To India on your own. A bright and memorable trip to India: what an inexperienced tourist should know Travel to India

Before leaving for the airport

Don't forget to bring your passport (POP), travel documents and voucher. Your passport must contain an entry visa to India. The visa specifies the time period during which you are allowed to enter the country and the number of days of residence. We ask you to check in advance for the presence of photographs of children included in the passport, for the presence of appropriate stamps on all photographs. Check-in for the flight begins: in Russia - 2 hours before departure, in India - 4 hours before departure. Considering that seats are often resold (especially on peak dates), it is best to arrive at the airport before check-in begins. In the event of a delay in your flight, in accordance with the rules of international transportation, the air carrier is responsible for the flight delay.

At the airport in India

At the Indian airport upon arrival, an immigration card is filled out. The remaining part of the card after passing through passport control must be kept until your return flight.
During check-in in India (return flight or domestic flights), it is better to keep the volume of hand luggage to a minimum, since hand luggage is searched at Indian airports very carefully and at least three times. Items checked in as baggage are checked once (often right at the entrance to the airport building). It should also be taken into account that in hand luggage it is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to carry items considered potentially dangerous, such as: any aerosols, medicines, matches, lighters, metal combs, nail files, manicure scissors, cosmetics (including perfume), alcoholic beverages , SPICES, etc. Video and photographic equipment may be subject to particularly thorough inspection

Airport taxes

When departing from Goa on a charter flight, an airport tax of US$6 is payable.

Customs regulations

Customs duties do not apply to personal items, as well as personal jewelry, 0.95 liters of alcohol, 200 pieces of cigarettes and 50 pieces of cigars.

We inform you that from May 13, 2014, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 398 of April 29, 2014 “On invalidating paragraph 7 of Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 No. 866 “On labeling alcoholic products with excise stamps” comes into force ". In this regard, the import of any alcoholic beverages into the territory of the Russian Federation from abroad is prohibited. The exception will be alcoholic beverages purchased at airports in Duty Free shops.

The document on the basis of which your accommodation is carried out is a voucher. If the voucher does not indicate the specific category of your room (sea view / garden / mountain view / main building / bungalow), the hotel administration will accommodate you in currently available rooms.
If you find any problems in the room, you must contact the administration to resolve them.
We recommend depositing documents, money and other valuables in a safe. The safe is usually located at the reception desk, in some hotels - directly in the rooms.
When checking into a hotel, inquire about the payment system for additional services. You can find out the status of your account for any day at the hotel reception by asking for a computer printout.
The meal option is indicated in your voucher - this can be breakfast BB, half board NV (breakfast and dinner), full board FB (breakfast, lunch and dinner) or all inclusive (this is usually breakfast, lunch, dinner + local drinks). In hotel restaurants, drinks for dinner are always paid separately (except for all-inclusive hotels). Please note that you are not allowed to bring your own drinks into the hotel restaurant. It is not allowed to take food taken from the buffet outside the restaurant.
Some hotels do not allow food purchased outside the hotel to be brought onto the premises. If you want to bring fruits or drinks purchased from the Duty Free store to your children's room, do so discreetly.

General information

India is a republic with a legislative assembly and a government headed by a prime minister. The head of state is the president. The capital is Delhi. India is located in South Asia and covers an area of ​​more than 3 million square kilometers, washed by the waters of the Arabian Sea in the west and the Bay of Bengal in the east, and bordered by Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, China, Nepal and Pakistan. The country also owns a number of islands. Two great rivers flow through the country: the Indus and the Ganges.
The nature of India is exotic and diverse. The lush greenery of tropical forests combined with a colorful variety of flora and fauna, snow-white and golden beaches, the highlands of the Himalayas and river valleys make a stunning impression on travelers from Europe.
The population is one of the highest in the world - about a billion people, of which 51% are men and 49% are women.


When using local ground transport (train or bus), you need to be prepared for the fact that there will be people nearby with various skin diseases (not necessarily contagious, but who knows about that). Therefore, this should only be used if absolutely necessary. It is better to order transport from the host company, or call a taxi. Almost every hotel has a taxi rank or you can call one by phone. A taxi is inexpensive: 1 km from 2.3 - 3 rupees in flat areas to 6 rupees in the mountains.

The monetary unit is the Indian rupee (Rs). 1 rupee = 100 paise. Coins: 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 paise and 1, 2 rupees. Banknotes: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 rupees. Indian rupees cannot be brought in or out of the country. Rate 1$ = 47 rupees (real rate at which you can exchange currency 1$ = 44-45 rupees). It is better to change currency in banks. Banknotes must be counted immediately, making sure that they are not torn or sealed. Traveler's checks can be cashed at a more favorable rate. Keep receipts confirming the legality of the currency exchange. Credit cards are accepted in many places (Diners, Visa, Master-card/Eurocard, American Express)
!!! When departing from the country, Indian rupees are NOT ACCEPTED at Duty Free. A return exchange at the airport is possible, but at a VERY UNFAVORABLE rate.

It is 2.5 hours ahead of Moscow in winter and 1.5 hours in summer.

Due to topographic heterogeneity and the size of the territory, the climate in the country is divided into several natural zones: humid equatorial in the extreme south, continental in the central part of the country and quite cool in the Himalayas. The temperature difference ranges from +12+23% in January-December to +35+45% in June-September, when the summer monsoon dominates, bringing precipitation.

The official languages ​​are Hindi and English. There are a total of 1,652 dialects and languages ​​in the country, of which 18 are official in different states. Portuguese is also widely spoken in Goa.

In India you can meet representatives of all known religions. Main: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Islam. The influence of religions also varies from state to state. For example, Islam is especially strong in the northern part of the country, in Bombay there is a huge Jain community, and in Goa the population is divided into Hindus and Catholics and only 2-3% of the population worships other cults.

Tips depend on your satisfaction with the service received. It is usually customary to leave 10% of the bill - in hotels and restaurants. If the bill (usually in large hotels) indicates a 10% service surcharge, tipping is not required in this case.


The mains voltage is 220 volts, the socket is three-pole (an adapter is required).

Features of staying in the country

Before entering temples, mosques and gudwaras (Sikh temples), you must remove your shoes. Some places will offer you special shoe covers for a small fee; they usually allow you to wear socks. Do not take any leather goods with you into temples, as this may be considered an insult. In many cases, photography is prohibited inside temples, so ask permission before using a camera. It is also necessary to ask local residents for permission to photograph them. Tourists are usually treated kindly and are sometimes allowed to attend religious rituals. When visiting sacred places, be careful about your clothing (do not wear short skirts, tops or shorts). In Siq temples, women should cover their heads and shoulders; in mosques, women should cover their heads and shoulders, and they should also wear long skirts (or trousers). As is tradition, drop some money into the donation box.
Namaste - palms folded in a greeting - is a traditional form of Indian greeting, and if you use it, Indians will appreciate it. However, men, especially in cities, will not hesitate to shake your hand if you are a man. A handshake will even be appreciated as a gesture of exceptional friendliness. For most Indian women, the loose morals between men and women found in the West are unacceptable, so physical contact with women should be avoided. Don't shake a woman's hand (unless she extends it first) or put your hand on her shoulder.
In private homes, tourists are treated as honored guests, and your ignorance of Indian customs will be treated with understanding and indulgence. If you want to try eating with your hands, remember to only use the fingers of your right hand.
Try not to have the soles of your shoes pointing in any direction, which could be seen as a sign of disrespect. Do not point with your index finger, use either outstretched arm or chin gestures. When talking, try never to shout or lose your temper, otherwise they will simply not communicate with you.
1. Special vaccinations are not required. In cities and resort areas, bites from dangerous insects and animals are not a threat. But when going on an excursion, it is better to take care of repellents in advance. Do not touch any objects unnecessarily. It is strictly necessary to follow all instructions from the guide. A dry twig can turn into a poisonous snake, spider, or scorpion, and a beautiful delicate flower can cause severe allergies.
2.The most important thing is to follow the rules of hygiene. Remember that this region is the source of most serious gastrointestinal infections. Avoiding these diseases is not difficult, you just need to strictly follow a number of rules:
- never buy food and drinks on the street, and, moreover, do not drink or eat on the street;
- wash your hands with disinfectant soap as soon as possible;
- wash fruits thoroughly;
- do not drink tap water, even just rinse your mouth and brush your teeth with mineral water. This is not due to the fact that tap water contains an infection (water is disinfected in hotels), but because each region has its own mineral composition of water and this can adversely affect the stomach. Therefore, Indian residents who drink tap water at home, when visiting another place, use bottled water. Even in expensive restaurants, water placed on the table in a decanter can turn out to be tap water and cause severe intestinal upset. You should only drink from bottles.
3.The sun is a serious danger in India. Severe sunburn can occur even in cloudy weather, so the use of high factor sunscreens is recommended.
Qualified English-speaking doctors are available in all major cities. You can also get advice from a doctor at the hotel. Hospitals fully meet the necessary requirements. All tourists flying abroad on holiday have medical insurance. First of all, CAREFULLY read the insurance rules. If you go to a medical institution or call a doctor, you must immediately call one of the telephone numbers specified in the insurance policy and notify the insurance company about the use of medical services. If the disease is an insured event (see insurance policy), the costs will be compensated in accordance with the submitted paid invoices. It should also be taken into account that no insurance company covers the costs of treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and diseases caused by alcohol poisoning.
India is a safe country, but, nevertheless, in places with large crowds of people and especially in large cities: Delhi, Bombay, Agra, etc., where petty theft flourishes, it is necessary to be careful.
In good 4 and 5 star hotels, as a rule, there is no theft, but, nevertheless, it is recommended to keep money only in a safe. In most cases, the hotel administration will not be responsible for the loss of things from the room.
Local banknotes have a low denomination, and therefore you often have to carry thick wads of money with you, which is very inconvenient. However, it is not recommended, if possible, to take all the money with you to avoid loss; it is better to store it in a safe. If a large amount of cash is still needed, then you should not show it to others. It is better to divide the pack into several, setting aside banknotes separately for current payments: tips, toilet, etc. All of the above applies to cash; the life of plastic card holders is much simpler.
You should not serve it to the numerous beggars and beggars, who are countless near the hotel exit and in crowded places. Anyone who gives anything, even a little, becomes a potential victim of the local beggar community. Not only will it be extremely difficult to get rid of them, but in addition, the “potential victim” will be passed like a relay baton from one group of beggars to another.
When purchasing souvenirs on the street or taking photographs with exotic animals, it is better to conduct all negotiations through a guide. So, at least you can count on a reasonable price.
You can eat without fear of poisoning in hotel restaurants or in restaurants recommended by your host. Also an indicator of the quality of food is the presence of tourists in the hall. You need to be careful with spices. It’s better not to ask the locals whether this dish is spicy or not, try it yourself. Since local residents understand the question “is this food spicy or not” how spicy the food is, namely, how many types of spices are present in the dish. Therefore, even if a dish consists of hot pepper, but there are no other types of spices, then this dish (according to Indians) is not spicy or hot, but neutral.
BTW: Public toilets are usually paid and are located in the central part of the city, as well as in large hotels and restaurants, but you should take into account that not all restaurants have a public toilet, and toilet paper is also not available everywhere.

The shops

Opening hours are from 10:00 to 19:00. State stores are closed on Sundays. At resorts, shops are usually open until late in the evening and seven days a week. It is customary to bargain everywhere, except for government stores (Government Emporium) and shops with the inscription “Fixed prices”. Traditional purchases and souvenirs: carpets, products made of precious and semi-precious stones, jewelry made of gold and silver, textiles (clothing, bed linen, scarves, stoles), leather and wood products, objects made of copper, brass, bronze with chasing, inlays , enamel, etc., miniatures on paper and silk, antiques and of course the famous tea and spices. Don't rush into shopping. Consult your guide about customs regulations and take care of the necessary certificates and certificates.

Car rent

Don't forget that in India you drive on the LEFT. Driving a car in India is quite difficult and is not recommended for novice drivers and people with weak nerves. Most highways are dangerous zones where you need to be prepared for any surprises, because... many drivers ignore traffic rules. In addition, the streets are full of pedestrians, cyclists, stray dogs, cows, potholes, carts, cars racing at high speed, or vice versa, parked in the middle of the road. Therefore, if you decide to rent a car, we recommend renting a car with a driver. The cost of such a service is about $20 per day. The cost of rental without a driver is about 30% less and ranges from 500 rupees per day + a deposit of 1000 rupees in case of damage to the car. In all cities there are branches of large international companies (Hertz, Budget Rent-a-Car, Eurocar).


All types of telephone communication in India are paid. You can contact Russia via automatic line using the code 007 + area code + telephone number. A call from a public telephone will cost you much less (2-3 times) than from a hotel.

Information about the time of departure from the hotel to the airport is provided by a representative of the host company. If this information is not provided on time, the departure time must be clarified directly with the host company or with a representative of this company no later than 1 day before departure. This should be done even if you have prior information received when purchasing the tour. If your bus is late, don't worry. He may be delayed at the previous hotel along the route. If for some unknown reason the transfer was not provided and you risk missing the plane, go to the airport by taxi. In this case, you should take a receipt for payment from the taxi driver and make sure that it indicates the date and time of boarding the taxi. The amount spent, in accordance with the check, will be returned to the agency that sold the tour. On the eve of departure, please pay for additional services: telephone calls, use of the mini-bar, other expenses. Check-out time is usually 12:00 noon. You must vacate your rooms before the specified time. If the return flight time was late in the evening, you need to take care in advance about the possible extension of your stay in the room - you can negotiate for a small fee at Reception for a later check-out, or you can transfer your luggage to a storage room and spend the rest of the day on the beach, in a restaurant, or walking around the city.

Is this possible, you ask. Oh yes, it's real!

So, how can you go to India for 2 weeks for free and how can you earn 7,000 US dollars in this poor country?

I want to make a reservation right away that this enterprise is suitable only for risky people who are ready for various twists of fate. I will tell you about a travel option that is only suitable for those who are ready to meet the Adventure Life as it is!

So, a little about myself - my name is Konstantin Smirnov, I am from Novosibirsk. I am 28 years old and by this time I have already achieved the realization of my childhood dream, and also achieved recognition of my professional qualities at the international level.

My childhood dream was this: to have a job with which I could see the world - travel to different countries. I found such a job, and I really, really like it, and they pay a lot of money!

I work as an oil well drilling engineer (directional driller) and have achieved international recognition - I have experience in several countries and have several job offers.

I talk a lot about myself, let’s get down to business.

It is very easy to go to India and earn $7,000 there and you can do it practically for free. I warn you that knowledge of English is required at least at school level!

So, here are the steps step by step:
1. You need to write a good resume for the position of directional driller in English - it’s very simple, I’ll help
2. Send this resume to a specific email address of a recruiter in an Indian company
3. I will make you a resume, after looking at which this recruiter will call you on the same day or within 2-3 days
4. In the resume we will indicate the salary level of $500 per day. The recruiter will ask - maybe less? You confidently and firmly refuse him and tell him that he doesn’t agree to work for less than $500 a day. Don’t be afraid that the recruiter will ask something related to the job - I will make you a resume that will show that you are truly a professional and there will be no questions!
5. The recruiter will send a document – ​​a contract – to your e-mail. You will print the last page and sign it, scan it and send it back to him. In the same letter, inform the recruiter that you need the original contract - ask for it to be sent to your mailing address by DHL. Also, along with the contract, he will send you the documents necessary to obtain an Indian visa for 1 year (invitation, etc.)
6. After receiving the package of documents, apply for a visa to India - it will cost 5 thousand if through an agency + 1200 consular fee. If directly (for those who live in Moscow), then you just need to pay the consular fee. Don’t worry, upon arrival in India, the cost of obtaining a visa will be reimbursed. Taxi and money spent on food are also reimbursed - so keep your receipts!
7. An Indian company will buy you a ticket Moscow – Delhi – Moscow. If anyone lives outside of Moscow, then the “Your City – Moscow – Your City” ticket will also be compensated (just be sure to keep all receipts and boarding passes!). I would like to note that it is necessary to stipulate that the flight from your city to Moscow to your city should be paid for by Indians at the stage of the telephone conversation! Tell them that only in this case are you ready to come to them!
8. So, when the visa is ready, scan it and send it to the recruiter, agree on the date of arrival; he will buy you an e-ticket Moscow - Delhi - Moscow and send this e-ticket to your e-mail
9. Pack your bags.
10. You will be met in India - don’t worry. During the first 2 weeks you will need to complete a training course, so you will not need to demonstrate your professional qualities.

Hotel and meals are provided by the company - so don’t worry about where you’ll sleep and you won’t go hungry.

Thus, you fly to India for free and will receive $500 per day for 2 weeks.

Then, of course, you will be sent to work, however, you will say that something emergency happened at home (for example, your grandmother died) and you will be sent home.
If you want to fly again, go ahead :)

I will inform the recruiter’s e-mail to those people who are interested in my offer and who will visit my website and register on it (and also undergo a 3-minute test) - this is the only condition that I require from you in return for receiving information and my help. I will also help you create a resume and answer questions.

If you have any questions, you can ask me on my blog - it is listed on my website.

In 2019, Russians can travel to India with an electronic visa, which is issued for 365 days. During one trip, you can continuously stay in the country for no more than 90 days. There is no need to stand in lines or visit the embassy or visa center yourself; everything can be done online via the Internet.

We can issue you an electronic visa to India in 1-3 days, so you will not need to fill out forms, collect documents and waste your time.

Phone (as well as Viber and WhatsApp) + 7 985 123 55 59 e-mail: [email protected]

(More than 5 years of experience working with India).

In connection with the change in the Consular fee and the constant jump in currencies, we have established a new price policy:

Registration cost:
2300 1500
+ consular fee

You need:

  • a scan or photo of the international passport (you can take them on a regular phone - just so that everything is visible and all the inscriptions are clear),
  • photograph on a white background,
  • scan or photo of a Russian passport.

Send your documents to us and in 1-3 days you will receive a completed visa. Constantly in touch, requests can be left around the clock.

If you intend to spend your next holiday in India, you will need a visa. Under various circumstances, it can be formatted as follows:

  1. At the Indian consulate of other countries.
  2. Online via the Internet.
  3. At the visa application center.

The method of receipt depends on how long you decide to go to a country located on the Hindustan Peninsula. If you are only interested in tourism and you intend to travel around the Republic of India for no more than 90 days, the best option would be to go online and receive the document upon arrival at the airport.

This is what an electronic entry permit to India looks like; you will need to present it at the airport to get a stamp in your passport

Rules for obtaining an electronic visa

The online option for obtaining permits is available to citizens of 150 countries around the world. Russia is one of them. This type of permit is called Indian e-visa. The conditions under which you can apply to Indian Migration Services online are as follows:

  • Your goal is tourism, business trip or treatment. You will be issued a multiple entry visa for 1 year. If you provide a document from the clinic where you are going for treatment, the permit period will be the same.
  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months after arrival in the country.
  • A foreign passport must have at least two pages for visa stamps.
  • You must have sufficient funds for a holiday in India.
  • You must have a return ticket.

If you comply with all of the above, you can apply for an entry permit online.

How to apply for an e-visa to India online (video)

You can watch this video. The Indian website very often does not work well, especially if you are filling out a form from Russia.

If you need to urgently and quickly obtain a visa, contact us: Phone (as well as Viber and WhatsApp) + 7 985 123 55 59, e-mail: [email protected]

You must submit your application in advance, no later than four days before your departure. Otherwise, you may not be in time. This means that you will fly to India, and your visa will still be in the process of being processed.

It is even more likely that without permission to enter India, you simply will not be allowed on the plane.

It makes sense to apply in advance, since after registration you will have a corridor of 120 days during which you can fly to India.

Citizens with diplomatic passports and children who are included in their parents’ passports cannot obtain visas online.

How to get an e-visa

To receive an electronic version of a visa, you need to enter all the required information about yourself on the website and send a copy of your foreign passport. If the purpose of travel is treatment, you also need a certificate from the clinic where you will undergo it.

If the copies you send turn out to be of poor quality and difficult to read, your visa will be denied.

To obtain a visa yourself you need to pay a consular fee. Its size is 100 US dollars (excluding bank commission, which is additionally about 3-4 dollars). If you fill out the form incorrectly and refuse, this amount will not be returned to you.

Since March 2019, electronic permission is issued for 365 days.

You should know that India, like India, takes biometric data from its guests. Holders of electronic visas will need to submit them upon arrival at the airport of the state (28 airports) or upon arrival at one of the 5 ports of the country (Goa, Cochin, Mangalore, Mumbai, Chennai).

Airports where the e-visa is valid:

  1. Ahmedabad.
  2. Amritsar.
  3. Bagdogra.
  4. Bengaluru.
  5. Calicut.
  6. Chennai.
  7. Chandigarh.
  8. Cochin.
  9. Coimbatore.
  10. Delhi.
  11. Gaya.
  12. Amausi.
  13. Guwahati.
  14. Hyderabad.
  15. Jaipur.
  16. Kolkata.
  17. Lucknow.
  18. Mangalore.
  19. Madurai.
  20. Mumbai.
  21. Nagpur.
  22. Pune.
  23. Tiruchirapalli.
  24. Trivandrum.
  25. Varanasi.
  26. Bhubaneshwar.
  27. Port Blair.

You can apply for the online version of the permit twice a year. You should know that the document cannot be renewed. The date of entry into the country is considered the first day of stay on its territory.

There are also prohibitions: visiting some Indian states will additionally require special permission. For example, you need it for a trip to the Andaman Islands.

In order for visa applicants to track the status of their electronic application, they need to access the pages of the website When traveling to India, it is very important to have a printed version of the electronic permit in hand.

What documents are needed to obtain an electronic permit?

To obtain an e-visa you will need the following documents:

  • International passport plus a copy. The entry document must be valid for six months. The countdown begins from the moment you enter the country.
  • Photo size 5 x 5 cm. The photo must be in color, of good quality and against a light background.
  • You will need to indicate the hotel where you are going to stay.
  • You will need to fill in the date of arrival in India.

An electronic photograph in JPG format must not exceed one megabyte. A copy of the passport in PDF format should not exceed 300 kB.

If you are traveling with children to India, you need to send copies of their birth certificates. When accompanying only one parent, a notarized permission from the second or a copy of a certificate certifying the reason for the impossibility of obtaining permission from the second parent (for example, a death certificate) is also sent. If parents and children have different surnames, a certificate of relationship must be attached.

An example of consent of one of the parents for a child to travel abroad

All copies must be clear and of good quality. A copy of your passport will need to be provided in pdf format.

We can help and do all the work of filling out the application form, converting the passport photo into pdf format, and paying the consular fee on the Indian website for you.

Applying for a visa through Visasam

With us, the visa application process will be easy and fast.

  1. Call our specialist + 7 985 123 55 59 (phone, Viber, Whats Up) and leave your visa application, you can also send your application by email [email protected].
  2. Our specialists will contact you shortly and discuss all the terms of cooperation.
  3. Within 24-72 hours of payment, you will receive your India e-Visa and begin your journey.
  4. Applications can be submitted 24 hours a day. We are ALWAYS open and available on weekends and holidays.

All you will need from you is a photo of your international passport, which you can take on your phone, and a photo of your face against a light background.

Sequence of actions when obtaining an electronic visa

The first thing you must do is fill out a form on the site. Please fill out all fields clearly. The last thing in this process should be uploading a color photo.

Only after filling out the form make payment. Check your email, you should receive a code, which will confirm that you can start packing your bags. This is what you need to print and present at customs in India. In addition, you will need to present all originals and copies of the above documents.

The video shows how to get a stamp in your passport upon arrival and enter India with an e-visa.

Types of visas to visit India

The rules for entry into India allow the following types of visas:

  1. Single entry: you enter and exit once.
  2. Electronic multiple visa: you can enter and exit several times a year. It is important that the period of stay in the country for each trip does not exceed 90 days.
  3. Multiple: you can travel back and forth an unlimited number of times, as long as they fit within the specified time frame. Multiple permits can be issued for several months. Its maximum term is 5 years. In practice, it is almost impossible for ordinary travelers to obtain such a visa in 2019. A visa obtained at the country's visa center is valid for 3 and 6 months.

In addition to the deadlines, permitting stamps differ in the purposes pursued by the guest of the state. Visas can be transit, student, business and tourist.

Long-term regular tourist visa for 3 and 6 months

If you are one of those tourists who travel for more than 90 days, you need to take care of receiving. This can be done at the consulate or visa center. Cases of refusal to issue a 6-month visa occur much more often than when issuing an electronic permit. More documents need to be submitted.

It is also necessary to take out medical travel insurance.

Before going to one of the departments, it is necessary. This:

  • International passport. As with the e-visa, it must remain valid for at least six months. You must also attach a copy of the document. It is important to leave two blank pages for stamps.
  • A questionnaire that simultaneously serves as both an application and a questionnaire.
  • A copy of your internal passport.
  • Tickets to and from India or reservation.
  • Either a hotel invitation with full information about the place of residence and the tourist, or an invitation from the Indian side.
  • Medical insurance policy.

In this case, the Indian authorities do not require the applicant to present bank statements and. For children traveling to India, the same set of documents is required as for obtaining an e-visa.

If you have not yet chosen a time to vacation in India, watch the following video.

Other types of visas

Each type of visa has its own requirements for the required package of documents. In addition to what is required for a tourist visa, prospective Indian students must provide proof of their visa, as well as evidence of financial ability to live in India for the duration of their course of study.

Business travelers need invitations from business partners or cover letters from companies sending their employees to seminars, business meetings, etc.

Visa-free transit is prohibited in India, so if you have a layover in this country, you need to worry about obtaining a transit visa in advance. In addition to documents relevant for tourists, you need to provide a visa to the country of destination and air tickets from India to a third country.

In practice, such visas are rarely issued in 2019, and even the official consulate or visa center cannot provide reliable information on the rules for issuing them. Therefore, tourists receive a regular electronic permit.

Another type of permit that is quite rarely issued is a work visa. To get it, you need to be a high-level specialist. As a rule, such a stamp is given to those who have entered into a contract with one of the Indian companies.

Deviation from the rules - Goa

Any travel agency will offer you a visit to Goa as an option. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations of the Hindustan Peninsula. The state is part of India; you need to visit it. Now all travelers to Goa apply for an e-visa.

There are circumstances in which it is possible to visit the state without having to worry about obtaining entry permission in advance:

  1. Goa is the only purpose of your visit, that is, you will spend your entire vacation exclusively on its territory.
  2. You are not going to the state alone or with your family, but are registered by a travel agency as a group, which includes at least four tourists.
  3. The whole group will go to India on the same plane and fly away too.
  4. And the tourist’s task was to show up at the checkpoint in a group, the list of which will be waiting for you at customs.

But in practice, not a single tour operator is currently doing this. Since after the introduction of the electronic visa, this procedure has lost all meaning, and this process is not profitable for any tour operator, since it requires the preparation of a large number of papers and permits.

That is, formally there is such a rule, but in practice you cannot enter according to it. Not a single operator provides such conditions to its tourists in the CIS countries, and independent travelers cannot even do this officially.

There is another unpleasant rule regarding the entry of tourists into Goa.

If you arrive in Goa on a charter flight in 2019, then you can only fly out of this state on a charter flight from this company. So, if you arrived on a tour on a charter flight, and want to fly back later, you will need to fly to Russia from another state. Thus, many of those who stay in India for the winter fly home with a transfer to Mumbai or Delhi.

This ready-made route around India was dictated by the desire to finally see this country with my own eyes and understand what is so mysterious about it. This was my first solo trip to Asia.

I would like to note that a year earlier I went to India with friends for 10 days. But this was a pilgrimage trip to only one place - the ashram in Puttaparthi. Therefore, I represented India a little and knew what awaited me.

And now I was going to travel around the country alone for more than a month and it didn’t scare me at all. As people who have visited India say: “India called me, and I could not resist it.” This happened to me too. Since the invitation was sent personally, then, as they say, it is indecent to refuse. After that I never gave up.

Somewhere in the middle of preparing for the trip, my mother and her friend joined me. Therefore, the route turned out to be easier, with notes based on the age of my fellow travelers.

This ready-made route around India is suitable for novice travelers. You visit the golden triangle of India: Delhi-Jaipur-Agra, the holy city of Varanasi and the Ganges River, and then relax on the Goa beach.

  • December 23 departure from Moscow to Delhi with a transfer in Tashkent.
  • On December 24, early in the morning we arrive in Delhi. We take a taxi from the airport to Main Bazaar. We check into a guesthouse, which we find on site. We go to the central station at the ticket office for tourists and buy tickets for everything we planned to travel around India with. We walk around Delhi.
  • December 25 – we walk around Delhi, sightseeing. In the afternoon we take a bus to Jaipur. We arrive in Jaipur late in the evening and check into a guesthouse.
  • December 26 – we walk around Jaipur, sightseeing.
  • December 27 – in the morning we walk around Jaipur. After lunch we take the train and go to Agra. We check into a guesthouse.
  • December 28 – early in the morning we go to see the Taj Mahal. After the inspection we go to the Red Fort. In the evening we take the train to Varanasi.
  • December 29 – early in the morning we arrive in Varanasi. Not far from the ghats we settle into a guesthouse. We have breakfast on the roof. We walk around Varanasi, mainly along the ghats, watching the ceremonies of burning the dead.
  • December 30 - in the morning we take the train and go to Goa. The train ride takes about a day and a half. We bought second class tickets, so we pass the travel time on wide shelves, with air conditioning and quiet Indian neighbors.
  • December 31 - in the second half we get off the train at a small station near Mandrem beach. At Mandrem Beach we check into a bungalow. We celebrate New Year on the ocean shore, in a cozy restaurant.
  • December 31 – January 10 – relax on Mandrem Beach. These days we visited the neighboring Arambol beach, night and day markets.
  • January 10 - my solo route around India begins. Our paths with my mother and her friend diverge. I take them by taxi to Dabolim airport, from where they fly safely to Russia. I'm going to Bangalore on a slipper bus.
  • January 11 – From Bangalore I take a bus to Puttaparthi. I'm checking into the ashram.
  • January 11 – January 25 – I am in the ashram.
  • January 25 – I travel from Puttaparthi by train to Delhi.
  • January 26 – I arrive in Delhi. I'm checking into a guesthouse in Main Bazaar. I'm buying more souvenirs.
  • January 27 – I fly to Russia.

As you can see, after Goa I went to Puttaparthi. But there will be no problem for you to fly from Goa to Russia.

This trip turned out to be significant for me. Firstly, as I said above, this was my first independent trip to Asia. And the trip turned out to be straight away to India. Therefore, after such a trip, I was not afraid to travel to other Asian countries and the world in general. In general, after India I began to travel actively several times a year.

Secondly, on the roof of a guesthouse in Varanasi, I met a Russian woman. Thanks to that acquaintance, a few months later I met Alla. And a few months later our first joint trip abroad took place. And this is what it all led to - now we have our own travel website.

You have long dreamed of going to India, the land of dreams, fairy tales and legends. You are not afraid of the scary stories of others that it is dirty, there are a lot of poor people and you can get very sick. Then this enchanting country is waiting for you! Of course, it requires special attention and preparation; it has its own laws, culture and traditions that must be observed. This region can be endowed with a variety of epithets ad infinitum, but no matter what dreams and desires lead you there, a few tips will never hurt.

1. Choose the best time to travel to India

India is beautiful at any time of the year. It is generally accepted that the most suitable time for a holiday is the period from October to March. However, if you choose the high mountainous regions of the country, then the summer months are also perfect.

2. Buy tickets in advance

If you have not yet managed to purchase the treasured pieces of paper, then this can be done without leaving your own sofa. Today, many sites specialize in finding the best deals from all airlines at once. In addition, you can independently determine convenient departure dates and find tickets with a big discount. Moreover, air carriers regularly offer various promotions and discounts. It is also worth taking care of housing in advance. in advance, and your holiday will not be overshadowed by anything.

3. Vaccinations against diseases

Don’t panic, you can get by just fine without vaccinations by following simple hygiene rules. Don't forget to wash your hands, fruits and vegetables. You should not immediately eat what you bought from street vendors if the product has not been cooked. Also, do not drink water from the tap or other sources; it is better to buy it in bottles. To get a little accustomed to local food, you can dine at first in restaurants serving European cuisine.

4. Travel India on your own

Once you get the hang of it a little, you can safely leave the crowds of tourists and go on a solo voyage. India is a country that does not tolerate templates and cliches. She is ready to reveal to everyone something of her own, personal, unknown to anyone.

5. The aroma of India is unique!

No matter how you prepare yourself for the smells, at first they will follow you everywhere. The smell of garbage dumps is closely intertwined with the aromas of spices and incense, making you constantly wrinkle your nose. No need to worry, very soon you will learn not to notice the stench and will only be able to smell the fragrance of flowers and aromatic resins.

6. An incredible number of people

There are a billion people living in India, and the constant crowding makes your eyes dazzled and your head is dizzy. In such an environment you get tired very quickly, so change your place of stay more often, go to the countryside, mountains or forest.

7. Communication and language

Don't worry about not knowing Hindi, everyone here speaks English. If you have difficulties with this language, then sign language will help you. The main thing is to smile and be polite and Indians will always help.

8. Photo for memory

There is a belief among Indians that taking a photo with a European brings good luck. Feel free to take photos with locals when they ask you to.

9. Indian bazaars

Do you want to feel the full flavor of this country and its inhabitants? Then the famous Indian bazaars are what you need. Delhi's Chandni Chowk market is ideal, but small bazaars are also equally colorful and original. Here you have to bargain, as a rule, prices are already inflated almost 10 times! Try not to leave all your money there on the first day, believe me, this is quite possible.

10. Be careful of beggars and beggars

Often, they gather together, as soon as you sacrifice one, a whole pack of beggars will immediately surround you.

11. Don't forget, there are a lot of monkeys in India

There are a lot of them here, they even build temples for them, but you shouldn’t relax if you don’t want to lose your things. There are Indians who specifically train monkeys to steal expensive equipment from tourists. Always be alert!

12. Capture beauty

India is full of mystery, beauty and amazing things. At every step you can safely press the camera button, you won’t take the wrong shot. The main thing is to be patient for subsequent analyzes of your photos.

13. Forget the guidebook

No standard route can replace your own desires and observations.

14. Don't try to see all of India in one day

In an effort to gallop across the whole of India in a few days, to see and taste everything, you will most likely take a bite of everything, but never feel the taste. The country is incredible and you won’t be able to travel around it even in a couple of months. Explore all the most interesting places, make your own route, or better yet, forget all the diagrams and just trust your feelings and desires.