How can a girl work at the airport? Heavenly jobs: aviation and airport work. I want to get a job at the airport without specialized education

An airport is far from being an ordinary building that allows planes to take off and land; in fact, it is an entire system, the functionality of which determines safety, level of service, etc. Tens of thousands of people work at airports, and every day the number of specialists intending to get a job there continues to grow. Today, quite often you can detect genuine interest in what the salary is at the airport.

Salary at the airport primarily depends on your specialty and the position you hold. Despite this, it should be noted that in order for specialists to perform their work efficiently and as quickly as possible, airport management deliberately increases the wages of its employees. It is necessary to note that the salary at the airport depends on the responsibility of the employee - if it is necessary to regularly be responsible for the technical condition of the airport complex systems, check the performance of airport equipment, and ensure flight safety, then we can assume that the salary in this case will be very high.

Thus, a driver working directly on the territory of the airport claims, as a rule, 40-45 thousand rubles, while an environmental engineer working in the position has every reason to receive more than 70 thousand rubles. This is a very realistic salary at the capital’s airports, however, the question may certainly arise: what is the salary at an airport located in regions remote from the capital? In this case, everything primarily depends on the activities of the airport. If an air transport hub is popular with Russian and foreign airlines, with dozens of flights departing from it every day, then it is quite reasonable to talk about high wages. Thus, engineering and technical personnel holding a certain position can receive from 30 thousand rubles, but everything depends on the specific specialization and position held. As a rule, at such airports the salary rarely exceeds the limit of 50 thousand rubles, but for ordinary staff the salary will be even less.

What are the salaries at foreign airports? Here, to a large extent, everything depends on your experience and professionalism, and if we consider large European airports, then the salary here fluctuates between 3-4 thousand euros, but if we are talking about the salary of persons occupying a certain position, then the conversation is already it's about 8-10 thousand dollars.


Before contacting airport HR staff, check the job vacancies list, which can usually be found on the notice board in the HR reception area. Take the form from the HR employee and fill out the form. In the form please indicate:
- name of the vacancy;
- experience in a similar or related position;
- level, language and PC proficiency;
- passport data;
- information about parents.
If you have average or high level language proficiency, then you may be asked to fill out a second questionnaire, compiled in the language you speak.

Take your completed application and contact the Human Resources Officer with a request to review it. Typically, applicants' applications for a position at the airport are reviewed immediately, in the presence of the candidate. If you have indicated that you have a good level of proficiency in a foreign language, the initial interview may take place in that language.

If an employee of the HR department is interested in you as a potential employee, he will send you for an interview with the head of the department where you plan to get a job. work(for example, to the dispatch service, security service, etc.).

Before going to the second round of interviews, read the rules, conditions and specifics of working at this airport. To do this, talk privately with employees of the department where you are going to work. Assess all the pros and cons of the position you are applying for.

Be prepared for your future boss to ask you questions that are not related to your personal data. Be especially prepared to answer questions regarding previous jobs and reasons for leaving.

If the manager liked your answers and agrees to hire you, undergo a medical examination at the airport medical service and pass the test foreign language(if necessary). If the results of the examination and language test are positive, then go to the airport human resources department, where you present a questionnaire signed by the boss, a health certificate and an attestation sheet. A member of the HR department will immediately place you on staff.

You can find vacancies at Domodedovo Airport using online employment portals, newspapers and magazines, as well as through your own initiative. Below are just a few ways you can get that coveted position at Domodedovo Airport.


Internet. On such portals as,, there is a special section for vacancies in the transport industry for job seekers. Here you can select “air transport” and see what offers are available at Domodedovo. Most often, engineers, technical specialists, etc. are required. Think about what vacancy you would like to fill - maybe a salesperson or a dispatcher? In this case, you should enter the desired position in the search bar for vacancies, for example, sales consultant duty free. Then make a selection, designating “Domodedovo”, and several or one position will open for you. Also visit the official website of Domodedovo Airport. In the “vacancies” section you can find something suitable for yourself.

Print mass-media. If you are offered the Work & Study newspaper on the street, you should study it carefully, since this employment newspaper, distributed free of charge, contains vacancies at airports. These vacancies may not be allocated in a separate section, so it is better to search by position. For example, if you want to work as a driver on the airfield, then you need to open the “logistics, transportation, transport” section. The kiosks sell quite a lot of various printed publications on employment, so the seller himself will offer you the most relevant newspapers.

July 19, 2016, 10:07 pm

I’ll say right away that I won’t name the airport, but it’s located in the EU.

How did I get there

I never even dreamed of going to the airport. It seemed to me that they only take their own people there and everything is very, very difficult.

One day I came across an advertisement that required employees for the position of "inspector" aviation security". Responsibilities: checking hand luggage and checked baggage, control of passengers and airport employees. That’s how it was written in the advertisement. I’ll tell you how it happened in reality a little later.

Sent a motivation letter and resume. They called a week later and invited me for an interview. It was held in three languages ​​(including English). All those who passed the interview went to take tests the next day - language, logic, speed, ability to distinguish colors and objects. They also gave X-ray pictures of bags, in which it was necessary to find a knife or pistol in 4 seconds.


Next was training, which lasted three weeks. Before the course, you had to undergo a medical examination at your own expense and obtain a certificate from a narcologist and a psychiatrist. At this stage, people dropped out because not everyone has that much money at the initial stage of work. You don't even know if you'll end up getting a job. General expenses- 100 euro.

By the way, check-in has two-week courses. Some only have a couple of days. The courses were paid, from 9 to 17 on weekdays. There was an introductory course on aviation in general, including terms, prohibited items and dangerous substances. They talked about the airport system, premises, security system, other departments, etc. Every two to three days there is a written test. As the courses progressed, people dropped out because they did not have time to learn the material. They talked a lot about terrorism and accidents involving airplanes. They showed various videos from airport cameras and commented on them.


Everyone who successfully passed the tests became trainees for three weeks. Each had their own practice manager. We were essentially a shadow. That is, they completely repeated everything that the leader said and did what they said. In fact, this is a very important stage, because at this moment you understand whether you even want to work in this position.

Now we can tell you what an “aviation safety inspector” actually is. This is a person who:

1. Works in the terminal on fast track, ticket control in front of him, in the terminal on the lines. Simply put, this is the one who asks you to take off all your things, sits at the X-ray or near the arch.

2. There are also posts. For example, in the VIP center of the airport, and business aviation terminals, where only private planes are located, on non-standard checked baggage, etc.

During practice, the scheme of checking people with their hands is “honed” - those who had an arch signal. At the beginning of training, this was the most unpleasant part for me, but then you get used to it. At our airport, women were checked by women, men by men.


There is always a lunch break - an hour. The staff has its own kitchen (each department has its own), recreation area, classrooms, nous, and various board games. There are water coolers everywhere.

You can work on the lines wearing gloves, which are available in unlimited quantities. Rubber ones, like doctors' ones, or rag ones. I worked exclusively with gloves. You should know how dirty people's suitcases are! After the fifth bag, my hands are all black. Plus, when you open the bag, you can cut yourself. A colleague once cut her hand on a razor that was in her suitcase. There are hand sanitizers and a first aid kit on each line.

Stable salary (although they saved a lot on us), everything is official. Every employee had insurance. The dentist was paid 50 percent.

Chip flights. A certain airline (not a low-cost airline) offered tickets to airport employees for 30 euros one way. Business class - 150. Any point in the world where this airline flies.

A full set of uniforms was issued. Four shirts - two with short sleeves and two with long sleeves. Also a tie, trousers, skirt, vest, jacket and high-heeled shoes. Dry cleaning at employer's expense.

Free transport from and to work.

A very romantic job. I really miss her. I'm thinking about returning, but to a higher position.


They paid really little. There was only enough to pay bills and eat.

Physically demanding work. Constantly wearing heels, you can rarely sit down. Thousands of passengers pass through every day and everyone thinks they are special.

Lots of shifts, few days off. And the only thing that excites me is sleep. At the end of my work, I was not interested in relationships, parties or travel.


Very, very different. The most difficult thing was working with passengers from Russia. I really don’t want to offend anyone, but for me it was just a tragedy. After the flights to Moscow I was most tired. Many speak only (!) Russian. They were rude to colleagues who did not understand Russian or spoke very poorly. They were reluctant to open the bags and wrote complaints all the time.

Most of the passengers from Scandinavia were over 65, all with metal prostheses. They always had to be additionally checked by hand.

Many men really don’t know what’s in their bags because their wives collected them. There are also those who bring tons of cosmetics for their wife, perfume, clothes. The only things I own are underpants, a T-shirt and shaving foam :)

Passenger options

If you have a disability, a broken arm, a leg, you cannot see or hear, at airports there is an agent service who will take you to an important gate for FREE, help you carry your bags, etc. If you have a broken leg or are in a wheelchair, the agent will provide you with a wheelchair free of charge and will be your escort. It is best to communicate the need for this agent at check-in.

You can also use the fast track service for free if you have a disability or limited mobility.

If you wear religious clothing or jewelry, for ethical reasons you have the right not to remove it before going through the arch, but be prepared that you may then be checked by hand or in a personal search room.

You can take liquids for children with you and carry them as hand luggage. There are no restrictions. The only condition is that your child is not 15 years old and the bottle does not contain whiskey and cola. The fluid may be scanned or the child may be asked to try it.


Updated 19/07/16 22:46:

Regarding the selected items

If your scissors were taken away, or, for example, a very expensive cream that exceeded the norm, then you don’t have to say goodbye to it:) You have the right to give the item to those seeing you off, to check it in as checked baggage (for a fee they will pack it in a box at check-in as luggage) or leave it in the airport luggage storage

Almost everyone associates airplanes and airports with romance and interesting travels. Of course, many people dream of finding a job at an airport, because this is an opportunity to build a good career for themselves. Let's find out how to start working in air harbor, as well as job options that open to young professionals.

Security officers

Before you apply, you need to decide on the vacancy. Some require a college degree, while others do not. In addition to education, work experience and additional knowledge will not hurt for a serious position. For example, knowledge in English at least at a conversational level, it is necessary for those who register passengers, as well as for currency office workers and restaurant staff. Knowledge of other languages, especially Asian, will be an additional advantage.

Before joining the staff, you need to undergo special training or courses. Next, candidates are subject to a probationary period, which is often at least one month. If a young worker shows himself to be the best side, then he is hired. You need to understand that working at an airport is not only interesting, but also very responsible.

You need to not only come to work on time and perform your immediate duties, but sometimes also work beyond the norm, without additional compensation. You also need to be prepared for night shifts, complex schedules, conflicts that often arise at the airport, etc. Often the airport is located far from the city, so you need to be prepared for the fact that it will take a long time to get to work. Not all air hubs have transport that transports staff home.

You can find a suitable vacancy on the official website of an airport. As a rule, HR managers publish hot vacancies on their website. The requirements for everyone are clearly outlined, so you will immediately understand whether the offer is suitable for you. After this, you need to contact the manager or send to email address your resume. If you interest a company representative, he will schedule an interview for you. During an interview, the following questions are often asked about:

  • education;
  • work experience;
  • skills and abilities for a specific position;
  • general questions to understand whether you understand the field in which you plan to work.
  • It is also possible that they will ask: what attracts you to work at the airport?

Next you have They may ask for a printed version of your resume.. If everything is in order, you will be offered to take preparatory courses and a probationary period. If you successfully complete it, you will become an airport employee.

Young people learn the profession of runway workers

Who works at the airport: professions

Those who wish to work in air gates, people often wonder: who can work at the airport? As we said, everything depends on education. Alas, without higher education you will not be hired for a prestigious position. For those who do not have a higher education, only the following vacancies are open:

  • Loaders. They are unloading luggage. In order to apply for this job, you need to be young, strong and preferably athletic. Only men are hired for this position.
  • Cleaners. Typically, this work is chosen by women, and not at all young. Their responsibilities include cleaning the entire complex.
  • Washers. They, unlike cleaners, only wash aircraft interiors and their exterior. Cleaning the floor is not their responsibility.
  • Refuelers. This is also an option for men. Tankers directly fill aircraft with fuel. I must say that this is quite a responsible job, so no one is hired for it.

If we talk about what a girl can do at the airport, even without education, then this is, of course, working as a salesperson. Often at airports great amount stores that require responsible employees. It is enough to have a complete secondary education and take courses to obtain this position.. However, they will not hire you as a pharmacy salesperson without the appropriate education. Only people who have graduated from medical school are hired for such work.

If you have a higher medical education, you can also apply for the position of a physician in the sanitary department of the airport. Those who have a secondary medical education are allowed to wash the floors in the medical unit, prepare solutions and instruments for doctors.

More information about vacancies

We have not considered the entire list of professions at the airport. Everyone knows that there are cafes and restaurants at airports. That is why these establishments always require decent employees. A whole list of vacancies opens up for employees:

  • cook;
  • confectioner;
  • dishwasher;
  • waiter;
  • bartender;
  • baker.

The chef in a restaurant usually does not do the baking, so there are separate employees for this. Cooks prepare hot dishes, salads, desserts, etc. Almost all of these vacancies require secondary specialized education. You can only become a waiter, bartender and washer after graduating from school. Military related jobs have a prime location at the airport. We are talking about the following professions:

  • security guard;
  • controller;
  • document verification worker;
  • an employee who inspects luggage, etc.

Also, the airport is always looking for managers, cashiers, foremen, visualizers, planners, cable solders, gas and smoke protection specialists, etc.

Pros and cons of working at an airport

Of course, working in an air harbor has many advantages. However, it all depends on the specific position. Of course, few people want to work as a cleaner, but the salary of such a worker at the airport is slightly higher than in any other establishment. On average, cleaners there earn 13-15 thousand rubles. This option is suitable for women who have been retired for a long time. In general, the advantages of employment at the airport are:

  • paid sick leave and vacation pay;
  • stable work;
  • competitive salary;
  • friendly and large team;
  • the opportunity to find good friends and a life partner;
  • preferential loan programs;
  • career growth;
  • frequent bonuses.

The disadvantages are:

  • long working hours;
  • night shifts;
  • possible conflict situations;
  • huge responsibility (especially for those who check luggage and check in passengers);
  • remoteness from home, since airports are often located far from the city center;
  • a threat to life, since there may be terrorist attacks at airports.

In order to become an air hub employee, you need not only to have the appropriate knowledge, desire and diploma, but also to possess such qualities as goodwill, stress resistance, sociability, restraint and responsibility. Only the employee who meets all these parameters can achieve high results and receive high wages.

If you are confident in your abilities, you always have the opportunity to apply for a particular vacancy and wait for the decision of the HR employee. Don't worry if you weren't hired for the position you wanted. Try to at least find a job at the airport, and also perform your duties conscientiously. Then it is quite possible that you will be noticed and invited to the desired post.

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