Panorama of Kazanlak. Virtual tour of Kazanlak. Attractions, map, photos, videos. Information about the city of Kazanlak Cafes and restaurants

Kazanlak is an amazing city in the heart of Bulgaria, whose history is shaped by a variety of cultures: Thracians, Romans, Turks, Slavs. Its rich architectural heritage, wonderful southern Balkan nature and convenient location have made it a popular tourist destination. The city is also known all over the world for the massive cultivation of Damask rose, from which not only aromatic extracts, essential oils and cosmetics are made here, but also jam, tea and even alcoholic drinks.

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How to get to Kazanlak

The nearest airport is in Plovdiv (120 km), but only charters fly there from Russia. Kazanlak has good connections with Sofia - there are 250 km between the cities, buses leaving from the Sofia Central Bus Station at 10:30, 15:00 and 17:30 cover them in 3 hours 40 minutes. Trains take about the same time. More information about flights Sofia - Kazanlak at office. Bulgarian Railways website.


Public transport in Kazanlak is represented by buses, most of which run not only within the city, but also call in nearby villages. There are several bicycle rental points, and you can also rent a bike in hotels.

Search for air tickets to Sofia (the nearest airport to Kazanlak)

Kazanlak Hotels

Accommodation options in Kazanlak are represented by hotels (maximum 3*) and guest houses. Their cost is the same: simpler housing will cost 40-45 BGN for a double room with breakfast. You can spend the night in a 3* hotel for 60 BGN per day (breakfast is also included), and in a hotel room with an indoor pool - for 90-100 BGN. Prices on the page are as of October 2018.

Cafes and restaurants

Like other Bulgarian cities, taverns rule the roost in Kazanlak. For 15-20 BGN, a guest can take a large “kavarma” (baked meat with onions and spices) or “sarmi” (a local equivalent of dolma) and a glass of beer. There are few restaurants, and they mostly operate at hotels, offering European cuisine. Dinner with wine for one person will cost 20-30 BGN.

Fast food is represented by duners (shawarma), familiar to the Balkans, for 5-7 BGN. But purely Bulgarian fast food, for example, “banitsa” (puff pastry pie with cheese or meat filling) and “mekitsi” (deep-fried flatbread) are easier to find in the culinary departments of local stores and small family cafes.

Sights of Kazanlak

The main attraction of Kazanlak is a tomb from the 3rd century BC found and carefully restored by archaeologists. BC, known as the Thracian tomb. The monument is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

One of the main symbols of the city is the Damask or oil rose. The surrounding fields are literally strewn with it, not to mention the flower beds in Kazanlak itself. Several centuries ago, this flower was brought to Bulgaria from Asia and, thanks to the unique agroclimatic conditions (high humidity, optimal air temperature and light sandy loam soils), it took root well.

After some time, roses acquired endemic features: a high content of essential oils and a persistent aroma. In the 19th century, these properties were appreciated by European pharmacists and perfumers, and the region received the romantic name “Valley of Roses.”

Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a Rose Museum in Kazanlak (office site in English). It presents about 15 thousand exhibits related to the cultivation of flowers: documents, photographs, tools for processing plants, containers for storing rose oil. By the way, one of the vessels was last used in 1947, but the aroma of roses is still noticeable. The museum has a store where you can buy cosmetics, souvenirs, rose liqueur, aromatic oils and jam - all made from rose petals.

Another museum worthy of attention is Iskra (office site in English). Tourists are attracted by the largest collection of bone sickles, ceramics, firearms and bladed weapons in South-Eastern Europe.

In a separate room, gold, silver and bronze artifacts from local Thracian tombs are exhibited, including the golden wreath of King Seuthes III, his helmet and knee pads, silver and gold horse harness.

A unique reserve that combines the stunning nature of Stara Planina and historical monuments is the Shipka-Buzludzha National Park-Museum (office site). Its symbol is the Freedom Monument, built in 1934 on the top of Mount Shipka (1523 m above sea level). This is a stone obelisk in the shape of a truncated pyramid, to which 890 steps lead. There is an observation deck at its top. Inside the monument there is a museum, on the ground floor of which, on 4 marble sculptures of lions, there is a stone sarcophagus with the remains of soldiers who died during the defense of Shipka - then the Russian-Bulgarian army defeated the troops of the Ottoman Empire. On the remaining floors there is an exhibition dedicated to this iconic battle: military banners, paintings, personal belongings of soldiers, insignia, weapons.


Since Kazanlak is located in a valley, a fairly mild temperate continental climate is formed here. A cool winter with a slight “plus” in January gives way to a hot summer - in July the thermometer often rises to +30...+32 °C. The region experiences a large number of sunny days and minimal precipitation.

Kazanlak is a small town in the Starazagora region, which is famous for its diverse nature. Here you can see the Balkan Mountains, forests, as well as the Koprinka reservoir. Thanks to the Valley of Roses, in the center of which Kazanlak is located, the city is famous not only in Bulgaria, but throughout the world. To come here from Sofia, you will have to travel 200 kilometers, from Plovdiv - 108, from - 298, and from Stara Zagora - 35.

    The city streets of Kazanlak look quite modern and neat. The city is famous in Bulgaria and far beyond its borders for the massive cultivation of oilseed roses, as well as walnuts and pistachio nuts.

    The winter landscapes of Kazanlak and its surroundings are like illustrations from fairy tales. Mountain nature under a layer of fluffy snow looks especially picturesque and unrealistically beautiful.

    View of the main city square of Kazanlak. The Rose Valley, famous for the industrial production of cosmetic oil from roses, is located around Kazanlak.

    One of the historical architectural monuments on the territory of Kazanlak. The city can offer connoisseurs of historical monuments such unique objects as a mound with several temples and a Thracian tomb.

    Fountain in front of the hotel. Every year in June, numerous participants, guests and spectators of the Rose Festival come to Kazanlak. During this period of time, all hotels in the city are usually occupied.

    One of the city's pedestrian zones. The clean and well-groomed, European streets of Kazanlak attract guests from other cities and countries no less than the historical and cultural monuments.

    The building of the Rose Museum in Kazanlak. Its exhibition consists of unique photographs, articles, documents and other items related to the traditional cultivation of roses and the production of rose oil.

    This is what the local city park looks like. Many large trees, very beautiful, well-groomed green lawns and an abundance of blooming pink flower beds - all this can be seen in the parks of Kazanlak.

The rich history of the city preserves the traditions of the ancient Romans and Thracians, Slavs and Turks. Twelve ancient tombs, dating back about 2,500 years, have been discovered in the vicinity of Kazanlak. Therefore, the city is considered the capital of the “Valley of the Thracians”. Kazanlak has long been engaged in the production of rose oil, woolen fabrics, copperware and braid. Industry is well developed here, in contrast to where agriculture is developed.

Tourist attractions of Kazanlak

In Kazanlak there are several textile factories that produce threads, woolen fabrics, and also the production of rayon. In addition, there is a plant that produces military defense equipment.

There are several tourist places located near the Buzludzha mountain peak. This is a monument to the governor Hadzhi Dimitar, tourist houses and even an entire tourist village. The nearby Shipka-Buzuludzha National Park includes the Shipka Monastery, the Freedom Monument and the Church of the Nativity.

    One of the many city flowerbeds of Kazanlak. Being the geographical center of the Valley of Roses, the city is famous for its large number of rose flower beds and flower beds, the design of which is carried out by specialists.

    The walls of the oldest Thracian tomb discovered by archaeologists in Kazanlak. It is noteworthy that there are several similar Thracian tombs on the territory of the city.

    Many people call the Valley of Roses near Kazanlak a heavenly miracle. Initially a completely natural occurrence, the rose field attracted the attention of people who began to use the petals to obtain essential oil.

    Panoramic view of city roofs. Kazanlak is famous not only for its rose essential oil. The textile industry is quite developed here, the enterprises of which produce artificial silk.

    Patio with a swimming pool at a tourist hotel. The surroundings of Kazanlak, known for its combination of mountainous and flat terrain, are excellent for active tourism.

    Coastal zone of the Kazanlak reservoir "Koprinka". Thanks to the amazingly clear water and beautiful nature, this particular place has become one of the tourist sites near Kazanlak.

    The building of "Iskra" - the historical museum of Kazanlak. Those with an eye for historical relics will be delighted by the local collections of coins from different eras, weapons, jewelry and ceramics.

    One of the city administrative buildings. The modern tourist center of Kazanlak was already a major producer of rose essential oil and woolen fabric during the period of enslavement by the Ottomans.

Many travelers annually come to the base, which is located six kilometers from Kazanlak. Here, near the Koprinka reservoir, excellent conditions have been created for recreation and sports. By the way, at the bottom of this reservoir the remains of the ancient city of Sevtopolis, created by the Thracians, were found. Nearby, near the Tundzha River, you can visit the Kazanlak Mineral Baths and lie on the beach near the mineral springs.

Kazanlak Tomb is on the UNESCO World Heritage List

Among others, Kazanlak stands out for its excellent opportunities for hiking and ecotourism. Many tourist routes along the Shipka Balkans pass through the nearby villages. But the most popular are the Thracian tombs: Kazanlak and Myglizh. The first of them is located in the Tyulbeto Park and is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In addition, an interesting city site is the Iskra City Museum with an art gallery where you can see the creations of famous Bulgarian artists. As well as the literary and art museum “Chudomir”, which offers visitors an exhibition of the writer Dimitar Chorbadzhiyski, who wrote under the pseudonym Chudomir.

Kazanlak (Bulgarian: Kazanlak) is a city in Bulgaria. It is located in the Starozagora region, part of the Kazanlak community. Kazanlak is located in the Kazanlysh Basin, which is part of the Trans-Balkan Basins. Kazanlak is located 194 km east of Sofia, 185 km west of Burgas, 36 km northwest of Stara Zagora, 114 km northeast of Plovdiv and 320 km southwest of Varna. The population is 52,779 people. In the vicinity of the city there are the ruins of the ancient Thracian capital of Sevtopol. The city is home to a plant for the production of weapons and engineering equipment Arsenal Ltd.

Not far from the city of Kazanlak in the Kazanlak Basin (Kazanlak Basin) at the foot of the Stara Planina Mountains (Balkan Mountains) is the famous Valley of Roses, which is an important tourist attraction in Bulgaria. Every year true romantics come here, eager to enjoy the charm and aroma of roses. It is also here that one of the best rose oils (Rose oil) in the world is produced and sold.


The following attractions from the Hundred Tourist Sites of the Bulgarian Tourist Union (Bulgarian Tourist Union) are located in Kazanlak: Literary and Art Museum “Chudomir”. National park-museum "Shipka - Buzludzha". (Shipka (mountain)) Thracian tomb in Kazanlak is the best preserved Thracian tomb in Bulgaria. Shipka (mountain). Peak Buzludzha Bolshaya Kosmatka - Tomb of King Sevt "Golyamata Kosmatka" - The tomb of the Thracian king Sevt III is located in the mound "Golyamata Kosmatka", 1 km south of the town of Shipka and 12 km north of the city of Kazanlak. It was opened in 2004. This tomb was built in the second half of the 5th century. BC e. and in it were found a golden crown-bearer’s wreath, a golden kylix (wine cup), knee pads and a helmet, an appliqué for horse harness and other things presented in the Historical Museum of the city of Kazanlak. The bronze head of the statue of Seuthes III, ritually buried in front of the facade of the crypt, with many details, makes an exceptional impression. This is important evidence of Thracian Orphic rituals. A ritual bed and a ritual table were found in a rectangular chamber. They were covered with a cloth made of gold threads, after which a magnificent burial of the ruler took place. The name Sevta is written on the phial, jug and helmet, which proves that at the beginning of the 3rd century. BC Sevtus III, the famous Thracian ruler of the Kingdom of the Odrysians (tribe), was buried here. Now the capital of his kingdom, Sevtopolis, is located 100 km southwest of the tomb, at the bottom of the Koprinka reservoir. The head of the statue of Seuthes, which stood on a pedestal in the capital of Seuthopolis, is buried in the crypt. The chamber is carefully packed with personal belongings and gifts necessary for the owner’s afterlife. During the funeral, the entrance to the round chamber and vestibule was walled up, the king's horse was sacrificed, and the corridor was ritually burned. This burial is part of the discoveries in the Valley of the Thracian Kings, where the Kazanlak tomb and crypts and temples discovered in mounds were also discovered...

Kazanlak is a city in Bulgaria. It is located in the Starozagora region, part of the Kazanlak community. The population is 52,779 people. In the vicinity of the city there are the ruins of the ancient Thracian capital of Sevtopol. Population: 52,779 people (2010). Coordinates: 42°37′00″ N. w. 25°24′00″ E. d. Time zone: UTC+2, in summer UTC+3. Telephone code: (+359) 431. Postal code: 6100. Vehicle code: ST.

Kazanlak Map

History of Kazanlak

The first settlement on the territory of the current city arose during the Neolithic period. With the arrival of the Thracians, the village reached a new level. Scientists note significant economic and demographic growth. The Kazanlak tomb gives an excellent idea of ​​the life of the population of those times.

At the beginning of the 15th century, the current Kazanlak arose. Until the 19th century, the city was famous for the production of rose oil, woolen fabrics and coppersmith products.

Kazanlak today

The Arsenal Ltd plant, which produces weapons and engineering equipment, is located on the territory of the city. There are also enterprises producing woolen fabrics and threads. The production of roses and rose oil is well established.

Sights of Kazanlak

A popular attraction is the Shipka-Buzludzha National Park Museum (1956). On the territory of the park there are: the Freedom Monument, the Victory Monument, the Church-Monument of the Nativity of Christ. The latter is dedicated to those who died in the Russian-Turkish liberation war. The Freedom Monument is located at the top of Stolety. To climb to it, you need to overcome 894 steps.

6 kilometers from the city in the valley of roses there is the Koprinka reservoir, which is considered the most beautiful in Bulgaria. There is a tourist base here. At the bottom of the reservoir, scientists found evidence of the existence of the ancient city of Sevtopolis.

Mineral baths can be taken 5 kilometers from the city near the Tundzha River.

A famous attraction is the Kazanlak Tomb (IV century BC), included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

There are museums in Kazanlak. The Iskra City Historical Museum is considered the oldest in Bulgaria. In the Chudomir Museum you can get acquainted with the work of Dimitar Hristov Chorbadzhisky. Every year from March 25 to April 1, the city hosts the Chudomir holidays.

An unusual place - the Oil Rose Museum. The museum opened in 1969. The Rose Festival is held here every June.

Kazanlak is a small town and administrative center in the Stara Zagorsk region, located in Southern Bulgaria, in the Kazanlak basin, famous for the fertility and beauty of its lands. The city's population is about 60,000 people. The unique location in the very center of the country, among the Valley of Roses and the Thracian kings, made Kazanlak a popular tourist destination.

  • Founded: 1300;
  • Area: 36 km²;
  • Time zone: UTC+2, summer UTC+3;
  • Population: 52,100.

A little history

The history of this settlement begins in the 14th century. During the Russian-Turkish War, the city was the center of fierce clashes. After the overthrow of the Ottoman Ig, this region began to actively develop the light and textile industries. By the end of the 19th century, Kazanlak became famous for the production of rose oil, unique in its composition, which was exported to the countries of Asia Minor, as well as Syria, India and Persia.

In the middle of the 20th century, during archaeological work, a Thracian burial structure dating back to the 4th century BC was discovered. The Kazanlak tomb is recognized as a monument of world significance and is protected by UNESCO. Such an important discovery contributed to an additional influx of tourists to this region of Bulgaria.

Today Kazanlak is a city of roses and artists, with preserved customs and architectural monuments of various cultures: Thracians, ancient Romans, Slavs, Proto-Bulgarians and Turks. The cultivation of roses and the production of rose oil currently takes place in compliance with all centuries-old traditions.

Climatic features

Since the city is located in a valley, the temperate continental climate has created fairly warm weather throughout the year. A mild winter with an air temperature in January of about +5⁰C gives way to a hot summer - in July the thermometer rises to +30...+32⁰C. This region has a large number of sunny days and minimal precipitation.

Transport accessibility

The nearest international airport is located in Plovdiv, 110 kilometers from the city. You can get to the center by regularly running buses. You can also get to Kazanlak by intercity bus from Sofia - the capital of Bulgaria is separated from the city by 200 kilometers.

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Also in Kazanlak you can visit the Chudomir Museum with literary and artistic exhibits, the Iskra Historical Museum, the Buzludzha National Park Museum and the Oil Rose Museum, which tells the 300-year history of growing oil roses and making rose oil in Bulgaria.

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