The most famous gangs in the USA. The most dangerous gangs in the world The most influential criminal gangs in the world

Despite Hollywood's relentless use of mafia images that have long since become clichés, there are still illegal groups in the world that control industry, engage in smuggling, cybercrime, and even shape the global economy of countries.

So where are they located and which ones are the most famous in the world?


This is not a myth, they exist and, by the way, were among the first to make significant efforts to help after the tsunami in Japan in 2011. The traditional areas of interest of the Yakuza are underground gambling, prostitution, drug trafficking, arms and ammunition trafficking, racketeering, production or sale of counterfeit products, car theft and smuggling. More sophisticated gangsters engage in financial fraud. Members of the group are distinguished by beautiful tattoos, which are usually hidden under clothes.


This is one of the most aggressive sects in Kenya, which arose in 1985 in the settlements of the Kikuyu people in the central part of the country. The Kikuyu gathered their own militia in order to protect the Maasai lands from government militants who wanted to suppress the resistance of the rebellious tribe. The sect, in essence, was a street gang. Later, large detachments were formed in Nairobi, which engaged in racketeering of local transport companies transporting passengers around the city (taxi companies, car parks). They then switched to waste collection and disposal. Each slum resident was also obliged to pay representatives of the sect a certain amount in exchange for a quiet life in his own shack.

Russian Mafia

This is officially the most feared organized crime group. Former FBI special agents call the Russian mafia "the most dangerous people on Earth." In the West, the term “Russian mafia” can mean any criminal organization, both Russian itself and from other states of the post-Soviet space, or from the immigration environment in non-CIS countries. Some get hierarchical tattoos, often use military tactics and carry out contract killings.

Hell's Angels

Considered an organized crime group in the United States. This is one of the world's largest motorcycle clubs (Hells Angels Motorcycle Club), which has an almost mythical history and branches all over the world. According to the legend posted on the official website of the motorcycle club, during the Second World War the American Air Force had a 303rd heavy bomber squadron called “Hell’s Angels”. After the end of the war and the disbandment of the unit, the pilots were left without work. They believe that their homeland betrayed them and left them to their fate. They had no choice but to go against their “cruel country, get on motorcycles, join motorcycle clubs and rebel.” Along with legal activities (sales of motorcycles, motorcycle repair shops, sale of goods with symbols), the Hells Angels are known for illegal activities (sale of weapons, drugs, racketeering, control of prostitution, and so on).

Sicilian Mafia: La Cosa Nostra

The organization began its activities in the second half of the 19th century, when the Sicilian and American mafia were the strongest. Initially, Cosa Nostra was engaged in the protection (including the most brutal methods) of owners of orange plantations and nobles who owned large plots of land. By the beginning of the 20th century, it had turned into an international criminal group, whose main activity was banditry. The organization has a clear hierarchical structure. Its members often resort to highly ritualistic methods of revenge, and also have a number of complex rites of initiation for men into the group. They also have their own code of silence and secrecy.

Albanian mafia

There are 15 clans in Albania that control most of Albanian organized crime. They control drug trafficking and are involved in human and weapons trafficking. They also coordinate the supply of large quantities of heroin to Europe.

Serbian mafia

Various criminal gangs based in Serbia and Montenegro, consisting of ethnic Serbs and Montenegrins. Their activities are quite diverse: drug trafficking, smuggling, racketeering, contract killings, gambling and information trading. Today there are about 30-40 active criminal gangs in Serbia.

Montreal Mafia Rizzuto

The Rizzuto are a crime family that is primarily based in Montreal but also operates in the provinces and Ontario. They once merged with families in New York, which ultimately led to the mafia wars in Montreal in the late 70s. Rizzuto owns hundreds of millions of dollars worth of real estate in different countries. They own hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, construction, food, service and trading companies. In Italy they own companies producing furniture and Italian delicacies.

Mexican drug cartels

Mexican drug cartels have existed for several decades; since the 1970s, some Mexican government agencies have been facilitating their activities. Mexican drug cartels intensified after the collapse of the Colombian drug cartels - Medellin and . Currently the main foreign supplier of cannabis, cocaine and methamphetamine to Mexico, Mexican drug cartels dominate the wholesale illicit drug market.

Mara Salvatrucha

Slang for "Salvadoran Stray Ant Brigade" and often shortened to MS-13. This gang is found primarily in Central America and is based in Los Angeles (although they operate in other areas of North America and Mexico). According to various estimates, the number of this brutal crime syndicate ranges from 50 to 300 thousand people. Mara Salvatrucha is involved in many types of criminal businesses, including drug, arms and human trafficking, robbery, racketeering, contract killings, kidnapping for ransom, car theft, money laundering and fraud. A distinctive feature of the group's members are tattoos all over their bodies, including on the face and inner lips. They not only show a person’s gang affiliation, but also, with their details, tell about his criminal history, influence and status in the community.

Colombian drug cartels

As of 2011, it remained the largest producer of cocaine in the world. She had a special influence in the world. However, a strong anti-drug campaign has led to the elimination of many of the most dangerous manufacturers, such as cartels and . These families are known to have hired the most experienced experts in the illicit trade.

Chinese Triad

The triad is a form of secret criminal organizations in China and the Chinese diaspora. Triads have always had common beliefs (belief in the mystical meaning of the number 3, which is where their name comes from). Currently, triads are known primarily as mafia-style criminal organizations found in Taiwan and other Chinese immigration centers, specializing in drug trafficking and other criminal activities.


This group which is based in India, Pakistan and is led by Dawood Ibrahim. The organization's activities include extortion and terrorist acts. Thus, in 1993, it was responsible for the Bombay bombings, which killed 257 people and injured more than 700. D-Company is said to be financed by billions of dollars from real estate transactions and banking scams.

Naive and good-natured Papuans today can only be found in the depths of the island of New Guinea. Ruthless gangs have been operating in cities for a long time, instilling fear not only in the local population, but also in law enforcement officers.

Poor but democratic

Papua New Guinea is an extremely poor country. Out of 120 developing countries, its economy, based primarily on agriculture, ranks 91st. 25% of the island's residents are unemployed; among young people under 30, the unemployment rate reaches 80%.

Australia annually allocates $240 million to help its poor neighbor, but where these funds go in a thoroughly corrupt state is not difficult to guess. In 2003, the Australian Center for Independent Research published a report recognizing that economic aid only corrupts Papua's ruling circles and creates dependents.

New Guinea is also one of the most crime-prone countries in the world. Thus, the main city of the island, Port Moresby, ranks penultimate 197th in the ranking of safe capitals of the world. For example, there are 23 times more intentional murders here than in London.

This is provoked by an extremely low standard of living with the aggressive imposition of consumer values, a complete lack of opportunity for self-realization and the extremely ineffective work of law enforcement forces. Moreover, as a former dominion of Britain, Papua is part of the Commonwealth of Nations and is de jure governed by a parliamentary democracy.

No one is insured

The first raskol gangs (from the English raskol - rogue, scoundrel, scoundrel) arose in Port Moresby in the late 60s. These were informal youth associations like hippies or rockers, who traded in hooliganism and petty theft. In just a couple of decades, they grew into well-organized criminal groups that did not disdain armed robbery, kidnapping and murder.

Despite the fact that all categories of the population suffer from the re-scolists, they find sympathy and support among the masses. Many see them as fighters against police brutality and officials who oppress ordinary people. And the members of the breakaway groups themselves are not averse to comparing themselves to movie characters, robbing the rich and sharing with the poor.

It is practically impossible to protect yourself from rascol gangs: neither high fences, nor alarm systems, nor armed police, who are not very eager to go into direct conflict with the underworld, can save you. Tourists also suffer from dissentists. It is no coincidence that the Lonely Planet guidebook says: “If you enter the hotel grounds and you get the impression that you have entered the territory of a high-security prison, this is a good hotel.”

Formidable force

Today, the tone in the criminal world of Papua is set by four large criminal communities - Bomai, Koboni, Mafia and Brigade 585, which include small gangs. The names of the latter are quite eloquent: “Hell’s Angels”, Blood”, Ku Klux Klan”, “Black Power”, “Triad”, “Melbourne Murderers”.

The secessionist groups try not to quarrel among themselves: only by uniting do they represent a formidable force capable of opposing themselves to the police. However, the spheres of influence and areas of activity between the gangs are clearly demarcated. Groups are formed according to the principle of neighborhood; joining and leaving a gang are not strictly regulated, so the leaders sometimes do not know the exact number of their charges.

The average age of a raskolist is 20-21 years old. Women, as a rule, are not included in the gang, although they may be allowed to perform some functions - surveillance, organizing raids, delivering food and drink, as well as selling stolen goods.

Recently, Papuan gangs have been actively involved in the activities of international crime. The leading position in the development of the New Guinea criminal space belongs to the Chinese mafia structure “Triad”. By generously sponsoring local police officers, the Chinese freely sell drugs through rebel groups, which then travel to Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Canada.

Communism in Papuan style

According to criminologists, reskolism in New Guinea is determined by the traditions of Melanesian society, which until recently was at the stage of a primitive communal system. Having begun to actively experience the influence of civilization in the second half of the 20th century, the Papuans, in fact, did not go beyond the boundaries of “communal communism.” This is also inherent in resolute gangs, in which the principle of distribution of goods has been preserved - housing, food, weapons and even looted property.

Another feature of Papuan reskolism, which has national roots, is the initiation rite. When a Papuan youth brought back his first kill from a hunt, he became a man. To become a full-fledged member of a raskol gang, you also need a victim, but among modern Papuans, a raped woman takes the place of an animal. According to international organizations, every third woman in New Guinea has experienced sexual abuse at least once.

However, researchers say the real culprit behind the rampant racialism in Papua is the pernicious influence of Western culture, which, when it lands on Papuan soil, produces completely unpredictable, sometimes bizarre shoots. Thus, the idols of Papuan youth in American cinema invariably become bad guys, and the cruelty they show is perceived as a manifestation of heroism.

Some Papuans believe that the products of Western civilization that fall into their hands - food, alcohol, clothing, all sorts of trinkets - grow on trees in the countries of newcomers. This was most clearly manifested in the “cargo cult” - a cross between Christianity and local beliefs, according to which the complete abundance that exists in the West was unjustly appropriated by the “evil whites”, and the main task of the Papuans is to ensure that what was illegally taken is returned to the people of Papua .

A list of the most dangerous gangs on the planet that you would hardly want to cross paths with in a dark alley.

1. Jamaican Posse.
The gang, armed with machine guns, is known for its links to the Jamaican government and for the brutality with which they kill their victims, sometimes even using irons and axes.

2. Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC).
This gang settled in Brazil, in all the prisons of Sao Paolo and the slums. Known for kidnapping, extortion and blackmail. In May 2006, they managed to keep the whole of Sao Paolo under siege for a week, killing police officers and setting fire to government buildings.

3. Crips.
This gang originated from a gang of 16-year-old boys who scared passersby. It is currently one of the largest criminal organizations in the world. Its members dress in blue and are incredibly brutal, so much so that most of their deaths are the result of internal strife.

4. Aryan Brotherhood.
The gang is responsible for more than a quarter of prison murders in the United States. To enter here you need to kill any cellmate.

5. La Nuestra Familia.
This is one of the largest Chicano gangs in the world and one of the most bitter rivals of the Mexican mafia. The gang is known for its demands for loyalty, and the initiation process takes several years. For everyone who entered here, there is no turning back.

6. Latin Kings.
This gang is one of the most well-organized Latin American gangs in the world. They have their own Constitution, which includes traces of Marxism, Confucianism and Christianity. Although they are not particularly violent, their activities include contract killings.

7. James-Younger Gang.
Unlike other gangs, Jesse James and his associates are no longer alive. This gang became famous not for its cruelty, but for its art of stealing money from people.

8. Mexican Mafia (La eMe).
This gang is an ally of the Aryan Brotherhood from the south coast of the United States. Known for her active involvement in the drug trade. Gang members are easily identified by a special tattoo in the form of a black hand located on the chest.

9. Wah Ching.
Although the history of this gang is controversial, one thing is well known - they are great at making money. Although they often resort to extreme cruelty, they only use it as a means to an end. The bulk of their activities center around money laundering and financial crimes in Los Angeles and East Asia.

10. Black Guerrilla Family.
This gang was founded in 1966 with the goal of overthrowing the US government. Their allies include a huge number of gangs on both coasts.

11.Area Boys (Agberos).
A group of loosely organized teenagers roam the streets of Lagos, Nigeria. The group is known for its extortion and drug addiction. Despite their poor organization, they are still dangerous thanks to unprovoked attacks on peaceful passers-by and their peers.

12. Almighty Black P. Stone Nation.
A street gang from Chicago with a strong Islamic leaning. Its leader is Abdullah-Malik, who is associated with Muammar Gaddafi. Despite the fact that they were not known to be particularly violent, they were often pursued by FBI agents.

13. Yakuza.
Members of this Japanese gang, upon joining, are required to cut off all ties with their family as proof of their complete loyalty to the boss. Widespread in Western media
the belief is that gang members cut off one of their fingers as a form of regret.

14.Hell's Angels.
A biker gang widely known for its brutality. It should also be noted that while most mafia groups or criminal organizations engage in illegal activities for profit, this gang considers violence a part of life.

15. Cosa Nostra.
This crime syndicate, better known as the American Mafia, is an offshoot of the famous Sicilian Mafia. Its roots go back to the East Side of New York during the beginning of Italian immigration to the United States. This group is known for its brutality and merciless punishment in case of violation of the code.

16.Irish Republican Army (IRA).
This is not your typical gang. The Irish Republican Army operates similarly to many of the gangs on this list, with violence being their forte. The IRA paramilitary group is responsible for numerous deaths and terrorist attacks. Its goal is the eradication of Northern Ireland and a unified Irish government.

17. Bloods.
This gang is known for its red bands and rivalry with the Crips gang. Initially, the Bloods were an offshoot of this gang, but after the conflict they were forced to resort to extreme violence.

18. Texas Syndicate.
This is one of the small gangs allied with Los Zetas. They are known for a number of contract killings committed in the United States.

19. Triads.
This is a major Chinese crime syndicate with more than 2.5 million members worldwide. Known for their clearly organized structure and bloody rituals.

20. Mongols.
Like the Hells Angels, this group uses a philosophy of violence to live its life. Among other things, these two gangs are at enmity with each other.

21. 18th Street Gang.
According to statistics, every day in the Los Angeles area someone becomes a victim of this gang. Over the past ten years, this gang has committed 3 times more murders than anyone on this list.

22. Los Zetas.
This is one of the most powerful drug cartels in the world. Los Zetas are responsible for so much death and destruction that words cannot express them. Their base is located in Mexico, but their influence extends far beyond the Mexican borders.

23. Russian Mafia.
Widely known for its practice of not only killing rivals, but also all members of their families, the Russian mafia brings new meaning to the word "cold-blooded." Their influence is spread throughout the world.

24. Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13).
One of the most violent gangs in the world, MS-13 makes most other gangs look like high school kids smoking marijuana. It was founded in California in the 1980s. Since then it has grown to 70,000 people throughout Central and North America.

25. The Mungiki.
This gang operates in the slums of Nairobi and numbers more than 100,000 people. In the past, its members were known for wearing dreadlocks and bathing in blood. Their symbolism is a severed human head on a stick.

Modern large criminal groups are real states within states, with tens of thousands of members, their own army and turning over billions of dollars a year. Their main area of ​​activity is drugs, extortion, murder, blackmail and girls of easy virtue. In terms of annual income, some of them can compete with the largest companies in the world. Meet the ten most dangerous criminal gangs in the world.

10. Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) / First capital team

The notorious Brazilian gang Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) from Sao Paulo was founded in 1993 by members of a prison soccer team who survived a bloody prison riot. Today, a gang of 14,000 people, of whom 6,000 are in prison, controls local prisons and favelas, making money through murder, extortion, drug trafficking and transportation. In 2006, the PCC distinguished itself by attacking several banks, prisons, public buildings in four days, robbing dozens of buses and managing to paralyze city traffic, killing 150 people.

9. Mungiki / Mungiki

Mungiki is a mixture of a criminal organization and a religious cult. From the Bantu language, “mungiki” is translated as “many,” which seems to hint at the simply enormous number of gang members, who at different times numbered from one hundred thousand to a million people. This gang, which specializes in kidnappings, murders, extortion, and controls entire communities and public transport, was outlawed by the Kenyan government in 2002. In 2013, an entire town was burned down by Mungiki members who refused to pay the required amount.

8. Sinaloa Cartel / Sinaloa Cartel

The Sinaloa Cartel is the largest drug cartel in the world, whose leader, Joaquin Guzman Loera, also known as "El Chapo", has been declared public enemy number one. Moreover, he is considered one of the most influential people on the planet according to Forbes magazine, being between the editor-in-chief of The New York Times Jill Abramson and the Speaker of the US House of Representatives John Boehner. Although Loera is now in prison, the Sinaloa cartel continues to successfully conduct its business, focusing on drugs, murder, kidnapping, extortion and girls of easy virtue. According to some reports, in order to allow several million dollars worth of drugs into the United States, the Sinaloa cartel leaked a lot of information about rival organizations to law enforcement agencies.

7. Aryan Brotherhood / Aryan Brotherhood

The Aryan Brotherhood is not quite an ordinary gang in the classical sense; it is rather a kind of prison community, not particularly dangerous to ordinary people on the outside. Members of this criminal organization kill a huge number of people in prisons. Only 0.1% of prisoners belong to the Aryan Brotherhood, which accounts for about 20% of all murders in US correctional institutions. The Aryan Brotherhood appeared in California's San Quentin prison in 1964, immediately earning a reputation as the most dangerous gang in the United States. Their main activities are arms trafficking, drugs, extortion and murder. Members of the Aryan Brotherhood are easily recognized by their tattoos with Nazi and Satanic symbols.

6. Crips

The African-American gang Crips appeared on the streets of Los Angeles in 1969, compared to other representatives from our rating, they look like quite calm and nice guys, not breaking dozens of people’s skulls. However, their numbers, stupid activity and excellent weapons make them one of the most dangerous gangs in the United States. The Crips are primarily involved in drugs, robbery, extortion and murder.

5. United Bamboo (Zhu Lien Bang)

The Taiwanese group United Bamboo, also known as Zhu Lien Bang, is part of the notorious Chinese triad. They specialize in drugs, weapons, kidnapping and the illegal movement of people across borders. Unlike most other gangs, they have been able to develop good relationships with foreign major criminal organizations, allowing United Bamboo to be very successful in operating its business overseas.

The Barrio Azteca gang emerged from a prison in El Paso, Texas in 1986 and quickly went from being a street gang to a heavily armed paramilitary cartel that was able to provide serious competition to the Sinaloa Cartel. Their main operating principles are ruthlessness, violence and terror, and they specialize in drugs, murder and kidnapping.

3. Yamaguchi-gumi / Yamaguchi-gumi

The Yamaguchi-gumi is the largest gang in the famous Japanese Yakuza mafia, known for its strict hierarchy and looking very respectable. They have their own offices, websites, and many wear business suits and have business cards. Over its hundred-year history, the Yamaguchi-gumi have distinguished themselves through extortion, intimidation, fraud, murder and political corruption. Today there are about 40,000 people in this criminal organization.

2. Mara Salvatrucha / Maara Salvatrucha

The international criminal organization Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13, was created by Salvadorans in the early 80s in Los Angeles to confront street gangs. Today this is one of the most influential gangs in North and South America, which is involved in drugs, arms trafficking, extortion, girls of easy virtue and murder, and is not afraid to kill even federal agents. Mara Salvatrucha works closely with Los Zetas, for whom the latter train fighters in the special forces program. Today there are 70,000 people in the gang, of which about 10,000 live in the United States.

1. Los Zetas / Los Zetas

The origins of Los Zetas in the 90s were former Mexican special forces soldiers, who initially became the mercenary army of the Golfo Cartel. At the beginning of the two thousandth, they formed a separate criminal group, which in a very short time became the most equipped and dangerous gang in Mexico. Their specialization is kidnapping, extortion, murder and drug trafficking. In August 2011, a casino in Mexico was burned down, killing 52 people.

In our time, modern groups of criminals should be called real states. They consist of a thousand people who have their own army and turn in billions of dollars a year. The main areas of gang activity include murder, drugs, extortion and blackmail. Some of the gangs can compete with the largest companies in the world in terms of annual income.

1. Los Zetas

First up is the Mexican gang. Its origins were represented by former Mexican special forces soldiers. They initially became the mercenary army of the Golfo Cartel. But since the beginning of the 2000s, they have formed a separate group, which in a fairly short time was able to become the most equipped and dangerous gang in the country. The specialization of the workers of this gang is extortion, kidnapping, drug trafficking and murder. In August 2011, a gang burned down an entire casino in Mexico. 52 people died there from the fire.

2. Mara Salvatrucha

This criminal organization is also known as MS-13. It was created by Salvadorans in the early 80s in Los Angeles. It was formed to confront street gangs. But in our time it is one of the most influential gangs in South and North America. She also trades in arms trafficking, drugs, girls of easy virtue and extortion with murders. The people of this organization are not even afraid to kill federal agents. The gang's fighters work closely with Los Zetas. The latter specifically train people according to a certain program.

3. Yamaguchi-gumi

In the famous Japanese mafia, the Yakuza, this gang is considered the largest and most famous. They have become famous for their cruel hierarchy, and they look very respectable. The gang even has its own offices and websites. Many of the fighters wear business suits and carry business cards. Over the course of many years of history, this gang has distinguished itself through intimidation, extortion, murder and fraud. There is also political corruption here. In our time, there are about 40,000 people in this criminal group.

4. Barrio Azteca

This gang was formed in the El Paso prison in Mexico. In 1986, they quickly went from a street gang to a well-armed paramilitary punisher. The gang also creates serious competition for the Sinaloa punisher. The basic principles of work include violence, ruthlessness and terror. If we talk about specialization, it includes murder, drugs and kidnapping.

5.United Bamboo

The Taiwanese group is part of the notorious Chinese triad. It deals with weapons, drugs, illegal movement of people across borders and kidnapping. This group, unlike other gangs, was able to establish good relations with large foreign criminal organizations. Thanks to this, the gang can calmly and successfully conduct their business abroad.

6. Crips

An African-American gang appeared on the streets of Los Angeles back in 1969. And they look like pretty nice and calm guys when you compare them with the rest of the gangs on our list. Only their numbers, stupid activity and wonderful weapons make people one of the most dangerous gangs in the United States. The group is involved in robbery, drugs, murder and extortion.

7. Aryan Brotherhood

In the classical sense, such a gang cannot be called ordinary. Most likely this is a prison society, which is not entirely dangerous for people on the outside. Members of this group kill a large number of people in prisons. And only 0.1 percent of prisoners are members of the Aryan Brotherhood. They also account for about 20 percent of all murders in America's penal colonies. The Aryan Brotherhood was founded in 1964 at San Quentin Prison. It was then that it immediately gained a reputation as the most dangerous gang in America. Their activities: drugs, arms trafficking, murder and extortion. They can also be easily recognized by their tattoos with Satanic and Nazi symbols.

8. Sinaloa Cartel

This is the largest drug cartel in the world. Its head is Joaquin Guzman Loera. He was immediately declared public enemy number one. He is also considered one of the most influential people on earth according to Forbes magazine. Despite the fact that Loera is behind bars today, this does not stop him from continuing to conduct his business successfully. He focuses on kidnappings, drugs, prostitutes and extortion. Some information says that in exchange for allowing several million dollars worth of drugs to be brought into America, the punisher leaked a lot of information about competing organizations to law enforcement agencies.

9. Mungiki

Ninth place is occupied by a criminal organization with a religious cult. The Mungiki gang can be translated from the national language as - many. So this hints at the sheer number of gang members. At different times they numbered up to a million people. This group specializes in murder, kidnapping and extortion. It can also control entire settlements, the government of Kenya and public transport. Of course, the state outlawed it in 2002. But in 2013, gang members burned down an entire city, which did not want to pay the required amount.

10. First capital team

In 1993, the notorious gang was founded. It consisted of members of the prison football team that survived a bloody prison riot. Nowadays the gang numbers about 14,000 people. Of these, only 6,000 are in prison. They also control local prisons and favelas. In 2006, the gang managed to attack 4 banks, prisons and public buildings. At the same time, dozens of buses were robbed.

Video: Top 10 most dangerous gangs in the world