What can you take in your hand luggage on a plane? Thailand: how to export fruits. Is it possible to bring fruits on a plane?

Finding cheap flights

We, residents of cold spaces who find ourselves in tropical countries, want to stock up on warmth and take it with us, at least in the form of incredibly tasty exotic fruits. While vacationing in Thailand, Vietnam or Southern China, you wonder how to take your favorite fragrant fruits home to enjoy yourself or surprise your family and friends with Thai fruits. Our review will answer all questions.

Is it possible to take fruit out of Thailand?

You will not have any problems with the export of Thai fruits. It is allowed to transport any fruits by plane from Thailand, except the fragrant durian. The maximum weight will be limited only by airline requirements. Keep in mind that transported fruits are added to the mass of things and will be weighed all together.

If you fly with Aeroflot, you can carry 1 bag weighing 23 kg in checked luggage (this includes things) and 1 bag weighing 10 kg in hand luggage per passenger.

But when entering Russia, complications are rare, but possible. If the norm established by the sanitary service is exceeded, Russian customs officers have the right to confiscate the product. True, such cases are rare and usually only hand luggage is inspected - it’s better to check it in your luggage.

Russian sanitary standards state that a passenger can import no more than 5 kg of fruits for personal use, if the weight is greater, a certificate and payment of a fee are required.

Russian travelers also often bring fruit from Vietnam. We do not recommend taking risks and taking Vietnamese coconuts, durians and watermelons on the plane.

What fruits to bring from Thailand and Vietnam

If you want to feel Thai at home:
yellow mango
a pineapple
mini bananas

Choose fruits that are slightly unripe, without dents, cracks or darkening.

If everything is eaten quickly:
papaya (keeps for up to 4 days)
lychee (stored for 2-3 days)
longan (up to 5 days)

You can buy Thai fruits at the fruit market or in the supermarket, whichever is convenient.

If you want to surprise your friends:
dragon fruit

Explain to Thais that you are taking fruit on the road - the seller will choose fruits that will withstand a long flight and will remain fresh for several more days.

From Vietnam, don’t forget to bring sapodilla, pomegranates and jackfruit, and also buy your favorite tangerines, they are so delicious here.

What's the best way to bring fruit from Thailand on a plane?

In order for your precious cargo to reach home intact, you need to pack your luggage correctly. You can carry fruit in a suitcase or in a special plastic container. We do not recommend using bags - the fruit will wrinkle and leak.

Write your name on the fruit container; there will be many similar baskets on the flight.

We select slightly unripe fruits and pack each one in newspaper, film or foil. We first stack the large dense and heavy fruits, then the softer and smaller ones. We place paper or soft things between the fruits, on top and on the sides. We wrap the outside of the package with film for greater reliability.

Some travelers simply grab a free cardboard box from the store and cover it with tape, but this is not the most reliable option.

Containers for transporting fruit are sold in large quantities in Taya BigSea and Tesco supermarkets. You can choose a model with wheels or with a handle - these are convenient to take in hand luggage.

Thai baskets attract the attention of fruit lovers among airport workers - wrap the contents in an opaque bag or cover the container with film.

Sets of fruits already packaged in a basket for transportation are sold everywhere; take one if you don’t have time to travel to the shops and pack.

What fruits cannot be exported?

It is strictly prohibited to export durian from Thailand, Vietnam and China. Durian has a very strong, unpleasant and persistent odor.

You obviously haven't tried this fruit if you're wondering why durian can't be exported from Thailand. Its pungent and terribly unpleasant smell cannot be overcome by anything, and it disappears within a few days.

We also do not recommend taking coconuts and watermelon (entirely) with you. The thick husk of a coconut is not visible through the scanner and the bag will be subject to inspection, where the coconut will be confiscated or required to be opened, and watermelons can explode during the flight due to high pressure. If you really want to, you can bring the watermelon cut, but in the heat it will quickly spoil.

How to take durian out of Thailand

As they say, if you can’t, but really want to...

  1. choose a slightly unripe fruit, without dents, cracks or damage;
  2. wrap in several layers, alternating newspapers and film and trying to achieve maximum tightness;
  3. we pack into a container, carefully palletize the container with film;
  4. put it in a suitcase, cover it with things;
  5. we pack the suitcase again in film
  6. We open it at home carefully and preferably not in our apartment)

They grow in the sunny tropical kingdom. Some of them are considered so exotic in Russia that in their natural form they can only be found on the shelves of specialized metropolitan stores, where the cost of a hundred grams of product can reach several thousand rubles. While in Thailand itself such fruits are possible, comparable to the cost of regular potatoes.

In this regard, any tourist has a desire import exotic fruits to your home. After all, even a small basket of fruits, bought at any Thai market for pennies, turns into a luxurious present in Russia - at a price of the average monthly salary. Friends and family will appreciate such a gift, unlike refrigerator magnets.

The article addresses the following questions:

  • Is it possible to export exotic fruits from the country?
  • if possible, then in what quantity?
  • Are there any import bans into Russia?
  • how to pack and store fruits?
  • What types of fruit are best suited for long-term transport over long distances?

Reading this guide will help you avoid common problems with passing customs control.

Basic export rules

Exotic fruits in Thailand are a national treasure and an important competitive advantage in the fight for the attention of tourists. That's why There are no bans on the export of fruits in the country.

The Thais are well aware that some of the plants they grow are terribly exotic in the rest of the world, so they allow tourists leave the country with any amount of fruit. Moreover: in any local market or supermarket you can buy everything you need for convenient and safe transportation.

Frankly spoiled fruit They definitely won’t let you on the plane. Airline representatives simply will not allow passengers to board, and at baggage control they will refuse to accept it, citing the refusal by the fact that the fruit may stain or permeate the things in the neighborhood with an unpleasant odor. And even if they are accepted, spoiled fruit will not pass customs control in Russia.

Is it possible to take fruit in hand luggage?

Limit 5 kg

The rules for the carriage of hand luggage on domestic and international flights in the Russian Federation state that the passenger has the right to carriage of hand luggage in the form of no more than 5 kg of fruit. Moreover, he can take into the cabin only those products that he and his companions will need on the road, and everything else should be checked in as luggage.

In practice, this requirement is rarely observed on flights from Thailand, so You can carry at least 10 kg in luggage. Another thing is - are you willing to overpay for an advantage? Often this fee exceeds the price of the fruit.

Packaging in special containers

For transportation on airplanes you need to purchase special containers or vacuum bags, which are designed to protect the fruits from mechanical damage and from the spread of their juice and smell in the cabin.

It is worth noting that Each airline issues its own regulations and recommendations regarding packaging for transporting fruit.

Prohibition on bringing certain fruits on board

  • citrus fruits whose odor may cause allergies or discomfort to nearby passengers;
  • overripe fruits and berries that can stain the interior;
  • fruits with a specific or unpleasant odor;
  • coconuts - their fruits are not scanned by X-ray machines at baggage control;
  • watermelons - they can burst due to pressure changes at altitude and splash juice on your luggage.

ATTENTION! If there is an outbreak of any epidemic in the region, then airlines and customs services may impose a temporary ban or restrictions on the export of fruits from the country. Such situations are extremely rare and, as a rule, they are warned about in advance.

Which fruits keep better?

Almost all Thai fruits, except sapodilla, are perfectly preserved during the flight..

Before transportation, you need to take some safety precautions:

  • buy fruits on the day of departure or in the evening before departure. If they were purchased earlier, then before transportation, store them in the “fresh zone” of the refrigerator at a temperature of +4 to +8 degrees;
  • preferred for transportation unripe fruits. They can be identified by their firmer flesh than their mature counterparts;
  • preferred for transportation thick skinned fruit. They better tolerate the careless actions of baggage control handlers. Fragile-looking fruits should be taken with you to the salon;
  • select for transportation fruits with intact pulp, without cracks, stains, dried or wet areas. In conditions of elevated temperatures, such fruits can quickly disappear;
  • pack fruit correctly, so that the fruits do not feel a lot of pressure and are not damaged mechanically during loading/unloading.

In some cases it makes sense to implement transportation in a thermal bag with a cold accumulator. True, luggage with such cold storage batteries is allowed to be transported only in the luggage compartment.

REFERENCE! Sapodilla is a fruit similar in taste and appearance to persimmon. Its delicate flesh can be damaged by any strong pressure, so it is recommended to transport sapodilla fruits exclusively in the cabin.

Which ones are allowed to be carried on the plane?

As already noted, you can bring any fruit on board the plane, but in small quantities. Only some airlines recommend not bringing certain foods into the cabin. However, without exception, all air carriers It is prohibited to bring durian fruits on board.

Strictly prohibited

Durian or "king of fruits", as it is called in Thailand, is better known to tourists as “stinky fruit.” Outwardly, it looks like a huge green chestnut with thorns, and under its thick skin hides the pulp in the form of 5-6 yellow segments.

This pulp has a pleasant melon taste with notes of caramel and something indescribable. The disadvantage of durian is that its sweet pulp emits the stench of rotten onions.

Because of this feature Durian is prohibited from being consumed in a number of public places in Thailand, and also carry it into hotels and on board planes. Its smell in a confined space can infuriate passengers and significantly stink their belongings. But the forbidden fruit is sweet, so many tourists manage to smuggle it to their homeland.

Typically, durian is not sold whole, but is cut up in front of the buyer. This the pulp can be carried out in a vacuum bag After pumping out all the air from it, you can still take a chance and put the fruit in several sealed ziplock bags.

Durian bags must be transported exclusively in the luggage compartment, packed so that airport employees cannot see the contents.

What is the penalty for bringing durian on a plane?

  • money penalty;
  • deprivation of passenger bonuses from the airline.

Passengers are rarely fined. More often they are asked to get rid of unwanted cargo at the entrance. If the fruit was successfully transported, but was noticed while exiting the plane, most likely they won’t tell you anything either.

Maximum allowed volume

The weight and volume of exported baggage with fruit is limited by only a few factors:

  • the amount of money you are willing to pay if you exceed the luggage weight limit (5 kg);
  • dimensional frame for hand luggage carried into the cabin. You can see her at baggage control.

All airlines indicate maximum allowable size of hand luggage on their official websites. However, before departure, it doesn’t hurt to contact the airport or airline representatives and ask them questions about your luggage.

Methods of transportation and packaging - what is the best way to transport?

In markets and supermarkets in Thailand, often next to fruit, you can buy special plastic containers for their transportation. In appearance and design, they resemble boxes for transporting pets, but they cost much less, approximately 100-800 baht, depending on the size and thickness of the walls.

Basket sizes can be any. This could be a small lunch box for berries and small fruits, a container the size of a small suitcase that will fit through the frame of your hand luggage at the airport, or a large box for carrying a dozen or two kilograms of fruit.

There are even sealed thermal boxes, designed for long-term storage and transportation of fruits with cold storage batteries.

  • Some fruits should be packed in bags, which will prevent the spread of odor or juice from getting onto the luggage. However, the contents of these regular packages can be prohibited and quickly deteriorate. Therefore, it is better to use vacuum bags.
  • You can wrap each fruit in wrapping paper or place crumpled pieces of paper between the fruits, which will prevent damage to the fruit during rough transportation.
  • You should also place a layer of crumpled paper at the bottom of the container., which will absorb all the juice from damaged fruits and will not allow the lower fruits to rot from contact with moisture.
  • More It wouldn’t hurt to thoroughly tape the baskets on all sides. There are often cases when thieving baggage handlers or border guards simply open the box and pull out part of the fruit or even all the fruit. A tightly closed lid will protect unscrupulous airport workers from such an act.

Often, airline passengers, especially those traveling by air for the first time, are interested in: what are they allowed to take on board the plane? It's really better to prepare in advance here. First, many airlines set their own rules. They apply to both luggage and hand luggage. Secondly, there are also state customs rules. They also need to be taken into account. Most likely, products from the blacklist will simply be confiscated at the airport. But often local legislation provides for a monetary fine for such violations.

All this fully applies to transporting fruit in hand luggage on an airplane. This question has always been very relevant. After all, tourists who have visited some exotic country often want to bring home a “delicious souvenir.” As a rule, airlines, including Aeroflot, do not prohibit carrying fruit on board the aircraft. The method of transportation - luggage or hand luggage - in this case does not matter much. However, there are still certain limitations here. Carrying fruit with airline passengers in hand luggage has its own characteristics.

Is it possible to carry fruit in hand luggage on a plane?

We have already noted above that airlines allow passengers to take food and personal items on board. However, each carrier sets its own rules and restrictions for hand luggage. We are talking about cargo of a certain size and weight that will be allowed to be carried in the cabin of an airliner. The passenger has the right to use items from hand luggage during the flight. However, not everything is allowed to be taken on board. Hand luggage at the airport will be inspected for prohibited items. You can take into the aircraft cabin:

Books and magazines;
handbag or case;
outerwear items;
baby food;
certain medications;

The above list is, of course, incomplete. Nevertheless, this list gives a rough idea of ​​what a passenger can take on board an airliner.

Fruits are classified as food products; therefore, their transportation in hand luggage is allowed, although with certain restrictions. It is advisable to find out about the limits and prohibitions in advance, for example, by going to the airline’s website.

So, we have sorted out the main question - is it possible for a passenger to take fruit in hand luggage? Carriers allow such cargo to be carried on board an airliner. Here, first of all, you need to consider what kind of flight it is - domestic or international. The thing is that the rules for transporting fruit on an airplane largely depend on this. In particular, on domestic Russian flights, passengers are allowed to take on board no more than 5 kilograms. It is recommended to take as much fruit into the cabin as you can eat during the flight. It is better to check the rest of the volume in your luggage. You need to transport fruits in your hand luggage in special packaging: a plastic bag, a plastic food container, a net, and so on. This should be taken care of in advance. Otherwise, food products may well be confiscated at the airport.

Now let's look at the rules established for international flights. Here you should be guided by the customs requirements of a particular state. For example, the Russian Federation prohibits the import of food from the EU countries, the USA, Canada, Norway and a number of others. Accordingly, passengers arriving from these countries should not take fruit (in hand luggage or luggage) on the plane, because they will be confiscated at the airport anyway. You should also be careful when transporting such cargo from China. The Celestial Empire will not allow you to bring on board fruit purchased in regions where outbreaks of epidemics have been officially registered. However, this also applies to many other countries.

It is prohibited to import durian and coconut from Thailand to Russia - detailed guidelines can be found on the Internet. We will give only general explanations. For example, coconut is prohibited because its husk is too thick to be visible through cargo inspection devices. Durian was blacklisted for a completely different reason. The reason for the ban on this fruit is its specific aroma. An unpleasant smell is almost impossible to cover with anything else. This, in turn, may cause discomfort to other passengers.

In any case, products on board an airliner are transported in accordance with certain rules - some must be checked in as baggage, while fruits can be taken into the cabin in hand luggage. You can find out about restrictions by contacting a representative of the air carrier or by going to the website of the company you have chosen. Passengers on international flights should separately study the customs regulations of the state where they are flying. We have already talked above about the ban on the import of food products from a number of countries into the Russian Federation. Such restrictions may also apply in other countries. Therefore, it is advisable to find out this point before you arrive at the airport.

The main conclusion that can be drawn from the above is that the transportation of fruits in the cabin of an airliner is allowed. It is clear that you need to take them with you in reasonable quantities. It is not advisable to take on board citrus fruits and fruits that emit a strong aroma. The thing is that they may well provoke an allergic attack in the passengers sitting next to them. Therefore, it is better to avoid such fruits in your hand luggage. If you carry fruit in the cabin of an airliner, pack it in such a way as not to stain other passengers. Otherwise, a conflict situation may well arise. You should also remember that hand luggage has its own weight limit, usually 5 kilograms per person. You need to build on this standard when deciding on the number of products that you want to take with you into the cabin of the airliner.

Hello everyone, my dears. You can’t even imagine how many questions I get asked about what food can be carried in hand luggage and what cannot. It seems that if you wake me up at night, I will be able to answer any question in this area. So today I decided to write an article in which I will tell you EVERYTHING I know about food on an airplane.

I understand that, most likely, each of you is only concerned about how to transport a certain product (sausage or meat). But I beg you, read this article attentively to understand general logic of product bans.

If you understand it once, all questions in the future will disappear by themselves. And you will never again have to rack your brains over such questions or say goodbye to your products at customs control. So, I hope you will read this article to the end, and I will begin.

In this article:

Why are products confiscated?

There are three reasons why you might lose your goodies.

1. They do not pass customs control

Each country has its own rules regarding which products can be imported/exported, in what quantities, and which ones cannot. These rules are established to prevent the spread of infections (bird flu, for example) or for other reasons.

This is why meat and dairy products cannot be imported into the EU countries. Because of this, the export of caviar from Russia for personal consumption is limited.

Therefore, if you are taking a flight that crosses a border, you simply must inquire about the customs rules of the country you are leaving and the rules of the country you are arriving at.

If you do not cross the border, that is, you are flying within the country, you are not threatened by customs rules, you can move directly to the next point.

And I will briefly talk about several of the most famous prohibitions.

1. export of caviar from Russia:

  • sturgeon caviar (black caviar) no more than 250 g.
  • salmon caviar (red caviar) no more than 5 kg

2. import of finished products of animal origin that do not require ready-made heat treatment (cheese, sausage, fish) to Russia - no more than 5 kg

3. import of alcohol to Russia:

  • no more than 3 liters of alcohol-containing drinks (including beer).

Customs rules, which clearly indicate which products can be imported/exported and in what quantities, are a voluminous document. And covering them all quickly and in one article is simply unrealistic.

In addition, customs rules are constantly changing and becoming stricter. You can read it, which is extremely relevant at the moment. And I move on to the next limitation, which will answer many of your questions.

2. Products violate airline regulations

In addition to customs rules, each traveler is subject to the laws of the air carrier with which he flies. You understand that an airplane is not a car that can be parked on the side of the road and in which you can open the window to ventilate the cabin.

The airline is concerned that you do not create dangerous conditions for the flight with your items (including products).

That is why there are a lot of rules that seem stupid to many passengers, but are actually aimed at flight safety. Let's look at each of these rules.

1 - rules for transporting liquids.

Airline liquids include not only water, but also:

  • any drinks,
  • jelly,
  • jam,
  • caviar,
  • pate,
  • yogurt,
  • sauce,
  • cottage cheese,
  • oil,
  • soft cheese,
  • canned food

All this can be carried either in luggage without any special restrictions on volume (remember the customs rules). And if you want to carry these products in your hand luggage, you must pack them in accordance.

That is, each product should be in a package with a volume of no more than 100 ml (not to be confused with grams), there should be no more than 10 packages, and all of them should be in one transparent zipper bag.

For example, you want to bring honey to your family and carry it in your hand luggage. Then it should be in a jar with a volume of no more than 100 ml and placed in a transparent bag along with your cosmetics, since most cosmetics (toothpaste, cream, mascara) also have a liquid consistency and are classified as liquids.

2 - volume of containers.

Imagine that you bought a can of good coffee abroad, but it was confiscated from you at customs, and you could not understand what was wrong. In fact, the volume of your jar turned out to be more than 100 ml, so it is confiscated.

What to do? Do not buy coffee in cans, only in bags or pack cans in your luggage.

But there is such a peculiarity that they do not pay attention to iron cans with cookies or tea (this happened to us). I don't understand what the difference is. But the fact remains a fact.

3 - original packaging.

All products that may raise questions (liquid or animal origin) must be in their original packaging. Think for yourself which airline would want to let you board the plane if you are carrying several bottles of liquid of unknown origin in your luggage. Even if this is homemade wine that your grandmother prepared, it will be very difficult for security officials to prove it.

It's the same with meat at customs. Who will allow you to bring a piece of meat of unknown origin into the country? All these products must be in their original packaging.

4 - satisfaction of acceptable dimensions

Each airline sets its own limits on and. Your products must fit within these rules.

That is, if you are allowed to carry one bag of a certain size in your carry-on luggage, then all products must fit into it. This applies to those who intend to carry, for example, fruit in their hand luggage. And I move on to the third limitation...

3. Products interfere with other passengers

I decided to highlight this limitation so that you pay special attention to it. The products you are carrying should not disturb other passengers with strong and unpleasant odors in the first place.

These odors can come from smoked fish, sausage or eggs. Therefore, take special care to pack your products properly. You don’t need to come up with anything special, just wrap them in cling film, a few bags.

To prevent the fruit from getting bruised in transit, place it in a box. Don't forget to leave durians outside the plane if you don't want the whole plane to hate you ;-).

Take food on the road

Yes, you can take snacks on the road.

  • cookie,
  • candies,
  • chocolate,
  • fruits
  • and even sandwiches (without products with a strong smell)

You can take all this with you on the plane.

In addition, if you are flying with a child, remember that you can take the required amount of water and liquid food for him, without paying attention to all the above problems.

How to understand whether your product can be transported

So, you have become acquainted with the basic rules for transporting products. If you have read everything written above, I bow to you. Let me write a small algorithm that will help you determine whether your product can be transported or not.

1. Determine whether you are flying internationally or domestically.

2. If you're flying domestically, you don't care about customs regulations, you only need to think about the airline's regulations.

3. If you are flying abroad, find out the rules of customs of the Russian Federation (you can hotline) and the customs rules of the country you are flying to (Google it). And then think about the carrier's rules.

4 . Please ensure your product is in original packaging.

5. If your product is liquid and its container volume is less than 100 ml, you can carry it in hand luggage on an airplane according to the rules for transporting liquids.

6. If your product is liquid and its container volume is more than 100 ml, then you need to check it in as baggage.

7. If your product is not liquid, but its container is more than 100 ml, then also check it in as baggage.

8. If the product is large and does not fit into the allowable dimensions of hand luggage, it is also included in luggage.

These are the tips, my dears. I hope that my article helped you understand at least a little about the rules for transporting products. Be sure to read the article about, this will solve all the main questions in this topic. That's all for today, thank you for your attention and bye!

Returning from a trip, people often want to bring home the goodies that a particular country is famous for. This also applies to fruits, which in the country where they grow can be bought much cheaper and fresher than imported ones. And someone, on the contrary, may have a desire to treat foreign friends with their native fruits. The question arises: how to transport these products on the plane?

Airlines in general Passengers are not prohibited from carrying food on board. However, they may impose certain requirements for their transportation. Therefore, before taking fruit into your hand luggage, it is better to clarify this issue in advance on the carrier’s website.

Often, requirements for the transportation of fruits are prescribed by companies that carry out air transportation to tourist countries (for example, Thailand, Vietnam), rich in exotic fruits.

Yes, the airline Royal Flight prohibits the transportation of fruits in the cabin in plastic baskets; Possible only in soft packaging within one free piece of hand luggage.

Airline AZUR air more loyal in this matter. A separate basket of fruit, the weight of which does not exceed 5 kg, can either be taken into the cabin as a free piece of hand luggage, or checked in with the suitcase in the luggage compartment. In the second case, the basket is included in the free baggage allowance, the total weight of which should not exceed 15 kg.

Of course, carrying fruit in the cabin of an airplane is very convenient. You can be sure that they will not be damaged or spoiled during transportation. However, here it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

Firstly, the carriage of fruits in hand luggage is limited to those displayed by the carrier requirements for hand luggage itself– to its size, weight and number of units per person. If the permissible limits are exceeded, the passenger will have to either pay an additional cost, or remove the fruit (part of it) from hand luggage and put it in luggage, or simply throw it away.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for carrying hand luggage of popular airlines.

Secondly, food that you have the right to take with you to the salon, intended for snacking during the flight. Therefore, it is unknown whether it will be possible to carry a bag filled to the top with fruit in your hand luggage - it depends on the airport employee who will inspect it.

Is it possible to check fruit in airplane luggage?

If you do not want or cannot take fruit with you into the cabin, you can pack them in a suitcase and check them in as luggage. In this case, it is necessary to control the weight of your baggage so as not to exceed the permissible baggage allowance established by the airline. Otherwise, you will either have to pay extra for it, or lay out the fruit.

Modern passenger airliners are equipped with a heating system for luggage compartments. For example, in domestic aircraft the temperature is maintained at about +15 °C. So you don't have to worry about the fruit freezing during the flight.

What fruits should you not take on a plane?

If you are making an international flight, then in addition to the airline rules it is necessary to adhere to customs legislation. Otherwise, prohibited fruits will be confiscated, and the violator may be fined.

Always study the customs rules for exporting fruit from the country of departure and importing fruit into the country of arrival. Do not take prohibited foods on board the plane.

Fruits, both fresh and dried, have high phytosanitary risks and are classified as regulated products Therefore, special requirements are imposed on their transportation.

Private individuals are prohibited from importing more than five kilograms of fruit into the Russian Federation without the appropriate phytosanitary certificate (according to Russian Federation Law No. 206-FZ of July 21, 2014). This applies to both hand luggage and checked luggage.

Also prohibited import products from countries to which economic sanctions have been applied (for example, the USA, Canada, EU countries, Australia, Norway, Ukraine, Albania, Montenegro). However, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 391 dated July 29, 2015, an individual may import such products for personal use.

Also, the import of regulated products may be subject to temporary restrictions. Therefore, before importing fruits from any country into the Russian Federation, look to see if they are on the prohibited list. This can be done on the official website of Rosselkhoznadzor.

In addition, it is worth adhering to general airline recommendations and do not take fruits with a strong smell, such as citrus fruits, onto the plane. Such fruits can cause discomfort and even allergic reactions in some passengers. It is also not recommended to take overripe fruits - they will quickly bruise and release juice.

How to pack fruit on a plane?

Proper packaging will help you avoid problems when going through security, avoid getting things in your suitcase dirty, and deliver the fruit intact.

– wrap each fruit with a special soft mesh, paper or bubble wrap;

– purchase a special basket of a suitable size, which can be taken into the cabin as a separate piece of hand luggage;

– put the fruit in a food-grade plastic container that can be conveniently placed in luggage or hand luggage;

Fruits in hand luggage and checked luggage updated: May 20, 2019 by: bagazh