Holidays in Saudi Arabia. Sights of Saudi Arabia: description. Saudi Arabia Entertainment and Leisure

The largest state on the Arabian Peninsula, occupying more than 80% of the territory, is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In the north, this country borders Jordan. The giant country's eastern neighbors are Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE. Yemen and Oman border Saudi Arabia to the south. This state is washed by the sea on two sides: the Red Sea in the west, and the Persian Gulf in the northeast.

Along the western coast of the Arabian Peninsula stretches a chain of magnificent Al-Hijaz mountains. Their height reaches 3000 m. Their foot attracts numerous tourists with its mild, warm climate and unique variety of greenery. The eastern and southern parts of the country are occupied mainly by deserts, and are inhabited by nomadic Bedouins.

Saudi Arabia is a country of numerous Muslim mosques. It was here that one of the largest religions in the world, Islam, was founded.



26,534,504 people

2,149,000 km²

Population density

12 people/km²



Sunni Islam, Wahhabism

Form of government

absolute theocratic monarchy

saudi rial


International dialing code

Internet domain zone

Saudi Arabia opened to tourists quite recently, no more than three years ago. She is pleased to offer her guests the unique flavor of the Arabian deserts, as well as numerous shrines of the Muslim world. The ancient traditions of the East and the modern environment make this country attractive for lovers of unconventional holidays. A feature of the country's tourism business has become diving, which allows you to explore the diversity of the unique underwater world of the Red Sea. Camel beauty contests have no analogues in the whole world. And taking part in the famous falconry will give you new experiences.

Climate and weather

The climate in Saudi Arabia is unusually arid and dry. Arabian Peninsula is one of the few places where the temperature in summer never drops below +50 °C.

The north of the country belongs to the subtropical climate zone, and the south to the tropical. Snow here can only be seen in the mountains, and even then not every year. In January, the air temperature does not exceed +20 °C in cities and deserts, and on the coast red sea the air warms up to +30 °C.

Summer in Saudi Arabia gets unusually hot. In the shade, the air temperature ranges from +35 °C to +45 °C. But in deserts, due to the ability of sand to give off heat very quickly, you can encounter low temperatures, sometimes reaching 0 °C. For this area, sharp changes in day and night temperatures are a fairly common occurrence.

Rainfall in Saudi Arabia is uneven. Moreover, in the east and center of the country the rainy season lasts from February to April, and in the west - exclusively in the winter (from late November to early February). In winter, thick fogs are often observed in the mountains of the Arabian Peninsula.

Tourists prefer to visit Saudi Arabia from the first days of September to mid-October, as well as at the end of spring. Throughout May, the temperature here is not too high, and the sea wind brings some moisture into the fairly dry air.


The nature of Saudi Arabia is truly unique. On the territory of this state you can find huge hot deserts, high cool mountains, and wonderful warm sandy beaches.

Beautiful and mighty mountains rise along the Red Sea coast Hijaz. The height of some of them reaches three kilometers. In the same area is located one of the most attractive resorts in the Middle East - Asir. It attracts tourists from all over the world with its rather mild, pleasant climate and unique vegetation. This resort is preferred by ecotourism lovers.

The eastern part of the Kingdom is completely covered with deserts. The largest of them is Rub al-Khali, which occupies almost the entire south and part of the southeast of the country. The invisible border of Saudi Arabia with Oman and Yemen runs along it. The total area of ​​deserts in this country reaches almost 1 million km 2. Most often, such deserts are inhabited by nomadic Bedouin tribes.


Saudi Arabia, as a strictly Muslim country, is notable for tourists for its religious relics and shrines. The most attractive places to visit are the famous Arab cities, such as the capital Riyadh, Mecca, Medina And Jeddah.

The most visited city in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is its capital Riyadh. The most popular attraction of this city is the citadel of old Riyadh, which houses Museum, dedicated to King Abdulaziz. Also widely known Royal Center, owned by the Prince of Saudi Arabia, it is the tallest building in the entire Kingdom. This huge complex includes a large number of residential apartments, offices, fine restaurants and luxury shopping centers.

Of course, no stay in Saudi Arabia is complete without a visit to the Muslim shrine - the city Mecca. The founder of the largest religion in the world, the Prophet Muhammad, was once born in this area. In Mecca there is a famous one since 1570. Holy Mosque Haram. Its area is more than 300,000 km2. This majestic building of Arabic architecture is completely covered with beautiful lilac marble and includes nine minarets, each of them reaching a height of almost 95 meters. The famous Haram can simultaneously accommodate up to 700 thousand people.

There is a shrine in the center of the Haram Kaaba. Its corners are oriented to the cardinal points. The eastern corner of the Kaaba stands out among others due to the presence of the Black Stone. Some scientists believe it is a meteorite. But Muslims are of a different opinion, that it was this stone that God gave to Adam, who was expelled from paradise, after his repentance. The legend says that the color of the stone was white, and after being touched by sinners it changed to black.

Mecca is known throughout the world for its many Islamic shrines. During the Hajj, this city is visited by more than two million people from all over the world. People who profess other religions cannot enter this holy place.

Another major attraction of Saudi Arabia is the national Asir Park, which is located near the city of Jeddah. Its unique vegetation and peculiar fauna attract many ecotourists.


The national cuisine of Saudi Arabia includes the culinary traditions of all countries of the Middle East. The main foodstuffs of local Arabs are mutton, poultry, lamb, eggs and fish. The traditional side dish for these dishes is rice with raisins. Traditional dishes of Arabic cuisine include all kinds of soups (rice, peas, beans) and stews, which are seasoned with onions and lentils.

Not a single feast in Saudi Arabia is complete without a national dish " burgul" This original name is given to porridge made from corn or wheat grits with the obligatory addition of sour milk. Also a popular dish, especially among the southern peoples of Saudi Arabia, is flour porridge with the addition of olive oil and pepper.

Local restaurants are happy to provide their customers with the famous national dish " geese"- it includes baked lamb meat, generously seasoned with special spices, rice and nuts.

As in other Arab countries, in Saudi Arabia, when preparing meat dishes, it is customary to use only heat treatment without adding fat. Rice, which is traditionally seasoned with tomato paste and onions, is usually served as a side dish for meat dishes. Some restaurants may serve meat and fries.

All kinds of fruits and vegetables occupy a large share in the diet of Saudi Arabian residents. Dates and figs are especially popular here. Local residents pay great attention to the consumption of healthy nuts.

The most favorite drink in Saudi Arabia is coffee. In this country there is a special ceremony for preparing and drinking this wonderful drink. In Saudi Arabia, people are accustomed to flavoring their coffee with all sorts of spices, especially cloves and cardamom, but the Arabs do not add sugar to their coffee at all. Arabs are very fond of various spices.

Dishes made from fermented milk products are especially popular in this country.


The development of tourism business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is only at the initial stage. Strict Muslim customs create certain restrictions on attracting foreign tourists to this country, which is why not all hotels in the Kingdom have the required number of stars. Mostly those hotels that are part of large hotel chains have passed the international classification. However, it is worth noting that all hotels are happy to offer visitors service and comfort at a quite decent level, which meets all European standards.

Most of the best hotels are located in the capital of Saudi Arabia Riyadh. They offer their clients not only spacious and comfortable rooms, but also additional services of excellent restaurants, fitness centers, spas, and swimming pools.

The hotel has become absolutely special for this country “ Lyauzan", which was built exclusively for women. Here, despite the rules of conduct prescribed in a Muslim country, they can independently book and check into rooms.

The cost of renting a separate apartment in Saudi Arabia is about $800 per month in the capital of the state, and in other cities - no more than $400.

Entertainment and relaxation

Most foreign tourists choose the capital of the state to explore local attractions Riyadh. While there, you should definitely visit the National Museum of Saudi Arabia, where a huge exhibition is presented that introduces visitors to the history and culture of this unique Muslim country. It is worth paying attention to the tallest building in the country - Royal Center, owned by the prince. This building is commonly associated with the oasis of modern life in Saudi Arabia.

None of the tourists who decide to come to this wonderful country will leave it without visiting Mecca. Local residents call her “Mother of Cities”. This city is the most sacred place for all Muslims in the world and represents a kind of center of spiritual culture of the Kingdom. It is worth noting that only adherents of the Muslim religion can visit this place; dissidents are not allowed into Mecca. If, however, you managed to get into the territory of this ancient city, then you should definitely visit the famous Haram mosque, look into the main sanctuary of all Muslims - Ka'b.

Close to the famous city of Medina is the most famous uninhabited city Madain Salih. This is the largest and most fascinating archaeological site in Saudi Arabia. Be sure to visit this unique place, and it will not leave you indifferent.

Saudi Arabia has some of the most beautiful coral reefs on the entire planet. Therefore, this country is a must-visit for all lovers diving.

The real entertainment for men here is Falcon hunting. Many centuries ago, such an activity was a kind of means of survival. Today this is one of the most popular sports, however, the price for this type of recreation is not cheap at all. The cost of one hunting falcon reaches $80,000.

Another great entertainment in Saudi Arabia - magnificent and unforgettable yacht cruises along the offshore islands. Such a short trip, which helps you get acquainted with the local beauties, will leave an indelible impression. The yachts that are used for such cruises have everything you need on board: air-conditioned rooms, separate cozy bedrooms, and spacious rooms with video systems.

For lovers of a relaxing holiday, Saudi Arabia is pleased to offer an excellent opportunity to catch local fish in deep-sea places in Persian Gulf. If the captain stops the yacht in a fishing spot, you will remember such an amazing bite for the rest of your life.

It should be noted that lovers of nightlife in Saudi Arabia will not find their usual activities, since such events are prohibited by strict Sharia laws.


The country's fame was brought not only by Muslim shrines, but also by a huge number of different retail outlets. These include traditional Arab markets, large department stores and large shopping centers. Moreover, here you can find both expensive boutiques and quite cheap shops.

Visiting shops is a favorite pastime of local residents, since other entertainment is prohibited by the Koran - there is not a single night bar, club or casino in this country.

Stores usually open without specific hours. As a rule, the working hours of most retail outlets are from 9 am to 1 pm, as well as from 5 pm to 8 pm. During the month of Ramadan, shops are open from 20:00 to 1:00 am. Friday is considered a day off in Saudi Arabia. On this day, it is customary to attend traditional sermons and prayers in mosques.

As in all eastern countries, locals love to bargain. It is common for this country to be able to reduce the quoted price by more than 40%. You can bargain with sellers in almost all retail outlets, except large supermarkets.


There are several modes of transport in Saudi Arabia. Railway connection(several hundred kilometers of roads) connects the capital Riyadh with major ports in the Persian Gulf. In addition, construction has begun on a separate railway line connecting Mecca and Medina.

Public transport is mainly represented by city ​​buses and taxis. The quality of the Kingdom's roads leaves much to be desired. At the same time, the roads in Riyadh are among the best in the country. The road surface in large cities has a special composition that can significantly reduce the amount of reflected heat, which greatly saves local residents from the sultry heat.

All buses in this country are very cozy and comfortable. The cost of one trip around the city ranges from 1 to 2 $.

There are 208 in Saudi Arabia airports, and three of them have international status. The average price of one flight across the country ranges from $120 to $150.

Landlocked, Saudi Arabia contains a large number of seaports. Some of them are quite large, for example, Jeddah, Duba, Jizan, Jubail. They are the main links between Saudi Arabia and neighboring countries.


In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Ministry of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones provides a fairly high level of communication. The mobile communications system in this country is excellently developed. In most cities, telephone companies prefer to remove old pay phones due to the fact that they are rarely used anymore. Almost all residents of this state, with the exception of some Bedouin tribes, are happy owners of mobile phones or radio stations.

The cellular network has a large coverage area: the area around Riyadh and other large oases. Only some areas of the desert are not served by cellular companies.

The World Wide Web is quite widespread in all major cities of Saudi Arabia. Most hotels, post offices and business centers provide their visitors with services for using the World Wide Web.

Telephone communications in this country are provided by the latest equipment, which allows for high quality data transmission. Using simple street machines you can make a phone call anywhere in the world. The cost of such a call will be slightly less than $2. The operation of such machines is carried out both from coins and from a prepaid plastic card.


Saudi Arabia is closed to solo travelers. All movements around the country must be carried out exclusively in groups and accompanied by a local tour operator, whose responsibilities include accompanying tourists everywhere and monitoring their timely departure.

There are practically no restrictions on movement around the country. The exception is ancient Muslim cities Medina And Mecca which are closed to persons of other religions. It is worth noting that local legislation even prohibits the import into this Muslim country of items that are related to other religions.

Saudi Arabia can be called a relatively safe country. Almost all tourist trips take place without criminal incidents. In large cities, including the capital, street crime is completely absent. This is due to the special mentality of the Arabs, as well as methods of combating the organization of crimes. Local authorities prefer to deal with hooligans using fines.

If we talk about the features of road transport, it is worth mentioning that traffic in Saudi Arabia is one-way, and the speed in cities and towns is reduced to 40 km/h. This innovation is quite unusual for Europeans.

Business climate

Huge oil reserves in Saudi Arabia have made this country a major producer and exporter petroleum products in the world (the Kingdom’s closest rival in this area is the Russian Federation). Such a colossal concentration of natural resources makes the country attractive for doing business. Moreover, recently the Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz, has introduced some innovations into the legislation of his country to simplify doing business. This is especially true for the tourism industry.

With the increasing interest of Muslim tourists in the beauty of famous religious shrines and thanks to the implementation of policies that soften the rules of the Koran, some foreign businessmen prefer to invest their investments in the economy of this particular country, which is currently the most promising in the development of the country. religious tourism.

It is worth noting that Saudi Arabia has recently been known for hosting major summits and conferences related to oil production and exports.

Real estate

Most scientists believe that Saudi Arabia's real estate market is almost the most stable in the world. It is not affected by the global economic crisis. Thanks to the deliberate strengthening of the country's economy and a good demographic situation, the Kingdom's real estate market is growing steadily.

This state has the largest real estate market among the Arab Gulf countries. Thanks to the high level of urbanization, large cities in the country began to develop quite quickly, which required the construction of new residential buildings.

Most recently, Saudi Arabia passed a law allowing the sale of real estate and land for construction to foreign citizens. But there are some limitations here. Firstly, the potential buyer must permanently reside in the state and purchase real estate only for his own use. The sale of premises to foreign investors for doing business in the state is also allowed.

Secondly, when purchasing a plot of land in Saudi Arabia, for a positive decision by the General Investment Authority, the cost of the construction project must exceed $8 million. In addition, the entire investment must be made in the country within five years. Otherwise, the purchase will be refused.

It is worth noting that the sale of real estate to foreigners in Mecca and Medina is strictly prohibited.

If you want to visit this unique Kingdom, you should pay attention to some strict rules of behavior in Muslim society.

  • When entering the state, women must wear a burqa or a long dress that covers their legs and arms. A mandatory condition for a woman going out is to cover her head with a scarf. If you break these rules, you may be expelled from the country without explanation.
  • Any immodest clothing that exposes the arms above the elbows and legs, as well as a woman’s head not covered with a scarf, can cause sharp condemnation from the religious police.
  • In Saudi Arabia, women of any nationality are prohibited from driving.
  • Although the ban on photography and videography in public places has recently been lifted in Saudi Arabia, special permission is required to photograph military installations and people, private and government property.
  • For the use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, for committing theft or premeditated murder, according to local laws, a very serious punishment is faced: from cutting off hands to beheading.

Visa information

When visiting Saudi Arabia, you should make sure you have the necessary visa. It is strictly forbidden for people who have an Israeli passport or an Israeli visa to enter this country, as well as people who have a note in their passport about the Jewish religion.

The Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Moscow is located at: 119121, Moscow, 3rd Neopalimovsky Lane, 3.

The state of Saudi Arabia is an amazing country that combines a modern economy and ancient traditions. It attracts many tourists with the unique nature of its deserts, beach holidays, as well as many religious places of the Islamic world.

In this article you will find a description of the regions and cities of the country; it also presents the main attractions of Saudi Arabia. This state is the largest in the west, it is washed by the Red Sea, and in the northeast by the Persian Gulf. Saudi Arabia borders Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Oman and Yemen.

Central region

In the central region of the kingdom is the capital of the state, Riyadh, as well as many other large cities lying to the west and north of it. This is the historical and geographical center of the country, which is called Najd. The central part is the most conservative part of the state. To this day, its residents follow all the norms of Wahhabism. There are few foreigners here, with the exception of the capital. They are as rare in this part of the country as rain.

Two capitals

Riyadh (Riyadh, pictured above) is a modern city whose name translates as “gardens”. It was founded on the site of a settlement captured by ibn Saud. 30 km from Riyadh is Diraya, the first capital of the kingdom. It is the most important site in the country from an archaeological point of view. Diraya was founded back in 1446. At the end of the 17th century it reached the peak of its development, and in 1818 it was destroyed. Today there are many ruins that are being actively restored. Among them you can see the following several mosques, palaces, as well as the old city wall.

Eastern region

The eastern region of the state runs along the coast of the Persian Gulf. Within its borders are cities such as Al-Khobar, Dhahran (Ez-Zahran), Al-Jubail and Al-Hofuf. It was in the eastern part of the country that oil was first discovered, which today plays a very important role in the state’s economy. This happened in the 1930s. The cities of Al Khobar and Dammam were just small fishing villages before the oil riot began. Dhahran was completely absent.


Dammam is the administrative center of the eastern region. This is the terminus of the Dammam-Riyadh railway. The main attractions of the city are the modern business center, as well as the impressive coastal cliff. The latter in Saudi Arabia is called the Corniche (“cornice”).

Al Khobar

The city of Al Khobar also appeared on the map thanks to oil. More recently, until 1923, it was a small Bedouin camp located near the base of a geological exploration expedition owned by the ARAMCO company. Currently, Al-Khobar is a large industrial city. The famous King Fahad Causeway (King Fahad Causeway), which is 25 km long, emerges from it.

It connects Saudi Arabia with Bahrain. The King Fahd Bridge took 4 years to build, from 1982 to 1986.


The next city, Dhahran, was almost entirely built by ARAMCO. Today it has an airport, a business district, an American consulate, and a university. King Fahad, where oil workers and geologists are trained.

El Qatif

The city of El Qatif is located north of Dammam, 13 km from it. It was formed on the site of the oldest city in the Persian Gulf region. Archaeologists have not yet found out the exact time of its foundation, but some of them date it back to 3500 BC. e. on early European maps it is called the Qatif Sea.

Darin and Tarut Islands

Some of the most interesting places in the kingdom from a historical point of view are the islands of Darin and Tarut. Lovers of antiquity will certainly enjoy the sights of Saudi Arabia located here. There are ancient forts preserved on the islands, the age of which no scientist can accurately determine. In Jebel al-Qara you will find nationally famous ceramic workshops, whose products are very popular in Saudi Arabia. And near the city of Abqayk (Bukayk) there are salt mines that have been mined for almost 5 thousand years.

Al Jubail

The city of Al Jubail lies north of Dammam, 90 km from it. Until the mid-1970s, this place was a fishing village. Nowadays, together with Yanbu, he forms a large industrial complex of metallurgical enterprises, petrochemical plants and trading companies. In addition, Saudi Arabia's main naval base is located here. In the mid-1980s, ruins belonging to the Jubail Church Christian Church were excavated near Jubail. According to experts, they date back to the 4th century AD. e., that is, they are older than all known temple complexes located in Europe.

Half Moon Bay

South of Al Khobar lies the Half Moon Bay region. This is an actively developing tourist area. If you are interested in tours to Saudi Arabia, we recommend paying attention to this place. Half Moon Bay is focused primarily on beach holidays. This region has a sandy beach that is the longest in the kingdom and has excellent infrastructure and facilities.


The city of Al-Hofuf (otherwise known as Hafuf) is the center of the vast oasis of Al-Askha (El-Asaha), considered one of the largest in the world. An old fort has been preserved here, as well as one of the most interesting markets in the state, where you can buy, among other things, camels, as well as various arts and crafts. Due to the abundance of greenery, the size of the oasis and the picturesque villages, this area is one of the most interesting places in the region.

Western region

This region, also known as the Hejaz, is the religious, historical and cultural center of the entire Muslim world. The main Islamic shrines - the main attractions of Saudi Arabia - are located here. This part of the country has many archaeological sites dating back to the pre-Islamic period, several biblical sites and famous historical and architectural structures.


Mecca is a special city, which is a spiritual center and a real shrine (along with Jerusalem and Medina) for Muslims all over the planet. It is located on the slopes of the El Sarawat mountains, in the central part of the region. Only adherents of Islam can get here.

In the center of Mecca is the Kaaba (its photo is presented above). This is a cuboid structure located in the heart of the Sacred Mosque, the most visited in the world. The Kaaba is shrouded in a black veil and centuries-old history. According to the Koran, this is one of the main places where pilgrims should gather during the Hajj. The Koran also says that this is the first structure that people erected to worship God. It should be said that the Kaaba is a very unusual building. Every pilgrim strives to take a photo of her. But this building is notable not only for its appearance. A Black Stone is mounted in one of its corners, which, according to Muslim legend, was once in paradise.

Above Mecca, in the mountains, at an altitude of about 2 thousand meters above sea level, is Taif. This is a summer resort where there is free access for non-Muslims.


Medina - the "brilliant" or "enlightened city" - is located 950 km west of Riyadh and 490 km northeast of Mecca. Medina is the second holy city for Muslims and the first of those that followed the precepts of the prophet. It attracts many pilgrims. Unfortunately, this city is currently closed to people of other faiths.

Masjid an-Nabawi (its other name is the Mosque of the Prophet) is very famous and beautiful. It is the second shrine in Islam after the Forbidden Mosque, located in Mecca. Masjid an-Nabawi is the burial place of Muhammad. During his lifetime, the first mosque was built here. Subsequent rulers decorated and expanded the shrine. Under the Dome of the Prophet (Green Dome) is the tomb of Muhammad. The exact date of its construction is unknown, but a description of this dome can be found in manuscripts dating back to the early 12th century.


Jeddah is the region's most important industrial, commercial and political center. It is also the main port of the Red Sea. Jeddah is the gateway to many pilgrims and is the most cosmopolitan city in Saudi Arabia. In Obira, 50 km north of it, there is a good water resort. The Sheraton Abhur, Sands, Al Nakheel Village, Crystal Resort, Durrat Al-Arus complexes are known not only for their high level, but also for the significant contribution they have made to the conservation of the fauna and flora of the Red Sea, especially coral reefs.

Red sea

The Red Sea itself is a real paradise for lovers of water recreation. It is home to one of the world's largest coral reef systems, containing approximately 200 species of coral. However, they are not as popular with divers as the Egyptian resorts located on the opposite shore, so you will remember your holiday in Saudi Arabia for a long time. In Jeddah, as well as in the resort towns of the coast, all components of the tourist infrastructure are well developed. There are many hotels and shopping outlets here. Saudi Arabia offers tourists an abundance of excursions and unforgettable experiences. The sea is one of the reasons why you should visit this country.

Southwestern region

This area is also known as Asher. It got its name from the mountains located here (Asir). The southwest of the kingdom belongs to the East African Rift Zone. This is a very interesting geological formation, there are many high mountains. Near the city of Abha, the capital of the region, is Mount Jebel Sauda, ​​the highest point in the southwest (3133 m). Asir also has many gorges and tectonic basins, a large amount of greenery, which is facilitated by slightly lower temperatures compared to other regions. Even Aelius Gallus mentioned these lands in his Roman chronicles (25 BC) as the Land of Frankincense. By the way, the Romans failed to capture it. And these regions became part of Saudi Arabia only in 1922, remaining an independent kingdom until this period.

These regions are quite different from the rest of the state in terms of architecture and customs, which is explained by their proximity to Yemen. The cornice is the most characteristic detail of the local buildings, preventing the erosion of the clay walls of houses during rains. This element of architecture is simply unthinkable for dry Saudi Arabia.


The capital of Asira is Abha. This is the coolest city in Saudi Arabia. Thanks to its beautiful scenery and abundance of greenery, it has become a popular resort. The Shada Palace, which was built in 1927 as the residence of King Abdulaziz, has been preserved here. Abha reopened in 1987 after restoration. Today it is a regional museum, open from Saturday to Thursday, with free admission.

Al Soda

East of Abha, 45 kilometers, the magnificent landscapes of Al-Sod begin. These are steep mountains, narrow gorges, huge cliffs, green peaks and turquoise waters of the sea. A little further south is Asir National Park, which is one of the best in the state.


Modern Saudi Arabia is not only a desert with camels, historical buildings, Islamic shrines and beach holidays. Nature lovers will certainly appreciate several national parks. Farasan is located in the very southwest of Saudi Arabia, 40 km west of Jizan. This archipelago consists of 84 coral and sand islands. Farasan was chosen by birds, who chose it for breeding. Seabirds (about 87 species), dugongs, gazelles, and sea turtles live here. The archipelago is almost completely included in the Farasan National Park.

Northern region

The area along the northern borders of Saudi Arabia is deserted and sparsely populated. It is practically unknown to travelers. However, here under the sands there are ancient cities, which are mentioned in the texts of the Bible.

Madain Salih

Madain Salih is an uninhabited city located 33 km north of Medina. This is the most famous and interesting archaeological site in the kingdom. The city at the turn of the old and new era was very important. Caravan routes from southern Arabia to Egypt, Syria, Europe and Byzantium ran through it. The fame of this city was brought by the huge stone tombs, which were built between the 1st century. BC e. and 1st century n. e.