The best fjords of Norway: photos, reviews. What to see in a week? Fjords How fjords were formed in Norway

Rocks rising straight out of the water, as well as snowy peaks and mountains abundantly covered with vegetation, are very popular among tourists from all over the world. These slopes are called fjords. They are part of the natural landscape. There are also “special territories” on the Internet. One of these special zones is the Howling Fjord. It is located in the southeast of Northrend (World of Warcraft), at the very top of the Great Sea.

Origin of natural rocky bays

Often, when hearing the word “fjord” in a conversation, not every person understands what they are talking about. Let's understand this issue a little. So, a fjord is a term commonly used to describe a long sea bay cut into land with rocky shores surrounding it. Typically, the length of a fjord is tens of times greater than its width. It has cliffs reaching a height of 1000 meters. The origin of fjords is due to a sharp change in the movement of tectonic plates. The result of this is the formation of numerous faults and cracks, which are subsequently filled with sea water. Such fjords are most often characterized by significant depth, in some cases reaching 800 meters.

The most famous rocky bays in the world

So, to the question: “fjord - what is it?” we partially answered. But for those who still have a poor idea of ​​what we are talking about, we will give examples. The most famous are 4 areas with fjord formations. These include the coasts of Chile, North America, Norway and These places are most visited by tourists. In addition, there are fjords on the shores of Iceland, Russia, Scotland, and the Arabian Peninsula. They can even be found near some Arctic islands.

The longest rocky bay in the world

Fjords of Norway

What are these rock formations? Why are they remarkable? Many have repeatedly heard about So let's take a closer look at this point. It turns out that the second largest rocky bay is located in Norway. The Sognefjord (this is the name of this massif) is the largest in Europe, its length is 204 km. The royal capital of the fjords, Oslo, is a unique and distinctive city in Scandinavia. It is located deep in a rocky bay 107 km long. 8 rivers flow through the city, in addition, it is surrounded by 343 lakes and 40 islands. Anyone who wishes can admire the splendor of the beaches and untouched nature by simply taking a ferry to one of the islands. Norway is famous for its most picturesque and majestic rock formations, which is why its second name is the Land of Fjords.

Most visited bay

This place should be discussed separately. The most visited Norwegian bay is Geirangerfjord. It is located in the county of Møre og Romsdal, approximately 100 km from the city of Ålesund. When going on a trip to this corner of wildlife, be sure to visit the famous viewing platforms on the Fludalsjuve ridge and on Mount Dalsnibba. In addition, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of walking. But most importantly, don’t miss the opportunity to swim in these waters! For tourists (and not only) there is an opportunity to take a boat cruise and admire the wonderful waterfalls from its board. “Seven Sisters” or “Bride’s Veil” are very picturesque.

Road of Eagles

When describing this fjord (what it is is stated above), we should especially talk about the Eagles' Road - the steepest road section in the area. This path is a serpentine road. To get from the coast of Geirangerfjord to the highest point of the mountain by transport, you need to overcome 11 extremely sharp turns. This is a trip for thrill seekers. The highest point is located at an altitude of 620 meters above sea level. From there you can take simply stunning photographs of the surrounding area. For these purposes, as well as simply to get acquainted with the area, special observation platforms have been equipped. The most famous among them are “Fludalsjuve” and “Dalsnibba”. They are included in the list of the most famous and visited attractions in the region.

History Center

It is located approximately a kilometer from the center of Geiranger. Here tourists have a unique opportunity to study the history of this region, as well as get acquainted with its nature and local residents, their morals and customs. You can choose to go for an easy walk or conquer a local mountain peak. It offers simply stunning views. Those who decide to take a risk and go to the mountains should definitely visit Hiking. This place has many trails, which are not only marked, but also provided with excellent maps of the area. Those who like easy walks can take a trip to a small village located on the southern side of the fjord. The road to it runs along the shore of a rocky bay and is 2.5 km long. In the village there is a small but very cozy cafe where you can try wonderful homemade local food. Those wishing to become more familiar with the local nature and surroundings should visit the Västerås farm. The famous waterfall "Storseterfossen" is located here. You can walk between a seething stream and a rock, the feeling is indescribable!

Most Popular Attractions

Tourists have a unique opportunity to visit the local farm "Herdalssetra". It is also located on the Geirangerfjord. What makes this trip unique is that the farm in question is located in Norddal. This region is included in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List. Tourists can also watch the process of making caramel and goat milk cheese. Another attraction that also attracts the attention of guests is the Trollstiegen mountain road. It is considered the most picturesque, since it is surrounded by peaks rushing into the sky. Ski lovers should go to this wonderful place in winter. Vacationers will be able to descend from a height of 1500 meters directly to the coast. But those who relax in the summer should not be upset. You also have the opportunity to go skiing. At the beginning of the season, a summer ski center opens here; the exact opening time depends on the thickness of the snow cover. Now you should have no questions about the meaning of the word “fjord”. What this is, we theoretically found out in the article. For practical understanding, you must definitely visit such a place at least once in your life.

With rocky shores. The length of the fjord is several (most often tens) times greater than its width. The shores of the fjord are in most cases formed by cliffs up to 1000 meters high.

Most often, fjords are of tectonic origin and arose when there was a sharp and sudden change in the direction of movement of tectonic plates from counter to opposite. As a result of this, at the edges of the plates, already compressed by the preliminary oncoming movement, numerous cracks and faults are formed, which are filled with sea water. In this case, the fjord can have significant depth, up to 800 meters. In some cases, the emergence of fjords is the result of glaciers processing (during the Quaternary glaciation) river valleys and tectonic depressions, followed by their flooding with water.

The world's most famous fjord regions are located on the western coasts of Norway, Chile, the South Island of New Zealand and North America from Puget Sound (Washington) to Alaska. Fjords are also found on the shores of Scotland, Iceland, Greenland, Labrador Peninsula, Maine (USA) and on some Arctic islands.

Thanks to their beauty and picturesqueness - cliffs rising straight out of the water, mountains covered with dense vegetation, snowy peaks - the fjords enjoy deserved interest among tourists all over the world.

Hardangerfjord, Norway

Some fjords

Name Location Length (km) Width (km) Depth (m)
Sognefjord Norway 219 6 1308
Hardangerfjord Norway 183 10 750
Trondheimsfjord Norway 137 24 600
Nordfjord Norway 113 5 565
Kola Bay Russia 57 7 300
Milford New Zealand 19 3 390
Portland Channel Alaska (USA) 145 3 385
Loch Morar Scotland (UK) 19 3 310
Saguenay Quebec (Canada) 120 5 30

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Fjords” are in other dictionaries:

    - (fjords) (Norwegian unit fjord), narrow, deep sea bays with high, steep and rocky shores. They arise as a result of processing by a glacier and subsequent flooding by the sea of ​​river valleys and tectonic depressions. Length up to 200 km or more, depth... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Fjords (Norwegian, singular fjord), narrow, deep sea bays with high, steep and rocky shores. They arise as a result of processing by a glacier and subsequent flooding by the sea of ​​river valleys and tectonic depressions. Length up to 200 km or more, depth... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Fjords (Norwegian, singular fjord), narrow, winding and deep bays of the mountain coast, the length of which exceeds the width (often tens of times). The slopes of F. are steep (up to vertical), in the upper parts they flatten out somewhat, the bottom ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Fjords (Norwegian, singular fjord), narrow deep seas. bays with high, steep and rocky shores. They arise as a result of processing by a glacier and subsequent flooding of river valleys and tectonics by the sea. depressions Dl. up to 200 km or more, depth. St. 1000 m... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    VI.5.1.11. Fjords (Southwest Norway)- ⇑ ... Rulers of the World

    - (fiord), a narrow, deep, sometimes branching bay, protruding into the land for tens and hundreds of kilometers, having steep, high rocky shores and a trough-shaped transverse profile. Fjords are common mainly. on coasts located in high... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    A fjord is a long, very narrow and deep sea bay with steep banks. Fjords are found only in high latitudes of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and are usually confined to dissected elevated regions. They are especially well developed on... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    Or a fiord, a long, very narrow and deep sea bay with steep banks. Fjords are found only in high latitudes of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and are usually confined to dissected elevated regions. They are especially well developed on mountainous... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

    Norway- (Norway) Kingdom of Norway, history of Norway Physico-geographical conditions of Norway, government structure of Norway, economy of Norway, cuisine of Norway, attractions of Norway, city of Oslo Contents Contents Section 1. History.… … Investor Encyclopedia

The amazing country of Norway... Northern, mountainous, cold... Even its name, which comes from the Old Scandinavian word Norðrvegr - “the way to the north,” emanates coldness. But tourists invariably prefer it to warm seaside resorts and exotic Asian countries, because it has something that can be seen in rare corners of the world - unique fjords.

The fjords are a photo symbol, a calling card of the country, something without which the sights of Norway are unthinkable. They are bays cut deep into the mainland (from the Norwegian “fjord” - bay) in giant mountain corridors with a piercing blue expanse of clear waters. The crystal clear waters reflect sheer cliffs from which waterfalls plunge into the abyss, and along the banks of the fjords there are Norwegian villages where time seems to have stood still during the time of the Vikings.

Fjords are tectonic formations formed as a result of glacier movement 10-12 thousand years ago. It was then that the first fjords of Norway were formed. The map of Norway is a map of fjords that cut up almost its entire coastline. The most famous Norwegian fjords are located in the southwestern part of the country.

Norway is home to two of the world's three longest fjords, and Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord have been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. They were named by National Geographic magazine as one of the most attractive tourist attractions in the world.

Tours to Norway, whose fjords attract thousands of tourists, always begin in the city of Bergen, called the “Gateway to the Kingdom of the Fjords.” Bergen is considered the most beautiful city in Norway; it is famous for its musical history and abundance of fish restaurants. As a rule, tourists stay in Bergen for several days.

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Main fjords of Norway

Each fjord has its own characteristics and recognizable landscape.

A fjord is a narrow, winding sea bay cut deep into the land with steep slopes. Many people consider the fjords to be the symbol of Norway. This country truly contains some of the longest, deepest and most beautiful fjords in the world.

The length of fjords is usually tens of times greater than their width, and the shores are rocks and cliffs about 1000 meters high. They owe their origin to glacial activity and the movements of tectonic plates. North America, Chile, Norway, New Zealand's South Island are four of the most famous fjord destinations in the world. Fjords also exist in other countries, in particular in Iceland, on the island of Greenland, on the Arabian Peninsula and even in Russia.

The fjords are very popular among tourists from all over the world. These are very picturesque and beautiful natural attractions. Below you can look at our selection with photographs and see for yourself.

The most beautiful fjords - PHOTOS

1. Howe Sound, Canada

Howe Sound, essentially the southern fjord of North America, is located directly northwest of. It is surrounded by high mountain peaks that rise straight out of the sea. The fjord is a favorite destination for Vancouver residents for sailing, fishing, diving, camping and a variety of other recreational activities. The fjord includes many interesting islands.

Kenai Fjords is more than 650,000 acres of national park land on the south-central Kenai Peninsula. The park's dramatic scenery includes mountains with huge glaciers sliding between them into the sea. There are also kilometers of deep fjords that provide habitat for thousands of nesting birds and small marine mammals such as sea otters, seals and sea lions.

Lysefjord is a popular tourist destination in the southwest. The fjord is very beautiful along its entire length, but two points are especially popular. Preikestolen or Pulpit Rock is a huge cliff over 600 meters high. Its peak, approximately 25 by 25 meters, offers a magnificent panorama of the fjord and surrounding mountain scenery, and is almost always filled with tourists. The second popular place is the Kjorag plateau, 1084 meters high, but people climb here not for the views, but to see Kjoragbolton - a “pea stone”, a huge cobblestone with a volume of about 5 square meters stuck between two vertical rock walls.

4. Aisen Fjords, Chile

The landscape of the Aisen region in the south is marked by several glaciations, which have formed a large number of lakes, canals and beautiful fjords. Laguna San Rafael, part of the area of ​​the national park of the same name, accessible only by boat or plane, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in this area. The park also includes some of the highest mountains.

5. Misty Fjords, USA

The Misty Fjords are located within a remote and wild nature reserve in the southern part of Southeast. The area is often called the "Yosemite of the North" for its similar geology. Unfortunately, cruise ships cannot always sail into the narrow fjords surrounded by high granite cliffs. But excursion tours on small planes, motor boats, and especially group kayak tours are popular here.

The fjord is located near the city of the same name on the west coast of Greenland, 250 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle. Filled with glaciers, the Ilulissat fjord stretches 40 kilometers from the Greenland ice sheet to Disko Bay. This territory is included in. This is an amazing place where the speed of icebergs is one of the highest in the world (19 meters per day). Constantly moving blocks of ice create incredible fantastic landscapes every day.

7. Doubtful Sound, New Zealand

Doubtful Sound is a very large fjord located on the southwest corner of the South Island. The fjord is popular among tourists due to its nature, rich wildlife, as well as numerous waterfalls, the number of which increases to several hundred during the rainy season. Doubtful Sound is the second largest of the national park's many fjords.

8. Nærøyfjord, Norway

The largest fjord in Norway, and one of the most beautiful in the country. Its length is 17 kilometers, and its width at its narrowest point does not exceed 300 meters. On the shores of the fjord there are small villages and farms. The height of the steep cliffs reaches 1700 meters, passing between them on a cruise ship is one of the most memorable trips in.

Milford Sound Fjord is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Greece. Situated in the northern and highly accessible part of the Fiordland National Park, Milford Sound is the epitome of the most stunning coastal scenery with fantastic mountain peaks and deep blue waters. The frequent showers that occur in this area only add to the beauty of the island, sending numerous waterfalls from the cliff tops.

10. Geirangerfjord, Norway

Geirangerfjord is the sparkling jewel of the Norwegian fjords - snow-capped mountain peaks, beautiful waterfalls, lush greenery and blue water. The fjord can be explored aboard one of the 130 cruise ships that visit each year. The small village of Geiranger, located at the base of the fjord, can also be reached by car ferry from the town of Hellesylt.

The nature of the Norwegian fjords is amazing and unique. A wonderful, pristine world, filled with unexpected discoveries, opens up before travelers. Only here is it possible to simultaneously admire the bright greenery of the valleys, snow-capped mountain peaks, blue sea waters, artistic waterfalls and picturesque rocky shores.

The legendary Norwegian fjords are located on the northwestern coast of the country. Millions of years ago, powerful movements of the earth's crust led to the formation of deep cracks in the territory of the Eurasian lithospheric plate in the region of the North Atlantic and the Scandinavian Peninsula. Many faults were below sea level and were soon flooded with water. During the last ice age, the resulting long, narrow and deep fjords were further processed by tongues of glaciers sliding towards the sea. Slowly cutting through the continental space, they created that unprecedented natural beauty, which even today evokes sincere delight and awe.

The fjords are not only a symbol, but also the soul of Norway. Each fjord has its own landscape, shade of sea water, microclimate and, as the Norwegians say, a special character. The best way to start exploring the fjords of Norway is to visit the city of Bergen. It’s not for nothing that locals call this place “the gateway to the kingdom of the fjords,” and the city itself will charm visitors with its picturesque places, cultural attractions and a special cozy atmosphere so typical of small European cities. And don't be afraid to get bored! The Fords of Norway are an excellent place for fishing, hunting, mountaineering, hiking and other outdoor activities.

Nordfjord is one of the northernmost fjords of Western Norway, stretching from the largest continental glacier in mainland Europe, Jøstedalsbreen, all the way to the Atlantic coast. The fjord is 110 km long and is internally divided into 4 main branches: Gloppefjorden, Faleidfjorden, Hyefjorden and Eidsfjorden.

Kjenndalsbreen Glacier, Norway. © Natalia Eriksson Photography

The Nordfjord region offers the perfect combination of picturesque scenery, historical sites and a decent selection of recreational activities. Here you will see how the tongues of the giant glacier Briksdalsbreen and Kjenndalsbreen, descending to the Nordfjord, color the adjacent lakes and rivers in a piercing turquoise color; as numerous waterfalls cascade down from the rocky mountains. You will also have the opportunity to visit the deepest lake in Europe - Hornindalsvatnet, and on the island of Selje, near Nordfjord, to walk through the well-preserved ruins of a 12th-century monastery built by Benedictine monks.

The nature of the Stryn and Nordfjord region offers outdoor enthusiasts excellent conditions for hiking, rafting, canoeing, fishing, cycling and glacier climbing. Between November and April, good snow cover is established in these places, making it possible to enjoy all the delights of winter sports.

© Lasse Fløde Photography

Hardangerfjord is the second longest fjord in Norway and the third longest in the world. The 113-kilometer fjord is located in the southwestern part of the country and boasts a maximum depth of 891 meters. It originates near the city of Bergen, in the North Sea near the island of Stor and extends to the largest mountain plateau in Norway called Hardangervidda.

Hardangerfjord is often called the Garden of Norway thanks to its colorful fruit trees, the scent of which can be heard for many kilometers when in bloom. Most travelers try to visit this place in the spring in order to fully enjoy the beauty of the blossoming of apple, pear, plum and cherry trees.

The famous rock Trolltunga (Troll's Tongue). © Terje Nesthus/Flickr

Norwegians are very proud of the fjord, considering it one of their country's most significant tourist attractions. The pristine nature, serene calm and silence of Hardangerfjord attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. Surrounded by high rocky mountains, sometimes reaching one and a half kilometers, and mesmerizing waterfalls, Hardangerfjord has become a source of inspiration for many artists. For example, the fjord is immortalized in the canvas “Honeymoon in Hardanger” by Norwegian masters Hans Gude and Adolf Tidemand.

Near the Hardangerfjord there are many attractions, in particular the Vøringsfossen waterfall with a total height of 182 meters, the third largest Norwegian glacier Folgefonn with a length of 60 km and a stunning stone ledge on Mount Skjeggedal - the Trolltunga rock. The latest natural wonder is a broken piece of rock rising above Lake Ringedalsvatnet at an altitude of 350 meters. All daredevils who have overcome the petrified tongue of the Troll are guaranteed a fantastic view of the surrounding area, a charge of unprecedented vigor and luxurious photographs.

Vøringsfossen waterfall, Norway. © Kiwibu/Flickr

In the southern part of the fjord region, near Stavanger and Haugesund, Lysefjord splashes small, but infinitely loved by travelers. Despite its modest size (the fjord is 42 km long and its depth ranges from 13 to 422 meters), Lysefjord is one of Norway's most popular tourist attractions due to its educational value and spectacular appeal.

Pulpit Rock (“Pulpit Rock”), Norway. © Alexander Mikulich Photography

Here is the famous Preikestolen rock, also called Pulpit Rock or Preacher's Pulpit in English. The top of the giant rock, hanging at an altitude of 604 meters above the Lysefjord, is notable for its amazingly smooth surface and almost perfect square shape. It is believed that in ancient times the Pulpit Rock served as a place for pagan rituals. Preikestolen still attracts curious tourists today who are eager to get their share of adrenaline. Just remember, the path to the cliff is quite difficult; in some places there are steep paths. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to fully enjoy the view of the rock from the fjord by taking a pleasant boat trip or ferry ride.

No less famous landmark of Norway is the Kjerag rock, which has long been loved by climbers and base jumpers. Thrill-seekers will certainly remember the photo session on the Kjeragbolten stone, suspended in a crevice of two sheer cliffs above an abyss 1080 meters high. The Norwegian pea stone is considered one of the most dangerous stones in the world. And for good reason, because even a small gust of wind can throw a curious daredevil perched on him into a cliff.

© Rob Pelon Photography

Kjeragbolten pea stone, Norway. © Maksim Chokan/Google Plus

The largest fjord in Europe, Sognefjord ranks second in size in the world, second only to Greenland's Scoresby. This is the very, very Norwegian fjord: it is the longest - its length is 204 km, the deepest - the maximum water thickness reaches 1308 meters, the most popular - in 2005, its part, Nærøyfjord, was included in the list of UNESCO sites. “The King of the Fjords,” as the Norwegians themselves like to call it, is located 170 km from the city of Bergen. Running through the central part of the country, Sognefjord is a center of attraction for hundreds of thousands of tourists a year.

Nature is the main attraction of Sognefjord, capable of enchanting everyone with its lush valleys, deep gorges, massive mountain ranges, roaring waterfalls, glaciers and tranquil lakes full of trout. Here you can see the highest waterfalls in the country, in particular the majestic and highest natural waterfall in Norway, Vettisfossen, 275 meters high, near the town of Årdal. A leisurely walk through the Viking village of Gudvangen, located in a narrow gorge and surrounded by steep cliffs and dense forest, will forever leave a reverent mark on your soul.

Stavkirka (XII century) in the city of Urnes, Norway. © Mihaela Dinca Photography

In the vicinity of Sognefjord there are two national parks - Jostedalsbreen National Park and Jotunheimen National Park. Both parks are ideal for mountaineering, rafting, canoeing, and horse riding. Fans of hiking and cycling will remember the so-called “Rallarvegen”, which is a route through the most breathtaking landscapes of Sognefjord with its rich history and well-preserved customs.

Lovers of antiquity and architecture connoisseurs should definitely visit the small town of Urnes, the highlight of which is the stavka church. This beautiful wooden church was built back in the 12th century and is considered the oldest of such holy buildings that have survived to this day.

And, of course, a trip to Songnefjord would be incomplete without visiting the unique Flåmsbana Railway. One of the steepest and most extreme railways in the world, with its modest length of 20 km, has a height difference of 864 meters. Built in the harsh conditions of the Norwegian landscape, the Flåm Railway can easily be called a true work of engineering art. An exciting train ride awaits you among high mountain farms, picturesque waterfalls, rivers, and snow-capped peaks.

© Erik Barfoed/Flickr

Flåmsbana Railway, Norway. © Bent Inge Ask/Flickr


Shrouded in legends, adorned with sheer cliffs and gurgling waterfalls, Geirangerfjord proudly bears the title of Norway's most picturesque fjord. Due to its uniqueness and beauty, it was included as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005 as part of the Western Norway Fjords complex. The Geirangerfjord is 15 km long and has a maximum depth of 600 meters. This fjord is located 100 km from the city of Ålesund and is surrounded by the steepest mountains on the entire western coast of the country.

The main charm of Geirangerfjord lies in the cascades of water that fall from steep cliffs and give rise to majestic waterfalls, the most famous of which are the Seven Sisters (De syv søstrene), the Groom (Friaren) and the Bridal Veil (Brudesløret).

View of Geirangerfjorden from Fludalsjuvet. © Ximonic

You can admire the artistic fjord from aboard a cruise ship. However, perhaps the most breathtaking views for travelers are from the Ørneveien observation deck. The path ahead is not easy, because the so-called “Road of Eagles” leading to the observation deck is a difficult section of mountain serpentine. Overcoming 11 sharp turns and rising from the coast to the highest point of the mountain - Korsmuir, from an altitude of 620 meters above sea level, you will see the best panorama of Geirangerfjord.

You can also enjoy the pristine nature, clean mountain air and unforgettable views of this area from other observation platforms. Dalsnibba, 1,500 meters above sea level, the Flydalsjuvet rock, which has the intriguing name “threshold to heaven,” and the Trollstigen mountain road, winding among steep slopes and flowing waterfalls, will give tourists unprecedented delight.

Connoisseurs will certainly appreciate a visit to the local museum in Geiranger, which tells the story of the fjords and displays amazing artifacts well preserved from the Ice Age.
True gourmets simply must visit the Herdalssetra highland farm near the village of Norddal, where in the summer you can not only watch the preparation of cheese and caramel from goat milk, but also taste these traditional Norwegian delicacies. Herdalsetra is one of the largest surviving Alpine goat farms, whose owners are trying in every possible way to maintain the farming traditions of 300 years ago.

Breathtaking mountain serpentine Trollstigen, Norway. © Andrew Cawa Photography
Evening charm of the Norwegian city of Ålesund. © Europe Trotter Photography