Natalie tours official last minute tour operator. Tours from Natalie Tours. Advantages and disadvantages

Natalie Tours company was founded in 1992. The main direction of its activity has always been the organization of tourist trips. On everything Russian market this operator has an impeccable reputation, strengthening its position every year.

Range of services

It’s worth noting right away that Natalie Tours is a multidisciplinary company. Basically, its specialization is mass recreation, and most importantly, taking into account the individual needs of everyone. In terms of the number of tourists safely sent to Europe, Natalie Tours is among the leaders.

The range of offers of this tour operator is not just wide, it is constantly growing. It offers assistance in visiting countries in which uniform quality standards for the provision of service apply, and are also located best hotels. Moreover, all this has been tested and confirmed by qualified employees of Natalie Tours. It is important that in all these countries, all personnel and management are focused, among other things, on Russian tourists. Insurance for travelers during the tour is provided by a reputable insurance company called Ingosstrakh, with which Natalie Tours has been cooperating for many years.

As for tourist destinations, Natalie Tours clients are offered assistance in organizing comfortable and safe trips in such destinations as:

  • Portugal and .

For everyone who dreams of visiting, doing sea ​​cruise or go to Switzerland, Germany, Malta and Singapore, Natalie Tours will also help.

In addition to organizing turnkey tours, the company offers a service for booking airline tickets, hotel rooms and other services around the world. This is relevant for those who want to organize an individual trip, even if it is planned that it will be non-standard. By the way, Natalie Tours also has a department whose main purpose is to serve corporate clients. Many large companies have already used the high-quality services of the business tourism department.

Additional Information

Natalie Tours does everything possible on its part to provide its clients with a high-quality holiday that meets current standards at prices that are affordable to them. Due to this, the company from year to year strengthens its position as a leader in the Russian market of tourism services. At one time, the operator launched its own franchising project, and today about 90 travel agencies operate under the Natalie Tours brand.

Natalie Tours is a tour operator with a 20-year impeccable reputation. Natalie Tours tours are always new and an opportunity to get new experiences. New resorts, vacation destinations, unique products and programs.

Our customer service managers will help you search for Natalie Tours tours and choose best option of all the holidays offered. The tour operator's assortment includes programs offering:

  • beach holiday;
  • exciting excursions;
  • ski tours;
  • cruises;
  • safaris and recreation on lakes;
  • exclusive offers and much more.

Also on the website you can find last-minute tours from Natalie Tours to all continents of the world. Among the most popular destinations- Indonesia, Tanzania, India, China, Georgia.

Information from the register of tour operators:

Registry number: RTO 017843

Full name: Limited Liability Company "Panorama Tour"

Abbreviated name: LLC "Panorama Tour"

Address (location): 109029, Moscow, st. Nizhegorodskaya, 32, building 15, room 25a

Mailing address: 123001, Moscow, st. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 25

Official website address on the Internet:

Tour operator INN: 7709493430

OGRN of the tour operator: 1167746501933

OTV Membership: Yes

Addresses of structural divisions: No

Cash received from outbound tourism:

Total amount of financial support: 50000000

Financial support: 50000000

Method of financial support:

Financial security document number: 433-036763/17

Date of the financial security document: 2017-06-09

Action with: 2017-08-16

Action by: 2018-08-15

Organization that provided the FO: SPAO "Ingosstrakh"

Address of the organization that provided the FI:

Postal address of the organization that provided the FI: 117997, Moscow, Pyatnitskaya, 12, building 2

The total size of the financial institution for the new period: 50000000

Scope of tour operator activity (1): domestic tourism

Order No.: 393-Pr-16

Order date: 2016-09-19

Number of issued certificate: 064194

FO size for the new period: 50000000

FO method for the new period: tour operator civil liability insurance contract

FO document number for the new period: 433-036763/17

Date of the financial statements document for the new period: 2017-06-09

Effectiveness of the new financial institution with: 2017-08-16

Effect of the new financial institution on: 2018-08-15

The organization that provided the financial statements for the new period: SPAO "Ingosstrakh"

Address of the organization that provided the financial statements for the new period: 117997, Moscow, Pyatnitskaya, 12, building 2

Postal address of the organization that provided the financial statements for the new period: 117997, Moscow, Pyatnitskaya, 12, building 2

So, let's start with the main thing: we will never fly with Natalie Tours again and we will save all our friends. This tour operator is the only thing that ruined our honeymoon trip 08/16/14-08/31/14 to Thailand (Pattaya), and completely. We took a 4* hotel, but luck. Upon arrival, the same 6 tourists, including us, were accommodated in a 3* hotel. We were a little upset, but decided to enjoy what we had. The rest of the tourists spent the whole day in negotiations with Natalie Tours on relocation to a hotel of the appropriate category. The next morning we came to a meeting with the guide Vadim and heard “in 15 minutes we are leaving for another hotel” - we were automatically moved with everyone else, without notifying us about it. To our question, “What would have happened if we hadn’t come now?”, Vadim logically answered, “But you came.” As a result, we lost exactly two days, spending them on suitcases. We (already all six tourists) turned to Vadim with a request to at least somehow apologize from the tour operator and compensate for 2 lost days. Vadim said that Natalie Tours are ready to give us a tour to the zoo worth 400 Baht in exchange for receipts that we have no claims against Natalie Tours. Quite suspicious, isn't it? No apologies/regrets were even verbally expressed. The company representative completely refused to give any contacts of his colleagues both in Thailand and in Moscow - “no one will do anything for you anyway.” Vadim’s tone and behavior horrified everyone - he used obscene words, was rude, and was insolent, waving his keychain with boxing gloves in front of us in a “bull” pose. When it became obvious to everyone that there was not only a violation going on here business etiquette And human treatment in general, but it also smacks of lawlessness, we took out the camera. Vadim changed his tone and face even more: “I’ll break it for you now, put it away!” And then the curtain: “Russians don’t touch Russians in Thailand, but the Thais will do anything for my small fee.” Don't you think this is overkill? Realizing that there was no point in continuing the conversation with the representative of Natalie-Tours in an intelligent shirt, we left to improve our vacation in better side. Of course, we did not sign any papers. This is where our communication with Vadim, thank God, ended. The holiday itself was good. On the eve of departure, on August 30, flight information should have appeared. But, of course, Natalie Tours is above this. Fortunately, we have the Internet and we found out when our flight was, but the question of transfer remained. Six poor tourists had already managed to unite and they had to call Vadim again. He responded with a standard refusal, saying that we need to call some Vera (wow, at least now he gave the contact of a colleague). It took three or more hours to reach Vera. Of course, Vera was completely out of the loop, and if it weren’t for our call, no one would have even picked us up from the hotel. In the end, we left safely. The End.