Nordavia Airlines: description. Nordavia is trying to pay off debts at the expense of passengers. Requirements for a claim statement.

The total losses of the two airlines exceed 12 billion rubles, so they could worsen their economic situation.

On Monday, Russian airlines Nordavia and Red Wings announced a merger. According to experts, the companies took this step in order to strengthen their overall financial performance and not repeat the fate of VIM-Avia, which is already on the verge of bankruptcy due to multibillion-dollar debts. However, experts believe that the merger is unlikely to improve the situation of the airlines - their debts are too heavy. As Life found out, in recent years, Nordavia and Red Wings have accumulated losses of more than 12 billion rubles.

Shareholders of Nordavia and Red Wings have already begun preparations for consolidation into a single holding. For now, both companies will operate under their own brands, and then the holding will have a new name. In terms of traffic volume, Red Wings, owned by Airline Asset Management, a subsidiary of Ilyushin Finance, now ranks 13th in Russia, and Nordavia, owned by Sergei Kuznetsov’s Sky Invest company, is 17th. Last year, the companies collectively transported 1.8 million people. After VIM-Avia leaves the charter market, the passenger traffic of the new holding in 2018 may exceed 3.5 million people.

The companies themselves do not hide: the purpose of the merger is to increase financial stability.

As Life found out, things have not been going very well for Nordavia and the Red Wings in recent years. According to the SPARK database, the Red Wings' uncovered loss for 2016 exceeded 2.5 billion rubles, accounts payable - 3.1 billion, and loss - 193 million rubles.

At Nordavia the situation is even worse. According to the same SPARK database, the airline's uncovered loss for 2016 exceeded 10 billion rubles, accounts payable for last year amounted to just over a billion rubles, and net profit - 1.7 billion rubles. In addition, the Seychelles offshore World Best Trade, which in 2016 bought the right to claim the debt from the former owner of the airline, Norilsk Nickel, is now trying to recover $128 million and 1.2 billion rubles from it in Russian courts.

The Nordavia airline says that they have become victims of their partners.

The story of the so-called debt was initiated at the beginning of 2017 by the Seychelles offshore WBT of Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Chertok. We are talking about the amount that actually accumulated due to internal investments that the company’s shareholders have made over the past 10 years for the development of Nordavia. Nevertheless, we do not recognize WBT’s claims against us and consider them as an attempt to take over the company,” Nordavia press secretary Viktor Anoshkin commented to Life.

According to experts, the merger of two debt-ridden airlines is unlikely to strengthen their position.

During a crisis, there is always a consolidation of participants, and the aviation industry is no exception,” says Alexey Panin, director of the Moscow office of Urus Advisory. If we talk about Nordavia, they sagged a lot in 2014, but in 2016 they entered the green zone and even closed the year with a profit. Nordavia has a very serious accumulated loss, which exceeds the profit before tax for 2016. The Red Wings are also in the red. In general, the merger of companies is unlikely to solve all their problems, and there is a risk that the companies may repeat the situation with VIM-Avia. In the end, no one expected bankruptcy from Transaero either.

Roman Belanov, project manager of the Khrenov and Partners Bar Association, also believes that a loss of 10 billion rubles for Nordavia is a serious burden.

These companies are not the largest in this market, so for them the same 10 billion uncovered losses are serious. Debts will need to be paid off, and bankruptcy may be ahead of the company, Belanov believes. - My opinion: for small companies, a loss of a billion is already a serious burden.

The editor-in-chief of the portal Roman Gusarov has a different opinion. According to him, Red Wings would hardly have merged with Nordavia if it considered its debt load unbearable.

By uniting, the companies will become economically more efficient, gain a larger market share and increase their fleet, says Gusarov. - As for Nordavia’s debts, the airline’s debts are indeed quite large, but if Red Wings shareholders decided to merge, it means they don’t see this as a big problem. Moreover, debts on the balance sheet are not always real and heavy debts. It all depends on the conditions, for example, a large debt can be stretched over 10 years, and the payments there will be meager, while someone has a much smaller debt, but needs to pay it off in a year. That is, reporting never gives a real picture of the company’s stability.

Both airlines have repeatedly appeared in scandals related to flight delays. Thus, in the summer, about a thousand residents of Murmansk were unable to fly to Moscow due to the cancellation of joint daytime flights by Nordavia and Red Wings airlines. Then the governor of the Murmansk region, Marina Kovtun, instructed the regional Ministry of Transport to prepare an appeal to Rostransnadzor with a request to check the activities of Red Wings.

Nordavia acknowledged problems with flight delays, explaining them for a variety of reasons. One of them is aircraft maintenance. The airline's fleet consists of nine Boeings, the average age of which is 20 years, so their maintenance takes longer.

Nordavia is a company that is one of the leaders in the air transportation market in the Russian Federation. The company's base is located in the city. Nordavia is not only a Russian, but also an international carrier.

Nordavia was founded in 2004. The company is based at Arkhangelsk airport, which is called “Talagi” . There are also other branches in Moscow, Syktyvkar and Murmansk.

In contact with

Briefly about the company

General Director of Nordavia - A. Semenyuk.

Until 2008, the company flew under the Aeroflot symbols, since they were the owners, but after a terrible plane crash that occurred in Perm, the company’s management decided to use their own symbols and code. So, since 2009, the company began to bear the name “Nordavia”.

Incidents in the sky

During the entire operation of the enterprise, three air accidents occurred.

In 1994, when landing a TU-134 aircraft, one landing gear failed and the pilot had to land the plane in Arkhangelsk on one landing gear. As it later became known, the stand collapsed at Sheremetyevo Airport. The plug covering the strut fell out and pierced the landing gear release system. Despite this, hydraulics, responsible for retracting the landing gear was not damaged. As a result of the damage, hydraulic fluid kept leaking during the flight. Thanks to the professionalism of the employees, a plane crash was avoided.

The second incident occurred in 2008. The Boeing 737-500 crashed while landing at the airport. None of the passengers survived this terrible accident. A total of 821 people were on board.

The third accident took place in 2009. The same Boeing 737-500 was very badly damaged by hail when landing at the airport. The plane's headlights were completely broken, fairing and fuselage.

Aircraft fleet "Nordavia"

In 2016, the airline had nine Boeing 737-500 aircraft on its balance sheet. The operating period of such vessels is about 24 years. The oldest aircraft has been in service for 27 years.

The capacity of such vessels is from 108 to 133 people.

Even though the vessels are relatively new, they are maintained efficiently and in a timely manner.

Passengers often note in their reviews that there are often flight delays that are not warned about in advance. This has been going on for several years, although it is worth saying that Nordavia has always been famous for its punctuality.


Nordavia boarding tickets can be purchased in several ways:

  • Agent points for ticket sales;
  • Directly at branches located at the airport;
  • On the official website of the company.

Purchasing tickets online- extremely convenient. The passenger himself can decide on the desired date, cost, class of service and other details. You can pay for your ticket using electronic payment. Many site users complain that sometimes there are problems with buying tickets online:

  • the desired direction is not selected;
  • It takes a long time to transfer money for payment;
  • Some boarding passes are non-refundable.

Classes of service on board the airline

Nordavia has three classes of service on its flights:

Feedback from passengers is mostly positive. Service and professionalism employees at the level.

Nordavia Airlines: passenger reviews

I want to leave my review. I bought tickets for the Moscow - Barcelona flight using a promotional code. I took business class because I had extra luggage. Check-in was quick and easy, I didn't have to wait in line. The flight departed on time, the luggage arrived before me.

But I want to say, the food on board was simply disgusting. It's impossible to eat. The coffee is just terrible. But, since food is, in principle, not the main thing in flight, the impressions are mostly positive. The main thing is the professionalism of the employees and service at the required level. This was fully present, so I have no special complaints about the company and will fly with these airlines again.

We flew with NordAvia Airlines. The ticket prices were very pleasing, especially since they became cheaper when the promotional code was activated. We ordered on the official website of the airline. After registration, everything is clear and booking tickets is easy.

Only at check-in did we find out that our flight was delayed for three hours; no one explained the reason to us. We waited all this time at the airport and then they announced to us that the flight was delayed for another hour. All passengers, including us, suffered from anticipation and ignorance. As a result, we took off after five hours of waiting. All our plans were disrupted and we no longer had the strength. It’s not worth talking about the mood. By the way, there were also problems with luggage, but I don’t even want to talk about that.

My review of Nordavia airline will be mixed. I bought a ticket to Moscow using a promotional code. I was pleased with the price. I have no complaints about the board employees. Everything was fine, but the luggage was delayed upon arrival. No one was in a hurry to explain the reason for the delay to me; I called the hotlines - no one answered. In general, Nord was disappointing! I never had any problems with luggage before. This is the first time. I hope that Nordavia will take measures to prevent such cases from happening in the future.


When purchasing a Nordavia airline ticket, I saved a significant amount on the price of a flight ticket by using a promo code. I took business class tickets. I liked the fact that I could bring extra luggage with me. This was especially important for our large family. We flew to. Registration went very quickly, without any problems. On board we were fed cold appetizers and constantly offered drinks.

Everything was fine, the flight went unnoticed. We are very pleased.

I will write my opinion about JSC Nordavia - regional airlines. I was flying from Simferopol to Moscow. We took off on time and there were no delays. The flight attendants were very polite and responded to all requests from passengers. The airplane pilot is a true professional. They took off smoothly and landed very softly. Although the ship is old, everything is clean. I'm happy!

An alarming situation has developed at the height of the season on the air ticket market in Russia: as they say, it has never happened before - and suddenly again.

One of the country's most active air carriers is Arkhangelsk-based Nordavia, which operates in close alliance with Red Wings. This year, Nordavia has released an unprecedented number of tickets onto the market, trying to fill flights to all destinations in advance for six months in advance. Tour operators are also willing to cooperate with the company, purchasing charter flights with good discounts.

One could only be happy for the passengers if it were not for the threat of suspension of operations looming over Nordavia in August 2017: the company is not able to pay off its debts. The first swallows have already (not) taken off: on July 3, about a thousand residents of Murmansk learned that the tickets they bought for joint Nordavia and Red Wings flights were empty pieces of paper and meaningless files. Flights have been canceled and will resume only on July 27. No compensation is provided for disrupted plans - only a refund of the cost of tickets. There is a fear that such situations will be repeated more and more often.

Let us remember that this is exactly the scenario that events developed in the now deceased Transaero: accumulation of debts, inability to pay, active sales of tickets for next to nothing to fill the box office gaps - and still bankruptcy. Aeroflot, the legal successor of Transaero, did not want to carry out transportation at these prices - and people had to simply hand over their tickets (and struggle with receiving money, because the bankrupt cash register was empty). The former owners of the company quietly settled in France, they were not put on the wanted list - and this created a very bad precedent.

Nordavia Airlines has been accumulating debts for quite some time. In 2016, the Norilsk Nickel holding considered it a non-core asset and sold it, but in a very original way: the air carrier itself went to the Sky Invest holding (headed by Sergei Kuznetsov), but Nordavia’s debts to Norilsk Nickel were bought by the World Best Trade company . The total amount of debt is very large - 128 million dollars and 1.2 billion rubles, that is, about 9 billion rubles at the current exchange rate (there was information in the press about 12 billion).

Nordavia announced its first default on its own obligations on March 31, 2017, and the second on April 14. These were the dates for the return of the company's ruble debts. Having not received the money, World Best Trade announced its intention to present the foreign currency part of the debt for early repayment. Nordavia does not have that kind of money. If the court satisfies the creditor's demands, the airline's history can be considered over. In this case, first of all, passengers who have purchased tickets for flights that may never be carried out will suffer.

Summer tickets are the most expensive of the year, and they can make a good profit. It's no surprise that the struggling airline is trying to collect money from passengers to pay off its debts. But even if the debt is repaid, there is a big risk that the carrier will no longer have funds to operate flights. Government agencies do not intend to interfere in the dispute between business entities: the unlucky Nordavia once belonged to Aeroflot, but in 2011 it was sold to Norilsk Nickel for only $7 million - the rest was used to cover debts. As you can see, nothing has changed.

The largest country in the world, of course, needs airlines - good and different. I just wish there were more good ones, and the different ones went somewhere else. Or rather, they flew away.

If you have unresolved problems in connection with the use of the services of Nordavia Regional Airlines, you can exercise the right to file a claim against the airline.

This memo will help you correctly and fully present your claim, accompanying it with the necessary documents, and will speed up the procedure for its consideration.

1. The right to file claims against the Airline has an individual (client/passenger) or a legal entity representing the interests of the client in the manner prescribed by law.

Claims against the Airline requiring payment of material compensation are accepted only in written or printed form certified by a personal signature.

2. Requirements for the statement of claim:

Passenger claims demanding payment of material compensation are a written statement accompanied by the necessary supporting documents.

3. The claim is accepted for consideration if the applicant meets the deadline for submission:

3.1. For domestic transportation, a claim against the Carrier may be filed by the passenger within six months. The specified period is calculated:

  • for claims for compensation for damage for shortage or damage to baggage or cargo, as well as for delay in delivery of baggage or cargo - from the day following the day of their issue;
  • for claims for compensation for damage in case of loss of cargo - ten calendar days after the expiration of the delivery period;
  • in all other cases - from the date of the occurrence of the event that served as the basis for filing a claim.

3.2. For international transportation within the following periods:

  • in case of damage to luggage (cargo) - within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt of the baggage and no later than 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the cargo;
  • in case of delay in delivery of baggage or cargo - within 21 calendar days from the date of delivery of baggage or cargo to the passenger or the person entitled to receive it;
  • in case of loss of baggage or cargo - within 18 months from the date of arrival of the aircraft at its destination or from the day on which it should have arrived, or from the date of termination of air transportation.

4. List of documents attached to the claim:

4.1. If your luggage is lost:

  • boarding pass;
  • baggage tag tear-off coupon;
  • commercial act or baggage search act;
  • when declaring the value of luggage - supporting documents;

4.2. If your luggage is damaged:

  • air ticket (electronic ticket);
  • boarding pass;
  • tear-off coupon;
  • luggage tag;
  • baggage damage report;
  • photographs of damaged luggage;
  • a document confirming the cost of repairing the suitcase (cash or sales receipt, or a certificate from an authorized repair organization), or a document confirming the impossibility of making repairs if repairs are not possible;
  • full details of the passenger's bank account for the transfer of monetary compensation.

Two Russian airlines, Nordavia and Red Wings, have decided to merge into a single aviation holding company. As a result, a new airline with a new name will appear in Russia.

The process of merging airlines has already been launched; its goal is to consolidate the business and increase its financial stability.

What will the merger of Nordavia and Red Wings give passengers??

  • Aircraft fleet renewal. Recently, the Red Wings fleet was replenished with Airbus A-320s (which were originally intended for Nordavia), and an agreement was signed for the supply of sixteen new Russian MC-21-300 aircraft. There is some hope that Arkhangelsk will see new planes instead of the old Nordic Boeings.
  • Expansion of the flight route network. Red Wings Airlines has a large network of flights from Moscow to Russian cities; flights are operated to Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Astrakhan, Perm, Rostov-on-Don and many other cities. Red Wings also flies abroad, operating flights to Antalya, Rimini, Tivat, Batumi, Pardubice, and Barcelona. It will be possible to fly to all these cities from Arkhangelsk by purchasing a single ticket with a guaranteed connection by the airline.

It is worth saying that Nordavia airline has been a partner of FlyNow for many years and we hope that our friendship will continue further, within the framework of the new airline holding. Now on our website and at FlyNow ticket offices you can purchase plane tickets for both Nodavia and Red Wings to any city where these airlines operate flights.

What name the new air carrier will have is still unknown. Until the end of consolidation, airlines will fly under their old brands.

Background information about airlines


In 1991, on the basis of the Arkhangelsk United Aviation Detachment, the airline AVL - Arkhangelsk Air Lines - was created. In 2004, it became part of Aeroflot and became known as Aeroflot Nord. In September 2008, the airline was forced to leave Aeroflot and begin operating independently under the new Nordavia brand - regional airlines.

Since 2011, Nordavia airline belonged to MMC Norilsk Nickel, then in 2016 it was acquired by Sky Invest holding, owned by Sergei Kuznetsov, co-owner of Red Wings airline.

Due to technical debts, until September 2017, Rosaviation limited the airline’s operator’s certificate, which may have affected the transportation of passengers in the 2017 summer season.

Red Wings

The airline was founded in 1999 under the name “Airlines 400”, in 2007 it was renamed Red Wings, probably by analogy with the German airline Blue Wings, which, like this one, belonged to the National Reserve Corporation (NRK) of businessman Alexander Lebedev.

In 2013, it was sold to a group of investors - Sergei Kuznetsov and GHP Group. Currently, Red Wings airline is owned by the leasing company Ilyushin Finance, co-owned by the United Aircraft Corporation.