber.


9.11.1 The placement on a ship of compressors, pumps, apparatus and vessels operating under refrigerant pressure outside the refrigeration machine compartments is in each case the subject of special consideration by the River Register.

9.11.2 In rooms with technological equipment operating on the direct evaporation system of group II refrigerant, it is necessary to have a fire hydrant with a hose from the water fire extinguishing system.

9.11.3 Premises with technological equipment must have autonomous ventilation. In addition to basic ventilation, emergency ventilation should be provided in rooms with technological equipment operating using a direct evaporation system.

The air exchange rate of the main and emergency ventilation systems must meet the requirements of 9.7.6 and 9.7.7.

9.11.4 In rooms with technological equipment operating on a system of direct evaporation of refrigerant of groups II and III, two exits must be provided in accordance with 9.7.3 and 9.7.4. When using refrigerant group 11, the outlets must have devices for creating water curtains. The device for turning on the water curtains must be located outside the room in close proximity to the exit door.


9.12.1 Compressors must meet the requirements of 7.6.8, 7.7 and this section.

9.12.2 The strength of compressor parts operating under conditions of dynamic loads and excess pressures must be calculated based on the design pressures in accordance with 9.3.2.

9.12.3 Compressors on the refrigerant suction and discharge sides must have shut-off valves, regardless of the presence of automatically controlled valves.

9.12.4 The cavities for refrigerant, oil and cooling water must have drainage devices in the required places.

9.12.5 On the discharge side of the intermediate and final compression stages of the compressor, a relief valve or other self-acting safety device must be installed between the discharge chamber and the shut-off valve to bypass refrigerant to the suction side of the compressor when the pressure rises excessively. The throughput of safety devices must be no less than the maximum volumetric (mass) flow of the protected compressor stage.

The increase in pressure after opening the safety valve should not exceed its opening pressure by more than 10%.

There should be no shut-off devices on the overflow line.

The possibility of a device for releasing refrigerant into the atmosphere is in each case the subject of special consideration by the River Register.

9.12.6 Pumps must meet the requirements of 7.9.

9.12.7 Fans shall comply with the applicable requirements of 7.10.


9.13.1 Heat exchangers and pressure vessels with regard to materials and fittings must meet the applicable requirements of 8.17 (except 8.17.8, 8.17.10), 8.18 (except 8.18.1-8. 18.4, 8.18.7, 8.18.8) and this section Rules Their strength calculations must be carried out according to the methodology agreed with the River Register.

9.13.2 Shell-and-tube devices and vessels with a refrigerant cavity volume of 50 dm 3 or more should be equipped with safety devices with a design capacity that excludes the possibility of pressure occurring that exceeds the opening pressure by more than 10% when the safety valve is fully opened.

Capacity G must be at least determined by the formula, kg/s

Where q- heat flux density during a fire, kW/m2 (in all cases taken equal to 10 kW/m2);
S- area of ​​the outer surface of the vessel (apparatus), m 2 ;
r- specific heat of vaporization of the refrigerant at the opening pressure of the safety valve, kJ/kg.

Safety devices must consist of two safety valves and a switching device of such a design that in any case both safety valves or one of them are connected to the apparatus or vessel. Each valve must be rated for full flow capacity.

The River Register may require that other types of devices be equipped with safety devices if this is considered appropriate.

The installation of shut-off valves between apparatus or vessels and the safety device is not permitted.

The use of safety devices with one safety valve or other design types is the subject of special consideration by the River Register.

9.13.3 Apparatuses and pressure vessels must have devices for releasing air, draining water, oil and liquid coolant.

9.13.4 Apparatuses and vessels containing liquid refrigerant of groups II and III must have devices for emergency drainage of the refrigerant.

The estimated time for draining the refrigerant should be no more than 2 minutes. at a constant excess pressure of the refrigerant in the vessel or apparatus, numerically equal to the calculated one, adopted in accordance with 9.3.2.


9.14.1 Evaporators of air coolers with direct evaporation of the refrigerant must have a welded or brazed design. Flange connections between sections and pipelines should only be used where necessary, and all flange connections should be located in easily accessible locations so that the tightness of the connections can be checked.

9.14.2 If only one air cooler is used to cool cargo spaces, its evaporator must consist of at least two independent sections, each of which must be switchable.


9.15.1 Refrigeration systems must use shut-off, control and safety valves designed for a pressure of at least 1.25 p, Where p- design pressure adopted in accordance with 9.3.2.

Typically, steel reinforcement must be installed. The use of reinforcement from other materials is the subject of special consideration by the River Register.

It is possible to use built-in shut-off valves made of cast iron with lamellar graphite for the inlet and outlet cavities of refrigeration compressors, as well as fittings made of cast iron with nodular graphite for refrigerants of groups I and II at ambient temperatures not lower than -40 ° C.

9.15.2 Spring devices of safety valves must ensure their opening at a pressure not exceeding by more than 10% the design pressure adopted in accordance with 9.3.2.


9.16.1 Refrigerant, liquid coolant and cooling water system piping must meet the applicable requirements of Section. 10 and this chapter.

In this case, pipelines of refrigerants of groups II and III, as well as sections of pipelines in which liquid refrigerant of group I circulates, belong to class I pipelines in accordance with Table. 10.1.2.

9.16.2 The refrigerant and liquid coolant pipelines must be made of seamless pipes.

Liquid coolant pipelines must be made of steel pipes.

9.16.3 Check (non-return) valves must be installed on the discharge pipes of compressors and refrigerant pumps. Such valves may not be installed for compressors that use group I refrigerants as a working fluid and do not have unloading devices.

9.16.4 Liquid pipelines for refrigerants that are poorly soluble in water must be equipped with drying devices to absorb moisture. They should be installed together with filters or structurally combined with them.

9.16.5 Refrigerant discharge pipelines from safety valves (except for those specified in 9.12.5) must be led overboard below the waterline of the vessel at minimum draft.

The pipelines must be equipped with refrigerant leakage flow indicators and check valves installed directly at the side of the vessel. Group I refrigerants may be released into the atmosphere in a place that is safe for people.

9.16.6 Pipes for the emergency drain of refrigerant from apparatus and vessels should be routed to an emergency drain manifold located outside the refrigeration machine compartment, but near the entrance to it.

Shut-off valves and refrigerant leakage flow indicators downstream of each valve must be installed on each manifold drain pipe. Valves must be protected from access by unauthorized persons and adapted for sealing when closed.

The common pipeline from the emergency overboard discharge manifold must be equipped with a check valve and routed below the waterline of the vessel at minimum draft. To blow through the common pipeline, a supply of compressed air or steam must be provided.

The internal diameter of the pipeline for emergency drainage of refrigerant from individual devices and vessels must be no less than the diameter of the safety valve determined according to 9.13.2. The cross-sectional area of ​​the common emergency drain overboard pipeline must be no less than the sum of the cross-sectional areas of the three largest emergency drain pipes from individual apparatus and vessels connected to the common pipeline.

9.16.7 For sections of pipelines installed below the waterline of the vessel in accordance with 9.16.5 and 9.16.6, the minimum pipe wall thicknesses in all cases must be taken not less than those indicated in column 3 of the table. 10.2.13.


9.17.1 On compressors, other units, and pipelines of a refrigeration unit, instruments should be installed to monitor the parameters of the working fluids and the operating mode parameters of the unit. In addition, it must be possible to install control and measuring instruments necessary for testing.

9.17.2 Control and measuring instruments must be installed in easily accessible and clearly visible places. The scales must indicate the maximum and minimum permissible values ​​of the controlled parameters.


9.18.1 Automation systems, as well as their constituent elements and assemblies, must meet the applicable requirements of Section. 12. 9.18.2 When using automatic control of the refrigeration unit, provision should also be made for manual control.

Manual control may not be provided if there are two parallel automatic devices.

9.18.3 Refrigerant compressors must be equipped with automatic devices that turn off their drive in the event of:

.1 unacceptable drop in suction pressure;

.2 unacceptable increase in discharge pressure;

.3 unacceptable decrease in lubricating oil pressure;

.4 unacceptable increase in discharge temperature (for refrigeration units operating on refrigerants of groups II and III, as well as automated units with unattended service);

.5 unacceptable axial shift of the centrifugal compressor rotor;

.6 unacceptable increase in temperature of the sliding bearings of a centrifugal compressor.

9.18.4 Liquid separators, intermediate vessels and circulation receivers (with a pump refrigerant circulation system), as well as evaporators with a free liquid surface (evaporation surface) should be equipped with automatic devices that ensure:

.1 maintaining a constant level of refrigerant set for normal operation of the evaporator, or a constant superheat temperature of the vapor;

.2 stopping the supply of liquid refrigerant to evaporators and intermediate vessels of any type when the compressor stops;

.3 shutting down the compressor when the refrigerant level rises to an unacceptable level.

9.18.5 Installations with shell-and-tube evaporators must be equipped with automatic devices that ensure:

.1 stopping the compressor when the movement of liquid coolant through the evaporator stops or disconnecting this evaporator from the refrigerant system;

.2 stopping the compressor when the temperature of the coolant liquid drops unacceptable.

9.18.6 Refrigeration units must be equipped with alarm devices that send a signal to the control station of the refrigeration unit when the automatic protection devices specified in 9.18.3 - 9.18.5 are triggered.

At the local control station of the refrigeration unit, it is necessary to provide the ability to decipher these signals.

9.18.7 When using a fully automated refrigeration unit, a warning alarm must be provided in the wheelhouse to indicate the temperature deviation in the refrigerated rooms from the permissible one required for the given type of cargo being transported.

9.18.8 Automated refrigeration units with unattended service and refrigeration units operating on group III refrigerants must have gas analyzers that, in the event of a refrigerant leak, send a warning signal to the refrigeration unit control station.

Sampling sites are subject to special consideration by the River Register.

9.18.9 Automated refrigeration units must meet the requirements of Section. 12.


9.19.1 Inside refrigerated cargo spaces, all metal parts of the ship's hull must be carefully insulated.

9.19.2 Insulation of refrigerated cargo spaces must be made of bioresistant, odorless materials.

9.19.3 The surfaces of bulkheads and double bottom flooring in the area where fuel tanks and tanks are located must be coated with an oil-resistant, odorless material. The application of this coating must be carried out before the insulation of these surfaces is carried out.

9.19.4 The insulation of refrigerated cargo spaces must be protected from moisture penetration or equipped with reliable means of drying it out during operation, and also protected from damage by rodents.

9.19.5 The insulation of refrigerated cargo spaces must have lining or other protective covering. The casing must be reliably protected in those places where it could be damaged by the load.

9.19.6 Insulation of freezing tunnels must meet the requirements of 9.9.7, 9.19.2, 9.19.4, 9.19.5.


9.20.1 Pipelines where they pass through bulkheads and decks should not have direct contact with bulkheads and decks to avoid the formation of thermal bridges.

9.20.2 Pipeline insulation must be protected from moisture penetration.

9.20.3 To insulate pipelines, non-flammable insulating materials must be used in accordance with the requirements of Section. 9 hours 1 PSVP. This requirement does not apply to the insulation of pipelines located within refrigerated cargo spaces and storerooms.

9.20.4 Anti-condensation materials and adhesives used in combination with insulation, and insulation of pipeline fittings may not meet the requirements of Section. 9 hours I PSVP, provided that their number is minimal, and their open parts slowly spread the flame over the surface.


9.21.1 Elements operating under refrigerant pressure must be subjected to hydraulic strength tests with a test pressure of at least 1.5 p, Where p- design pressure adopted in accordance with 9.3.2, with the exception of crankcases of piston compressors, for which the test pressure must be no less than the design pressure.

Elements operating under pressure of liquid coolant or water should be subjected to hydraulic tests with a pressure equal to 1.5 operating pressure, but not less than 0.4 MPa.

9.21.2 Elements operating under refrigerant pressure must be subjected to pneumatic density tests with a test pressure not less than the design pressure adopted in accordance with 9.3.2, with the exception of piston compressor crankcases, for which the test pressure must be at least 0.8 design.

9.21.3 Equipment operating at pressures below atmospheric must be tested for leaks by vacuuming at a residual pressure of no more than 0.8 kPa.

9.21.4 Assembled fittings and automation devices with shut-off elements, in addition to the specified tests, must be subjected to pneumatic tests for closure tightness with a test pressure equal to the design pressure in accordance with 9.3.2.

9.21.5 Compressors, refrigerant, liquid coolant and cooling water pumps, heat exchangers and other devices, vessels operating under refrigerant pressure, pipes and fittings designed for pressures of 1.0 MPa or more, devices for automatic control, monitoring and protection systems, as well as devices measuring and recording temperature in refrigerated rooms after assembly must be tested in accordance with the requirements of 7.5.1.


9.22.1 After completing the installation of the refrigeration unit on the ship, pneumatic tests for the density of the entire refrigerant system must be carried out with a test pressure equal to p, where p is the design pressure adopted in accordance with 9.3.2.

9.22.2 Pneumatic tests on a ship can be carried out with dry air, carbon dioxide or nitrogen.

9.22.3 After the density test, the refrigerant system must be drained and tested for tightness by vacuuming at a residual pressure of not more than 1 kPa.

9.22.4 After filling the system with refrigerant, check the tightness of connections and fittings.

9.22.5 Liquid and cooling water system piping shall be tested for tightness under operating conditions.

9.22.6 To verify compliance with the requirements of 9.4, thermal technical tests of the refrigeration unit must be carried out.

Rules for the classification and construction of inland navigation vessels of the Russian River Register



15.1.1 This section contains requirements for the maneuverability of displacement vessels, which apply to:

1 self-propelled cargo vessels with a length of 40 meters or more;

2 displacement passenger ships, ships designed to carry no more than 12 passengers, and special purpose ships with a length of 20 meters or more.

15.1.2 The requirements of this section do not apply to pushed convoys, composite ships, catamarans, ships with water-jet, winged and wheeled propulsion.


15.2.1 This section uses terms that should be understood as follows:

3 turning ability - the ability of a vessel to make a turn along a trajectory of a sufficiently small radius of curvature;

4 course stability - the ability of a vessel to stay on a given straight course in deep, calm water;

5 handling in the wind - the ability of the vessel:

maintain an arbitrarily specified straight course when moving at the rated speed of all propulsors and wind in the navigation area, the speed of which does not exceed that specified in 15.9.2;

turn on the spot in a given direction in the wind using the simultaneous action of the main controls and the bow thruster;

6 controllability when the propulsors are not working - the ability of the vessel, when moving by inertia, to stay on a straight course, turn in a given direction and change the direction of turn to the opposite;

7 emergency braking - a quick change in the operating mode of all the ship's propulsors from full forward to full reverse in deep, calm water with the ship's load specified in 15.3.2.


15.3.1 A ship is recognized as meeting the requirements of this section in relation to maneuverability if, with the load specified in 15.3.2, it satisfies:

1 agility criterion (see 15.5);

2 criterion of stability on course (see 15.6);

3 controllability criterion when the propulsors are not working (see 15.7);

4 emergency braking criterion (see 15.8);

5 wind control criterion (see 15.9).

15.3.2 The maneuverability check must be carried out with the vessel fully loaded, trimmed on an even keel, with full reserves and fuel.

The wind handling test in accordance with for cargo ships should only be carried out for the unladen load case with 10% stores and fuel, with ballast.

The wind handling test in accordance with for passenger ships should only be carried out for the load case without cargo or passengers, with 10% stores and fuel.

15.3.3 The criteria for assessing maneuverability regulated in this section are determined for ships with the following types of thrusters:

1 propellers in rotary nozzles;

2 propellers in rotary nozzles and a middle rudder;

3 rudders behind open propellers;

4 rudders behind propellers in attachments.

The values ​​of maneuverability criteria for ships with the listed types of DRCS are determined primarily by calculation in accordance with the instructions of the “Guidelines for calculating maneuverability and conducting full-scale maneuvering tests of inland and mixed navigation vessels” (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines).

15.3.4 For ships with the types of DRCS specified in 15.3.3, it is permitted to use other reasonable methods for determining maneuverability criteria while simultaneously submitting to the River Register a calculation made in accordance with the Guidelines.

15.3.5 For ships with DRCS types not specified in 15.3.3, methods for determining maneuverability criteria are the subject of special consideration by the River Register.

15.3.6 Determination of criteria for assessing agility, course stability and controllability when the propulsors are not working can also be carried out:

1 by testing a geometrically similar ship to an autonomous self-propelled model of a ship;

2 by full-scale tests in accordance with the instructions of the Manual.

In these cases, the calculation of criterion values ​​may not be performed.


15.4.1 To quickly determine maneuverability characteristics, a maneuverability table must be posted in a visible place in the wheelhouse.

15.4.2 The maneuverability table is developed by the design organization, and the calculation results are supplemented and adjusted based on data from full-scale tests or tests of self-propelled models.

15.4.3 The form of the vessel maneuverability table is given in the Manual.


15.5.1 As a criterion for turning ability in these Rules, the smallest relative diameter of the steady circulation determined by the center of gravity of the ship, averaged on both sides, is taken ( D ts/ L) min , that is, the ratio of the smallest possible diameter D c of circulation performed by a ship in deep, calm water with the same speed of rotation of all propellers before the start of the maneuver and no longer adjustable, to the length L vessel along the design waterline (DWL).

15.5.2 Agility is considered to satisfy the requirements of the Rules if the relative diameter of the established circulation meets the condition

(D ts/ L) min  2. (15.5.2)


15.6.1 As a criterion for heading stability in these Rules, the average diameter on both sides of the steady circulation determined by the center of gravity, determined by the center of gravity, performed by the ship in deep, calm water at zero rudder angle and the same speed of rotation of all propellers is accepted.

15.6.2 Course stability is considered to satisfy the requirements of the Rules if the diameter of the established circulation is 10 ship lengths or more, and also if, at zero rudder angle, the ship continues to move on a straight course without entering the circulation.


15.7.1 As a criterion for controllability when the propulsors are not working, the ability of the ship, after stopping the main engines, to exit the established circulation, performed with a rudder angle of 20°, without using a thruster, is accepted.

15.7.2 The ship is considered to satisfy the requirements of the Rules if it can be removed from the steady circulation, performed with a rudder angle of 20, after stopping the main engines by the action of the main controls without using a thruster.


15.8.1 The braking distance is taken as a criterion for the vessel’s ability to perform emergency braking S AT is the distance, m, traveled by the vessel relative to the water from the moment the command to start emergency braking is given until the moment the vessel comes to a complete stop relative to the water.

15.8.2 The ship is considered to satisfy the requirements of this section if the stopping distance S AT , m, satisfies the condition

Where V- vessel displacement, m3;
L- length of the vessel, m.


15.9.1 The following criteria for controllability in wind are accepted:

1 wind speed in the navigation area, m/s, at which the vessel can move in an arbitrarily specified straight course with the nominal speed of all propulsors;

2 specific thrust of the thruster, kN/m 2, required to turn the ship on the spot using the main controls and the thruster.

The specific thrust of a cargo ship thruster is understood to be the ratio T E /(LT) thruster thrust T E, kN, to the product of the length of the vessel according to the water line L and precipitation T fully loaded. The specific thrust of the thruster of a passenger ship is understood as the ratio T E/ S thruster rods T E, kN, to sail area S, m 2.

15.9.2 Handling in the wind is considered to satisfy the requirements of if the wind speed in the navigation area, at which it is still possible for the ship to move on an arbitrary specified straight course with the rated speed of all propulsors, is:

for ships of classes “M” and “O” - not less than 19 m/s;
for ships of classes “P” and “L” - not less than 14 m/s. 24 /

15.9.3 Requirement is met by installing on the ship a bow thruster with a specific thrust of at least:

for cargo ships

T E/( LT) = 0,03; (15.9.3-1)

for passenger ships at SL 20000 m 3

T E/ S = 0,04. (15.9.4-2)


15.10.1 Full-scale tests in order to determine compliance of the ship’s maneuverability with the requirements of the Rules, as well as additions and adjustments to the maneuverability table must be carried out in conjunction with acceptance tests:

1 on the lead vessels of serial construction;

2 on individually built vessels;

3 on ships after repair, re-equipment, modernization, if the maneuverability of the ship may change.

15.10.2 Full-scale tests must be carried out in accordance with 15.3.2. Possible deviations in settlement should not exceed 10%.

15.10.3 Full-scale tests of maneuverability must be carried out in deep, calm water (the depth of the water in the test area must be at least three times the ship’s draft), with waves no more than 1-2 points 25 / and wind speed no more than 3-4 m/s.

15.10.4 Full-scale tests of maneuverability must be carried out according to a program drawn up in accordance with the instructions of the Manual and the Rules for technical supervision of the construction of ships and the manufacture of materials and products of the Russian River Register (RTNP).


These Recommendations, which define the technical and navigational characteristics of pushed convoys, help improve navigation safety and help create favorable conditions for the development of pushing navigation. They summarize the experience accumulated by the Danube countries in the field of pushing navigation and which serves as the basis for uniform minimum standards and other requirements determined by the need to ensure navigation safety.


2.1 Purpose and scope

2.2 Terms and Definitions

2.3 Relationship with existing documents and OPPD

The provisions of these Recommendations are in full compliance with the OPPD and local regulations established by the Danube states and special river administrations, as well as with other current documents on push navigation. The provisions of these Recommendations follow from the provisions of the above-mentioned documents and promote their uniform application.


The pusher must always have sufficient power and maneuverability to ensure the safe navigation of the pushed convoy up and downstream; The pusher must have such technical and navigational characteristics that it does not create difficulties for the movement of other vessels, especially when passing through difficult sections (bends, rifts, bridges), as well as when overtaking, passing and stopping.

3.1 Minimum speed

The pusher must be able to ensure a minimum speed of the train relative to standing water of at least 12 km/h.

This requirement is not mandatory for pushers who work only in ports and roadsteads.

3.2 Stop distance and time

The power of the pusher must ensure the ability to completely stop the pushed convoy in relation to the shore, subject to the following conditions:

The distance traveled before the train stops must not exceed:

When moving upstream: 200 m or 1 train length;

When moving downstream: 600 m or 3 train lengths.

The train stop time should not exceed:

When moving upstream: 3 minutes;

When moving downstream: 6 minutes.

3.3 Forward handling

The pushed train must have good forward controllability, which is ensured by the ability of the pusher to maintain the straight course of the train and, if necessary, quickly change it. Shifting the rudder from 40° on one side to 35° on the other side using the main steering gear should not exceed 28 seconds at maximum speed.

3.3.1 Ability of the pusher to keep the train straight ahead

The time required to maintain the chosen course of the train without using rudders should be on average at least 1 minute.

To keep the train on the required course for 5 minutes, the number of required course corrections should not be more than 5.

3.3.2 Ability of the pusher to quickly change the course of the train

The time for the train to deviate from the direct course by 10 and return it to the original direct course as a result of the action of the rudder, which is shifted to deviations of up to ±20, should not exceed 5 minutes when sailing upstream. In case of deviation, the distance along the width of the course should not exceed 0.4 of the length of the train.

3.4 Handling in reverse

The pushed train must be quite well controlled in reverse and move in the desired direction both during a maneuver to stop and during prolonged reversing caused by navigational needs.

3.5 Lateral movement ability

The pusher, if possible, should have the ability to provide lateral movement of the train in a direction perpendicular to its axis, the need for which may arise when passing narrows, rifts, bridges, locking, diverging, maneuvering in ports, as well as in emergency situations.

3.6 Turning time and area

The time for turning the train by 180 should be no more than 10 minutes. The turning area of ​​the train should not exceed 1.5 times the length of the train, and the drift along the current should not exceed 3.5 times the length of the train. In this case, all means of ensuring a turn maneuver are used.


These Test and Measurement Methods for determining the technical and navigational characteristics of pushed convoys, contained in Chapter III of the Recommendations, are intended to establish uniform principles for conducting full-scale tests of pushed convoys.

Before testing, the main initial data characterizing the pushed convoy and the shipping conditions of the test site are determined.

During testing, at least double measurements of the parameters being determined are carried out and the average values ​​for each characteristic are calculated. Based on the test results, the results obtained for each characteristic are analyzed and their final values ​​are determined for a given or standard pushed vehicle.

A. Initial data characterizing shipping conditions at the test site

The test site for full-scale testing is selected so that the river section is straight for a sufficient length, has a uniform flow and sufficient width and depth of the fairway. Tests are carried out, where possible, in calm weather or wind conditions not exceeding Beaufort 2.

The test site is equipped on the shore with secant and, if possible, leading markers or buoys equipped with radar reflectors. Crossing leading marks are placed at certain precise distances.

Characteristics of navigable conditions at the test site should include:

Location of the section (from ... km to ... km) of the river and its length;

Date (day, month, year and time of testing);

Weather conditions, visibility, wind speed and direction;

Water level at the nearest water gauge;

Average speed of water flow;

Average fairway width;

Average fairway depth.

IN. Initial data characterizing the pushed train

Full-scale tests are carried out with pushed convoys navigating in a given area, if possible, with maximum dimensions determined on the basis of practical experience depending on shipping conditions, as well as the power and maneuverability of the pusher, subject to navigation safety conditions. In areas where there are regulations on the dimensions of pushed convoys, the dimensions of the pushed convoy must not exceed the prescribed maximum dimensions. The shape of the berth, the number of units and the amount of cargo should be selected depending on the direction of navigation upstream or downstream.

Pushed vessels during testing should, as far as possible, be of the same type and have the same draft.

Characteristics of the pushed train:

Scheme of a pushed train;

Dimensions of the pushed train (L max, B max);

Displacement, carrying capacity and amount of cargo of the pushed train;

Data on pushed vessels (L max, B max, T moy.effectif, D effectif, Q);

Pusher data (L max, B max, T max, N).

WITH. Test methods for individual technical and navigation characteristics of pushed convoys

Measurements of the distances and position of the pushed convoy during testing can be made using directional signs located on the shore, or by a photo-radar method based on photographing the image on the screen of the pusher's radar installation at certain intervals, or by another method that ensures a measurement accuracy of ±10 m.

1. Travel speed

The speed of movement of pushed trains is measured both when swimming upstream and downstream; the following provisions are taken into account:

a) Preparation before the test:

The run section should, if possible, be at least 2 km long;

Before the measurements begin, the pushed train must travel a distance of 1 km at full power of the pusher engines;

When repositioning the pusher handlebars during testing, the deflection of the rudder blade should not exceed ±5º.

b) Measured quantities:

Distance traveled;

Time to travel this distance;

Revolutions of the main mechanisms.

c) Calculated values:

The speed of movement is upward relative to the shore;

Upward speed relative to water;

Downward speed relative to the shore;

Downward speed relative to water.

Movement speed measurements serve to determine the minimum speed of the pushed convoy in relation to the shore in km/h, which satisfies the conditions for safe navigation even when passing through sections of the fairway that are difficult to navigate.

  • European Declaration of Independence (4)


    War. Despite oninternal disagreements Turkish... make a career onEuropeanlevel, which depends... accepted resolution General Assembly 61 /295 ... agreed upon education systems" between the Arab world and Europe? What does this mean recommendation ...

  • The practice of applying the civil procedural code of the Russian Federation, a practical guide edited by the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation


    ... onEuropean human rights convention and on resolutions EuropeanVessels... Federation, applicablecourts, ...sea ships, shipsinternalswimming, ... on education and adoption on national and international levels, approved Resolution ...

  • The main documents regulating the expert assessment of courts in Ukraine are:

    1. Russian river register

    Rules for the classification and construction of inland navigation vessels.

    Publishing house Marine engineering service M.1995 volumes 1,2,3.

    2. Order of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Ukraine dated August 13, 1997 No. 46 “On the introduction into force in Ukraine the Rules of the Russian River Register ed. 1995 from 1.09.97 years.”

    3. Instructions for filling out documents of the Russian River Register compiled during the classification and technical supervision of ships.

    The main and spare steering drives must be tested from both the main and emergency power sources.

    2. - when inspecting the anchor device, attention should be paid to the compliance of the type of anchors, as well as the caliber of the chains with the design, the reliability of fastening the anchor chains, the possibility of quick release and the condition of the locking devices.

    Anchor devices must be tested in operation by lifting two hanging anchors simultaneously.

    You should also check the operation of the remote anchor release device.

    3. - when inspecting the anchorage of oil tankers intended for transporting petroleum products with a vapor flash point below 60 o C, it is necessary to check the tightness of the chain boxes and the possibility of flooding them with water.

    4. - In case of replacing anchors or chains, it is necessary to check the availability of factory certificates and stamps.

    5. - The lifeboat gear and lifeboats must be inspected visually and tested by lowering and recovering fully equipped lifeboats. The completeness of lifeboat supplies and the presence of lifeboat test stamps must also be checked.

    6. When inspecting coupling devices, attention should be paid to the state of reinforcement of the body structures of the coupling beam, foundation and lock head, connecting rod, bolted connections of the suspension plate to the foundation. When inspecting double-lock automatic couplers, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the lock body, holder, release device and other parts and assemblies accessible for inspection.

    When inspecting rope devices, you should also check the condition of the ropes, their connections, rope-shortening and tensioning devices, and the fastening of these devices to the ship’s hull.

    You should also check that the vessel has a certificate of control coupling and uncoupling before starting navigation.

    7. When inspecting the towing device, it is necessary to check the condition of the towing hook, towing rope, towing bollards, the reliability of their attachment to the ship’s hull and the condition of the limiting devices. You should also check the mobility of the towing hook with the rope attached to it, the release of the towing rope from the hook, the device for remote release of the hook from the wheelhouse, the operation of the towing winch for selecting and hauling the rope from the remote and local control stations, disconnecting the drum from the self-braking drive and freely releasing the rope, operation of winch mechanisms, brakes and electrical equipment.

    8. When inspecting signal means, it is necessary to check the compliance of signal lights, sound and pyrotechnic means with the requirements of the Rules. Lights and sound equipment are tested in action.

    9. The condition of the closures, room equipment and means of protection for the crew and passengers should be checked by external inspection. The appraiser is obliged to check the test report for the tightness of cargo hatch closures and deck closures.

    10. When inspecting ship supplies, the appraiser is obliged to check the compliance of rescue, navigation and emergency supplies with the established standards or the list provided for assessment. The state of supply should be checked by external inspection. Re-examination of inflatable life rafts must be carried out by inflatable life raft stations annually, as well as in cases of falling into water, activation of the gas filling system and detection of damage. Rafts are subject to re-examination and evaluation complete with containers and hydrostats.

    11. When inspecting the wing device, it is necessary to check the condition of the welds and surfaces of the wings, flaps, struts, and brackets, the reliability of fastening the wings and flaps to the brackets and the brackets to the body,

    12. When assessing ships for further use for their intended purpose and concluding sales contracts, the annex to the expert assessment must include documents on the regular survey of devices, equipment and supplies:

    a) - act on tests of lifeboats and air boxes for tightness;

    b) - an act on testing air boxes of rafts, tables, benches for impermeability;

    c) - an act on testing life jackets and bibs for strength and buoyancy.

    d) a report on testing cargo hatch closures and deck closures for tightness.

    Passports and certificates for equipment, supplies, chains and ropes of steering, anchor, boat devices, foundation bolts of automatic couplers and bolts of wing devices, if these parts were replaced during the repair.

    Fire protection

    During an expert assessment of fire protection, depending on the class and type of ship, experts are offered for assessment and examination:

    Structural fire protection: fire-resistant and fire-retarding bulkheads and closing openings in them, fire doors, equipment for fuel storage and other combustible materials, liquefied gas installations and rooms for them, rooms for them, rooms for showing films, laying fire-hazardous pipelines, special fire prevention systems for oil tankers (gas exhaust, spark extinguishing, ventilation of fire hazardous compartments and rooms, smoke, irrigation, etc.)

    Fire, water, steam, foam extinguishing systems, carbon dioxide extinguishing, extinguishing with vapors of easily evaporating liquids (liquid extinguishing);

    Fire alarm;

    Fire safety supplies.

    Inspection of fire protection equipment and reflection in the expert assessment report.

    When assessing fire-fighting equipment, the appraiser must pay attention to the following points in the report:

    The survey of fire protection elements should be carried out simultaneously with the survey of the hull.;

    When inspecting the fire extinguishing system, fire alarms, fire door remote control systems must be checked in action to determine their readiness for immediate use and their serviceability;

    In the water extinguishing system, you should check the water pressure from any fire hydrant at the maximum water flow, taking into account its consumption for foam extinguishing, irrigation and other needs;

    The steam extinguishing system must be checked in operation by test launching steam into the protected premises;

    The foam extinguishing system must be checked in operation with water without supplying a foaming agent;

    The carbon dioxide extinguishing system must be checked in operation using compressed air. Water tests are also allowed. The presence of carbon dioxide in the cylinders should be checked by the weighing report; the permissible deviation from the mass of carbon dioxide in the cylinders should not exceed + - 10% of the data provided in the passport;

    The extinguishing system with vapors of easily evaporating liquids (liquid extinguishing system) must be checked using measuring devices. In the absence of measuring devices, weighing reports must be provided.

    The gas vent system must be checked by selectively opening individual valves, flame arresters and breathing devices.

    The inert gas system must be checked by selectively opening individual valves of the flame arrester devices, as well as in operation. The effectiveness of the inert gas installation must be confirmed by laboratory data with the issuance of a certificate to the ship with the results of stable parameters in accordance with the technical conditions for the installation;

    It is necessary to check the completeness of the fire-fighting equipment and its expiration date.

    It is also possible in this section to cover issues on the material of pipelines and fittings, and to present reports of hydraulic tests in the Appendices (they are carried out at least once every 8 years).

    Inspection of systems and pipelines and reflected in the expert assessment report.

    The following general ship systems are subject to expert assessment and reflected in the report: drainage, ballast, hydraulic, cargo and stripping systems of oil tankers, ventilation systems, steam heating and utility steam supply systems, waste, air, overflow, measuring and systems with toxic means.

    Malfunctions of ship systems do not affect the assessment of the technical condition of the ship, however, when assessing ships, it is necessary to take into account and reflect in the report the condition of systems and pipelines.

    Inspection of ship systems and pipelines is carried out

    simultaneously with the survey of the hull:

    External inspection of systems is carried out in accessible places;

    The drainage system should be checked by test pumping water from the housing compartments;

    When inspecting ballast systems, it is necessary to check the filling and pumping of ballast tanks;

    When inspecting cargo systems of oil tankers, it is necessary to conduct an external inspection of pipelines in accessible places, check pumps (turning them on and off), and valves (opening and closing).

    The engine room ventilation system must be checked for operation by starting and stopping the fans from local and remote control stations. (it is also possible to obtain certificates for the materials used, hydraulic test reports.

    Hydraulic tests of drainage and ballast systems, steam heating systems and hydraulic drives are carried out once every 8 years, and for cargo systems of oil tankers after 4 years.

    Mechanical installation inspection and reflection

    in the peer review report.

    An appraiser performing an expert assessment of ships must conduct an expert assessment of ship mechanical installations, equipment in machinery spaces, shafting and propulsion systems, as well as technological and household mechanisms.

    1. The appraiser inspects the mechanisms in accessible places and checks them for 1-4 hours in various modes.

    2. The shipowner is obliged to provide the appraiser with passports and forms of mechanisms with data on the number of hours worked by the main and auxiliary mechanisms, the results of measurements of crankshaft excavations, measurements of connecting rod bolts, and other critical parts, as well as the results of thermal control of the engine.

    3. When surveying and testing mechanical installations, it is necessary to check the main and auxiliary engines, shaft lines, systems and devices, servicing mechanisms, as well as means of connecting the engine room with the wheelhouse in operation in various modes. It is necessary to check whether this or that operating mechanism is a source of increased vibration of the housing, other mechanisms or equipment.

    4. The appraiser must check the engine operating parameters (rotation speed, oil and cooling water pressure, exhaust gas temperature), the value of which must not exceed the limits established by the manufacturer.

    5. survey and testing of remote or remote automatic control systems, as well as alarm systems, should be carried out as for automation equipment, which will be considered as a separate issue.

    6. The assessment of the technical condition of a mechanical installation is established according to the worst estimate, determined by the following standardized parameters: - wear of the main and connecting rod journals of the crankshafts (cylindricity deviation) and runout of the main journals of the crankshafts ( See table 9) ; - for damage to main stationary and moving parts:

    When writing off or selling for scrap metal, the appraiser indicates the following possible damage:

    Destructions, cracks, scuffing, as well as deformations and wear of the crankshafts, exceeding for any of the shafts the deformations presented in the table, in the column “limited use”, as well as cracking of the crankshafts, exceeding the maximum permissible limits established by the manufacturer, and in the absence of such data exceeding 0.00025 S, where S is the piston stroke in mm;

    A decrease in the diameter of the crankshaft journals due to wear or grooves is below the smallest limit size established by the manufacturer's documents, and if absent, exceeds 0.04d, where d is the nominal diameter of the journal in mm;

    Destructions, scuffs, cracks and residual deformations in the main moving parts: shafts, connecting rods, rods, rods, balancers, gears, couplings;

    Destructions, cracks, through holes or spalling in parts of the frame: frames, blocks, parallels and beds.

    Destructions, cracks, as well as wear of the teeth of the main gears, exceeding that established by the manufacturer or exceeding 0.2 m, where m is the engagement module;

    Reduction in the diameter of the shaft line due to wear or grooves, exceeding 0.04 of the original diameter;

    Deviation from the cylindricity of the working journals of the shaft line, exceeding the maximum permissible values ​​of 0.002 of the original diameter of the journal;

    Breakage, as well as bent or incorrect installation of the propeller, intermediate and thrust shafts.

    Inspection of boilers installed on ships,

    and reflected in the expert assessment report.

    The appraiser very rarely conducts or requires an internal survey or hydraulic tests of the boiler installation; most often, only an external survey is required, which consists of checking the condition of the boiler, pipelines and all boiler equipment during operation of the boiler, namely:

    Check the water level in the boiler by blowing the water meter glass channels with steam and water, as well as blowing test taps;

    Check that the marks on the valve plug of the boiler pressure gauge are correctly applied;

    Check the operation of feed devices (feed pumps, injectors, automatic feeders, cation exchange filters and other installations) and bottom and top blow-off valves;

    By opening the doors of the chimney and fireboxes, make sure that there are no leaks, steaming or bulging in the fire parts accessible to inspection, and also check the condition of the brickwork of the firebox; the design of the chimney and doors must prevent the passage of gases and air leaks;

    make sure that the drive for manual detonation of safety valves, remote drives for fuel and stop valves are in good condition;

    Check the condition of the boiler insulation and steam pipelines;

    Pay attention to the general condition of fuel storage facilities, fuel lines, fuel pumps, and injectors.

    During an external inspection, the correct installation and operation of boiler fittings, adjustment and sealing of safety valves should be checked;

    Check the tightness of the connections of the steam lines and fittings, make sure there are no leaks, steaming or boiling that would prevent the valves from opening or closing, check the reliability of the remote actuators of the stop valves.

    When inspecting boiler automation you should:

    Check the operation of the automatic combustion and boiler power control system;

    Make sure that the automation of other systems and devices servicing the boiler installation, the automatic control system for the water level in the warm box, the automatic ignition of the nozzle, the fuel temperature (viscosity) regulators, the automatic control system for the fuel level in the supply tank, etc.;

    Check the operation of emergency warning alarms and automatic protection of the boiler, paying special attention to the operation of the nozzle extinguishing system when the water level drops below the permissible level;

    Make sure that all devices that monitor the operation of the boiler are in working order.

    Assessment of the technical condition of the boiler.

    Determination of wear is carried out upon receipt of measurements and inspection; operation is prohibited:

    If wear and defects exceed those given in (See Table No. 10) in the column “limitedly suitable”;

    If there are leaks in seams that cannot be chased or welded, as well as “wet” cracks in parts of the boiler, including tube sheet jumpers;

    When warping tube sheets with a deflection arrow of more than the thickness of the sheet in cases of installation of tubes by welding and more than half the thickness of the sheet - in cases of installation of tubes using rolling;

    When the ellipticity of the tube sheet holes is more than 2% of the outer diameter of the pipe;

    in case of unsatisfactory tests and examinations of the boiler metal.

    Assessment of pipelines and pressure vessels (tanks, pneumatic tanks for sanitary and other systems) installed on ships,

    Internal inspection and hydraulic tests are carried out by the inspectorate and corresponding reports are drawn up. The appraiser performs an external inspection of pressure vessels and pipelines to check the condition of external surfaces.

    The presence and condition of safety devices and control devices, the tightness of the connection of individual parts of the fittings.

    Safety valves must be adjusted so that the excess pressure in the vessel when the valve is activated is no more than 10% of the operating pressure. Safety valves installed after pressure reducing valves must be adjusted to a pressure exceeding the operating pressure by 0.1-0.2 MPa.

    After each actuation, the safety valve must close at a pressure of at least 85% of the operating pressure.

    If the safety valves are faulty, pressure vessels are not allowed to operate. (The shipowner must provide annual air test reports).

    General approaches and techniques that are used when assessing ships, depending on the purpose of the assessment.

    When expertly assessing ships, depending on the purpose of the assessment, three generally accepted assessment methods are used:

    1. For sales and purchase agreements:

    Sales analogue method

    Cost Method.

    2. For inclusion in the UV of enterprises, rent:

    Sales analogue method

    Profitability assessment method (by business).

    3. For auctions, competitions:

    Cost method

    Profitability method.

    4. Merger and division of business partnerships with all forms of ownership:

    Sales analogue method;

    Yield method:

    Cost method.

    5. When pledging, insurance

    Sales analogue method (30-50%) of cost

    6, When sold for scrap metal, written off.

    Cost method taking into account economic depreciation factors, when selling at residual value to non-residents of Ukraine, it is necessary to take into account permits issued by the relevant services for the export of non-ferrous metals. (usually sold as good or limited good).

    When determining the sales analogues method, it is necessary to take into account!. Date of sale - currency fluctuation rate;

    Season (spring, summer, winter, autumn)

    Supply and demand market; cost of customs duties for export, restrictions on export of ships.

    Offers on world markets - quotation.

    When determining by the Cost Method:

    the replacement cost, all types of wear and tear (mainly physical wear), and residual value are determined. Economic depreciation is determined for the valuation of vessels for which there are buyers and the valuation is carried out to order.