Montserrat, abandoned country. Montserrat - an island destroyed by a volcano Volcanic eruption on the island of Montserrat

Montserrat is a British overseas territory located in the West Indies on an island of the same name in the Caribbean Sea. This is a volcanic island, part of the Lesser Antilles, on which there are three volcanoes, one of them active.

Montserrat on the world map

In the northwest, the territory of Montserrat borders with Saint Kitts and Nevis, in the northeast with Antigua and Barbuda, and in the south with Guadeloupe. The number of inhabitants is approximately 5 thousand people, of which about 13% are city residents. In general, due to active volcanic activity, only a third of the island’s territory is populated. The capital is formally considered the city of Plymouth, which was destroyed during the eruption of the active Soufriere volcano, and therefore, since 1997, the village of Breidis has been recognized as the actual capital. According to the administrative structure, the island is divided into three parishes: Saint Peter, Saint Anthony and Saint George. Throughout the year, warm weather prevails on the island of Montserrat, the climate here is maritime subequatorial and almost the entire year the air temperature remains at the same level, can reach 35 degrees Celsius. In mountainous areas at higher altitudes, the temperature is slightly lower - about 25 degrees above zero. From December to February it becomes a little cooler, but the temperature does not drop below 21 degrees Celsius. There is no rainy season as such on the island, but quite a lot of precipitation falls. There are often downpours that suddenly begin and stop just as quickly. It rains most from May to July, as well as in the autumn months (October to November). During this period of time, the island is exposed to tropical hurricanes.

Map of the Montserrat island in Russian

Natural attractions are the main thing you can see on the island. The main one is Soufriere, the most dangerous and most picturesque volcano in the world. Thanks to him, the island of Montserrat itself was formed. Also among the interesting places on the island is the Historical Reserve, located on Carrs Bay, on the territory of which there are the ruins of a fort built in the 17th century, the Clock Tower and others. Among the historical attractions is the mountain monastery, located at an altitude of 725 meters above sea level. This monastery is very famous in the world and is popular among tourists. By and large, Montserrat is not a tourist state; it is a fairly closed country where tourism is only at the stage of development.

>The official name is Montserrat. An overseas territory of Great Britain on the island of the same name in the West Indies, in the Lesser Antilles group. The total area is 102 km2, the population is 4.5 thousand people. (2001). The official language is English. The administrative center is Plymouth, abandoned by the population after the volcanic eruption in 1995, the administration is temporarily located in Brades Estate. National holiday - Queen Elizabeth II's Birthday (second Saturday in June, since 1926). The currency is the East Caribbean dollar.

Member of CARICOM, Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, Caribbean Development Bank, associate member of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, UN Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, etc.

Attractions of Montserrat

Geography of Montserrat

Located between 16°45′ north latitude and 62°12′ east longitude. Washed by the Caribbean Sea. The length of the coastline is 40 km. Volcanic in origin, mountainous, the highest point is Chances Peak (914 m). Volcanic activity. The climate is tropical, trade wind, average monthly temperatures are +23-28°C. Average annual precipitation approx. 1500 mm. Tropical storms are possible from June to November. Significant water resources, there are waterfalls. Forests cover 40% of the territory.

Population of Montserrat

OK. 8 thousand people (2/3 of the population) left Montserrat after the devastating volcanic eruption in 1995, and the process of re-emigration is now active. Annual growth 8.43%, birth rate - 17.54%, mortality - 7.47%, infant mortality 8.0 people. per 1000 newborns (2002 estimate). Average life expectancy is 78.2 years. Age structure of the population: 0-14 years - 23.6%, 15-60 years - 65%, 61 years and older - 11.4%. Ratio of men to women: 96 to 100. Literacy among adults - 97%. The inhabitants of Montserrat are predominantly mulattoes and descendants of African slaves, 20% are descendants of Europeans. The local dialect of English predominates in communication. Protestants predominate (Anglicans, Methodists, Adventists).

History of Montserrat

The island was discovered by the expedition of H. Columbus in 1493 and named after the mountain of the same name in Spain, where the monastery in which I. Loyola founded the Jesuit order is located. The first settlement was founded in 1632. Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries. repeatedly passed from Great Britain to French rule. In 1783 it finally became a colony of Great Britain. In 1871-1958 it was administratively part of the Leeward Islands colony, in 1958-62 - in the West Indies Federation, after the collapse of which in 1962 it was transformed into a separate colony. In 1974 he became a member of CARICOM.

Government and political system of Montserrat

Parliamentary democracy. Monarchy. The current Constitution came into force on February 13, 1990. Administrative-territorial division - 3 parishes. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain (since 1952 - Elizabeth II), represented by the governor (since April 2004 Howard Fergus), who heads the Executive Council of 6 members. Legislative power belongs to the unicameral Legislative Council, consisting of the Minister of Finance, the Attorney General and 9 members elected by popular vote for 5 years (the last elections were held in 2004). The leader of the winning party in the election is usually appointed chief minister, since April 2001 - John A. Osborne. There are 2 political parties: the National Progressive Party (National Progressive Party, leader Reuben T. Mead, 2 seats in the Legislative Council) and the New People’s Liberation Movement (leader John A. Osborne, 7 seats in the Legislative Council). There are no regular troops. Defense is the prerogative of Great Britain.

Economy of Montserrat

GDP volume is 29 million US dollars (estimated for 2002, at purchasing power parity), GDP per capita production is 5 thousand US dollars (estimated for 2001, at purchasing power parity). In the 2nd half. 1990s There was an annual decline in GDP (by 27.3% in 1996, by 1.6% in 1999). Inflation 1.7% (2000). In the structure of GDP, the service sector accounts for 81%, industry - 14%, agriculture and fishing - 5%. The main area of ​​employment is tourism. Industry is represented by enterprises processing agricultural products and assembling electrical appliances and electronics products. The importance of agriculture, a traditional sector of the economy, is declining. Cotton is cultivated, vegetables and fruits (lime, etc.) are grown. Cattle, goats, sheep, and pigs are raised.

Fish catch 50 tons (2000). The basis of the economy is international tourism. However, due to destructive volcanic activity, the number of tourists decreased: from 17.7 thousand regular tourists in 1995 to 7.83 thousand in 2002, and the number of hotel beds - from 710 to 265. The number of cruise tourists is large. More than 1/2 of all tourists are from the USA. Offshore business is developing. The length of roads is 269 km, of which 203 km are paved. Main ports: Plymouth (temporarily out of service), Little Bay, Cars Bay. Regular ferry and helicopter connections to Antigua. The trade balance is chronically negative; is replenished from revenues from the service sector. The volume of exports for 1994-2000 decreased from 2.9 to 1.1 million US dollars, imports - from 34.0 to 26.1 million. The main trading partners are the USA, Antigua and Barbuda, Great Britain, Trinidad and Tobago. Throughout the 1990s. there was a budget deficit. Montserrat's external debt is US$8.6 million (2000). Severe volcanic activity that began in 1995 had a negative impact on Montserrat's economy. The volcanic eruption in June 1997 led to the closure of the main seaports and the airport. As part of a three-year assistance program, the UK allocated $122.8 million to restore Montserrat's economy. More than 20% of Montserrat's population remains homeless. Economic policy is aimed at the speedy restoration of the economy, housing and communications, and the development of tourism and offshore business.

Science and culture of Montserrat

Universal compulsory and free education for children aged 5 to 15 years. Until 1995, Montserrat had 9 primary and 2 secondary schools, as well as a technical college. There are 3 radio stations (1998), 1 television station, 2 newspapers are published (including the weekly Montserrat Reporter). The Montserrat Volcano Observatory has been operating since 1995. It is planned to open the Montserrat Botanical Garden, and a project is being developed to create a Center for the National History of Montserrat.

Where is Montserrat located on the world map. Detailed map of Montserrat in Russian online. Satellite map of Montserrat with cities and resorts. Montserrat on the world map is an island state located on the island of the same name, which is part of the Lesser Antilles group.

Montserrat is located close to Puerto Rico (about 500 km). Its shores are washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea. There are two capitals in Montserrat: legally - Plymouth, in fact - the village of Brades. The official language is English.

Map of Montserrat with attractions in Russian:

Montserrat - Wikipedia:

Population of Montserrat- 4,900 people (2012)
Capital Montserrat- Plymouth, Brades
The largest is Montserrat: Plymouth
Internet domains Montserrat- .ms
Language used in Montserrat- English language

Climate of Montserrat subequatorial, so the island experiences high temperatures all year round. Average annual temperatures are +24…+33. In winter it is a little cooler, about +20…+22C.

Basic Montserrat attractions– natural. One of them is the Soufrirère volcano, which is one of the most dangerous and picturesque volcanoes in the world. This volcano is famous for the fact that it was thanks to it that the island of Montserrat itself was formed.

Another interesting place on the island is the Historical Reserve, which is located on the coast of Carrs Bay. On the territory of the reserve you can see the ruins of a 17th century fort, the Clock Tower and many others. Of the historical attractions, the most famous and popular among tourists is the mountain monastery, which is located at an altitude of 725 meters. This monastery is especially popular among tourists.

On my own Montserrat island is a fairly closed country where tourism is poorly developed. The tourism infrastructure is just beginning to be revived and restored. One of the symbols of the island's revival is a huge football field, which was built on the island in 2002.

Hymn : "God save the Queen" Official language English Capital Plymouth (de jure (abandoned due to volcanic eruption))
Brades (de facto)
Largest cities Brades Form of government Constitutional monarchy, British overseas territory Queen Elizabeth II Governor Adrian Davis Prime Minister Donaldson Romeo Territory Total102 km² Population Score (2011)4922 people Density48.25 people/km² Currency East Caribbean Dollar (XCD, code 951) Internet domain .ms ISO code MS Telephone code +1-664 Timezone -4


Montserrat is an island of volcanic origin. Among its three volcanic peaks, Chance Mountain (915 m) was the highest. After the eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano, which began in July 1995, by 2006 the height of its lava dome reached 930 m.

Tropical rainforests have been preserved in the mountains. Streams flow from them, forming waterfalls.

Climatic conditions are favorable for human life; trade winds from the ocean moderate the heat. Sunny weather prevails with slight temperature changes throughout the year (24-27 °C). precipitation averages 1500 mm per year. Their greatest number occurs in September-November, the smallest in March-June.


In ancient times, the island was inhabited by Carib Indians, who called their island “Alliuagana,” that is, “land of thorny bushes.”

Currently, entry and entry into the southern part of the island is prohibited; violators are caught and fined. The affected half of Montserrat is expected to remain uninhabited for at least another 10 years.

A major volcanic eruption occurred on July 28, 2008, with no previous activity [ ] . The ends of the pyroclastic flows reached Plymouth. The height of the eruptive column was estimated at 12 km above sea level. On February 11, 2010, the volcano's dome partially collapsed [ ] .

Political structure

British Overseas Territory. Managed by the governor.

Allihuagana, Emerald Land, Caribbean Pompeii, Abandoned Country... When calling Montserrat this way, a tourist who has visited an exotic corner is not mistaken - the island actually has several names. One is official, others were inherited from the ancient Indians or appeared in modern times. What is so attractive about this region for travelers? In short, nature and history.

Montserrat on the map

Montserrat island on the world map or a detailed map of the island can be viewed using the navigation buttons (+/-).

The land is located in the chain of the Lesser Antilles and is one of the British possessions. Its coastline is washed by the Caribbean Sea, adjacent to Saint Kitts and Nevis in the northwest, Antigua and Barbuda in the northeast, and French Guadeloupe in the south. The total area of ​​Caribbean Pompeii is 102 km².

The self-explanatory name is no coincidence; in 1995, one of the three volcanoes, Soufriere Hills, came to life. The result of his awakening was the destruction of the capital, the town of Plymouth. Now this temporary status is occupied by the village of Brades, located in the northern part of the territory. During the eruption, two-thirds of the population left the island; currently the number of permanent residents is about 13 thousand.

Figuratively speaking, holidays in Montserrat can be divided into three main areas: beach, research, and environmental. The first is the traditional joy that the hospitable Caribbean gives to all tourists: sunbathing, underwater adventures in scuba masks, boat trips, fishing.

The second one will be appreciated by those inclined to adventure, since on the abandoned territory of the island there are many dilapidated buildings, the inspection of which guarantees strong emotions. This also includes mountain climbing.

The third direction is ecotourism. This Caribbean island is virtually divided into two parts: rocky, lifeless, gloomy and blooming, bright, charming in a Caribbean way. Whatever the purpose of the voyage, travelers will find cozy hotels, good cuisine, less crowds and a lot of impressions.

Damp tropical thickets in the mountains, bright flowers, lush ferns near rivers and waterfalls gradually fade away to the lifeless, without a single blade of grass, rocky southern part of the island. Not so long ago, of the three volcanoes, Chance Mountain was considered the highest - 915 meters. After all the eruptions, the lava domes of Soufriere Hills outgrew their neighbor by one and a half dozen meters.

The soil in some areas of Montserrat is fertile; before the sad events, agriculture flourished: lime, sugar cane, avocados, bananas, mangoes, and coconuts were grown on an industrial scale. Now the places where the plantations were green are only suitable for filming a film about the fulfilled prophecies of the Apocalypse. However, ecotourism will delight lovers of natural beauty: the forest thickets are magnificent, the steep banks serve as a haven for bird colonies, and solitude on the wonderful coast will fill you with energy and delight.

Attractions Montserrat

It is preferable to start your acquaintance with Montserrat with an aerial review. For a relatively small fee you can admire from above the volcanoes, the turquoise transparency of the waves, and the mountain slopes covered with forests.

Then go down to earth and go to the former capital. It is abandoned, but not torn to pieces by looters. People fled from their native lands, in a hurry taking only documents and savings. Now the appearance of the settlement is both depressing (houses, churches, shopping centers, the port are overgrown, cars are abandoned, streets are filled with cooled lava) and mysterious. A feeling of unreality is created: there are dishes on dusty tables, jackets on hangers in closets, portraits on the walls, unopened bottles in bars, equipment from those times... A wonderful opportunity, having crossed decades, not only to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the recent 90s, but also in an earlier period . The outlines of many buildings reveal an elegant colonial style; the remains of ancient estates are majestic and mysterious.

It is not for nothing that guests of the island flock to Montserrat in winter - at this time traditional festivities take place here. The Christmas festival begins in mid-December and the fun continues until the beginning of January: carnivals, processions, beauty contests, music parties a la Calypso, fairs. In other months, the measured way of life of the original villages will delight those seeking solitude and peace.

When is the best time to go to Montserrat?

The climate in Montserrat is subequatorial. The temperature closer to the sea varies, depending on the season, from 24 to 35 degrees; in the mountains, of course, it is cooler - from 18 to 27 degrees. Tropical hurricanes are possible in late summer and early Caribbean autumn. January and the spring months are recognized as the best in terms of recreation.

An ambiguous, mysterious, charming island in its exotic harmony. It may not be a very suitable place for traveling with children, but adventurers in the 18+ age category will definitely not forget a trip to Montserrat!