Where is Silicon Valley in which country. What is Silicon Valley and where is it located? History of Silicon Valley. Let's try to quickly understand what Silicon Valley is

Now this small region, comparable in area to Moscow, is something like a kind of digital center of the planet, literally spewing endless streams of various innovations.

It is clear that such a high level of activity has generated incredible interest in this free economic zone - and not only interest. Each more or less developed state considered it its sacred duty to create the same Silicon Valley, only with its own unique name. This is how it came about:

  • Alatau IT City in Kazakhstan;
  • “Medicon Valley” is already Denmark and Sweden;
  • "Sophia Antipolis" in France;
  • Technopolis Tsukuba in Japan;
  • Skolkovo in Russia - however, until this place is included in the internationally recognized list of innovative "fields";
  • Hi-Tech Park in Belarus and so on.

What is Silicon Valley famous for?

Strictly speaking, new technologies are developing all over the world, even in China and India. And this fact generates a lot of interesting news in science, telecommunications, in the field of research of the atomic nucleus and many others. Yeah why not? After all, even now there is a Luna Park in any self-respecting major city in the world. And if we talk about the numerous McDonald's and similar brands, then they, as they say, do not count the numbers.

But still, only in America is there such a place where information technology, software development, the creation of the latest computer components (especially microprocessors), various kinds of smartphones, the latest biotechnology and all other smart things, sometimes inaccessible to the understanding of ordinary people on both sides, are literally flourishing. ocean.

In other words, Silicon (more correctly, US Silicon Valley [from silicon - ed.]) is a place where many smart people sit who do not spare their lives for the development of innovative technologies.

But until recently, this place on the map was the most common and did not differ in anything particularly interesting from many other places in the States - well, except that it is still California with its famous history and eras like the time of the development of the Wild West and the Gold Rush. And then one fine day (figuratively speaking, of course) everything changed, as if at the behest of some great magician and sorcerer, in comparison with which Harry Houdini, aka Eric Weiss, is like an aspiring artisan next to a great Master.

And now the US Silicon Valley is a true world center for the development of all innovative technologies.

Now, when there is a clear interest of the reader, let's reveal the secret of the location of the famous place. If we believe Wikipedia, and not trust it, we have no reason in this case, then "Silicon Valley" is the southwestern part of a certain. There are a huge number of high-tech enterprises that create computers, microprocessors and other complex things. But most importantly, the most advanced technologies in the world are created here.

The valley is formed by as many as three dozen cities, which house the most famous companies like Apple, Google, Maxtor, Adobe Systems and others. Well, there is no more mystery, and our reader knows perfectly well where this amazing place is located.

Working in Silicon Valley is the dream of an advanced student and an ambitious scientist

A student is a person who receives education in one of the educational institutions. Students are nominal (only registered - their age is short, their career is fleeting) and classical, striving to gain as much knowledge as possible during their studies and, if possible, after graduation, take some prestigious position in one of the reputable, respected companies, preferably foreign ones.

Working in one of the Silicon Valley companies is just for such young guys, full of enthusiasm and ambitions. Many young scientists, graduate students and other active people also dream of such a job. But - sometimes they doubt very much that they will ever be able to take a coveted vacancy. Maybe because of a banal lack of funds or because of underestimation of their capabilities. After all, we talk all the time about the terrible unemployment in America and the fear of losing a job - so what about our youth?

On the other hand, companies operating in the high-tech world are interested in replenishing their staff with young people who are not afraid of new things, who are ready to learn constantly, and who are able to work in a team.

That is, getting a prestigious job at one of the Silicon Valley enterprises is a reality for any young Russian with brains.

Americans initially and consistently gather minds around the world. And only this explains such a high level of development of the country as a whole. So if you are young and ambitious, if your ambitions are backed by the right knowledge base, you can always count on getting a job in Cupertino or San Jose.

Landmarks of Silicon Valley and the secrets of success

The most important sights of Silicon Valley are its people. This place has become extremely popular in America and around the world due to the powerful abundance of brains and money that feeds them. After all, this is clear - if a highly qualified specialist is well paid, he will be able to create such technologies that even Einstein will kindly envy.

And the secret of the success of this fabulous realm of high technology lies in the complete absence of fear and indecision.

Because in Silicon Valley they are not afraid:

  • seem crazy and crazy, promoting the most incredible ideas - they often turn out to be right;
  • competition, struggle of minds and capitals;
  • risks, including financial ones when investing money in new developments - venture capital companies flourish here;
  • struggle of innovation with inertia and conservatism.

They always work here - Monday starts on Saturday. And - everyone is full of justified optimism and hopes.

Fifty kilometers long and sixteen wide, such territory is occupied by the “brain” of the world information and technical organism. We could not ignore this "hot" spot, and today the editors have prepared a material for the 45th anniversary of the existence of Silicon Valley.

Silicon Valley - literally translated from English means "silicon valley". In the Russian-speaking information space, the concept of “Silicon Valley” is often used. This is associated with an erroneous translation of the words “silicon” and “silicone”. In English, they are similar in sound, but different in spelling: silicone (silicone), silicon (silicon). Although native English speakers themselves occasionally make such a mistake, which once provoked the founder of Gibson Laboratories, Steve Gibbs, to criticize in one of the articles in the Infoworld magazine. Gibbs subtly pointed out that Silicon Valley is the view that many female Hollywood stars see when they're trying to get their feet under their feet, and Silicon is the point in Northern California where chips are made. The term was first used on January 11, 1971, when journalist Don Hefler published a series of publications called "Silicon Valley USA".

Silicon Valley is devoid of clear cartographic designations and has rather abstract cordons. Located in the California state of the San Francisco Peninsula, it is part of the Santa Clara Valley, stretching 40 kilometers from San Jose to Palo Alto, and occupying 30 settlements. Before the emergence of technological enterprises there, this area was famous for growing plums and producing prunes. As a technological center, this area has established itself due to the large concentration of US Navy aircraft facilities. The growth of technology companies that maintained the infrastructure of air bases created a need for expansion.

The formation of Silicon Valley is associated with certain prerequisites. The fact is that after the Second World War, Stanford University, which was located in this area, had financial difficulties and the only way out was the proceeds from the surrender of vacant land. Professor Frederick Terman put forward the idea of ​​creating a technology park for companies in need of an office and qualified specialists. Thus, the university solved several problems at once. There was money to finance student education and jobs for graduates. Thus, the “brain drain” was eliminated. Professor Terman played another key role in the history of Silicon Valley. He became the inspiration for alumni William Hewlitt and David Packard, who founded an enterprise on the territory of their Alma mater, which grew into a giant in the IT industry.

William Bradforth Shockley is a man who has become one of the main coordinates of the development of Silicon Valley. Arriving in California, Shockley founded a company to develop a new generation of transistors, involving the replacement of such an element as germanium with a more economical and high-temperature resistant semiconductor material - silicon. William Shockley brought together high-class young professionals in his team, but due to his complex nature, many left the company. In 1958, eight engineers did so when they left Shockley. They founded their own corporation, which later became the market leader in the production of silicon microcircuits.

If Silicon Valley were a separate state, it would rank eighth in the world economy with a GDP of $2.3 trillion. It was in it that such brand companies were founded as: dictating fashion in the world of gadgets Apple, electronic device manufacturer Intel, software developer Oracle, top eBay auction, popular search engines google and yahoo! The developed innovation environment even attracts brands that were created outside the valley, such as Microsoft, Netscape, Fujitsu, PayPal and many others. In total, more than 7 thousand companies are registered in Silicon Valley, providing jobs for 25% of the population of this state.

Silicon Valley is the mecca of information technology. Abundance of minds, bringing in huge amounts of money. Here they are not afraid to take risks and seem stupid, promoting crazy ideas. Here the evolution of mankind is represented by digital technologies.

In the state of California in the northwest of Santa Clara County is the cradle of the information revolution (the information technology pole of the Earth) - Silicon (Silicon) Valley- the world's first scientific and technological zone, the largest high-tech technopolis on the planet. Technopolis was created in the 50s to the southeast of San Francisco and stretches for 40 km from Palo Alto to San Jose (about 1 million inhabitants) - the administrative center of the district and the "capital" of the Valley. The name comes from silicon, which formed the basis for the mass production of semiconductors. The common English name for the Valley is “silicon valley”, which is not quite an accurate translation from the Latin name for silicon (Silicium).

Fragment of the territory of Silicon Valley

Snapshot from the Internet

1909 is considered a landmark year, when the rector of Stanford University made a fateful investment of $ 500 in the development of the first amplifiers based on a vacuum triode. Audio amplifiers developed on this basis were used for intercontinental telephone communication equipment.

In 1931, a Russian inventor working in America, Vladimir Zworykin, created the first image-transmitting electron tube. After the improvement of the electronic fluorescent lamp in the mid-30s by a Stanford graduate, the era of television began.

In 1937, a Stanford graduate created a sine wave generator. In a famous Palo Alto garage, his collaboration with a colleague led to the creation of Hewlett-Packard (named after the founders) with an initial start-up capital of $538. Today, the now famous company employs 350 thousand people, and capitalization exceeds $130 billion. HP has become one of the world leaders in the field of computer technology.

Stanford Laboratories created an electrovacuum device that allows radar installations to see beyond the horizon. As a result, during World War II, British radars intercepted German bombers on approach to Foggy Albion.

The year of birth of Silicon Valley (The Stanford Industrial Park) was 1951, when the idea of ​​the dean of the Faculty of Engineering, a professor of electrical engineering at Stanford, to lease a plot of land to companies specializing in high-tech developments, was realized. At the same time, students were encouraged to work for firms registered in the technopark or to open their own business. And if before that the Valley was famous for its harvests of plums, apricots and cherries, then a fruit-bearing man-made tree appeared in the university technopark, grown on the soil of university science and venture capital (risk) capital. The first significant fruit opened the era of the electronic (semiconductor) industry based on the invention of the transistor.

When the first computing machine was created in the USA, it was not only huge, but also required a large number of unreliable vacuum tubes. And their alternative was also created in Silicon Valley, where the crystalline triode was invented - a semiconductor transistor. The era of microelectronics began, using a common natural element - silicon. This technological revolution led to the mass production of cheap microcircuits.
Subsequently, the integrated electronics company Intel was formed, introducing the first $490 microprocessor to the market in 1971. Over the next decade, its value dropped to $8.

The mass production of semiconductor integrated circuit chips created the prerequisites for the next technological revolution - the creation of a computer on a chip. Silicon Valley has become a computer empire. Microprocessors, according to Moore's law, every two years increased the number of digital logical operations per second to millions and billions. And although the limits of growth are not far off, new nanotechnologies are coming to replace them.

In the 1950s, the General Electric Company, the Lockheed Corporation settled in the Valley and the IBM Research Center (1952), NASA (1958), and later Xerox (1970) were established. IBM and Xerox, headquartered in New York and Connecticut, have established research and development centers in the Valley. Representative office in the Valley has Microsoft Corporation, whose headquarters is located in the suburbs of Seattle.

The giant of the American military-industrial complex, the Lockheed Corporation, built a facility here in the 1950s, where a new, microelectronic-based weapon, space rockets, was developed. The presence of qualified personnel, the significant potential of the defense industry, the unique weather conditions for testing aviation and space technology, and the strategically important geopolitical position of California contributed to the development of the military-industrial complex research center here. In the future, the line between the military and civilian sectors of the economy is significantly blurred. In the mid-1980s, Silicon Valley firms produced about one-third of the world's production of microprocessors (or, in English, chips), based on silicon crystals. Microsystems for computers are made of flint (in Latin - silicone). Hence the name of the technopolis, which has become typical for other similar computer production centers - "Silicon Beach" (Santa Barbara), "Silicon Forest" (Portland), etc.

American, Western European, Japanese, South Korean and other firms are represented in Silicon Valley. Reduction of taxes on export and re-export components contributed to international cooperation. Much of the assembly and other work in microelectronics is located in newly industrialized countries with preferential treatment for foreign investment and relatively low wages. The share of duty-free re-import of semiconductors from Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Philippines, Mexico and other countries reached 80% by 1985.

The basis for the development of the technopolis is the multibillion-dollar funding of research and project programs from the state and private capital, and the tax policy in relation to the development of microelectronics. At all levels of taxation (federal, state, county and county), the electronics industry has significant advantages. Taxes are reduced by 20-25% if capital is invested in scientific and design development. The state provides training for electronic engineers, development of the infrastructure of the territory, which is leased.

The technopolis is managed by a group of Santa Clara entrepreneurs (manufacturers) founded in 1978, which includes the heads of the largest firms. The entrepreneurial lobby determines the development strategy of the region, controls the policy in the field of housing construction, employment and taxes, the conditions for leasing land and transport communications, education, healthcare and the state of the natural environment.

The modern Silicon Valley has expanded beyond its original boundaries. There are 30 cities and 5 universities in the Valley, among which Stanford remains the star of the first magnitude. Silicon Valley has become the world's cradle of high technology. In the Valley, which occupies an area of ​​about 4 thousand square meters. km, 2.5 million people live, of which 1/3 was born outside the United States, 45% have higher education. In the computer industry, where 70% of employees are men, on average, each employee brings the company up to $200,000 in gross income. Unlike most foreign technopolises, the Silicon Valley industry has no preferences. However, the unique combination of programmers and engineers with experienced managers and venture capital and "brain hunters" has a high effect. The level of capitalization of the largest companies in the Valley exceeds $100 billion.

"Geopolitics of the Superpowers"

If the state of California were a separate state, then, undoubtedly, it would become one of the most prosperous in the world. This is the birthplace of the computer revolution, a symbol of scientific and technological progress in the United States. In recent decades, it has repeatedly turned the world in terms of technological developments. An incredible amount of creative minds in a small piece of land makes Silicon Valley a role model in many other countries of the world.

What is Silicon Valley?

Before the region was named, before it became a hub for high-tech companies and corporations, it was a land of dominant gardens. It was called just that - the Valley of Delight of the Heart or "Prunes Capital of the World". Geographically, this place is called the Santa Clara Valley. The production of semiconductors and electronic equipment, namely silicon (translated from English - silicon) was laid here. The very name "Silicon Valley" was proposed by the California entrepreneur Ralph Wurst, and his friend, Don Hoefler, published a series of articles in 1971 called "Silicon Valley USA", in which he told the world about the largest IT companies in California.

How it all began

The idea to create a zone of the latest technologies belongs to Stanford University. In the post-war years, there was no money for the development of the university. There was only land that belonged to the university. And the management of the institution decided to lease this land for a long-term lease to companies that were engaged in innovative developments in the field of technology. And the university itself opened a research center here. Moreover, this decision also influenced the fact that talented graduate students of the university had a job without any problems, and did not leave California in search of employment. The brain drain has been put on hold. So, for example, former Stanford University graduates William Hewlett and David Packard stayed to work in Silicon Valley, founding a company that later became a giant in the IT industry. The famous Hewlett-Packard was one of the first in Silicon Valley.

What is Silicon Valley

Investing huge capital in the latest developments was a big risk. But he doesn't justify himself. All costs paid off a thousandfold! Since 1951, in research centers Silicon Valley regularly opened new and new corporations that were engaged in silicon microcircuits. The so-called "Treacherous Eight" appeared, which revolutionized the industry and from which Silicon Valley grew. Already in the 70-0s of the last century, companies and factories of the semiconductor industry firmly settled here. And since the 90s, the latest computer developments and software have become a priority. Discoveries that shook the world made Silicon Valley a real "wonderland".

Who and what is in Silicon Valley

The territory, which is called, is formed by 30 cities in the state of California. It also includes 5 universities in the region and about seven thousand software and hardware companies. Among those are companies and corporations that are well known to everyone: Adobe Systems, Apple Inc., Google, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Nintendo, Symantec, Yahoo and others. Many IT corporations, although they are not directly related to Silicon Valley, they have their own representative offices there, for example, Microsoft, PayPal, Netscape.

Valley of the Millionaires

Did you know that this region of the US has the highest number of millionaires? Thanks to computer developments and inventions, incredible money is earned here. That's why Silicon Valley is also called Valley of millionaires. The average annual salary of a simple programmer is about $108,000. Here are good specialists and they are trying to get a job in Silicon Valley.

What is success?

So what is the secret of unprecedented success? Why has she become so popular? Maybe money? Or maybe brains? Probably both together. They are not afraid to take risks and invest in innovations. Here they are not afraid to invent and implement something crazy. Here everyone trusts each other, and many rivals cooperate. Here no one pays attention to what color your skin is and what your religion is. There is a constant struggle of intellects going on here. Here everyone has the right to make a mistake and is not afraid to make a mistake, which is the most important thing. Workaholics and, in a good way, crazy people work here. Everyone here believes in high technology and the digital future. Moreover, everything here is done for him.

Landmarks of Silicon Valley

It is clear that the capital Silicon Valley called San Jose. If you are in this city, visit the city water park and the Winchester House. The museums of the city abound with a rich cultural heritage. So, for example, you can go to the National Museum in the fortress of Bella Vista. Not only art objects are located here, but also a number of historical documents, artifacts that will tell about the history and culture of San Jose. Unusual is the Jade Museum, which exhibits crafts and jewelry made of jade and precious metals, as well as the Gold Museum with a collection of jewelry and precious artifacts.

In general, the region has a lot of attractions that can satisfy the taste of the traveler: parks, gardens, arboretums, wineries and vineyards. Near Silicon Valley are two famous wine regions of the state - Sonoma and Napa. By visiting the wineries, you will not only learn how fragrant sweet wine is made, but you will also be able to taste it and buy a couple of bottles as a gift to your loved ones. Of course, it is worth going to or

Being in Silicon Valley, you can get into the offices of giant companies for free, meet the same Mark Zuckerberg on the street, visit the favorite cafe of investors and entrepreneurs Coupa Café in Palo Alto or the place where startups like to gather Café Venetia, look into the house-museum of Steve Jobs. Visit the campus of Stanford University, the university courtyard, where the names of famous alumni are written on the walls, and, in the end, just take pictures against the backdrop of the famous IT offices. And although there is no ancient heritage, fanciful buildings and monuments, there are people here, both ordinary and not so. Also, try to find a job. And never leave Silicon Valley!

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About the life of a business development manager for Apps4All in the USA, a dispute of a philological nature ensued in the editors of the site. Journalists and employees of other departments broke a lot of spears, discussing how to correctly call in Russian a place near San Francisco, where many offices of various IT companies (in the original Silicon Valley) are located - Silicon Valley or Silicon Valley. This question affected us so much that we asked some Russian-speaking IT specialists what they called this place, and then turned to translators and philologists for advice.

Let's start with why the controversy arose. As you know, Silicon Valley in Russia is very often called Silicon Valley - in any case, in colloquial speech, this option almost dominates. In addition, in the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences (edited by Vladimir Vladimirovich Lopatin, Doctor of Philology, Chief Researcher at the Institute of the Russian Language named after V. V. Vinogradov, Russian Academy of Sciences), we found the form: "Silicon Valley (in California)". Another argument in favor of the "Silicone" version came from the mouth of the speaker, who participated in the preparation of the controversial material. According to Natalia Krivenko, Russian-speaking IT specialists (including those living in the United States) use this particular form in their speech. However, if we consider the literal translation of the Silicon Valley design, then it turns out that it is not Silicon, but Silicon. To sort out this confusion, we first decided to contact the IT community and find out which form is more common among its representatives and, in their opinion, more correct.

"I very rarely use the term Silicon Valley, so I don't have any particular preferences. I've met all three options - English and two Russians - and used all three options myself. As far as I know, no one insists on one or another version as the only correct "In general, in the IT environment, anglicisms are a common thing, and any Russian version will rather cut the ear. Outside the industry, in the usual language, of course, Russian versions are preferred. In the context of a conversation, Silicon Valley can generally be called simply "Valley", and that's all it will be clear what is at stake," he said. Senior Product Manager, Software Development Department company Pavel Kandikov.

"Silicon Valley would still be more correct, because silicon is silicon, historical significance. But among IT people and residents of that space in the Russian-speaking environment they say "Silicon Valley", they simply transliterate the English name without translating the meaning. Slightly narrowing the boundaries, they can say Bay Area, but it is not translated in Russian and is pronounced the same way - Bay area (there are many more geographical names south of San Francisco, but these are particulars), - said Boris Shcherbakov, head of Russia.

And what will philologists and translators say?

"The correct option, of course, is Silicon Valley, confusion arose due to the similarity of paronyms, silicon and silicone are confused even in the source language. In fact, modern dictionaries record both versions of the name," says Olga Severskaya, candidate of philological sciences, leading researcher at IRL RAS . In the original language, the name Silicon Valley USA was first used on January 11, 1971 - then journalist Don Hefler began publishing his eponymous series of articles. In the United States, there is also a conditional Silicon Valley - this is the informal name for the San Fernando Valley (also known as "pornovalley"). Silicon Valley was once called Silicon Valley in 2009 by then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, but after a visit there in 2010, he corrected himself and urged to call the valley Silicon Valley in Russian. "For the Americans, there is no difference, but we have nuances," Medvedev said at the time. "Professional translators also talk about the fallacy of the name "Silicon Valley," adds Olga Severskaya.

"There are two valleys in California: Silicon Valley and Silicone Valley. The difference is only one vowel, but the translation is different: in the first case - "Silicon Valley", and in the second - "Silicon Valley". Silicon Valley is named after silicon, a chemical an element used in the production of microchips.It is in Silicon Valley that the largest IT companies have their offices.But Silicon Valley really got its name from silicone, which is used in plastic surgery.It is located in southern California.In Russia, these two names are often confused. The translation of "Silicon Valley" has already taken root so much that it even got into some dictionaries, and in the Russian-speaking environment it is often not corrected, "said Alexander Vikhrev, head of the quality control department of the professional online translation service (the service was created by the company).

According to the candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of general and Russian linguistics Levon Saakyan, in order to understand why the form "Silicon Valley" is the norm in Russian, it is worth referring to the meaning of the words: silicone - polymer, silicon - crystal, the material that is used in the creation computers and microchips. "The name Silicon Valley - more precisely, to be honest, I'm surprised that the variant "Silicon" has appeared, which is used quite often, almost in half of the cases, although silicone has absolutely nothing to do with it. In English, the words "silicon" and "silicone "they differ in only one letter - silicon and silicone, respectively, the reason for the erroneous version is in an inaccurate translation," Levon Sahakyan confirms the previous version. As the expert noted, it would be interesting to follow the publications in industry publications and establish when exactly the erroneous version appeared and why it spread so much. For example, Grigory Gromov, a well-known Russian researcher of trends in the development of the IT industry, used only the "Silicon Valley" form in his books in the 80s of the last century, Levon Sahakyan noted.

"Silicon Valley is the correct option. Silicon Valley is wrong, this is another word in English. In the 80s, in the Soviet scientific literature, competent editors used only the "Silicon" option, but then the era of chaos came. In addition, the whole world learned about silicone parts bodies and silicone, and since the sound of the first part of the name Silicon valley, of course, is more like the word "silicon" than the word "silicon", and competent editors are slightly washed out of the system, the name "Silicon Valley" in Russian has taken root. to such an extent that even competent editors put up with it for a long time, because “it’s easier to agree than to explain.” But then something clicked, and light was shed on part of the media, including federal ones, they began to speak and write more and more often “Silicon” Which is correct. In colloquial speech, meanwhile, both options can coexist. Russian-speaking people who speak English (including those very IT specialists), speaking in Russian, quite likely use the name "Silicon Valley", since they are contaminated with the English language. Moreover, native English speakers are also capable of making the same mistake and saying/writing "Silicone Valley". However, this is a mistake," agrees Inna Titova, candidate of philological sciences.

However, not all philologists adhere to the same point of view (as, however, it often happens in any section of any science). "In itself, this well-known linguistic case is easily explained. In English, for silicone and silicon, there are almost identically written and sounding words - silicone and silicon, respectively. And even the "carriers" themselves in the case of the valley sometimes make this, if strictly defined, mistake. What can we say about our Russian-speaking perception... I suspect that initially the whole phrase was felt as something practically inseparable and, perhaps, metaphorical. Moreover, of the two options - Silicon Valley and Silicon Valley - the mass consciousness could prefer the second precisely because of its "inaccuracy" and some, excuse me, "poetry," commented the candidate of philological Sciences, Associate Professor Vladimir Losev (literary editor at a Moscow publishing house, author of dozens of educational, methodological, scientific and popular science works).

In addition, a word with a mid-stress and a "normal" distribution of vowels and consonants is easier to pronounce than a word in which four unstressed syllables are followed by a stressed syllable and, in addition, oversaturated vowels at the end, the expert argues.

"And even if all of the above is just an unbridled fantasy of a linguist, the fact remains: numerous dictionaries (and this "cart" never gets ahead of the "horse") have fixed the "silicone" option as at least one of two equal options for designating the corresponding place / phenomenon Known for their linguistic orthodoxy, IT people may continue to repeat the error, but in today's reality it's like saying that the wind is blowing in the wrong direction," sums up Vladimir Losev.