What is the difference between a hike and a trip? What is the difference between a tourist and a traveler? Tourists need maps

How does a tourist differ from a free traveler? It seems that this is one and the same thing, and the words are essentially synonyms. They are used by all people who are engaged in any kind of travel, trips abroad or on vacation somewhere. With or without packages, with guides or on your own, extremely budget or very expensive - people call all this with these two terms. But in reality this is not so, the terms are not synonymous. And it doesn’t seem to matter, but the difference is not only philological, but also semantic. It's like calling a cat a dog because they both have 4 legs, whiskers, a tail and fur.

Tourist- this is the person who goes on vacation, goes to rest. Those. tourism is recreation and nothing else. Those. a guide who works for a travel agency, even on some Boro-Boro island, is still not a tourist, but an employee. Therefore, not everyone who comes across a foreign country is a tourist.

A tourist rests, as a rule, 1 month a year, or generally 21 days of his legal vacation. Those. He works and lives in his city/village for 11 months a year.

A tourist, having saved up a certain amount for a trip (often expensive), or without a trip, but with the amount, goes to some country to relax, have a blast, not deny himself anything, relax and gain strength for the new eleven-month period of his life.

And he, in fact, does not care about the country he came to. Local language? - Never mind! Mentality? - Never mind! Culture? — In fact, I don’t care either. I don’t care about anything except comfort and specialized services for his carefree, pleasant time.

Those. a tourist goes to a country not to get acquainted with it, its culture and customs, but goes to take advantage of its tourist infrastructure and relax there. That's all. The rest doesn't matter because he is a tourist, not a traveler.

Traveler However, he goes to the country precisely to get to know it. With people, customs, culture, languages, the numerous diversity of this country and difference from their homeland. The traveler's goal is educational. Yes, it could also be a vacation, but the primary reason for his trip to this or that country is still intellectual.

If the life of a tourist is entirely contained in the place where he lives and works, then the life of a traveler is often those moments that he lives in a particular country. Those. his life is a journey.

That is why there is such a big difference between these concepts. The difference is philosophical and, dare I say it, existential. Therefore, the term “free” is also attached to the term “traveler”.

Those. a tourist is someone who is on his “journey” for a short period of time, simply relaxing and getting emotions, and a traveler is someone who lives in the process of traveling, and outside of this action there is only a break between his “travels.” [Inverted commas - because both, and even simple movement (for example, to work or to study) from one point to another is a journey.]

There are travelers among us who can't get enough of tourist attractions and jam-packed museums and temples. They want to get lost in an unfamiliar city and talk to local residents in an unfamiliar language, trying to find out the way and hoping that these people will discover something new, unexpected, tell a story, offer to try a local dish in a cheap cafe.

Such travelers are not afraid, but attracted by the unknown; they learn to understand the gestures, smiles and facial expressions of hundreds of strangers, they see how the place they are in lives. This amazing skill is the main difference between travelers and tourists - they do not look for attractions on a map, but create their own map with their own attractions.

Travelers are lost to be found

There's no wrong way to travel and experience new things, but there are ways that can do a lot more than the standard package.

Tourists rarely go on a trip to experience life in a new, unusual place; most often they go to say that they were there, to tick off another city. Travelers dream of getting lost in an unfamiliar city. They go to seek the unknown, and to find themselves. Tourists do not take advantage of opportunities, and travelers do not miss any.

Tourists dream of home, but travelers always dream of home

For a true traveler, home is not a material possession, but an emotional state. Real travelers have erased the boundaries of their comfort zone. Tourists dream of their own bed, miss their usual food, and because of this they miss out on a real “travel” - when home is where you want not to fall asleep, but to wake up.

Tourists need luggage

It’s hard for a tourist without a certain level of comfort, which is why the suitcase rolls from one hotel to another, and a unique opportunity to see what’s behind the hotel walls is lost. Travelers spend time on the streets meeting people, observing their lives, learning to live the same way and seeing a place through the eyes of those who create it.

Tourists need maps

Most tourists, when planning a trip, have already planned their route, chosen places and attractions, and decided what they will cook for dinner upon returning home. They know exactly where they will go, what they will see and what they will do. Travelers prefer off-the-beaten paths, quiet streets, a cafe with two tables and a concert by a local young band. Travelers will not be found on red tourist buses.

Tourists buy phrase books; travelers drinking in bars with locals

Every tourist considers it his obligation to learn basic “thank you” and “please” in the language of the country he is visiting. Surprisingly, most tourists believe that this effort is enough. The traveler knows that The best way chat with a local - treat him to a glass of beer at the bar.

Tourists take photos non-stop

Tourists travel by book; travelers write a book

A true traveler will always go off the beaten path, even if just a step. While tourists flock to places listed in guidebooks, travelers seek out new stories and new places. They know that the real beauty of a place lies in its pulse, in what makes it alive and changing.


Please tell me how to distinguish the meanings of paronyms tourist And tourist? Tourist or tourist base, tour, route...

In the Russian literary language both words exist: tourist And tourist . But the adjective tourist associated in meaning primarily with a noun tourism and means “related to tourism, associated with it.” Here's an adjective tourist refers to both nouns: and tourism, and to tourist.

The difference between these adjectives is not always significant. So, base can be called tourist, And tourist. IN " Explanatory dictionary Russian language" by S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova, equal combinations were recorded tourist package And travel voucher. But, for example, when talking about an organization, a company only uses the word tourist: travel agency, Travel Company . In the meaning of “group of tourists” – only travel company.

However, in official business language the word tourist there was no place. The Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” uses the adjective tourist. The following combinations can be found in the law: tourism activities, tourism resources, tourism industry, tourism product, tourist route, tourism market. Words tourist not in the law.

In living speech, on the contrary - tourist is used very actively, even where we would expect to see the word tourist. It should be noted that in the word tourist there is a confluence of four consonants stsk, which makes this adjective difficult to pronounce. This, apparently, explains the great popularity of the word tourist as "replacements" tourist.


Tourist And tourist

What is the difference between a tourist and a traveler? There are many details, but the main difference: an experienced traveler differs from a package tourist not in the number of trips, but in the fact that he knows how to find the most profitable options and get more experiences for the same money.

A tourist buys a ticket for 10 days, spends a couple of thousand dollars on vacation and arrives dissatisfied with the service and vacation. A traveler, having the same amount in his pocket, goes on a trip for an indefinite period of time, returns six months later, having visited dozens of cities and countries, satisfied and happy.

A tourist is always indignant, “Two thousand dollars for six months is impossible!”, but an experienced traveler smiles, buys a bus ticket for 5 euros and goes to another country, where he stays in the best hotel room, paying with points.

A tourist collects a number of countries and dreams of traveling around the world; the traveler collects impressions and dreams of staying in each country as long as he wants, not limited by visas and other restrictions. A tourist always misses home a little, but a traveler only misses new places where he has not been before...

A traveler is not someone who has visited many countries and cities, but someone who, regardless of budget, knows how to thoughtfully move around the world and get maximum impressions. A kind of specialist in movement and impressions who is constantly improving his knowledge.

Do you consider yourself a traveler? Like any professional in his field, the traveler also has a level of “advancement”: the higher the level, the more the traveler can get for the same money. “We Traveled - We Know” will help you determine how experienced a traveler you are, and at the same time tell you how to improve your skills and what else you need to learn.

Check how experienced a traveler you are:

Level 5% – Caught the “travel virus”
You watched something like “Heads and Tails”, then you went abroad on your own and even successfully returned :) Therefore, your first acquired skill is that when planning to go somewhere inexpensive, you are no longer looking for “last minute trips”, but for ticket and hotel sales .

Level 15% – Novice Traveler

In the photo: travelers at the train station in Spain

You know how to find not only hotels in Booking.com, but also... Fill your smartphone with various “travel” applications as much as possible. You plan your routes, diligently copying the trips of fashionable instabloggers :) At this stage, it seems important to visit all the popular spots in the world, buy a good camera and take 100,500 photos.
Novice travelers can be easily recognized by photos in the style of “sitting and dreamily looking at the sea/mountains/city.” Many remain at this level forever and are quite satisfied.

Level 25% – Advanced
You always keep useful ones on hand and know them by heart. You no longer debate whether travel insurance is needed or not – it’s simply ALWAYS with you. Moreover, the main criterion for advancement at this level is to buy insurance not before every trip, but to buy it once - it’s cheaper.

Level 40% – Coming to taste
You know how to quickly find WHERE from your city. For example, in a minute you can easily find: “Where is the cheapest place to fly abroad from Moscow and in what month.” You are subscribed to the mailing lists of all airlines in the world, at any moment you are ready to go to almost any place where your budget allows - just to go. The road is calling!

You are already starting to realize how much is in your head :)

Half of your luggage is photographic equipment, and you know exactly the best places to take beautiful photos of sights.

Level 55% – Long-Hanging Traveler
You always treat the traditions and culture of other countries with interest and respect. Of course, you speak basic English and before the trip you study at least a dozen phrases in the language of the country where you are going - you know for sure that they have come in handy more than once different countries Oh.

For some reason, you are not at all interested in the Russian channels on the hotel TV, and the “Russian” cafes next to the hotel. You always leave the tourist streets to where there are fewer tourists and more local residents. You like to feel the atmosphere of the city and try on yourself what it’s like to live here. In local cafes you are no longer embarrassed when you don’t know something, but simply ask the waiter. Over time, this becomes a habit, and you understand that this is how the local language is learned.

At this level, you still think that it’s better to travel with a backpack, and on the road you need to be unpretentious and look bohemian-casual...

Level 75% – When you can no longer live without traveling
You use a taxi instead public transport, - so you can find out better local life. There is always money from different countries in your wallet. When booking a hotel, you always pay attention to reviews and never to the number of stars. When choosing a destination, you will not give preference to a “cheaper trip to the sea,” but rather, you will choose a ticket at random on sale and go to explore new places.

When booking an air flight, you don’t check the “direct flight only” box and a 20-hour layover doesn’t scare you, because this is a great reason to stay in a new city, even if only for one night. You prefer boring typical sights.

Level 80% – Optimal Expert
In any city you know how to find free buses, museums and in general, what to save on. Planning to stay for a few days in big city, the first thing you always do is take a weekly pass. You know how to use Google services to search for transport, cafes, interesting places. For example, you can quickly assess the location of a hotel or apartment with help and understand whether it is worth staying here and what the view from the window will be like. In an unfamiliar city, you quickly begin to navigate by characteristic buildings, without using a map or navigator in your smartphone.

Level 90% – Seasoned Traveler
When you wake up, the first thing you remember is what country you are in, then what city. When buying air tickets, instead of city names, you type airport codes, for example, instead of Barcelona, ​​you write BCN, and when it comes to Bangkok, you always specify DMK or BKK.

In the photo: do not take sharp objects, machinery or liquids with you on the plane

Your luggage is carry-on luggage only. At the airport, you don’t set yourself the task of going through baggage inspection unnoticed, like a Japanese business traveler, but that’s exactly how you go through it. For sporting reasons, you sometimes try to smuggle hand luggage Spanish corkscrew, but you are never upset if it is still taken away.

If possible, you prefer to fly, because this way you can not only take your favorite things with you everywhere, but also see new places, and at the same time, if you like it, you can easily get off at some stop. Sometimes, for the sake of your mood, you practice at all.

Level 95% – Bond, James Bond
In any city you have a personal list of proven places where you can stay. You always know how and how to save them. The police in both Thailand and the States are no longer surprised when you show them your Thai driver's license :)

Level 100% – Status Guru

In the phrase: “matched gold SPG and received the Hilton status challenge for 3 months,” you don’t understand only one thing - does it still work? And you, inspired, immediately try to “match” your status.
the most popular status matches – we also share our match experience there.

At this level you are no longer interested Goa beaches, retreats in monasteries and odd jobs. A 12-kilogram backpack is replaced by a comfortable and weightless suitcase, your things become half as small and you stop carrying a “DSLR” with you everywhere - from now on your luggage is no more than 7 kg, including winter things, for any length of trip and to any country. At the airport, you no longer have to put on all your warm clothes at the same time and stuff “little things” into your pockets in order to carry your luggage onto the plane without paying extra. You stop looking down on package tourists and are always ready to show them the way.

From now on, instead of beaches and temples, you study local life with greedy curiosity.

Photo: evening view of Lumpini Park from a room at SO Sofitel, Bangkok

The best retreat is to sit with a glass of good local wine in a chain hotel room and contemplate the city from above - you can do this for hours.

“Jonathan Livingston” level – they say that this level is unattainable, but legends go...
You have in your pocket at least five status cards (from Gold and higher) of hotels, airlines and car rental offices. You book basic category rooms and pay less than any tourist, but get a higher category room with beautiful view and VIP service, plus free breakfasts and access to the executive lounge... But! To achieve this, you had to complete all previous levels.

At this level, what you value most is freedom and real life, you look less at your smartphone and more at the sides. You no longer live in travel, but live in travel: the road is your air, hotels are home, best friends are random nomads, a “sand castle” is a symbol of stability. You observe, absorb, live every second of life to the fullest...
You develop a secret passion, incomprehensible to others, like Jonathan Livingston the seagull from the story by Richard Bach. They say it's a legend, but I saw Jonathan sitting in Porto and admiring the sunset.