Blue mountain coffee. Jamaica Blue Mountain is the number one coffee in the world. What makes Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee unique?

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To begin with, I want to immediately note: there is a brand “Blue Mountain” and a variety “Blue Mountain”.

There are several plantations in Jamaica that produce Blue Mountain coffee. And only one plantation is the one known throughout the world, 90% of the coffee from which is sent to Japan.

In shops on the island you can find several types of this coffee. Original coffee from the plantation can only be bought on the plantation itself. The cost of one package of coffee beans 500 grams is $30.

In souvenir shops I advise you to buy Jablum, it is the best manufacturer. The cost of packaging is 45-65 dollars.

Fake coffee is not sold on the island, but you need to be careful when buying; some packs say blended, which means that the composition contains no more than 30% Blue Mountain coffee. Everything else is a different type of grain.

The coffee in souvenir shops is very good; only true connoisseurs will be able to taste the difference between coffee from a famous plantation and coffee from another plantation. However, anyone will immediately feel the difference between Jamaican Blue Mountain and other coffee. This coffee:

Doesn't taste bitter

Doesn't sour

Doesn't raise blood pressure

Well, the taste is amazing, of course. After it, others no longer feel that way. You can drink it without sugar, milk or other additives. Delicious.

Island Basin Country Caribbean Sea has a reputation as perhaps the most carefree place on earth. Sea, sun, Bob Marley songs and famous Jamaican coffee - what else is needed for happiness? We also decided to allow ourselves a small, although virtual tour on the coffee plantations of this country.

Coffee country Jamaica

The first coffee tree seedling was brought here from the island of Martinique. He got there from Paris itself. King Louis XV of France sent a gift from the Dutch to his warm colonies - three coffee trees. Only one reached its destination. This historical event for Jamaica occurred in 1723. After about 100 years, there were 600 active coffee plantations in the country. All of them belonged to the colonialists, and, naturally, local residents worked for them.

After Jamaica gained independence, the coffee business in the country quickly declined. Organizational confusion almost led to the complete destruction of the famous plantations, but by the mid-20th century, the authorities realized that good coffee was not a resource that should be wasted. It was decided to centralize management, introduce uniform standards and establish new sales channels. Today, Jamaican coffee can be bought only from one of the six companies that export supplies, but the quality of the beans is highly appreciated by both traders and consumers.

Jamaica's warm climate, rich in organic soils covering mountain slopes of varying heights, turned out to be perfectly suitable for growing aromatic grains.

Almost the entire harvest is exported. Most of it, about 80%, is purchased by Japanese suppliers, literally on the vine.

In Jamaica itself, finding local coffee is quite difficult. Residents leave substandard grains for domestic consumption that were not purchased by state exporting companies.

Coffee Jamaica Blue Mountain

It is more correct to talk not about individual varieties, but rather about brands. There are several Arabica varieties grown in Jamaica, the most famous of which is Blue Mountain. Not all coffee may be labeled Jamaica Blue Mountain. The right to this name belongs to grains grown in strictly defined regions. The lucky ones include St. Thomas, St. Andrew and Portland. All of them are located in the area of ​​​​the famous Blue Mountains, which gave the name to this variety.

There are only 4 companies that can supply their coffee under the Jamaica Blue Mountain brand. Here is their list.

  • "Wallenford"
  • "Mavis Bank"
  • "My Hall"
  • "BM Processors"

Coffee from other producers may not carry the Jamaica Blue Mountain brand name.

Why is this variety so attractive to coffee lovers?

Of course, taste and aroma. The grains are blue-green in color. When properly roasted over low heat, the finished drink reveals deep nutty notes with accents of aromatic herbs or spices. The aroma of the drink is dense and bright. The characteristic sourness gives the coffee a pleasant taste balance.

Blue Mountain has a secret. In order to more fully experience the entire bouquet of the drink, you should increase the number of ground beans for one serving by 15-20%.

Other Jamaican Coffees

The plantations of this blessed country produce good Arabica crops. What other varieties of Jamaican coffee can be found on sale?

  • Jamaica High Mountain. These are grains of high mountain origin, but outside the growing range of the famous Blue Mountain. Highland Jamaican coffee is not much inferior to its famous brother. Balanced taste and aroma, soft, devoid of bitterness, taste and a delicate fruity bouquet - these are the distinctive properties of this drink.
  • Jamaica Prime. These grains are grown at significantly lower altitudes. But don't think of this coffee as low-grade. It has an expressive aroma and a good, bright taste. Like most Jamaican beans, this coffee is not overly strong, but rather delicate and refined. Trademark, under which Jamaican highlands beans are sold in the market, is called Jamaica Mountain Choice Coffee. This is its official name, approved by the Jamaica Coffee Industry Council.

Jamaican coffee is an expensive variety. 1 kilogram of Blue Mountain will cost approximately 10 thousand rubles and more. When purchasing, pay attention to the quality of roasting, it is crucial. Heat treatment of grains carried out over high heat can completely “kill” the taste. Due to the reduced density, Jamaican coffee starts out roasted at low heat, which is then increased.

Jamaican coffee enjoys increased attention among connoisseurs of the drink, so it is ideal as a gift for someone who likes to start the day with a cup of aromatic infusion.

What type of coffee do you prefer?

Jamaica Blue Mountain is a well-known and sought-after coffee all over the world, which has gained immense popularity among true coffee gourmets. It grows only on the slopes of the famous Blue Mountain of the same name in the eastern part of the island of Jamaica, in special favorable conditions. This is one of the highest growing coffee varieties in the world. The plantations are surrounded by fruit trees. Coffee is collected manually, several times a season, as it ripens. Only ripe berries are collected and then processed using the wet method. A limited quantity is processed, so Jamaica Blue Mountain is an exclusive blend. The best grains are sealed in barrels and exported. The coffee making process is under special control. Jamaica Blue Mountain is a noble coffee, endowed with a refined taste with bright nutty and fruity notes and a unique enchanting aroma. The online store "HOUSE OF COFFEE" offers a wide range of the famous brand Jamaica Blue Mountain. Place an order on our website and tomorrow you will be able to enjoy your favorite drink prepared according to your own recipe.

One of the world's most expensive coffee varieties is grown in the eastern part of the island of Jamaica on the slopes of the Blue Mountains. Jamaica Blue Mountain is a coffee with excellent taste, which ranks first among all single-origin coffees on the market.

Why is Blue Mountain the best? To understand the value of this variety, you need to know the history of its appearance. The first coffee plantation appeared in Jamaica in 1725 thanks to the efforts of Nicholas Laws. Gradually, the plantations expanded, and coffee production also developed. In 1932, Jamaica harvested a record harvest in the history of coffee production - 15 tons of beans. But at that time there was no talk of the existence of a separate Blue Mountain variety.

How did the famous Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee come about?

Increasing production volumes did not lead to an improvement in quality, and already in the early 50s, many foreign customers refused to cooperate with local suppliers. As a result, a number of large companies and many farmers were ruined. Having lost the sales market in North America, the government of the country decided to create a Council dedicated to the development of the coffee industry, and also implemented a number of measures to support coffee producers.

In addition, foreign investment, mainly Japanese, played a significant role. As a result, over time it was possible to significantly improve the quality of the finished raw materials, and then improve the yield. Japanese investments turned out to be more than successful and led to the signing of long-term contracts for the supply of coffee between the countries. By the end of the 70s, Japan's efforts were rewarded - the country received the best, according to many experts, Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. This variety has gained cult status in the country.

What makes Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee unique?

Coffee has a name mountain peak, on the slopes of which it grows. In the early 80s, the territory allocated for coffee production was expanded. Today, the area of ​​plantations amounts to 6 thousand hectares. There is even a register that identifies territories with certain climatic conditions and soil composition. The famous Jamaican variety grows on mountain slopes at an altitude of 600 to 1600 meters above sea level.

Thanks to the content of a large amount of minerals in the soil, as well as the favorable climate, coffee receives a refined taste with a pronounced fruity bouquet. This variety has minimal bitterness. Peculiarity climatic conditions lies in the fact that at altitude the temperature is relatively low, while the humidity, on the contrary, is increased. The mountain is surrounded by clouds (hence why it is called Blue Mountain). The grains ripen much longer than other varieties, gradually absorbing all the richness of nature’s aromas.

The harvest is harvested only by hand and then carefully sorted. The grains are exposed. Coffee not only grows in special conditions, but is also stored in oak barrels, due to which the taste of the drink becomes unique, acquiring light nutty notes. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee has an incredibly long aftertaste that can last up to 6 hours.