French somersaults by Sasha the Dutchman. A former employee of the Russian Federal Customs Service was detained in Denmark. When a video camera was installed in the apartment.

Former employee of the Federal customs service(FCS) 43-year-old Alexander Panesh was detained several days ago in international airportCopenhagen, where he found himself passing through on the way from France to the Baltic states. His lawyer Kim Bagge confirmed the fact of detention, noting that her client has been listed in international wanted list. The Copenhagen District Court placed Alexander Panesh under arrest until December 19. According to the representative of the Danish Prosecutor General's Office, Henriet Norring, her office expects that by this time Russia will provide a request from the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and other documents necessary to consider the issue of his extradition. In his homeland, Panesh is accused of fraud and bribery: according to investigators, having received €5 million from an acquaintance to buy real estate, the customs officer embezzled the money and fabricated a criminal case against the creditor. According to Ms. Norring, the extradition of Alexander Panesh to Russia “will only be possible if all the requirements of Danish legislation on the extradition of criminals are met.”

Alexander Panesh, also known in certain circles as Sasha the Dutchman, came to the attention of Russian law enforcement agencies in 2012. At that time, the famous Russian judoka Dmitry Khodanovich decided to purchase real estate in France. His friend, co-owner of the Kedr and "Pushkino"(both banks belonged to Alexey Alyakin group "Reinvest") Alexander Kabanov, brought the athlete together with Mr. Panesh, presenting him as “a serious businessman with connections in Russian law enforcement agencies, as well as in European banking circles.” Interestingly, the first meeting between a judoka and a businessman took place in the gated community of Royal Golf Club in the suburbs French city Mougins, where the Dutchman had purchased a villa by that time. It should be noted that he ended up abroad quite unexpectedly: working in the administration in 2006 Kaluga region and being part of a delegation of Russian officials in Serbia, he sent to the then governor of the region Anatoly Artamonov fax with resignation letter.

As Mr. Khodanovich later stated to law enforcement agencies, within six months he transferred more than €5 million to Alexander Panesh through his proxies for the purchase of housing in France. However, he never received the property. The indignant judoka made a complaint to Mr. Kabanov, and he, as compensation, offered the athlete to purchase a boarding house from him for €350 thousand. However, this deal also stalled. When lawyers checked the boarding house, it turned out that several legal disputes were ongoing regarding it, with no end in sight. According to the agency "Ruspres", to resolve the dispute, Khodanovich tried to involve representatives of the criminal world. He came to meetings with Solntsevo authority Mikhail Lednev, nicknamed “Lollipop” - but this did not help him.

When Khodanovich finally decided to contact law enforcement agencies, he was surprised to learn that an investigation was already underway against him. The fact is that businessman Kabanov complained to the security forces that he was constantly receiving threats, and once he was even attacked, during which the businessman lost his Urwerk-103 watch worth 5 million rubles. MUR operatives conducted a search of Mr. Khodanovich’s apartment, where this watch was discovered and confiscated in the presence of witnesses. However, the detectives did not take into account one circumstance: the owner installed video cameras in all areas of the apartment. One of them recorded that shortly before the search, one of the operatives himself placed a watch in the place where it was later allegedly found. During the investigation, MUR officers Dmitry Alferov and Sergei Abrosenko, as well as Stanislav Maksimov from the Main Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were detained. All of them were charged with abuse of power (Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and falsification of evidence (Article 303 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). As the investigation established, Alexander Panesh organized the entire operation involving the planting of watches. According to Kommersant, as a reward, he transferred a property in Moscow to a relative of one of the detectives. All former operatives and businessman Kabanov have already been convicted. Alexander Panesh managed to go abroad and was put on the international wanted list.

Last year, the Panesh case came to light again in connection with the arrests in Investigative Committee. As the agency reported "Ruspres", operatives Stanislav Maksimov, Dmitry Alferov and Sergei Abrosenko, convicted on charges of falsifying evidence and exceeding official authority, turned out to be subordinates of General Denis Nikandrov, detained along with other high-ranking security officials in the case of accepting a bribe from thief in law Zagari Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy). After Nikandrov’s arrest, operatives of the Main Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also reviewed the materials of the case of Sasha Gollandets. During the investigation, it turned out that the resolution on the preliminary investigation, the resolution on the seizure and transfer of the criminal case, the petition for arrest and extension of arrest, and the accompanying letters were signed not by General Nikandrov but by unidentified persons. The investigation data was transferred to the Prosecutor General's Office. It is too early to say whether they will affect the fate of Alexander Panesh.

As Kommersant learned, Danish law enforcement agencies refused to extradite former Federal Customs Service employee and lawyer Alexander Panesh to Russia, sending him to France, where the Russian is trying to get shelter. In his homeland, Alexander Panesh is accused of fraud and bribery: according to investigators, he received €5 million from an acquaintance to buy real estate for him, but did not carry out the instructions, and in order not to return the money, he gave a bribe to MUR operatives so that they would falsify information against the victim criminal case. The ex-customs officer's defense considers the accusation unfounded.

The Danish Prosecutor General's Office recently made a decision to refuse the extradition of Alexander Panesh to Russia. The former Moscow customs officer had been in this country since November last year, when he was detained during an intermediate transfer on the way from France to Lithuania. At the request of the Danish Prosecutor General's Office, the District Court of Copenhagen arrested Alexander Panesh, however, the local Interpol bureau, having found out that the ex-customs officer had applied for political asylum in France, opposed his extradition. The fact is that, according to Danish laws, the extradition of an asylum applicant to any country is impossible until a decision is made on his application. “As a result, the authorities decided to send him back to France,” said Alexander Panesh’s lawyer, Vadim Bagaturia. “Now we will ask to speed up the decision to grant him political asylum.”

Interestingly, several years ago Alexander Panesh already made an attempt to stay abroad due to problems with law enforcement agencies. Previously, he was engaged in the supply of flowers from Holland, and having earned his first millions and the nickname Sasha the Dutchman, he got a job in the administration of the Kaluga region. In 2006, local law enforcement officers opened a case against him under Art. 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of official powers), but at that time the suspect, as part of the Russian delegation, went to Serbia, from where he sent a letter of resignation. However, in the end, the charges against Alexander Panesh were dropped, and he returned to Russia.

A new criminal case was opened against Alexander Panesh, as well as the former co-owner of the Kedr and Pushkino banks, Alexander Kabanov, by the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for Moscow under Part 4 of Art. 159 (fraud in special large size) and art. 291 (giving a bribe) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in February 2016 according to judoka Dmitry Khodanovich. According to the applicant, at one time his acquaintance Alexander Kabanov introduced the athlete to Alexander Panesh. According to Dmitry Khodanovich, he asked Alexander Panesh to help him purchase housing in France, for which he then transferred more than €5 million to the ex-customs officer through his proxies. However, the athlete did not receive real estate, and the money was not returned to him.

After this, Dmitry Khodanovich began to demand a refund from Alexander Kabanov. According to the agency "Ruspres", to resolve the dispute, Khodanovich tried to involve representatives of the criminal world. He came to meetings with Solntsevo authority"Lollipop" - Mikhail Lednev.

According to representatives of Alexander Panesh, he and the banker offered the athlete the Matsestinskaya Valley boarding house located near Sochi worth €350 thousand and a house owned by the ex-customs officer in Nice worth €7 million with the condition that Dmitry Khodanovich would return the difference, but he did not agree. Difficult negotiations for the return of money lasted until March 2015, and then Alexander Kabanov was attacked, as a result of which he lost his Urwerk 103 watch worth 5 million rubles. Then Alexander Panesh turned for help to his friend from the Main Directorate for Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sergei Abrosenko. According to the source, the operative promised to involve his colleagues Stanislav Maksimov and Dmitry Alferov for help and asked Alexander Panesh and Alexander Kabanov for €1 million and $80 thousand “for operational expenses.” Having received part of this amount, criminal investigation operatives conducted a search in Dmitry Khodanovich’s apartment, where Kabanov’s expensive watch was found. However, the detectives did not take into account that the owner had installed video cameras in all areas of the apartment, one of which recorded that shortly before the search, one of the operatives himself planted a watch. The operatives were charged with abuse of power (Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and falsification of evidence (Article 303 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), all of them, as well as Alexander Kabanov, have already been convicted. The investigation considered Alexander Panesh to be the organizer of the watch planting, and therefore he was put on the wanted list.

Lawyer Vadim Bagaturia said that the story with €5 million was actually completely different. According to him, there was no talk of purchasing real estate at all, and Dmitry Khodanovich, who was involved in the trade of used cars, decided to withdraw this amount abroad, but the intermediary Maxim Likhanov, to whom he transferred the money, was detained (already convicted), and for everything cash an arrest was imposed, “for which there is documentary evidence.”

Two employees of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, Dmitry Alferov and Stanislav Maksimov, as well as an employee of the Main Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergei Abrosenko, were detained in September 2015. And the story itself, which destroyed the careers of three law enforcement officers, began in 2012. The co-owner of the Kedr and Pushkino banks, Alexander Kabanov, recommended that Russian judoka Dmitry Khodanovich, now the general director of Favorit LLC, who wanted to purchase real estate in France, seek help from a former employee of the capital’s customs, Alexander Panesh, who in narrow circles was called Sasha the Dutchman. According to Khodanovich, he managed to transfer more than 5 million euros to the man and his proxies, but never saw the real estate. Banker Kabanov suggested that the judoka forget about Panesh and, as compensation, buy the Matsesta boarding house from him for 350 thousand euros. The athlete’s lawyers learned about several legal disputes around the boarding house, and he decided to refuse the offer. The athlete arrived at his next meeting with banker Kabanov with Mikhail Lednev, nicknamed Lollipop. And in March 2015, a criminal case was opened at the Dorogomilovo Department of Internal Affairs for an assault on Kabanov. He indicated Khodanovich as the intended customer, and Lednev as the organizer. The task force that came to search Khodanovich, in addition to the fighters of the capital's SOBR, included operatives Stanislav Maksimov, Dmitry Alferov and Maxim Korostylev. Video cameras in Khodanovich’s bedroom recorded how Alferov, before the search began, placed here a certain platinum watch of the Urwerk-103 brand, worth 5 million rubles, which was allegedly stolen from the banker Kabanov during a robbery. During the investigation of the outrageous incident, Alferov said that the watch was given to him by the senior officer of the operational group, Maksimov. And he stated that they were given to him by Abrosenko, who, as it turned out, knew Sasha the Dutchman. It turned out that the Dutchman took the watch from Kabanov, and the attack was actually staged. For their services, the police asked Panesh for $500 thousand. For this amount, he transferred a property in Moscow worth about 30 million to Abrosenko’s father.

Maksimov, Alferov, Abrosenko and Kabanov were taken into custody. Panesh is on the international wanted list. Abrosenko and Maksimov entered into pre-trial agreements, their cases were considered separately in court.

As the Dorogomilovsky prosecutor's office told MK, the court sentenced Abrosenko to 4.5 years in prison for bribery on an especially large scale. strict regime. He is deprived of the right to hold positions in law enforcement, state, and municipal authorities related to the performance of functions of a government representative for a period of 2 years.

By the way, Sergei Abrosenko had a certain reputation among the capital’s operatives: he certainly found drugs or ammunition from many of the thieves in law he detained (even from those authorities who had not previously been known to use drugs).

The Danish Prosecutor General's Office was unable to extradite former FCS employee and lawyer Alexander Panesh to Russia, as he applied for political asylum in France. According to local laws, the extradition of an asylum applicant to any country is impossible until a decision has been made on his application. The 43-year-old ex-customs officer was detained at the end of November last year at Copenhagen International Airport while heading from France to Lithuania. As a result, as Kommersant reports, he was sent back to France.
In Russia, in 2016, two cases were opened against Panesh, also known as Sasha the Dutchman, under the articles “Fraud on an especially large scale” (Part 4 of Article 159) and “Giving a bribe” (Article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Back in 2012, Panesh, through the mediation of a certain Alexander Kabanov, volunteered to help the famous Russian judoka Dmitry Khodanovich purchase real estate in France. However, having received more than 5 million euros from him, instead of a villa in France, he offered the athlete to buy from him a boarding house near Sochi for 350 thousand euros and a house in Nice worth 7 million euros, with the condition that Khodanovich would pay the difference. Feeling another deception, the athlete began to demand the return of his money. Negotiations lasted until 2015. And when Khodanovich finally decided to contact law enforcement agencies, he learned that a criminal case had already been opened against him for allegedly stealing Kabanov’s Urwerk 103 watch worth 5 million rubles.

Later, this watch was discovered during a search in Khodanovich’s apartment. But as CCTV cameras recorded, they were thrown there by the MUR employees themselves. It turned out that Panesh organized such an operation with the help of his acquaintance from the Main Directorate for Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sergei Abrosenko, to whom he promised a reward of more than 1 million euros. He, having received part of this amount, in turn attracted his colleagues Dmitry Alferov and Stanislav Maksimov. All security officials were detained and charged with abuse of power (Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and falsification of evidence (Article 303 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Later Kabanov was also detained. All of them have already received real sentences, and Panesh managed to hide abroad, and therefore was put on the international wanted list.

Panesh's lawyer Vadim Bagaturia told Kommersant that in fact, initially there was no talk of purchasing real estate. It’s just that Khodanovich, who was involved in the used car trade, decided to withdraw this amount abroad, but the intermediary Maxim Likhanov, to whom he transferred the money, was detained, and all funds were seized, which, according to the lawyer, has documentary evidence.

It is noteworthy that this is not Panesh’s first attempt to find refuge abroad. In 2006, when he worked in the administration of the Kaluga region, he became suspected of abuse of power (Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Then Sasha the Dutchman, who received such a nickname because he was once engaged in supplying flowers from Holland, hastily went on a business trip to Serbia, from where he sent his letter of resignation. However, in the end, the charges against Alexander Panesh were dropped, and he returned to Russia.

Judoist Dmitry Khodanovich

Last week, FSB officers conducted searches in the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, and then, by decision of the Presnensky Court, arrested two employees of the 21st department of the 6th ORCh of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow (operational search unit No. 6 is responsible for the fight against organized crime groups leaders and thieves in law) ) Stanislav Maksimov and Dmitry Alferov. In addition to the Murovites, an operative from the Main Criminal Investigation Department (GUUR MIA) Sergei Abrosenko was also taken into custody. They are charged with abuse of power and falsification of evidence. Novaya Gazeta learned the details of a high-profile criminal case.

The story itself began back in 2012, when the famous Russian judoka Dmitry Khodanovich decided to purchase real estate in France. For help, he turned to the co-owner of the Kedr and Pushkino banks, Alexander Kabanov, with whom he visited an elite sport Club"Ilyinka Sport" Mr. Kabanov said that he himself is not involved in this, but he can put him in touch with “a very decent person and a serious businessman” who has good connections in the Russian intelligence services and European banking circles.

A decent and well-connected person turned out to be a former employee of the capital’s customs, Alexander Panesh, nicknamed Sasha the Dutchman.

At the time of their acquaintance, Panesh had already served a prison sentence for smuggling in Holland and was on the interstate wanted list. However, having such a stormy biography behind him, the Dutchman somehow passed the FSB check, and he was appointed head of the Borovsky district of the Kaluga region.

In 2006, Panesh, as part of the official delegation of the Kaluga region, flew to Serbia and never returned (Ministry of Internal Affairs officers searched Panesh’s office and put him on the wanted list). Already from France, he sent a fax to Governor Anatoly Artamonov that he was resigning of his own free will.

However, Khodanovich did not know these details and happily agreed to meet with Panesh. The meeting took place in the gated community “Royal Golf Club” in the suburbs of the French city of Mougins, where Panesh has a villa.

According to Khodanovich, within six months he allegedly transferred more than 5 million euros to Panesh and his proxies, but never acquired foreign real estate. The indignant judoka turned to the banker Kabanov, who recommended the Dutchman to him, and as compensation he offered to purchase the Matsesta boarding house from him for 350 thousand euros. At the same time, one condition was put forward: Khodanovich would not demand the return of his millions and would forget about Panesh forever. But when lawyers checked the boarding house, it turned out that several legal disputes were ongoing regarding it, with no end in sight.

For the next meeting with banker Kabanov in Novinsky Passage, the athlete arrived with Mikhail Lednev, nicknamed Lollipop, who lives in Solntsevo.

Mr. Lednev has long been known to law enforcement agencies: in May 1994, he was detained at the famous thieves’ gathering in Butyrka, where the authorities penetrated with the help of pre-trial detention center guards. Together with Ledenets, thieves in law Sergei Lipchansky (Sibiryak, killed in Balashikha in 1996), Tengiz Gavashelishvili (Tengiz Pitsundsky, killed in Sochi in 2001) and two reputable Solntsevo entrepreneurs Gennady Shapovalov and Gennady Avilov were arrested along with Ledenets.

At the meeting in Novinsky Passage, the parties could not come to an agreement.

...And then events began to develop rapidly: according to banker Kabanov, some people constantly called him with threats demanding that he return the money to Khodanovich or transfer “Matsesta” to new owners. Then, in March 2015, at the Dorogomilovo Department of Internal Affairs, senior investigator Yulia Korichina opened a criminal case on the fact of a robbery against Kabanov. In his testimony, the victim banker pointed to Lednev as the possible organizer of the crime, and named the judoist Khodanovich as the alleged customer.

As Novaya learned, retired colonel David R. was detained as part of a criminal case, but the defense was able to prove that this man was not involved in the attack.

However, detectives raided the home of Khodanovich, who at that time was in Greece with his family. The task force, in addition to the fighters of the capital's SOBR, included operatives from the 6th operational unit of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow Stanislav Maksimov, Dmitry Alferov and Maxim Korostylev. During the search, operatives found an Urwerk-103 watch worth 5 million rubles, which was allegedly stolen from banker Kabanov during a robbery.

Meanwhile, the operatives had no idea that the apartment of the judoist Khodanovich was equipped with video surveillance, and the camera recorded how, even before the search began, Alferov planted that same watch in the bedroom.

Criminal cases were opened against MUR employees for abuse of power and falsification of evidence. During the investigation, Alferov testified that the watch was handed to him by the senior officer of the operational group, Maksimov. In turn, Maksimov said that the “evidence” with the words “all these Solntsevskys need to be closed” was allegedly given to him by an employee of the Main Directorate for Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sergei Abrosenko. Next they arrested Abrosenko, who, as it turned out, was familiar with the above-mentioned Sasha Dutch.

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Sergei Abrosenko began his service in the OBOP in the Central Administrative District, then moved to Petrovka-38, then moved to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District to Shabolovka, and only then to the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Among the capital's operatives, Abrosenko has a certain reputation: he certainly found drugs or ammunition from many of the thieves in law he detained (even from those authorities who had not previously been known to use drugs).

...The lawyer of the arrested Murov resident Dmitry Alferov, Gadir Mirzoev, said that the court did not fully understand the situation and followed the lead of the investigation:

I believe that my client was framed, but the judge ignored our requests and made a decision in six minutes. And when did he manage to study all the materials? We also really want to find out when exactly a video camera was installed in Khodanovich’s apartment?

Some sources in Petrovka do not rule out that a provocation took place, and Abrosenko acted under the control of the FSB Internal Security Directorate:

This story with the clock being tossed, first of all, hits the head of the Moscow police Anatoly Yakunin and his inner circle... I would not be surprised if Abrosenko, at the request of the FSB, is one of the first to be released.

It was not possible to get comments from Mr. Kabanov, since, according to some reports, he is in Monaco. And Panesh was last seen on his yacht near Nice.

Alexander Panesh, aka Sasha the Dutchman

Official comment

A representative of Dmitry Khodanovich answered questions from Novaya Gazeta

- When was the video camera installed in the apartment?

Since my client has small children, a video camera was installed in the bedroom to monitor them. It is clearly visible, and how experienced operatives did not notice the device is completely incomprehensible to us.

- Is Khodanovich a friend of Mikhail Lednev?

My client met Mr. Lednev at some sports tournament, but it was a casual acquaintance. They did not have any joint affairs. We also doubt the attack on banker Alexander Kabanov itself - most likely, it was staged.