Medici Palace Riccardi. Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence. Entrance ticket to the palazzo

Palazzo Medici Riccardi (Italian: Palazzo Medici Riccardi) is the palace of the Medici family in the center of Florence, Italy, located on Via Cavour, not far from the Basilica of San Lorenzo and the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. The first secular building of the early Renaissance in the city, it was built by Cosimo de' Medici's favorite architect Michelozzo. Currently, the palace houses the Riccardian Library. The floors of the building, made of different masonry, divide the façade of the palazzo into three tiers. The rough rustication of the lower floor gradually gives way to smoother slabs on the second floor and perfectly fitted slabs on the third floor. For the first time since ancient times, a cornice with consoles was placed along the top of the building, protruding far forward. In 1517, the open loggia on the southeast side was covered with brick, and windows with tympanums, the creation of which is attributed to Michelangelo, were cut into the walled arches. The ground floor is made of raw and unpolished stone and, reminiscent of fortress masonry, is meant to symbolize stability. There were stables, a kitchen and housing for staff. Externally, the second floor, made of polished stone, is separated from the first by a crenellated frieze and cornice and decorated with the Medici coat of arms. On the second floor, called “piano nobile,” there were the owners’ living quarters and executive premises. The plastered halls contained bedrooms and storage rooms. The rooms, which are located around the square courtyard of the palazzo, are small in size. The courtyard, where lemon trees grow and sculptures are installed, also repeats the basic idea of ​​a rectangle divided into three tiers. From that time on, courtyards became mandatory in all aristocratic palaces. Cosimo de' Medici the Elder commissioned the construction of the palazzo in 1444 to the architect Michelozzo. The palace was intended to highlight Cosimo the Elder's new position in power following his return from exile in 1434. The goal was achieved by an unusual method: for the first time, rusticated flagstone was used in the decoration of a residential building, which until then had been the privilege of only public buildings. According to the customer’s plan, the palazzo should not be excessively luxurious, so as not to arouse the envy of other patrician families. Cosimo de' Medici was at this time the most influential of the 80 Florentine bankers. The palace was supposed to house both residential premises and the headquarters of the Medici bank. Michelozzo worked on the palazzo for 20 years. On April 17, 1459, the palace was visited by fifteen-year-old Galeazzo Maria Sforza, the future Duke of Milan. In 1659, the palace passed into the hands of the Ricciardi family. At the same time, additional seven windows appeared. The Chapel of the Magi is a famous room in the palace, famous for its paintings by Benozzo Gozzoli in 1461.

In culture

Palazzo Medici-Riccardi can be seen in the computer game Assassin's Creed II. In addition, one of the game's missions takes place there, when, according to the plot, in 1478, the main character helps Lorenzo Medici avoid an assassination attempt during the Pazzi conspiracy...

Hello our dear readers. Florence is simply filled with beauty. You can hardly argue with this. In addition, every corner of this wonderful place breathes history. Just like our subject of discussion today. Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence. This is the ancestral castle of the notorious Medici and the first building built in the Renaissance style on the territory of Florence. Subsequently, it became the standard for all similar architectural masterpieces in Italy.

Italy. Region Tuscany. City of Florence. Palazzo Medici Riccardi


The palace (Palazzo Medici Riccardi) was designed for the Medici family by the architect Michelozzo. Although the original project was created by Brunelleschi. It seemed too pompous to Cosimo de' Medici; the old banker believed that all this extra pathos would cause envy, so he abandoned it.

The appearance of the Michelzollo Palace, on the contrary, was extremely simple. And therefore it was accepted unconditionally. So, in 1444, the construction of the mansion began.

The Medici lived here for several centuries. Until, after the reign of Pietro, nicknamed “The Loser,” and times of decline, the family had to sell the building to the Ricciardi family in 1659.

Immediately after the sale, reconstruction began. The building was expanded and part of the interior was updated. And if outwardly it was still a representative of the Renaissance, then inside it looked more like an example of Baroque.

And by 1660, the Riccardian Library was opened, which now shares this building with the prefecture.

In 1814, the Riccardi sold the palazzo to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. Since then, the palace began to bear a double name.

Architectural features

What happened as a result of all the changes? Here's what:

  • The courtyard of the building is a quadrangle, and hides a central courtyard with arcades.

This courtyard is also often called the "Courtyard of Michelozzo" or the "Courtyard with Columns".

There are several levels in the building.

  • The first level is a covered arched gallery with columns. The columns are richly decorated with mythological scenes and Medici coats of arms.
  • The second level is represented by windows. They exactly repeat the appearance of the windows on the outside of the facade.
  • The third level is a gallery of arches, decorated with columns.

The premises on the lower floor store exhibits collected by the Medici and Ricciardi.

Here you can see:

  • antique busts
  • roman sarcophagi
  • fragments of various reliefs
  • The sculpture “Orpheus pacifying Cerberus” by Baccio Bandinelli is also kept here.

No less beautiful than all these exhibits is the garden set up in the courtyard.

This is a real kingdom of symmetry. Everything here has the correct geometric shape.

In the center of this garden there used to be a statue of Judith, but now it is located on the territory of the Palazzo Vecchio.

Exterior decoration and halls of the palace

As we said, simplicity rules here. But at the same time, this simplicity symbolizes the power and stability of the Medici power.

  • The first floor was once given over to the kitchen, stables and servants' quarters.
  • The second floor of the building deserves special attention. After all, its windows were created according to the ideas of the genius Michelangelo. The second floor is separated from the first by a crenellated frieze with the Medici coat of arms.

There is no exact interpretation of the meaning of the coat of arms. But there is such an assumption. It is believed that the coat of arms depicts marks on the Medici shield left by the blow of a huge giant.

The second floor was considered the front floor. Representatives of a noble family lived here. Therefore, the rooms match them, they are huge. The walls on this floor are covered with marble, the ceiling is gilded, and the furniture is inlaid with wooden mosaics.

The second house housed the master's quarters and rooms for business meetings. The interior decoration of some rooms is perfectly preserved.

  • Gallery of Mirrors (Gallery Giordano, Giordano Galleria)

The vault of this room is decorated with frescoes created in the 17th century commissioned by the Riccardi family. They depict allegorical figures. In the center is the fresco “Triumph of the Medici on the Clouds of Olympus.” On it is Jupiter, around are characters with the faces of members of the Medici family, Cosimo III Medici, his sons, and the Duke’s brother.

The stars discovered by Galileo and named after the Medici are also symbolically depicted here.

  • In another hall of the palace you will see the Madonna and Child. This fresco was created by Filippo Lippi.

  • Here is one of the most famous places in the palace - the Chapel of the Magi.

This is a small family chapel consisting of two rooms. And here you will definitely have the feeling that you are in the pages of a fairy tale.

The walls of the chapel are a single cycle of frescoes called “Procession of the Magi to Bethlehem.” Now think about who these wise men will remind you of? Right. Members of the venerable Medici family.

And this whole procession, as if slowly moving along the walls of the chapel, makes you completely lose your sense of reality.

There is an altar in the center here. Above it is the painting “Nativity”, a copy of the work of Filippo Lippi.

Working hours

  • Every day except Wednesday.
  • From 9:00 to 19:00

What is the price

A standard ticket costs 7 euros.

Where to stay in Florence

Now many housing options in Florence have appeared on the service AirBnb. We have written how to use this service. If you do not find a free hotel room, then look for accommodation through this booking site.

We lived in a hotel MsnSuites Palazzo dei Ciompi Florence. We had an apartment with a kitchen.

We offer good hotel options in Florence

How to get there

By bus No. 1, 11, 17.

Palazzo Medici Riccardi on the map

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Construction of the Palazzo Medici Riccardi, which now houses the museum and the Riccardian Library, took 20 years. In 1444, it was started by Michelozzo di Bartolomeo, the favorite architect of Cosimo de' Medici the Old.

Cosimo Medici the Old, the most influential man of his time, a banker and owner of a huge fortune, wanted the entire large Medici family to live in the palazzo. In addition, the headquarters of the Medici Bank were to be located here.

The central part of Florence was chosen as the location for the palazzo. Initially, Cosimo de' Medici the Old was presented with a different project - the one created by the architect Brunelleschi. However, the banker did not like it because of its excessive pomp and pretentiousness. He liked Michelozzo’s project: the palazzo had to be strict, impressive and at the same time elegant, as befits a banker’s palazzo.

It is curious that the architectural style of the palace - the early Renaissance style - was completely new for Florence. Palazzo Medici was the first building built here in this style. Subsequently, many imitated him, nevertheless, fearing to surpass the Medici Palazzo in beauty and scale.

The palazzo also differed from other city buildings in that it had a courtyard surrounded by arches resting on columns. On the wall of the second floor of the courtyard, the coat of arms of the Medici family has been preserved. The courtyard featured a garden with citrus trees and a fountain, paths lined with mosaics, and statues installed on the green lawns.

The outer walls of the palazzo, which is a regular quadrangle, are lined with slabs of natural stone using a rustic design. Thanks to the rough cladding of the first floor, an association with a fortress arises. This was the architect’s idea: whoever looked at the building should have had the impression of the power and stability of the Medici family.

The rough stone of the first floor is replaced by the smoother stone of the second. The slabs that line the third floor are completely smooth and well fitted. The floor ends with a cornice protruding far forward, which is supported by consoles. On the south-eastern side there was a loggia, which was later rebuilt.

On the ground floor of the palazzo there was a kitchen, utility rooms, and servants' rooms. The second floor was the main floor - there were master and executive rooms. Its walls were decorated with marble, the gilded ceiling was decorated with stucco, and furniture with inlay and inlay stood on marble floors.

While the outside of the Palazzo Medici looked relatively simple, albeit impressive, its interior was strikingly luxurious. Some halls now have almost the same appearance as they had in those distant times. For example, the Gallery of Mirrors, the vaults of which are painted with frescoes by Luca Giordano. On them, in the images of ancient heroes, it is easy to recognize members of the Medici family.

The palazzo houses the painting “Madonna and Child” by Filippo Lippi, the favorite artist of the Medici family.

One of the most remarkable places of the palazzo is the Chapel of the Magi. Her in the 15th century. painted by Benozzo Gozzoli. The faces of the Magi also resemble representatives of the Medici family. Above the altar of the chapel is a painting by Filippo Lippi “The Nativity”: Mary and John the Baptist bending over the baby.

During the reign of Piero di Lorenzo de' Medici, nicknamed Piero the Stupid or Piero the Unlucky, representatives of the Medici family had to flee to escape an angry crowd. They took some of the jewelry with them, but much was stolen. The Medici subsequently sold the palace to the Ricciardi family, who partially reconstructed it. The exterior was largely preserved, but the interior acquired Baroque features.

The palazzo began to bear the name Medici Riccardi in 1814, when it passed to the Duke of Tuscany. Later it was the site of the city prefecture and now the Riccardian Library and Museum.

Helpful information

Where is

The address of Palazzo Medici Riccardi (original name - Palazzo Medici Riccardi) is as follows: Via Cavour, 3, Florence, Italy.

How to get to Palazzo Medici Riccardi

Palazzo Medici Riccardi is located on Camillo Cavour 3, near the main square Piazza del Duomo.

Opening hours of Palazzo Medici-Riccardi

The Palazzo Medici Riccardi Museum is open daily except Wednesdays from 8:30 to 19:00. On weekends - until 18:00. The ticket office closes at 17:00. The library is open on Monday and Thursday from 8:15 to 17:15. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - from 8:15 to 13:45. Closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Entrance fee

A ticket to the rooms of the palace and the Chapel of the Magi, open to tourists, costs 6 euros. For children under 18 years old - half the price. The palace hosts art exhibitions. The cost of a ticket including a visit to the exhibition is 10 euros.

Palazzo Medici Riccardi is the palace of the Medici family in the center of Florence, Italy, located on Via Cavour, near the Basilica of San Lorenzo and the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.

The project was originally conceived as a residence for Cosimo de' Medici and his large family. The author of this project is Filipo Brunelleschi. He even made a special model of the palace to show it to the Duke of Tuscany in all its glory.
The project was grandiose and surpassed in luxury all the palaces known at that time. But the ruler forced the architect to redo the plan and removed half of the decorations that were unnecessary in his opinion. He said that luxury would only cause envy and attract unnecessary attention.

The first secular building of the early Renaissance in the city, it was built by Cosimo de' Medici's favorite architect Michelozzo. Currently the palace houses Riccardin Library

Riccardian Library.

According to historical evidence, Brunelleschi was so offended by the refusal that he destroyed the model of the palace offered to the duke. The image of the palace proposed by Michelotso di Bartolomeo, on the contrary, was so simple that the Medici accepted it unconditionally. So, at the intersection of the busiest streets of that time, the construction of the first Renaissance mansion began, which lasted for 20 years, starting in 1444. Later, architects who built houses for bankers tried in no way to surpass Cosimo's house, so that the owner would not be accused of arrogance.

Inside the complex there is the same quadrangular courtyard, framed by arcades. Thanks to the arches and columns in the Corinthian style, the courtyard gives the impression of lightness and elegance. The frame on the inside is almost identical to the finish on the outside. The first floor, however, is more airy - the covered arches give the palace a less ponderous appearance. The ground floor gallery is decorated with Medici coats of arms, bas-reliefs and scenes from mythology (by Bertoldo di Giovanni).

During his reign, Lorenzo, entering through the arch, could simultaneously see two “Davids” placed above the atrium. One was created by Donatello, and the second by Verrochio. The courtyard is simply charming. When you get there, you feel an unusual lightness compared to the oppressive power of the facade. Later, similar architectural elements will become mandatory for every aristocratic home. Numerous statues are installed in the courtyard, including statues of David by two sculptors - Verrochio and Donatello. Pots of lemon trees are placed throughout the courtyard, as was customary in many palazzos.

The courtyard is also commonly called the “Courtyard of Michelozzo” or the “Courtyard with Columns.” The architectural design of the courtyard is very harmonious and creates a symmetry effect. On the second level there are windows that follow the outlines of the windows of the external facade. The third level is an arched gallery decorated with Ionic columns. Today it is all glazed.

On the south side of the courtyard you can see an inscription located on a stone cartouche of the wall and dated 1715. The inscription glorifies the Palazzo, its history, the greatness of the Medici family, without neglecting the Riccardi family and their contribution to the arrangement of the building. On the walls of the lower floor there are exhibits from the Medici and Riccardi collections. These include various busts, fragments of reliefs, and entire Roman sarcophagi. Under the vaults you can see the sculptural composition “Orpheus pacifying Cerberus”, created by Baccio Bandinelli in 1515. The exquisite pedestal for the statue was made separately by Benedetto di Rovenzzano and decorated with the Medici coats of arms


The garden laid out in the courtyard also strives for symmetry. The flower beds have a regular geometric shape, and the paths are laid out with a mosaic pattern. Previously, bushes and trees were trimmed in the shape of various animals (deer, elephants, dogs). The statue of Judith, created by Donatello and standing in the center, today stands on the steps of the Palazzo Vecchio. Instead of trimmed bushes, now there are only a lot of citrus trees in tubs.

The facade of the building is so simple that it is a masterpiece of elegance. The cladding of the first floor of the palace is made of hewn rough stone and resembles the wall of a fortress. This style was supposed to symbolize the stability and power of Medici rule. The second floor of the building, lined with smooth slabs, deserves special mention. Its pointed windows with rounded arches were designed by Michelangelo himself. The top floor previously served as a loggia on the southeast side. Today it is walled up.

Along the upper edge of the building, the architect decided to place a strongly protruding cornice with consoles. Such elements have not been used in architecture since antiquity. The second floor is divided with the first cornice with a crenellated frieze, and is also decorated with the coat of arms of the Medici family. The exact meaning of the coat of arms does not exist.

However, in one of the historical manuscripts a legend was found telling about the connection between the Medici family and Charlemagne. A Medici named Averardo commanded the army of Charlemagne. Once, during the liberation of Tuscany from the Lombards, he fought in hand-to-hand combat with the giant Mugelo. The giant wielded a huge club with iron balls, and Averardo only had to defend himself with a shield. These marks on the Medici shield from blows became the coat of arms of the family. And the first Medici lands were located in an area called Mugelo.

statue of Orpheus and Cerberus, Baccio Bandinelli (1519)

gallery of famous Florentines

The first floor is decorated with rusticated stone and looks rather rough - but this is the idea: the floor symbolizes the power and inviolability of the Medici power. In addition, Cosimo de' Medici was the first to apply rusticated stone finishing to a residential building - before that, only public buildings were decorated with rusticated stone. The floor was completely occupied by utility rooms, a kitchen and a stable.

The second floor was lined with smooth slabs, and the second floor was separated from the first floor by a small stone crenellated frieze with family heraldry. The entire second floor (piano nobile) is living quarters, apartments for the owners of the palazzo, and representative premises: after all, the palazzo was not just a home for the Medici family, but also the official banking house, the headquarters of the Medici financial clan.

And in those days, Cosimo Medici was considered the most respected of the 80 bankers of Florence. The third floor is lined with marble and is an arched gallery - a loggia, which was located according to the design on the eastern side of the palazzo. Today the loggia is completely walled up.

Biblioteca Riccardiana, Florence, manuscripts

The rooms were simply huge - after all, the banker’s entire family lived here - and these were two sons with their wives and children, servants. Along the entire perimeter of the floor there are arched windows with tympanums - lancet-shaped niches (designed by Michelangelo himself).
In 1517, the open loggia on the southeast side was covered with brick, and windows with tympanums, the creation of which is attributed to Michelangelo, were cut into the walled arches.

Human intellect freed from the deception of ignorance. Luca Giordano

Moreniana Library

The decoration of the second floor is amazing: the ceilings are decorated with gilded stucco, the floors are covered with tiles from rare varieties of marble, the doors and wall elements are inlaid with mosaics from various expensive types of wood.

Charles Hall, which received its name after the occupation of Italy by the French led by King Charles VIII.

On the second floor, called “piano nobile,” there were the owners’ living quarters and executive premises. The plastered halls contained bedrooms and storage rooms. The rooms, which are located around the square courtyard of the palazzo, are small in size. The courtyard, where lemon trees grow and sculptures are installed, also repeats the basic idea of ​​a rectangle divided into three tiers. From that time on, courtyards became mandatory in all aristocratic palaces.

Chapel of the Magi

One of the most famous places in the palace was a small family chapel, called the Chapel of the Magi. The small room consists of two rooms. Once inside, it will take your breath away. You get the feeling that you are in a fairytale box. The walls are painted, but not as a cycle of frescoes, but rather as a continuous single decoration. The decoration was done by Benozzo Gozzoli (Italian: Benozzo Gozzoli, 1420-1497). It was he who created the famous “Procession of the Magi to Bethlehem.” And if you look closely, you can easily notice that the faces of the Magi strongly resemble the faces of the Medici family.

The central place of the chapel is the altar. Since the beginning of the 20th century, an altar painting of the Nativity was placed above it, in which Mary adores the child together with John the Baptist. The image is a copy of a work by Filippo Lippi made by his student. The original can be seen in the Berlin-Dahlem Gallery.

Angels in bow Benozzo Gozzoli

Procession of the Middle King Benozzo Gozzoli

The procession of the Magi moves slowly. Some old men and young men look at you from the walls, others go about their business and pay absolutely no attention to you. It seems that the sound of hooves can be heard, quietly breaking the silence. You can smell the laurel. While inside, you briefly fall out of reality. The faces of the people depicted seem both close and distant at the same time. There is a feeling of an ordinary Florentine street. Only the clothes are a little different.

The walls are completely surrounded by an endlessly crowded procession, led by three wise men. Each of them has its own tuple. The star of Bethlehem, showing them the way, shines directly from the ceiling.

Benozzo Gozzoli - Procession of the Oldest King (Western Wall)

The palace was supposed to house both residential premises and the headquarters of the Medici bank. Michelozzo worked on the palazzo for 20 years.

Benozzo Gozzoli - Procession of the Youngest King

On April 17, 1459, the palace was visited by fifteen-year-old Galeazzo Maria Sforza, the future Duke of Milan.

Benozzo Gozzoli - The vigilance of the shepherds (detail)

Madonna and Child is the work of the Florentine artist Philippe Lippi.

Some of the rooms on the first floor have been preserved in almost the same form as they were in the 17th century. One of these rooms is the Gallery of Mirrors (Gallery Giordano, Giordano Galleria). The vault of the room is decorated with frescoes created by the Neapolitan artist Luca Giordano at the end of the 17th century, commissioned by the Riccardi family. The frescoes depict allegorical figures.

In the central part of the vault is the “Triumph of the Medici on the Clouds of Olympus.” In the center of the composition is Jupiter on the top of Olympus. He is surrounded by characters with easily recognizable faces of the Medici family. The main character, at whose feet the lion sits, is the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Cosimo III de' Medici. On either side of him, riding on white horses, are his sons: on the right is Ferdinando Medici, on the left is Gian Gastone.

Just below is the Duke's brother, Francesco Maria de' Medici. Above you can see characters with stars burning above their heads. The stars symbolize the satellites of the planet Jupiter, which were discovered by Galileo and dedicated to the Medici family (lat. Stellae Medicae).

All the senior representatives of the Medici family lived in this massive structure for several centuries. Until one day, during the reign of Pietro Medici “The Loser,” they had to leave their home to escape an angry crowd. They tried to take everything that was possible with them. However, most of the treasures were looted. In 1659, after a period of some decline, the Medici sold the palazzo to the Riccardi family.

Apotheosis of the Medici family by Luca Giordano


Hall of Tapestries

In addition to the palace itself, Marquis Gabriello Riccardi became the owner of three nearby buildings, which also belonged to the Medici. Immediately after the purchase, reconstruction began. The palace was expanded on the north side and the interior was partially updated. During perestroika, Ricciardi tried to maintain the appearance in the Renaissance style

First floor

Luca della robbia, months

From the inside, the interior was revised in the direction of Baroque, which was just beginning to come into fashion. The addition of a new style made the structure more majestic and spectacular. In 1814, Riccardi decided to sell the building to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. Since then, the palace has received the name of both former owners of the Medici-Riccardi.

In 1874, the mansion was sold to the Province of Florence, which housed the Prefecture of the city in its premises.

The Medici family are probably the most famous residents of the entire history of the city. Rich, influential, mysterious... And the Palazzo Medici (Florence) has long become a popular tourist attraction of the city. It’s great that you have the opportunity to visit it, to walk along the corridors along which the brilliant Medici walked.

It turns out that all the interiors of the palazzo are original! Although, unfortunately, you won’t see the family’s personal belongings. By the way, do you know why the palazzo has a double name - Medici - Riccardi? You'll find out everything soon.

Welcome to Palazzo Medici in Via Larga! This is the first building in Florence built in the early Renaissance style. Cosimo de' Medici decided to build a beautiful palazzo for his family, choosing between the designs of Michelozzo di Bartolomeo and Brunelleschi, but the latter proposed a very elaborate design.

The perspicacious banker Medici did not want the local population to be too jealous of his wealth - this could bring problems to the family.

It took 20 years to build it, the palace was ready only in 1464.

Most of the premises have been preserved exactly as they were under the brilliant Medici. Today the palazzo has been turned into a museum with an extensive and interesting exhibition.

The rich decoration of the halls and rooms is especially interesting. In one of the halls there is the famous fresco “Triumph of the Medici on the Clouds of Olympus”, which you can look at for hours.

Lippi’s painting “Madonna and Child” is also kept in the palazzo.

IN 1659 The unexpected happens - the Medici flee Florence and sell their palace to the Riccardi family. Therefore, the palazzo bears the double name Medici and Riccardi. The Riccardis have lived there ever since. The Marquis Riccardi rebuilds and renovates the palace.

It is the Marquis who equips and collects a valuable library in the mansion. Later, everyone can visit the library. The Riccardian Library still exists today.

And already in the 19th century the city’s prefecture was located here. Therefore, only part of the building is open to tourists.

2. Useful information

2.1. Where is

The palazzo is located in the center of the old part of the city near the Basilica of San Lorenzo, and if you go in the other direction you will see the Leonardo da Vinci Museum.

Address: Via Cavour, 3

Location of the Medici Palace on the map:

2.2. How to get there

You can get to know Medici-era Florence better during a tour entirely dedicated to Medici Florence. You can view details and reserve your place. Costs 110 euros per group up to 8 people, conducted in Russian.

2.3. Visiting time

  • Closed on Wednesdays.
  • On other days 9.00-19.00.

Cash desk opening hours are from 9.00 to 17.00.

2.4. Price

I followed the map Firenze card– convenient, saves time. There is no need to stand in lines, which are usually immediately visible on the approaches to museums. Worth the card 85 euros, but this is a ticket to almost all the museums of the city for 3 days.

Here you can buy a ticket or get a ticket with a Firenze card:

A separate ticket costs 7 euros:

2.5. Official site

Official website:

2.6. Palace diagram

Look, this is a plan of the palace and the surrounding streets, showing all the entrances to the palace territory:

3. Photo review of the palace

It's time to go to the palace and see what is on its territory.

3.1. Courtyard

Very sophisticated courtyard. Of course, this is where Cosimo and Lorenzo de' Medici met their guests. If the facade of the building is “heavy,” then the courtyard feels light. It is interesting that during the reign of the Medici, the courtyard was open to everyone; any resident of the city could enter the territory and admire the interior decoration.

Entrance and patio:

Courtyard, lemon trees:

There is no special luxury here, everything is simple but elegant. During the day the courtyard is very beautiful, it is especially interesting to look at the lemon trees in large tubs:

3.2. Palace rooms

The palace is huge, because it was designed for 6-7 families with wives and children, servants, and animals. Unfortunately, you will not see the personal belongings of the Medici - they were not preserved in this palace. The Medici took everything with them when they sold the palace.

Several halls are open for tourists, let’s go through them.

To get to the museum, you need to go up to the second floor:

On the stairs you are greeted by sculptures:

Behind the door you can see the chambers of the palace:

First you will see palace rooms intended for special events; quite modern events are held here in ancient interiors:

Another room of the palace, equipped for modern conferences:

And here the living rooms of the palace begin - the furniture, of course, is impressive:

Royal Mirror:

You can only walk around the palace along the red paths that run through all the rooms:

So all that remains is to admire the beauty:

Royal bedroom:

Also on display in the palace are ancient books from the Medici era, please note - handwritten books:

Coat of arms options:

Now these books are historical documents:

Costume hall:

The paintings in the hall show the attire of monarchs from different times, and in the center is the famous creation of Filippo Lippi “Madonna and Child”:

Clothes of the rulers of Florence:

Magnificent Monarch:

Hall overlooking the Medici Garden:

3.3. Chapel of the Magi

The Chapel of the Magi is a small chapel only for members of the Medici family. Inside, you get the impression that you are in a fairy tale. The walls and ceiling are painted in the same style.

3.4. Marble Museum

There is a small marble museum on site. These are busts, statues - everything belonged to both the Medici and Riccardi families. To be honest, it is a small and not very interesting museum.

Descent to the Museum of Marble Figures:

Marble busts:

The collection is interesting because in the 16th-17th centuries. it was one of the rare collections of ancient sculptures, one of which dates back to the 3rd century AD.

3.5. Gallery of mirrors

Decorated with frescoes by Luca Giordano, commissioned by Riccardi. The Triumph of the Medici on the Clouds of Olympus is also located here.

3.6 Territory of the Prefecture of Florence:

The city prefecture is located in the same building, the rooms allocated for these purposes are on the top floor, you can’t just go there:

This is where we end the tour and head to the exit:

3.7. Souvenir shop

On the 1st floor in front of the exit there is a souvenir shop:

Books and albums, puzzles:

There are also very unusual souvenirs, for example, “David” in different colors:

By the way, there are also exhibitions in the basement:

Toilets in all attractions of Florence are free, in the Medici Palace the toilet is located in the basement, entrance from the courtyard:

4. Conclusions

A very interesting palace, you should definitely go there! Expect 1-1.5 hours for the hike. I don’t recommend it with small children - it will be boring for children, and you can’t touch the exhibits.

But adults will like it. The original interiors of the palace have been preserved inside; it is interesting to see how the Medici lived. Of course, the Pitti Palace is much more luxurious and larger, but there is also something to see here.

There is also a small Marble Museum on the territory, but it’s not particularly impressive; you don’t have to go there to save time. According to reviews of other tourists, this is also an optional program.

Could you live in such a palazzo? Today it has become a museum, but previously it was the home of the most powerful family.

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