Is it dangerous to vacation in... Which countries are safe for holidays? Safety on excursions

Many tourists are now wondering whether holidays in Egypt are dangerous, and if so, how dangerous. In fact, at present the political situation in this state is calmer than, say, some time ago, but there are still areas in which the situation remains quite tense. However, the resorts themselves, located on the Mediterranean and Red Sea coasts, are not affected by riots and demonstrations, so they are quite safe here. The main danger for tourists does not lie in the unstable political situation.

Safety on excursions

Those who like to explore foreign countries on their own should remember that traveling around Egypt alone (not as part of an excursion group) is dangerous. It is also highly undesirable to go on excursions organized by local residents - there is a high probability of running into serious trouble. Book tours and excursions through Russian tour operators.

Before booking a tour to Egypt, contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find out whether the area you plan to travel to is currently safe. If you become aware that the political situation in the country is currently unstable, postpone your trip for a while. Even if the tour has already been purchased, tour operators in most cases meet halfway and reschedule the departure date and change the program of excursions around the country, trying to make your vacation as relaxing as possible.

Sanitary condition

Another danger that awaits tourists who are planning to travel to Egypt is unsanitary conditions. Doctors warn that you should not drink tap water here! Drink only bottled water and eat only in restaurants that cater to tourists. In terms of nutrition, it is generally better to follow the guide’s recommendations.

Stay away from river water. Moreover, the Nile is very polluted, and if you know about it, you are unlikely to want to swim in it. For swimming, choose either the waters of the Mediterranean or Red Sea, or specially equipped pools. It is also worth saying that the quality of medical care in Egypt leaves much to be desired, so you will have to take care of your safety in advance. Before booking a tour and going to Egypt, take out medical insurance and carefully read each of its points.

Be sure to visit your doctor ahead of time and get vaccinated if necessary. This is always necessary before traveling to tropical and subtropical countries.

The treacherous sun

If you are going to the desert, beware of dehydration - it is extremely dangerous for the body. Therefore, stock up on enough drinking water. In addition, in Egypt's hot climate it is very easy to get sunburn, which can completely ruin your holiday. Treat your skin frequently, thoroughly, and generously with a strong sunscreen that you should always have on hand.

In the desert, sand can be a problem, especially if you are going on vacation in the spring when desert winds blow here. Scarves and special glasses will help protect you from sand.

Dangerous fauna

Dangerous animals in Egypt can also pose a problem on holiday. First of all, these are mosquitoes and other insects that can be carriers of dangerous diseases (for example, malaria). Be sure to take repellent with you on vacation.

No less dangerous than insects is the underwater fauna. Despite their external beauty, many of the inhabitants of the Red Sea can harbor a deadly threat. We are talking here not only about sharks, of which there are not so many off the coast of Egypt. Much more dangerous are sea urchins, moray eels, stingrays, jellyfish, cones, sea snakes and some types of fish. Many of them can cause harm not only during diving, but also when walking along the water's edge or while swimming. Special rubber shoes and extreme caution will help avoid these problems.

Of course, diving in the waters of the Red Sea is one of the favorite entertainments for tourists. But divers should be very careful when diving near coral reefs - this is where most of the dangerous creatures live.

Petty hooliganism

Petty theft is not common in Egypt. If your tour includes many excursions, then you will spend most of your vacation near huge desert buildings, where, in principle, there are few people. But even in crowded places it is relatively safe. Avoid only political demonstrations, which at any moment can develop into riots.

In Egypt, of course, it is dangerous, but no more than, for example, in Turkey. And all the listed dangers certainly cannot be a reason not to go on vacation to the Red Sea coast. Follow the tips given above, and no troubles will happen to you, and the trip will bring only positive emotions.

The current summer season in Turkey is perhaps the most difficult. The bombings at Istanbul airport, the attempted coup and the subsequent state of emergency in the country led to an unprecedented drop in demand. The numbers speak for themselves: in the first six months of this year, passenger traffic from Russia to Antalya fell by 97% compared to the same period last year. But representatives of the Turkish tourism industry are not discouraged - they are confident that as soon as charters arrive from Russia, the tourist flow will quickly recover. The correspondent of was convinced of this Vladislav Frishko, who recently returned from Antalya.

Tour operators at a low start

Charter flights from Russia may resume in the very near future. This statement was made by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin during a joint press conference with the President of Turkey Recep Erdogan. In the meantime, tour operators have to formulate their offers with flights on regular flights. Since the beginning of August, for example, the airline has been operating daily flights to Antalya "Russia" which fills out. The same airline operates regular flights from St. Petersburg. Although, judging by the online board of Antalya Airport, as of the beginning of August, flights from Russia were in a clear minority.

Is it safe to travel to Turkey?

This question is now worrying many tourists who are waiting for the resumption of charters. City authorities report that everything is under control. Governor of Antalya Munir Karaloglu draws attention to the geographical location of the city: due to the fact that it is located between the sea and the mountains, there are only six entrances to the city. All of them are under tight control. There are patrols on the streets. Some employees are on duty dressed in civilian clothes, so as not to further confuse vacationers. Security has also been strengthened in other resort cities: the police and gendarmerie staff along the entire Antalya coast number 10 thousand people. There are special services that promptly send out warnings about potential danger and guidance on what or who to pay attention to.

Deputy director of the company Cattour Ekaterina Kotenko, who has lived in Antalya for many years, adds: recently, mobile police posts have begun to stop cars entering or leaving the city more often. The matter is not limited to a formal check of documents: they may be asked to get out of the car, open the trunk, or check the interior. Regular buses are also of increased interest to law enforcement officials. Especially those who come from the eastern regions of Turkey. Police posts can be located both on the main roads leading to tourist areas and on secondary country roads.

The airport is in the area of ​​special attention

Particular attention is paid to the road leading to the airport. If previously cars entering its territory were checked randomly, now they are all checked without exception. To prevent this from leading to congestion and traffic jams, the highway was expanded - instead of two lanes there are now five. Increased control also awaits those who enter the airport. The police officers, some of whom are armed with machine guns, try to remain inconspicuous, but sometimes still get noticed. They behave quite friendly, they don’t mind being photographed, but they don’t want to pose on purpose.

Director of Antalya Airport Mestan Yaiman notes: in 80% of cases, passengers undergo personal search. In total, 360 police officers and 1,500 security personnel work at the airport. This became possible due to an increase in the staff of both services, in addition, some of the security guards were transferred from the second terminal, which is currently not working. Airport staff periodically undergo retraining, refresher courses and qualification confirmation.

Administration representative Osman Serdar adds: over the past two years, Antalya Airport has been inspected twice by the International Civil Aviation Association. Including compliance with safety requirements. And both times I received high marks.

A word to tourists

Assurances with assurances, but how comfortable are the tourists themselves on the Turkish coast? Let's ask them about it themselves. The first reviews are the most positive. “From the very beginning it was clear that everything at the resorts would remain as it is. Having arrived here, I did not expect any changes for the worse,” notes tourist Vladimir, vacationing in Grand Park Kemer. The only caveat, he said, is that the hotel administration reminds you that when leaving its territory, you must have a tourist voucher with you. It would be a good idea to take your passport with you. For those who prefer to be on the hotel premises all the time, everything remains the same. “We had doubts because we bought the tour just before the state of emergency was introduced. We thought that all the roads were blocked and we would not get from the airport to the hotel. Now it is clear that the fears were in vain,” two charming beach girls Olga and Ekaterina say in one voice.

Beaches: strangers don’t go here

The seemingly relaxed and serene beaches of Turkish hotels are also under control. The director of the company was able to verify this Have Rest Alisa Shkarovskaya, who, out of professional habit, decided to enter the territory of a neighboring hotel and look at the beach villas from the sea. But she was stopped by hotel security, despite her peaceful appearance and the presence of a business card. “Although before, when I was on vacation, I always agreed with the manager and looked at the nearest hotels without any problems. Now it doesn't work. Probably some internal instructions have changed,” the interlocutor suggests.

Will the tourist flow recover?

No one can answer this question unequivocally yet. On the one hand, it is more than likely that the Turkish tourism sector will end the current summer season in the red: during the remaining three weeks of summer and during the high season, the tourist flow is unlikely to make up for the losses. On the other hand, it can be assumed that the safety measures taken will allow the season to be completed without incident. Which, in turn, will determine the preferences of tourists next year. Hoteliers for the most part are ready to endure, tighten their belts and wait. And, what’s much nicer, provide competitive prices. “We will certainly leave special conditions for promising markets,” the general director expresses the general opinion Club Akman Beach Hotel Oguz Mutlu. As for another popular measure - staff reduction in order to minimize losses, hoteliers see this as a serious danger that could result in a decline in the quality of services. “We didn’t fire anyone, and this helped keep our service at the proper level,” says the director Queen's Park Le Jardin Orhan Nadar.

The editors of the site and thank the Travel Professional Group, as well as personally the deputy director of the Catttour company Ekaterina Kotenko and the regional director of the Catttour Baki Karakusha for organizing the trip, the warm welcome and invaluable assistance in preparing the material.

For a long time it has been a favorite vacation spot for Russians. However, in 2015 the situation changed dramatically. After the crash of the Russian Kogalymavia airliner, which was caused by a terrorist act, air traffic between Russia and Egypt was suspended.

Despite the assurances from the Egyptian side that all security requirements at airports were met, the Russian authorities were in no hurry to give permission for flights to domestic airlines, periodically reassuring the Russians that this issue would be resolved throughout 2017.

The first, but decisive step was taken shortly before the onset of 2019. An agreement was signed between Moscow and Cyrus to resume flights in early February (later, however, the start of flights was shifted to April). This news gave hope to many Russians who want to spend a vacation on the shores of the Red Sea, and also once again raised the question of whether it is safe to vacation in Egypt and whether it is worth flying there in 2019. Let's try to figure it out.

Geopolitical situation

Egyptian authorities have repeatedly assured that there is no danger for foreign tourists in the country. Considering that the lion's share of vacationers go to resort areas or where hotels are located in a separate area, carefully guarded and with restrictions on visiting it, it can be assumed that an armed bandit is unlikely to be encountered there.
This opinion is supported by numerous messages on various forums left by Russians permanently residing in Egypt or visiting there for work. They all unanimously claim that a safer place than Egypt cannot be found.

However, we should not forget that the main factor in the ban on the tourist flow between our countries was insufficient measures and security controls at the country’s air terminals, through which Russian tourists arrived on vacation.
The main questions concerned the airports of Cairo, Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada.

The first of these, Cairo Metropolitan Airport, received predominantly scheduled flights, while the other two hosted numerous charter flights from various Russian cities.
The work that was carried out to develop and implement security measures in the zone and inside airports was repeatedly inspected by representatives of the Russian side. And if our experts still have questions about Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, then the second terminal of Cairo airport, completely updated, modernized and equipped with the latest technology, was assessed as ready for the resumption of flights.

Taking into account these negotiations of December 15, 2017, it is important to understand that only regular flights on the Moscow-Cairo route will be organized. You will have to organize your further travel to your vacation spot yourself. For example, take advantage of domestic flights that arrive at those airports that have not been assessed by our side as completely safe and ready to resume flights from Russia.

All these facts should be compared to those who are planning to go on holiday to Egypt in 2019.

But, abstracting from the geopolitical situation and assuming that Egypt was chosen as a tourist route, we will discuss the basic safety rules that should be followed when vacationing in the country of the Sphinx and pyramids.

Safety during excursions

Important. It is not recommended to go exploring Egypt's historical heritage alone. Individual travel on Egyptian roads can be dangerous, and some roads are generally closed to individual vehicles.

When choosing and ordering excursions, you should not save money and order a cultural program from local residents. It is preferable to choose Russian tour operators for these purposes, providing certain attributes and security guarantees.

Sanitary situation and medical care in the country

The most important requirement in this matter concerns the water that the tourist drinks and swims in.

Only bottled water should be used as drinking water. Tap water is not suitable for these purposes.

Swimming in Egypt is only possible in sea water, especially since the Mediterranean and Red Seas are the best conditions for this. You should refrain from swimming in river water. The Nile is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. The desire to plunge into it can result in various skin and other diseases.

Before traveling to Egypt, be sure to take out insurance and carefully study all its points.
It should be noted that Egyptian medicine does not differ in quality and technology. But having insurance will at least protect the tourist from unnecessary, not always honest, waste on treatment and medicine.

It is advisable to consult your doctor before traveling about the need for any vaccinations ahead of the trip.

Sun, sand and dehydration

Egypt's hot climate with high solar activity often leads to sunburn and dehydration.

To prevent a lack of water in the body, you need to follow a drinking regime and always have a supply of drinking water with you.

Properly selected clothing with long sleeves and a closed collar will protect your body from sunburn. It is necessary to apply sunscreen to exposed areas of the body, remembering to renew it periodically.

When traveling through deserts, you must remember that protecting your face and especially your eyes from desert winds is mandatory. Special safety glasses and scarves are suitable for this.

Red Sea: beautiful and dangerous

The underwater world of the Red Sea attracts lovers of snorkeling and diving with its diversity and riot of colors. But we should not forget that behind the external brightness and exoticism of hedgehogs, moray eels, stingrays, sea snakes and fish, there can also be great danger.

There are two rules that will help you stay safe from marine life:

  • mandatory wearing of special rubber slippers, even in the case of a simple walk along the water’s edge,
  • When swimming, snorkeling or diving, you cannot touch hedgehogs, jellyfish and other inhabitants of the Red Sea.

Following these simple rules will make your holiday in Egypt safe.

However, returning to the general geopolitical situation, I would like to note that after the travel direction has been chosen, it is recommended to contact the Russian Foreign Ministry and clarify the security in the chosen holiday area. If there is information about an unstable situation in the planned holiday destination, you should refrain from traveling. Moreover, in such a situation, tour operators, as a rule, meet the tourist halfway and are ready to reschedule the dates of the trip or its direction.

Tatiana Solomatina

How dangerous is it to vacation in Abkhazia?

Good afternoon friends! Many tourists are thinking about spending their holidays in Abkhazia. Beautiful nature, empty beaches and close location to Russia, despite the poorly developed tourist infrastructure and unsettled life, make this destination tempting for a summer holiday.

But is it dangerous to vacation in Abkhazia? Judging by the comments on other blog posts, readers are very interested in this question. There are many opponents and there are supporters. But the latest tragedy in Gudauta made even fans of the Republic think about the safety of their holidays. I will also express my opinion.

The sensational murder of our compatriot occurred on July 11, 2017 in Gudauta. The brutal attack by “thugs” on two peacefully vacationing families from Moscow left no one indifferent. I won’t describe the details of the event; for those who don’t know, watch the video.

Now the intensity of indignation is very great. Everyone condemns such a cruel crime. Everyone imagines themselves in the place of an unhappy family and everyone has the same reaction - horror. You wouldn't wish your enemy to be in such a situation. I have the same feelings.

But what I fundamentally disagree with is the calls to completely ignore Abkhazia as a tourist destination.

Let's remove the emotions and think sensibly. I don’t argue, it’s difficult to call Abkhazia a safe resort and it’s far from sedate Europe. But tell me, why don’t we hear such categorical statements after we learn about criminal cases in Thailand? After all, robberies and murders also take place there. However, the tourist flow is not decreasing, and the destination is considered one of the safest.

Why, when a banal robbery, albeit with dire consequences, occurred in Abkhazia, are many so categorical? As far as I am aware of the situation, this is the only case of murder of a tourist in recent years in Abkhazia. And note, this is not a political murder, not a mass execution of our compatriots, as on the beaches of Tunisia. After all, criminal “thugs” are present in any country, including Russia. You can run into robbery anywhere; this is precisely the goal, as far as I know, that the Abkhaz criminals pursued.

I don’t at all urge you to ignore this incident, but I don’t think it’s worth elevating it to a “cult” by making loud statements like: “Only an idiot and a suicide will go on vacation to Abkhazia” or “All Abkhazians are scum.” It seems to me that it is impossible to castigate the entire people, to make the nation fit one standard. Just as it is wrong to put an end to such an attractive vacation spot because of one tragic incident.

Simply, when planning a trip to Abkhazia, you need to take into account the features of a holiday here. You should be careful when visiting non-tourist places in the Republic. It is clear that the likelihood of running into trouble there is much greater than in busy resort villages. It’s just as stupid and dangerous to wander around dark streets drunk at night, bawling “chanson” at the top of your voice.

I foresee indignant exclamations; of course, everyone wants to feel free and relaxed on vacation. I have nothing against it, just not here. For those who are not ready to “look around” and limit themselves in some way, Abkhazia is definitely not suitable.

But there is a category of vacationers who do not need night adventures; they do not plan to visit wild, inaccessible places of the Republic. Many people just want warm weather and swimming in the clear sea on free beaches. So why should they refuse to travel to Abkhazia? Well-known resorts are quite safe there if you behave accordingly. In July, when the tragedy happened, hundreds of thousands of people were vacationing in Abkhazia. I am sure that many returned home safe, sound and happy.

I think that you can go to Abkhazia, just use your head, choose busier places, don’t insult the local population, behave with dignity. Then any troubles and problems are unlikely.

What awaits single tourists?

I cannot say that it is safe to travel to Abkhazia without a male escort. The very first evening visit to a cafe or a walk along the sea can turn into trouble for you. Moreover, how global they will be depends not at all on you.

In the eyes of local men, you a priori look like a woman, to put it mildly, “looking for adventure,” and even a modest appearance combined with the same modest behavior will not make them think differently. No amount of persuasion like “I just went out to get some air or eat” will work on them.

I can foresee the thoughts of some girls from the series “how many such suitors were there on the coast of Sochi, Turkey, Egypt, etc., when they leave, they will get rid of it.” This is not the case, I will now explain why.

Most Abkhaz “machos” are nothing of themselves in life. However, literally everyone considers themselves “cool guys.” The firm belief of young people that everyone around them owes them allows them to be sincerely surprised by your unfavorability.

At first, they will perceive your refusal as a kind of feminine game. Then, realizing the opposite, your firmness will be perceived as an insult and they will move on to active action. At best, everything will end in insults. After which, you will definitely lose the desire to leave the house in the evenings. I won’t write about the worst option, I’ll just say that it will be difficult for you to find protection in Abkhazia. Believe me, these are not empty words.

So imagine what kind of vacation awaits you. Okay, during the day you walk, visit the beach or attractions, it's safe. What to do in the evening? It gets dark there early, if we talk about budget housing, then watching TV shows won’t help either, there simply won’t be a TV in the room. Believe me, after three days you will want to howl at the moon from boredom and loneliness.

Of course there is a chance to meet other tourists and spend time with them. But Abkhazia is not Sochi, there are half-empty beaches, many tourists vacation with families with children, they have slightly different worries and schedules. Some come in large groups, they have their own world and their own interests.

By the way, what I wrote also applies to women who are going on vacation with children. Of course, a happy single mother with numerous offspring is unlikely to attract the attention of Abkhazians, but the common category is a young mother with one child; it is also dangerous to walk in the evenings.

Real example. The room next to ours was rented by a 32-year-old woman with an 11-year-old daughter. She said that the very first evening discouraged her from going out to dinner. After the offer to “show the beauty of Abkhazia tomorrow,” a “sticky” courtship followed. And the feeling of fear that she experienced while returning home through the dark streets after an unpleasant incident in a cafe made her spend her entire vacation cooking dinner in the owner’s kitchen and forget about evening walks. Having our company move in was a gift for her.

Nevertheless, I want to tell you that I would still go to Abkhazia alone, in the absence of other options. I would simply refuse to stay in the private sector or small hotels. I would buy a ticket to one of the sanatoriums or boarding houses on the coast; the main condition when choosing a place would be the presence of its own territory and beach.

In such establishments, three meals a day are always included in the price, so you can visit local cafes occasionally, if desired, if you have company. And in the sanatorium there is a greater chance of finding new acquaintances. Again, the issue of security is not acute there; there are places where the territory is guarded, so you can safely walk in the evenings. Look for ready-made offers through the Onlinetours search engine.

It is also better to go on excursions in organized groups. Single girls should not independently negotiate with local drivers about visiting attractions. Of course, in most cases you will be brought back safe and sound. But there is still a risk of financial deception or the possibility of running into inadequate support.

Poisoning: what are the consequences?

It's time to mention another danger that awaits you on vacation in Abkhazia. Everyone has probably heard about the mysterious ailment that haunts many tourists on the third day after arrival. The word “mysterious” suits this phenomenon perfectly, because this illness comes from nowhere and goes to nowhere, forcing everyone to guess about the reasons for its occurrence.

I have not seen an exact definition of the causes of this disease in any serious medical source. Everywhere there are only assumptions, which in general are not very diverse: eating poor-quality food, sea water that was accidentally swallowed while swimming, the characteristics of local drinking water, poorly washed hands or fruits. Accordingly, we are talking about banal poisoning and microbes.

One good thing is that the unpleasant sensations pass quickly and do not leave any negative health consequences. You just have to cross out one day from your vacation. Of course, there is nothing good about this, but you shouldn’t refuse a trip to Abkhazia based only on this. Firstly, there is a chance that this problem will not arise for you, and secondly, the illness is not so severe as to be considered a serious danger. In any case, that’s what I think, although some tourists will most likely disagree with me.

Rest by car: traffic police and broken glass

Recently, there have been frequent reviews of the “lawlessness” of local inspectors on the roads of Abkhazia. Apparently the situation has changed dramatically compared to last year.

We drove around the Republic by car for almost two weeks. Let me note that we were just skating! That is, they didn’t lie on the beach all day, putting the car in the parking lot. We traveled the entire coast up and down. Inspectors were rarely seen on the roads.

We were stopped only once, and that was on business. I remember the surprised eyes of the traffic cop and the phrase from the series: “Of course, I understand that you are in a hurry, but to violate this way, seeing that I am standing here, is already impudence.” It happened when we just pulled away from the checkpoint at the exit from the National Park. The speed there is 30 km/h, after 200 meters the husband decided that he had simply missed the sign lifting the restrictions, and managed to accelerate to 60 km/h, then the traffic cop showed up. It all ended quite simply and quickly. Realizing that they themselves were to blame and that the inspector was right in everything, they did not argue, they handed him 1000 rubles, took it right away, smiled and wished him a good journey.

We tried to drive everywhere according to the rules; if we exceeded the speed limit, it was by a maximum of 20 km/h. When we did meet traffic police cars on the road, we observed that they only stopped cars with Abkhaz license plates; they tried not to touch tourists again, unless, of course, there were obvious violations of the rules.

When I shared this observation with the owner of our home (a man about 35 years old), he said that stopping locals is more profitable for traffic cops, and for tourists there is an unspoken order from the authorities not to bother. I don’t know how true this is, but I wrote to you about what we encountered on the roads in Abkhazia. What we saw was consistent with the man's words.

Therefore, some of today's reviews are a little surprising to me. Either something has changed in the policy of loyalty to tourists in Abkhazia over the winter, or people are writing who are not used to following traffic rules. Both options can take place, so I ask those who disagree not to bombard me with angry remarks in the comments, it’s better to write how you see the situation. And readers will draw their own conclusions.

I would like to say approximately the same thing about broken glass in cars. Such a problem probably exists, although we have never seen a single precedent. The question arises: why do they break glass? If their goal is theft, then perhaps it’s worth playing it safe and removing everything valuable and “shiny”? Maybe this didn’t happen to us because that’s what we did? And should you do the same? Well, I don’t believe in political motives for such actions. I didn’t notice any hatred towards us among the Abkhazians. Envy - yes, and even then not for everyone, but hatred - no.

My opinion

Is it dangerous to vacation in Abkhazia? As sad as it is, I must admit that holidays in the Republic cannot be called safe. But I wouldn’t say categorically that it’s not worth going to Abkhazia. You can spend your vacation here without any problems. There are many tourists who had a wonderful holiday in 2017, do not regret anything and will definitely return here.

Many will probably think, why such extreme? Isn't it better to go to Sochi or another city on our coast, if there is no way to go abroad?

The nature of Abkhazia is very beautiful, it is wild, not yet spoiled by civilization. The beaches are huge and empty. I have nothing against the resorts of Sochi or Gelendzhik, but during the season it is simply impossible to find secluded places there. And for me, it’s better to drive another 100 km to Abkhazia than to crowd on the densely populated beaches of the Russian coast.

This is how I thought before I learned about the tragedy in Gudauta. No, my opinion has not changed radically yet. But with all my love for Abkhazia, this incident made even me think about the advisability of such a vacation. What can we say about the long-time opponents of this Republic.

The only thing I can say now to those who are serious about spending a vacation in Abkhazia is to read the information, listen to advice, assess the situation, choose accommodation in busy resorts. These simple precautions will definitely not be superfluous today.

To give you a complete picture of Abkhazia, I recommend reading other blog articles in this area:

Pay attention to the “Readers' Journey” section. How to publish a review there, read.
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With this I say goodbye, see you again!
Tatiana Solomatina

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