Where better to fly to Mexico. The best resorts in Mexico. Which Mexican resort should you choose? Where is the best place to relax with a child in Mexico?

A detailed review for those who want to relax in Mexico! When and where is the best time to go on vacation? Weather and seasons. The best resorts. Prices at resorts. Cost of tours, air tickets and hotels in 2019. Tips and reviews from tourists. Resort map and video about Mexico.

Mexico is a country with an ancient history and unique culture. Its coastline is famous for its sandy palm-fringed beaches stretching along the shores of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Despite the long and expensive flight, Russian tourists boldly explore this holiday destination.

Weather in Mexico by month. When is the holiday season?

The coast is warm all year round: +30°C during the day, +20°C at night. Significant temperature fluctuations are observed in the mountainous regions of the country, and this should be taken into account when planning excursions inland.

Seasons in Mexico

From May to September (sometimes until October) lasts rain season: strong gusty winds blow, large amounts of precipitation fall, especially in the south of the country. Holidays in Mexico in the low season are good because nature blooms and delights with bright colors. Don’t think that you can give up on a beach holiday at this time: as a rule, it rains during the day or at night for no more than two hours (sometimes it can be very short), and in the morning it is warm and sunny. The evenings are dry and cool. Not all regions are subject to tropical rainfall; they mainly occur in the highlands, in the south of the country and coastal areas south of the Tropic of Cancer.

Starts at the end of July hurricane season, the danger of which remains until the end of October. The Pacific Coast is most often affected by hurricanes, and less frequently the Gulf Coast and the Yucatan Peninsula.

Dry and clear weather is established from November to March - these are the cold months, by local standards. According to tourists, the best holiday in Mexico is at this time: the rainy season is over, the sea is warm and comfortable, there is no extreme heat. Many tourists come from Europe, Canada and the USA, and prices reach their maximum. Below we will tell you more about the weather in Mexico in different months.

(Photo © David Schroeder / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Weather in Mexico in March, April and May

At the beginning of spring, the air temperature tends to +30...+33°C. The temperature of the coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean is +25°C, the Caribbean Sea is +27°C. Early spring in Mexico is the ideal time for a beach holiday on the coast, as the humidity is not yet as high as in summer, rain is rare, and there is no threat of hurricanes yet. Holidays in May are already overshadowed by the beginning of the rains, the water and air temperatures become 1-2°C higher.

Weather in Mexico in June - September

Summer in Mexico is hot and humid, in Acapulco, Cancun and Riviera Maya during the day +32...+34°С, water in the Caribbean Sea +29°С, in the ocean +27°С. It rains frequently, and the risk of hurricanes increases from mid-summer.

Weather in October - November

From mid-October, the intensity of rain decreases and hurricanes subside. Temperatures remain at summer levels. In November, in most Mexican resorts the heat drops to +29°C, with the exception of Acapulco.

Weather in December - February

Winter in Mexico is the best time for a beach holiday. The weather on the coast is ideal: in Cancun, Riviera Maya +28°C during the day, in Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta +31°C. Water in the Caribbean Sea is +27°C, in the ocean +24°C. Snow may fall in the mountains, in Mexico City up to +20°C.

(Photo © S. Alexis / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Beach holiday in Mexico. Where is better?

Tourists prefer the resorts and beaches of the Caribbean, although the Pacific Coast is considered less crowded.

The most visited resort on the Caribbean coast in Mexico is. Why do tourists choose to vacation in Cancun? It is located on a long and narrow sand spit. One part of the coastline overlooks the bay, where the water is always calm. The second part has strong waves; surfers and young people like to relax here. There are excellent hotels and developed infrastructure, and it is also convenient to visit archaeological sites from Cancun (for example, the pyramids in Tulum and the ruins of the city of Coba).

Riviera Maya is a 140-kilometer tourist area with wide beaches south of Cancun. Among vacationers in Mexico, the young resort of Playa del Carmen, which grew up on the site of fishing villages, has gained the greatest popularity. There are spacious, uncrowded beaches here, with all conditions for snorkeling and diving. Nearby are the Shel-Ha and Shkaret national parks.

Video about a popular resort in Mexico - Riviera Maya

The island is very popular among diving and fishing enthusiasts: there is a huge coral reef, luxury hotels and dive clubs. Most of the island is occupied by jungle.

The country's busiest resort is located on the Pacific Coast - Acapulco. In the last century, it was the favorite resort of American millionaires, and still many tourists coming to Mexico prefer to relax there. The city is famous for its hot climate and active nightlife. Here are the best casinos, discos, restaurants and bars.

Los Cabos is an elite resort. The main contingent of vacationers are wealthy Americans. Here are the most expensive hotels, and the price level is higher than in Acapulco. Athletes and SPA lovers prefer to relax in Puerto Vallarta.

If you want a relaxing beach holiday in Mexico, pay attention to the resorts of Punta de Mita, Costa Alegre, Huatulco and Puerto Escondido on the Pacific coast.

Prices for holidays in Mexico - 2019

Let's tell you a little about prices for holidays in Mexico in 2019 using the example of the most popular resort - Cancun.

Food. Eating at an inexpensive restaurant will cost from $3 to $7 per person; in mid-price restaurants, dinner for two with alcohol will cost about $30-35.

Breakfast in inexpensive establishments in the hotel area costs from 2 to 5.5 $, budget lunch - from 3.5 to 8 $, dinner - 6-10 $ per person. Want to eat even cheaper? Move away from the tourist area. If you are staying in an apartment and have a kitchen, you can save money by sometimes cooking yourself. Fruits and vegetables are cheap in Mexico.

Video - Grocery prices in a supermarket in Mexico

Hotels. Are you planning a vacation to Mexico during high season? Better book in advance. If you want to live on the coast in a hotel area (that is, on a sandy strip), be prepared to pay a tidy sum for a hotel: the average price is about $80 per night for a double standard. Although there are budget hotels (from $40 per room) and promotions in mid-price hotels for early booking. If you decide to stay in the city itself, you can find a room for about $20 per night. We recommend searching for a hotel on Roomguru.ru, it finds the best price.

Transport. Public transport ticket - $0.5 per trip. A taxi from the airport to the Cancun hotel area costs approximately $40-50 (you can order a transfer online from $35), a bus from the airport costs $5-8.

Entertainment and attractions. Swim with dolphins costs from $160 (45 minutes). Fishing - from $150. Excursion to Chichen Itza - from $80 per person. Entrance fees to attractions are about $4-5.

(Photo © Carnicula / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Prices for tours to Mexico in 2019

How much does an all-inclusive holiday in Mexico cost in 2019? Tours from Moscow to Cancun all inclusive in high season cost from 220 thousand rubles for two (14 nights, 3-5* hotels, 1 line). All-inclusive packages in 5-star hotels - from 280 thousand rubles for 14 nights.

Exactly half the price - from 110 thousand rubles - you can relax if you live in downtown Cancun in a 2* hotel without meals (14 nights). Full board in a 5-star hotel in the hotel zone costs from 188 thousand. If you want to save money on your vacation in Mexico, it is better to go in the off-season or off-season. You can try to catch a last minute tour.

(Photo © dronepicr / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Things to do? Entertainment and excursions

Fans of outdoor activities in Mexico can enjoy surfing, diving and fishing. For those who love shopping, explore local boutiques and markets. For young people leading an active nightlife, there are nightclubs and discos.

Museums, art galleries and colonial architecture will also delight you. An unforgettable trip will be to the capital - Mexico City, a city that can easily compete with Rome in terms of the number of historical monuments. Tourists in their reviews advise that while on vacation in Mexico, be sure to visit the National Palace, Constitution Square, the Cathedral, the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, the Frida Kahlo House Museum, the Templo Mayor Museum and the Square of the Three Cultures.

No less exciting are trips to ancient settlements: the Mayan pyramids in Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza and other places. Such trips will take a whole day, but the impressions gained are worth it. In addition, Mexico has a large number of national parks and reserves that you can visit with your children.

(Photo © aljuarez / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Holidays in Mexico with children

The flight from Russia to Mexico takes at least 12 hours, so not all parents decide to take such a long trip with their child. At the same time, the Riviera Maya, according to tourists, is ideal for families with children. There are long wide beaches, hotels with well-groomed green areas and a mini-club for children; nearby is the Xcaret nature reserve with turtles, a butterfly park and pink flamingos.

There are many affordable family hotels in Playa del Carmen and on the island. Schoolchildren will be interested in attractions and excursions to ancient cities. From the age of 10 you can take your first diving training.

I saw the good, the bad, the incomprehensible, and the beautiful in Mexico. The wonders of nature here merged with a heavy crime situation, poverty and a low level of education, but I decided to focus only on the good during the trip. is a very colorful country, most of which is simply dangerous for travel. However, the snow-white beaches of Cancun, the colonial architecture of Guanajato, Mexico City - one of the largest cities in the world, the Mayan pyramids and surfing on the Pacific Ocean lure tourists here from year to year.

I would like to say that Mexico is an ideal country for a holiday, but it is not. The disadvantages that are present here drive Mexico to the bottom of the list of resort countries; it is easily inferior to prosperous Turkey, European Spain, atmospheric Italy, vibrant Greece, amazing Australia, but it can still help you expand your horizons.

But still, you shouldn’t expect from Mexico the comfort and civilization of a European country, American service like in Miami or Italian hospitality. Mexico is a controversial country, sometimes dusty and dangerous, sometimes a fantastically beautiful country that requires a certain amount of caution from tourists.

Beach holiday

It’s also worth a look here as part of a big Mexican tour, because visa-free stay is given for a whole six months! Also, if Quintana Roo is not suitable for you due to low waves, it is better to go to the Pacific coast.

So, here you can not only relax on the beach, but also ride on fairly high waves. It is best to choose a city for a stop, and then from there explore various surfing spots that may be to your liking. People come here for “wild Mexico”, big waves of the Pacific Ocean, or just to escape everyday life.

The best time to come here is summer. At this time of year it is hot, fun and full of tourists. True, in this part of the country you can find less developed beaches and resort towns with less developed infrastructure than in Quintana Roo.

California is bright and noisy, parties and bars

The peninsula belongs to Mexico and is divided into two parts - in the northern part, right next to the border, there is the city of Tijuana, where Americans come when they plan to drink much more alcohol than usual over the next week.

Alcohol in Mexico is much cheaper than in Mexico. People go to Tijuana simply for cheap alcohol, noisy fun, nightclubs and bars. The season here starts on July 1 and lasts until about August 30, since most tourists are students.

In the southern part there is the resort of Cabo (Cabo San Lucas), popular among Americans, which is also famous for its noisy parties, nightclubs and bars open until the morning.

Weddings are held in expensive Cabo hotels; here you can spot Hollywood stars on vacation, couples who came for an anniversary or honeymoon. Compared to Tijuana, Cabo is an elite resort. The season in southern California begins on June 1 and ends around November 1, with sea water warmest in August and September.

Historical regions

Mexico also has tourist regions focusing on history and architecture. One of them dates back to the ancient Indian pyramids, the other to the era of the colonial Spanish power.

Yucatan - Mayan pyramids

You can climb the pyramid, watch the sunrise in a hammock in the camp in front of it, have breakfast with authentic Mayan cuisine and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the ancient world that has survived through millennia in Yucatan.

The Yucatan Peninsula is famous not only for the beach resorts in the Quintana Roo region, but also for the sights of the Mayan era - pyramids, religious buildings, ancient buildings and cities.

It is in the Yucatan that Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Calakmul, Izamal, Acanseh, Bolonchen de Rejon are located. The Mayan city can also be conditionally attributed to this region. In general, people go to Yucatan for history and mysticism. The best time to visit this region is winter, as at this time of year the heat subsides and long excursions become less tiring.

Guanajato - Colonial Empire

An amazing atmosphere awaits you in the small towns of central Mexico. Here, surprisingly, this country resembles the old quarters of cities in Europe.

But don't be surprised by the romantic narrow streets and traditional, well-preserved buildings in this part of the country. This region has been specially restored for tourists and shows Mexico as it could be, and not what it actually is.

In the Guanajato region there are two very interesting cities - the eponymous Guanajato and San Miguel for those who want to visit Mexico for the colonial atmosphere, architecture, Catholic churches and the special mood of the dark ages.

This area is located 250 km northwest of Mexico City and is not very popular among Europeans. Most tourists here are Mexicans and Americans. People come here for the medieval atmosphere, narrow streets and authentic culture. The best season to visit this region is winter, also due to the fact that it is not so hot at this time of year.

Vacation with children

For Europeans, it is preferable to organize a holiday with children in Cancun. Usually there are direct flights here without transfers or with one transfer, for example, in New York. However, in general it remains one of the unfavorable places to holiday with children. For the most part, Mexicans themselves, as well as Americans, use these resorts simply due to the lack of opportunity to fly to Europe for the weekend, to Disneyland Paris, to the beautiful beaches of the Mediterranean or to sunny Turkey.

Despite the presence of a large number of fun places for families with children in the Quintana Roo region (, Tulum), I would not recommend flying here with children (even teenagers), because you can always give preference to a more civilized society and cleaner places.

Yes, and the beaches in Mexico are dirty enough that, in principle, children are not allowed to play on the sand, building sand castles, and the number of diseases and incidents of intestinal infections suggests that children here are very, very vulnerable.

Dangerous and non-tourist areas

Some areas in central Mexico are strongly discouraged by the Ministry of Tourism for foreigners to visit. At the same time, mind you, for any purposes, including tourism. Below is a map where these areas are marked in red and orange. First of all, they are famous for increased drug trafficking; there are numerous cases of child abduction, slave trade, clashes between armed gangs and cartels right on the streets, in ordinary areas.

In addition, there is no pleasant beach holiday in Veracruz (huge seaport, dirty water), Mazatlan (drug trafficking), Puerto Vallarta (drug trafficking, gang violence, thefts) for foreigners. Visit these regions only at your own risk.

Where is the best place to relax in Mexico? If it’s a beach resort, then the choice of resorts is huge. On the Pacific coast, Acapulco remains the most popular resort. There are gorgeous beaches and a varied and vibrant nightlife.

The beach infrastructure is excellently developed. The only negative is that everything here is expensive, and at any time of the year, regardless of the season. Los Cabos will be a little cheaper financially and smaller in scope, although in all other respects it is in no way inferior to Acapulco. The most expensive countries are located here, and mostly Americans vacation here. Puerto Vallarta is suitable for lovers of boating on picturesque lagoons, diving and fishing enthusiasts. In addition, this is a real paradise for spa lovers.

Where is the best place to relax in Mexico? The Yucatan Peninsula and the city of Cancun in particular are very popular among Russians. Not far from the city you can visit many attractions, including Chichen Itza, there is the opportunity to visit many wrecks, go diving or fishing. Riviera Maya on the Caribbean coast is more suitable for families, Playa del Carmen - for young people.

Although Mexico City cannot boast of having beaches, it is also quite interesting. There are a huge number of attractions around, so if your main goal of visiting the country is educational, it makes sense to stay here. In addition, the presence of a large number of nightclubs, discos and other entertainment venues will not let you get bored even at night.

Where is the best place to relax if you want peace and quiet? In this case, you should choose less popular resorts, and it is better to give preference to the islands. If there are hotels here, they are small, but there is the option of staying in houses on stilts right on the seashore or some lake, where there will be no other people except you. There is an opportunity to relax like this on the island of Cozumel. There is an opportunity to embrace the immensity and go on a cruise along the Caribbean coast. This way you can visit many cities in Mexico and neighboring countries.

This is a delightful state, with rich culture and history. There is also amazing nature and very friendly people! Reviews from tourists about holidays in Mexico are full of exclamation marks, and this is not in vain. If you are not sure where to go on a trip to Mexico with children in 2015, check out the information below!


The climate of Mexico is quite diverse, since it has a large territory, occupying 15th place in the ranking of the largest countries. In the north there is a subtropical climate, and on the coasts of the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean it is tropical. In summer, the average air temperature in the central regions of the country reaches +33 °C..+36 °C. In northern Mexico, these rates are slightly lower. Winter is the best time to visit the country, since air and sea temperatures allow you to create impeccable climatic conditions for a comfortable holiday. Thus, on the coast in winter the temperature is +26 °C..+31 °C, and in the capital - + 20 °C...+21 °C.

Currency Mexican Peso, (MXN, code 103)
One Mexican peso is equal to 3.51176 rubles. Thus, you can exchange 351 rubles for 100 pesos. The exchange rate to the dollar is as follows: one peso is equal to 0.0658, i.e. to buy 100 pesos you will need only 6.5 US dollars.
Regardless of the fact that Acapulco is a rather expensive city, finding cheap housing and organizing leisure activities is quite possible. So, breakfast in a cafe can cost 350-450 rubles per person, and renting a one-room apartment can cost 1000-1500 rubles per day. If we talk about the price of clothes, shoes and accessories, not all tourists can afford this pleasure.


Many people have heard that Mexico has many interesting places and attractions that deserve attention. Videos of tourists once again convince us of this. Below you can find information about the five most famous places in Mexico.

The temple was built in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary back in the 16th century. It is worth noting that its construction took place on the territory where the monastery was already located, but historians claim that it was not too large and therefore could not accommodate all the believers. The cathedral was built for almost two centuries and, as they say in such cases, the result is well worth the effort, money and time spent.

The complex is located on a low mountain ridge rising in the Oaxaca Valley. It is one of the first cities in Mesoamerica, founded back in 500 BC. e. For more than a thousand years, Monte Alban had the status of the most important socio-political, as well as economic center of Zapotec culture and civilization. However, by 750 AD. e. he lost his leading role and was soon almost completely abandoned.

In the mid-20th century, this mansion was a meeting and communication place for the local intelligentsia. In addition, Leon Trotsky and his wife lived here for several years. All the furnishings that were here during the life of the artist family have been preserved to this day. By visiting the Frida Kado Museum, you can actually see various objects that the couple used during their lifetime. In addition to easels, brushes, palettes, souvenirs and photographs of the spouses, you can even see the wheelchair to which Frida was confined for a long time due to the accident.

Mexico is home to one of the most majestic and stunning volcanic systems in the world. We are talking about Popocatépetl, a rather restless volcano that attracts hundreds of curious vacationers, fascinated by the local landscapes.

Tulum is an excellent place located in the eastern part of the Yucatan Peninsula, and consists of three parts: the ruins of an ancient Mayan town, the small Indian village of Tulum Pueblo, and a tourist and entertainment area. The town itself is quite small, with about 15,000 inhabitants living on its territory. Apart from the main attractions, Tulum doesn't really stand out. However, it is worth noting that the best beaches and hotels are located here!


  • Hyatt Ziva Puerto Vallarta, from 10,500 rubles per night,
  • Holiday Inn Express Puerto Vallarta, 5800 rubles per night,
  • Hotel Catedral Vallarta, from 3400 rubles per night,
  • Villa del Palmar Beach Resort & Spa, from 6100 rubles per night,
  • Costa Sur Resort & Spa, 4,700 rubles per night.

If you are looking for a budget option, you should think about buying hot packages. Today, the cost of a 7-day tour to Mexico is about $630 or more. A two-week vacation will cost tourists approximately $1,050.


Mexico has some of the cleanest beaches. If you don’t know which beach to choose for your holiday, pay attention to the list below. It is quite possible that you will find the best option for yourself.

Top 5 best beaches in Mexico:

  1. Akumal.

Best resorts

Mexico is rich not only in attractions, but also in amazing resorts that you should definitely visit if you go on a trip to this country. Then you can find out about the most interesting places.

Tenochtitlan is considered the capital of the Aztecs; it was defeated back in the 16th century by the Spanish conquistadors. Today you can see only ruins there, lying almost in the very center of the current capital. All tourists who visit this place are amazed at the extent to which this city was large and beautiful during its prosperity.

Mexico City is the oldest capital in the Western Hemisphere. The city was founded by the Aztec Indians on influential trade routes. Mexico City still holds the title of cultural capital of all Latin America. On its territory you can see many monuments of pre-Spanish and colonial history.

Cuernavaca is the administrative center of the state of Morelos, founded by the efforts of the Aztec Indians. In 1521 the city was captured by Spanish conquistadors, and in 1530 it became the seat of Cortes. Today, there are more than 275 thousand local residents in Cuernavaca. The food, textile and construction industries are well developed.

It's not difficult to determine why Acapulco is incredibly popular. The charming bay with its azure waters and smooth outline of the hills looks very picturesque. Despite the fact that there are few cultural attractions here, you can get a lot of positive emotions from active recreation at sea. Acapulco is also famous for its large number of entertainment venues, including discos, bars, cafes and clubs.

This is a fairly young resort located near Cancun and the seaport of Maya Tulum. Also nearby are national parks and the world-famous Chichen Itza archaeological site. Here tourists have the opportunity to find accommodation to their liking, among the abundance of hotels that compete with each other in providing all-inclusive services.

And finally...

Mexico is a cheerful country and if you decide to spend your holiday here, rest assured that you will return full of strength and vigor!

Holidays in Mexico mean beautiful sandy beaches washed by the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean; great opportunities for active water sports, from surfing to diving; picturesque mountains with many natural attractions; just under 70 national parks and various reserves with rich flora and fauna; ancient cities of the Mayans and Aztecs; colonial architecture and much more. The country of cacti and hot chili peppers, combining centuries-old traditions of Indian civilizations and Spanish culture, gave the world mariachi music, popular gastronomy, tequila and inspiration for the writer Carlos Castaneda, who developed his own teaching based on Indian traditions, which became a bestseller.

One of the features of Mexico's geographic location is the possibility of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The capital of the country, Mexico City, is located in a seismically active zone, so new buildings there are erected in a special way, specially strengthened. The area in the area of ​​another large city, Guadalajara, falls within the range of the Colima volcano, which made itself remembered in 2005.

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Excursion tours

It is worth coming to Mexico, at a minimum, to get acquainted with three important components of its culture: the cities of the Mayans and Aztecs, colonial architecture and painting of the first third of the 20th century. The latter is represented, first of all, by such names as Frida Kahlo, an unusual artist, many books and films are dedicated to her paintings and personality; Diego Rivera, an equally renowned painter of the muralist movement, and Jose Orozco, whose wall paintings adorn many buildings in Mexico, including the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City and the UNESCO-protected Cabañas Hospital in Guadalajara.


All three of these elements are closely interrelated: the Mayans and Aztecs influenced the Spanish art brought to the new land in the 16th century. Artists of the 20th century were keenly interested in Indian art and even, like Diego Rivera, collected it, as evidenced by the rich exhibition in the Rivera Museum in Mexico City.

Anyone who visits the capital of the country, a number of large cities and such ancient settlements as Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza, Palenque, Monte Alban, Uxmal, Ek Balam and Coba can see this close multicultural plexus.