Famous buildings in England. Interesting places in England. Houghton Hall - the Hermitage treasury and the world's largest private collection of tin soldiers

Great Britain is an island country consisting of four parts: Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Wales, each of which has autonomous status. In addition to them, the state includes archipelagos and small islands that were previously colonies. The state covers an area of ​​243,809 km². The capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is London. The official language of the 63,181,775 population is English. The coasts of the state are washed by four seas: the Celtic, Irish, Hebrides and North Seas. The English Channel separates the coasts of France and Great Britain.

The British people's reverence for their natural resources, cultural and historical monuments has made Great Britain a place where every corner is a tourist attraction.


Among the cities that tourists love to visit, London ranks first. The appearance of the capital is striking in its mixture of different architectural styles, preserved from different times. The city is famous for its abundance of theaters, museums and palaces.

British museum.

No wonder he is considered the richest in the world. Its exhibitions contain collections of objects from Assyria, Greece, Ancient Egypt and India. It was created in the 17th century and is one of the main attractions of Great Britain.

Madame Tussauds museum.

One of the most interesting and visited places in London is, which became famous due to its wax figures of famous actors, singers, musicians, politicians, etc. One of the sections of the exhibition is the Chamber of Horrors, where figures of famous murderers and maniacs are presented.

Sherlock Holmes Museum.

On Baker Street there is the Sherlock Holmes Museum - the apartment in which the main characters of K. Doyle's detective stories lived. Visitors can hold the great detective’s violin in their hands, relax in his chair and explore the heroes’ rooms.

Palace of Westminster and Big Ben.

The main attraction of Great Britain and the city of London is the Palace of Westminster with its clock tower and the large bell “Big Ben”. On the dials of the clocks, facing the four corners of the world, there are inscriptions in Latin.

Buckingham Palace.

Every year, crowds of tourists flock to Buckingham Palace, the main residence of the royal family. Official receptions and banquets are held in the palace, and public holidays are celebrated.

St Paul's Cathedral.

It is impossible to ignore St. Paul's Cathedral, built at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries. Its “gallery of whispers” is famous, in which subtle sounds can be heard at a great distance.

Tower Castle.

Tower Castle is also famous for its history. At various times it was a fortress, a palace, a terrible prison and an observatory. Today it is a museum.

Tower Bridge.

Banks of the river The Thames is connected by the Tower drawbridge, in the pedestrian galleries of which there is an exhibition telling about the history of the construction of the bridge.

In the evening, walking through one of the parks in Greenwich, London, you can notice a green laser beam. This is how the planet's zero meridian is designated. Here you can also visit the Royal Observatory and the National Maritime Museum.

Camera Obscura and the world of illusions in Edinburgh.

The capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, is home to the most mysterious attraction in the UK. We are talking about the Camera Obscura - a museum of optical deception and illusions. A mirror labyrinth has been operating there for several centuries, and no one has been able to pass through the Vortex tunnel without incident due to the rotating walls.

Lake Loch Ness.

Speaking about Scotland, one cannot fail to mention the famous. In addition to the legend of the monster, tourists are attracted here by the stunning beauty of the Great Glen Valley.


For many centuries, it has been exciting the minds of people, located an hour and a half drive from the capital. The age of this religious building reaches more than 5000 years. Everything here is imbued with incredible energy.

City of Bath.

The place where the city of Bath is located was known to the Romans. In the 1st-4th centuries they built hot spring baths here. This was the favorite vacation spot of kings. In addition to thermal springs, you can visit the astronomy museum and an exhibition of porcelain and ceramics from Asia and the East.

Below you can find articles about the most famous landmarks and interesting places in Great Britain:

Albert Dock, Liverpool

Albert Hall, London

Birmingham Library, Birmingham

Windsor Castle, London

Hyde Park, London

Tate Gallery, London

Guild House, York

Beaumaris Castle, Beaumaris

Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury

Beatles Museum, Liverpool

Piccadilly Circus, London

Trafalgar Square, London

Holyroodhouse Palace, Edinburgh

Sherwood Forest, Edwinstowe village

Scottish National Museum of Modern Art, Edinburgh

Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh

Sights of Great Britain. The most important and interesting sights of UK cities: photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

Great Britain is incredibly rich in attractions that can truly be considered proof of the greatness and power of this country. You should start getting acquainted with them from London, because this city, like probably no other in the world, has so many iconic places - this is the Tower Bridge, and Buckingham Palace, and Westminster Abbey, and the famous “London Eye”, and many - a lot more.

Wales is also rich in ancient sights. There are a huge number of castles here, the most famous of which form the so-called Iron Ring of King Edward I. This is perhaps the most colorful place in the Kingdom, where the spirit of the Middle Ages has been fully preserved. The local nature, full of a certain asceticism and majestic charm, matches the ancient architecture.

There is a stunningly beautiful Lake District nature reserve in the Kingdom, where small lakes alternate with colorful English villages. These places seem to be timeless, and life here floats along its own special course.

The landscapes of Scotland look fascinating, where forests give way to mountains and picturesque lakes are found everywhere. Contemplating all this, you begin to fully understand and feel what harmony is. And only a fantastic myth about a monster that lives in Loch Ness can bring you back from a pleasant oblivion.

The architectural wealth of Scotland is also striking, in particular the castles of Edinburgh, led by the ancient royal residence of Holyroad House, as well as the richest museums of Glasgow. And in the small coastal town of St. Andrews, tourists will certainly be interested in one of the oldest universities and the very first golf course in Scotland. You can explore the entire country in just a few minutes on the Isle of Arran, where there is an entire exhibition “Scotland in Miniature”.

The Scots are also very sensitive to the tiny town of Inverness, because it was there that the famous bunting, the national musical instrument - the bagpipe - and even whiskey appeared.

Naturally, when you are in Britain, you cannot help but visit the most mysterious place on the planet, Stonehenge, because not a single person in the world has yet been able to answer with confidence how and why these grandiose stone structures appeared.

If you've been to London a couple of times, seen Big Ben and maybe even visited the homeland of the Beatle in passing, this does not mean that you know England. There are many interesting places to visit, and below are just a few of them. So, what to do in England to better experience the spirit of this country?


The Roman Baths in the city of Bath (which, by the way, translates as “bath”) were built by the Romans 2000 years ago. Bath has also long been a popular resort among the high society of England, including the royal families.

Every year thousands of people flock to Wiltshire to watch the sunrise between the stones of Stonehenge. It must be admitted that this is a very impressive sight.

Coatsold is one of the most picturesque areas of England, the best place to relax from the bustle of the city. Here you can enjoy nature, have lunch in a traditional English inn and stroll through the streets of the small cozy town of Chipping Hampton.

Cornwall is home to beautiful natural scenery, and spending a night in a traditional Mongolian yurt allows you to feel closer to nature.

The famous University of Oxford is made up of 38 different colleges, each with its own history. New College is considered the most beautiful in architecture.

Football fans should definitely travel to Greater Manchester to watch a live match at the famous Old Trafford football stadium, also known as the Theater of Dreams.

The ruins of Hilda's Abbey in Whitby exude mystery and romance, thanks in no small part to writers such as Walter Scott and Bram Stoker. In order to visit this extraordinary structure, you will have to climb 199 stone steps.

The mist-shrouded and mysterious forest of Dartmoor National Park has been a source of local folklore for many years, spawning many incredible tales and legends.

A traditional English tea party is best enjoyed in a traditional 16th-century style establishment in Bradford-on-Avon.

11. Visit Sissinghurst Gardens. 12. Look at Durham Cathedral. 13. Visit the Lake District.

Few places in England can match the beauty of this picturesque mountainous region, which is located in the county of Cumbria. Majestic mountains, green valleys and beautiful lakes leave a truly unforgettable experience.

Of course, metropolitan London deserves close attention: you can live in the city for a very long time, but never cease to be amazed by its sights, constantly discovering new places. However, many other British cities also offer countless historical monuments, museums, theaters and inspiring cityscapes.

For example, the ancient university cities of Oxford and Cambridge are ideal for getting to know English traditions. One of the reasons to stay in York is the UK's largest National Railway Museum, after visiting which you can thoroughly enjoy strolls through the medieval quarters of York.

A trip to the cities of Scotland is unthinkable without a few days in Edinburgh. Tourists plan to walk the Royal Mile, visit Edinburgh Castle, photograph the Forth Bridge at sunset and, of course, taste real Scotch whiskey to the tune of bagpipes.

Despite the fact that there are not many historical buildings in Glasgow, you can spend a busy day or two in the city, walking through the streets and parks, visiting museums and galleries, musicals and opera performances in theaters. Of particular interest are nature reserves and parks, which are easily accessible from Glasgow. First and foremost is Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, a place of stunning scenery.

In search of colorful sights of Great Britain, it is worth traveling to Liverpool, Durham, Bath, Canterbury, Manchester, Birmingham, Belfast, Cardiff, as well as small towns and villages.

Video "Sights of Great Britain"

We will hardly consider London. Maybe we’ll just go through it briefly, since besides it there are a huge number of places in England that definitely need to be visited, if possible.

The story begins around 1066 (almost a thousand years old). This castle is the residence of English monarchs in Berkshire. One 17th-century writer called it "the most romantic castle in the world." In 1992, one bad thing happened, namely a fire in the castle. True, the castle was quickly restored and some modern elements were introduced into it. However, its appearance remained majestic, ancient and incredibly beautiful.

City of Canterbury

A small ancient city, incredibly beautiful, located in Kent. Here we seem to find ourselves in the Middle Ages. The architecture of this place is simply unique, especially Canterbury Cathedral, which is simply impossible to miss. In this city there are even tours in which they will tell you (and maybe show you?) about all the ghosts, ghosts and other evil spirits that live in these places.

The splendor of the Cotswolds

Region of west central England. Officially recognized as an area of ​​"outstanding natural beauty". Here we find ourselves in a fairy tale. In small villages the houses are like toy houses. Landscapes beyond description. They need to be seen; it is impossible to convey in words all the beauty of this place.

The Unique Ludlow

This is one of the smallest towns in Great Britain. Located in Shropshire, surrounded by a ring of beautiful hills. This is a real city of English traditions. Restaurants, pubs, markets and festivals - all in true British style.

Northern Ireland and the Giant's Causeway

Do you want to visit one of the most beautiful and mysterious places? Then you definitely need to get to this magical corner of Britain. A large number of legends and tales are associated with this place. One of them, the legend of the warrior Finn Mac Cumal, presumably gave the name to this area. If interested, read it. Quite exciting. This beautiful region evokes a sea of ​​emotions and has some kind of mystical power. See for yourself.

This is how the hit parade turned out Britain's most picturesque places. This is not all, in the future we will make up for what we did not fit into one post. Therefore, subscribe to the mailing list at the bottom of the post, click on the social network buttons more often (I would be very grateful).