Buñol spain attractions. Open left menu buñol. Time of Tomatina

If you type the name of the Spanish city of Buñol into any search engine, most sources will tell you about the Tomato Battle held here once a year. Not surprising, because it was thanks to this that a small settlement with a semi-rural way of life became famous. There are only 9,000 people here who grow almonds, grapes and olives - a province as it is. However, this is precisely the charm of Buñol, different from the brightness and glitter of the big city.

Ancient buildings, narrow cobbled streets bending at incredible angles, cute cafes on the first floors of houses with round verandas - it’s impossible not to fall in love with this city. The tallest building here is a small church, the rest do not exceed three floors. At first glance, it seems that the buildings were “stuffed” here at random (however, you will not be far from the truth). But this is the special charm of the city, which is so different from modern megacities.

And some amazing peace and regularity. No fuss, no running passers-by. At the same time, it would be hard to call the city quiet. Temperamental Spaniards talk in raised voices in transport, on the streets, and in shops. And in the market, being unaccustomed to it can make your head spin. The bargaining seller and buyer will so furiously prove that they are right that you can think that a murder is about to happen here.

Even if you are planning a visit to Buñol specifically for Tomatina, it is worth arriving a few days earlier - this way you will get to know the real Spanish province, simple, atmospheric, beautiful.

Castillo de Bunol

The ruins of a castle, which even looks the same age as the city. Previously, strong fortress walls should have protected Buñol from enemy soldiers (or at least delayed them until reinforcements arrived). Now all that remains of the once serious structure is two towers (one is half destroyed), part of the wall and a small castle square. But all the other fortifications collapsed not at the height of the assault, but simply from old age - in 1911.

Nowadays, small museums dedicated to the history of the city are organized inside the towers, and the tops are equipped with observation decks - from here a wonderful view of the surrounding area opens.

Castle Square was adapted for holding unusual concerts - “Musical Nights”. Spanish performers often play here from dusk to dawn in the summer.

In addition, you can simply walk around the city, enjoy the provincial life of a tiny Spanish settlement, feel its atmosphere and gentle, modest beauty.


The main event of the year in Buñol is undoubtedly the Tomatina tomato battle and the subsequent summer farewell festival.
Unfortunately, the town is very small, tourism here is situational, so large amusement parks or shopping centers have never been built here. The only thing left to do is take a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood.

If you are more than happy with the option of just getting some fresh air and a snack, you can go to Paseo San Luis - this is a local city park. On the territory there are comfortable benches, a huge amount of all kinds of vegetation, an open-air bar and even a small chapel. A two-week music festival takes place here in August. So if you are lucky enough to visit Buñol at this time of year, be sure to stop by.

How to get there

From Valencia - along the A-3 highway, from Alicante - along the A-7 highway, from Madrid - along the A-3 highway to Valencia and further to Buñol. Transfers are available from Valencia Airport.


You can stay in almost any house in Buñol - many residents rent out “extra” rooms to tourists. If you have firmly decided that you will stay at a hotel, we will try to help you choose the most successful one.

Condes de Buño, which has two stars, should not be discounted (especially since you still won’t find more comfortable hotels here). It offers parking, free Wi-Fi, a restaurant on the ground floor, and cozy rooms for one or two.
The Torre de Alborache Hotel, located just a stone's throw from the city center, has no stars at all. But in addition to cozy rooms, it offers guests relaxation by the pool, lunch at a local cafe and a walk in the park that is located around the building.


There are unfortunately no luxury restaurants in Buñol. They would simply go broke waiting for visitors. However, this does not mean that you cannot have a tasty snack in a simple establishment.

Posada Venta Pilar is loved by all visitors to the city and many local residents. They are excellent at preparing national dishes. Gazpacho, paella, tortilla - there are dozens of types of these dishes alone. And also signature salads, cookies, cakes - you can’t stop eating.

Cafe La Boheme will delight you with delicious coffee and muffins for every taste. And fast food fans can stop by La Pizzeria. The flatbread, popular all over the world, with cheese and various fillings is indescribably good here.


For shopping, it is best to go to the local market, where you can find delicious fruits and vegetables, painted dishes, as well as souvenirs that can easily pass for homemade items made by local craftsmen. Here you can find jewelry, rag bags, and trouser belts, and everything at very attractive prices.

The small town of Buñol is an ideal place for those who want to enjoy the typical landscapes of Spanish settlements, as well as for those who love unusual and slightly crazy types of recreation. Buñol was a simple small town, but one event now makes it one of the most popular destinations in Spain - La Tomatina.
The Spanish municipality of Buñol is part of the province of Valencia, the district of Hoya de Buñol. The area of ​​the town is 112.4 square kilometers, and the population is slightly more than 10 thousand people. This is a typical Spanish town where the local population makes a living by growing olives, grapes and almonds. But this lasts almost the whole year, and one week in the summer turns Buñol into a tourist center with a well-developed infrastructure that is ready to receive thousands of tourists. Of course, this is the time of the world famous La Tomatina holiday.
The La Tomatina festival takes place every year on the last Wednesday of August. Although, in fact, the festivities last for a whole week, starting on Monday. At this time, tourists from almost all over the world come to Buñol. Every year almost 40 thousand people participate in the festival.
You can get to Buñol by car or public transport. The town is located not far from Valencia (only 40 kilometers), so tourists often stop there and then go to Buñol by bus. By the way, during La Tomatina it is very difficult to find housing in Buñol itself, so many who want to take part in the tomato fights rent housing in all nearby settlements.
The origin of the tradition of throwing tomatoes at each other is not exactly known. There are two versions here. One goes deep into history and says that one day a noble nobleman came to the market and began to play a musical instrument. But he played very poorly, so the sellers began throwing vegetables at him, which the crowd liked, and a general brawl ensued. Another version says that the tradition began in 1945. Then at the festival there was a procession of people dressed as huge dolls. Someone from the crowd pushed the participants, and a fight began. Everything that was on nearby shelves was used. The young people liked the massacre, and they gathered again the next year, but for the purpose of entertainment, and not with aggression.
Which version is true is no longer very important. The main thing is that every year 130 tons of ripe tomatoes are spent on mass entertainment called La Tomatina. Both locals and tourists enjoy the holiday. In 1957, the authorities banned the festival due to the fact that people were injured in the battles. However, the people took up arms and the tomato fights had to be returned. But today there are strict rules for participating in battle that prohibit using rudeness and injuring people. In fact, such a terrible tomato massacre from afar is friendly and fun entertainment that remains in the memory forever. By the way, on the streets of the town the authorities are installing special showers during this time so that people can clean themselves up. In addition to the tomato fight, other entertainment is provided during the festival - trying to get Spanish jamon from a high slippery pole.
You can really spend time in Buñol in an unusual and fun way, because there is no such festival anywhere else.

This is a typical provincial settlement, like many in Spain, where residents lead a half-urban, half-rural lifestyle, growing grapes, olives, tomatoes and almonds.

Buñol created worldwide fame for himself, essentially, out of nothing, turning the once tomato harvest festival into riotous fun on an urban scale - the La Tomatina festival, which consists of a mass tomato massacre. Every year at the end of summer during the holiday there is an explosive influx of tourists: the city is flooded with visitors so that there is literally “no room for the tomatoes to fall.”

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How to get to Buñol

You can come to Buñol from the nearest city, Valencia: its airport is located about 35 km away. Direct and connecting flights of many airlines fly here from the capital Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo. Direct ones take 4.5 hours, but they are also more expensive. The most economical options are with Swiss, Lufthansa, and Czech Airlines; the journey takes 13-22 hours.

You can get from Valencia to Buñol in half an hour (if there are no traffic jams) by taxi for 60-70 EUR. By car you need to take the A-3 highway, from Alicante - along the A7 highway. Traffic will be heavy during the festival, so it's best to leave early.

The bus takes about an hour, on holidays there may not be enough of them, then the train will help out. Several trains depart from Valencia every day at intervals of 4 hours, the journey takes an hour, and from the station to the city center it takes about 15 minutes on foot. At the office On the Spanish Railways website you can check current route options and buy tickets online.

Search flights to Buñol


The best way to get around inside the town is on foot, but you can use a car or a bicycle (if you brought one with you - there are no rental shops), since it is quite compact. However, you need to take into account that you won’t be able to drive everywhere: the streets are quite steep and narrow, there are a lot of stairs and stone pavements.

Buñol stones

Buñol Hotels

In Buñol and the surrounding area (within a radius of 10 km) you can find apartments, guest houses and hotels from 1 to 4*. The choice is small, prices vary from 30 to 70 EUR per day in apartments and hotels up to 3* (some have a swimming pool). There are often discounts and special offers. There is one four-star hotel, 5 km from the city, price per night is about 70 EUR. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

During the Tomatino festival there is not enough housing for everyone, so many people stay in Valencia or nearby towns. But in order not to be stuck in traffic jams and to wash off the tomatoes in the shower, it is better to book a hotel several weeks before the holiday.

Cuisine and restaurants

Cafes and restaurants in Buñol offer mainly Mediterranean cuisine from Spain and neighboring countries, but it is more interesting to try local food. First of all, it is worth trying meat dishes and sausages, especially blood sausages, and the well-known delicacy “chorizo”. The food here is very tasty: blat picat - a stew with vegetables, chickpeas and crushed wheat. The most popular side dish is rice.

A must-have dish when visiting Buñol restaurants is the famous paella. Its fantastic popularity all over the world can be explained simply: it is tasty, inexpensive and quick to prepare.

From the fish menu, many people like suquet - stewed fish with potatoes, sprinkled with pepper and garlic, cassolas casserole, eel with almonds all i pebre. Olive oil and garlic are present in almost all dishes. Wash down the meal with dry or dessert wine, herbal or coffee liqueur. For something exotic, you should try horchata - a drink made from almond milk, and lovers of something stronger will certainly appreciate Agua de Valencia - a cocktail of gin, vodka, champagne and orange juice.

Local fast food - offers a double-decker sandwich with cheese or ham and a glass of juice or Sangria.

How much: a light snack of a sandwich with a drink will cost 7-10 EUR (in the store it’s half the price), pizza - 10-15 EUR, and dinner in a restaurant - from 70 EUR per person.

Festival "La Tomatina"

Although Buñol itself is quite a pretty town, the main influx of tourists occurs on the last Wednesday of August, when the La Tomatina festival begins. This holiday, dedicated to seeing off summer, has been around for several decades. People gather on the streets of the city to indulge in a medieval battle, where juicy tomatoes serve as weapons.

The day before, local shops close their windows, and in the morning trucks from the municipality deliver hundreds of “ammunition” - ripe tomatoes. They are distributed in Del Pueblo Square to everyone who paid 10 EUR for entry; the tomatoes should be broken first so as not to injure others. A shot from water cannons announces the beginning of the festival, and the battle begins.

In an hour of tomato fighting, the center of Buñol is covered with a red mess of tomato pulp.

The second salvo from water cannons signals the end of the carnage and the beginning of a great cleansing. Water cannons wash away tomato juice from the pavement, walls and satisfied soldiers, smeared from head to toe, many go to wash themselves in the nearest river. After putting things in order, a cultural program begins: people feast on meat delicacies accompanied by performances by street actors and musicians.

La Tomatina Festival

There are very few attractions in Bunyol. It's interesting to walk through the old town with stone houses and narrow cobbled streets and visit the medieval castle Castillo de Bunol near the center. It is small, but it smells of antiquity.

Good afternoon. The Tomatina festival in Spain is the most colorful event of the summer. Imagine hundreds of tons of fresh tomatoes that you can throw at each other, and you won’t get anything for it. In addition to the epic battle itself, they cook paella all night, storm wooden poles and swim in a pool of tomato juice. It will be fun without wearing white.

Spain. Valenicia. City of Buñol

The Spanish tomato fight La Tomatina takes place annually on the last Wednesday of August.

The holiday is very popular, attracting hundreds of tourists from all over the world. For example: in 2011, a city with a population of 9,000 people counted 40,000 people during Tomatina.

That's why housing costs book in advance.


At exactly 11:00 in the city of Buñol, a signal is heard - a firecracker explodes on the roof of the town hall.

This means that the most picturesque and original holiday, La Tomatina, has begun, when tens of thousands of people throw ripe tomatoes at each other.

It seems that this town near Valencia turns into a modern art installation for one day. The central square, city streets, walls and shop windows are covered with an even layer of tomatoes. Although, it’s worth saying right away: all this tomato madness lasts exactly 2 hours.

Several times they tried to ban La Tomatina, but this caused such a storm of protests among the local population that the authorities gave up.

The only time Tomatina was canceled was during Franco's reign. The dictator recognized it as having absolutely no religious significance, and therefore useless.

Good tone for a tomato battle

Okay, they couldn’t ban the battle at all, but they worked out the rules of engagement.

  1. You cannot tear or damage your opponents' clothes.
  2. Throwing anything other than tomatoes is prohibited.
  3. No bottles, stones, sharp objects.
  4. Before throwing a tomato, remember it in your hand so that it lands “soft” on your opponent.
  5. It is impossible to prevent the movement of trucks on the streets.
  6. No obvious aggression, just fun.

The first point about clothing may alarm you. How can you not ruin your clothes when you are bombarded with ripe tomatoes for 2 hours? So don't wear anything valuable. Many people come to tomato fights in swimsuits, shorts, or anything they don’t mind.

Where it all began

The festival itself is a celebration of the harvest, the end of summer. Held in honor of the patron saint of the city, Saint Louis Bertrand.

There are several versions of how it all began.

According to the first version, the young people decided to make fun of government officials who were playing musical instruments in the market. Young people grabbed tomatoes from trays and threw them at the musicians. They played very poorly.

The musicians also began to respond to the crowd with vegetable shells. It all ended in a massacre. Somehow I liked it and it stuck.

According to another version, it all started in 1945. A parade took place in the city with “giants”-strongmen who carried huge figures on their shoulders. The people themselves were hidden under long clothes. It seemed as if giants were walking along the main square.

Due to a strong crush, one of these “giants” fell, became confused, and became very angry. Out of anger, he began to grab vegetables from the trays and throw them at the crowd. And so a fight ensued. The parade was quickly forgotten; everyone enjoyed throwing tomatoes at each other.

And that is not all

Since the 80s, participants in the massacre do not need to spend money on tomatoes. Like spoiling someone else's goods on the market.

Everything is quickly delivered to Plaza del Pueblo and distributed to everyone. The shells are brought in by trucks, but it seems there are never enough of them.

But that's not all that Tomatina will surprise you with.

  • The holiday itself officially begins after someone manages to climb onto a tall wooden pole smeared with soap. Its height is approximately 2 floors.
  • The winner receives a luxurious prize - pork ham (jamon).
  • Musicians perform in the streets and fireworks go off.

  • After 2 hours of battle have expired, everyone has the opportunity to swim in the pool of tomato juice.
  • At the same time, there is a fun fair, everyone dances, eats, and completely gives themselves over to the fun.
  • The city doesn't sleep at night. An annual competition is held: cooking the best paella followed by tasting.


Time of Tomatina

By the way, you will need to buy a ticket. There are two options:

  • directly in the city before the start of the festival.
  • can be ordered through the website http://latomatina.ru.

Attention! The number of tickets is limited.

What is the price

Participation fee: 10 euros.

Official site: www.tomatina.es

How to get there

  • By car

From Valencia
Take Avenida del Cid towards Madrid, along the A¬3 highway. At exit 332 (Salida 332), follow the signs for Buñol. Bright posters usually appear before the holiday, so don’t miss it.

From Alicante
From the city, follow the signs for Valencia, take the A7 highway to exit 332 (Salida 332), you can easily find your way there.

From Madrid
On the A¬3 highway, direction Valencia city. Take exit Salida 319. Continue on to Buñol.

  • Get there by train

From Barcelona
Barcelona-Valencia, the train leaves from Estación de Sant station to the city of Valencia, where there is a change to Buñol. The journey will take 3 hours.

From Madrid
From Madrid to Valencia by AVE train, the journey takes 1 hour 35 minutes.

Address: Spain, Buñol

Buñol on the map

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    On August 29, the town of Buñol in eastern Spain, 40 kilometers west of Valencia, will host a traditional harvest festival famous for its fun entertainment - the tomato battle. Every year thousands of tourists come to Tomatina to throw tomatoes at each other. Since 2013, they began to charge a fee for the right to participate in the battle...

    The famous tomato festival La Tomatina, known for its tomato massacre, will take place in the Spanish city of Buñol (Valencia province) on August 30. Every year this event attracts tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world - they began to charge a fee for the right to throw tomatoes in the crowd in 2013 in order to somehow limit the flow...

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