Dolmens of the world. A touch of mystery. What is a dolmen? Why were dolmens built?

In ancient times, people believed that dolmens were built by giants. Scientific interest in them appeared back in the 17th century, but even now scientists cannot determine with accuracy how these giant structures were built from massive monolithic stones.

Many people, looking at dolmens, are wondering - what kind of buildings are these? What is their practical purpose, why were they built by our ancient ancestors? Let's try to figure it out.

What does the word "dolmen" mean?

Term "dolmen" comes from the British phrase taol maen, which means "stone table" . Many megaliths, especially in Western Europe, really resemble tables, although in other parts of the world they may have a different design.

In the earliest archaeological works, the concept of "dolmen" was used in relation to chamber tombs, and in the English-speaking environment it was used in the context of ancient buildings that could not be defined or had a non-standard appearance.

What is a dolmen?

Dolmen is one of the megaliths, that is, buildings made of large stones. As a rule, it is a tomb or place of worship intended for rituals.

The simplest dolmens look like one stone laid on several other large boulders. The most common is the U-shaped variant, in which one stone lies on top of two others placed vertically. It is this structure that the famous megalithic complex Stonehenge in England has.

In some regions of the North Caucasus, dolmens consist of 5–6 stone blocks and resemble a closed box with a door in which a round or oval hole is cut. Often megaliths were built on the ground, and a large mound was poured over them. Sometimes the construction of the complex took place in the reverse order, that is, the structure was located on top of the barrow. The stones that make up dolmens can be of different sizes and weights. Some boulders reach a mass of 500 kg.

Where are dolmens common?

The first dolmens were discovered in the French province of Brittany, after which information about megaliths began to come from different parts of the world. The largest number of such buildings was found in Korea. Before the Korean War in the middle of the 20th century, their number was over 80 thousand, but no more than 30 thousand have survived to this day.

There are about 700 dolmens in the Chinese province of Liaoning. There are also in Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia and other Asian countries. In Russia, megaliths are distributed mainly in the Western Caucasus, although individual specimens can be seen in the Southern Urals.

Why were dolmens built?

A significant part of the dolmens dates back to the Bronze Age. Megaliths began to be built around the 3rd millennium BC and were used until the end of the existence of the so-called "dolmen culture" in the 1st millennium BC. According to archaeological research, the buildings performed a funerary function and were used as tombs for the burial of noble people.

There are other versions of the origin of megaliths. Some scholars consider them as Druid altars or animal rooms. Human burials have been found under many of the dolmens, but they belong to later eras than the construction of the buildings themselves. For this reason, discussions about the purpose of megaliths are ongoing to this day.

How were dolmens built?

The question of the process of building dolmens torments archaeologists no less than their purpose. How could ancient people build such massive buildings using only improvised tools?

According to one version, giant slabs were made during the construction of the dolmen from a special solution, and subsequently, grooves, holes were made on the mass that had not yet solidified, and ornaments were cut out.

The structure of the earth.
Earth's crust: 75 - 85 kilometers thick.
Anti-gravity gas - inside the Earth. Two suns running on nitrogen
8. 1st Big Sun = 20 Earth's diameter. 2nd, Lesser Sun: diameter - 10
Earth boxes. After entering fuel through Jerusalem (Third Temple) in
inside the Earth, the diameter of the Lesser Sun should be 40 Earth's crusts.
Earth's fuel is a sample.
The sample is in Mecca, in the Kaaba - in the eastern corner, in
black silver frame, lighter than water. Fuel molecule: Nitrogen 8,
carbon 6, hydrogen 1. Question: What working atom heats the Earth inside?
Answer (mental): From the Black Hole. You know, there used to be Azot 8, now
- Nitrogen5. Nitrogen 8 - warms the Earth. Nitrogen 8: in the flame the Soul creates the body. Nitrogen
8 - UFOs fly on it, around which there is a glow. 888 - ship commander,
planetary commander: Received Knowledge Promised to pass on to people. I pass it on to you.
In the Indian Ocean: a section of the ocean is smoothly raised to a height of 10 kilometers.
Annual growth of the cone: more than 17 cm. At temperatures above 26 degrees, under
Under the influence of this radiation coming from underground, water turns into
steam. The radiation power at the very top of the cone is 20 hp/cm. For the rest
the surface of the Earth decreases to 10 hp/cm. Screen Structure of Golden: 3d
layer - lead graviton. 2nd layer - nitrogen 8 anti graviton. 1st layer - gold
graviton. Layers from the Earth up. And when they mentally force at least 10
Jews move Energy from top to bottom on these layers - Screen
will close. The radiation coming from the Earth will raise the flying saucer
vertically up. To fly in the right direction, you need to use
windage. Knowledge given by the Black Hole for the construction of the Pyramids
in the sky over Mecca and Corps with fuel over Jerusalem, length and
up to a thousand kilometers in diameter. Divide the four billion years of the Earth by 33
million. Every 33 million years, a half-meter annual
layer. We get 120. We will recharge the earth 120 times. NITROGEN 8 - Basic
source of energy on earth. Nitrogen 5 air nitrogen -- compress to 100
atmospheres. Irradiate with uranium - cold fusion. And on a centrifuge (such as
squirrel wheel) - we get a solid transparent substance lighter than water -
it is the fuel of the earth. Molecule nitrogen 8 carbon 6 hydrogen 1. On the solar
When exposed to light, the molecule breaks up and the fuel turns black. With gentle heating
fuel, nitrogen 8 begins to decay with the release of antigravitons.
Radiation from the interior of the Earth from 10 to 20 cm / ls2 and is directly proportional to
skin color of people permanently residing in the area.

April 24 10:29 VICTOR MORCHIK
The world will never end. There will be a change in the surface of the planet. See the map of the future of the planet Scallion. There will be hunger. There will be a purge. From 2013 the golden age will come. Some will fly on gold. Others will mine it with hard work. In 3797, the Earth will shrink so much that all land will go under water. Atlantis went under water - Atlantis is a planet. They will set fire to the pyramid above the earth and bring fuel to the Earth. And a new 120 cycle will begin. And it will last 33,000,000 years. Then everything will repeat.
The planet Nibiru is approaching Earth from st

Updated 02/28/2019 Views 1558 Comments 105

I have long wanted to write a note about the Caucasus, about and in general. The topic is quite extensive, as I have been there many times, and accordingly there is a lot to tell. But today about the dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory. Briefly about what they are and where they are easiest to see. For whom these places are pop, do not blame me ...

Dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory

Dolmens- these are stone structures built in the 4-2 millennium BC (the dates are different), it is not clear by whom, and it is not clear why. They are structures made of stone slabs of sandstone of a large mass, or carved into the rock, usually with a portal (inlet). Dolmens come in different shapes: rectangular, round, trapezoidal. There are more than 2,500 of them in the Caucasus, some are destroyed, some are in inaccessible areas, and some are not far from resort towns. Unfortunately, until the 50s, the dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory were not studied and were taken away by local residents or destroyed. Many of the dolmens are not protected by the state even now.

There are many theories about the purpose of dolmens. I have always visited dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory on my own, but a couple of times I managed to overhear the guides. Naturally, one of the theories is some kind of funerary structures, similar to the Egyptian pyramids. And one of the options for putting it inside the body was to soften it with tricky compounds so that it crawled into the hole-portal. There was some theory connected with altars, I don't remember the details. One of the guides pushed the theory that these were the houses of little gnomes, either joking or smoking something. There is also a theory that people went to dolmens to meditate into eternity, plunging into a state of samadhi (trance, transition to the fourth dimension) in order to pass on knowledge to their descendants, and it was possible to communicate with them entering meditation. For what, in fact, dolmens were built, no one will say for sure. But definitely for some serious purposes. It is difficult to carve and fold the slabs even now, using modern equipment, and making a dolmen in the rock is generally like it was necessary to get confused.

Most public dolmens in Gelendzhik:, Pshada and on the way to them. I marked some of them on . There are also dolmens, Ashe, Lazarevsky and Sochi. But close ones can be counted on the fingers.

Tour or on your own

You can go on a tour, or you can do it yourself. The second option is closer to me, because in terms of comfort it is not much different, but it differs greatly in price, and there is an opportunity to plan the time yourself. If we are talking about the dolmens of Gelendzhik, then buses from Gelendzhik to Vozrozhdenie and Pshada run about 10 times a day from the lower (old) bus station, and the fare costs about 20-40 rubles. The entrance to the territory to the dolmens is about 100 rubles. Also, the advantage of an independent visit is that you can stay near the dolmens for as long as you want, and not as much as the guide took. Still a place of power. You can arrive in the morning and leave in the evening, almost everywhere there is a cafe and the opportunity to plunge into the river.

In some places you can come for a longer period and stand with a tent nearby. I can also advise, if we are talking about several days, to come at the end of spring, at the beginning of summer, there will definitely be few people, and it is already warm.

Energy of dolmens

Feelings from dolmens are different for different people. It depends on the goals of the visitor, on his imagination, on his mood, on his knowledge of himself. For many, they are places of power where wishes come true and answers to questions come. I noticed for myself that I get an answer not to the question being asked, but to the hidden one, that is, one that actually turns out to be more important. Maybe I made it all up myself, but why not? Still, it is necessary to answer the tormenting questions somehow. But the feeling of calmness and some kind of lightness is definitely there, though not everywhere.

To believe or not to believe that there is some kind of energy next to the dolmens, actually depends only on you.

Dolmens photo

Dolmens Khan. Farm Dolmen near Pshada

Dolmen is the name of the structures created by our ancestors to preserve knowledge.

A dolmen is a special structure with the help of which our ancestors found a way to stay on Earth like any person, but without a body. In this state, they can exist forever. This is also called "meditation into eternity."

People who were fluent in certain knowledge went to dolmens. To pass them on to people through many millennia, when this knowledge will be needed.

Dolmen spirits are real people with emotions, feelings and abilities. They can communicate with a person as if "telepathically". But they will only talk to those who have pure thoughts and a bright soul.
Nowadays, dolmens speak with Alexander Savrasov, and his books are based on this communication.

If you went to dolmens, for example, in Gelendzhik, and it seems to you that you hear something (in the form of thoughts), ask what the name of this dolmen is, how old it is and what kind of knowledge it retains.

How people went to the dolmens is described in the books of Vladimir Megre.

And also in the videos of Alexander Savrasov


“In order to create an opportunity for the descendants to return the power of the Origins. An elderly person, as a rule, one of the most wise leaders or an ancestor, sensing an imminent death, asked his relatives and relatives to place him in this stone chamber. If he was considered worthy, then he was placed.

Because, Vladimir, living people went to die in them. And their death was unusual. They went into eternal meditation.
- How are these “living people”? For what?
- In order to create an opportunity for descendants to return the power of the Primordial Sources. An elderly person, as a rule, one of the most wise leaders or an ancestor, sensing an imminent death, asked his relatives and relatives to place him in this stone chamber. If he was considered worthy, then he was placed.
A heavy, massive slab-cover moved away. He entered the stone chamber, the lid was closed. The person turned out to be completely isolated from the external, material world. His eyes saw nothing, his ears heard nothing. Such complete isolation, the impossibility to allow even a thought to return, but without having yet passed to another world, turning off the usual senses, sight and hearing, opened up the possibility of complete communication with the Mind of the Cosmos, to comprehend many phenomena and actions of earthly people. And, most importantly, to pass on what was meaningful to the survivors and their subsequent generations. Now, about this state you call meditation. But it is only a childish prank compared to meditation into eternity.
Subsequently, people came to this stone chamber, pulled out the plug that closed the hole, and thought, consulted with the thoughts hovering in the chamber. The Spirit of Wisdom has always been there.
- Anastasia, but how, with what help can you prove to today's people the existence of such structures and the fact that people went into eternal meditation in them?
- Can! That's why I'm telling.
- How?
- Very simple. After all, these stone chambers ... still exist today. Today you call them dolmens. You can see them, touch them. And everything I say, check.
- What??? Where? Can you indicate the location?
- Yes. For example, in Russia, in the mountains of the Caucasus, not far from the cities that are now called Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Novorossiysk, Sochi.
- I'll check. I will go specifically to them. How is that, it can't be. I'll check.
- Sure, check it out. The locals know about them, but they don't attach any importance to them. Many dolmens have already been looted. People do not understand their true purpose. They do not know about the possibility of contact with the wisdom of the Universe with their help. Those who have gone into eternal meditation can never be embodied in anything material. They sacrificed eternity for the sake of their descendants, and their knowledge and capabilities turned out to be unclaimed. This is their greatest sorrow and sorrow.
And the proof that living people went there to die in the past is the location of the bones of the skeletons found in the dolmens. Some died lying down, some sitting in a corner or reclining, leaning against a stone slab.
The people of today have recognized this fact. It has been described by your scientists, but again, no significance has been given to it. Dolmens are not seriously studied. Dolmens are built by local residents. Their stone slabs are used for construction.
Anastasia lowered her head sadly and fell silent. I promised her:
- I will explain. I will explain everything to them. They will not rob them, break them. They will not be mocked. They just didn't know...
Do you think you can explain?
- I will try. I'll go to these places and try to explain. So far I don't know how. I will find these dolmens, worship them, explain everything to people.
- It is good to. Then, if you go to those places, please bow to the dolmen in which my great-mother died.
- Incredible! How can you know that your ancestor lived in those places and how she died?
Anastasia replied:
- How is it possible, Vladimir, not to know how they lived, what your ancestors did? What did they want, what did they strive for? And my distant mother is worthy of memory. All my mothers knew her wisdom. And she helps me today.
My great-mother was the woman who perfectly knew how, when feeding a baby, to endow him with the ability to use the Mind of the Universe. Even then, the people of the civilization in which she lived, ceased to attach importance to this, as well as now. When breastfeeding a child, you should not be distracted by anything extraneous, you need to think only about the child. She knew what and how to think, and therefore she wanted to pass on her knowledge to all people.
Grandmother was not yet too old, but she began to ask the leader to be placed in a dolmen. Because the leader was old, and the new one would never fulfill her request. Women were very rarely allowed into the dolmens. The old leader respected my great-mother, appreciated her knowledge, and he allowed her. He only could not force the men to move the heavy slab of the dolmen and then close it over the great-mother. And then women, only women coped with this work.
But no one has been coming to my great-mother's dolmen for a long time. Not interested in her knowledge. And she so wanted to pass them on to everyone. She wanted the children to be happy and to please their parents.
- Anastasia, if you want, I will go to this dolmen and ask her how to breastfeed babies, what and how to think about it. Can you tell me where he is?
- Okay, I'll tell you. Only you can't understand it. You are not a breastfeeding mother. You don't know the feeling of a mother breastfeeding her baby. Only women who are breastfeeding mothers can understand it. You just come to this dolmen, touch it. Think something good about my great-mother, she will be very pleased ...
We were silent for a while. Struck by the exact location of the dolmens, which could later be verified, I did not express doubts about their existence. However, I asked for proof of the possibility of contact with the invisible and incomprehensible wisdom of the Universe. To which Anastasia replied:
- Vladimir, if you constantly question everything I have said, then my evidence will be incomprehensible and unconvincing for you. And they will take a lot of time.
- Do not be offended, Anastasia, but your unusual hermit way of life ...
- What a recluse he is, if I have the opportunity to communicate not only with everything on Earth, but also with much more. There are so many people on Earth surrounded by their own kind and completely lonely, closed hermits. It is not scary when a person is alone, it is much more terrible when he is alone among people.
- Well, anyway, if one of the luminaries of our science spoke about this dimension, well, where, as you say, the thoughts produced by human civilizations live, then people would believe more than you. This is how modern man is arranged, for him official science is authority.
- There are such people, I saw their thoughts. I can't name their names. But, probably, these are large, by your standards, scientists. They have the ability to think a lot. You yourself look for evidence when you return, and compare everything I said. "

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Much of our journey was spontaneous. In general, we were not going to dolmens. But even when we were driving to Gelendzhik, we paid attention to the signs along the highway near the village of Pshada - “Dolmen Village” and “Dolmen 100 meters”. And we immediately decided that on the way back we would definitely look there, since roads of the worldbrought us here.

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