What are the coordinates of Cairo? Geographic coordinates: Cairo, Egypt. Determining latitude, longitude by address in Egypt

Egypt, Cairo

On this page you can find out the geographic coordinates of Cairo (Egypt) in all existing formats: in decimal degrees, in degrees and decimal minutes, in degrees, minutes and seconds. This information will be useful for travelers, sailors, tourists, pupils and students, teachers and educators, and for all other people who, for some reason, need to know the geographical coordinates of Cairo.

So, below are the geographical coordinates of Cairo in different formats, as well as the altitude of Cairo above sea level.

Cairo city

Coordinates of Cairo in decimal degrees

Latitude: 30.0626300°
Longitude: 31.2496700°

Coordinates of Cairo in degrees and decimal minutes

30° 3.758′ N
31° 14.98′ E

Coordinates of Cairo in degrees, minutes and seconds

Latitude: N30°3"45.47"
Longitude: E31°14"58.81"
The height of Cairo above sea level is 23 m.

About the coordinate system

All coordinates on this site are given in the world coordinate system WGS 84. WGS 84 (English World Geodetic System 1984) is a worldwide system of geodetic parameters of the Earth in 1984, which includes a system of geocentric coordinates. Unlike local systems, WGS 84 is a single system for the entire planet. The predecessors of WGS 84 were the WGS 72, WGS 66 and WGS 60 systems. WGS 84 determines coordinates relative to the Earth’s center of mass, the error is less than 2 cm. In WGS 84, the prime meridian is considered to be the Reference meridian, passing at 5.31″ ​​(~ 100 m) to east of the Greenwich meridian. The basis is an ellipsoid with a larger radius - 6,378,137 m (equatorial) and a smaller radius - 6,356,752.3142 m (polar). The practical implementation is identical to the ITRF reference basis. WGS 84 is used in the GPS global positioning and navigation satellite system.

Coordinates (latitude and longitude) determine the position of a point on the Earth's surface. The coordinates are angular values. The canonical form of representing coordinates is degrees (°), minutes (′) and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use the representation of coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes or in decimal degrees. Latitude takes values ​​from −90° to 90°. 0° – latitude of the equator; −90° – latitude of the South Pole; 90° – latitude of the North Pole. Positive values ​​correspond to northern latitude (points north of the equator, abbreviated N or N); negative – southern latitude (points south of the equator, abbreviated as S or S). Longitude is measured from the prime meridian (IERS Reference Meridian in the WGS 84 system) and takes values ​​from −180° to 180°. Positive values ​​correspond to east longitude (abbreviated as E or E); negative – western longitude (abbreviated as W or W).

On what continent is the city of Cairo located? What are the features of its geographical location? What are the coordinates of Cairo? You will definitely find the answers to all these questions in the article.

Ancient Cairo: portrait of the city

Cairo - ancient city. It was founded back in the 10th century. Today it is an important economic, cultural and tourist center of Africa.

The capital of Egypt is a noisy, crowded and incredibly contrasting metropolis, with all the ensuing advantages and disadvantages. It houses skyscrapers and ancient bell towers, archaic minarets and neon-lit streets side by side. Cairo is a city of hundreds of mosques and thousands of smells. It is here that the only one of the Seven Wonders of the World - the Pyramids of Giza - has been preserved.

But you shouldn’t think that modern Cairo lives only on tourism. Not at all! The military, cement and printing industries, and non-ferrous metallurgy are developed here. The city produces furniture, shoes and textiles. Moreover, in Cairo there is a modern scientific complex “Smart Village” similar to the famous Silicon Valley in USA.

About 8 million people live in Cairo today. But the number of residents within the so-called Cairo agglomeration reaches 18 million! It is interesting that Cairo received the status of a millionaire city at the beginning of the twentieth century.

In what part of the world is this unique metropolis located? What are the coordinates of Cairo? We will talk about this further.

Cairo city: and longitude)

The ancient metropolis is located in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres, on the northeastern edge of the “dark continent”. It is approximately equally distant from both Red and Mediterranean Sea.

The total area of ​​the city is 518 square kilometers. Average height above sea level: 75 meters. Time zone: UTC+2 (time difference with Moscow - 1 hour).

Distances between Cairo and others major cities world (in kilometers):

  • Cairo - Moscow: 2,900 km.
  • To Kyiv - 2,270 km.
  • Cairo - Beijing: 7,540 km.
  • London is 3,510 km away.
  • Cairo - Paris: 3,210 km.
  • Istanbul is 1,240 km away.

Features of the geographical location

Cairo grew up on both banks of the Nile, one hundred and fifty kilometers from the Mediterranean coast. The historical, old part of the city is located on the right bank of the river. It is characterized by chaotic apartment buildings and an abundance of narrow winding streets. The left bank of the Nile is dominated by more modern buildings, as well as government buildings.

The city is located on the border of tropical and subtropical climate zones. It is warm here in winter and incredibly hot in summer. Temperatures in June-July often rise to +40 degrees. Only 25 mm of precipitation falls here per year, which gives the right to call Cairo the driest metropolis on the planet.

The modern city is rapidly growing in a western direction, capturing and absorbing more and more agricultural land. Within the boundaries of a metropolis - quiet and cozy island Zamalek, where luxury villas are concentrated, best hotels cities, numerous embassies and offices of foreign companies.


The largest city in Africa and the capital of Egypt stands on both banks of the Nile, close to where the majestic river forms a vast delta. Cairo coordinates: 30° 3' north latitude and 31° 14' east longitude.


Online service for determining geographic coordinates on a map of Egypt. Convenient search GPS coordinates (latitude, longitude) for an address in Egypt, determining the location by coordinates on a Google Maps map of a city, street, house, object + calculator - calculate the distance between two points

Determining latitude, longitude by address in Egypt

  • country - Egypt
  • continent - Asia
  • capital - Cairo
  • neighboring countries - Israel, Libya, Sudan

Enter known information into the search window (by default Cairo): city, street, house number, object in Egypt. After activating the search, online latitude and longitude will be determined on the ground. In order to clarify the data, you need to move the marker to the search point, go to the Google Maps satellite diagram (Sputnik), change the scale to find the borders of the state

Major cities of the country - Cairo, Alexandria, Suez, Giza, Shubra El-Kheima, Port Said

Search by known parameters. For example, enter my GPS coordinates into the search window now. Example 30.0499,31.2486 - latitude and longitude of the capital of the state, Cairo

How to find a place by latitude and longitude?

Find on interactive map Egypt required region (city, place, street, house, road, geographical feature). Move the marker with the mouse. To clarify the location of the marker, use scaling (+ /-), change the type of diagram (map with objects or satellite). The service also works on mobile devices Android, iOS, etc.

Cairo coordinates - 30.0499,31.2486

Online calculator - calculation of distances between two points by coordinates

Using the proposed distance calculator and the geographic coordinates of two points (city, house, street...), you can calculate the distance between them (in km, m, miles, nautical miles)

During the search we get GPS coordinates by location address as decimal degrees. Sometimes it is necessary to obtain information in a similar format - degrees, minutes and seconds

Example: 48.85837,2.294481 (Eiffel Tower in Paris)
We use the decimal part of the latitude 48.85837 with a dot in front.85837 × 60 (multiply by 60) we get in g° min’: 48°51.502′
Next, take the decimal part of the minutes.502×60 and find the seconds. We get: 48°51’30.1″

48°51.502′ – 2°17.669′ (gr° min’)
48°51’30.1″ — 2°17’40.1″ (gr° min’ sec)

Airports in the country: Cairo, Hurghada, Luxor

On what continent is the city of Cairo located? What are the features of its geographical location? What are the coordinates of Cairo? You will definitely find the answers to all these questions in the article.

Ancient Cairo: portrait of the city

Cairo is the oldest city. It was founded back in the 10th century. Today it is an important economic, cultural and tourist center of Africa.

The capital of Egypt is a noisy, crowded and incredibly contrasting metropolis, with all the ensuing advantages and disadvantages. It houses skyscrapers and ancient bell towers, archaic minarets and neon-lit streets side by side. Cairo is a city of hundreds of mosques and thousands of smells. It is here that the only one of the Seven Wonders of the World - the Pyramids of Giza - has been preserved.

But you shouldn’t think that modern Cairo lives only on tourism. Not at all! The military, cement and printing industries, and non-ferrous metallurgy are developed here. The city produces furniture, shoes and textiles. Moreover, in Cairo there is a modern scientific complex “Smart Village” similar to the famous Silicon Valley in the USA.

About 8 million people live in Cairo today. But the number of residents within the so-called Cairo agglomeration reaches 18 million! It is interesting that Cairo received the status of a millionaire city at the beginning of the twentieth century.

In what part of the world is this unique metropolis located? What are the coordinates of Cairo? We will talk about this further.

Cairo city: and longitude)

The ancient metropolis is located in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres, on the northeastern edge of the “dark continent”. It is approximately equally distant from both the Red and Mediterranean Seas.

The total area of ​​the city is 518 square kilometers. Average altitude above sea level: 75 meters. Time zone: UTC+2 (time difference with Moscow - 1 hour).

Distances between Cairo and other major cities in the world (in kilometers):

  • Cairo - Moscow: 2,900 km.
  • To Kyiv - 2,270 km.
  • Cairo - Beijing: 7,540 km.
  • London is 3,510 km away.
  • Cairo - Paris: 3,210 km.
  • Istanbul is 1,240 km away.

Features of the geographical location

Cairo grew up on both banks of the Nile, one hundred and fifty kilometers from the Mediterranean coast. The historical, old part of the city is located on the right bank of the river. It is characterized by chaotic apartment buildings and an abundance of narrow winding streets. The left bank of the Nile is dominated by more modern buildings, as well as government buildings.

The city is located on the border of tropical and subtropical climate zones. It is warm here in winter and incredibly hot in summer. Temperatures in June-July often rise to +40 degrees. Only 25 mm of precipitation falls here per year, which gives the right to call Cairo the driest metropolis on the planet.

The modern city is rapidly growing in a western direction, capturing and absorbing more and more agricultural land. Within the boundaries of the metropolis is the quiet and cozy island of Zamalek, where luxury villas, the best hotels in the city, numerous embassies and offices of foreign companies are concentrated.


The largest city in Africa and the capital of Egypt stands on both banks of the Nile, close to where the majestic river forms a vast delta. Cairo coordinates: 30° 3' north latitude and 31° 14' east longitude.

Latitude: 30°03′45″ N
Longitude: 31°14′58″E
Height above sea level: 23 m

Coordinates of Cairo in decimal degrees

Latitude: 30.0626300°
Longitude: 31.2496700°

Coordinates of Cairo in degrees and decimal minutes

Latitude: 30°3.7578′N
Longitude: 31°14.9802′E

All coordinates are given in the WGS 84 world coordinate system.
WGS 84 is used in the GPS global positioning and navigation satellite system.
Coordinates (latitude and longitude) determine the position of a point on the Earth's surface. The coordinates are angular values. The canonical form of representing coordinates is degrees (°), minutes (′) and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use the representation of coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes or in decimal degrees.
Latitude takes values ​​from −90° to 90°. 0° - latitude of the equator; −90° - latitude of the South Pole; 90° - latitude of the North Pole. Positive values ​​correspond to northern latitude (points north of the equator, abbreviated N or N); negative - southern latitude (points south of the equator, abbreviated as S or S).
Longitude is measured from the prime meridian (IERS Reference Meridian in the WGS 84 system) and takes values ​​from −180° to 180°. Positive values ​​correspond to east longitude (abbreviated as E or E); negative - western longitude (abbreviated as W or W).
Height above sea level shows the height of a point relative to conventional sea level. We use a digital elevation model