Flight delay: what are passengers entitled to by law? Compensair - what passengers are entitled to if their flight is delayed or canceled Compensation for a flight delay of more than seven hours

My flight from Antalya was delayed by 13 hours. Six months later, the tour operator paid me 36,500 RUR for this. Despite the fact that it was a charter and there seemed to be “no guarantees.”

Sergey Boldin

received compensation from the tour operator

Last fall I bought a package tour and flew with my family to Turkey. While we were relaxing, our airline went bankrupt. Our charter departed home with a delay, so I wrote to the tour operator and asked to compensate for the lost time. The operator replied that this should be done by the airline.

The tour operator did not take into account that I am a lawyer and know my rights. I didn’t start a scandal, but collected evidence and filed a lawsuit against him.

Certificates, checks, call details

Problems with our airline began even before we flew on vacation. The day before departure, the travel agent sent us tickets for the charter flight. The departure time was known, the flight appeared in the airport schedule. But when we arrived at the airport, it turned out that the flight was delayed.

By law, if a flight is delayed for more than two hours, the carrier is obliged to provide passengers with free soft drinks and organize communication: two phone calls or two emails. If the flight is delayed for more than four hours, he is obliged to feed everyone a hot meal. If it is longer than six at night or eight during the day, stay in a hotel.

Our flight was delayed by more than four hours, but no one offered us food or drinks. We bought them with our own money, I kept the receipts.

While we were on vacation in Turkey, the airline's problems worsened. Compatriots on the beach were discussing the news: some were unable to fly on vacation on a vacation package, others were unable to return home. The day before departure, I asked the hotel guide to extend our stay to be on the safe side. The guide replied that the flight would be on schedule and there was no need to pay for accommodation.

On the morning of our departure, it became obvious that the plane would not arrive for us on time: our flight was not on the airport’s schedule. We didn’t want to wait outside, so we had to arrange a late check-out so that we wouldn’t be evicted from our room. The tour operator's representative was not there, so I paid for everything myself - and asked for a check.

The rest of the day we sat on our suitcases and waited for the tour operator representative to take us to the airport. The departure was postponed several times. After the late check-out time from the hotel had expired, the tour operator still extended our stay - but did not provide the two required phone calls. I called at my own expense and after returning I ordered details of these calls from the telecom operator.

They only came for us in the morning. We were supposed to fly out of Antalya at 8pm but instead left at 9am the next day - with a 13 hour delay.

Upon arrival at the Moscow airport, I went to the information desk and asked to mark the delay of both flights. Such marks are usually placed on the back of the boarding pass or on a printed itinerary receipt.

Then I collected all the documents about violations of our rights and turned to the tour operator for compensation.

Tour operator answers

What's special about a charter

Roughly speaking, the tour operator tells the airline: “I want to rent a plane from you to take 200 people to Antalya on September 9, and return them back on September 23.” The airline replies: “Okay, on the 9th and 23rd the plane is yours for three hours, along with the pilots and flight attendants.”

While the plane is rented from a tour operator, flight delays are on his conscience, which is why he pays compensation. The only exception is if the flight is delayed for safety reasons, for example, if the plane breaks down and it is dangerous to fly. Judicial practice shows that in this case it will not be possible to receive compensation.

The reason for the delay of our flight was not announced at the airport, but it was found on the delay stamps that were placed upon arrival home. The marks “PPS” and “U05” mean “late arrival of the vessel” and “change in departure time by decision of the dispatch service.” Not a word about security.

How to make a claim

The claim must be submitted to the tour operator within 20 days from the end of the trip. The tour operator has 10 days to check everything and respond.

In my claim, I described the situation and demanded that all expenses be reimbursed, as well as compensation for moral damages for the flight delay. In addition, I indicated the account details to which I expect to receive money.

I attached copies of receipts and certificates to the claim and sent all this to the legal address of the tour operator by registered mail. Postal receipts for sending were later useful in court.

Which court to file a claim in?

While the tour operator was thinking about how to respond to my claim, I studied judicial practice on similar disputes. I needed to decide which court to file a claim in if my claim was denied.

As a general rule, a claim must be filed in court at the location of the defendant. But the law protects the consumer as the weaker side of legal relations, and therefore gives him a choice: to sue where the defendant is located or where he himself lives.

If the defendant is a large company, most likely it has already been sued. To find out how it all ended, it is useful to study the judicial practice on the website of the court that has jurisdiction over the legal address of the company. If decisions are often made not in favor of consumers, it makes sense to file a lawsuit in your place of residence. And if you find a court decision in a similar case in favor of the consumer, you can use it to draw up your claim.

Another option is to search through the official websites of city courts of general jurisdiction and magistrates' courts. For example, on the Moscow website there is a section “Territorial jurisdiction”, where you can determine his court by the address of the defendant. Decisions on claims are usually published in the “Judicial Proceedings” section.

In my case, decisions were often made in favor of tourists, so I did not exercise the right to choose a court. I waited until the tour operator ignored my claim and filed a claim in court at its location.

Statement of claim

In the statement of claim you need to write in which court you are filing it, who the plaintiff and defendant are, at what address they can be found, the price of the claim, what the violation of rights is and what you want to achieve. Also, list documents that support your position. All this information is required; without it, the claim will not be accepted. When drawing up a claim, you should check the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

It would not be amiss to cite judicial practice in favor of consumers in similar cases. Consumers do not need to pay state duty.

Before filing a claim, you need to calculate the amount of compensation and the cost of the claim. These are different things. To put it simply, the amount of compensation is all the money you want to receive from the defendant through the court. The cost of the claim is only the money that you lost due to his actions and the penalty provided for by law. The price of the claim does not include compensation for moral damages and a fine for the fact that the defendant did not pay you without a trial.

For example, in my case, the cost of the claim includes the cost of hotel, food, drinks and telephone calls. In addition, it includes a penalty for violation of travel dates. In total, I demanded almost 130 thousand rubles from the tour operator, and the price of my claim was 5,123 rubles.

The cost of the claim determines which court will hear your case. If it is less than 50 thousand rubles, then it is global, if it is more, then it is regional. It does not affect anything else in disputes involving service consumers.

In my statement of claim, I demanded from the tour operator:

  1. Compensate for the costs of everything that a passenger is entitled to in case of a flight delay: drinks, food, two phone calls and accommodation.
  2. Compensate for moral damage to all family members, including two children.
  3. Pay a penalty for violation of the terms of service provision - 3% of the cost of the tour package for one day of delay in departure.
  4. Pay a fine for refusing to voluntarily satisfy my claim - 50% of the awarded amount of compensation.

I attached two copies of it to the claim - for the tour operator and the travel agency that sold me his ticket. The tour operator is responsible for paying compensation, so there is no point in involving the agency as another defendant. But he can be brought in as a third party - if the judge approves it. A representative of the agency will come to the meeting, and if any questions arise, he will be able to answer them immediately.

So that the trial would not be postponed if I could not come, I asked to consider the claim without me.

This is what my application looked like:

To the statement of claim I attached certificates of flight delays, copies of receipts for food and hotel, call details that I took from the telecom operator, a copy of the complaint against the tour operator, as well as a press release from Rospotrebnadzor that an administrative case was opened against the tour operator due to flight delays.

Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

Before going to court, you can complain to Rospotrebnadzor. This will not help you achieve compensation without going to court: Rospotrebnadzor does not have the right to oblige the tour operator to pay you money. But he can fine him based on your complaint, and this will strengthen your position in court. In addition, Rospotrebnadzor specialists will tell you how to file a claim and, perhaps, help protect your interests in court.

But all this is in theory. In my practice, the quality of Rospotrebnadzor’s assistance depends on the case and it is dangerous to completely trust it with your business.

Therefore, I filed my claim myself.

The court's decision

The court decided that the charter flight was included in the tour package, so the tour operator was responsible for its delay. In December, three months after returning from vacation, the court partially satisfied my demands and recovered from the tour operator:

  1. The cost of living at the hotel is 1153 RUR.
  2. Penalty for violation of travel dates - 3215 RUR.
  3. Moral damage - 20,000 RUR, 5000 RUR for each family member.
  4. The fine for refusing to satisfy a claim is RUR 12,184.

The court refused compensation for expenses for food at the airport and reduced compensation for moral damage. But even taking this into account, the amount of compensation was 36,552 RUR - this is 34% of the cost of the tour.

Receiving compensation

In February, two months after the court decision, I received writs of execution. Now I had to get the money. To do this, it was necessary to send the sheets to the bailiffs, and then wait until they initiate enforcement proceedings and forcefully collect compensation from the tour operator. The law allows two months for this, but the period can be extended. In practice, receiving money greatly depends on the efficiency of the bailiffs and the perseverance of the claimant.

Another option is to receive compensation yourself through the defendant’s bank, but to do this you need to know what kind of bank it is. Sometimes the details of a tour operator’s account can be found on its website or in the contract for the sale of a tour.

My tour operator did not publish its details publicly, but I was lucky. Already when the claim was in court, he responded to my claim and transferred compensation for telephone calls to my account. He rejected the rest of the demands and stated that the carrier was responsible for the flight delay, but this was no longer important: having transferred the money to my bank account, he exposed his own, and when I received the writs of execution, I did not send them to the bailiffs, but simply took them to his bank.

A day after receiving the writs of execution, the bank transferred the money to me.

How to receive compensation from a tour operator

  1. Keep all receipts, invoices and call details. All requests and refusals must be in writing. If your flight is delayed, ask the airport to make a note about it.
  2. Demand compensation from the tour operator - you have 20 days to do this after the end of your trip. He must answer something in 10 days.
  3. If the tour operator is silent or refuses to pay, sue him or complain to Rospotrebnadzor.
  4. Look for the tour operator's account details on its website or in the contract. If the court sides with you, they will help you get your money faster.

Issues related to the procedure for calculating and paying compensation for cancellations and delays of flights (including charter flights) in our country are regulated by the Federal Aviation Rules (FAR). The amount of compensation for disruptions to the schedule is prescribed in the Montreal Convention, to which the Russian Federation joined on August 21, 2017. The mentioned document notes that passengers of charter flights are entitled to compensation in the same amounts as passengers of regular airlines.

The Montreal Convention sets compensation for delay of a charter flight at 4,150 SDR (about Ք345,000) for each hour of overtime waiting at the airport. The amount of compensation in rubles may fluctuate depending on the SDR rate (an acronym for “Special Drawing Rights” - a universal means of payment used for settlements under the Montreal Convention, the rate of which is “tied” to the main monetary units of the planet: dollar, pound, euro and yen ).

The Convention does not apply to schedule delays caused by legal protests of airline/airport employees and force majeure of meteorological, climatic, social or economic origin (snowfalls, rainfall, thunderstorms, epidemics, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, acts of terrorism, military operations , local riots, coups d'etat and other force majeure circumstances).

Passengers who do not bother to ensure their timely arrival at the airport are deprived of the opportunity to claim compensation.

Rights of passengers on delayed charter flights

  • 2 hours after the departure date indicated on the ticket – serving refreshments and providing the opportunity to make two telephone calls and send the same number of emails;
  • after 4 hours - provision of hot meals (hereinafter - once every 6 and 8 hours during the day and night, respectively);
  • after 6 hours – providing passengers with beds in hotels with delivery to and from the place of temporary accommodation.

The carrier is obliged to provide all of these benefits free of charge. In case of refusal, lawyers recommend that passengers pay for the listed services from their own funds, but be sure to retain documents/receipts/checks/receipts confirming the fact of payment and recover the costs incurred from the airline through the court.

Collection through court

The carrier will have to be “forced” to pay passengers the compensation prescribed in the Montreal Convention through the courts. In the case of charter flights, the responsibility for delivering people to their destination lies with the tour operator with whom the service agreement was concluded.

Documents confirming the fact of violation are

  • certificate of flight delay (taken at the airport check-in counter);
  • contract for the provision of air transportation services;
  • tickets, boarding passes, baggage receipts;
  • witness testimony (to obtain this, it is advisable to exchange telephone numbers with other comrades in misfortune);
  • the previously mentioned receipts for the purchase of food, drinks, hotel and taxi payments.

Tour operators and carriers, as a rule, try not to bring matters to court battles due to the fact that, in addition to compensation to passengers, servants of Themis can collect substantial compensation for moral damage and “solder” significant fines for violating the terms of the contract.

If it was not possible to resolve the problem at the pre-trial stage, it is advisable to enlist the support of an experienced specialist in the field of aviation law, and then file a claim in court.

For those who want to “not bother” with finding a lawyer, it is advisable to use the services of specialized ones who specialize in claiming compensation from carriers as specified by law. These online assistants work for a percentage of the “knocked out” amount. Payment for services is made only if the problem is successfully resolved.

The application, if the flight was canceled or delayed for a long time, must be drawn up taking into account all the rules. The tour operator is considered responsible, since such flights are within the scope of the tourism product.

…to the tour operator

A competent claim to the tour operator for the delay will allow you to fully compensate for the inconvenience received. If you purchased a full travel package along with a flight, then in case of emergency situations you should communicate not with the carrier, but with a representative of the company. To file a claim, you will need copies of all available documents: identification, travel vouchers, stamped boarding passes, checks, invoices, tickets, the cost of which you want to compensate, for telephone conversations, hotel payments.


Did you purchase not a tourist package, but only a ticket to? The claim may be sent to the carrier. This must be done within six months from the date on the ticket. You can submit your application for compensation in person or send it by registered mail. You must receive a response from the airline no later than 30 days. If the guilty party refuses to compensate your costs, then you have every right to go to court. The claim will need to be accompanied by a copy of correspondence with the carrier, copies of tickets, boarding passes, and invoices for expenses incurred as a result of the flight rescheduling.

To write a complaint, it is not necessary to contact specialists, although you can do so. There are enough free resources on the Internet where there is a sample claim for all cases: indicating the details of the flight delay, inconvenience caused, and unnecessary expenses resulting from being late. If you send a claim to the airline office, it is recommended to execute it in two copies, putting a mark on acceptance of the document on one and keeping it with you.

Responsibilities of airlines

The actions of air carriers are regulated by the aviation rules adopted in the country, namely clause 9 of the document, which stipulates the following free services:

  • mother and child room for tourists with babies
  • luggage compartment for tourists' suitcases
  • if you stay at the airport for more than 2 hours, then 2 phone calls or 2 SMS, and, in addition to this, tea, coffee, juices
  • if for more than 4 hours - meals, while they must feed lunches every 6 hours, and at night - 8
  • location in hotels nearby, transport to them.

Any flight is a kind of lottery. You never know how long a charter flight can be rescheduled, or whether it will be comfortable and calm. When planning your trip in advance, it is always more profitable to purchase tickets for regular transportation. It is recommended to resort to only when necessary, when there is an opportunity to save money, in order to shorten the route. It is not difficult to obtain compensation from carriers and tour operators in cases of flight rescheduling, but this will require certain moral and time costs.

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Natalia Starostina

Chairman of the Council of the Moscow branch of the Russian Consumer Association.

It doesn't matter what flight you take. In case of delay, each passenger has the right to receive a certain range of services for the duration of the delay, payment of compensation and compensation for losses in full. The only difference is the amount of compensation and the terms of its payment, which depends on the country of departure and arrival, as well as the location of the airline.

If your flight is delayed (regardless of the type of transportation), ask the airline staff to mark the flight delay on your ticket and issue you a certificate indicating the reason for the delay.

Both documents will be proof of the validity of your claims in the future.

The air ticket, certificate and boarding pass must be kept until the carrier meets your requirements.

Compensation for domestic transportation (in Russia)

or international, to countries outside the European Union

In this case, the amount of compensation is established by Art. 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation and is 25% of the minimum wage for each hour of flight delay, but not more than 50% of the ticket price.

To receive compensation, you must, within 6 months from the date of the flight delay, contact the airline with a written claim (clause 4 of article 124, subclause 4 of clause 1 of article 126 of the RF CC), in which you must indicate the following:

  • carrier name(legal entity), company name of the airline, your full name, residential address, contact phone number, email address;
  • the essence of the situation(flight number, departure city and airport, departure time indicated on the ticket, actual departure time, number of hours of delay);
  • demand for payment compensation and amount with calculation (with reference to Article 120 of the RF CC);
  • list of attached documents(copies of air ticket, boarding pass, flight delay certificate);
  • your signature, FULL NAME. and date.

You can submit a claim directly at the airline’s office (representative office), requiring that your copy be marked with a receipt and the seal of the carrier organization. If you refuse to sign, send another copy by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt and a description of the contents.

Having received a claim, the carrier is obliged to consider it within 30 days and notify the passenger of the decision made.

If refused

You have the right to go to court. In the claim, in addition to demanding payment of compensation for the flight delay, you also have the right to demand recovery from the airline of compensation for moral damages and a fine in the amount of 50% of the amount that will be awarded by the court for refusing to satisfy your claims on a voluntary basis (in accordance with Art. 13 and 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”), as well as legal costs incurred by you.

If a flight delay occurs due to circumstances beyond the control of the carrier (force majeure circumstances), or due to the elimination of an aircraft malfunction that threatens the life or health of passengers, then in this case the airline is released from the obligation to pay compensation to passengers. However, the occurrence of such circumstances must be proven by the carrier.

Compensation for international transportation

If you are flying with an airline that is registered in the European Union, or flying from Europe to Russian cities or from one European country to another, then the amount of compensation is determined in accordance with the Montreal Convention and depends on the delay time and distance:

  • minimum size– 250 euros (for a delay of at least three hours and a distance of up to 1500 km);
  • maximum size– 600 euros (for a delay of more than four hours and a distance of more than 3,500 km).

The main condition for payment of compensation for this type of transportation is the presence of the air carrier’s fault. Moreover, in contrast to the first type of transportation described above, aircraft malfunction is not a basis for releasing the carrier from liability.

You can make a claim for compensation within several years, depending on the regulations in force in the country where the airline is registered, or in the country of departure (if the airline is not European). Typically this period is two years. The maximum period is six years (UK).

The claim for compensation must be drawn up in English and sent to the airline online or in writing (depending on the airline's rules).

The claim should indicate under what provisions of the law you are entitled to compensation, the amount of compensation you are claiming, and describe the circumstances of the flight delay. The claim must be accompanied by copies of the air ticket, boarding pass and certificate of flight delay.

The airline must consider the claim and respond to you within one to three months.

If refused

You have the right to contact regulatory authorities in the country of departure. In addition, you can file a claim against the airline in the court of the European city in which the carrier's main office is located. If the airline is not European, then the claim must be filed in the country of departure, provided that the carrier has a representative office there.

If you do not want or cannot communicate with the airline yourself, you can contact one of the companies that resolve such situations and can, at the request of a passenger, go to court (for example, AirHelp, Compensair, etc.).

What else are you entitled to?

In any type of air transportation, if a flight is delayed (regardless of the reason), you have other rights:

1) The right to provide the following services:

  • provision of a mother and child room a passenger with a child under seven years of age;
  • two phone calls or two messages by email (if the delay is more than two hours);
  • provision of refreshments(with a delay of more than two hours);
  • provision of hot meals(if the delay is more than four hours and then every six hours during the day and every eight hours at night);
  • hotel accommodation(with a delay of more than eight hours during the day and more than six hours at night);
  • delivery by transport from the airport to the hotel and back in cases where the hotel is provided without charging an additional fee;
  • storage luggage

2) The right to demand compensation for losses caused

For example, if you were delayed, you were forced to pay for parking, purchase a new ticket for a connecting flight or other form of transportation to your destination, missed pre-paid excursions, or suffered other unplanned losses.

In such cases, you need to collect and save all documents confirming the losses incurred.

The claim for compensation for losses is submitted together with the claim for payment of compensation, enclosing copies of documents confirming the losses.

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When planning a trip by plane, force majeure circumstances may arise. Due to many of them, air carriers cancel flights or announce delays. What should travelers do in this case?

Air passenger rights in case of flight delay

The departure or arrival of an aircraft is delayed for various reasons. Air carrier employees notify customers who have already purchased tickets about it. There is a special service at the airport for this. If the plane's departure is cancelled, the company sends out SMS messages.

In Russian federation

When a plane's flight is canceled or delayed, any airline has certain obligations to its customers.

Regardless of how long the flight was delayed, each passenger has certain rights. They are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the flight is delayed for 5-15 minutes Travelers with children under seven years old are provided with a special room - the “Mother and Child” room. It is equipped specifically for rest, feeding and other needs.

If an aircraft's departure is delayed by no more than 2 hours, each traveler has the right to make two free phone calls.

Airline staff must provide water and other drinks.

If a flight is delayed by 4 hours or more, waiting travelers must be provided with hot meal vouchers.

During the day, passengers must eat every 6 hours, at night - every 8 hours.

If a flight is delayed for 8 hours or more, the airline must accommodate people waiting for the plane in a hotel.

Their transfer, luggage storage are her obligations.

There is no need to wait for company employees to bring drinks or give out coupons for free food. You need to approach them yourself.

Do not ask questions to airport staff. Their organization is an intermediary and provides services only for issuing tickets, checking luggage, and boarding a flight.

  • In Europe and abroad
  • The work of European airlines is regulated by “Regulation of the European Parliament and Council” No. 261/2004. It is valid only in the European Union and for companies registered in its territory.
  • Air carriers must provide their customers with free food and drinks in the following cases:

When an aircraft's departure is delayed for 2 hours or more. The flight length is up to 1500 km.

To speed up the compensation process for delays, flight cancellations or denied boarding due to overbooking, we recommend contacting Compensair using the form below. This is a reliable service that specializes in air compensation for problems with European airline flights over the past 6 years.

Compensation for flight delays in Russia

Even the slightest delay in departure can be fraught with material costs for the traveler. For example, an important meeting was missed or contractual obligations were violated.

In this case, compensation is provided for flight delays. It is paid in the Russian Federation if the delay was due to the fault of the airline.

Important. Financial compensation is not paid if the plane is late or does not take off due to bad weather conditions.

It will also not be paid in the following cases:

  • industry strikes of employees began;
  • there have been changes in social life that affect the safety of flights (war, epidemic, etc.);
  • state restrictions on air transportation have been established;
  • a malfunction of the aircraft has been identified, which may lead to a risk of crash.

In the Russian Federation, according to the established rules for delays of aircraft flights due to the fault of the air carrier, the amount of compensation is 25-50% of the minimum wage. The percentage of financial payment depends on many circumstances.

Advice! To exercise the right to payment of compensation in full, you must put a special mark with an airline employee.

Amount of compensation for flight delay to the EU

In the European Union the amount of compensation is fixed. It depends on the flight distance and flight delay time.

To be collected, a mark must be placed on the travel document. This is performed by an airport or airline employee. When collecting large amounts of evidence, you can take a photo of the board on which information about the flight delay was displayed.

Interesting! If the air carrier notifies the customer of a flight cancellation or delay 14 days in advance, no compensation will be paid. If this period is shorter, the passenger can count on a financial payment in the same amount as in case of a flight delay.

How to get paid: detailed instructions

Unfortunately, not all air carriers strive to maintain their positive reputation. Not only do they not provide travelers with drinks or free meal tickets, but they are also slow to answer questions about reimbursement.

On one's own

If all the passengers' demands have been ignored, you can collect a package of documents and go to court.

Supporting documents:

  • a copy of the ticket with a note about the cancellation or delay of the flight;
  • letters or invitations if you planned to travel abroad to visit relatives or to an important event;
  • copies of tickets for excursions;
  • receipts or checks for hotel accommodation and meals for the entire time you are waiting for the flight.

You also need to write a complaint. It is handed over to an airline employee along with the collected package of documents.

Advice. It is better to send all this by registered mail. This will give travelers proof that they have filed a complaint.

Some people photocopy the claim. Its second copy is signed by the airline employee to whom it was handed over. He indicates the date of application and his data (full name, position).

You can apply for compensation immediately after the exact time of the aircraft departure delay has been established. But no later than 6 months from the date of flight cancellation or delay. In the EU, this period is set individually for each airline.

Via Compensair

You can also contact companies that specialize in air compensation from European airlines. For example, Compensair helps travelers receive compensation of up to 600 euros in case of canceled or delayed flights, or denied boarding. In this case, compensation can be obtained for problems with flights of European airlines over the past 6 years. To receive compensation, fill out the form below.

Complaint consideration period

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, complaints about the airline's work are considered within 30 days. After this period, the air carrier either compensates for the damage or refuses to pay compensation. At the same time, he must provide irrefutable evidence of his innocence.

Note. The rules for transporting passengers by air do not specify the exact time at which compensation must be paid. Sometimes this process drags on for months.

In the European Union the situation is different. Airlines pay compensation no later than 7 days after consideration of the complaint.


“Fighting” with the airline on your own for the right to receive compensation is a difficult task. This organization employs experienced lawyers. They do their jobs well. And sometimes it is not possible to receive the long-awaited compensation.

Advice. In this case, you need to seek help from professional lawyers. They will help collect sufficient evidence of the airline’s guilt.

The court must provide supporting documents. You can file a claim within 3 years from the date of the flight delay.

What to do if, due to a delay in one flight, a passenger is late for another

The outcome of the situation depends on how the traveler issued his ticket. For example, he makes a flight from Krasnodar to Minsk with a transfer to Moscow. In this case, the airline is responsible for the Moscow - Minsk flight. They will put the traveler on the nearest plane that flies in that direction.

Important. Receiving compensation due to the current situation is possible if the passenger arrived at the destination 3 hours or more late.

If documents were purchased for two separate flights (“Krasnodar - Moscow” and “Moscow - Minsk”), the air carrier is not responsible for being late for the second plane.

What to do if the airline does not provide a hotel

This situation happens quite often. What to do if your flight is delayed for a day or more? And the airline ignores its obligations.

The first thing you need to do is to mark the flight delay with a company employee. Next, you need to collect all receipts: for food, luggage storage. When checking into the hotel, ask for supporting documents indicating the amount of payment. They will be evidence of material expenses that the carrier company must reimburse.

Upon arrival at the airline, the passenger writes a statement in the prescribed form. You can get it from an employee. He attaches copies of the collected documents to it. It is also necessary to provide a copy of the ticket, which contains a note about the delay or cancellation of the flight.

On the website of many airlines it is possible to submit such a complaint online. As practice has shown, it is better to submit the application in person or send it by mail (issue a registered letter). This way there will be a greater chance that the claim will be considered on time and a decision will be made on it.