How do ebbs and flows occur in the sea. Sea tides. How tides affect marine life

Ebbs and flows are called periodic increases and decreases in water levels in the oceans and seas. Twice during the day, with an interval of about 12 hours and 25 minutes, the water near the shore of the ocean or open sea rises and, if there are no obstacles, sometimes floods large spaces - this is the tide. Then the water drops and recedes, exposing the bottom - this is low tide. Why is this happening? Even ancient people thought about this, and they noticed that these phenomena are associated with the Moon. I. Newton was the first to point out the main reason for the ebb and flow of the tides - this is the attraction of the Earth by the Moon, or rather, the difference between the attraction of the Moon to the entire Earth as a whole and its water shell.

Explanation of the ebb and flow of tides by Newton's theory

The attraction of the Earth by the Moon consists of the attraction of individual particles of the Earth by the Moon. Particles that are currently closer to the Moon are attracted by it more strongly, while particles that are more distant are attracted less. If the Earth were absolutely solid, then this difference in the force of gravity would not play any role. But the Earth is not an absolutely solid body, therefore the difference in the attractive forces of particles located near the surface of the Earth and near its center (this difference is called the tidal force) displaces the particles relative to each other, and the Earth, primarily its water shell, is deformed.

As a result, on the side facing the Moon and on the opposite side, water rises, forming tidal ridges, and excess water accumulates there. Due to this, the water level in other opposite points of the Earth decreases at this time - low tide occurs here.

If the Earth did not rotate and the Moon remained motionless, then the Earth, together with its watery shell, would always maintain the same elongated shape. But the Earth rotates, and the Moon moves around the Earth in about 24 hours and 50 minutes. With the same period, tidal peaks follow the Moon and move along the surface of the oceans and seas from east to west. Since there are two such projections, a tidal wave passes over each point in the ocean twice a day with an interval of about 12 hours and 25 minutes.

Why is the height of the tidal wave different?

In the open ocean, the water rises slightly when a tidal wave passes: about 1 m or less, which remains practically unnoticeable to sailors. But off the coast, even such a rise in water level is noticeable. In bays and narrow bays, the water level rises much higher during high tides, since the shore prevents the movement of the tidal wave and water accumulates here during the entire time between low tide and high tide.

The highest tide (about 18 m) is observed in one of the bays on the coast in Canada. In Russia, the highest tides (13 m) occur in the Gizhiginskaya and Penzhinskaya bays of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. In the inland seas (for example, in the Baltic or Black), the ebb and flow of the tides are almost imperceptible, because masses of water moving along with the ocean tidal wave do not have time to penetrate into such seas. But still, in every sea or even lake, independent tidal waves with a small mass of water arise. For example, the height of tides in the Black Sea reaches only 10 cm.

In the same area, the height of the tide can be different, since the distance from the Moon to the Earth and the maximum height of the Moon above the horizon change over time, and this leads to a change in the magnitude of tidal forces.

Tides and Sun

The sun also affects the tides. But the tidal forces of the Sun are 2.2 times less than the tidal forces of the Moon. During the new moon and full moon, the tidal forces of the Sun and Moon act in the same direction - then the highest tides are obtained. But during the first and third quarters of the Moon, the tidal forces of the Sun and Moon oppose each other, so the tides are smaller.

Tides in the air shell of the Earth and in its solid body

Tidal phenomena occur not only in the water, but also in the air shell of the Earth. They are called atmospheric tides. Tides also occur in the solid body of the Earth, since the Earth is not absolutely solid. Vertical fluctuations of the Earth's surface due to tides reach several tens of centimeters.

Ebbs and flows are called periodic increases and decreases in water levels in the oceans and seas.

Twice during the day, with an interval of about 12 hours and 25 minutes, the water near the shore of the ocean or open sea rises and, if there are no obstacles, sometimes floods large spaces - this is the tide. Then the water drops and recedes, exposing the bottom - this is low tide. Why is this happening? Even ancient people thought about this, and they noticed that these phenomena are associated with the Moon. I. Newton was the first to point out the main reason for the ebb and flow of the tides - this is the attraction of the Earth by the Moon, or rather, the difference between the attraction of the Moon over the entire Earth as a whole and its water shell.

Explanation of the ebb and flow of tides by Newton's theory

The attraction of the Earth by the Moon consists of the attraction of individual particles of the Earth by the Moon. Particles that are currently closer to the Moon are attracted by it more strongly, while particles that are more distant are attracted less. If the Earth were absolutely solid, then this difference in the force of gravity would not play any role. But the Earth is not an absolutely solid body, therefore the difference in the attractive forces of particles located near the surface of the Earth and near its center (this difference is called the tidal force) displaces the particles relative to each other, and the Earth, primarily its water shell, is deformed.

As a result, on the side facing the Moon and on the opposite side, water rises, forming tidal ridges, and excess water accumulates there. Due to this, the water level in other opposite points of the Earth decreases at this time - low tide occurs here.

If the Earth did not rotate and the Moon remained motionless, then the Earth, together with its watery shell, would always maintain the same elongated shape. But the Earth rotates, and the Moon moves around the Earth in about 24 hours 50 minutes. With the same period, tidal peaks follow the Moon and move along the surface of the oceans and seas from east to west. Since there are two such projections, a tidal wave passes over each point in the ocean twice a day with an interval of about 12 hours and 25 minutes.

Why is the height of the tidal wave different?

In the open ocean, the water rises slightly when a tidal wave passes: about 1 m or less, which remains practically unnoticeable to sailors. But off the coast, even such a rise in water level is noticeable. In bays and narrow bays, the water level rises much higher during high tides, since the shore prevents the movement of the tidal wave and water accumulates here during the entire time between low tide and high tide.

The highest tide (about 18 m) is observed in one of the bays on the coast in Canada. In Russia, the highest tides (13 m) occur in the Gizhiginskaya and Penzhinskaya bays of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. In the inland seas (for example, in the Baltic or Black), the ebb and flow of the tides are almost imperceptible, because masses of water moving along with the ocean tidal wave do not have time to penetrate into such seas. But still, in every sea or even lake, independent tidal waves with a small mass of water arise. For example, the height of tides in the Black Sea reaches only 10 cm.

In the same area, the height of the tide can be different, since the distance from the Moon to the Earth and the maximum height of the Moon above the horizon change over time, and this leads to a change in the magnitude of tidal forces.

Tides and Sun

The sun also affects the tides. But the tidal forces of the Sun are 2.2 times less than the tidal forces of the Moon.

During the new moon and full moon, the tidal forces of the Sun and Moon act in the same direction - then the highest tides are obtained. But during the first and third quarters of the Moon, the tidal forces of the Sun and Moon counteract, so the tides are smaller.

Tides in the air shell of the Earth and in its solid body

Tidal phenomena occur not only in the water, but also in the air shell of the Earth. They are called atmospheric tides. Tides also occur in the solid body of the Earth, since the Earth is not absolutely solid. Vertical fluctuations of the Earth's surface due to tides reach several tens of centimeters.

Practical use of tides

A tidal power plant is a special type of hydroelectric power station that uses the energy of tides, and in fact the kinetic energy of the Earth's rotation. Tidal power plants are built on the shores of seas, where the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun change the water level twice a day. Fluctuations in water levels near the shore can reach 18 meters.

In 1967, a tidal power station was built in France at the mouth of the Rance River.

In Russia, since 1968, an experimental TPP has been operating in Kislaya Bay on the coast of the Barents Sea.

There are PES abroad - in France, Great Britain, Canada, China, India, the USA and other countries.

The content of the article

Ebbs and flows, periodic fluctuations in water levels (rises and falls) in water areas on Earth, which are caused by the gravitational attraction of the Moon and Sun acting on the rotating Earth. All large water areas, including oceans, seas and lakes, are subject to tides to one degree or another, although they are small in lakes.

Reversible waterfall

(reversing direction) is another phenomenon associated with tides in rivers. A typical example is the waterfall on the Saint John River (New Brunswick, Canada). Here, through a narrow gorge, water during high tide penetrates into a basin located above the low water level, but slightly below the high water level in the same gorge. Thus, a barrier arises, flowing through which water forms a waterfall. During low tide, the water flows downstream through a narrowed passage and, overcoming an underwater ledge, forms an ordinary waterfall. During high tide, a steep wave that penetrates the gorge falls like a waterfall into the overlying basin. The backward flow continues until the water levels on both sides of the threshold are equal and the tide begins to ebb. Then the waterfall facing downstream is restored again. The average water level difference in the gorge is approx. 2.7 m, however, at the highest tides, the height of the direct waterfall can exceed 4.8 m, and the reverse one - 3.7 m.

Greatest tidal amplitudes.

The world's highest tide is generated by strong currents in Minas Bay in the Bay of Fundy. Tidal fluctuations here are characterized by a normal course with a semi-diurnal period. The water level at high tide often rises by more than 12 m in six hours, and then drops by the same amount over the next six hours. When the effect of spring tide, the position of the Moon at perigee and the maximum declination of the Moon occur on the same day, the tide level can reach 15 m. This exceptionally large amplitude of tidal fluctuations is partly due to the funnel-shaped shape of the Bay of Fundy, where the depths decrease and the shores move closer together towards top of the bay.

Wind and weather.

Wind has a significant influence on tidal phenomena. The wind from the sea pushes the water towards the coast, the height of the tide increases above normal, and at low tide the water level also exceeds the average. On the contrary, when the wind blows from land, water is driven away from the coast, and sea level drops.

Due to the increase in atmospheric pressure over a vast area of ​​water, the water level decreases, as the superimposed weight of the atmosphere is added. When atmospheric pressure increases by 25 mm Hg. Art., the water level drops by approximately 33 cm. The decrease in atmospheric pressure causes a corresponding increase in the water level. Consequently, a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure combined with hurricane-force winds can cause a noticeable rise in water levels. Such waves, although called tidal, are in fact not associated with the influence of tidal forces and do not have the periodicity characteristic of tidal phenomena. The formation of these waves can be associated either with hurricane force winds or with underwater earthquakes (in the latter case they are called seismic sea waves, or tsunamis).

Using tidal energy.

Four methods have been developed to harness tidal energy, but the most practical is to create a tidal pool system. At the same time, fluctuations in water levels associated with tidal phenomena are used in the lock system so that a level difference is constantly maintained, which allows energy to be generated. The power of tidal power plants directly depends on the area of ​​the trap pools and the potential level difference. The latter factor, in turn, is a function of the amplitude of tidal fluctuations. The achievable level difference is by far the most important for power generation, although the cost of the structures depends on the area of ​​the basins. Currently, large tidal power plants operate in Russia on the Kola Peninsula and in Primorye, in France in the Rance River estuary, in China near Shanghai, as well as in other areas of the globe.

Table: Information on tides in some ports of the world
Port Interval between tides Average tide height, m Height of spring tide, m
h min
m. Morris-Jessep, Greenland, Denmark 10 49 0,12 0,18
Reykjavik, Iceland 4 50 2,77 3,66
R. Koksoak, Hudson Strait, Canada 8 56 7,65 10,19
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada 7 12 0,76 1,04
Barntko, Bay of Fundy, Canada 0 09 12,02 13,51
Portland, USA Maine, USA 11 10 2,71 3,11
Boston, USA Massachusetts, USA 11 16 2,90 3,35
New York, NY New York, USA 8 15 1,34 1,62
Baltimore, pc. Maryland, USA 6 29 0,33 0,40
Miami Beach Florida, USA 7 37 0,76 0,91
Galveston, pc. Texas, USA 5 07 0,30 0,43*
O. Maraca, Brazil 6 00 6,98 9,15
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2 23 0,76 1,07
Callao, Peru 5 36 0,55 0,73
Balboa, Panama 3 05 3,84 5,00
San Francisco California, USA 11 40 1,19 1,74*
Seattle, Washington, USA 4 29 2,32 3,45*
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada 5 00 ... 3,42*
Sitka, Alaska, USA 0 07 2,35 3,02*
Sunrise, Cook Inlet, USA Alaska, USA 6 15 9,24 10,16
Honolulu, pc. Hawaii, USA 3 41 0,37 0,58*
Papeete, about. Tahiti, French Polynesia ... ... 0,24 0,33
Darwin, Australia 5 00 4,39 6,19
Melbourne, Australia 2 10 0,52 0,58
Rangoon, Myanmar 4 26 3,90 4,97
Zanzibar, Tanzania 3 28 2,47 3,63
Cape Town, South Africa 2 55 0,98 1,31
Gibraltar, Vlad. Great Britain 1 27 0,70 0,94
Granville,France 5 45 8,69 12,26
Leath, UK 2 08 3,72 4,91
London, Great Britain 1 18 5,67 6,56
Dover, UK 11 06 4,42 5,67
Avonmouth, UK 6 39 9,48 12,32
Ramsey, Fr. Maine, UK 10 55 5,25 7,17
Oslo, Norway 5 26 0,30 0,33
Hamburg, Germany 4 40 2,23 2,38
* Daily tide amplitude.


Shuleikin V.V. Physics of the sea. M., 1968
Harvey J. Atmosphere and ocean. M., 1982
Drake C., Imbrie J., Knaus J., Turekian K. The ocean is for itself and for us. M., 1982

The water surface level in the seas and oceans of our planet changes periodically and fluctuates in certain intervals. These periodic oscillations are sea ​​tides.

Picture of sea tides

To visualize picture of sea ebbs and flows, imagine that you are standing on the sloping shore of the ocean, in some bay, 200–300 meters from the water. There are many different objects on the sand - an old anchor, a little closer a large pile of white stone. Now, not far away, lies the iron hull of a small boat, fallen on its side. The bottom of its hull in the bow is badly damaged. Obviously, once this ship, being not far from the shore, hit an anchor. This accident occurred, in all likelihood, during low tide, and, apparently, the ship had been lying in this place for many years, since almost its entire hull had become covered with brown rust. You are inclined to consider the careless captain to be the culprit of the ship's accident. Apparently, the anchor was the sharp weapon that the ship that had fallen on its side struck. You are looking for this anchor and cannot find it. Where could he have gone? Then you notice that the water is already approaching a pile of white stones, and then you realize that the anchor you saw has long been flooded by a tidal wave. The water “steps” onto the shore, it continues to rise further and further upward. Now the pile of white stones turned out to be almost all hidden under water.

Phenomena of sea tides

Phenomena of sea tides people have long been associated with the movement of the Moon, but this connection remained a mystery until the brilliant mathematician Isaac Newton did not explain on the basis of the law of gravity he discovered. The cause of these phenomena is the effect of the Moon’s gravity on the Earth’s water shell. Still famous Galileo Galilei connected the ebb and flow of the tides with the rotation of the Earth and saw in this one of the most substantiated and true proofs of the validity of the teachings of Nicolaus Copernicus (more details:). The Paris Academy of Sciences in 1738 announced a prize to the one who would give the most substantiated presentation of the theory of tides. The award was then received Euler, Maclaurin, D. Bernoulli and Cavalieri. The first three took Newton's law of gravitation as the basis for their work, and the Jesuit Cavalieri explained tides based on Descartes' vortex hypothesis. However, the most outstanding works in this area belong to Newton and Laplace, and all subsequent research is based on the findings of these great scientists.

How to explain the phenomenon of ebb and flow

How most clearly explain the phenomenon of ebb and flow. If, for simplicity, we assume that the earth’s surface is completely covered with water, and we look at the globe from one of its poles, then the picture of sea ebbs and flows can be presented as follows.

Lunar attraction

That part of the surface of our planet that faces the Moon is closest to it; as a result, it is exposed to greater force lunar gravity, than, for example, the central part of our planet and, therefore, is pulled towards the Moon more than the rest of the Earth. Because of this, a tidal hump is formed on the side facing the Moon. At the same time, on the opposite side of the Earth, which is least subject to the gravity of the Moon, the same tidal hump appears. The Earth therefore takes the form of a figure somewhat elongated along a straight line connecting the centers of our planet and the Moon. Thus, on two opposite sides of the Earth, located on the same straight line, which passes through the centers of the Earth and the Moon, two large humps are formed, two huge water swellings. At the same time, on the other two sides of our planet, located at an angle of ninety degrees from the above points of maximum tide, the greatest low tides occur. Here the water drops more than anywhere else on the surface of the globe. The line connecting these points at low tide shortens somewhat, and thus creates the impression of an increase in the elongation of the Earth in the direction of the maximum high tide points. Due to lunar gravity, these points of maximum tide constantly maintain their position relative to the Moon, but since the Earth rotates around its axis, during the day they seem to move across the entire surface of the globe. That's why in each area there are two high and two low tides during the day.

Solar ebbs and flows

The Sun, like the Moon, produces ebbs and flows by the force of its gravity. But it is located at a much greater distance from our planet compared to the Moon, and the solar tides that occur on Earth are almost two and a half times less than the lunar ones. That's why solar tides, are not observed separately, but only their influence on the magnitude of lunar tides is considered. For example, The highest sea tides occur during full and new moons, since at this time the Earth, Moon and Sun are on the same straight line, and our daylight increases the attraction of the Moon with its attraction. On the contrary, when we observe the Moon in the first or last quarter (phase), there are lowest sea tides. This is explained by the fact that in this case the lunar tide coincides with solar ebb. The effect of lunar gravity is reduced by the amount of gravity of the Sun.

Tidal friction

« Tidal friction", existing on our planet, in turn affects the lunar orbit, since the tidal wave caused by lunar gravity has a reverse effect on the Moon, creating a tendency to accelerate its movement. As a result, the Moon gradually moves away from the Earth, its period of revolution increases, and it, in all likelihood, lags a little behind in its movement.

The magnitude of sea tides

In addition to the relative position in space of the Sun, Earth and Moon, on the magnitude of the sea tides In each individual area, the shape of the seabed and the nature of the shoreline influence. It is also known that in closed seas, such as the Aral, Caspian, Azov and Black seas, ebbs and flows are almost never observed. It is difficult to detect them in the open oceans; here the tides barely reach one meter, the water level rises very little. But in some bays there are tides of such colossal magnitude that the water rises to a height of more than ten meters and in some places floods colossal spaces.

Ebbs and flows in the air and solid shells of the Earth

Ebbs and flows also happen in the air and solid shells of the Earth. We hardly notice these phenomena in the lower layers of the atmosphere. For comparison, we point out that ebbs and flows are not observed at the bottom of the oceans. This circumstance is explained by the fact that mainly the upper layers of the water shell are involved in tidal processes. The ebb and flow of the tides in the air envelope can only be detected by very long-term observation of changes in atmospheric pressure. As for the earth’s crust, each part of it, due to the tidal action of the Moon, rises twice during the day and falls twice by about several decimeters. In other words, fluctuations in the solid shell of our planet are approximately three times smaller in magnitude than fluctuations in the surface level of the oceans. Thus, our planet seems to be breathing all the time, taking deep breaths and exhalations, and its outer shell, like the chest of a great miracle hero, either rises or falls a little. These processes occurring in the solid shell of the Earth can only be detected with the help of instruments used to record earthquakes. It should be noted that ebbs and flows occur on other world bodies and have a huge impact on their development. If the Moon were motionless in relation to the Earth, then in the absence of other factors influencing the delay of the tidal wave, two high tides and two low tides would occur every 6 hours in any place on the globe every 6 hours. But since the Moon continuously revolves around the Earth and, moreover, in the same direction in which our planet rotates around its axis, there is some delay: the Earth manages to turn towards the Moon with each part not within 24 hours, but in approximately 24 hours and 50 minutes. Therefore, in each area, the ebb or flow of the tide does not last exactly 6 hours, but about 6 hours and 12.5 minutes.

Alternating tides

In addition, it should be noted that the correctness alternating tides is violated depending on the nature of the location of the continents on our planet and the continuous friction of water on the surface of the Earth. These irregularities in alternation sometimes reach several hours. Thus, the “highest” water occurs not at the moment of the culmination of the Moon, as it should be according to theory, but several hours later than the passage of the Moon through the meridian; this delay is called the port applied clock and sometimes reaches 12 hours. Previously, it was widely believed that the ebb and flow of sea tides were related to sea currents. Now everyone knows that these are phenomena of a different order. A tide is a type of wave movement, similar to that caused by wind. When a tidal wave approaches, a floating object oscillates, as with a wave arising from the wind - forward and backward, down and up, but is not carried away by it, like a current. The period of a tidal wave is about 12 hours and 25 minutes, and after this period of time the object usually returns to its original position. The force that causes tides is many times less than the force of gravity. While the force of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the attracting bodies, the force causing tides is approximately is inversely proportional to the cube of this distance, and not at all its square.

Let's take a break from the global problems of human existence and try to solve a “simple” mystery. The mystery of ocean tides.
“What kind of secret is this?” any moderately educated person will say. “After all, any schoolchild knows that the ebb and flow of tides on Earth are the result of the gravitational influence of the Moon.”
On the Internet (Wikipedia - article "Ebb and flow") it is written that...
________________________________________ _____________________________
Ebb and flow are periodic vertical fluctuations in the level of the ocean or sea, resulting from changes in the positions of the Moon and the Sun relative to the Earth, together with the effects of the Earth's rotation and the features of a given topography, and manifested in periodic horizontal displacement of water masses. The tides cause changes in sea level height, as well as periodic currents known as tidal currents, making tide prediction important for coastal navigation.

and then there...
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Although for the globe the magnitude of the gravitational force of the Sun is almost 200 times greater than the gravitational force of the Moon, the tidal forces generated by the Moon are almost twice as large as those generated by the Sun. This is due to the fact that tidal forces depend not on the magnitude of the gravitational field, but on the degree of its heterogeneity. As the distance from the field source increases, the inhomogeneity decreases faster than the magnitude of the field itself. Because the Sun is almost 400 times farther from Earth than the Moon, the tidal forces caused by the sun's gravity are weaker.
________________________________________ ______________________________

And no matter how much you search on the Internet, approximately the same thing will be written everywhere.
The same article also presents calculations, using complex mathematical formulas, of a certain tidal potential and the size of the tidal hump.
I did not begin to understand the nooks and crannies of mathematical nonsense, having once again become convinced that mathematics in the hands of an idiot is like a grenade in the hands of a monkey, i.e. with its help you can “prove” any idiotic fanaticism if you wish.
So, modern pseudo-scientists, although they include the Sun in the definition of ebbs and flows, nevertheless, citing a certain inhomogeneity of the gravitational field, believe that the main role in the creation of ebbs and flows (hereinafter referred to as PO) belongs to the Moon.
To the honor (albeit rather dubious honor) of the modern scientific fraternity, it must be said that it was not they who created the hypothesis about lunar software, but a certain Jose de Acosta - “... a Spanish historian, geographer and naturalist, a member of the Jesuit order, a Catholic missionary... ". And modern scientists are just repeating, like parrots, bullshit that they did not create.
However, Jose de Acosta cannot be blamed for his naive delights in the field of physics. After all, he created his hypothesis about lunar software already in 1590, i.e. about a hundred years before Isaac Newton discovered the laws of mechanics and the Law of Gravitation.
Since you and I live in the 21st century and we know all of the above laws of Comrade Newton and since we are not modern would-be parrot scientists, we will still try to come up with something more reasonable and related to science than the above quotes from Wikipedia.

So, we know that the phenomenon of software happens regularly twice a day. It is a fact. Therefore, software is a phenomenon that seems to divide the Earth into two parts.
The fact that the POs are absolutely synchronous with the rotation of the Earth around its axis proves that the PO phenomenon is caused by this rotation.
It can be assumed that certain forces act on the Earth, which:
- firstly, they divide the Earth in two;
- secondly, they stretch the Earth in the shape of an ellipsoid, as a result of which one part of the earth’s surface exceeds another;
- thirdly, the action of these forces on the Earth has a certain more or less stable and certain direction oriented in space, independent of the Earth, as a result of which the combination of the influence of these forces and the rotation of the Earth around its axis creates a tidal wave.
Now let's think: what kind of forces are these that satisfy the above conditions?
Where is the source of these forces?
Could the Moon be such a source?
Of course not!
The moon does not satisfy the second condition. Let's forget the nonsense about the unevenness of the gravitational field like a bad dream.
Could the Sun be such a source?
Of course!
The Sun can create forces that stretch the Earth into an ellipsoid and these forces are oriented in the direction of the Sun.
What kind of forces are these?
To answer this question, let's conduct a thought experiment. Let's imagine a spring. A string is tied to one end of this spring. Now, if we rotate the spring at high speed, holding the string, what will happen to the spring?
Right! The spring will begin to stretch. And this happens because two forces act on the spring: centripetal, pulling the spring by the string towards the center of rotation, and centrifugal, trying to drag the spring into outer space in the direction from the center of rotation.
I will not explain the analogy further, since it is assumed that readers of this article are familiar with the physics course in high school.
So, like the spring in the above mental experiment, the Earth rotates around the Sun and, like the spring in the analogy, it is acted upon by centripetal and centrifugal forces, stretching the Earth into an ellipsoid. The Earth's ellipsoid is elongated towards the Sun, and relative to the Earth's surface it moves at a speed equal to the speed of the Earth's rotation relative to its axis. A simple calculation allows us to find out that the height of this ellipse is approximately five kilometers. This means that in the direction of the maximum action of forces, every point on the earth’s surface, not only the water of the oceans, but also the land, rises by five kilometers. Of course, water responds most sensitively to this effect, which leads to the phenomenon of software. The earth's crust, including that part of it that is the bottom of the oceans, is subject to deformation under the influence of the PO phenomenon. Under the influence of tidal forces, the earth's crust bends twice a day, first for six hours in one direction, and then for six hours in the other. In this regard, there is a fairly high probability that the combination of forces leading to earthquakes also becomes a trigger for earthquakes.
But let's get back to the software. The movement of the ellipse along the surface of the earth leads to the fact that all points of the earth's surface first rise and then fall. For simplicity, imagine a saucer (plate, basin) filled, but not to the brim, with water. The saucer is the ocean, and the edges of the saucer that are not covered with water are the shores of the ocean. The phenomenon of tilting the saucer from side to side. The water rolls first onto one bank and then onto the other.
Moreover, the points above which the Sun is at its zenith, and this is approximately 12 o’clock in the afternoon, are one of the four dead points (the other three are 6 o’clock in the morning and evening and 12 at night). At this moment, the tide changes to low tide or vice versa and the ocean, off the coast, is calm. The period when the tide is high or low on the coast is the time when the Moon very often appears at its zenith. The sun at this time is usually closer to the horizon, or is below the horizon. Therefore, it is easier for people whose brains are not burdened with knowledge of the laws of physics (Jose de Acosta), or who know the laws of physics but are brainless (like modern pseudo-scientists), to associate the phenomenon of software with the Moon.
The logic of their reasoning is approximately the following: you see - the tide is high (low tide) and the Moon is in the sky, but there is no Sun, and when the Sun is in the sky, the ocean is calm, which means the Sun does not create software. Therefore, the cause of the software is the Moon. Fools do not realize that when the celestial body that causes the PO, the Sun, is at its zenith, there should be neither ebb nor flow.

There is another important feature that complicates understanding the nature of software.
Let's turn to the saucer experiment. If we tilt the saucer in one direction, then on one side there will be high tide, on the other there will be low tide. This means the following - different coasts of the oceans, western and eastern, will experience the phenomenon of PO in exactly the opposite way.
Let's take the Atlantic Ocean as an example. First, let's analyze the behavior of its eastern, African, coast.
Six o'clock in the morning (local time). From the east, i.e. An ellipse begins to roll onto the coast from the African continent. We imagine a saucer tilting from east to west. The eastern coast of the saucer (the coast of Africa) begins to become free of water, i.e. the tide begins to ebb.
Thus, on the Atlantic coast of Africa, from 6 to 12 o’clock in the morning and, accordingly, from 6 to 12 o’clock in the evening, there is a LOW tide.
Now let's see what is happening, under similar conditions, on the western, American, Atlantic coast.
Six o'clock in the morning (local time). From the east, i.e. An ellipse begins to roll onto the shore from the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean. We imagine a saucer tilting from east to west. The western coast of the saucer (the coast of America) begins to be covered with water, i.e. The tide is starting.
Thus, on the Atlantic coast of America from 6 to 12 o'clock in the morning and, accordingly, from 6 to 12 o'clock in the evening there is a TIDE.
We will not be much wrong with the truth if we say that on the Atlantic coast of Africa there is a low tide twice a day, and on the Atlantic coast of America there is a high tide.

Let's move on to the next software secret.
It has always been unclear to me: why is the phenomenon of PO manifested most strongly on the coasts of the oceans, much less on the coasts of large seas, such as the Mediterranean, and very slightly, almost imperceptibly, on the coasts of small seas, such as the Black Sea?
Based on the lunar hypothesis, it is impossible to explain this fact. Indeed, if a tidal hump on the surface of the water arises due to the inhomogeneity of the gravitational field, then why does this hump appear in the oceans, but not in shallow seas? What's stopping you? Is there a different gravity over the seas, not the same as over the oceans?
It is enough to ask such questions, and it will immediately become clear that the lunar hypothesis of software is in its purest form the delirium of a crazy lunatic.
Now let’s try to explain the situation based on a correct understanding of the software phenomenon.
What is the Atlantic Ocean compared to the Mediterranean or the Black Sea? And this is just a much larger “saucer”. If we tilt a small, a large and a very large saucer at the same angle, then the banks of which saucer will be flooded the most?
Right! The shores of a very large saucer will be the most flooded. If anyone is in doubt, they can take different saucers and experiment.
Or you can draw a right triangle on paper. Moreover, make one of the two sharp corners much smaller than the other. You will end up with a triangle with a very long hypotenuse, one long leg and one short leg. The long leg is the surface of the reservoir before the start of the PO, the hypotenuse is the surface of the reservoir during the PO, and the small leg is the height of the PO. Now, if you extend the hypotenuse and the long leg, and then connect the extended parts, you will see that the height of the PO has increased. Therefore, the larger the size of the reservoir, the more powerful the software, all other things being equal.
Of course, the height of the PO is influenced not only by the size of the reservoir, but also by what latitude it is located. The farther you are from the equator, the weaker the PO phenomenon appears.
And finally, since the globe is inclined to the plane of the solar ecliptic, the time of year also affects the value of PO.
Naturally, I listed only those factors influencing software that are caused by the rotation of the Earth around its axis and its movement around the Sun.