French fries in Belgium. Franchise cost and cost of ownership. Franchise reviews

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Data current as of 11/07/2019

Frite's Franchise

Investment 850,000 - 950,000 ₽

Franchise reviews


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Maxim Egorov

Before buying the franchise, I was a student and worked part-time. I have no experience in catering. Franchises were gaining popularity and I was considering a coffee franchise. The only thing that was confusing was that there were too many coffee outlets.
But in our city there was a cool Frites kiosk with French fries, and there were huge queues there at the opening. Then I found out that they also have coffee there. Bingo! I liked the combination of unusual fries and familiar dishes - coffee, hot dogs and other dishes.
I have been with the company for more than 1.5 years. The launch was supervised by managers from Frites, who helped find a location, personnel, etc. By the way, they also helped me find good builders, otherwise I had already had a bad experience.
Despite the fact that I have a kiosk format, in winter the drawdown in revenue is a maximum of 10-15%, because... There is parking nearby.
After a year of work, the company continues to be interested in my successes and offers ways to earn more. Recently I completely switched to a new accounting system - quick resto. Comfortable. I consider my choice of the Frites franchise to be completely justified.
There are plans to develop and launch another outlet in Krasnoyarsk. I want a food truck format.

Manokhin Nikita

I'm from Ulan-Ude. Before acquiring the franchise, he was an employee in the field of medical sales, where he achieved what he wanted.
Then the burning sensation in my chest and the desire for something more made me consider working for myself.
Why franchise? Because the level of my competence in the field of public catering would allow me to open,
at best, a pie. The franchise provides a ready-made, working, tested model. Take it and do it.
Why Frites? I really liked the format of potatoes in bags. I myself am a big fan of potatoes, and what could be tastier?
French fries? I chose from many franchises. I was convinced by a trip to Krasnoyarsk, where I was convinced on the spot of the viability of the model,
in the seriousness of the guys, in the fact that I can make a profit.
I've been with the company for a year now. From the signing stage until now there is always support and good advice.
Very strong team. I have something to compare with. I worked in federal companies and, I dare say, not everyone has this level.
As I described above, I receive comprehensive assistance from the company. This applies to all aspects of activity.
Results? The fact that I, having no experience in business at all, with a head injury as a hired worker, was able to launch MY OWN in such a capacious field,
I'm not afraid, a successful business speaks volumes.
The second point in the shopping center is very interesting. Exactly the food court format. Movie, happy kids and everyone with bags. Visualization is everything.

Go for it, gentlemen!!!

Vadim Borisenko

I don’t support the previous reviews)) I won’t justify it, but I’ll tell you my experience. I have been an active Frite’s franchisee for just under a year. Let's agree that the company's support still exists and assistance is provided. Some recommendations may seem supposedly obvious, but then why buy a franchise, since we ourselves know everything. When buying a franchise, I had the goal of saving time and getting a package of ready-made solutions, and this met my expectations. When choosing a location, I counted the pedestrian traffic, I also took photographs of the locations and a video report, and I conducted the lease negotiations. But my manager Ivan helped me evaluate all this information and ultimately make the right decision. As a result, I had to change my place due to the fault of the landlord. This is a common situation in any business, it happens and there is nothing special about it. It went a little beyond the stated investment, so plus or minus 50tr should always be in reserve. I have a kiosk format and spent about 970 thousand. I received all the information about the franchise in 2 days. They gave me a manager, Elya, who helped launch it. There were a hundred questions, but all the answers are in the documents. Questions such as whether the gloves should be black or whether it doesn’t matter how exactly to put a sticker on a cup, what towels to buy, how to wash deep fat, etc. were resolved quickly enough, but sometimes I waited a little longer. The only thing was that it took a long time to resolve the issue of Coca-Cola, because the equipment was already in place, but there was no Coke itself. But! As a result, I get cola at a very low price, which I myself would never have received for one point. There is a problem with employee turnover, but this can be solved and is the case everywhere. I love visits from secret shoppers, because the employees receive an objective assessment from the outside, rather than me making comments. I won’t tell you everything about how I introduced a couple of sauces without notice and received a verbal reprimand for this. I won’t write about numbers, since I’m still working, it means I’m happy with everything. I recommend a franchise for those who really understand that there is work to be done and no one will do anything for you.
P.S. Alexander from the support department asked me to leave an objective review.
P.P.S I'm waiting for new items on the menu))))
Best regards, Vadim.

Alexander Veselov

I fully support the previous review. Essentially, by purchasing this franchise, you are buying a “package of chatter.” The cost of coverage is really far from the amount indicated by the franchise. Weather conditions for working in window format are not taken into account. ALL ISSUES ARE RESOLVED EXTREMELY SLOWLY or not resolved AT ALL. Over the phone, support is more in the form of sympathy and sighs. There is also NO help in finding a point to open. Due to many problems, very little revenue comes in, which does not cover costs (rent, wages, groceries). The only thing this franchise does well and on time is to issue invoices for “ROYALTY” and regularly call with persuasion to make a contribution to open another outlet, while declaring that they are not a charitable organization, although they know very well the real state of affairs. In general, if you don’t want to lose your money, look for something else.

Over the past decades, the fast food market has reached a fundamentally new level - it has become more diverse, more popular and, of course, more profitable for entrepreneurs. However, such a development could not but lead to fierce competition, which significantly complicates the process of entering the business. An alternative option for beginners and investors may be to purchase a franchise from one of the well-known chains, including the company that owns the Frite’s trademark.

Franchise Description

The basic conditions of the Frite's franchise are as follows:

  • The lump sum contribution ranges from 250 to 320 thousand rubles;
  • Royalty - from 3% to 5%;
  • The total investment amount is from 500 thousand rubles;
  • Payback period - from 7 months;
  • Income per year - from 1.3 million rubles;
  • There are no other current payments;
  • The average bill in the network is from 190 rubles;
  • The period for opening a retail outlet is no more than a month;
  • When opening the second and subsequent points, the lump-sum contribution for the partner is reduced to 50%.

The franchisor offers partners to choose one of three existing formats of retail outlets, namely “Kiosk”, “Island” and “Pavilion”. The features and financial terms of each are described in the table below:

The stages of interaction between the company and the franchisee are as follows:

  1. Introduction and consultations on launching a project;
  2. Franchisee survey;
  3. Decision on cooperation and signing of a commercial concession agreement;
  4. Determining the format of the outlet;
  5. Transfer of a complete package of franchise documents to the franchisee.
  6. Selecting the optimal location, analyzing traffic and competitive environment, agreeing on the location of the point;
  7. Construction of new or renovation of rented premises;
  8. Compiling a list of necessary equipment and purchasing it.
  9. Search and training of employees.
  10. Checking equipment and employee training (technical launch).
  11. Official opening.

By purchasing a Frite's franchise, the franchisee receives:

  • Opportunity to work under a famous brand;
  • Instructions for finding a suitable location, assessing its prospects;
  • Assistance in finding a contractor (if the premises are being built from scratch);
  • List of necessary equipment, the opportunity to purchase it at a significant discount;
  • All construction documentation;
  • Technological maps;
  • Employee training;
  • Corporate identity of the company;
  • List of suppliers of raw materials who organize delivery of goods at reduced prices;
  • Step-by-step plan for promoting a retail outlet;
  • Packaging with company logos (designed for the first 1.5 thousand customers);
  • Own pages on major social networks;
  • Branded clothing for employees;
  • Consultations on accounting and legal support around the clock (support is provided online, via cellular communications, Skype or instant messengers).

About company

Frite's chain was founded in 2015. The main dish sold at all outlets operating under this brand is Belgian fries. However, due attention is also paid to related products, in particular, sauces, meat products, toppings, as well as various drinks. A well-thought-out assortment, a competent marketing strategy, as well as an attractive design of outlets led to the great success of this brand, and already 2 years after the opening of the company, its founders decided to launch a franchise. Frites' goal is to open 100 franchised eateries in 2019. At the moment, every entrepreneur has a chance to join a team of partners and open their own, profitable and stable business in the catering industry.


Advantages of the Frite's franchise:

  • Phased opening of a point, established technologies for launching a project, a ready-made business model;
  • Affordable franchise price;
  • Fast payback up to one year;
  • Bright, memorable design of retail outlets;
  • The widest possible target audience;
  • Profitability from the first month of operation;
  • Quick opening within one month;
  • Maintenance and support around the clock;
  • The ability to combine point management with other activities.


Where are the Frite’s network points located:

  • Kiosk (dispensed through a window) - next to educational institutions, at public transport stops, near the metro, near a shopping center;
  • Island - inside the shopping center building;
  • Pavilion - on shopping arcades, near a shopping center, next to metro stations or public transport stops.

Premises requirements:

  • Room area from 7.5 to 30 square meters;
  • Availability of autonomous water supply;
  • Electrical power - at least 6 kW;
  • Existence of a hood.



Crispy, golden fries are our national pride. Did you know that in 2016 there were 4,643 stalls selling French fries in Belgium? This means that you can find at least one stall in every district and village. 60% of our locals eat fries at least once a week. For us Flemings, French fries are more than just a side dish. This is the reason for our skill in preparing it. Besides what we have best potatoes in the world, which we are proud of, we also have the ability to make the best fries in the world. There is no rush when preparing French fries. The correct technique for cutting potatoes, frying them twice at different temperatures - this is the art of creating real fries.

French fries?

Although all over the world our potatoes are called ‘ French fries’ (English: “potatoes in French”), there is nothing French about it. One possible explanation relates to when this association may have formed. American soldiers first tasted French fries in Belgium, but thought they were in France because French was spoken in the region. Whether you call it Flemish or Belgian fries, they are traditionally made from the bintje, and always remains the most delicious French fries in the world.

Once your order is ready, the crispy potatoes are sprinkled salt. The most popular order is a bag of potatoes with mayonnaise sauce; simple and tasty.

We see French fries not just as fast food, but as a whole art. And we spend enough time preparing the fries to ensure the fries turn out exactly the way they should be.

Chef Wim Ballieu - Balls & Glory

Flemish classic with fries (of course)

Our regional cuisine is distinguished by its natural ingredients and high quality. We attach great importance to the use local products and seasonal ingredients. As you might expect, many of our most popular and traditional dishes Also delicious when eaten with a side of fries. Discover the foodie in you - enjoy all the delicious dishes Flanders has to offer.


Nostalgia for the classics. Creamy and flavorful. The Flemish version is a light flaky pastry filled with chicken, meatballs and mushroom sauce. A holiday for the stomach!


Mussels and fries are just a perfect combination. Traditionally the season of these North Sea delicacies lasts from July to February. We serve mussels in different sauces, and, of course, for real enjoyment - with French fries.

Friends, what do you know about Belgian cuisine? I am sure that many are now wondering: “Is there such a thing as Belgian cuisine?” Yes, there is! True, it is not as popular as, for example, Italian or.

Dishes typical of Belgium appeared under the influence of its neighbors - France and the Netherlands; they can hardly be called Belgian, which cannot be said about some products. I will tell you about them in this article...

Belgian beer

Belgium is the world's largest beer producer. The country's beer cellar arsenal numbers about 800,000 types. Even those who don’t like beer will like at least one type of foamy beer. To be in Belgium and not taste national pride is a crime!

Drinking alcoholic beverages in public places is officially prohibited, but the police turn a blind eye to those drinking in parks or other recreational areas. They don't touch until riots start.

  • Belgian beer is considered one of the best in the world;
  • Traditional Belgian beer is thick and strong. The average strength of drinks is 6 - 9°;
  • Each type has its own glass. You will not find such a variety of glass containers for beer drinks anywhere else;
  • Belgian brewing culture has been included in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Flanders. And this is the first step towards being included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in the future;

Popular manufacturers: Jupiler, Stella Artois, Chimay, Duvel, Leffe, Orval, Grimbergen, Hoegaarden and Westmalle.

Belgian potatoes

Many people's favorite French fries come from Belgium. Not from the USA, where it is sold everywhere, and not even from France (from the name French Fries). During World War II, after hearing French spoken, American soldiers decided that the dish belonged to French cuisine and nicknamed it French Fries. The Belgians are offended by this fact. They often repeat that this is their find, not the French.

The version of potatoes sold in Belgium is incredibly tasty. Somewhat reminiscent of grandma’s potatoes with greasy cracklings, because Belgian fries are prepared in special oil and beef fat.


Belgian cuisine includes many dishes with fish or seafood - mussels are one of the most famous. The menu of almost every restaurant offers these shellfish. And they are prepared in different ways: mussels in white wine, in beer, in their own juice, in onion or lemon sauce, with herbs or vegetables.

I tried mussels in different countries, but it was the Belgian version that I liked the most. The shellfish are always fresh, and many years of recipes and cooking technologies have left their mark on the amazing taste.

Belgian waffles are famous all over the world and have an incomparable taste (according to Dima). The most popular are Brussels and Liege. Brussels waffles are soft and airy. They are delicious both without filling and with it. They are typically served with whipped cream, fruit, chocolate, ice cream or dusted with powdered sugar. Liege ones are denser and quite filling. Like Brussels sprouts, they can be eaten on their own or sweetened a little with fillers.

Belgian chocolate

And finally, the love of all women and children is chocolate. Belgian chocolate is famous throughout the world and is famous for its quality, as it does not contain artificial additives or preservatives. In Belgium, there are chocolate boutiques at every turn, tourists take kilograms of the sweet drug home, and Brussels airport has become the world leader in the sale of brown gold.

Popular boutiques: Neuhaus, Leonidas, Godiva, Galler, Wittamer, Mary, Corne and Marcolini.

I definitely recommend trying this local delicacy, or even better, going on an excursion to the museum. We've been to and from Bruges. In addition to the interesting exhibition, guests are given a master class on making filled sweets.