The bed if the loggia is on a narrow wall. Interior design for a narrow room

Very often, developers offer their buyers ready-made apartments with a layout, and sometimes even with furniture and household appliances. It happens that such apartments have rooms that are not entirely proportional in size. As a rule, the length of such apartments can be several times greater than the width.

Of course, to make the interior of such a room comfortable and cozy, you need to resort to some tricks in order to end up with a comfortable, functional and bright room.

Ways to expand space

It is unlikely that it will be possible to change the layout of a narrow apartment. But you can work on the design of a small, narrow apartment to visually expand and enlarge the space. To do this, you can use some very effective techniques:

— The color scheme for apartments with irregular shapes should increase the space by painting long walls in light colors and narrow walls in darker colors. It is not necessary to use solid colors. You can paint the walls, for example, in two colors, which will smoothly smooth out the transitions between the color palette. You can add dynamism and contrast to the room by using textures that imitate brick or stone. But the ceiling, unlike rooms with correct proportions, needs to be painted to match the long walls. Thus, you can achieve a more voluminous interpretation of space.

— If the design of a long narrow apartment involves wallpapering the walls, then you need to opt for wallpaper with rich colors. But, only long walls need to be covered with such wallpaper, which will remove the emphasis from narrow walls when visualizing the room. Particular attention should be paid to lighting. In order for the lighting in a narrow room to be in the same style, it is necessary to use combined light sources. If a certain theme is created in such a room, then you can use photo wallpaper, but they must create volume, then the narrow room will not resemble a tunnel.

— Furniture that fits the width of the wall will help to visually shorten a long room. If you are lucky and you are the owner beautiful view from the window, then under no circumstances should you close it.

— If you install mirrors on the walls of the room that will reflect light rays, you can achieve a blurred transition of boundaries between long and narrow walls. But remember, in order not to overload the room with mirrors, you need to abandon decorative details.

- If on long walls If windows are installed, you need to enlarge them as much as possible to illuminate the space with natural light. Doors on such a wall also need to be expanded as much as possible, for example, due to arches and wide doorways. It is recommended to paint the door frame in a bright color.

Furniture in a long narrow room

The arrangement of furniture for a room of the wrong size should be done individually, based on the characteristics of such a room. In order to visually give the room the correct geometric shape, cabinets, sofas, tables and other large furniture should be placed along a short wall.

If the dimensions of a long room allow you to divide it into several zones using partitions or cabinet furniture, then you need to use this trick. This will allow you to have several useful areas in the room, and there will be no feeling of a long corridor.

You should not place bulky furniture parallel to long walls. This will further emphasize the already narrow room, in addition, the furniture will block the passage, and the lighting will be distributed unevenly.

Lighting a disproportionate room

For a room with irregular geometric dimensions, it is necessary to select a chandelier that fits as closely as possible to the ceiling. But the fact is that if you install one light source in a narrow room, then shadows from interior items will appear in the distant corners of the room.

This will be especially noticeable if you take a photo of the design of a narrow apartment. And installing several local lamps will still make the room gloomy. Therefore, if the room is not divided into spatial zones, then it needs to be divided into several squares, where the side of the square will be equal to the width of the room, and a lamp should be installed in each such square. Thus, we will achieve uniformity in lighting and the absence of glare and shadows.

In conclusion

The approach to the interior of a room with narrow and long walls should be purely individual and depend on the area of ​​the room, the location of windows and doors in it, and, of course, the wishes of the owners themselves. The design of such rooms differs from the design of an ordinary room, and therefore it is necessary to achieve not just a visual increase in space, but also to improve the perception of the disproportion of the room, and to create coziness and comfort in the room.

Photo of design ideas for a narrow apartment

Many Soviet-built houses (namely, they make up the lion's share of the housing stock of our country) often have long narrow rooms in their layout.

Design narrow room often becomes a “headache” for the owners - after all, the principles that are relevant for the corridor and hallway are completely unacceptable here.

A long narrow room needs to be made at least somewhat functional, and at the same time visually “expanded” it.

So, there is a long narrow room in your apartment. This could be a living room (in this case, the term “narrow” is still relative - there is simply an extremely unfavorable ratio of the length and width of the room) or a kitchen.

In any case, you will be faced with the serious task of arranging furniture, choosing finishes and planning lighting - in general, with a whole range of factors that will affect both the space and the comfort of its occupants.

And even though the work ahead is quite difficult, it is quite possible to turn a narrow room into an acceptable space. And we'll start with visual expansion techniques.

Conquering space

How to visually increase the width of the room when planning the design of a long narrow room? Moreover, on the condition that we will not undertake large-scale redevelopment with the demolition of walls, removal of partitions and other works from this series.

To do this, there are several techniques that allow you to “push the walls apart” through color effects and the use of various finishing materials.

Window drapery

Plain wallpaper or painting walls in one color (a universal solution used almost everywhere) is clearly not suitable for a narrow room.

To achieve the desired effect, we must visually highlight the short walls and “remove the emphasis” from the long ones. For this:

  • On a short wall you can stick wallpaper of a more saturated shade or use tone-on-tone wallpaper, but on a short wall stick wallpaper with a pronounced pattern.
  • A short wall can be decorated with drapery, curtains or drapes; they perfectly hide the space both visually and actually.
  • The next technique that can be recommended to those who are planning the interior design of a narrow room is the use of photo wallpaper. They can be placed either on a short wall, in which case they should limit the space as much as possible, or on a long one. In the latter case, choose photo wallpaper with a perspective. A plain or canyon stretching into the distance will expand the room horizontally and level out the disproportionality.
  • A technique that is considered a design classic for such cases is to cover a large wall with wallpaper with a vertical pattern (up to solid stripes), and a smaller wall with a horizontal one.

Subtleties of design

Doors and windows

Next for a narrow room are windows and doorways.

Here you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • For doorways on a long wall, we can safely recommend widening them. In this case, we give preference to swing structures with two door leaves and the widest possible trims.
  • Instead of a door, the opening can be designed in the form of an arch. At the same time, finishing the edge of the arch with a material that is contrasting in color and/or texture in relation to the main finish (wallpaper, plaster or paint) will “eat up” the space along the larger wall even more.
  • We expand the windows, making the window openings “socket” towards the room. But if the window is on a short wall, then it is better to make the opening strictly rectangular.

Floor installation

Floor and wallpaper

A well-chosen and correctly laid floor covering can bring no less effect than wall decoration.

Most often, when expanding a room, designers advise choosing a covering (tile, linoleum or laminate) with a rectangular pattern. In this case, the installation is done in such a way that the pattern lies perpendicular to the long wall.

We do the same with floor tiles. We orient the short side of the tile along the long wall.

You can lay a rectangular carpet on top of a single-color covering; it does an excellent job of “deforming” the room in the direction we need. We lay the carpet with a narrow part against a long wall and the area is visually shortened!

Selection of furniture

  • One of the short walls can be completely occupied by a wardrobe with a similar color finish. With sufficient depth, the closet will not only perform its function perfectly, but will also hide excess space.
  • Part of the area can be separated by a screen or false panel. So, we get two relatively separate rooms, in one of which you can arrange a dressing room or boudoir with a dressing table. Moreover, each part can be finished in its own style. Instead of one disproportionately long room, we have two more or less square rooms at our disposal.
  • You can hang mirrors on long walls.


Chandelier option

The final touch in the planning is the selection of lighting. Properly set light will help hide the disproportion.

The central chandelier will be out of place.

If you definitely want to hang it and are not ready to make concessions on this issue, there are two options:

  • choosing an asymmetrical chandelier, elongated in length, and hanging it across the room;
  • balancing the chandelier with additional light sources.

Lamps or floor lamps on short walls are suitable as such sources. But the light on a long wall will create the effect of a corridor rather than a living space.

As a result, we come to the following conclusion: the design of a narrow small room is a difficult task, but quite feasible. And if you take into account a few obvious nuances, everything will work out for you!

Summing up

We hope our article was useful to you. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issue, our website provides detailed photo and video instructions in which you will find useful information on this issue.

Photo gallery

There are long carriage-shaped rooms in many Soviet-built houses. Many people even face the problem of how to arrange furniture in such a room, what color to choose for decoration, and how to generally visually expand the space a little.

Your room or bedroom is square, you are lucky, and if not, you have to somehow solve this problem. This article provides recommendations on how to visually increase the width of a room, and what things should not be done in any case, because there are typical mistakes, which many admit. This room can be both a living room and narrow kitchen.
How can you at least slightly visually expand a narrow room without widening the doorways and without large-scale redevelopment or reconstruction? There are several color and visual effects for this.

Decorating the walls of a narrow room.

Pasting plain wallpaper or painting a room in one color is a solution that, as a rule, is used by everyone to decorate rooms. But this is not suitable for a narrow room. To expand the room you will have to use your imagination and use some design techniques.
Your task - highlight short walls as much as possible, and hide the length of the long ones. Can be pasted on short walls wallpapers of more saturated colors, decorating the hay with colored curtains or drapery is a great option - photo wallpaper. Use neutral colors on long walls. Another trick that works well is to stick wallpaper with vertical stripes on a long wall. For example, if this is a bedroom - cover the wall behind the bed with this wallpaper, and let the rest be plain.

Doors and doorways for narrow rooms.

If the door is on a long wall, widen the doorway. Now door leaves one meter wide are considered standard and are available for free sale. If funds allow, make two swing doors. You can simply make an empty opening in the form of an arch; it will also visually expand the room.

Flooring for a narrow room.

A very common design technique is to lay a rectangular floor covering - for example, ceramic tiles or linoleum or parquet. with rectangular pattern. But the drawing must be arranged as follows. Place the floor pattern perpendicular to the wide walls, do the same if you are laying ceramic tiles on the floor - place the narrow part of the tile against the wide wall. If you have a rectangular rug, place the wide part of it against a narrow wall.

  • Place it in free space narrow wall wardrobe, preferably in a color close to the color of the walls. This will make your room look more square.
  • An excellent solution for a narrow room - dressing room arrangement. It will perform two functions - it will make the room narrower and at the same time you will have space to store things. The dressing room can be built up to the ceiling and even painted or wallpapered to match the color of the walls. You can place the bed near the window, this will also expand the room.
  • Don't place furniture along a long wall– this is the most common mistake. Place it closer to the corners of the short one, and in places along the long walls there are benches or ottomans, or leave them completely empty, this will visually shorten the room.
  • Use mirrors on long walls, they will visually expand the room.

Dividing a narrow room into zones.

A very popular design solution - zoning rooms. If the room is very narrow, you can divide it into two square zones using partitions and shelving, and this can be done even in the nursery - a sleeping area and an activity area, or an area for one child and for another. In the bedroom, you can put a bed in the far area, and put a table and a chair for relaxation in the area closer to the door. Well, if you need it in the bedroom separate the workplace his. Just be careful, do not make a blank partition all the way to the ceiling, this will make the area close to the door dark and uncomfortable. Do not use blank cabinets and walls, partition the room with a shelving unit that allows light to pass through or a translucent screen or curtains; it is good to partition the rooms with a sofa.


Light can hide some of the shortcomings of a room, but incorrectly selected lighting can only highlight these very shortcomings. A central chandelier in a room is a solution for square and proportional spaces, so if you want to place it, more lighting will be required.

Lamps on long walls will create the feeling of a long corridor, further emphasizing the narrowness of the room. Here again we must place color accents on the short walls and place the main lighting on them. Floor lamps with high legs or sconces on the walls perform these functions perfectly.

Design of a narrow living room from the Hacienda program video: