What does a dancing Italian millionaire do? Gianluca Vacchi: biography of a millionaire from Italy, link to Instagram, what he does. About Gianluca Vacchi's favorite vacation spots

Gianluca Vacchi is an Italian entrepreneur. Born into a wealthy Italian family on August 5, 1967 in the city of Bologna. He is the President of the company SEA Società Europea, which sells mobile homes, and a member of the management board of IMA - Industria Macchine Automatiche SpA, specializing in the production of packaging machines. Married with Georgia Gabriela, a 30-year-old model and head of the designer clothing brand Wandering. Gianluca loves to spend his free time in the company of world celebrities, travel a lot, play sports and relax in his villa in Bologna - which he happily shares with followers on Instagram. The famous video with the “Dancing Millionaire” gained enormous popularity around the world and collected more than 10 million views. For now Gianluca Vacchi on Instagram united an army of fans of his talent equal to 5.5 million.

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Gianluca Vacchi Let Them Talk



Gianluca Vacchi on Instagram

Millionaire Gianluca Vacchi

He is 50 and she is much younger. The account of Gianluca Vacca, a businessman from Italy, became popular due to several videos from his summer holidays in Sardinia. He doesn't care much about the age difference with his young wife. But what he does with her interests everyone. What I was most interested in was: why so many tattoos?

The Italian's business is a company producing auto trailers and packaging for pharmaceuticals. He called the lifestyle he shows on Instagram GV Lifestyle.

His specialty is dancing.

You can dance with your wife, on a yacht, or even with servants.

About tattoos. He was once asked: “Why so many tattoos?” To which he replied: The time comes to choose - to remain clean outside or inside. I chose the second one.

It is obvious that he puts a lot of time into his figure.

Photo reports should be bright and rich - car, car, yacht.

His body is painted like the cover of a book.

But in general, it was not a bright or rich life that gave the Italian popularity. Everyone literally liked the dancing.

Vakki realized what was happening and off we went.

This is where it gets really funny:


His wardrobe is good:

Instagram Gianluca Vacchi

For several days now, the Russian Internet has been going crazy over the dancing Italian millionaire Gianluca Vacchi, but information about the life of the pumped up and tattooed man “at the very dawn of his powers”, who famously rocks up with the beautiful Giorgia Gabriele on board a yacht, is still quite scarce.


Gianluca Vacchi was born in 1967 in Bologna into a wealthy family. The future Internet hero received a diploma in economics. In Italy he became famous for his love of spending time in the company of models and football players, as well as for his love of fitness and numerous tattoos. The millionaire's favorite vehicles are a personal yacht and a personal plane.


49-year-old businessman Gianluca Vacchi heads SEA Societa Europea Autocaravan SpA, which produces car trailers. In addition, Gianluca is a member of the board of directors of the family company Fin Vacchi Finanziaria Vacchi, which produces equipment for the packaging and processing of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food. But that’s not all, Gianluca Vacchi is the owner of shares in such large companies as Eurotech and the Toy Watch watch brand. At the same time, you shouldn’t think that Vakki created his business from scratch, and he’s such a great guy. In fact, his father founded the packaging equipment company in 1961.

Moreover, the family business is actually managed by the millionaire’s cousin, Alberto Vacchi, who, unlike Gianluca, leads a very modest lifestyle and does not appear in public. So, if the millionaire had not been lucky with his father and cousin, then Gianluca would hardly have been able to combine a cheerful lifestyle with successful business activity. “I’m lucky that in my family there are people who can both launch a successful business and support it,” Gianluca admitted in an interview, “this allows me to self-realize the way I want.”

Much more than packaging or car trailers, Gianluca is passionate about fashion. For example, he bought a share of shares in the watch company Toy Watch for a reason, but to found his own brand GV, under which T-shirts and accessories are produced. If we talk about Gianluca’s style, he loves everything that “normal people don’t wear”: silk pajamas with polka dots, pink trousers, trousers with prints of tropical flowers and other wardrobe excesses.


In Italy, Gianluca Vacchi has a reputation as a Don Giovanni; slender and fit young brunettes most often become victims of his charms, so the millionaire’s current life partner, Giorgia Gabriele, is a typical illustration of Vacchi’s tastes. Before her, the millionaire noted that in 2011 he had an affair with Melissa Satta, an Italian TV presenter, Victoria's Secret model and actress born in Boston (USA). The couple also had a significant age difference; at the time of the relationship, Melissa was 25 years old, and Gianluca was already 45. By the way, outwardly, Melissa and Georgia are, as they say, the same type. By the way, Giorgia Gabriele used to have an affair with Davide Lippi, the son of the famous football player Marcello Lippi. Not everything is clear about Georgia Gabriele’s status either; some media call her the wife of a millionaire, others call her just a girlfriend.


Gianluca not only dances well, but also professes and at the same time preaches the principles of hedonism. In April last year, for example, he published a book of his own composition, “Enjoy,” that is, “Enjoy.” The title, so to speak, is capacious, the book, of course, is about how to enjoy life in all its aspects, of course, if you have money. The dancing millionaire tags his Instagram posts related to the “Enjoy” category with the tag “

Flashy outfits, a toned body, mansions, planes, luxury yachts and no less luxurious women, almost 11,200,000 followers on Instagram - all this is about one Italian millionaire named Gianluca Vacchi. He lives without denying himself anything. People say about people like him: “I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth.”

Biography of Gianluca Vacchi

The biography of the dancing millionaire amazes with its luxury and chic. It cannot be said that he walked towards his goal for a long time, since he was already born into a wealthy family.

  • And it happened on August 5, 1967 in Bologna. And his father founded a company for the production of packaging equipment and packaging for the pharmaceutical industry 6 years before his birth. Soon the profitable business reached the global level.

  • Vacchi is one of the oldest families in Italy, and their family included not only businessmen, but also artists. The millionaire himself, in one of his interviews, let slip about an ancestor whose works were exhibited at the famous Pallazo Pitti gallery in Florence. Most likely, it was from such ancestors that the Italian developed an unkillable thirst for beauty.

  • As a teenager, Gianluca got used to dramatically tucking up the left leg of his pants on all types of clothes: jeans, trousers, and even shorts. Even now, the millionaire honors this tradition, making an exception only for a tuxedo, which he wears extremely rarely.
  • After graduating from school, Vacchi easily entered the University of Bologna, the Faculty of Economics and Commerce, and already in 1993 received a diploma from the university. Until the age of 29, the guy worked in his father’s business, and after that he decided to retire and expand his field of activity.

Business Achievements of Gianluca Vacchi

The information about the state of Gianluca's business is striking.

  • Gianluca Vacchi is one of the board members of the family company Fin Vacchi, owning 30 percent of the shares. Directly in charge of management is a modest man unknown to the press - Alberto's cousin. Gianluca says he has been lucky to have a cousin who has helped maintain a thriving business over the years. His brother's help allows Wakka to realize himself.
  • In addition, Gianluca owns the SEA company, which produces car trailers.
  • The purchase of shares in Eurotech and Toy Watch companies was due to the eccentric Italian’s desire for fashion. Moreover, he bought part of the Toy Watch production in order to produce his own GV brand. Now this brand produces accessories and T-shirts.
  • Recently, the man has retired from work in order to have time to live the way he wants. He actively shares his latest photographs and secrets of a luxurious life with a huge army of his fans on Instagram, thereby his account has become mega-popular in just a couple of months.

Appearance of Gianluca Vacchi

Our hero, at 50 years old, is in excellent physical shape, and his figure would be the envy of any young man.

  • Pumped abs, strong arms, developed chest, lowered swimming trunks - looking at the man, it’s hard to call him an elderly grandfather walking to the pharmacy for Corvalol.

  • Tattoos on a millionaire's body cover most of it; there are already more than 100 options. It’s interesting that the tattoos on his body look very organic, since the businessman is fit, his muscles are prominent, and not a single extra fold of skin is visible. The man’s body is filled with sacred GV symbols, a Masonic compass, and various significant inscriptions and quotes.

  • The Italian's clothing style is flashy and quite specific. They say about this: “Normal people don’t wear this.” Outfits can include pink trousers, silk pajamas with polka dots, pants with prints of huge flowers and other excesses.

  • Plastic surgeons suspect Botox injections to correct the eyelids, forehead and temples, but without maintaining a healthy lifestyle and intensive training, such a result would be impossible.

Interesting! The “Dancing Millionaire” loves to wear expensive natural diamonds; the man has at least three of them at once.

Personal life of millionaire Vacca

The personal life of the famous partygoer is in order, he is happy, loved and free from any prejudices. The man, like all passionate Italians, adores young girls, choosing his companions in the age category of 18-25 years.

  • In 2011, he announced that he was engaged to television presenter Melissa Satta, but within a month the macho man broke up with the TV star.
  • In 2016, model Giorgia Gabriele, whom the man called his wife, and Vacca became famous throughout the world by filming a series of extravagant videos. At the same time, Gianluca Vacchi’s dance on the deck of a snow-white yacht in the company of a model in a bikini gained a record number of views on YouTube. The couple met at a party organized by the oligarch, where the man, without delay, called Georgia his soulmate. The age difference between the lovers is 18 years, but the girl says that she does not feel any difference. Sometimes the model even lags behind in fiction and fantasy regarding daily, including sexual, pleasures with Gianluca. The dance video literally blew up the Internet. It was from those shots of Gianluca Vacchi dancing that his wild popularity and career as a club DJ began. The latest news in 2017 once again stirred up the Internet community, as it turned out that the couple had separated.

  • The Italian oligarch did not grieve for long, and today he has a new passion: “Vice Miss Universe 2015,” 23-year-old Adriana Gutierras gladly accompanies her chosen one, appearing with him in public and posing for the press.

Club in Kyiv and filming with Andrey Malakhov

In 2016, the cheerful oligarch appeared as a guest of Andrei Malakhov “Let Them Talk,” and in May 2017 he visited the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv.

There, the millionaire played at the opening of the White Terrace club, where the organizers invited him, and at a new establishment from the Kelembet Group in Kyiv.

And from the excess of events in life and positive emotions, the oligarch wrote the book “Enjoy”, where he spoke about the principles of hedonism, which he zealously professes.

The state of the cheerful oligarch

According to the Italian tabloid Il Fatto Quotidiano, the family fortune is estimated at 1.1 billion euros.

  • Among the real estate, the billionaire owns: a mansion built in 1781 in the town of Cortina D'Ampezzo in the beautiful Alps, a cottage with a museum-gallery, a spa, a hammam bath, a corridor of shower jets in Bologna, and a house in Milan, which is stylized as a building Parisian style.
  • In Porto Cervo in Sardinia, there is another two-level mansion covering an area of ​​1200 square meters. meters, surrounded by huge areas of swimming pools.

  • The 50-year-old oligarch starred in a video for a Georgian bank as a cheerful Santa Claus, and shocked snobs with the video in a jacket, shorts and high heels.
  • The rich man's car fleet includes three Bentleys, a Gelendewagen, a Mercedes-AMG jeep and a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. His yacht, 14 meters long and with an incredible power of 1050 horsepower, more than once became a platform for crazy dances, where every invited girl could party with the billionaire. In addition, the darling of fate has smaller yachts and a private jet.

  • Gianluca Vacchi is vacationing in Miami, on the island of Ibiza, skiing in Cortina d’Ampezzo. It goes without saying that resorts are only open to the rich and famous.

Interesting! There were rumors that villas, yachts and shares were seized in order to cover a loan to the Vacca holding bank of 10,000,000 euros. Due to the fact that this loan is not the only one, economists suggest that the businessman faces a domino effect.

Dancing Gianluca Vacchi, at 50, looks like he is 30, lives life to the fullest, and breaks the stereotype that all millionaires are boring snobs obsessed with making money. Our hero moves through life easily and overcomes all problems by dancing.

Video: Legendary dances of Gianluca Vacchi

A year ago, a video circulated on the Internet in which 49-year-old Italian millionaire Gianluca Vacchi danced with his then-girlfriend, 30-year-old supermodel Giorgia Gabriele. Now he has property - the very villas and yachts against which he was photographed for Instagram. found out what happened to the wealth of the extravagant Italian.

“Do you want an interview? It's easy, but only at your expense. You know, I’ve run out of money,” joked Gianluca Vacchi when a correspondent for the Italian newspaper Quotidiano called him. The day before, the press reported that his villas and yachts were being taken away by the bank, to which the millionaire owed 10.5 million euros.

Detractors early. Gianluca believes that with his wealth, 10 million is nothing. If you believe him, the reason for debt is not lack of money. There was simply an error when calculating interest on the loan. He refuses to pay until they are recounted or there is a corresponding court decision.

The scale of property seizures, according to the Italian, is greatly exaggerated. He still has room to dance. True, the bank got the golf club, which his father loved very much. But it doesn't matter. “Dad died a long time ago,” says Gianluca. “There was no point in paying for it.”

Family business

Gianluca's fortune is estimated at 450 million dollars (about 27 billion rubles). Media claims that his annual income is up to 20 million. The problem is that this is almost impossible to verify: he is not obliged to disclose true information about his income and is vain enough to exaggerate it.

Gianluca is a wealthy heir who lives on dividends. His family owns the IMA Corporation, a major manufacturer of machines for packaging food, drugs and cosmetics. 55 years ago, the Vacca family bought the company from a struggling Italian inventor. By 2016, the company's turnover exceeded a billion euros, and its net profit was 101 million euros.

According to media reports, Gianluca received a third of the IMA. In 2010, the company reported that he owned 876 thousand shares. Since then, information about his share has not been published; it could either decrease or increase.

Photo: Roberto Monaldo / LaPresse / Legion-Media

In the late 1990s, Gianluca was responsible for investor relations at IMA for two years. In 1999, he joined the board of directors, but his powers are extremely limited. He cannot participate in the management of the corporation; this is done by Alberto Vacchi, Gianluca’s cousin and the complete opposite. Alberto gets up at six in the morning, works until late in the evening and tries to stay away from his extravagant relative.

Italian media claim that the IMA pays Gianluca five million euros annually. According to Quotidiano's caustic definition, this is a payment for not meddling in the company's affairs.

Business career

In his youth, Gianluca tried to do business. “I only inherited three or four percent of what I own,” he said in a recent interview. - From 25 to 35 years old, I worked in twelve sectors of the economy. I was involved in the tourism business, mobile homes, and wristwatches.”

Indeed, in the early 2000s, Gianluca used family capital to buy several companies. Whether this was beneficial is another question.