Where are the most anomalies? Dead places and anomalous zones of Russia. Locals warn visitors

Our planet is amazing. It keeps many mysteries and mysteries, some of which scientists cannot unravel for many decades. There are many places where the most mysterious phenomena occur, such “zones” are called anomalous: UFOs can often be seen here, and natural disasters or industrial disasters often occur here.
For several decades before the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukrainian print media there were small notes about some "flying disks" that hovered over the station and remained motionless for some time. We noticed that this happened precisely at those moments when any problems arose at the enterprise, and only when the malfunctions were eliminated did the UFO disappear.

In the Volgograd region there is the Medvedskaya ridge, which the locals try to bypass. It is believed that this place is the “parking lot” of alien ships. In 1993, traces of the “protectors” of a flying saucer, which were an isosceles triangle, were discovered here. Plus, scientists have found mysterious tunnels - passages of a round or oval shape, the diameter of which ranges from 7 to 20 meters.

There are "talking" lakes on Earth that make strange sounds. One of them is located in our country - Svetloyar in the Nizhny Novgorod region. For several months, the researchers recorded the “voice” of the lake using a hydrophone and came to the conclusion that they could not belong to any known biological creature. Many residents of nearby areas believe that the mysterious sounds are the voice of a sunken dead city.

In the USA, walking stones "live" in Death Valley. Each weighs at least 30 kilograms, and from time to time they move independently, leaving behind shallow furrows. It has not been possible to capture the direct movement of the stones so far, but there is no doubt that they do not stand still, no, because the furrows stretch behind each of them.

The Chinese province of Shaanxi is famous for its waterfall. In winter, at a temperature of -30 ° C, the water does not freeze at all, but as soon as summer comes, a powerful stream freezes for some incredible reason.

The second name of the Jatinga Valley, which is located in the Indian state of Assam, is “Valley of Falling Birds”. The fact is that every year on quiet August nights there is a real rain of birds. Being in a semi-conscious state, birds flying over the valley fall to the ground and do not even try to escape from the hands of people trying to help them.

On the island of Crete, there is an anomaly called "drossolides", which means "droplets of moisture". In July, at dawn, when the air is filled with droplets of fog, a red cloud inexplicably appears near the castle of Franco Castello. Eyewitnesses claim that at that moment you can hear human screams and the sound of weapons. Battle cloudy scenes slowly move towards the castle and disappear into its walls.

In one of the regions of Kazakhstan there is a small lake. Its dimensions are only 100x60 meters, and the appearance is not particularly beautiful. This is an extremely unusual place. Even on the hottest summer day, the water in the lake is very cold, and the reservoir never dries up. The lake is absolutely “clean”: there are no fish in it, and algae do not grow. Divers, who tried many times to penetrate its secrets, already after a 3-minute stay under water began to suffocate and were forced to curtail their activities due to lack of air. And all this despite the fact that their cylinders were filled.

Anomalies are various kinds of phenomena, the existence of which has no scientific evidence, which have no scientific explanation and are outside the modern scientific picture of the world.

In China, there is a river with a waterfall that does not freeze in winter at minus 30 degrees Celsius. But in the middle of summer, the stream, for inexplicable reasons, begins to freeze.

A very tiny reservoir (100 × 60 m) in the Taldykurgan region of Kazakhstan does not dry up even at the height of summer, and the water remains icy in it. There are no fish and no algae grow. Precise studies have not been carried out there, since divers, even with a full tank of air, begin to suffocate after only three minutes.

Valley of Falling Birds is located in the mountains of the Indian state of Assam. Every August, in the middle of the night, birds begin to fall from the sky. At the same time, the birds are in a semi-conscious state and do not even try to escape when they are picked up.

Woolemi is a prehistoric plant, the very existence of which has long been a state secret in Australia. These are pines, whose age is about 150 million years.

Exploring the shapes and sizes of the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica, scientists were surprised to find that their contours are almost identical. It was suggested that, as a result of the fall of a meteorite, the mainland of Antarctica, as it were, “squeezed out” from the other side of the planet. This fantastic hypothesis has many supporters today.

Kano spores are reanimated microorganisms that microbiologist Raul Kano discovered in a piece of amber. Surprisingly, the spores got into the resin 25 million years ago.

Not far from Rome there is an iridium anomaly. The content of iridium there is 300 times higher than the norm. The layer lies at a depth corresponding to the geological boundary between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic - the time when the dinosaurs became extinct. The same anomalies were found in Denmark, Spain and on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Perhaps this is a trace of a meteorite fall.

There is a phenomenon called "thunder baldness". This is a high voltage zone that occurs after a lightning discharge hits the ground. Trying to pass in this pestle, a person can die. Fortunately, the energy vortex at the site of the lightning strike only exists for a few minutes.

A mysterious phenomenon inherent in all high-precision measuring instruments is zero drift. With fine metrological measurements, errors are repeated with constant constancy. The surrounding space is constantly changing some of its parameters and acts on the instrument arrows. What exactly is changing is still not exactly clear.

"Drossolides" in Greek means "droplets of moisture." This is the name of a phenomenon that is regularly observed on the coast of Crete in the middle of summer, usually in the early morning hours, when fog droplets condense in the air.

Numerous eyewitnesses describe how a scene of a huge battle arises before their eyes over the sea near the castle of Franca-Castello. Screams and the sound of weapons are heard. The mirage slowly approaches from the sea and disappears into the walls of the castle. Historians say that a battle between Greeks and Turks took place in this place about 150 years ago: its image, lost in time, is supposedly observed on the shore near the Franco-Castello castle.

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The most famous person who was born with a serious deviation is Nick Vuychich. He became known as a man without arms and legs, who, thanks to the strength of his spirit, was able to live a full life and even become a successful person. But in the world there are other examples of the strength of the spirit with the shortcomings of the body. Kenny Easterday, 35, was born with a rare disease (sacral agenesis) that prevented his spine from developing normally. Kenny's legs were amputated when he...

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Motorists have seen ghosts on the sinister bridge more than once. The Myzin bridge in Nizhny Novgorod is notorious among motorists, and many even consider it an anomalous place. Often there are many accidents, some of which are fatal. The “curse” of one of the important nodes of the M7 federal highway can be explained by the design features (for example, there are no fenders on it). But here is what, according to eyewitnesses, often suddenly appear here ...

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16-year-old Neisi Perez from Honduras suddenly screamed during her own funeral. The grieving relatives who carried the coffin with the girl's body were taken aback by horror. The deceased even broke the window carved on the side wall of the coffin. Relatives tried to bring the girl back to life and called doctors. But doctors were unable to revive her, according to Metro. The footage published below shows how the girl’s relatives, who can’t believe their ears, are trying to bring her back to life, ...

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A unique natural phenomenon, red snow, was discovered on the peaks of the Shaman Ridge in Khakassia. The scientists who noticed this explained that the algae Chlamydomonas snow made the snow that color. According to experts, the microorganisms have developed well, because in this place it was very sunny and at the same time cold. Algae can cause green, yellow, blue, red, brown, brown, or black "blooms" of snow and ice. For the mountains of Khakassia, such a phenomenon is rare and ...

Anomalous zone - a piece of terrain, the characteristics of which, as well as the phenomena occurring inside the designated area, are difficult or impossible to explain with the current level of development of science.

An anomalous zone is a local area areas where for a long time there are phenomena that are not accepted, and in most cases denied by official science. This also includes the actions of various kinds of poltergeists, who supposedly penetrate our world from a parallel, different reality. The time duration of such zones is relatively short.

Usually such phenomena as the poltergeist (lambs) are located in human dwellings. Both in inhabited and abandoned houses, often anomalous phenomena in abandoned houses are called ghosts - spirits of people who once died, but did not find shelter. In inhabited houses, invisible creatures of the other world are also called barabashki, brownies, dividing them into evil and good.

Already concept anomalous zone has some mysterious meaning. Speaking about something, and adding an anomaly at the same time, we put the meaning that an object, a piece of terrain, or some kind of phenomenon - contains the nature of origin unknown to us.

In fact in a sense, it is so, only the concept of an anomalous zone absorbs much more. Often, anomalous zones are areas of the terrain where the natural characteristics of the Earth have other indicators that change dramatically at the border of the anomalous area.

Eg, this may include a change in the radiation background of the Earth, in the area, or a change in the magnetic field, but these changes are easily explained from a scientific point of view. And they carry the concept of an anomalous zone only because they can affect measuring devices. The origin of such anomalies is explained by the fact that the Earth contains a greater amount of iron, or a natural source of increased radioactivity.

However not all anomalous places on Earth can be so easily explained. There are real zones that rightfully bear this term of obscurity, and they are little studied. These are areas of the terrain on Earth where there is a distortion of such quantities as space, time - seemingly unshakable quantities. And they also have radiation harmful to living things, the nature of which is unknown. It is these places that are called the Anomalous Zone.

There are various versions of the formation of anomalous zones, these are the crash sites of UFOs - whose unknown equipment could produce a physical change in the terrain. As well as the landing sites of a different mind, which carried out work with devices, which led to changes in the nature of the site. Also, these are geopathic areas of the area, with places of release of power, which entail changes in the energy of the area.

Should to say that the anomalous zones will have a different effect on a person. Eyewitnesses-participants of some anomalies testify to temporary displacements. Eyewitnesses of another type of anomalies talk about moving in space. There are also anomalies that pierce the human energy frame, causing very serious harm to health.

Even for a short time, being in an anomaly of this kind, a person feels oppression, and a bad effect on the psyche. The pulse rate increases, the pressure may rise, the vestibular apparatus begins to malfunction. It happens that there is no one to tell about what happened in the anomalous area, people who get there die.

Another one from the versions, the origin of anomalous manifestations in the areas, this is the contact of different worlds. That is, if we assume for a moment that it is possible to be on Earth, and several worlds exist at the same time, but they are in different dimensions. Then, assuming that our dimension is three-dimensional, we can assume that there are worlds with a different number of dimensions.

But sometimes, as a result of some influencing factor, there is a convergence of dimensions, and possibly contact of different worlds. Which apparently leads to a kind of “breakdown between the worlds”, and in places where realities come into contact, while being completely different in structure, changes in time, matter, and space occur. What we observe as an anomalous zone with unknown properties.

Exactly about anomalies of this kind, the rubric will tell us. Where are you and I, dear Friends, we will not only learn about the anomalous zones of the planet, but also try to question the existence of some anomalies.

However, it should be noted that there are not so many places that can be said to be anomalous. Sometimes there are and, sometimes it's just myths, and in some cases it's just a bait for tourists.

We all know perfectly well that there are hundreds of anomalous places in the world, such as, for example, , , but few people know that there are plenty of such anomalous zones in Russia. This will be discussed.

1. Arkaim
In the Chelyabinsk steppes in the south of the region there is an ancient Aryan settlement. Arkaim. It is built in the form of a ring structure and is clearly directed along the stars. It is not known why the people who once lived here left these places. Arkaim constantly attracts many pilgrims, ufologists, and other extraordinary personalities. Arkaim is a spiritual center for them. All of them unanimously claim that Arkaim has a special energy, unusual in its strength.

2. Dyatlov Pass
In the winter of 1959, on Mount Kholat Syahyl, in the north of the Sverdlovsk region, nine experienced tourists died under mysterious circumstances. The investigator who conducted the investigation concluded that the cause of the death of the tourists was a natural force, which turned out to be stronger than a group of experienced tourists.

This force turned out to be so sudden that it made experienced tourists panic and run naked down the slope to meet their death from the bitter cold?! The mystery of their death still excites the minds of researchers. And now there is not a single guess that would completely dot the “and” in this mysterious and unusual story.

3. Triangle of Molebs
This triangle gained worldwide fame in 1989. This is the first in the anomalous zone, which stirred up the whole country in those years. In those years, they often encountered a wide variety of anomalous phenomena. From to Bigfoot. And now many people from all over the world go to this mysterious place. Although the majority admits: at present, anomalous phenomena occur quite often here, they have not completely disappeared.

4. Nevyansk Tower
This tower is located on the mountain estate of the Demidovs in the city of Nevyansk. By analogy with the world-famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Russian tower is also inclined. But this is not the main thing. After all, the tower is surrounded by many historical secrets. The exact date of construction is unknown, and the name of the architect is shrouded in mystery. It is not clear why the so-called "sound room" is needed. A person standing in one corner of the room can clearly hear the slightest whisper uttered by another person standing at the other end of the room. It is known for sure that many secret underground labyrinths are hidden underground along the perimeter of the tower. It is reliably known that the first generations of the Demidovs secretly melted silver (this is documented). In the future, this dungeon was allegedly flooded in order to “cover up the tracks” and destroy evidence that discredited the Demidov family.

5. Places of Bazhov legends
These places are well described in his fairy tales by the Soviet writer Pavel Bazhov. These places are located near Polevskoy and Sysert. They enjoy considerable fame among seekers: first of all, these are unusual mystical places: Dumnaya Mountain, Azov Mountain, Markov Stone, etc. There is a legend that a cave with untold riches is hidden on Azov Mountain. At night, unusual lights appear on the "Azov-mountain" - "candles". According to legend, the ghost of a girl, Azovka, walks along the mountain. Here you can easily get lost in well-remembered places, and even now there are blue fogs near Zyuzelka ...

6. Taganay Park
Taganay is a national park in the Chelyabinsk region, it is located near the city of Zlatoust. Not so long ago, the Old Believers lived here. Here they performed their rituals. Now in these places they see energy balls, UFOs, fireballs, and even light pillars of unknown origin.

7. Ural dolmens
It must be the youngest Russian mystery we can remember. The problem of the Ural dolmens began to be actively studied only in the last few years. These dolmens are located in the northern part of Yekaterinburg, they are also in the Southern Urals. Until now, it has not been reliably clarified in what centuries the ancient people erected them and what purpose they pursued when erecting them.

8. Lovozero
In 1920 Barchenko A.V. , head and head of the Murmansk Marine Institute of Local Lore, discovered anomalous zones on the Kola Peninsula - Lovozero. Anomalous phenomena of Lovozero - curvature in time and space, periodic changes in the gravitational field, rapid recovery of the body, frequent evidence of a meeting of a Bigfoot.
In the summer of 1997-1999, Lovozero was visited by many expeditions who were looking for everything unusual. In 2000, there was also a group of "Cosmopoisk" with Vadim Chernobrov, who brought from their expedition a lot of evidence of meetings of the old-timers of these places with the legendary Yeti, or, in our opinion, just Bigfoot.

9. Death Valley Kamchatka
Are you tired of the dead places of Mother Russia? Then one more thing - in Kamchatka there is a Valley of Death. There are hot springs near the western slope of the Kikhpinych volcano. There, small fountains of sourish very warm water break through the ground, this is not counting the "emissions" of gas and steam. The area at the very foot of the volcano has earned the people the name Death Valley. Hunter dogs were lost there. The corpses of dogs were found upstream of the local river (the Geysernaya River), in fact, on the western tip of Mount Kikhpinych. But that's not all. In the same places, people constantly discover bird corpses, as well as the remains of local animals. There were bears, wolves, hares. Soon, those who visited this place died, and people: became lethargic, quickly lost weight, incomprehensible headaches began.

After the snow melted, the ground was strewn with the corpses of mice. Attracted by the smell of carrion, foxes come running there. And they die too. It was the turn of the bears to die. The bears are dead. Eagles, seeing such a freebie, fly like a bullet to a dinner party and forever become true friends of dead foxes, hares and bears ...
According to initial analyzes, all living things in the Death Valley are killed by the presence of a huge amount of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide in the air. Not so long ago, it was found that volcanic gases also contain highly toxic cyanide compounds.

based on materials: http://neobyasnimoe.ru/page_all_31.html